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Gary's Stories Overview

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

So I had started rewriting the next chapter in the Heartland story which involves Dr. Emily Ranger. As I have said previously it was written before the previous chapters that have Amy experiencing slavery. I had written this for the beginning of the chapter:

Amy had been in contact with Dr. Emily Ranger for some time. After her first adventure at HCI, back in 2011, Dale had recommended the horse psychologist to Amy. She had started with exploring the woman’s website and YouTube channel. Amy did not like what she saw, Dr. Ranger was an advocate of strict discipline and drugs in her practice dealing with problem horses. This went very much against Amy’s techniques, that only used such discipline or drugs in extreme cases, and was reluctant to use them even then. Amy had e-mailed the doctor, avoiding being confrontational, but wanting to make sure to put her point across. They eventually got into exchanging e-mails a few times a week.

But then this idea came to me:

After she and Lou had their adventure at Big D’s at the Calgary Stampede, Amy returned the next day to the Stampede to see Emily at a round-table on horse training. Amy had some trepidation being there again, as Big D’s was on the way to the conference hall. She had a thrill go down her spine as she passed it and felt herself get wet. She felt herself being dragged in against her will. She ran into the blond Texan woman who had tried to enslave her and her sister when they had gotten rather tipsy.
“I remember you darling, I had you dead to rights enslaved, then you ran off.”
“We were not interested in being enslaved.” Amy could feel her pussy getting wetter while she started to feel intensely anxious. She was wearing a blue and white strapless summer dress the came to mid knee. She didn’t know why she had worn it; it was much sexier that what she usually wore.
“Well let me just check your chip and start over.”
“Please I did say no.” And turned to walk away.
“Oh, don’t be a spoil sport.” And grabbed the back of Amy’s dress, pulling it and her bra down, exposing Amy’s breasts. “See your almost slave naked and ready for the block.”
Amy was stunned, she tried to pull up her bra, but her dress had fallen around her ankles, and she tripped and fell face down to the floor.

My primarily idea is that the clerk sticks a nearby rod between Amy's back and elbows, which temporary stops her from pushing herself up off the floor. Obviously as soon as Amy realizes what going on she can move her arms around the rod, but in the moment it would hold her for a few seconds. Not sure what would happen next, perhaps an attempt to cuff her, or push vibrators in her ass and vagina to confuse and weaken Amy's resolve.
Beyond that, my thoughts was that Amy would end up in the audience watching a slave auction. This should only be a short interlude before Amy gets to the conference and be no more that three pages (or less).

Other thoughts: Joe Doe had mentioned the idea of collage kids going on a recreation of the "Middle Passage", the journey black slaves took to the new world, for collage credit (or something). Been looking into what it was like and wondering how they would "safely" recreate it.
Also had a thought of a alternate version of the first chapter of the "Heartland" story where Amy is enslaved, at least for a short time.

As usual I am open to opinions and suggestions.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by orflash64 »

As for the "Middle Passage" you couldn't . After extensive research it was often a 1/3 to one half loss of slaves enroute due to laziness of the crew and contempt of Captain and officers to just chain them up down below on wood slabs, relieving themselves where they are chained.
If disease and dehydration didn't kill them, if the weather was bad they would just toss the smaller ones, usually females overboard.
That's why they packed them in so tight, they expected loss. Didn't you ever watch- "Roots"?

What are Dr. Ranger's intentions toward Amy? Does she try to persuade Amy to see her views of horse training or does have a agenda to make Amy a Ponygirl?
Or does that come about as a way to teach Amy Dr. Ranger's training methods from the horse's perspective?
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

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The only way the voyage could be safer is if they used a tramp steamer instead of a Three Masted Clipper. The extra room would allow sanitation and exercise space.
The crew would use the slaves on the voyage back then and would probably do so now.
A new angle would be they would make stops along the way and auction the slaves temporarily for a day or two, so they all experience being slave fucked.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

I did see "Roots" when it first came out, though I was still a kid, which shows my age. Obviously any idea of recreating a slave voyage would have to be cleaned up a lot to work. Of course there is the possibility that in this slave universe they didn't think like bean counters (stuff as many in and hope enough survive) and more scientific way (less crowded and better living conditions leading to few deaths).
I had the idea that the passengers would be kept in the old slave forts in Africa and be treated as slaves while there. And have some kind of auction at the end of the voyage. Its just an idea running around my head right now.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by GreyRose »

As a reply to your story segment with Amy, what if instead of a rod the Big D wrangler uses some cord or rope to bind Amy's elbows before she applies some 'distraction' to Amy. Either playing with her or putting a toy in her pussy, before she binds Amy's hands or feet she's distracted. Amy despite her passion, manages to struggle to her knees and grabs her clothes before making it to her feet and escaping.

There's a bit of hide and seek where Amy struggles with the binding on her elbows while dealing with her slave heat and the wrangler chasing her. She finally manages to free herself of the binding and her pursuer for a moment, long enough for her to get dressed. The wrangler is persistent and Amy ducks into a crowd watching a slave auction.

Amy is fascinated by the sale but is distracted by the audience trying to get her onto the block and her efforts to remain hidden from the wrangler. At the end of the auction Amy escapes the crowd, the wrangler and Big D. So she is in quite a passionate state when she makes it to the conference. (Of course she kept the binder from her elbows... for later reflections. )
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

GreyRose, that is about what I had planned after Amy escapes to the auction area. I'm just thinking of how could Amy be restrained in such a way that she could escape.
The idea of the rod came from a bondage picture. I did try it out myself, and without any other binding it is easy to escape from once you realize how. The idea is that of course when Amy falls forward the natural reaction would be to put her hands forward to cushion her landing. This would place her hands in front and elbows behind. I thought the rod (maybe bamboo) would just be what was close by. Amy wouldn't be able to push herself up for a few moments because of her confusion.
The problem with tying her hands or elbows behind her back would be that it would be difficult for her to escape. I had thought of the clerk using Amy's bra to tie her hands in front of her, and Amy escaping because the bra either is torn or the hooks are undone. But I was trying to figure out how the woman ties Amy's hands in front of her when she is face down on the floor and the rod makes it difficult to turn her over. I just now though now that maybe she should tie her hands first then apply the rod. The clerk is using whats close at hand, for if she was in the area where the cuffs and collars were, it would be all over for Amy, unless someone intervenes.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by orflash64 »

Gary, have you seen the new Amy photo album?
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

Yes I have, thank you for telling me about it. Maybe the site should tell people when pictures are added. Liked the pictures and the others that have been done for other stories.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

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After I post a new album, I check back in a few days and if nobody has rated them it means nobody has noticed it was there, so announce it. :thumbup:
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by Survivor29 »

When I come by to check the site, I just click on new posts. Maybe new gallerys or whatever can be added to that function?
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by automagix12 »

Hi, good idea, but unfortunately this is not easily feasible, technically. I think the best solution would be to use the Announcement forum. So, if orflash64 uploads some new images to the gallery, he'd have to add a post to the Announcement forum.
(The gallery is a system of its own which is not tightly coupled to the forum.)
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

Update: After a lot if interruptions, I am now writing a new Chapter Three, so now The present Chapter Three will become Chapter Four.
Its a bit of grab bag of ideas. It started as a short opening gambit to Chapter Three but has expanded. It started as a Slave Yoga story, Amy is offered a free slave yoga class she goes because she so happens to be in the city and driving by. The first clerk she talks to immediately begins the enslavement process. However he is new and following a script he was taught in training and Amy doesn't follow his script. She talks to someone else and its in a couple of hours so instead of waiting in the slave kennels she goes to other stores to window shop.
I was looking at Goggle Maps and discovered a African Market near where i decided the store was. There Amy has a sort of magical experience of slavery, a man takes her to a replica of a African slave holding area, and discovers three naked women who have bound themselves loosely, their ropes around their wrists are just wrapped around their wrists by themselves, the collars are not locked and the ends of the chains are just hung on a hook, but they act like they are really bound and secured. Amy finds herself following their example and is fucked hard by the big black cock. But when they seem to like they are being taken to be transported, when they go through a door they find themselves dressed and outside the front entrance.
When Amy then goes to the slave yoga she is instructed in a mixed slave/free class with a strict disciplinarian who tries to get them to accept slavery.
When Amy drives home she finds the rope from her wrists on the seat beside her. She hides it at home but takes it out that night and wraps it around her wrists. To which she is seemingly transported to Africa about to but used and sold. Right now I'm just trying to figure out exactly what happens and how to write it.
As well there is a a beginning of a short episode where HCI shows up at Heartland looking to pick up a slave. Not sure if they are looking for Amy or not, but it should be no more that a couple of pages.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by orflash64 »

What happened to wanting the story to be based in reality? When I meantioned advance slave collar technology, you said it was not very realistic for technology to work like that. Now you're adding magic to the story line? :?:
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

I admit its a change from what I usually write. I got the idea a bit from a story I can no longer find but I well remember. Two collage girls studying anthropology go to Africa and attend a gathering led by a Witch Doctor. The shaman eventually hypnotizes both girls into becoming his sex slaves.
One can either think of it as either some kind of hypnotism or as magic.
Wasn't planning to go in that direction but that's where my imagination took me.
I will see how it goes.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

My submission of my "Mr. Edwards" was rejected by Literotica. Apparently their rule is absolutely no mention of underage persons and sex. They rejected my story because I mentioned that Amanda, Claire's sister, had lost her virginity at sixteen.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by orflash64 »

Did you post it here? Is there another version of it not posted? I don't see a problem of a teenager talking about what she did with another teenager, they do it all the time. As long as it isn't a blow by blow of what she did. Mostly her discussing it with an adult with questions that are awkward to explain. And doesn't involve incest.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

This is what Literotica said:

[[Of course, Amanda was no virgin, having lost it when she was sixteen, but doing it under these circumstances upset her.]] As our submission FAQ states, we do not accept stories involving people under the age of 18 in sexual situations: This includes but is not limited to talking explicitly about sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, fantasizing, masturbation, and graphic sexualized descriptions, in addition to actual sexual intercourse. This also includes explicit past remembrances, descriptions of an underage person’s body/physical development and/or the reaction of other people to it; references to people under the age of 18 “playing doctor” or “sex education”, and any similar situations.

I guess al far as Literotica is concerned, people under eighteen don't exist.
The story I posted only slightly different from the Mr. Edwards I posted her. A few minor edits and separated the longer paragraphs. I've resubmitted it with the offending section removed.

The Two different version's of the "Mr. Edwards" story are here:


And the "Original" version here:

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

So came up with a solution with the new third chapter of my Heartland story. The supernatural part of the chapter will become a "What if?" story and the rest will become the new third chapter. The new chapter has another visit to HCI for slave yoga and a mistaken visit from a van from HCI coming to Heartland looking to pick up a slave. Both parts just need their last parts written.
And on another subject, I submitted my Mr. Edwards story to Literotica for the fourth time. Did a little more editing of the story, nothing major, mostly removing anything to do with anyone underage, and hopefully some small improvements in style. Its interesting that the first moderator said nothing about the references to underage Amanda losing her virginity at 16 and taking slave slave training classes (fully clothed) starting in grade eleven. In fact the moderator really pissed me off when his only complaint was "Were my paragraphs the right length?"
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by Hooked6 »

gary wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:20 am So came up with a solution with the new third chapter of my Heartland story. The supernatural part of the chapter will become a "What if?" story and the rest will become the new third chapter. The new chapter has another visit to HCI for slave yoga and a mistaken visit from a van from HCI coming to Heartland looking to pick up a slave. Both parts just need their last parts written.
I am thrilled that you are going to be posting more of Heartland. I think your "what if" solution is a great avenue to take and keeps the story more grounded than say a Sci-fi-supernatural premise and I look forward to seeing what happens.

As to Literotica editors, I have many author friends who have experienced the same over-zealousness that you are encountering; some are going through much, much worse. It seems to all come down to the luck of the draw when you are assigned to an editor.

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by Mr. Smith »

I second Hooked6's suggestion. Would just love to see Claire become a Sandy Foot Girl as she is sold off and branded. The only thing better would be Amy becoming a ponygirl, even if only temporarily. That could be an interesting tale or should I say tail.
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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

I have had a realization that Amy's slave visit with Mr. McTavish, where she gets dirty working with a horse and ends up being a slave for a weekend, no longer works where it is. With Amy's now having much more extensive slavery experience before she meets him in Chapter Seven. So I'm going to have the first part of her slavery with him happen at the end of my new Chapter Three, instead of Chapter Seven, Part Two. And then have her return to him for slave training and grading in a later chapter.

The original Mr. McTavish Chapter

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by Survivor29 »

Have you been writing anything new lately Gary? Here or otherwise?

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by gary »

I had started another alternate version of my Heartland story (again? yes I know).
I had always wondered what would have happened if when they first tried to enslave Amy in Chapter One it had gone wrong (for her).
Written quite a bit of it but have not been able to write more that a paragraph on occasion for a few months

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by wings263 »

I cannot wait to read that.

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Re: Gary's Stories Overview

Post by Survivor29 »

To be honest I wish you would write something new instead of rehashing old stories.

Imo just explore those ideas with new stories.

If you like the characters/settings, it can be just another story in that setting with those characters. It doesn't have to be a literal re-write so you don't have to worry about continuity or whatever.

Or you could just write new characters and settings. Whatever feels more natural.

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