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Post by gary »


Rod Sterling: “You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Twilight Zone.”

Amy was in the Wal Mart in Calgary and didn’t see anything she was interested in. So, she looked at her phone to see what other stores there were close by. One popped up as unusual to Amy, De-Chosen African Market. It said it handled grocery’s and assorted African products. There was an announcement that the store had expanded to handle a new product line. Vaguely curious she decided to drive the short three block drive to the exotic store.

Rod Sterling appears, “Submitted for your approval, one Amy Fleming, a young woman walking the tightrope of freedom above the pit of slavery. She thinks she has walked into an ethnic themed store, but instead has walked into THE TWILIGHT ZONE.”

When she walked through the doors, a tall, dark skin black man approached her and greeted her with, “Karibu”, which is “Welcome” in Swahili. Unfortunately, the store owners had not yet realized that the greeting sounded like the word “Caribou” a large member of the deer family known as reindeer in Europe. (1)

“May I help you with something?” He smiled. He was wearing a light red loose fitting long robe with African motifs in white printed on the fabric. The clothing had the look of pajamas to Amy and then she noticed a rather large oval pendent hanging from a chain around his neck. The jewelry flashed at her and she noticed that it displaying strange patterns. It was in fact a mini-LED screen that first seemed to display random patterns, then when he touched it, it changed to circles that seemed to move inward.

While looking at his unusual necklace, she failed to realize he had put his hand on her back and was gently guided her towards a side area. There were various curios; metal statues of animals and human figures in various poses, wooden carvings of masks and so forth.

There were also curved, ‘U’ shaped, rounded bars of iron, looking very old. There were also short chains with shackles on either end, and one thing that was very obvious, a well used iron collar and chain. Feigning ignorance Amy asked what they were. The salesman flashes his white teeth, that had been filed into sharp points, and explained. Remaining close to Amy, “Yes these are very old, the curved iron bars were used as money by Europeans to buy slaves from the coastal tribes and Arabs. It made the tribes very rich and they still engage in the business, but they now use Euro’s or American Dollars. They even import young white women and sell them to rich men in West Africa.” Amy was a little nervous but he continued, “This is a leg shackle.” holding it up close to Amy’s face, “Sometimes it would have another chain with a heavy weight attached to make it difficult for a slave to run away.” Then he held up the iron collar with a chain attached, “And of course these fits around a slave’s neck. Would you like to try it on?”

Taken aback Amy didn’t know what to say. He held it closer to her neck like he was about put it round her neck. She finally stammered out, “No…no thank you.”

“Do not worry it won’t lock, just clicks in place just enough to stay on.” And before she knew it, it was around her neck. She didn’t panic or even feel much fear, but the weight was much heavier than anything she had ever worn, and the rough metal chafed against her neck. It brought back some slave feelings, but now they felt strange. He then tugged on the chain and led her behind twin doors to the new part of the store.

The room was large, very hot, humid, with a dim light and had a strong smell. In the background she could hear drums beating a steady rhythm, though at times there seemed to be a off note. Amy noticed the floor was of dirt, and a bare brick wall was all around. There was a raised platform, with a small podium to the side. On either side there were posts, on the left there was a tall one with a chain dangling down, on the right a shorter one with a rectangular heavy piece of wood with three holes side by side, a larger hole with smaller holes on either side. As he led Amy by the chain around the room he explained, ”This is set up to look like a holding area for slaves before transport as it was in Africa during the heyday of the slave trade. Very atmospheric is it not?”

Amy could only whisper, “Ya, very atmospheric.” As she looked around the room, she could hear chains clink. Her brain was feeling foggy, not sure what to make of this place or her situation.

“Ah here we are.” He announced. “See these girls?” Amy saw three young and pretty women, naked, dirty and looking scared with their hands behind their backs. They had collars on their necks and the ends of the chains were attached to the wall. “This is our stock, soon to be exported to Nigeria.”

Amy didn’t know what to say, and she was unsure what to do. She wasn’t feeling submissive, it was more like surprise and curiosity of what would happen next. Then the man took the chain that was attached to Amy’s collar and placed the end on a hook on the wall. “Perhaps you would like to join them?” he said with a tone of authority and threat. “I’ll just let you wait here and I’ll get you ready later. In the meantime, feel free to remove your clothes.”

He looked at one of the slave girls with hungry eyes and announced, “This one needs to be rutted again.” Then he ordered, “Suck!” and the girl knelt in front of him. He pulled his large manhood out of his robes and she instantly started to pleasure him. Amy watched, mesmerized, as the large penis slid in and out of her mouth. After a minute or so he ordered “Present cunt.” And the nervous girl turned around and faced the wall on her knees with her hands still behind her. He grabbed her hair and pulled her towards him, his hard cock started to jackhammer her, first slowly then faster and harder. He looked at Amy and said, “You’d like this wouldn’t you, being fucked hard by a strong black man? Well, you’ll get your turn slave.” Soon he tensed, jerked his body, and voiced pleasure at coming in the slave girl. He then had the slave girl beside her clean off his dick and he left.

Amy was bewildered by what was happening, her head swirled ad the drums seemed to beat in her head. It wasn’t like her slave feelings had returned; it was almost like she was feeling them for the first time. Amy felt dizzy and sat down in the dirt. She asked the girl beside her, the one who had just been fucked in front of her, how she ended up here.

“I just walked into the store looking to see what it was like and before I knew it, I was enslaved and being prepared to be shipped to Africa.”

“Did they force you to sign enslavement papers?” Asked Amy.

“No, I didn’t sign anything, it just happened and I’m scared.” The other two young, shapely, blond girls echoed similar stories.

Amy was now more confused that ever as the drums continued to beat. What was going on here? While she tried to pondered this riddle, she started loosening her clothing. The room was so hot and humid, not only was it meant to represent a slave dungeon back in Africa, it also got victims to loosen and remove their clothing in the stifling heat. The drums and heat were making Amy light headed along with an increasing sense of fear and vulnerability.

Soon she had her blouse completely open in an effort to cool off. She rolled up the cuffs on her jeans but she was still too hot. The girl beside her implored her, “You must undress, he will be back here and expect to take you.” There was a tone of despair in her voice. It cut deep into Amy’s own anxiety. Then she noticed the carefully folded clothes beside each slave girl. “Did you just undress yourselves?” The women just quietly said ‘Yes’ and nodded. Amy reached around and found the collar easily unsnapped off her neck. She looked at the chains that held the other slaves to the wall and she saw that like her own chain, the ends were simply put on hooks. “Are your collars even locked?” then she scooted over to the girl next to her easily opened the collar on the girl. She turned the girl around and the slaves’ hands were not tied, they simply had wrapped the rope around each wrist. “You’re not even really restrained, why are you here?”

Then she looked down at herself and she realized she was completely naked, and the collar was back on. “How the hell did this happen?” She said out loud, “I don’t remember removing my clothes?” She looked down on the dirt floor and saw her clothes beside her and nicely folded like the other slave girls with her purse on top and her cell sticking out of the purse pocket. Amy head was now swimming with confusion, what the hell was happening to her? There had been a rope beside her and now, somehow it was wrapped around her wrists, like the other girls with the ends simply tucked into the coiled rope. All she had to do to release herself would be to rotate her hands to uncoil the bonds.

The man with the sharpened teeth came back in and stopped in front of Amy, pulled aside his robes and pulled out his black snake, then he commanded “Suck!” and without thinking, Amy took the long, thick penis in her mouth. She tried to used her tongue to lick around it, but it filled her mouth and soon was all the way down her throat, cutting off her air. He started pumping his cock in her mouth, but still her airway was blocked. She tried not to panic but she was feeling the pressure rise in her head as her brain was being deprived of oxygen. He kept up undulating his hips making his black invader oscillate in her mouth. Her brain was screaming and Amy began panicking when her mouth was released from his cock and she took deep breaths and shook all over.

Now the order to “Present cunt!” came and like in a dream Amy turned around to give him access. Her hands were still wrapped with the cortege. She realized her pussy was soaking wet, but even so it was painful to have such a large member push into her. It completely filled her pussy and pleasured every square inch of it. Her face was pushed into the dirt and he roughly used her. But she found herself feeling ecstasy flowing through her entire body. He fucking of her seemed to go on for hours as she lost herself in having her sexual needs deeply gratified. She found herself screaming in pleasure as waves of orgasm flowed through her, even finding herself squirting for the first time in her life. Right after her rapture finally petered out, he came in her, he seemed to have a never-ending reservoir of ejaculate to draw from as she felt herself fill with so much hot cum it started leaking out of her.

When he finally withdrew from her all she could say was, “Thank you Master.” as she collapsed onto the floor. She couldn’t remember who she was, she was just a slave waiting to be sent to East Africa.

It seemed like she laid there for hours, she was conscious, and could hear the drums, but they seemed to be more and more losing their rhythm. She pushed herself up, which was difficult because she was still holding her bindings tight in her hands. When she finally got up, she realized her legs were bound by the ancient looking leg shackles she had seen in the store. When she looked at them, they seemed to be just held on buy a simple latch. She uncoiled her hands from their bounds and found the shackles were no more secured than her hands had been. She removed the cuffs on her legs and looked at them. She found herself overcome by a wave of fear and she quickly place the bounds back on her ankles and wrists.

Master returned and made them all stand up. They all had trouble because they would not free their hands so he ended up pulling them up by their collars. They were locked together in a coffle and led to the raised stage. Amy was the last in line. The first slave girl was unlocked and pushed up onto the platform and told to perform for the bidders. Master then announced that bidding was starting, but it wasn’t like any auction Amy had seen, there was no one there, so she assumed there were cameras but she couldn’t see any monitors or even a smart phone in his hand. All she could see was master was making discreet hand signals. The girl did her best to make a good impression, like most girls she would have at least experiment with slave yoga, but she was definitely not proficient. He then announced the winner of the bidding and locked the girl back into place in the coffle. The same thing happened with each girl, the last one had obviously taken slave yoga classes so that her movements were smooth. Amy just stood there, waiting her turn, scared and excited. When he came for her, she inelegantly tried to use her slave yoga moves on the auction block. She wondered what the invisible audience thought of her. It was almost a relief when he announced her sale and she was placed back in the coffle.

Now he announced they would now be shipped, and they were brought back into the main store and guided to the delivery door. He led them out and…

…All three were standing in front of the store, fully dressed but unsteady on their feet. They looked themselves over and each other and there was no sign of there ordeal. The looked around and saw their cars and hesitantly, and unsteadily, walked towards them. They all sat in their vehicles just trying to process what happened to them. Amy looked at her watch and realized only an hour had gone by.

It took a little while before Amy felt she could drive home. The whole thing seemed like a dream, but somehow it also felt real.

A week later she was in Calgary, driving home when she saw the sign for De-Chosen African Market. She immediately drove into the parking lot, she had to know if it had been a dream or not. Nervously she walked into the store and was greeted by a pretty young black woman and a colorful robe. “May I help you?”

Amy wasn’t sure what to say at first but then asked, “Is there a tall man who works here, he has his teen filed into sharp triangles?”

“Ah you mean Mr. Bankole, he does not work here, but he comes here to buy supplies.”

Amy thanked the woman and walked over to the area where she had seen the slave accoutrements. All the things that she had seen there before were there except the slave collars and shackles. She continued to where the twin door had been that led to the slave dungeon. Except there was just an entrance with no door and instead of a dungeon there was a grocery store.

The sales associate that had greeted Amy had followed her and pointed out various items she thought she might be interested in. She noticed that the white woman seemed confused. “Is there something wrong, can I help you with anything?”

Amy slowly replied, “When I was here a week ago this looked very different. And that Mr. Bankole said he worked here and this was a slave dungeon, and there were young naked slave girls here.”

The woman looked at Amy with concern, “This place has been like this since we expanded, we have no involvement with slavery. I should tell you; Mr. Bankole is a Priest of what you call Voodoo back in West Africa. He may have bewitched you.”

“That makes as much sense as anything else. How does one get him to lift the curse?”

“Usually, a good bottle of ten-year-old scotch.” Amy looked at her, “He is easy to please.”

Amy thanked the woman and left. When she got into the vehicle, she noticed a length of rope on the passenger side of the truck. She picked it up and examined it, it looked very old, but tough. She saw red stains on it, “Is that blood?” she asked. It had the smell of sweat and some kind of earthy perfume. Holding it directly under her nose she recognized the scent, it was the smell of the slave dungeon! She looked at the rope again and she was now sure this was the rope she bound herself with!

She threw it back down on the seat beside her and stared at it. She picked it up, the curiosity was killing her, and wrapped the rope around her wrists in front of her. She felt a shiver of pleasure climb her spine. Then she saw him! Mr. Bankole, standing right in front of the truck! Amy quickly unwound the rope and he disappeared in a literal blink of her eye. She carefully placed the rope back on the truck seat and drove home. And when she got back to Heartland, she took the rope and hid it with the other reminders of her enslavement.

To say that the events of the day had unsettled her would be an understatement. She was so distracted that everyone noticed it, even her horse noticed her mood. Why has she allowed slavery to infiltrate her life? Again! She’s had become too comfortable with slavery. It was a like a song you can’t get out of your head, trying to ignore it made it worse.

Amy spent a sleepless night, sweaty and aroused. She got up and paced the floor. Finally, she just had to see what happened if she used the rope. Bringing out the box from deep underneath the bed she opened the box. The first thing she saw was the steel slave collar that Master Davin had given her, she looked around the box and saw the rope. It was just laying there but it seemed to be taunting her. Amy stripped off her pajamas and panties and sat on the floor. Then she put her arms behind her back and wrapped the rope around her wrists.

She was somewhere else, it was hot and humid, she could hear exotic birds sing, then she heard the bellow of an elephant, something she had only heard on nature documentaries. Amy could feel the old iron collar around her neck and the metal shackles around her ankles. She looked around and there were no other girls with her. The slave girl was forced to walk forward and she recognized Mr. Bankole, the slaver from the store, but this wasn’t the store, she didn’t think she was in Alberta anymore. She was forced to mount an elevated platform, then it dawned on her, this was a slave auction block!

She could see a variety of men and even woman around her making taunts in an unknown language. Mr. Bankole walked around her on the ground making comments she couldn’t understand. He started tapping her as if he was ordering her to something. Amy was terrified but having followed along slave yoga program on SlaveTV she had an idea of what to do. The slave bent over and spread her ass and pussy, rotating on the platform so everyone could see. She tried various moves, not very elegantly but the crowd seemed appreciative. The comments seemed to become more sexual, and that was proved when some of the men pulled up their robes and shook their semi-erect penises at her.

Eventually he pulled her back down to the ground. Amy was confused because there didn’t seem to have be any bidding. Several man and one woman approached Mr. Bankole and one by one they would grab each others hand and then cover them. Amy could see the covering move as the hands maneuvered underneath. Each one of the people who had come forward would and emulate what the first one did. (2) Mr. Bankole would move back and forth between the bidders.

One by one the bidders walked away until there was only one. He was a much older, and very corpulent man. He gave Amy a big smile and she saw the yellow teeth cut like shark’s teeth. This gave her a chill and she knew he was her owner now.

He grabbed her chain, and pulled her through the market. She could smell the exotic animals and exotic cooking. Finally, he brought her to a large white brick house. He sat down and pointed to his crouch. Amy kneeled slowly as her wrists were still bound. He pulled up his robes and the slave girl started licking at his circumcised cock. As it started to harden, she took the head in her mouth and slid her lips over it as her tongue teased it. As soon as it got completely hard, she bore down on it, pushing the long and thick cock down her throat till she could no longer breath. She pulled back and started sliding his penis between her lips while pleasuring him with her tongue. Without thinking she unfurled the rope around her wrists and …

…Was back in her own bedroom, sitting on the floor like nothing had happened. She looked at the clock and realized that only a few minutes had gone by. The instant change of scenery made Amy dizzy and it took a while to realize she was back in her own bedroom. She held up the rope and wondered what it would do to her next if she let it. Amy was able to get back to sleep, and the next morning she threw herself into her work with renewed vigor.

Amy had a shower cleaning and caressing herself. This led to he thinking about the ‘magic’ rope. What the hell was it? Was it voodoo, black magic, or some kind of hypnotism? What would happen if she put in on like a collar, would it work or would she become forever lost? Her shower reverie was interrupted by someone needing the bathroom. She dried herself off and put on a bathrobe and went to her bedroom.

That night she woke up and found the rope in her hand. She didn’t know what was happening, it seemed like her clothes had removed themselves. The rope slithered like a snake and slid up her arm. It moved over her shoulder and slithered behind her neck. It emerged on her other side and glided over her throat and then back behind. Again, it emerged and slithered over her throat and back around. Amy could feel the rope coiling itself around her neck, but she was frozen in place, she tried to move but she couldn’t. As it entwined itself around her neck, instead of the feeling of a rough rope, it felt silky and pleasurable. While it moved to ensnare her, it was loose, but then it was completely wrapped around her neck it started to tighten.

Amy became terrified as it constricted around her throat. Slowly it tightened till it became uncomfortable, then it stopped. Amy breathed a sigh of relief, but then it started to tighten again and soon she couldn’t breathe. Amy was panicking, she couldn’t do anything to help herself. Her heart was beating so hard it felt like it going to explode. Her vision got blurry then it went dark…

…And she woke up in the African home of her master.

Amy got up with a start, rightfully confused as to where was she and what was going on. She immediately noticed she was naked, not something that was unusual anymore. Looking down she saw a portly naked black man asleep on his back. The room was getting brighter, the sun was rising. The slave girl felt around her neck where she could remember the rope strangling her. But instead of that there was a thick, heavy collar around her neck. Feeling around it, it felt like the rope but it was made of iron, and it had somehow been wrapped around her neck. It sounded impossible; how could it have been put on? It also meant it would be impossible to take off, it was permanent.

Slave Amy tried to get up but she realized she felt heavier that usual. She looked down and she realized she was pregnant! Amy was shocked, how long has she been here? Looking at her distended belly she felt she must be at least nine months along. Her gaze had been so intent on her belly she didn’t notice she was also wearing gold nipple rings. Her fingers rose from her belly and slowly touched the metal implants. She lifted them up and felt a faint shiver go up her back.

Amy remembered her duty and started licking his penis. It slowly hardened due to her ministrations, and soon she was sucking the tip, eliciting light moans of pleasure. Soon her master’s manhood was down her throat and her head bobbed as it moved over her lips. Soon his body jerked and she felt the warm sticky liquid squirt repeatedly down her throat.

Her duty done she got up and joined the women preparing the days first meal of fermented millet porridge. The women communicated with Amy in French, something she had taken at school bit was not very good at it. But she was getting better and was also learning simple phrases in the local language.

One day master had a meeting with other local chiefs, they brought their own white slave girls and the girls were traded back and forth to pleasure the assembly. Amy found it hard being bent over and fuck while feeling so heavy as the child was due any day. At the end of the day all the girls were so smeared with African cum they were hard to tell apart.

After they left, she started having labor pains and the older woman who was her midwife coached her through the pain and her own screaming. She felt a tug at her neck, at first, she was in too much pain to noticed. But soon it became more and more noticeable. Through the pain of birthing, she realized that something was pulling at her iron collar. Amy felt wetness on her neck and herself being physically pulled to the side, the midwife telling her to stay still…

…Then suddenly she was back in her bedroom at Heartland. She was confused and dizzy from the transition. Then she noticed Remi, Georgie’s dog, and she was holding the magic rope in his mouth. Amy was completely confused and she couldn’t get her thoughts in order. She couldn’t help thinking she had to get back to her master. She stood up on wobbly legs, having to hold on to her side table for support. Her mind was telling her to find her master but her surroundings were unfamiliar. She slumped onto the floor as her legs couldn’t hold her. Maybe she needed her collar back, to get back to him. She stretched out to the dog to retrieve it but the dog ran away, somehow knowing the rope was dangerous.

The dog had heard Amy’s silent cries and was able to push open the door to investigates. Seeing a member of her family in distress, she jumped on the bed to assist her. Smelling the strange concoction of plant extracts, herbs and spices on the rope around the woman’s neck, something her human family couldn’t, she decided that the object was dangerous and bit at it and pulled it off her neck.

It was still night out, everyone else was still asleep. It took some time for the enchanted slave girl to rise to her feet again. She walked around in a daze finally finding her mirror. The prize white slave girl was shocked at her appearance. She was no longer pregnant, what happened to her child? Her nipple rings were gone, her master said they were of gold to show her great worth to him. Her iron collar was also gone, how could it be gone, it was impossible to remove it?

She didn’t know who she was to serve, whom would she pleasure in this house. She quietly looked in the other bedrooms, in the first one there was a nice couple in their 30s or 40s. The man was good looking and seem to be well built and tall, the other woman was brunette, with C-cup breasts. Maybe she should serve them. The next room had a young girl, early teens with hair that looked black in the night. Another room had a baby and the last room had a distinguished older man, looking like he was in his 70’s at least. He had a thick mustache and looked every much a strong patriarch. Maybe that was her new master. She slinked back to her own bed and laid down, exhausted from giving birth.

When Amy awoke there was just a moment of confusion. It took a moment to remember who she was, Amy Fleming, Horse Woman and ‘Miracle Girl’. She got up and realized she was naked. She didn’t remember taking her clothes off, and asked herself was she doing it unconsciously? She heard a child’s cry, and something stirred up maternal instincts, she was about to rush to the rescue when she remembered her state of undress and put on a robe. When she got to the origin of the sound she found her sister, Lou, comforting her one-year-old daughter, Katie. Amy tiptoed back to her room and got dressed for a day of working with horses and the many chores one has to do around a ranch. Her
dreamtime in Africa as a slave fading like a phantom.

Out at the barn she was tacking, feeding and watering the horses when she heard a noise off in the distance coming from barn’s back door. When she went out, she could hear some distant noises that sounded like drums. Then she saw something out of the corner of her eye and look and saw the dog, Remi, filling in a hole that she probably had dug itself. Amy went over and asked, “Hey girl, what ya got there?” Remi responded by barking at Amy and standing in front of the newly filled hole, wanting to keep her person away from it. Confused Amy reassured the dog, “OK, OK, don’t worry I don’t want your prize.”

That night Amy heard drums in her dreams alongside confused, disjointed images of herself as a slave in a strange place, surrounded by black people. Awakening she realized she to go back to the African store as soon as possible.

Arriving there early the next morning, she entered the store with trepidation. A lovely young black woman greeted her and asked if she needed any help. Taking a deep breath, she told her of her first encounter with Mr. Bankole, and the snippets of dreams that she could remember. “Another clerk told me he was some kind of witch doctor.”

“Ah yes,” the dark-skinned woman smiled at her, “He likes to make people think he is. It has more to do with hypnotism and the power of suggestion.” Then she asked, “do you have anything that he gave you?”

“Just a rope, I don’t know what happened to it, I think the dog might have buried it.”

“If you find it you should sit in a circle of salt, then place the rope in a separate circle outside yours and burn it.”

“What happens if I keep using it? Actually, it seems to use me, it was like it came to life and wrapped itself around me.” inquired Amy.

“You’d be entrapped permanently in his spell and have no choice but to go to your new master in Africa.”

“Would it be a good idea to see Mr. Bankole again?”

“You’d have to offer him a good bottle of scotch, or your body for a day. But either way he would try to keep you or send you on to whoever wanted to buy you back in Africa.”

That made Amy very nervous, but strangely excited. She could feel her slave thought creeping up on her again and with some effort pushed them away. Finally, she decided to ask for Mr. Bankole’s phone number, she would call him and see what he says. Amy felt it was better to confront her fears than try to avoid them, or was she rationalizing?

It took a few days but Amy finally decided to call Mr. Bankole, “Yes I want you to remove this spell or hypnotism, I want it gone.” She was trying to be firm but she was shaking in excitement and it showed in her voice.

“Do you really want that? I can hear your submission in your voice. You can’t resist me or your slavery. It’s all you can think about, its all you want, isn’t it? Come to my house and I can send you on your way. Of course, first I will use you as I am your enslaver, you should refuse me nothing.”

His voice was deep and almost lyrical, it gave Amy the shivers. She was breathing heavily and want to say “Yes anything Master.” She worked hard to keep her wits about her. “I’ll bring you a really good bottle of scotch as payment if you take this enchantment off me.”

He almost purred to her, “Yes, that is the proper payment, but if you come to me, you may just want to give me the whiskey as well as your body.”

Amy could feel her wetness dripping down her leg. She didn’t know if she could resist. She didn’t know if she wanted to.

“Rub your pussy slave.” He commanded.

Amy could only whisper, “Yes master.” As her hand went down her blue jeans. The enchanted girl felt a rush of pleasure as she gently stroked her pussy lips. He commanded her to remove her clothes and send him a selfie of herself obeying her master. She couldn’t help it, her clothes almost slid off. She started orgasming as she clicked the picture. Sending the picture made her feel like she had surrendered forever to her fate.

“Yes, yes, come to me tomorrow and surrender yourself to slavery.”

At that the slave girl’s knees gave out and she slumped to the floor of her bedroom. It took Amy almost an hour before she was able to rouse herself and get dressed again. She looked for her secret ‘slave box’ of memento’s and inside she found a few threads of her slave rope. She remembered where the dog, Remi, had buried the rest of it. She made sure the dog was busy playing with Georgie before she headed to the spot when it had been deposited.

Amy had bought a plastic container of gas and the implements she would need. She used a garden hand shovel to dig up her prize. She held it in her hand, almost mesmerized like it was a snake. It was coiled once around her left hand and Amy could see herself back in Africa, with her Master, and her child by him. But this time it seemed more like a dream rather than the undeniably feeling that it was real that she sensed before.

Amy pulled it off and coiled it on the ground and surrounded it with a circle of salt, as she had been instructed. She pored gasoline on the rope, making sure not to miss a spot. She quickly surrounded herself with a circle of salt and then lit the rope on fire. As she watched it burn Amy felt a weight lift from her. When it was reduced to ash, she put scraped them back in the hole and again used the salt to place a protective circle of salt around it before covering it up again.

The next day, before she went to see Mr. Bankole, she went to a liquor store and bought the most expensive bottle of Scotch there. Nervously she approached the slave maker’s home. She nervously rang the doorbell and had to keep herself from wanting to run away. Finally, the door opened and there stood Mr. Bankole, “Ah, the last of my slaves has finally showed up. Please come in.” His deep and smooth voice drawing Amy inside.

“Look sir I just came to ask you take this spell off me.” The nervous girl stuttered, trying not to let herself be pulled in any further. She produced the Scotch from its bag.

He lifted the bottle and inspected it. “Yes, it’s a very excellent brand. You truly want to please me.”

“Thank you, sir.” Stammered Amy, trying to keep her composure.

“Did you bring your slave rope.” Amy told him how she had burned it in a ring of salt.

“It sounds like you have removed my enchantment yourself. But I will complete the elimination of the spell.” He moved close the Amy and stared into her eyes. As he spoke a language she could barely remember from her dreams, the enthralled woman couldn’t look away. Finally, he finished and Amy felt her knees were about to buckle and she found a chair to sit down in.

“You would have found serving your new master better with my spell on you.”

“I don’t have a master, I’m a free woman.”

“Here come with me.” and he led Amy downstairs. She followed like a zombie and was shocked to see the women she had entered the store with all naked, collared and caged. And there was one other more, unoccupied cage. Amy realized that it was hers. “We have been waiting for you, its much cheaper to ship you all at once than individually.”

Amy stepped back, “No, no please I don’t want to be a slave in Africa.”

“But you already are, you’ve been bought and paid for.”

This hit Amy like a thunderbolt and she tried to defend herself, “No, that’s not possible I didn’t sign anything! There has been no Enslavement Order issued!” Somehow this was forcing her pussy to become wet.

“You submitted to me as your enslaver, you mounted the block and was auctioned according to Nigerian Law.”

Amy was shocked, she didn’t believe him! “You don’t have a bill of sale anywhere, do you? This is Alberta, our laws apply here not Nigeria’s!”

“Perhaps, but its legal there and once you arrive it will be totally legal. Why resist, you know your master has already enjoyed your body?”

“That’s impossible, those were only dreams.”

“Yes, and you were in his dreams, you shared them.”

Amy was now completely confused and she couldn’t think clearly. She felt the walls closing around her and she began to panic. She felt the strong black man come close to her again uttering calming words and placed a strong protective arm around her shoulders. As she leaned into him, he slowly undid her blouse and she let it fall to the floor along with her bra. He undid her belt and unzipped her pants and pushed them and her panties down.

His fingers expertly aroused her clitoris, giving pleasure to the girl uncertain of what she was. Three of his fingers invaded her hot box, its juices dripping down her leg. She started humping his fingers without thinking, responding just to pleasure like a slave. He pulled out the fingers and placed them in front of her mouth. “Suck!” he commanded and she obeyed.

Amy wasn’t thinking, only obeying. She could do no other. He lowered his fingers and she followed, until she was on her knees. He pulled aside his robe and pulled out his fingers. He held up his flaccid cock and pushed it against her lips. Amy opened her lips in complete obedience. She bobbed her head back and forth and the cock slid over her lips. She was a machine, a sex doll. No passion, just obedience. She barely reacted when her airway was blocked by his member, Amy just let it slide in and out of her throat.

Soon he withdrew and ordered her to get on all fours. Amy felt the long, thick cock stretch her pussy as it was roughly pushed in. Amy simply obeyed and let him take his pleasure from her. But soon she felt her own pleasure rise inside her, building to a crescendo that burst upon her body like a tsunami. “You are ready to go to your master now. Enter your cage and you will all soon be on your flight to Africa to join your masters.”

Amy had no interest in going to her owner. She rose to her feet, and felt his cum run down her leg. He was so confident he had her he walked away to make a phone call. Amy slipped way, got dressed and left.

Back at home she felt the burden of her spell fall from her shoulders. She felt she had won and walked away from foreign captivity. She looked at herself in her full-length mirror. She saw herself, naked, the iron collar around her neck, the shackles on her ankles gold rings on her nipples. Then she saw a baby at her feet and in the background an African sunrise.

She dared not touch the mirror, would touching it make it real? Which Amy was real? Were both real somehow? How would she find out?

Rod Sterling: “Reality or Fantasy, Magic or Hypnotism? Amy Fleming, her struggle to be free caught in the Twilight Zone”

1) (Many moons ago, from the 1960-80s, the Canadian Government had a series of public service announcements of native wildlife on television. They have recently started doing them again. So, we had commercials for animals. A fond memory.) I know, kinda off topic.
2) I once saw something about this secret bidding by hidden hand signals in West Africa, but have been unable to find anything about it online
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Post by gary »

This was originally part of my Heartland (Revises) Chapter Three, but made it a separate story after some criticisms.

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Post by Survivor29 »

It was definitely weird. At least from my perspective, but it's interesting and I do think you should keep on writing. Having things click just right is a challenge, but I have seen some great writing from you. Even this story was well written, I just personally don't have the same nostalgia or whatever necessary to connect it to anything and can't really appreciate it like someone who has seen the relevant references might be able to.

Have you considered moving onto another character? I liked your Clarie character, but rather than going back, have you considered a new character entirely from Claire or Amy?

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Post by gary »

I have a part of a story I had started of a different girl named Carol

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Post by Darrenwhipsthesluts »

A superb story Gary and puts me in mind of Joe Doe’s story of Abdul taking the American Girls to see a real, slave market. Please continue!
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Post by Mr. Smith »

Amy seemed to be enjoying her life as a slave in Africa. I was rooting for her to touch the mirror and make it real. Her maternal instincts to be with her child should have taken over. Although I was never a big fan of the Twilight Zone this story was fun.

I am curous as to how you will finish Amy's story now that they killed off Ty.

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Post by imreadonly2 »

I thought this was really original and creative, and I really liked it. I particularly liked the dream auction scene. I've written storys with magic pendants and costumes transforming a girl into slavery, and I always thought these sorts of magic stories were really intriguing. Thanks so much for sharing this - NICE JOB! :D

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