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Break of A Lifetime -Part Seventeen

Stories from Stripsearch Yahoo group by author Goodgulf.
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Break of A Lifetime -Part Seventeen

Post by orflash64 »

Break of a lifetime part 17
by Goodgulf
awatcher123Oct 4 3:08 PM

Part 17 - Making Her Bones

Jane couldn't believe it was real. She was entering the Carnacki Correctional Institute for Women on her uncle's arm, dressed for a night on the town, and about to watch Punishment Night. There were inmates circulating with trays of drinks and finger food, walking through the small, well dress crowd. This summer she had worn one of those uniforms, now she would be sitting in the seats to watch Punishment Night.
Where her friend Trish might be stretched over a frame, waiting for the strap.
Jane downed three glasses of wine before they made their way to the auditorium. Her uncle directed her to their seats. He had an aisle seat and her the one next to it. Jane barely noted the seating; she was too distracted by the amount of flesh shown in the seats. Some of the men had their cocks out, some of the women were practically stripping of, and it wasn't all masturbation happening. More than one couple was cuddling, or more.

Seeing the couples getting X rated, Jane couldn't think of anything except how she was here with her uncle.
"Um, can I ask, um, me, you, er..," Jane began.

"No Jane, you're not here to do anything with me," Darren said firmly. "I shouldn't have to mention that, but after you gulped all that wine down you might not be thinking clearly. Good God, I used to see your diaper changed and even bathed you a few times; I could never think that way about you. Normally I do, shall we say 'have interactions' here, but I can restrain myself for a night."
There were two empty seats beside them, but there was couple on the other side of that gap. The girl was either in her late teens or very early twenties while the man was probably in his early 20s. Needing a distraction, Jane let herself focus on the couple, not long enough to be rude but long enough to get a handle on them.
The man gave off a frat boy vibe, or maybe it was a trust fund kid feel. Either way, he came off as one of the type of frat boys that Jane had avoided on campus. Not all frats were bad, but some were the type to slip something in a girl's drink or simple not take no for an answer. The nicest members of those problem frats were the boys who thought that a girl should be grateful that he deigned to date her, and put out exactly the way he wanted. Beyond that, he was wearing an expensive silk suit and tie, proving that he had money if not manners.
As for the girl, her clothes were expensive, but tawdry. The sort of thing you wore to a club if you wanted to fuck some random stranger and out of place at this gathering. She had her boobs out and it was clear that she had applied makeup to her nipples, something that Jane viewed as porn start activity.
The couple wasn't loud, they were whispering and giggling softly to themselves, but from what little she heard they didn't sound like a match. The guy was using the clipped tones that Jane associate with coming from money while the girl sounded as common as a reality TV star.
The lights changed and the crowd quieted down.
Jane winced as she saw the line of inmates being escorted in. She had been in their number less than three months ago. Her eyes searched for Trish, but it was no use - the inmates all liked alike to her. Same clothes, same hairstyle, same hair colour; they all blended together in her eyes. The faces were different, but Jane had problems searching for her friend's face, for if Trish were there then Jane would need to do something. She wasn't sure what she could do to help Sweet Trish, but at the very least she would talk to her friend.
It became clear that not every frame would be filled. The two on the far left were empty, as were a few scattered down the line. Thinking back, Jane didn't think that her group of inmates had filled the display, and she wondered who decided on the numbers.
The woman began removing their skirts. From this end, the assembly line of COs looked professional and efficient. The COs processed the inmates without wasting a single movement. Jane bit back a gasp as the inmates had their panties lowered, but she could do nothing for her blush as she looked down on them on those frames. The inmates looked worse than she had pictured! Their pussies were practically open and even their assholes were exposed! As she looked at these women, Jane couldn't help picturing herself when she was in that position. She thought she could see more intimate details than she had when she looked at herself in the diaper position.

One strap whacked down on an inmate, another impacted with splat, and then the straps were falling in earnest. Jane winced at the memory of those impacts, but the couple next to her was snickering as they traded acidic comments about the scene in front of them. Jane didn't know what was worse, the obscene sight of those backsides wiggling as they were strapped, or that couple's reaction to it.
The straps didn't all stop at once, but eventuality they were all stilled. Darren elbowed his niece, whispering that it was all arranged for her to visit the fourth girl from the left.
"You don't have to slide your entire hand in, but inmate has to react to your hand in her. If not..."
The way his voice trailed off scared Jane more than anything he could say. If he had threatened a specific doom then Jane could feel like as martyr as she risked it. If the doom had been extreme, then she could assume that it wouldn't happen and if it was a minor fate then Jane might even risk it, but an unknown doom?
That was untenable.
Making her way to the designated victim, Jane saw that others were making their way to other frames. There was no confusion about who was going to which frame; some inmates were left alone, but everyone walking to an inmate was doing so with a purpose.
Jane walked behind he designated inmate and paused. It hadn't been that long ago that it was her backside secured there with Anton reaching into her. As Jane paused, a young woman walked to the frame to the left of her; the last occupied frame before the two empty ones. That woman patted her inmate's thighs, saying:

"Look sis, no one wants to see you like. Just sign the papers already. The moment you sign away your share of the trust fund I'll see about getting you out of here."
Jane bit back her gasp. Suddenly fingering a strange woman was better than listening to the treachery that was happening beside her. Jane couldn't imagine sending her own sister to this place and didn't want her reaction to mark her as someone who couldn't be trusted, so she shoved a finger into a stranger's pussy. The woman jerked as much as she could, howling into her gag, and for Jane, she wished she had had more to drink.
It felt different. She'd had her finger in her our pussy more times than she could count, but she always felt feedback when she did that. Feeling a pussy and not feeling that finger inside her, it was odd and different.
Belatedly Jane began to wiggle it, not that anyone watching could notice if it was wiggling or not. Only the two of them knew it was moving, but the inmate's groans might reveal that to others. Embolden, Jane inserted another finger, then another, and began to rub the woman's well strapped backside. All the while the woman beside her rubbed and patted her own sister's flanks, urging the girl to sign away her inheritance.

Glancing away from the treacherous sister, Jane saw the woman on the other side had her tongue buried in her inmate, and beyond her was a man ass fucking an inmate. Jane glanced back to her inmate, telling herself that she was almost being kind as she was only using her hands. As for who was being cruel, of all the things she saw Jane thought that the inmate being taunted by her sister had the worse of it. The other inmates were only having their bodies used, but the imprisoned heiress was being assaulted by her own sister's words.

Jane wasn't sure how her fingers felt in that woman's pussy, but the nameless inmate became vocal. As the woman trembled and moaned into her gag, Jane decided that she must have cum.
Withdrawing her hand, Jane was left with a predicament: her hand was coated with another's woman's pussy juice and Jane didn't know what to do with it.
Hoping that her uncle could get her a napkin, or tell her where she could wash her hand, Jane retreated to her seat. All the while that girl next to her was making well reasons arguments to her sister.
Darren rose so that his niece could return to her seat. As she moved in front of him, Jane saw something was happening on the stage. A pair of COs were advancing on the girl who was talking to her sister. As Jane sat, they were on the girl. One had a gag in the girl's mouth while the other bound the stunned girl's arms. Within moments her slacks were lowered, her thong panties tossed aside, and the girl was being fastened to the empty frame beside her sister.
Nor was that the only frame now being filled. A girl was marched down from the audience. She looked nervous, but was trying to act brave as she slipped off her shoes and removed her dress, revealing that she wore nothing under it. The COs were there to fasten her naked body to the frame. Staring at her, Jane didn't notice how a third frame was filled, but when she looked there was third unmarked backside staring up at her.
"Scuse me honey, mind if I ask you something?"
Jane turned to the girl who was sitting two seats away from her.

"Hi, I'm Sandy and this Hal, Hal Taylor; you might have heard of his family," Sandy said. "Any who, this is our first time coming here, but you must know what's going on. How do you get to tickle one of the sluts?"
Jane was at a lost for words, but Darren spoke up.
"Those arrangements are always made in advance."
"Gee, a lot of help that does us now," Sandy replied.
"Maybe you can think of something?" Hal muttered.
Sandy smiled, and focused on Jane.
"Honey, can I see the hand you used? Please?"
"Um, sure," Jane said, not sure if this was the right thing to do.
She held out her hand and Sandy shifted closer.
Taking Jane by surprise, she began licking and sucking at Jane's fingers.
"That's hot," Hal said, stroking his dick. "You sucking a girl's juices off a different girl."
"Slurp for years," Sandy muttered as she sucked and licked. "Not ahhh eating a girl but slurp nice and nasty."

Jane froze, not sure what to do. Her uncle didn't say anything and there was a lot more than finger sucking going on in the audience, but it felt weird, doing this with another girl. It wasn't sex, but it was sexual, and it was a girl doing it. And what did she mean that she had been doing it for years? Whose hands had she been sucking? Why? How long?

The strappings began again, and Sandy stopped sucking. The girl moved back to her boyfriend as they focused on Punishment Night. Darren reached into his suit jacket's inside left pocket and produced a one use handiwipe. Smiling in thanks, Jane ripped open the package and used the wipe to clean her hand.
Staring at the scene before her, Jane tried to see if the newcomers to the frames were getting less than the inmates. If they were it wasn't a noticeably difference; the newcomers backsides were soon painted as red as the original inmates. Soon Jane could only tell who was who by remembering which frames had been empty.
Once more Jane was blushing, remembering how it had recently been her down there. Sandy reacted differently. She climbed on Hal's lap, facing the frames as she rode him hard. Hal's hands were over her boobs, and Sandy made a point of moaning loudly.
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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