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The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

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The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hooked6 »

The Slave Party – The Aftermath
By: Hooked6

Copyright April, 2020 by Hooked6 ( all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work. All characters are 18 or over.

The Slave Party – The Aftermath Pt 1
By: Hooked6 (Modern Slavery, Exhibitionism, Humiliation, bondage, reluctant.)

(Author’s Note: I would like to acknowledge authors: Katie Smith, Watcher, Joe Doe, Imreadonly2, SteveBurke, Goodgulf and others too numerous to mention whose work in this genre has inspired imaginations worldwide including me. It is to them that this work is dedicated. This work is set in the Tracey Stories Universe.)

The image that I used to inspire this story:

Ashley was coming down off her orgasmic hormonal high and the full weight of what she had done was beginning to hit her hard. She was a slave – a real, legal, permanent slave! She had just signed her life way in front of many of her classmates, the “in-crowd” that she so desperately wanted to be admired by. What were they thinking of her now as she laid there in the elevated gyno-chair strapped-in tight like some lab rat unable to move or run away?

Panic was beginning to set in when she saw the two girls approaching her again with Carole holding a device of some kind. She was trying to figure out what in the world it was when Carole finally spoke up to the crowd, “For the finishing touch, Ashley will get her official Slave Barcode burned into to hip. When scanned, this barcode will reveal her legal slave number as well as listing Veronica Townsend as her legal owner of record, which we have already duly recorded in the National Slave Registry.”

A collective “Oooo” emanated from the crowd as everyone sensed the seriousness of the moment and then . . . silence.

Carole then, with a dramatic flourish, held up the device proudly displaying the valuable contraption to everyone so they could get a closer look as if it was some sort of Icon to be respected by all present. “Normally during this phase, we use the collar to de-voice the slave, but since it is a rare occurrence for people in this part of the country to witness having a slave get marked, I thought we wouldn’t do that tonight so you can see its raw emotion during this unfamiliar moment.” At hearing her words cell phones came out to record the action.

Ashley frowned and thought to herself, “Did she just call me an it? AN IT?! I am a person, not an “IT!”

Carole was smirking as she leaned in closer to Ashley. “Sorry about this. I really am but Veronica wanted it this way. This will hurt like hell and you will embarrass yourself, but it will be over before you know it.”

“Wait, What?” Ashley remarked as she felt the device touch her right hip. “Stop. NO, PLEASE . . . I don’t want to be . . . AAAAaaaaaahhHHHHHHHHHHHI . . . AHHhhhhHHHHH! TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF aaaaahhHHHHhhhhhhh.”

As the device was activated, the crowd heard the most intense, fearfully awful scream emanate from the new slave as the barcode was being burned into her skin. Several in the crowd winced and a few turned away as it was difficult to watch but most . . . well, they laughed. Yes, that’s right, they LAUGHED at the sight and sounds of what was obviously a classmate of theirs in agony. They were pointing at her with huge smiles on their faces relishing the site before them which only added to the humiliation that “it” was experiencing.

The whole process only took a few short seconds, but it seemed to everyone who witnessed it as if it took forever. The device was removed and Carole walked away, her part for the evening completed. As Ashley was still overtly crying and in pain but then even that abruptly stopped as if someone had flipped a switch. Someone HAD indeed flipped a switch but it wasn’t the de-voicing option on Ashley’s collar. Veronica had, in a moment of pity for her classmate, turned on the Clitorizer to level 3 and the pleasant sensations it was sending to her brain had over-ridden any other negative stimulus and “it” was smiling again.

Upon seeing the happy look on Ash;ey’s face, many in the crowd began applauding as Veronica reached over and started undoing the straps securing her into the Gyno-Chair.

“It’s time to get you up,” Veronica said. “The Slave people need to pack up and have to be leaving soon. Emily is getting your Slave Papers for me to save time.”

Ashley was still confused, well, overwhelmed by all that had happened, that she was still in a bit of a daze. “What’s happening? Is the Party over?” she asked her voice still quivering.

“Oh, HEAVEN’s no. It’s still early, you silly girl.” Veronica finished taking off the straps and ordered her to stand up. The poor girl clumsily tried a couple of times to get out of the chair but her legs were weak and the stirrups were still spread wide apart – a fact that Veronica soon realized as the crowd laughed all the more at the slave’s predicament.

Grabbing hold of Ashley’s arm, Veronica helped her up and led her new charge to the edge of the small elevated platform just inches from the curious faces on the lawn to show her off to the crowd. “What do ya’ll think of her new barcode?” She asked as she turned her slave’s hip to the crowd for them to examine it up close. Everyone voiced their approval which pleased Veronica to no end. She always had to be the center of attention and owning the first Slave in Pickens County was such a milestone. This had to be the best day of her young life – even better than when she had been elected Homecoming Queen two years in a row. Imagine, she was THE FIRST person to own her very own slave in the town she grew up in. Not even Mr. Pearson, the President of the town’s bank, owned a slave. The fact that it was a classmate of hers, a former rival at that; someone that she purposely tricked into becoming her slave by a plan she designed and executed flawlessly, well, that was all just icing on her cake so-to-speak.

“Settle down everyone. You will all have a chance to mingle with MY new slave shortly but now my good friends,” Veronica continued, “We have ONE MORE PRIZE to give away. My pet here needs a Slave Name. As soon as the barcode was applied to her hip, she ceased being a person in her own right. She is no longer Ashley Barnes so she needs an appropriate Slave Name befitting her new status as nothing more than Chattel or property if you will. So, everyone whether you have already won a prize or not, well everyone except ‘IT’ here that is, is eligible to submit their suggestion for a name and place it in the box here on the stage. Emily and I will select the best name from all the entries one hour from now. The person submitting the winning name will receive $100 in cash, a picture of the winner posing with the slave and the chance to grope my slave for two minutes above the waist as well as receive a sloppy French kiss from her for two minutes.”

The crowd cheered enthusiastically upon hearing the prize and many immediately began writing down their suggestions. As this was happening, Veronica leaned over and instructed her slave to follow her and she began leading her towards her house.

“Where are we going?” Ash;ey asked nervously.

“Well, normally I’d punish you for speaking without permission or in answer to a question I may have asked, but since this is your first night and this is all new to you, I will suspend the usual code of Slave Conduct and ignore such formalities, but just for tonight mind you. Tomorrow will be a different story. I will not go easy on you either as my punishments will be most unpleasant and rather ingenious is I do say so myself. Got that?”

“Yeah, I understand.”

Ashley was stunned by a quick slap to her cheek. “Starting now, however, you will so me proper respect and call me Mistress – not Veronica, not Vron or ma’am but MISTRESS. To everyone else you will address them as Miss or Sir, Understand?

“Yes . . . Mistress.” Just having to say that out loud was so chillingly humiliating. Hearing her own words demonstrating that she was now subservient to a girl who up to a few moments ago was a peer – a fellow classmate – made her feel so worthless and, well, ashamed.

Ashley was glad when they entered the house out of the sight of the leering crowd. Inside there was sanctuary and a peaceful quite enveloped her making her feel safe and once again secure. That is until they reached Veronica’s bedroom, the place where she was commanded to strip off and shower for her Slave Grading.

Veronica ordered Ashley to pick up her clothes – shoes, her underwear, her summer dress and jewelry, everything that she had brought to the party. The sight and the feel of once again holding her clothes gave her a brief hope that she was soon to be getting dressed again.

“I have everything . . . Mistress. Do you want me to get dressed, now?”

Veronica just laughed and simply said. “You’ll see. For now, just follow me.” Once again, her classmate took hold of Ashley’s arm as she held her clothes in her free hand and led her towards the door that led to the backyard.

As soon as they were in the backyard again, she was directed off to a corner towards a 55-gallon metal drum with a roaring fire flaming away. Veronica called for everyone to gather around them which they did. She then explained, “As you all are probably aware slaves are no longer permitted the luxury of wearing clothes, which is a sign of their social status. Being forever naked reminds them not only of their position in life which is inferior or lower in position to anyone wearing clothes but it also keeps them humble by revealing all their imperfections to the rest of the world – no longer are they able to enhance any imperfections that nature may have given them.” Veronica then looked Ashley up and down with a snide grin on her face and went on, “As in this poor slave’s situation as you can see, she is not be well-endowed in the boob department as many of the girls are that are here tonight. In fact, miss small tits here can’t hide behind her padded bra now, can she girls?” she asked as she held up the bra in question for all to see eliciting even more giggling.
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hooked6 »

Most of the girls began murmuring among themselves and pointing at the poor girl. A guy suddenly was heard to say, “Hey, that’s going to be my suggestion for her Slave Name – Miss Small Tits! Nobody had better write that down as you all heard me claim it.” There was more laughing and murmuring until Veronica called for silence.

“Good ahead, Slave. Let’s start with your shoes. Toss them into the Burn Barrel.”

Ashley was humiliated to be the one who had to destroy her own clothes. It would have been much easier for her if Veronica had been the one to toss away her belongings into the inferno but no, she was forced to debase herself. As her shoes hit the bottom of the barrel with a thud, a cloud of sparks flew skyward eliciting a round of applause and giggling.

“Now your dress, slave.” Once again, the whole process was repeated until the flames ate away at the material sending even more sparks and smoke up in the air. The applause this time was louder and much more enthusiastic.

Veronica was still gingerly holding Ashley’s bra between two of her fingers as if it was toxic waste. “Now the bra and the panties, slave.” Ashley took the bra from her Mistress and tossed it into the barrel followed by her panties. The crowd became so rowdy that the noise was almost deafening once again. “Now you are naked. What you all see is how she will be for the rest of her life!” Reaching down she grabbed something from Emily before addressing Ashley again who was still looking into the flames as if mesmerized by them as her clothes disappeared. “But, my dear, I am not all heartless. I will now make a little addition to your wardrobe,” she said as she attached a dog leash to a ring in the front of her slave collar.

After pausing a moment for dramatic effect, Veronica’s voice became like a TV announcer as she said, “But WAIT! There’s MORE!” Ashley looked up towards her Mistress puzzled and unsure of what was going to happen next. Using her arms in a fluid motion, Veronica signaled for the crowd behind her to move aside revealing . . .

“MOM? DAD?” Ashley cried in disbelief. Realizing that was exactly who it was – her mom and dad - she buried her face in her hands as she was so ashamed. She then realized that her father was seeing her naked and she tried to cover her chest and pelvis with her hands but Veronica would have none of that and made her stand there with her hands by her side as if she was proud of who she was.

Her Dad took a few steps forward stopping right in front of his daughter and looked at her silently with a scowl on his face.

“Dad? Have you come to take me home? I am so glad to see you! I did a terrible thing and I don’t know what to do. I need your help, PLEASE Daddy. Help me!”

In a kind but firm voice her father answered, “Not this time, Pumpkin. Your Mother and I tried to warn you about Slaves and did all we could to dissuade you away from this path but no, you made you own decision and as a big girl you are old enough now as an adult to make such decisions for yourself and choose your own course and now you have to suffer the consequences. Unfortunately for you this decision lasts a lifetime. We cannot interfere either morally or legally. It is out of our hands.”

“BUT DADDY!” Ashley cried, the anguish and desperation in her voice readily apparent to all present.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” her Father continued, “We brought you something.” The look on Ashley’s face brightened for a moment giving her hope that all was not lost.

“What is it, Daddy?” she asked excitedly as two, large black plastic bags were laid at her feet.

“Why, the rest of your clothes, dear,” her Mother replied. “It’s obvious you won’t be needing them anymore and when your new owner called to tell us what you had done, we thought we would bring them down so you could burn them along with what you wore to the party.”

“But, MOM!”

“No buts,” Her Dad said. “Best start feeding the fire. The sooner you embrace your new life the happier you will be.”

Ashley bent down and grabbed a couple of dresses from the bag and tossed them into the inferno. Just as she was about to reach down to grab a couple of more, she felt the Clitorizer come alive again and this time she was being held right on the edge of a rip-roaring orgasm.

Veronica thought it would be a hoot if she could mess with her new slave in front of her parents. With each new toss of new clothing into the fire, Veronica turned up the device and her vagina and anus started involuntarily contracting over and over in synchronization. “Oh, oh, oh, OH, oh, oh, oh . . .” Ashley exclaimed, momentarily feeling the ecstasy that only the device could give before Veronica backed off the intensity abating her orgasm leaving her in once again in need.

With each handful of clothes tossed into the blaze, the process was repeated making her classmates howl with glee. When she reached the bottom of the last bag and there was only one garment left, Veronica pushed the setting to its limit – number 9 and Ashley dropped to the ground a quivering and squirting a stream of fluids all over her father’s leg – with each squirt totally in synch with the winking of her holes until her Mistress finally turned the unit off leaving her embarrassed and once again in sexual need.

Her father just shook his head as Veronica laughed hysterically.

“I think we can go now dear. We obviously have nothing to worry about. It is pretty clear to me she is enjoying herself and is happy with the choice she made.” With that, the two parents left giggling all the way through the crowd.

The crowd stood there watching the flames leaping high above the barrel rim having been fed so much flammable material. It was pretty surreal watching the fire flicker in the near darkness as the last vestiges of her clothing vanishing before everyone’s eyes. As the flames began to die down, excitement began to build as one by one people began to realize that their former classmate was now going to be totally nude – nothing to cover with ever! The possibilities for fun games seemed to know no bounds and there was tension in the air because of it. Apparently, this new slave wasn’t the only one aroused and excited by the events that had unfolded thus far.

“Okay, everyone back to the stage,” Veronica shouted and led the way for guests to follow. As everyone took their places, she continued, “It’s time to announce the winner of the Slave Name contest. Emily and I have reviewed the entries and the decision was unanimous. Although there were a lot of great ideas submitted, only one had the right feel to it and seemed to fit the personality of my new slave.”

The crowd bristled with anticipation as pretty much everyone had entered a name and everyone thought they had a shot at being the person that would go down in history as giving the town’s first ever slave her new slave name. Thought the prize was quite enticing, the notoriety of being the one who won the naming rights was far more prestigious.

“I am holding a new, crisp one-hundred-dollar bill in my hand and Emily has her High Def camera ready to take the picture to immortalize the event which I will immediately post to Facebook and Twitter. Before I announce the winning Slave Name, I will announce the person who won the contest. The Cash Prize, the Official Photograph kiss and grope session winner is . . . Tracey Smith!”

Things happened so fast that Ashley didn’t have time to take it all in. But one thing jumped out at her almost immediately – a girl won the prize? A GIRL?!!

Veronica pulled her friend Tracey up on the small stage and pushed her and her new slave together for the photograph. Tracey put her arm around Ashley’s waist behind her back and smile. Just as Emily was about to snap the photograph, Veronica turned the Clitorizer on high. The resultant photograph couldn’t have been better timed as it showed a smiling Tracey, and Ashley with her mouth forming a big “O” as if in shock and surprise as her violent orgasm hit just as the shutter snapped the picture. If one looked carefully enough between her legs, one could make up a translucent stream trickling down between the Slave’s legs. What a horrible photograph to be spread all over social media. Then the Clitorizer was turned off leaving the poor girl weak and unsteady on her feet.

Tracey then wasted no time on planting her lips upon Ashley’s who moaned in surprise as she had NEVER, ever in her life kissed a girl before and certainly not one who was probing her tongue between her lips. As shocked as she was, she found the experience surprisingly pleasant. It was different than kissing a boy – softer and more sensual. Before she could really enjoy the experience, Veronica called “Time” and it was over!

Everyone was laughing at the new slave, who was blushing beat red from the embarrassment of it all.

“Now, for the moment we have all been waiting for . . .” Veronica announced, “Henceforth, from this day forward this Slave will forever be officially known as . . .”
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hooked6 »

The pause was maddening as Veronica was enjoying the agony on her new slave’s face.

“Say Hello to my new Slave . . .


The people watching roared their approval as Veronica went on, “After what we all have seen from this pitiful, horny slave so far tonight, the name fits, doesn’t it?”

Veronica then placed a handkerchief in Ashley's mouth and formed a gag just to humiliate her slave all the more and then tied her hands behind her back and proceeded to lead her around the yard so all of her guests could get an up close and personal look at her new slave.

Next up: The Slave Party 3 – School Days.
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by jeepster »

Awesome story!
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by automagix12 »

Kudos, hooked6, this sequel was great! You have outdone yourself.
"Slave Party" (Part 1) was my favorite story of 2019, and the continuation might become #1 in this year.
Keep up the good work, I am looking forward to part 3. :thumbup:
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Good girls will not be spanked here :D

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by gary »

Excellent, liked it a lot
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by jean.amelot »

Wonderfull story! Can't wait for the next part.

For mr the best story you wrote, ever. Thank you!!!! :tiphat:
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hooked6 »

Thank you all for the kind words about The Slave Party 2. I have more installments to post now that the basic premise has been set. Ashley will have a very interesting time at school - I hope.


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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Citizen1069 »

Here are some story ideas as we wait for part 3.

Veronica has started a new craze, an “Ashley Party”. Its a party where girls bet that they are better than Ashley. Everyone knows that Ashley was a wannabe slave, week and submissive slut in “slave heat”, not like a normal girl. At the party the P.U.S.S.Y.'s (Potentially Unapologetic Sex Slave Yearner) who are challenged or volunteered, go through a set of tests or games to show if they are slave material. Some of them even do the “Ashley challenge” where they go through the same ordeal as Ashley did. If they win they are “pardoned” and permitted to be part of the in crowd, if they loose they are enslaved on the spot.
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Belinda »

Such a beautiful story. As a submissive it creates such a beautiful vision for me. Look so forward to the next chapter. You have a true gift as an author.

Yours truly,
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by GatewayGuy »

I loved this story. Any updates on the new chapters? I can't wait for her to get back to school!
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by bird3678 »

Love it love it LOVE it! Please continue the story as you have time and inclination. Like others, can't wait to see Ashley in school!!!
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Citizen1069 »

In some stories someone has to hold a claim ticket or other legal doc that can let them change the slave grading to a final sale. What if the host tells the winner of the free slave grading that she has to hold her "ticket" for legal reasons because she is paying for her grading.

During most of the grading the host, jokingly, goes back and forth about having a real slave auction.

As part of the grading they hold a mock sale, most of the party guests don't have much to bid with, so the bids are small or some other type of school trade (tutoring, carrying books between classes, etc). During the mock auction the host asks her to convince the party guests that the auction should not be a real slave auction.

How far will she go, what is she willing to do to try to get them to vote for her freedom? Is the democratic vote going to go the way we all know it will?
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by sissyslave22 »

this is a great story i hope you finish it part 3 school days needs to come
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Lensman2000 »

I'm also looking forward to more of the "Mean Girl" sadism and public humiliation in part 3. After some extreme high school bullying a surprise ending transferring the misfortunes of the hapless unpopular girl to her rich bitch tormentor would provide a satisfying conclusion.

While both girls are slaves, however, they should be ablidged to entertain the gathered party of their peers with a delightfully explicit lesbian show. (scandalous in middle America) As straight girls with no say in the matter we could Segue from some pretty intense forced and uncharacteristic dyke action to a grand finale of the former alpha female being spanked and humiliated.

After being shared with the party goers (mostly her lessors) Veronica is sent home as the slave of her victim, Ashley. Ashley's fortunes rise with someone now at home to deal with routine matters like income and running the house while she's free to excel at school, boys, etc. Having slave-induced orgasms on demand, day and night makes her the most relaxed, happy, popular girl in school. And...occasionally lending her gorgeous slave to schoolmates who've curried her favor raises her social standing to Queen Bee status.

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by timerider »

This indeed is great story, can't wait for ch. 3.

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by lovethissite »

Hooked6: First of all I agree this story was great. It has been almost 3 years since the last chapter posted here is this series posted somewhere else
or will this too be an incomplete series? Please let your readers know, thank you.
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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hotstuff »

Wow 👌 !!! This is such a hot story and I keep reading it over and over again.

Please 🙏 continue with slave party 3 school days. And graduation.......

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by Hotstuff »

Please slut party 3 school days.
Soo good. I keep reading over and over.

What happens next? In the following morning? A new life a slave life and an owners life.
How will Veronica discuss the expectations of her new slave?
What are the punishments alluded too?
Or the wild examination she has for her slave?

What happens at school and then graduation??

Such a fantastic sexy story thankyou 😘!!!

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by reddbunnz »

Once again. Great story. I cannot wait to read Part 3. :D

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Re: The Slave Party 2 – The Aftermath

Post by lovethissite »

After rereading this story for the umteenth time and of course hoping you intend to complete it even though so many stories aren't. I have a suggestion about slut face's future. She is a verified virgin and Veronica obviously hates her and loves what money can buy, so she should advertise an auction to sell her total virginity, with the proceeds since they will be in the 10s of thousands for all three openings Veronica can mold Slut Face body any way she pleases. Larger tits, fuller hips, piercings or maybe even tats anything to reinforce her non human reality.
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