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Break of A Lifetime -Part Twenty and Epilogue

Stories from Stripsearch Yahoo group by author Goodgulf.
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Break of A Lifetime -Part Twenty and Epilogue

Post by orflash64 »

Break of a lifetime part 20 & Epilogue
by Goodgulf
awatcher123Oct 17 5:20 PM

Part 20 An Unwise Decision

Jane sobbed into her gag.
She had talked to the influential man, not intending to do anything with him, and he had wanted to know about her. Somehow her feelings came out, her shame when someone saw her nude. He had talked about how her shame was merely misunderstood pleasure. He had talked more, and somehow Jane had agreed to his plan.
Which is how she ended up nude, no, the word 'nude' had some dignity attached to it. Which how she ended up NAKED between two posts, her arms and legs bound to those posts, meaning she was effectively spreadeagled. Her legs were wide open, her sex bit weren't just visible, they were available for anyone who wanted to fondle or finger them. She had agreed to that, thinking that she only had to deal with one old man, but it seems he threw a nightly party. Anyone at that party could touch her. She had been poked, pinched, prodded, fondled, and maybe the worst pain she felt came from people talking about her boobs, or lack of them.
The most hurtful comments came from the other girls. Females seemed to outnumber males at the party by two to one, but many of them appeared to be submissive, or even outright slaves. She saw girls in chains, in leather, being spanked, having their tits flogged, and otherwise being physically dominated. More amazing was the fact that most of them seemed to like it. Jane saw one girl cumming, literally cumming, just from being caned. Not caned and fucked, she came just from being caned.
"Are we having fun yet?"
Jane turned her head to focus on her host.
"Maybe, maybe not? That gag makes it hard to tell. When we talked I received the distinct feeling that this might be the only time you come to one of my little parties, and I wanted you to make the most of it,"
Jane growled into her gag.
Her host laughed.
"Now you came at Punishment Night, but no one saw your face, did they? Here, everyone will see everything you have as you cum for me."
Jane shook her head definitely.
"You think not? You may be right. Ego I cheat."
He used a vibrator on her, filling her expertly.
Jane wanted to die! It was bad enough he was talking to her, which meant they were the centre of attention.
Every eye in the room was on her, seeing her open ass as the vibrator worked her pussy. They saw it when her breathing deepened. They watched her body began trembling. They mocked and teased her, calling her an innocent little girl who didn't know what she wanted, what she really needed. She wanted to die of shame as he made her cum for their pleasure. Used her like a piece of meat. By the end no part of her body could could be considered virgin anymore.
Her host had been right; that was the last time she was at one of his parties.

Part 21 - Epilogue
November came, and with it her Real Job. December arrived, and it brought with her a surprise of its own.
One evening in early December Jane heard a knock on her door. Opening it revealed Trish. Trish with her normal clothing but wearing the Carnacki hairdo.
"Trish!" Jane exclaimed, hugging her friend. "Sweet Trish! They let you out! They finally let you out!"
It was too late to contact David to retrieve Trish's luggage, or for her to find a place to stay, so Jane offered her the couch for the night.
"Could I have the bed instead," Trish asked.
"My bed?" Jane asked in shock. Once her initial reaction was over, Jane began to wonder if she owed Trish the bed.

"Oh, I shouldn't have asked for your bed," Trish said. "Maybe you should strap me for doing it?"
"Or paddle, or belt, or just plan spank?" Trish suggested.
"Um, let's get that hairdo off you, then we can talk," Jane decided.
Jane clipped Trish's hair over some newspapers, but took her friend to the bathroom to shave her head.
"These are my only clothes," Trish said. "And don't want to get them wet."
"You can take them off," Jane offered.
Soon Trish was sitting naked in the tub as Jane shaved her head. They talked as Jane worked, really talked, and by morning Jane knew three things.
The first thing was that Trish now admitted that she might, just might be a little bi.
The second was that having Trish as a roommate might be hell, but having Trish as a slave might be liveable.
The third was her Cousin David might be right about there being a biological imperative to spank a girl's bottom.
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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