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Penal Slave Mom

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Penal Slave Mom

Post by eroticstoryspinner »

This is a work in progress. Any comments or suggestions welcome

My summer job had gone up in smoke. Literally.

“It’s going to be months before we are back in even partial operation. So you can understand that we are cancelling all summer internships along with laying off all the regular employees as well.”

“I certainly understand Mister Taylor. I have no doubt that Mom and Dad will make sure I am not lounging around the pool this summer.”

A ghost of a smile crossed Thad Taylor’s exhausted, soot smudged face that seemed to have acquired more lines since Josh’s interview a few months ago. Having the chemical plant you owned in ruins, still smoking and surrounded by fire crews looking to douse hot spots probably tends to do that to you, Josh thought.

“Tell your dad if he wants to put you in Cynthia’s place to feel free. "

“I would never do that to her. Like I said, my folks will have something for me to do.”

Driving down the highway after bidding farewell and good luck to his erstwhile boss, Josh was thinking that Mr. Taylor's catastrophe might mean a pretty good summer for himself. Despite his assurances to the contrary, Josh really didn’t think his parents would have a whole lot of business related assignments for him for at least a couple of weeks.

His father, George Leary and Thad Taylor had been lifelong friends and genial business rivals with a history of helping each other out of tight places. Josh had no doubt that Leary Industries would be ramping up to help Taylor Products meet their contracts and extend temporary positions to the unemployed Taylor employees willing to temporarily relocate across the state.

The ramping process will take some time. Time that Josh fully expected to exploit in the pursuit of a rare vacation from the grind of school and work. If his parents had a fault, it was the belief that workaholism was a virtue that should be passed on to their children. Josh started working in the family business when he was five, literally sweeping the shop floors. Both of his parents had come from humble beginnings and as the years went by, Josh appreciated the lessons of thrift, responsibility and work ethic passed on to him. He saw way too many of his less responsible peers who didn’t learn those lessons wind up on the auction block with a collar around their necks and a barcode on their asses. Mommy and daddies money was no help there as the law forbade the auction of penal slaves to immediate family members.

But everybody needs a vacation once in a while.

Four hours later, Josh wondered how he was going to kill the afternoon as he exited off the interstate to the road leading home. The county justice complex sign on his right reminded Josh that today was a sale day.

“Assistant, are there any silent auction slave sales scheduled today? If so, list former names.”

The third name on the list caused him to slow and turn into the parking lot. Chrissy Sanders was a trust fund baby and friend with benefits. A very smart FWB, which is why he liked her so much. At high school graduation she had talked her trustee into giving her $25,000 for an overseas vacation.

Instead of leaving town, she used the money for investments. Three years later, she had turned the seed money into a fund that more than doubled the principal of her trust. Last time they had talked, there was a bidding war for her services when she graduates next year. But for all her financial brilliance she was horrible about keeping up with minor things. Like renewing her licence or paying parking tickets.

Josh would love to take the relationship to the next level. Chrissy had told him the same. However as she said,

" School and work are bad enough. We don't need the drama that would be our mothers trying to draw us into their bitchfest."

Bitchfest indeed. No one knew how or why, but their mothers have hated each other since they were college roommates. Paradoxically, their fathers got along great growing up and still do. Christy's dad, Richard Sanders, was the Chief Accounting Officer for Leary Industries. The two men worked hard to minimize the interactions between the two wives.

Josh noticed that the parking lot was mostly empty. Mid week sales were mostly minor misdemeanors, usually for a week or two. Most buyers didn’t even bid on a penal slave subject to less than thirty days enslavement. Parking his car, he approached the entrance to the enclosed punishment and auction area of the justice center. Before he reached the entrance, he passed a large sign on his right proclaiming:

WARNING: You are entering a restricted area. No photography, audio, or video recording allowed without court approval. No one under the age of eighteen (18) beyond this point.

Be advised that you are entering an area where the functionally of electronic devices are suppressed. By continuing, you are consenting to the temporary restriction of the features of any wrist comp, digital camera, communications or other device.

Pursuant to T.C.A. Section 41-5-101 et.sec Atticus Tibbs, Sheriff

As Josh passed the clearly bored deputy and entered into the auction square itself, his wrist comp trilled the “no signal" tone.

Passing through the second set of tarpaulin fabric doors into the auction and punishment area Josh saw that the crowd was about what you would expect for the middle of the week, a mix of the town gossips, newly adult teenage boys anxious to see some atonements and naked slaves, along with a smattering of others.

A well dressed man standing near the auction block looked like Brett Rodgers, his parent’s family lawyer. Josh had heard that his wife, Professor Deborah Rodgers was away for a year’s sabbatical accompanied by her daughter, Jessica. Perhaps Attorney Rodgers was looking for a housekeeper while they were gone, although most people used a service like Animate Rentals rather than going with the bother of purchasing. The Leary household didn’t own slaves, although with Josh and his older sister getting ready to move out that might change.

Josh approached the public pillories to his left that held the silent auction slaves. The barriers were up,indicating it was not a free use day. The area sex workers had complained bitterly about losing business on sale days. The sheriff had noticed that serious bidders had a hard time evaluating slaves because they were being monopolized by horny adult teenagers. The solution was that anyone who wanted to sample a silent auction slave had to place a bid with good funds before getting the chance. Today only one familiar looking slave cunt was secured in the holding area along with a slave cock, Who was getting pegged by a very angry looking woman.

Josh addressed the deputy, who was whittling a piece of wood.

"That lady seems very unhappy with the slave cock."

The deputy snorted, " He was convicted of disorderly conduct and got her car impounded. Didn't help matters that he was eating the domina’s sister out on the hood of said car. Her sister was already on a suspended enslavement for DUI so she is doing nine months, rather than his three weeks.. She's probably being spit roasted in the locker room right about now by the guys coming off shift. I think the sister got the better deal."

"Why do you say that?"

"After the domina had me gag him she told him that she was renting him out to Chaps till she got the towing and impound fees back."

"Isn't that the new gay BDSM brothel that was in the news?"

"Yep. And the slave cock took a shock rather than suck off a dominus that was here earlier, saying, and I quote, ' I ain't no faggot.' I suspect that she's going to get her money and his attitude is going to get adjusted. "

"No kidding, " Josh looked over at “What’s the bid on the slave cunt Deputy?”

“One Hundred and Six dollars sir. Slow day. She’s pretty fresh. Older guy wound up coming in her mouth and couldn’t reload, if you know what I mean. Then four girls all together gave her tongue a workout. They left. I figured they were certain to be out bid and get a refund. Fair warning, her auction ends in about 20 minutes so there’s a good chance you will get her for the next two weeks. The serious bidders are pretty much done. All that's left are waiting for a couple of mature cunts to hit the block with three month terms. The rest are the usual gawkers that don’t have the coin for a slave.”

Josh thought quickly, two weeks owning his own slave cunt for $106.00 is a steal. His parents might give him some crap about a slave in the house. His mother certainly would about this particular slave. On the other hand, he could have her clean and dust. He paid the bid. The deputy verified and escrowed the funds and Josh was admitted to the enclosure.

Approaching the line of pilories he noticed that they were positioned so the occupants had a view of the platform. Probably to drive home the point that it could be worse, Josh mused. However, that meant that Chrissy, or whatever her slave name was, didn't see him approach. He stopped to appreciate the view of her long red hair trailing down her back towards her upturned ass and splayed legs. The hair partially obscured the star shaped birthmark on her back. The barcode on her right buttcheek stood out starkly on her creamy white flesh. Clearly, she did not tan in the nude.

The pillory also exposed her shiny asshole and bare cunt to view. And use. The smooth peach was new. Chrissy had been proud of her trimmed bush. He recalled her response to his suggestion that she go bald to make it easier to eat her out.

" If you want smooth, then get a slave. I am not showering at the gym and the other woman thinking I am a slut or a slave. Anyway, I want the world to know that my red hair comes from genetics, not a bottle."

He had read that some sheriffs were having newly enslaved cunts shaved because it increased the bidding. Viewing her exposed cuntlips he could see the logic. He had a mind to give her a lick, but in addition to it being unseemly for a dominus to publicly give a slave oral, he had no idea who had stuck what up her newly enslaved cunt. It looked pretty red. He walked around to her front.

“Well, what are they calling you these days?”

“Scofflaw, Jo...dominus.”

“Unpaid parking tickets?”

She sighed, “Yes. I paid them today before court. Judge Garrett still enslaved me for two weeks.”

“ I hear your mouth has gotten a workout today.”

“Vanessa, Naomi, Natosha, and Jill, along with some old guy with bitter tasting cum. The bitc...domina Vanessa fingered my twat and quit before I could come. If this slave may ask, I thought you were doing an internship on the other end of the state.”

“Change of plan. Looks like I will be back here. Good for you, since it looks like I will have the winning bid unless the girls come back and outbid me.”

“Dominus, please don’t let that happen. Vanessa already said that if she won me that she would make sure I couldn’t have an orgasm for two weeks.”

“Slave, what makes you think I will let you cum? I might just have you cleaning the house and doing the yard work.”

“Because you are a kind dominus that would want to see this slave hot for her collar?”

The pitiful tone was too much to resist, “ Of course I will let you cum. A lot. Although housecleaning and yard work is certainly on the table.”

Scofflaw visibly relaxed in her bonds, “Dominus, may this slave ask a favor?”

“Depends. Speak”

“I know that I am going to get fucked in the ass over the next two weeks. I am well lubed and stretched by the probe when I was barcoded. You were always a gentleman when I said no to anal. Now that I can’t say no, you deserve to be first.”

“Oh I plan on it, won’t lie. But not out in public. You don’t deserve that kind of humiliation over unpaid traffic tickets.”

“Tell you the truth, I have fantasized about being taken in the ass like this bound and helpless. While I appreciate your concern, lets be honest. I am in a public pillory, naked, collared, with a barcode on my ass and my tits swaying in the breeze for anyone to see. The SS Humiliation has sailed.”

“Point. Well, never let it be said that I an an unkind dominous," He ran his finger along her exposed folds. She groaned. "I guess you won't be showering at the gym for a while."

"Dominus, this slave means this in the most servile way possible. Less snark out of your mouth and more cock in my ass. "

Josh was pleased that the pillory had Chrissy...Scoffllaw he reminded himself, ass perfectly positioned to be fucked as he moved behind her and flipped up his kilt. He congratulated himself for being a traditional kilt wearer as his cock hardened in anticipation. He pressed the head against her shiny anus and pushed.


His cock pushed through with only a bit of resistance. He stopped part way in to let her adjust, “ How’s that?”

“Dominus, that road’s been plowed by the enslavement machine. Ride my barcoded ass.”

“You couldn’t tell that you had an anal probe up your rectum holding your butt still while it was beiing inked. You are so tight.”

“ I never dreamed that this could actually start feeling good. I should have let you try it ages ago. It is..oh my God!”

Josh had closed his eyes for a moment enjoying his soon to be slave’s tight anal passage. Opening his eyes at Scofflaw’s exclamation he looked out on the punishment and sale area. And stopped dead, his cock deflating.

“What the hell,” Josh exclaimed. The silver collared, naked woman whose brown skin and long black hair hinting at her South Asian heritage being led to the whipping circle by two deputies was none other than his mother, Mana Leary.

Josh just stood stunned as the officers stretched the woman into an X position in the circle that some called the slave rotisserie. Once secured, the circle rotated the bound slave so the lashes of corporal punishment could be seen by the onlookers. The last person he ever expected to see there was his mother.

“Chrissy, what’s going on? Did you know anything about this? Answer to your free name, fuck the slave protcol, i want to know what the hell is going on.”

“Dominus, I know that our mothers got into it a couple of weeks ago at a mixer after a seminar they were both at.”

“They always get into it. I am so sick of my mom berating yours saying since she can’t do engineering she teaches engineering and yours saying my mom’s too stupid to teach.”

“I don’t know the details but this one was a clothes ripping, knock down drag out brawl that the police wound up arresting both of them. Mom nearly lost her position over it.”

“Well it looks like my mom was the aggressor, since she’s the one in a collar. “

" Hear ye, hear ye. Per the order of the Court the slave formerly known as Mana Leary has been duly convicted by the Court of assualt, disturbing the peace, and resisting arrest , has been sentenced to eleven months, twenty nine days penal servitude with all but ninety days held in abeyance with resultant loss of all citizenship rights for the same period. The Court further orders the administration of six lashes of corporal punishment and public sale on the courthouse block. Price shall be subject to a reserve determined by the State of $6,000.00. The slave has been duly registered. Corporal punishment shall be administered, then victim atonement for fourty five minutes followed by public sale subject to State reserve."

The silence following the bailiffs reading the decree was filled by the sound of his mother's groan on receiving the first stroke on her back. She yelped as the second strike curved between her legs and landed on her bare cunt.

“That had to hurt,” Josh remarked.

“Damm straight. The bailiff stroked me that way too...Dominuis,”

He knew that his mom had a youthful, curvy figure from the one piece swimsuits she favored for her lap swimming but he never realized how attractive her body really was despite the whipping it was getting. She slumped in her bonds after the sixth lash.

The bailiffs were positioning his mother on the atonement stage as Josh noticed the door that his naked mom had been led out of open again. He saw another nude, collared woman being escorted by two other bailiffs, hands behind her back. The woman that Chrissy would become in twenty years. If Chrissy was very lucky and kept up her diet and exercise.

"I guess I can quit worrying about mom giving me shit about the parking tickets, " her daughter said quietly.

The bailiffs removed her from the whipping circle. She was thankful for the anagelaive cream that the bailiffs had rubbed on her body. She wasn't thankful for the two officers already taking their clothes off for her public atonement. The university had waived their right for atonement. The state had not.

" On your hands and knees. "

" Hey, turn her around. She should get to see her sparring partner get her lashes. "

Mana would have preferred to view Darlas flogging from the crowd, especially as she had been the one to hit Mana. The state had taken the view that she had forfeited self defense when she had broken away from the bystanders that had pulled them apart and kicked Darla in the crotch.

A hand slapped her ass, hitting the still tender barcode.

" Turn around."

She turned just in time to see Darla coming out of the door the guards had escorted her through just a few minutes ago. Her old college roommate's hearing had been after hers, so Mana had been yoked in the enslavement station when she heard Darla being locked in the high tech pillory next to her. The pillory immobilized her head forward so she couldn't see her face but her former college roommates distinctive red hair was visible out of the corner of Mana's eye.

When Mana had ad been released from the pillory to be collared after the barcoding was done, the woman in the station next to her had an anal probe up her ass and the nanoink barcode being applied to the right buttcheek. Her head and hands were locked in the pillory and couldn't be seen from the angle Mana was at. Especially as she was servicing the pussy of the deputy who had arrested both of them. However, the star-shaped birthmark was confirmation.

Two decades and a couple of kids had been kind to her forty five year old body. She had done her part with regular exercise and healthy eating. She grudgingly had to admit Darla looked just as good. She remembered laughing during a spin class when the leader quipped to pedal faster because you never knew it you might wind on the block. She wasn’t laughing now.

She was proud of her body. She was just mortified to be not only on public display but about to be publicly fucked for the enterainment of the mob. She wondered if Darla was thinking the same thing. Mana stole a glance out toward the crowd. And froze.

Over in the public pillories was her son, Josh looking at her mouth agape. What was he doing here. He was supposed to be starting his internship with Thad Taylor today on the other side of the state. George and she had decided not to tell him since he wouldn't be around.

He looked to be fucking some readheaded penal slut. Wait... that was Chrissy Sanders. She recognized her from the pictures on Rick Sanders office credenza. Figures Dala’s daughter would wind up in a collar too. Mana sighed. She was hardly in a place to judge considering she was on all fours about to be publicly fucked and then sold.
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Re: Penal Slave Mom

Post by ZeeChromosome »

"She was hardly in a place to judge considering she was on all fours about to be publicly fucked and then sold."

Yeah, judging other people is pretty much out of the question at this point. I love these scenarios you come up with. He's literally got his dick in a girl's ass when they dragged his own mother out there. And then HER mom.

I'm SO looking forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve!

Also, all men should wear kilts for easy access. I applaud this new fashion statement in the legal slavery universe. It just makes sense.

PS - Since you inadvertently triple-posted, I've decided to make this the official responding-to post.
Last edited by ZeeChromosome on Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Penal Slave Mom

Post by mikey22 »

I’m liking this story!
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Re: Penal Slave Mom

Post by StoryLover »

I really like how this story is building up. I find two mothers who are at each other's throat and as a result get enslaved, in front of their children, who didn't know they were to be enslaved, is a damn good beginning
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Re: Penal Slave Mom

Post by ZeeChromosome »

StoryLover wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 3:24 am I really like how this story is building up. I find two mothers who are at each other's throat and as a result get enslaved, in front of their children, who didn't know they were to be enslaved, is a damn good beginning
Heh, yeah. I spoke to ESS tonight. He's got all kinds of scary-good plans for this one.

But, like we all do, he has outside commitments. So we'll see what happens. I'm just as guilty as the rest of us. I hope to have an installment out this week myself. Let's see what my editors and kinkiness-advisors have to say about that.


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