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The selective service slave part 8A

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The selective service slave part 8A

Post by mikey22 »

Kelli Thompson 42 years old.

Kay Roberts 38 years old.

These two ladies come from pretty good lawyer stock. I suppose if there is such a thing.
After all lawyers are just God damn crooks like politicians and any other government officials.

Both went against there parents wishes. Which they strongly suggested they go into private practice. Where they could make the big bucks.
Of course they both claimed to have a calling in public service.
But don’t let there merely income of 40k a year fool you.

Cause just like Melinda Myers is. There both on the take.

With all the bribes they take in along with Mrs. Myers. In those back room deals. They make closer to 80k a piece.

These two ladies are just like a couple of blood sucking leaches. As far as the poor people they find themselves representing in the courts of Whorisville.
They can completely destroy a families nest egg.

It’s interesting the lengths people will go to to avoid just the minimum enslavement of just six months.

They’ll cash in there 401k’s.
They’ll take out a second mortgage on a double wide. That’s almost paid for.
They’ll pawn all there car titles. And sell everything they got that’s worth selling.
They’ll then beg there relatives and extended family for whatever they can get.

And after all that. Mrs. Myers may, convert the 6 month enslavement to 1 year conventional jail time. And give the unlucky one 5 years of supervised probation. And or 5 years community service. Where they may get the dignity of keeping there clothes. But they’ll work them like slaves. Washing and detailing the state and county vehicles. And pick up a lot of trash of course.

Kelli Thompson is also a brunette. She’s about 5’4. 120 pounds. She’s got two teenagers. And a husband that loves her dearly.

Kay Rogers is a sexy blonde. She’s 5’9. 125 pounds with sexy long legs and nice big tits.
She to has teenagers at home. And a husband.
So there’s gonna be some unhappy families here. When they find out that two moms have been enslaved for only doing there jobs of course.

Kimberly Richards. 26 years old. She’s 5’2 110 pounds. With two young babies at home. Plus she’s also divorced. She’s probably the best looking one of the bunch. She’s a natural blonde. And got youthful looks and perky tits, with good looking legs.
Like said before. She’s also the only honest one. That hasn’t been corrupted yet.

Lee Ann reached down and took Melinda’s purse from her hands.

“ Let’s see what you’ve got in here? “
Mrs. Lee Ann said as she plunders the prosecutors purse.

“ Look what we got here? “
She said pulling a fully loaded 9mm. Glock.

“ I don’t think you supposed to have this inside the courtroom? “

“ Lee Ann I’m the prosecutor! I always have a target on my back! “

“ Yeah I’m sure it’ll still be there. When all them slaves see you walk in the gate naked at Natchez! “
She said examining the handgun.

“ Just put one in the camber. Keep the clip. And let me go use the ladies room please. “
Melinda would say in desperation.

“ I don’t think so Mrs. Prosecutor! Not on my watch anyway! “

She holds up the gun. While she explains.

“ Wild game deserves a clean humane kill. Slaves don’t get that luxury. You got to get more creative than that! If a slave is gonna die a slave. It’s gonna be a long agonizing death. “

She hands the gun over to another employee.

“ Go lock that up for me please. “

“ Yes mmm. “

“ Looks like the press is here! “
Mrs. Sally said looking out through the glass doors that entered the lobby.

“ Let them inside! “
Mrs. Lee Ann said. Motioning for the bailiff at the door to let them in.

In moments Action. News channel 5 was right in front of the counter. With lights and cameras all zoomed in on the four public officials that had just been enslaved.

“ Mrs. Myers May we have a moment of your time? “
The attractive young lady reporter asks.

“ I’m an innocent public official! This is a travesty! “
She yells out.

Mrs Lee Ann slaps her across the face.
“ Shut up slave! You don’t talk! “
She then turned her attention to the young reporter.

“ I’m Lee Ann. I’m the slave office supervisor. I’ll speak for them. “

“ Mrs. Lee Ann why were they and all these people enslaved this morning? “

“ I wasn’t in the courtroom. So I really can’t comment on that. “

“ Will Mrs. Myers and the others up here. Get preferential treatment as slaves? “

“ No a slave is a slave. There property of the state agriculture office now. And they’ll be treated just like any other slave would be. “

“ Couldn’t there lives be in danger? “

“ Not really. In a slave camp. Slaves are controlled pretty good. They don’t get many chances to take revenge on one another. “

Mrs. Lee Ann looks the young attractive woman over.

“ Maybe you and your crew could come by on a day that’s not so busy. And you could self indenture for a day. And we could put you through the process. So your audience can see what slaves go through? “

“ No I don’t think so. But we are curious about what Mrs. Myers and the others are gonna go through. If you don’t mind showing us? “

“ We’ll I’ll show you the beginning process. We got a lot of pussy to process today. “
She said looking over the big crowd in the room.

“ These four are gonna be waiting transport for a while. “

She looks over at Mrs. Sally who done took the others purses. And cut all there zip ties loose.

Mrs. Lee Ann turned to face the four of them.

“ I want you all to take off all your clothes! “

And all four of them go to crying and bitching.

“ But we’re on Tv? “
Kelli cry’s out.

“ Yeah I don’t see a problem with that? You’ve been on Tv lots of times? “

“ Yeah but not without my clothes! “

“ Suck it up! And get them clothes off! You’ll get used to it! “

Lee Ann turned back to Melinda Myers.

“ Quit stalling and strip! Or I’ll whip your ass! First on Tv! “

Reluctantly all four women slowly strip off there business suits and high heels.

“ Everything! Bras, panties, pantyhose! All of it! Take them off! “

“ Why’s the slave got to be naked? “
The reporter asks.

“ Cause that’s one of the main parts of being a slave! Fancy clothes like they were wearing is a status thing. There’s no status level in slave world. Everyone is treated the same. “

“ Oh that’s interesting. “

Finally they were all naked.

“ Remove all your jewelry! “

“ What’s gonna happen to my diamonds? “
Melinda asks.

“ They’re probably gonna be in the pawn shop tomorrow! “

Mrs. Lee Ann said as she held out a cheep cardboard box for them to throw there personal things in.

“ Can’t you put our stuff in storage? “
Melinda asks.

“ You know better than that!…Besides how do you know your coming back? “

“ Well we assumed this was temporary! “
Kay said crying her eyes out.
As another employee with a push room swept and scooped up all there fine clothes. And dropped them into the trash.

“ What about that? Mrs. Lee Ann? How long have they and the others been enslaved? “
The reporter asks.

“ I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Judge Green that. “

Definitely a press conference with the judge was in order.
Everyone wanted to know.

“ Step through the door slaves! “
Mrs. Lee Ann said directing them all into the processing room.
They all were fitted with there collars. Then they were scanned into inventory.
The young reporter cringed as each one of them got there ear tags punched through there ears. With there SIN numbers on them.
The reporter and crew got to see them all get there inner lips tattooed.

With so many more to process waiting. The four of them were all then gagged. Then made to get on there knees. Slave spread with palms up. And wait. All four were lined up by the wall. So everyone coming in could see them.

Those four for sure. Were going on the barge later that night.
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Re: The selective service slave part 8A

Post by Johnny Lawrence »

Their enslavement definitely should not be reversed. When you think of the number of men and women who were sentenced to slavery in that courtroom, it's only fair that the lawyers responsible get a taste of it. I'm sure they walked into the courtroom year after year with no worry at all that something might happen to them. They're the lawyers, after all. Not any more, of course. I think as soon as the enslavement order is signed, their law licenses would be automatically suspended.

Since they're having trouble finding enough transports, maybe they could stack them like the old days, on top of each other, with their mouths held to each other's pussies. If they try to complain, give them five or six long extended squirts of devoicing spray. Since they aren't lawyers anymore, being unable to speak for several months won't affect their career prospects.

Spending 5 or more years in a cheap New Orleans slave brothel might give them an appreciation for the system that they've been a part of for so long.
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