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Best Friends part two

Some stories featuring the heroine "Tracey", written by Katie Smith
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Best Friends part two

Post by orflash64 »

Best Friends Part Two
8:33 AMKatie Smith
“Maybe I have but you were happy to play along in Jacks company just now, your just itching to be a real slave, well your pussy is anyway.” Emily snorted and Tracey couldn’t help blushing because she knew her pussy was moist at the thought of taking things further and she knew Emily knew that too!

They both heard the front door shut as Jack left and for a second Tracey tugged at the hem of the shift as if she were going to pull it off.

“I wouldn’t bother if I were you,”Emily suddenly grinned,” I have no idea where Jack put your clothes so you won’t have anything to put on if you take it off anyway.”

Tracey knew her friend was telling the truth and rather than end up naked she dropped her hands and left the shift where it was, it might offer minimal cover but it was better than no cover at all.

“Good girl,” Emily laughed in her patronizing way,”now he will be twenty minutes at least and as your dressed like a slave why don’t you act like one and make me some tea.”

So from “just for a minute” turned into ten minutes and then finally half an hour that she ended up wearing the slave shift and effectively acting as Emily’s slave, firstly making her some tea and then finishing by sweeping up the garden.

All of which was humiliating and embarrassing but also strangely exciting. It wasn’t something she’d ever want to do full time but she was so used to being waited on hand and foot by her own slaves at home that it felt liberating to do menial work for somebody else.

There was also still an element of danger, especially when she was sweeping the garden, Emily was still sitting on the sun lounger drinking her tea while Tracey worked and if one of the neighbours had some out and seen them they would automatically assume that Tracey was a slave, an idea that still excited her as well.

Jack reappeared thirty five minutes later brandishing the slave registration form and Emily promised him she would get Tracey’s fingerprint on it soon enough and he finally told them where he’d put Tracey’s clothes and to Tracey’s relief she could finally get dressed again.

She’d spent the three hours at Emily’s either completely naked or in a slave shift and although she’d moaned about occasionally the fact was that overall she’d loved it and she knew that Emily knew that as well.

For the next two weeks life returned to normal and even when Emily had visited her at her house no mention had been made of the slave games but always there in the back of Tracey’s mind was the thought of what would happen the next time she visited Emily.

She had been amazed at Jacks part it it all as well, she’d always thought of him as a doddery old man, that was when she thought of him at all, after all he was just a slave, but the way he’d looked at her when she’d been naked and even when she’d had the shift on had sent shivers down her spine. He hadn’t been an old slave then, he’d been a lustful old black man staring greedily at an exposed vulnerable white girl.

Again this was so far out of her comfort level, her own slaves hardly dare to look at her even when she was naked, they knew the consequences full well if they did, but Jack hadn’t cared at all, he was just an old man enjoying the view, and that had troubled her greatly but had also much increased the humiliation she’d felt.

She knew that if a more traditional white person had been in that garden they would have judged Tracey as much as they would of Jack and she’d be in as much trouble as him, maybe not in as much physical danger but her reputation would of suffered at least, not to mention her fathers reaction when he’d heard about it as no doubt he would.

He had laughed recently when he’d told her the story of how he’d acquired a new white slave girl to sell. Apparently her father had caught her playing with herself while spying through her bedroom window on some of their male slaves while they washed themselves off in the back garden.

The slaves had been naked and had had no idea that she was watching them but she’d been so engrossed by their nude bodies and what her fingers were doing that she hadn’t heard her father come into the room until it was too late.

He’d been outraged and had brought the poor girl along to Tracey’s fathers slave shop where she was stripped and examined and put up for sale at the earliest opportunity.

Tracey’s father admitted that he thought the girls father had really only meant to frighten the girl to teach her a lesson about what might happen to her but Tracey’s father knew a profit when he saw one and sold the girl before her father fully realised.

“Apparently she was bought by a local whore house, she’ll learn all about men there that’s for sure.” he’d laughed loudly.

At the time she’d thought it a bit harsh of him especially as the girl wasn’t intended to be sold at all but again her father had laughed,

“Maybe but served the little slut right and anyway always remember that white pussy is worth it’s weight in gold, I’d be a fool not to sell it,” then he paused and looked at her slyly,”I’d sell you if you gave me half an excuse to.”

“Dad!” she’d squealed in shock.

“Why not, white pussy is coming onto the market every day now, it won’t be too long before there’s so much of it the prices will drop dramatically, I’d get you on the block before tha happens.” he’d chuckled.

At the time she’d been shocked by her fathers words but now they excited her and she knew letting old Jack stare at her the way she had would have been the excuse her father needed, she wasn’t a complete fool and knew that he’d been right when he’d said white pussy prices were falling and knew he’d want to get the best price for her before they fell even further, which they were bound to do, she had the distinct impression that her father at least though that white slaves would soon equal blacks in number and therefore in price too.

To Tracey the days dragged until her next visit to Emily’s and when the day did finally come she was excited about the possible events of the day ahead.

As it happened though nothing did happen, it was certainly not a day for naked sunbathing, it was overcast and raining. Jack was even conspicuous by his absence and When Tracey asked casually where he was Emily had vaguely said he was off doing errands and he wasn’t mentioned again.

She’d spent the day incredibly frustrated and she got the feeling that Emily was well aware of it but Tracey could hardly mention playing the slave game again, that would really be showing her hand!

Instead they’d sat around watching the TV, doing each others hair and basically just being girls, very boring and when the time came to go home Tracey was actually quite relieved.

The only highlight of the day was when she bumped into Jack as she was leaving the house and he gave her a really lascivious look that should of outraged her but secretly made her legs tremble in excitement instead.

Gradually over the next two weeks and bearing in mind it was creeping towards a month ago that they’d had their little adventure all thoughts of slavery slid further and further into the back of Tracey’s mind where they really belonged anyway.

Life had carried on as normal at home filled with shopping and following Twitter but however normal things looked on the outside she always found herself late at night with her fingers deep between her legs working furiously as she thought of the events of that day at Emily’s.

Eventually the day came round again where she was due to visit Emily at her home and bearing in mind that nothing had happened last time she wasn’t expecting much to this time either.

The servant had dropped her off and she’d barely got through the door when Emily had snapped at her,

“Right get those clothes off and put your shift on I have a ton of chores for you.”

Emily had spoken to her as if she were a slave and any resistance she had melted away immediately, wasn’t this what she was hoping for? She was going to make at least a token protest but she didn’t even do that and immediately started taking her clothes off.

Once she was naked in the hallway Emily stared at her for a minute while Tracey stood with her head bowed respectfully and then she yelped as Emily reached out and pinched her right nipple painfully,

“We will have to get these pierced soon and hang little bells off them so I know where you are at all times,” she sniggered, “these big tits of your do jiggle around a lot as you move.”

Tracey knew that she couldn’t bare the humiliation of bells ringing every time she moved, how was she going to hide that from her father for a start, but it was the humiliation that also made her say,

“As you wish Miss, my nipples belong to you now do with them as you see fit.”

In the back of her mind she assumed they were still playing a fantasy game but it didn’t seem like a fantasy right now and she knew that Emily didn’t think so either.

“Put this on you slut,” Emily snapped out again throwing the slave shift at her,” we’re get your tits done another time.”

Tracey pulled the shift down over her head revelling in it’s coarseness and the fact that it hardly covered her at all. As per usual she didn’t know if Emily was joking about piercing her nipples, surely that was taking the game too far or didn’t Emily think so?

For the next three hours Tracey was kept busy doing all kinds of chores from hoovering every room to scrubbing the kitchen floor, a weeks worth of washing up, cleaning the bath and toilet and even hanging out the washing.

She wasn’t exactly used to manual labour and found the work hard and she knew that the shift was hiding nothing as she worked but even so she found it rewarding and in the front of her mind was the thought that she had to please her mistress.

Half way through scrubbing the kitchen floor on her hands and knees Jack had come in and watched her admiring the unobstructed view he was getting as she scrubbed.

“Looking good girl.” he’d laughed at her and she’d bristled with embarrassment and shame at being talked to like that by a slave, if he had been one of hers and they’d had been at her house she would have had him whipped at the very least but here in Emily’s house it was a very different set of rules and she just carried on scrubbing.

Mercifully he didn’t stay to watch her for too long but he was around the house enough to cause her a constant reminder of her shame.

The worst moment came though when she was hanging out the washing though, the next door neighbour saw her!

Tracey didn’t even notice her for a second or two but she suddenly heard someone saying from behind her,

“Oh hello, how long has Emily had you then, I didn’t know she could afford a white slave.”

Tracey span round in shock that she’d been seen, what was she to do, the middle aged woman looking over the fence at her with a smiling curiosity did not seem threatening but she obviously thought that from the way she was dressed that Tracey was a new slave and she couldn’t really deny it now could she.

“Not long Madam.” she stuttered trying to remember how her own slaves spoke when spoken to although she didn’t think they would have to have the same high standards in this area.

“I’ve heard that the price of white pussy has fallen a lot recently, I’ll have to go down to a slave shop and have a look myself if Emily can afford one as nice looking as you.” she laughed.

Tracey blushed knowing how much the shift wasn’t covering of her body but she stood her ground not speaking.

“What's your name slave?” the woman asked and not being able to think of anything else she told her the truth and said her name was Tracey, “well Tracey you are a good looking slave for sure, I might ask your mistress if I can borrow you some time, I’m sure I could have some serious fun with a little cutie like you.”

Tracey didn’t know what to say to that and just stood there blushing, the woman was fat and ugly and common as muck, not the kind of woman Tracey wanted to have any kind of fun with let alone serious fun!

“What do you think of that then slave?” the woman sneered slightly.

“That is between you and my mistresses Madam, I have no choice in the matter.”

Seemingly satisfied the woman turned and walked back into her house and Tracey breathed again. This was getting out of hand, it was bad enough Jack knowing that she liked wearing a shift and pretending she was a slave but now this woman thought she was Emily’s real slave, and she knew her name!

She was bound to ask Emily about her the next time she saw her and knowing Emily’s mischievous mind she probably would lend Tracey to her.

This was becoming a problem, the more people who saw her like this the more rumours would begin to spread and they would start reaching people she didn’t want them to.

Needless to say when she worriedly told Emily about her encounter with her neighbour she burst into laughter and obviously thought it was highly amusing.

“Oh don’t worry about Jean,” she laughed, “her idea of serious fun is sitting on your face while your tongue goes to work on her, she won’t hurt you.”

That was slightly relieving but the thought of eating that woman’s fat smelly pussy wasn’t very appealing either but she didn’t want to show her repulsion at the thought because she knew it would spur Emily on if she knew Tracey hated it.

She still had a few more chores to finish and so she carried on and did them trying to keep focused and not to think about Jean too much, not always successfully. Then with ten minutes to go before her own slave was due to pick her up she finished and asked Emily if she could get dressed in her normal clothes again.

For a second she thought Emily would say no and send her home in the slave shift, a fate worse than death but she handed Tracey her clothes. Of course Jack had reappeared to watch her take off the shift and reveal her totally naked body until she could pull on her jeans and shirt!

No sooner had she done something with her hair in the mirror the car arrived and whisked her back home to normality.

She knew that she’d only been acting as a slave for a few hours and although it seemed real at the time it was all really a fake but it didn’t stop her dreaming and fantasying about it or keep her fingers away from her pussy at night.

A day or two later her father inadvertently fuelled her slavery fantasy even further, he rang her at home and asked her to pop some shopping into work for him. She had visited his office a few times before, not too often but enough times to know her way around the place, his actual office wasn’t a big grand one but a smallish room beyond which the rest of the space was used to house slaves awaiting auction and sometimes there could be up to two hundred slaves in pens.

On the occasions she’d been there before she’d always felt more than a little intimated walking through the pen area to reach her fathers office. The pens were actually small stalls much like you would keep a horse in, they usually held up to twelve slaves each and they were hardly secure.

If the slaves had wanted to escape all they had to do was jump a three foot wooden gate and they’d be free. Most of them though didn’t seem to want to escape, they seemed to accept their fate and would just sit there awaiting transfer to the auction block when the day came.

They were all kept naked in the pens, men and women combined but their nudity didn’t seem to bother them or the few guards scattered around the place. She supposed that they saw so much naked flesh that they didn’t even notice it now.

It had ben a real eye opener to her though the first time she’d gone there, indeed it was at her dads office that she saw her very first penis and it had been a real struggle to stop staring at it which she knew would of got her into trouble with her father.

She’d sighed when he’d asked her to visit the office but she of course agreed to his request, there’d never been any doubt of that. She did his bit of shopping and got to his office at the agreed time and entered with the usual feeling of apprehension but given her recent experiences at Emily's there was also some excitement this time.

As per usual the smell had hit her first of all as soon as she’d opened the door and stepped inside, it wasn’t a pleasant thought but put a lot of naked humans together for a while in a confined space and they will smell. Toilet smells, sex smells, the normal muskiness of men smell, it was all there and all mixed together in one big intoxicating aroma.

She basically had to walk through most of the pens to reach her fathers office at the back and as she did so she saw the guards dotted around the walls looking at her curiously, her trips to the office were so infrequent she’d never got to know any of her fathers employees and the guards probably wondered what this pretty blonde was doing here.

Each pen she passed was full of naked bodies but she tried not to make it obvious she was looking at them until she walked past one pen when her eyes nearly popped out of her face. Inside it and kneeling on the straw floor were a dozen naked white girls!

Her farther had told her that he only sold one a month on average, well he had a whole years worth in that one pen. She couldn’t help but stare as she walked past, their naked white bodies were such a contrast to all the black ones around them. They all appeared to be young and pretty and most were big breasted.

They sat on the straw mostly huddled up looking miserable but again there seemed to be no fight in them seeming to accept the fact that once they’d reached this far there was no point in fighting it any more.

The sheer number of them had shocked her, on all her previous visits here she’d never seen one white girl for sale and her father had told her they were as rare as hens teeth, now he had twelve to sell!

Entering his office she’d greeted him cheerfully and given him his shopping and she couldn’t refrain herself from mentioning seeing the white girls.

“Yes got a few in today and I’m sure we’ll have some more tomorrow we’re selling more and more of the stuff nowdays.” he said with a casual wave of the hand.

“Where do you get them from?” she asked trying to keep her tome casual but she was intensely interested in the subject.

“Oh everywhere really, you put the word out that you want white pussy to sell and people bring it to you,” he laughed dismissively, “boyfriends who fancy a new girlfriend will give us their old one to sell, little brothers who don’t like their older sister, bosses getting rid of their staff, as I say anyone really, it just comes in the door nowdays.” he said with another dismissive wave of his hands.

Tracey stood there amazed that white girls like her could be given away like that, sold into a life of slavery without any concern by the person giving them to her father to sell on their behalf, thee girls were just cheap throwaway items to be disposed of when you’d had your fun with, it shocked and tremendously excited her in equal measure.

“Pretty soon white cunt will be the same as black cunt and I’ll almost be giving it away like I do the blacks, cunt is cunt whatever the colour.” he sighed gently, his only concern was the smaller and smaller profit he was making.

Tracey was shocked again, she’d never heard her dad refer to girls as cunt, never heard him say the word even but it gave her more of an understanding of how he thought of his stock, and that’s all those white girls were now, stock.

“Anyway my dear I’m glad your here,” he suddenly said changing the subject, “I have to pop out for half an hour or so, can you wait here for me and then I’ll drop you home when I come back.”

Tracey was a bit apprehensive at his request, she’d only been in his office half a dozen times before and certainly not on her own. She’d have to wait half an hour for a slave to come and pick her up anyway though so she couldn’t see the harm in it and nodded her agreement.

“Good girl,” he smiled, “have a look around if you like but don’t touch anything and don’t annoy the slaves, or the guards come to that,” he chuckled, “as you’ve just seen white pussy is nothing special round here.”

She was shocked, was he referring to her his own daughter as white pussy! Even if he was surely the guards knew who she was although admittedly they’d probably never seen her before and they’d all looked at her suspiciously as she’d walked in.

Before she could say anything though one of the guards had come into the room summoned by a buzzer on her fathers desk and he stood silently as her father said,

“I’m just on my way out for a little while, I’m going to leave this girl here, make sure she doesn't do anything she shouldn't.”

“Put her in with the others?” the guard asked.

“As I said I shouldn’t be long.” he replied seemingly not hearing the guards question busily instead scooping up his coat and hat.

“Now you be a good girl.” he said turning to Tracey and patting her on the bottom, a habit he’d always had, “and don’t be a nuisance, or else.” he said wagging his finger at her.

Within a second or two he was gone and she was left in the office with the rather stern looking guard, she realised that her fathers instructions had been vague at best, these were men used to looking after slaves, not refined young ladies like Tracey and never once had he mentioned that she was his daughter and had simply said he had to leave this girl here.

“I think we’d better put you in with the others don’t you?” he suddenly said looking at her with an evil grin.

She did think of refusing, telling him who she was but in the absence of any confirmation from her father she thought better of it, besides anything else the old feelings of excitement and submissiveness were flooding back so fast she almost felt giddy at the prospect of being put into the holding pen with the other white slaves.

Just then the office door opened and another man walked in, she’d hoped it was her farther come back to rescue her but she shrunk back when she saw who it was. It wasn’t a man at all but rather a boy still and she knew him, vaguely at least.

His name was William she remembered and he worked for her father even though he looked barely old enough to have left school , he must have been in his late teens. He’d called at their house once on business and during his time there he’d had the audacity to ask her out.

Although he worked for her father he still appeared to be a rough and common young man, not the type she would ever consider going out with and besides he was five or six years her junior as well so she had turned him down, rather rudely she had to admit and from the look of anger on his face he had not taken her blatant rejection very well at all.

She knew he recognised her as soon as he’d entered the office and she could of used his knowledge of who she was to save her from any unpleasantness, after all she was their bosses daughter and William knew that.

Partly through pride though and partly because maybe she didn’t want to be saved she didn’t say anything and she saw an evil grin spread across his face when he thought that she didn’t recognise him.

“Who’s this?” he casually asked the first guard probably sussing out if he knew who she was.

“Just some slut the boss told us to look after.”

Tracey could see the evil grin stretch even wider on Williams face as he realised the first man thought she was “just some slut” and the possibilities that opened up.

“Well what are you waiting for slut, get those clothes off, you belong to us now.” he laughed cruelly.

Now she knew she could stop all this in an instant by blurting out who she really was but for the time being at least she was loving this, being treated like a common slave again and the dangers and humiliations that would bring and so instead of complaining she bowed her head and started to undo the buttons of her shirt.

She knew both men were watching her intensely and the intensity only grew with each item of clothing she took off. She was still hyper embarrassed at having to strip in front of these two rough men but that embarrassment was tempered by the excitement she felt as well.

Within two minutes she was standing submissively in front of them with her head still bowed and without a stitch of clothing on! Both men whistled in appreciation and the first man laughed,

“Well no wonder the boss said she was a special girl, she’ll make a fortune on the block.”

“She’s a beauty alright,” William laughed, “always knew she would be.”

The first man looked at him with surprise in his eyes, as far as he knew William had only seen her for the first time two minutes earlier but he didn’t query it, he was too busy looking at Tracey’s exposed body.

“These tits alone would fetch a pretty penny.” he laughed and as he did so he reached out and grabbed her right breast squeezing it hard.

To say Tracey felt vulnerable right now would have been an understatement, for all she knew these men were going to bend her over her fathers desk and rape her right there and then. Of course to them it wouldn’t of been rape at all they were simply having some fun with a slave which was all perfectly legal.

To her initial relief though they only seemed concerned about putting her in the pen with the other white slaves but then she heard why and her blood ran cold.

“Come on hurry up, the people from the whorehouse are due in soon I’m sure they’d love to buy this little cutie.” the first guard laughed dropping his hand from her breast but firmly grabbing hold of her arm instead.

Maybe it was time she told them who she was after all, the thought of being sold to a whorehouse and to service God knows how many a day was a frightening one indeed!

William looked disappointed and she guessed he would of preferred more time to play with her, teach her a lesson for turning down his request for a date but it wasn’t to be.

The first guard started pulling her towards the office door and she was about to open her mouth to speak when it opened and in came yet another man, another man she recognised and that she hoped would recognise her.

He was her fathers accountant and his face was a picture when he saw the naked Tracey, needless to say he’d never seen her naked before and he was certainly relishing every second of the opportunity now, his eyes travelling up and down her revealed body at a rate of knots.

To Tracey’s great relief she saw common sense kick into his mode of thought though and he snapped,

“What the hell are you two doing, don’t you know who this is, it’s the bosses daughter.”

For the next few minutes there was panic and confusion in the office as fingers were pointed and accusations made as Tracey just stood there playing the dumb blonde who didn’t understand what was going on.

She knew exactly of course and also knew she couldn’t tell her father any of this, if he knew she’d stripped naked in front of his employees and one of them had groped her he would not only have had the men’s guys for garters he wouldn’t of been pleased with her either.

William had known exactly who she was of course but he continued to act as if he hadn’t and had even suggested that they still had time to sell her to the whorehouse and make a tidy little bonus for themselves with the boss being none the wiser.

“Look at it, we’d make a few quid each selling something as tasty as that.” he’d pointed out.

The men all took a second to look at Tracey who was still standing there naked in front of them and for a minute she thought they were still going to sell her after all but then the accountant shook his head and told them they’d be in big trouble if her father ever found out where she’d ended up that day and he told her to get dressed.

As she did so she felt relief but also a tinge of disappointment, she had so wanted to be put in the pen naked with the other white girls to await her fate, would her father return in time to save her from being sold to the whorehouse or not, either way she would of liked the chance to find out.

Fully dressed again she stood there sheepishly as did the men who all drifted out of the office no doubt hoping she wouldn’t say anything to her father but how could she.

Ten minutes later he was back and saw nothing amiss but instead of driving her straight home and met two well dressed women and showed them over to the pen of white girls. He then proceeded to chat animatedly to them as the girls were stood up and inspected.

She couldn’t hear what he was saying but it was obvious that he was pointing out each girls charms to the potential buyers. She had no idea how he got on but both parties seemed happy when they parted, the accountant joining the group no doubt to finalise any sales.

On the way home she’d nervously asked him about what she’d just seen and he’d confirmed that he’d just sold four girls to the two women. He seemed very jovial about the deal and when she asked him what would happen to the girls he’d laughed and said,

“Well put it this way they will be working very hard for the next ten years or so making their owners lot’s of money.”
These users thanked the author orflash64 for the post (total 3):
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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