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Went West - Part 4

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Went West - Part 4

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Kind of a short chapter, but wanted to get it out here. Let me know what you think!


Frankie knelt, as naked as the day she was born, on a rubber mat in the bright New Mexico sunshine.

One scarcely needed to see her that her arms were bound behind her, for she was not just naked but slave naked, which is to say completely naked from head to toe save for a steel collar around her neck, confirming her lowly status.

The collar was chained to a metal pole screwed into the ground, not far from a chain-link fence behind which scores of people watched her and her fellow slaves prepare to perform their humiliating tasks, talking, laughing, jeering, taunting the helpless women.

But the noisy crowd was not Frankie’s chief concern; rather, it was the grinning man standing in front of her, slowly rubbing his cock through his trouser front, eagerly anticipating the blowjob he was about to receive.

She was concerned because that man was her live-in boyfriend, or had been until over a year ago. Frankie had abandoned him and their life together, fleeing to a reporting assignment in Central America. Cutting off all contact, she had not spoken to him in all that time.

Now he was back.

record scratch

freeze frame

Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation.


Haha, sorry, I’ve always wanted to do that, but my producers would never let me.

Seriously though, let’s take a moment and talk about Jared Fucking Fleischman.

Jared was my first serious adult boyfriend. We met when I was working for GNN in Atlanta (mostly b-unit work, but it was fun and I was getting noticed). He was an up-and-coming lawyer, on track to make partner in his father’s firm, and I thought he was handsome, funny, smart, and pretty good in bed. We dated off-and-on, and when I relocated to Miami for work we decided to get serious so we moved in together. It was nice, at first, and I started to get the feeling that Jared was going to ask me to marry him. One night in our apartment he was acting nervous and preoccupied, and he wanted to talk, so I figured this was it (I wasn’t expecting him to get down on one knee or anything, it’s the twenty-first century after all).

Instead, he presented me with a fancy electronic slave collar, and asked me to start wearing it around the house for him. I had no idea where that came from - I had never shown him even the slightest interest in bondage or submission, much less sexual slavery - but I remained calm and started interrogating him like a reporter. He tried to evade my questions like a lawyer, but his specialty is contract law rather than courtroom litigation so I eventually got him to admit that what he really wanted was for me to be his personal slave, but only in private of course. Nothing formal, no papers signed or anything, just pretend, because the idea of having a strong, smart, ambitious woman like me as his private servant was a huge turn-on for him. Or so he said.

I told him no, but that I’d think about it (which was technically true).

From my perspective, this had come right out of nowhere, and I know that nothing comes out of nowhere, so it was time to dig.

The next day I called my sister and told her what happened. She told me that some men will secretly record women behaving like slaves in the privacy of their bedrooms, then present the video to a judge as evidence that the woman should be involuntarily enslaved. It rarely worked, a lot hinged on getting the right judge, but Jared knew lots of judges, and Florida is notoriously corrupt, so I immediately searched the apartment for cameras.

I didn’t find any, but I did look through his personal laptop (his password was “frankiepanky” for god’s sake) and found evidence that he’d been researching slave training camps for free women. Some of them looked like little more than the sex-slave version of those fantasy baseball camps for men, but the ones he corresponded with were much more serious: they advertised strict, serious training for women who were destined to become slaves or feared that it was in their immediate future. The photos he saved from places like “Roman House” were frightening to me.

While looking through his photo cloud I found his mobile phone uploads. Apparently he had been going to one of those suck bars downtown on his lunch breaks, and having young naked slave women “service” him while he held their leashes and photographed them. I noticed that most of them bore some resemblance to me, and his clear favorite wore her reddish-brown hair the same way I did.

He’s leading a secret life, fantasizing about sex slaves in general and enslaving me in particular. He’s a clever lawyer, and had friends all over the legal system. He’s planning something, but his first step didn’t pan out the way he expected so he was temporarily at a loss but I expected him to come up with a new plan soon… probably one that did not require my consent.

So I packed my stuff, loaded it into my SUV, and set out for my sister’s house in Houston, Texas. When I hit Mobile I texted him that we were through, I had left, and I did not want any see or talk with him again. Paranoid, I know, and more than a little dramatic, but I was spooked, and honestly a little afraid of him. He knew how to use the law as a weapon and the best way to protect myself was to leave the state and cut off all contact.

I did all the “fugitive spouse” stuff - bought a new phone and a new laptop, changed all my passwords, closed or blocked accounts he knew about, and so forth. Only later did I learn that he actually traveled to Houston, appearing at my sister’s house one day while I was out interviewing for a job. Her husband, my brother-in-law, was home; a former oilfield roughneck who had moved into management, he’s a big guy who will probably never completely lose the callouses from his hands. I don’t know what he said or did to Jared, only that he’d “run’d him off” as he later put it, and that was the last I’d heard of my ex.

So what was he doing here?


“It’s good to see you again, sweetheart,” Jared said, a thin smile on his face. “I have to say I like the circumstances. First time I’ve seen you in months and months, and you not only can’t talk back, you’re going to suck my dick wether you want to or not! I have to admit, I did not foresee this possibility.”

Jared tousled my hair, clearly enjoying himself. “You were so upset about just wearing a collar in my house that you fled like a thief in the night, and now I find you not only wearing one, but naked and chained in an obedience school,” he chuckled.

He glanced around, then looked back down at me. “And in the Wal-Mart of obedience schools, no less. What is the matter, could you not afford some place better? You know, I would have sent you to a wonderful place in the Italian Alps that would have trained your mind, body and spirit, and you would have returned a better person for it.”

“Sir, do you know this slave?” Mistress Stefania asked Jared. I hadn’t heard her come up next to me.

“Oh yes,” Jared said. “Once upon a time she was going to be my fiancee but that did not work out, so instead I have decided to just purchase her contract when she finishes training here.”

“Really?” Stefania said, and looked down at me. I don’t know what look I had on my face, but it must have been really something because Stefania laughed.

“Well, well, well. This is going to be even more of a test for you than we expected, isn’t it? Your first public oral, and it’s for your ex-fiancee.” She grabbed my chin and pulled my head up so she could look directly into my eyes. “You still have to do it. No hesitation, no balking, you wrap you lips around his cock and suck it like it’s the most wonderful thing in the world, or else. I wouldn’t mind giving you a public whipping, the crowd would love it for sure, so for your sake you had better be good.” She stared into my eyes for what felt like a full minute, scowling, then said, “Do you understand, F2?”

I nodded, gritting my teeth, and felt a tear of anger and frustration roll down my cheek.

Stefania caught it with her finger tip, putting it in her mouth to taste.

“Mm-mm. Delicious,” she said. Stepping back, she nodded at Jared to proceed.

“Say, officer,” Jared said, knowing full well that Stefania was not any kind of law enforcement officer while also understanding that flattery is powerful, “Would you mind taking a video of this for me? Here is my phone.”

“Sure,” she said, smiling, “As long as I can get a copy.”

“Of course, I would be delighted. Put your contact information in my address application when we are done.”

Jared did not step closer to me but merely unzipped his fly. He fished out his sturdy reddish six-incher, which was slowly inflating as he stroked it.

He’d trimmed off most of his public hair since I’d last seen him, making his genitals appear larger than they really were.

Jared grabbed my neck chain with one hand and pulled me to him (knocking me off-balance so that I had to shuffle toward him on my knees to keep from falling) while holding his cock around the base with the other. As I leaned forward, he seized the hair on the top of my head and started slapping my cheeks with the head of his penis.

Stefania laughed. My face grew so red I felt like it was on fire. I heard a ripple of laughter from the crowd.

“Slap that slut!” someone shouted.

“Alright, here comes the choo-choo train,” he said, rubbing his head across my lips.

It smelled bad. No, not just bad, but wrong.

“Oh yes,” Jared said, seeing my hesitation, “I decided to prepare for our reunion, so I dressed my manhood with a touch of that anti-thumb-sucking liquid doctors prescribe for children.”

“Oh my god,” I heard Mistress Stefania mutter, impressed.

“After all, you had to expect some sort of punishment for running away,” he continued. “This will do for a start.”

“Now get to it,” he said, his tone changing to a low growl.

I opened my mouth and gently took in the head of his penis.

It tasted awful. Medicinal and chemical and metallic and nauseating all at once. It was all I could do to steel myself up to continue.

I started by licking the head as much as I could, hoping to get him off before I took it any deeper - otherwise I was afraid I might vomit. Good God, it was bitter beyond belief, I was gagging just from tasting it. I kept slowly stroking the sides of his shaft with my tongue; maybe I could run out the clock? Is there even a clock to run out?

I finally drew my head back, coughing and gagging and drooling. I felt like I was about to throw up.

“Christ, F2,” Mistress Stefania snarled, “You can do better than that. Here,” she said, handing Jared his phone, then unhooked a nasty-looking instrument from her belt. It was stiff like a riding crop but without the little piece of leather at the end - just a thin, flexible nylon rod with a grip.

I felt a sting on my butt cheeks, a sting that quickly turned into an intense burn, like I’d been touched with an electrical wire. I jumped (a little bit, it’s hard to do on your knees) and tried to cry out, but all that came out was a sharp exhalation.

“Take the whole thing, F2,” she said, and I felt another burning sting just above the lower curve of my bottom. I immediately took Jared’s entire penis head and most of his shaft into my mouth and started bobbing like crazy.

“I said take the whole thing,” followed by another sting. I pushed Jared’s cock as far down my throat as I could - I started to choke, and backed off a bit.

I looked up at Jared: he was snickering quietly, aiming the camera directly at my face, and clearly enjoying himself.

“Bravo, officer,” he said, “That is much deeper than she ever took it in when we were together!”

Between the horrible taste and the pain (and the shame), tears were flowing down my face in rivulets.

At least Stefania stopped whipping me. She took Jared’s phone back and held it in one hand, tapping me with the crop she held in the other, while providing a running commentary.

“Look up at him, F2. Flutter your eyelashes, move your eyebrows, make him think that sucking his cock is the greatest thing you’ve ever done and you’re oh so grateful for the chance to please him.”


“I want to see the tip of your tongue sticking out from your lips as you suck along the shaft.”


“On the backstroke, your lips should shrink around the part where the head swells.”


After three or four days of sucking on Jared like my life depended on it, he finally grasped my head with both hands. I could feel his cock pulsing, he was about to pump semen down my throat.

Suddenly Jared pulled out of my mouth, taking a half-step backwards; he came in a huge burst followed by several smaller ones, shooting jets of hot, sticky cum all over my face. I’m sure some of it got in my hair. One bit even hit me in my left eye, coating the lens of my glasses.

That son of a bitch.

“Clean up, F2,” Mistress Stefania said. Tap.

I wanted to ask her for some disinfectant and a blowtorch, but I knew what she meant: I leaned forward even further, and licked the head of Jared’s penis clean of what little semen was clinging to it.

That I got to swallow.

“Thank the good man,” Stefania said, quietly.

I spread my legs and lowered myself down, the chain on my collar starting to tighten, and kissed the toe of each of his shoes.

Jared laughed out loud. “Outstanding,” he said. “I believe slavery agrees with you.”

Stefania handed back his phone as he zipped himself up.

“Thank you for your help, officer,” he said. “Your intervention and instruction was invaluable.” Stefania smiled and nodded, and Jared looked back down at me.

“Now really, Frankie, was that so hard?” he asked, then snorted when he realized his inadvertent pun.

He took a couple of still photos of me kneeling before him, my face covered in his ejaculate, then scrubbed through the video on his phone.

“This turned out wonderfully. I believe I might send a copy to your parents, and another to your sister and that missing link she calls a husband. Perhaps to your former colleagues in Atlanta as well.”

He put the phone away, and I gave him the most pleading, submissive look I could muster.

“Although it really depends on the outcome of my negotiations with your current bondholder. After all, I would not want to embarrass my future slave wife, would I?”

Jared laughed, reveling in the look of horror on my face. “See you next weekend, my beloved,” he said, blowing me a kiss before walking out through the gate.

I knelt, shocked, unable to move. Finally, Mistress Stefania spoke.

“You weren’t too bad, for an educated professional career woman I mean, but you still have a long way to go. Next time you get a cock presented to you, I want to see it in your mouth before his zipper is completely down, got it? No more hesitation or I will stripe you like a zebra. Now back up toward the post, they’re going to let in the next batch in a few minutes.”

I grunted in alarm.

“What, you thought this was one-and-done? Not even close, you’ve got at least nine more dicks to go, maybe more if they nut fast enough.” She tapped me on the butt with the crop, and the crowd responded with a round of cheers and shouted obscenities.

“You should be thanking me — after all, practice makes perfect.”


Lights out, and all was quiet in Fish Town. No talking tonight (no mass Jill-off either), everyone was too exhausted - physically and emotionally - to do anything but sleep. I could hear murmurs of conversation over in Birdville, but nothing loud enough to make out words.

I was lying on my stomach, my ass striped with thick red welts, unable to sleep, thinking about my “reunion” with Jared, when I heard the soft clunk of a cage door opening.

Marta, the in-house slave, could move as quietly as a ghost when she wanted to - I hadn’t heard her arrive. She had opened the door to Janet’s cage, awakened her and clipped a leash to her collar before leading her quietly away. I watched them move through the darkness, then a brief flood of light when the door to the trainer’s quarters opened and they disappeared inside.


Jesus, what a day. I’m still thinking about cock number five or possibly six, a grossly fat guy - had to have been at least a three-hundred-pounder - who had to sit on a chair while I sucked the tiny dick that barely poked out from his fat rolls. Ugh, the smell was almost worse than what Jared did to me — I still have the taste in my mouth, even after they gave us mouthwash.

I was thinking about what Jared had said, about buying me, and what - if anything - I could do about it when I heard the door to my own cage open; I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Jesus, Marta!” I hissed. “Wear a bell or something!”

Lo siento,” she replied, grinning - she knew I was kidding - and beckoned me out of the cage without a leash.

We crept to her storage/sleeping room. Once again she rolled out a pad for me to lay on and started rubbing some of her magic ointment into the welts on my bottom; but before she started, she handed me her battered data pad with a surveillance video stream already running on it.

It was the same room I’d seen before, when I watched Stefania and David having kinky sex. Unlike last time it was all ladies (what is the female equivalent of a sausage fest? A taco party? A clambake? I have no idea), but like last time I knew everyone present.

Mistress Stefania was present, holding the leash of a kneeling Janet, while two other women looked on.

Of course, it was Amy and her new friend, Leslie, from the Coffee Club.

Stefania was explaining something to them, and both were nodding along, so I put in an earbud and listened.

“…Easier to handle too, one of the big advantages of a more mature slave. They will work without a lot of direction, are usually very trustworthy, and if treated well can actually take initiative. Not to mention that they may possess skills and talents and experience beyond that which is listed on their records; for example, she might have childcare experience, which would obviously be useful when you decide to start a family.”

“How about discipline?” Amy asked. “I’d feel weird whipping a woman older than me.”

“They rarely require discipline,” Stefania said. “Mature slaves are usually well-adjusted to their situation, and understand what is required of them. If for some reason you need to correct them, something much less forceful will often do the trick, for example revoking a privilege or reducing their diet temporarily.” She looked from Amy to Leslie and back. “Discipline does not have to be all whips and beatings.”

“Mm-hmm,” Leslie purred. “How about sex?”

“They’re the best of both worlds,” Stefania replied. “On the one hand, they’re old enough that your husband isn’t likely to fall in lust and try to replace you. On the other hand, if you need some rest - like, again, after childbirth - they’re experienced enough that they can adequately satisfy your husband’s needs, even without resorting to vaginal intercourse.”

“That’s great,” Leslie said, “But what about my needs?”

“Oh, of course. Let’s say you have a husband who’s away on business a lot—“

“—or is an oaf in the bedroom,” Leslie interrupted.

“—or that,” Stefania said, grinning. “A mature slave can provide companionship in a way that a younger one cannot, and they are also often much better at providing sexual release for female owners. If nothing else, they are able to focus on their mistress’ pleasure rather than figuring out the mechanics. Obedience training helps with that as well.”

“Really?” Leslie said, trying to sound surprised while failing to sound surprised at all. “You all teach slaves to munch carpets here?”

“We teach the basics — we can only do so much given that we only have them for four weeks. But that said, another advantage of the more mature slave is that she may actually have some experience with lesbian sex, and if not they can at least use her imagination.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know,” Leslie said. “What do you think, Amy? Would you like to take her for a test drive?”

Amy tried and failed to suppress a look of surprise. “What, um, what? What do you mean?”

“I mean,” Leslie said, stepping closer to Amy and placing a hand on one should and another hand on Amy’s arm, “How would you like to put her through her paces? Have her do some block drills, obey some commands, maybe walk her around on a leash for a bit, then have her scratch your itch, so to speak?”

“I-, I-, I-, um, don’t think I’m ready for that,” Amy stammered, hugging her arms to her chest and looking very uncomfortable.

“Think of it like trying before buying,” Leslie purred, “and if would make you more comfortable, Mistress Stefania and I can step into the next room—“

“No,” Amy croaked, “That’s not it, it’s just that—“

“I have to tell you,” Stefania interjected, “F6 here is rated Choice Minus, which is quite good, she’s an accomplished professional, and is one of the most docile and cooperative slaves I’ve ever seen. She won’t stay unsold for long. I imagine she’ll get low six figures at auction, probably from some businessman who needs a highly capable assistant who will suck his cock without trying to sue him.”

“This is a good opportunity, my dear,” Leslie said. “I know you’re in the market for an older slave, and she is perfect for you.”

Suddenly Amy dropped her arms, straightened up, and looked Leslie straight in the face. “I need to think about it. I promised my husband I would consult him first before buying anyone,” she said, her voice strong and her demeanor calm.

Turning to Stefania, she said, “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Stefania. Thank you for your offer, and I will let you know soon.” Turning back to Leslie: “I want to leave now.”

Leslie and Stefania exchanged glances. “Of course, of course, take your time,” Leslie soothed, and led Amy by the arm through a door. A moment later, Leslie ducked back in.

“Forgot my purse,” she said to Stefania, picking it up and turning to leave.

“I thought you said she was ready to buy?” Stefania hissed.

“She’s clearly stuck on that one slut with the glasses,” Leslie replied. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I pulled out the earbuds, and rolled over to look at Marta.

“Can I get a copy of this?”
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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by orflash64 »

While short, it was very intense. I thought the sex would awesome, but the humiliation was even hotter. Like the very last person Frankie would ever suck off and she had to do it.

It will be even more humiliating when he takes her anal cherry. Might he be the engineer of Frankie's enslavement? All the way back to Frankie being reached out to do the story. :tiphat:
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by Hooked6 »

Great little chapter! The introduction of Jared adds even more intrigue to an already complicated story giving us so much more to contemplate and enjoy. The humiliation in this chapter for F2 is palpable and erotic and very much appreciated. I truly loved Stefania's enjoyment of being Jared's camera girl and her admiration for his originality in applying the foul tasting infant anti-thumb sucking liquid to his penis. Wonderfully original idea I must say.

My favorite character though, is Amy. I love that she is present to witness more and more of F2's training and gets turned on by it. Her evolution in this story is marvelous and I do hope that she can take a more active role in embarrassing and humiliating Frankie. As I may have said before, there are few things hotter than being embarrassed in front of or BY a coworker. It's one of the many things I love about this story!

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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by Mr. Smith »

I really liked the way blowing Jared left a bad taste in Frankie's mouth.

I do not recall who Frankie's bondholder is or if the identity is still a mystery. It is more relevant now that Jared intends to make a run at buying Frankie. The bigger question is how did Jared find Frankie?

Looking forward to how this all works out.
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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by gentlemanmariner »

orflash64 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:54 am While short, it was very intense. I thought the sex would awesome, but the humiliation was even hotter. Like the very last person Frankie would ever suck off and she had to do it.
Thanks orflash64, I'm glad you liked it! I love shame and humiliation in stories, and am working on writing it better - looks like I'm getting there :D
orflash64 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:54 am Might he be the engineer of Frankie's enslavement? All the way back to Frankie being reached out to do the story.
Oh man, I wish I was that clever! Damn, that would be a hell of a story though...
Hooked6 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:40 am The humiliation in this chapter for F2 is palpable and erotic and very much appreciated.
Hooked6 appreciates the humiliation too - I must be doing something right!
Hooked6 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:40 am I truly loved Stefania's enjoyment of being Jared's camera girl and her admiration for his originality in applying the foul tasting infant anti-thumb sucking liquid to his penis. Wonderfully original idea I must say.
Thanks! :twisted:
Hooked6 wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:40 am My favorite character though, is Amy. I love that she is present to witness more and more of F2's training and gets turned on by it. Her evolution in this story is marvelous and I do hope that she can take a more active role in embarrassing and humiliating Frankie. As I may have said before, there are few things hotter than being embarrassed in front of or BY a coworker. It's one of the many things I love about this story!
I like Amy too, quite a bit: I want to make her evolution (and Frankie's) as interesting and believable (and hot!) as possible, so she's going to start taking a more prominent role in the story starting with the next chapter. Hopefully I'll pull it off!
Mr. Smith wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:39 pm I really liked the way blowing Jared left a bad taste in Frankie's mouth.
Both physically AND metaphorically :lol: Thanks!
Mr. Smith wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:39 pm I do not recall who Frankie's bondholder is or if the identity is still a mystery. It is more relevant now that Jared intends to make a run at buying Frankie. The bigger question is how did Jared find Frankie?
Yep, that is the question, isn't it? We're going to start getting answers very, very soon - if not in the next part then the one after.


Part 5 is coming along nicely: questions are asked, more sex is forced upon Frankie, and she learns some things about herself.

I intend to have it up very soon: Monday perhaps? Fingers crossed!

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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by orflash64 »

So is Marla still in the picture? Was she totally in the dark about what happened, indifferent, part of the plot? Was the Puppet Master way above Marla's pay grade? Did they hold something over her head or did Marla smell blood in the water and wants the story no matter what it costs Frankie?

By the time Marla makes a appearance in person, might Frankie be so trained that instead of Frankie ringing Marla's neck she licks her pussy on command? Marla then tells Frankie how her life will be from now on and better get use to being on her knees and all her stories will be slave related.
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by Carl Bradford »

This subjugation by Jared is some of your finest work. I'm sure you'll find some way to increase the time Frankie has to spend at his feet. As for Amy, I had the impression from previous comments that she is going to be increasingly assertive and judgemental, losing any deference she had for Frankie. If so, I certainly hope for a plot twist where she ends up in a collar herself--but then, it's always nice when the dominant ones are brought low, especially because, in this instance, your heroine is an admirable character who didn't really want to be enslaved, as witness her (sensible) flight from Jared.
What can I say? This is magnificent.
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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by gentlemanmariner »

orflash64 wrote: Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:57 am So is Marla still in the picture? Was she totally in the dark about what happened, indifferent, part of the plot? Was the Puppet Master way above Marla's pay grade? Did they hold something over her head or did Marla smell blood in the water and wants the story no matter what it costs Frankie?

By the time Marla makes a appearance in person, might Frankie be so trained that instead of Frankie ringing Marla's neck she licks her pussy on command? Marla then tells Frankie how her life will be from now on and better get use to being on her knees and all her stories will be slave related.
I'm not going to comment on any of this because it's dead on in some spots and in others it's right but with the wrong person... ;)
Seriously, thanks for your comments orflash64, they always give me things to think about that ultimately make all of my stories better!

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Re: Went West - Part 4

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Carl Bradford wrote: Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:55 pm This subjugation by Jared is some of your finest work. I'm sure you'll find some way to increase the time Frankie has to spend at his feet. As for Amy, I had the impression from previous comments that she is going to be increasingly assertive and judgemental, losing any deference she had for Frankie. If so, I certainly hope for a plot twist where she ends up in a collar herself--but then, it's always nice when the dominant ones are brought low, especially because, in this instance, your heroine is an admirable character who didn't really want to be enslaved, as witness her (sensible) flight from Jared.
What can I say? This is magnificent.
Thank you Carl - I appreciate it! Likewise, let me also say that the finale of "Through the Side Door" is excellent. It's an HEA ending that still manages to be erotic and thrilling! I love Willow as a character, and I enjoyed her fear and arousal as she went through grading. Plus Jack's "grand finale" was brilliant - I may steal the idea of slave rehab. In fact, I already know that I will, for the series after next! I'll be sure to send you royalties :lol:

One of my favorite things to read are scenarios where dommes are dommed and slavers enslaved (so obviously I loved Sandy Foot Girl and the latest chapter of Any Chance Auction), but I haven't had much chance to write one so I'm looking forward to it in this story.

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