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The selective service slave part 7

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The selective service slave part 7

Post by mikey22 »

Up until that point. It was a pretty leisurely day at the slave office. But as Misty was getting her inner lower lip tattooed. The entire waiting area filled up.
Not only did The Honorable Judge Samual Green enslave the defendants. Who all didn’t even have there cases heard yet. And none of them really deserved enslavement. It was mostly misdemeanor traffic cases and one bankruptcy on the docket that day.
He enslaved the entire courtroom. Spectators, attorneys, the District attorney. And even his own court reporter that worked for him.

This was unlike Judge Green. He was usually a fair minded man that usually followed the 3 strikes rule. Before enforcing an enslavement order.

But unfortunately for all those in the courtroom that morning. There was this blonde yankee biotch that got brought in. And she pissed the judge off. And he enslaved them all.

And this is her story.

She was driving along in her Mercedes up I-55 north bound. When she started thirsting for an extra large latte from Starbucks.

She sees the Whorisville exit. And decided to take it.
What these Yankees and people of that sort don’t understand. When you exit the freeway into these small historic towns. It’s just like driving back into the past at least 30 years. More like 50 years if it wasn’t for all that new shit. Misty’s momma has had built there.
The bottom line is. She ain’t gonna find no fucking Starbucks.
But we’re gonna make sure mom gets it on her list of things to do. Cause if it can make her money. She’s gonna make damn sure to look into bringing one in.

Where the asphalt around the freeway ramps runs out. Her Mercedes starts to bump along on that rough ass broke up concrete shit that they call a highway. The road might be straight as an arrow but it’s as rough as a fucking cob.
And probably ain’t been paved since pavement was invented.

And she goes to cussing.

“ They need to raise taxes on these fucking hicks! Maybe then they could afford to build a highway.
I deserve better than this shit! “

She sees a road sign.

Pussigolia county. Whorisville corporate limits.

“ Who comes up with these fucked up names? “
She wonders as she drives along the depressing landscape of cotton fields and cow pastures. Of course that’s broken up by the occasional share croppers shack that’s been weathering away probably since the civil war. Or an old rusty trailer that replaced it.

Then out of no where. There was a red light. And a four lane paved bypass that goes around the town.

There’s another sign.

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club turn left.

Casino and dog track turn right.

She looks to the right and in the distance she sees the Trump tower.

Yep that was before it went bankrupt. We had real high rollers coming into town then.

But if she would have turned right. In about a mile and a half. They got a Duncan Doughnuts. She could have gotten a latte there.
And beyond that was all them swanky middle and upper class subdivisions. Apartment complex’s. Shopping centers. With every kind of God damn store and business you could think of. And probably 50 red lights around that damn circle to navigate through.

But no she chooses to drive straight. She passes an old run down truck stop, motel and a beer joint.
Called The Fuzzy Duck Club. The iconic place had a giant neon lit yellow rubber duck above it.

That’s moms hangout. Or her home away from home.

Across the road was The Hopping Frog Club.
They catered to the younger rock and roll type of crowd. That’s where Misty likes to go with her fake ID in hand.

“ They call those clubs? “
She asks herself as she drives along.
She spots the Piggly Wiggly. Then sees a billboard sign. With a beautiful red headed woman on it. She wore a blue low cut dress and had a string of pearls around her neck.
The sign said

Delta Reality

Call Deb I can make your housing dreams come true.

Yep that’s mom. She believes in those billboard signs.

She then came to a stop sign at the historic town square.
And she couldn’t believe at what she was looking at.

The historic district of Whorisville has that old time Mayberry feel to it. It’s got the courthouse right in front of you. With all the usual places an old town would have.
Barber shop, Cafe, apothecary, hardware store. A few boutiques and a general store. Along with the feed and seed store. Everything you need right there.

But what set this blonde bitch off was what was going on with in that town square. It was a little park like area. Green grass with magnolia trees, and azalea bushes. Picnic tables and benches. And a stage with naked women locked in stocks. And some old white man. Dressed like he was right out of the 1700’s. He was whipping them, with a whip.

“ WTF? “
She said to herself with a shocked look.

These women had all been convicted of witchcraft. And all had been enslaved. But before they could be shipped off. They had to have the devil whipped out of them.
Cause if the devil gets into a slave camp. The slaves get uppity. And we can’t have that shit.

Also on the stage was a preacher perching the gospel. And drawing the devil out of them.

While this was going on. There was a team of pony girl slaves. Pulling a wagon around the square.
And again there was an old white man in colonial time outfit. Whipping them as he drove them around. Sitting next to him was a naked and collard slave girl.
Who was turned backwards. Facing the wagons riders. Who was just a bunch of damn tourists.

Yeah this is a tourist attraction. People pay $10.00 a pop to ride around in a slave drawn carriage. While a slave girl acts as a tour guide. Explaining all the unique historical facts about the historical town of Whoisville.

Which started out as some sort of Indian trading post.
Then the white man came.

And you all know what happened after that. Cause the white man gets the blame for everything.

Of course around that square they still have all that civil war shit sitting around. Old cannons and confederate monuments. And even a rebel flag still popping in the wind.

“ Somebody needs to tear that shit down! “
She says to herself getting even more pissed off.
She’s even a slave expert and she’s getting all pissed off by what she’s seeing.

Of course there’s only one way to drive around these historic town squares. You turn right. Then left. And left again. And exit the square on whatever direction of road you want to go. But she doesn’t do that. She turns left then right. Just because she doesn’t want to be behind the pony girls pulling the wagon.
She then has a head on collision with a pickup truck. That was pulling a horse trailer full of pony girls.

They have to have several teams of pony girls to pull the wagons around. Cause pony girls needs breaks. They get tired of pulling around lazy fat assed tourists all day long.

Behind the horse trailer full of pony girls. There was a logging truck, that steered away and crashed into three parked cars. So he wouldn’t hurt the pony girls. This set off a chain reaction of about six wrecks that totally shut the entire town square down. The pony girls were even shut down and couldn’t get around the carnage.

When the police got a hold of this sexy blonde. Who was exquisitely dressed in her professional business suit and heels. They bypassed taking her to jail. And took her ass straight into the courtroom.

Judge Green of course was informed on what was going on outside his courthouse. And he got pissed off. Mainly because he had a 1:00 PM tee time at the Robert Trent Jones golf club. And he can’t get his pickup out of his parking place.
So he slams the gavel down on the bench and enslaves them all.

All of it the fault of this blonde. Who has a PHD. But can’t follow the simple directions of a one way street.

They gonna have a good time with her at the slave office.
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Re: The selective service slave part 7

Post by Johnny Lawrence »

Oh interesting! I like the idea that anybody in the courtroom is potentially subject to enslavement, depending on the whims of the judge.

I’d like to see a story focusing on some of the attorneys who came to court that day with no clue as to what was going to happen to them, who are stripped naked and marched to the auction block. The prosecutor probably started her day thinking she was just going to handle a few misdemeanor cases and traffic tickets, and now she gets to experience justice from the other side.
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Re: The selective service slave part 7

Post by jeepster »

Haha! It just keeps getting better!
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Re: The selective service slave part 7

Post by mikey22 »

Johnny Lawrence wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:51 pm Oh interesting! I like the idea that anybody in the courtroom is potentially subject to enslavement, depending on the whims of the judge.

I’d like to see a story focusing on some of the attorneys who came to court that day with no clue as to what was going to happen to them, who are stripped naked and marched to the auction block. The prosecutor probably started her day thinking she was just going to handle a few misdemeanor cases and traffic tickets, and now she gets to experience justice from the other side.
I like what your thinking lol.
I’ll see what I can come up with.

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