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Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Most of my stories are set in a world where Corporal Punishment is in common use - by schools, employers, and police. The main focus is on spankings, humiliation and strip/cavity searches.
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Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Author's note: this is a fairly long story with more narration than action. Feedback would be appreciated.

Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Chapter 1: Breakfast time!

Erica sipped at her cappuccino and sighed happily. The rich aroma of the barista-made coffee filled her nose and she looked down at her breakfast croissant, smeared with delicious Brie cheese. Next to her, Susan was enthusiastically munching on French toast while scrolling through her Twitter feed. Straight blonde hair hung freely to her waist, and her pretty face showed not a care in the world as she exchanged messages with her fans.

The cafeteria was almost full, with attractive young women at nearly every table. Their ages ranged from eighteen to twenty-six, and from the easy conversation and frequent laughter one might have thought that this was an all-girl university or similar institution. Only the fact that all were wearing the same orange uniform betrayed the fact that they were in jail.

A natural beauty with blue eyes and long dark hair, Erica had been an inevitable victim of the CPA. Soon after she turned thirteen she became acquainted with both the school cane and the police strap, her pert little bottom considered fair game by men with authority to administer discipline. The dreaded command, “Bend and present!” was given to her regularly, as was the PA summons to the headmaster’s office.

At sixteen, the stakes had become higher. She was now old enough to be strip and cavity searched – and her figure had blossomed with the firm curves of a teenager. She had given her first blowjob to a delighted police officer – a bribe to spare her as-yet pristine holes from being invaded by eager fingers. Shortly afterwards, she had surrendered her virginity to her headmaster. It was partly to avoid being caned a second time in the same week, and partly a pragmatic decision. She was going to get “broken in” one way or another, and he had a reputation for being gentle with first-timers. Like most girls, she decided that cock was preferable to cane or strap and would readily accommodate the sexual desires of lecherous men in order to save her tender behind. It was also clear that she was going to be used and abused no matter how well she behaved. She could live virtuously and be strapped, searched or fucked a couple of times a month, or she could enjoy life and accept that these would happen more frequently. Being of a carefree nature (and by now an unashamed slut,) she had opted for the latter. She partied hard, consumed as much alcohol and drugs as she wished, and simply accepted the consequences. It wasn’t a bad trade. She never had to pay for her booze or pills – there were always men happy to buy them for her in exchange for a little fun – so the way Erica saw it, her strappings, searches, and other indignities were simply the price of living free.

Shortly after her eighteenth birthday however, she had inadvertently upped the ante to a far higher level. While under the influence of some truly wonderful ecstasy and a few tabs of acid she had gone on a spree of vandalism. The police were quickly on the scene and had deputized a couple of onlookers to hold her in place so they could administer a brutal two dozen swats on her bare behind. The pain had cut through her drugged haze and by the time she had been taken to the station she was halfway sober and quite a lot scared – she was in far more trouble than she was used to. The plods had wasted no time in bending her over the table for a full cavity search – then administered the hose. But that only been the warmup. She had soon been strapped to the table, legs spread in the stirrups so that she could be explored with painful thoroughness. A speculum had opened her pussy up wider than ever before, making her sob with pain and humiliation. And it was then, when she was at her lowest, that the cops had told her exactly how much trouble she was in.

Her offences went beyond the scope of summary punishment – she was looking at time in a correctional facility. The demoralized Erica had been given the choice between a criminal record and jail time – or paying off the police with her body. She had tearfully agreed to give them their fun – and for what seemed like most of the night she had been a fuck-toy. They had taken turns, two or three at a time. All of her holes had been used like never before – and she had swallowed more cum than she ever thought she could. At the end of the ordeal she had been allowed to shower before being placed in a taxi home, to sleep off her hangover and exhaustion. The next afternoon when she awoke, she had been sore and bruised – but consoled herself with the fact that she had kept herself out of greater trouble.

Two weeks later, a court summons shattered her illusion. The bastards had charged her anyway! Those lying fucks!

Her parents had spent a large sum on her defence, engaging the services of the highly-regarded “Quill and Cane” law firm. Her lawyer had been Annette Lockheart, the famous “Bare Bottomed Barrister” who was known for her skill and determination, always doing her utmost to win a case (at great personal cost,) and sometimes succeeding even when defeat seemed certain. Sadly for both of them, this was not one of those times.

The case had gone badly right from the start, with Annette summoned to the judge's chambers for a sidebar. When she returned she was white-faced and walking awkwardly. The view provided by her open-backed skirt showed why. She had been strapped, caned, and paddled for various offences – “contempt of court” for wearing her shameless skirt (required by her employers,) “wasting court time”, and for a failed objection. Despite the terrible ordeal, Annette had shown tremendous courage in continuing to defend her client. Her efforts were in vain however, with each further objection only providing amusement for the assembled court as she was strapped again, and again – and yet again. By the end of the trial she was a wreck, silent tears running down her face as the grinning judge handed down the inevitable verdict of “Guilty!”

Erica was sentenced to six months in what was officially termed a “CPA Female Correctional Facility”.

This was no ordinary jail. It was reserved for young women of beauty – and the inmates were not simply prisoners, they were a valuable source of revenue for the prison system. Hundreds of CCTV cameras provided 24-hour coverage of all common areas and even the cells, with the footage shown live on a subscriber-only website. The public could watch the young ladies as they slept, ate, exercised and showered, every inch of their lovely young bodies being shown in high-definition. But that was only part of the attraction. Those willing to pay the high price of admission could tour the facility, seeing the girls up-close and personal. For an even higher fee, they could experience what it felt like to be a police officer or prison guard, and administer strappings and cavity searches. This proved wildly popular, and the “Petting Zoos” as they were commonly known, were hard-pressed to keep up with demand. With a constant demand for new girls, the police had been issued a quota to meet, hundreds of beauties to be convicted each week and be made available for public use. This had of course lead to even more zealous (and unfair) application of the CPA and the persecution of pretty girls. But it wasn’t all bad news inside the Zoo.

On arrival, the girls had been briefed on what to expect and paired up with a cellmate. “Get friendly!” they were told. “You’re going to know each other inside and out for the next few months. You’ll be sharing a bed and showering together. You’ll be closer than sisters, so it’s important to get along.”

They had also been informed of the ranking system that determined their “comfort level” during their incarceration. All girls started a Level Zero - meaning only very basic food, no TV in their cells, an hour of internet access per day, and one movie shown in a common room per night. Apart from these, their only recreation was the sporting facilities and the prison library. The only "luxury items" given to them were cosmetics. Since the zoo needed girls to look their best, it was essential to provide them with quality makeup and hair care. The uniforms, while an unflattering orange, were carefully tailored to show off the feminine curves of the inmates, and their underwear was skimpy and lacy. Having been provided with the basic necessities of attracting an audience, it was then up to the girls to get the attention needed to improve their situation.

On Erica and Susan’s first morning they had stirred their cold oatmeal without enthusiasm while sipping at terrible no-name instant coffee. From the next table they could smell the delicious aroma of real coffee and Belgian waffles, accompanied by the happy chatter of girls on Level Three.

“Fuck this shit!” Erica had declared. “I’m not eating this slop for six months! We need to get our views up fast!” Susan had nodded her agreement, and the two had set about improving their rating.

This meant getting more people to watch them go about their routine. Subscribers could view any room in the prison – or follow any girl by selecting her inmate number. A tracking bracelet on their ankle told the system where they were, ensuring that their fans could find them instantly. The more viewing hours per day they attracted, the higher their rating – and the more creature-comforts they would get. A quick chat with one of the more senior inmates helped set them on the right path.

“Best place to get noticed is the strip search,” Alison told them. “Those always get plenty of views. People are always keen to see new girls, but you have to make an impression fast or they will move on to someone else. Give a good performance there and you should have subscribers take notice. After that, you need to make sure your cell feed is worth watching. It’s best to take a strapping now and then as well – you’re a naughty girl and they want to see you punished.”

Grateful for the advice, Erica and Susan had applied themselves to the task. They meekly submitted to their first strip search, acting contrite and vulnerable as their holes were explored by eager fingers. They had left the room with their arms around each other's waists, pretending to be upset by the violation. In reality both were well-acquainted with the procedure, having undergone it countless times at the hands of police. Hoping that they had attracted some attention, they returned to their cell for a lengthy session of girl-on-girl love. Intent on making an impression, they had been late for scheduled exercise, and thus earned themselves a strapping. While unintended, this served to give them more publicity. The very first time they had used their internet access time there were complimentary messages on their Prison-Pal Twitter accounts. Encouraged by this, they had applied themselves to the task, and in under a week had been promoted to Level One.

Level One meant a TV in their cell, (albeit with only a few free-to-air channels,) more internet access, a few Netflix movie passes per week, and an improved menu in the cafeteria. They now had a choice of cereals, toast and juices for breakfast, as well as some better coffee (still instant, but much more palatable.) Lunch and dinner were about what they would have normally eaten at home – decent but not exciting. Eager to improve their situation, the pair had set their sights on Level Two. This would get them multiple TV channels, cafe'-style food, and an internet terminal in their cell. The latter was an important addition, allowing them not only to surf the web as they chose, but to interact with their growing fan base at any time. "The guys don't just want to see you on a screen, they want to message and talk to you." Alison had told them. "For a lot of them you're like a long-distance girlfriend. The more you chat with them, the more loyal they are. They can buy you treats from the prison shop too - chocolates, luxury foods - and send you underwear. Trust me, it THRILLS them to see you wearing something they've bought for you. Makes them feel like they own you."

Erica was well aware that she was, (for the next six months at least), "owned" by the prison system, but she actually found it enjoyable to chat with her admirers. Not only was it a welcome break from her daily routine, but she had a deep-seated need for male attention that wasn't being satisfied. Online flirting made her feel more like her old self, and there was no shortage of men eager to speak with her. It was rewarding too, as Alison had promised. Thanks to a small but devoted group of "sugar daddies", she and Susan were well taken care of, with treats and gifts arriving nearly every day. For a while it was enough - but Erica found herself wanting more. It wasn't just the additional perks and privileges of level three that she craved - it was the fact that on level two, she was not at the top of the pecking order. The level three girls were a small but proud group, who subtly but consistently reminded the others that they were the prison's most favoured inmates - favour that they had earned on their backs. Getting to level three meant more than just ratings, it meant signing up for the "conjugal visit" program. For a princely sum, the level three girls could be rented for no-holes-barred sex. It was a step that not many were willing to take, but Erica had been determined. It wasn't just the additional luxuries she wanted, nor the satisfaction of being on the topmost rung of the prison's social ladder - she needed a good fucking. When she first arrived at the zoo she had assumed that she could simply make herself available to one of the guards when she was in the mood, but to her surprise this wasn't an option. The guards were permitted to receive blowjobs, but the girls' other holes were considered "property of the crown" and strictly off-limits. As someone who was accustomed to having sex several times a week (frequently with more than one partner,) she found this forced chastity to be extremely frustrating. Susan's passionate kisses and soft embrace weren't the same as having a panting, sweaty man on top of her - and neither dildos nor vibrators felt nearly as good as a hot, throbbing cock inside her tight, eager pussy. She was well aware that the clients of the conjugal visit program were mostly middle-aged men who weren't likely to give her the solid reaming that she desired, but sometimes you have to make do.

Susan had been reluctant to make the move to level three. “I don’t want to be a whore!” she protested. “I still want to get married one day! What will guys think of me?”

Erica laughed. “You became a whore the first time you sucked off a cop to save your ass," she pointed out. Anyway, guys don’t want virgins anymore. They want sluts.”

This was true. The current feeling among men was: why date a prude when there are wanton women everywhere? They expected a girlfriend (or wife) to fulfil their every desire, to perform bedroom antics on demand. “Besides,” she continued, “it won’t just make you popular – you can earn a good living from it if you want. Some girls learn to like it!”

There were a few very high-priced escort agencies such as “Jailbirds,” and “Prison Pussy” which proudly advertised that they only employed girls who had been in a petting zoo. With hundreds of hours of video serving as advertising, the girls were in hot demand and their hourly rate was truly staggering. A few years of such work could see a young lady living very comfortably for a very long time. Erica had already had offers to work if she proved herself under the conjugal visit program, and was seriously considering them. She was a mediocre student and had no interest in university. As such, her job prospects were guaranteed to include giving "full service" to whoever employed her, regardless of whatever her official duties were. Since she expected to be a fuck-toy for pay, she might as well make a career of it. It had taken some sweet-talking to convince Susan to join her in signing up for the program, but eventually she had been persuaded to spread her legs for paying customers. Shortly afterwards the pair had been enjoying the benefits of level three, with no concern about the well-fucked holes and spanked bottoms that had earned it.

Now Erica was back in her element. She was once again at the top of the social pyramid, receiving a warm welcome from the other level three girls. They saw themselves not as victims or whores, but as empowered women who used what they had to get ahead. Life under the CPA was a never-ending series of indignities and unjust punishments, so they had resolved to rise to the challenge and improve their prospects. They now had fame (within the prison community at least,) popularity, cellphones to carry with them, and an even larger fanbase to keep them supplied with luxury items. Even alcohol was permitted in modest quantities, and Erica always gave a special "thank you" to whichever admirer bought her nightcap in the evening. The thanks came in the form of a striptease - captured from behind by the cameras in her cell, but her phone provided a full-frontal view that was only sent to the man of the hour. She was always appreciative of her supporters, and giving the personal touch kept them coming back for more...

Erica finished the last of her breakfast with a contented sigh. "Stay tuned guys!" she typed into her phone. "Showertime next - and then searches. Hope you enjoy watching me get my holes fingered! Love you all."

She yawned and stretched. Breakfast and strip search. Just another day in the zoo...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Chapter 2: Squeaky clean!

The group of twenty young women made their way down the hall toward the shower block. A pair of well-built guards escorted them, solid muscles evident beneath their uniforms. Most of the guards were men, a reminder of the mostly male authority under the CPA. The few female guards had been selected for their beauty so as not to spoil the image of the prison, but the inmates generally found the male guards to be far more pleasant. Surrounded by lovely young ladies who were in regular need of correction, the men enjoyed both the view and the frequent blowjobs that came their way. The girls constantly teased and flirted with them, earning themselves a dose of leather if they got too cheeky. It was a dream job for any man who was fit and handsome enough to meet the hiring standards, and they soon developed a paternal attitude toward the pretty prisoners in their custody. While they were quick to apply the strap to the beautiful bottoms that surrounded them, they were indulgent of the girl's youthful spirits and genuinely concerned for their wellbeing. Every inmate was a precious resource and source of income to the corrections department, and keeping them happy was essential to their earning potential.

Erica and Susan had their arms around each other's waists as they walked. Their intimacy had been fake to start with, simply a way to increase their popularity and get their viewing figures up, but over the last month it had become genuine. Both had experimented with other women before, (usually while under the influence of drugs,) but now they were living in the same room and engaging in sexual behaviour on a daily basis it had felt more natural, and more enjoyable. They were passionate BFF's, and had plans to get a flat together after their release. Now that they had all the comforts that the prison would allow them the remaining months of their sentences were looking easy, and life would only get better once they were out. Walking briskly, they managed to get to the head of the group before reaching the shower block. Both smiled sweetly at the guard as he opened the door, and stepped inside together.

The tour group was already waiting, around two dozen men and women of all ages. They watched with delighted anticipation as the girls entered.

"Let's have a round of applause for our ladies!" the tour guide exclaimed, prompting the crowd to put their hands together. Erica and Susan smiled happily as they made their way to the benches near the shower stalls. Waving, blowing kisses, and swinging their hips seductively, they captured most of the attention as they took their places. The shower groups were done by cell number, so the girls were a mixture of both new and experienced inmates. The new girls were still shy and awkward, not relishing the prospect of washing in front of an audience - or the cavity searches that would follow. Those who had been there for longer were largely resigned to it, with some putting on a brave face and playing to the crowd to increase their ratings. Erica and Susan were the only level three girls in the group, and they stole the show with their radiant beauty and easy confidence. Even before their incarceration they had not been over-burdened by modesty, and since accepting their new role they had learned to embrace it, enjoying the constant attention.

Once the young ladies had lined up in front of the benches, the guide spoke again. "Time to strip ladies! Let's see some skin!"

Cheers and whistles from the audience greeted the command. Erica caught the eye of a good-looking man of about thirty and winked mischievously before turning her attention to Susan. They reached for each other's tops and began to unfasten the buttons. As part of their commitment to maintaining their view count they made it a point to always dress and undress each other, so that they always maintained the appearance of a loving couple. Their uniform tops were soon draped over the bench to reveal the lacy white pushup bras beneath, and they kissed as their fingers slid down to their pants, unfastening the clasps and zippers before pulling the garments down. Both had slim figures with wide feminine hips, and their fantastically firm buttocks were graced only by a thin strip of material that ran down the cleft of their bottoms before disappearing between their delectable cheeks. Clad only in lace underwear, they paused to make out, holding each other close as they kissed with open mouths, tongues busily engaged.

The newer girls meanwhile were shyly removing their clothes, reluctantly uncovering themselves and trying vainly to maintain some semblance of modesty. They kept their legs together and backs turned as much as possible, covering their breasts with their arms and their pubic mounds with one hand. It was a pointless exercise, as everything would be on display soon, but undressing for a gawking crowd - and their cellphones - didn't come naturally for everyone. The scene was captured from multiple angles by the security cameras in the room, broadcasting their humiliation across the internet.

Erica slid her hands into the waistband of Susan's panties and slowly peeled them down. Susan giggled, reaching for the clip of Erica's bra and removing it to reveal the gorgeous breasts beneath. C-cups with soft pink nipples, round and firm as only teenage tits could be. Susan sucked gently on each nipple before dropping her hands to Erica's thong and slipping it off. The pair continued to kiss and cuddle as they slowly removed their remaining underwear, making them the last to be fully naked. By now they had the attention of the entire tour group, but pretended not to notice as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Hands on heads girls! Face the front!"

The line obeyed, some promptly, others reluctantly. They were now on full display, tits out and legs apart. Some looked at the ground, others at the wall opposite - while the bolder looked the audience straight in the eyes. Erica found her man again and pouted her lips gently as she moved her hips in small circles. He watched entranced as the beautiful young woman put on her subtle display for him, and she knew that his cock would be hard in his pants as he lusted after her. All part of the act for her - but for him it was a delicious thrill. She knew how to play the game, how to win the hearts and minds of the men - and occasionally women - who visited the zoo.

After several long seconds of display the guide gave them permission to shower. Soon the air was filled with steam, accompanied by the sound of running water and laughing girls. As always Erica and Susan washed each other, slowly rubbing the sponges over soft skin and lingering on their most sensitive places.

"As you can see, showertime is a happy time!" The tour guide told his rapt guests. "These are all naughty girls and they love to have an audience." It wasn't entirely true, as evidenced by the still-shy behaviour of the new girls, but selling the fantasy was part of his job.

"Do they get a choice about whether or not they are placed in a petting zoo?" asked an elderly man, his eyes locked on the plump backside of one of the more buxom ladies.

"Of course not. The prison system will evaluate each new inmate and decide how best to make use of her. The less attractive ones are kept in facilities that are closed to the public, and they make amends to society by doing manual labour such as litter collection and laundry. Only the most attractive girls are sent to zoos like this."

"What if they refuse to cooperate?"

"Some do - but a session on the block soon teaches them the error of their ways! In fact, we have a block punishment scheduled for the end of your tour, so you'll get to see a wayward lass get her just desserts."

Fresh excitement greeted this announcement. The punishment block had been introduced by police some years ago. It was used primarily for those who failed to collect their rainchecks on time - or those who didn't manage to hold position while taking their swats. Based on the "birching blocks" of the eighteenth century, this piece of equipment had leather straps to hold the victim in place, legs wide, ass up and chin down. It provided a wonderful view for those watching, in addition to positioning the targeted tushy for a sound thrashing. A girl on the block was completely helpless and could only scream and sob while she got what was coming to her. While block punishments were posted on the internet as a warning to others, it was common knowledge that once the cameras were off the police would frequently make use of their captive's easily accessable holes, fucking them thoroughly before finally letting them go. A block punishment was an unforgettable experience that usually resulted in a permanent attitude change for the recipient, who could be counted on to be far more compliant in the future.

"And for those of you who paid for the hands-on experience, you'll get to give her a few swats yourself! She has a few dozen coming her way, so she'll be properly punished by the time we've finished with her."

"What did she do to get so many?" inquired a sharp-faced woman in her mid-twenties.

"The usual. Ran up a tab and didn't collect her rainchecks on time. Normally that would be settled in a police station, but they loan us a girl for tour groups. We want you to get your money's worth after all!"

As the guide stoked the groups' enthusiasm for the coming entertainment, a pair of inmates had entered the room and were making their way down the line of benches with a laundry cart. The discarded clothes were bundled away, replaced by fresh uniforms, underwear, and large fluffy towels. The girls in the showers pretended to ignore it all, with soapy skin and bare breasts on shameless display. Even the shyer ones lost some of their inhibitions under the comforting spray of warm water, no longer turning themselves away from the lustful gaze of the onlookers. Only after every luscious inch of flesh had been thoroughly cleaned did the guard order the showers turned off. "Towel time!" he declared.

As before, Susan and Erica stole the scene, laughing and giggling as they dried each other. Every curve was carefully patted down. each crevice gently explored. Their bodies pressed together, hands roaming freely to pinch, squeeze and caress. The attention given to them was flattering, not embarrassing, and they played up to the audience. They were mindful too of the ever-present cameras and the many thousands of fans who were watching. Over the weeks they had been inside they had learned to be always performing, always enticing. It took a special kind of girl to make it to level three and they were proud to be among the select few.

"Alright ladies! Stand to attention! It's everyone's favourite time of day!" The guide smiled happily. "Guests who have a search pass please collect your supplies. Everyone else, step back please."

In actual fact, this was a ritual that took place twice a day - and sometimes more if demand was high. Erica had been explored by dozens of people in the last few weeks. She obediently stood in front of the bench, legs slightly apart and hands on her head as the eager guests lined up to take their search equipment - a small bag containing two gloves and a tube of lubricant. She pushed her hips forward and arched her back to lift her breasts high, showing off her delightful young body to full advantage. Scanning the line of crown for the man of her choice, she extended one arm to point at him - then smiled wickedly as she curled her finger in a "come hither" gesture. The effect was gratifying. A look of stunned surprise crossed his face - she was actually asking him to search her! For Erica it was just part of the routine, a gimmick to show her fans what a wanton slut she was - but for those lucky enough to earn her attention it was the thrill of a lifetime. He grabbed his equipment and elbowed his way over to her, looking her up and down while he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Glad you could make it!" Erica cooed softly. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

The bulge in his pants was all the answer she needed, but he nodded enthusiastically, unable to find words.

"Everyone ready?" asked the guide. "Alright ladies - take your positions!"

With another wink at her enraptured customer, Erica turned to the bench and knelt on top. She spread her legs wide and bent forward so that her head was level with her knees and waited for the next command. The guide waited so that the guests could admire the row of firm young bottoms before giving his next command.


Twenty pairs of hands obediently reached back to take hold of soft buttocks and pull them wide. Forty neat little holes were now on display, open and ready. All were shaved or lasered to perfection, all were tight, pink and deliciously appealing.

"Gloves and lube! Remember the training video. Go gently, but go deep. Make sure you get all the way up those tight little holes! Remember, it's not a proper search unless you make her moan!"

The customers needed no further encouragement, and soon gloved fingers were pushing their way into the offered orifices, twisting and probing as they explored the young pussies. Erica moaned loudly - not out of discomfort but so that her searcher could hear and enjoy it. Customer satisfaction was essential to maintaining her prison rank and her popularity. She waited till his fingers were deep inside her and then squeezed hard. "Oooohhh!" she exclaimed. "Just like that!"

The man behind her was having the time of his life. One hand on her back to hold her steady, the other sliding back and forth inside a hot little teenage snatch such as he had never felt before! He worked his way deeper inside her with each thrust, forcing more moans and muffled cries from her lips as he explored her tunnel.

Susan meanwhile, wasn't having such a good time of it. Her searcher was the woman who had spoken earlier - and her fingers were as hard and unforgiving as her face. She was forceful as she plunged in up to her knuckles, extracting small yelps of pain from the luckless girl on the bench. "Ahhh!" Susan murmured. "Oh God! Be careful!"

"Quiet you little tramp!" snapped the grinning woman. "Sluts like you need to get what they deserve!" She withdrew her fingers momentarily - then thrust them back in again, accompanied by a third. "OOOOWWW!" Susan cried out. "That hurts!"

"Time to take your medicine!" was the snide response. It came as no surprise that Susan was being probed roughly - women were far less considerate than the men when it came to searches. The men liked to explore gently, doing their best to pleasure the girls, while the women went hard and fast, determined to punish them. It was going to be a long few minutes for Erica's friend...

The guide waited until all pussies had been thoroughly investigated and the air was rich with their scent. Being young, nubile, and sexually frustrated, the girls bodies responded to the stimulation, juices flowing readily as they were finger-fucked. Not only did this delight the paying guests, but it reinforced the official doctrine of the CPA.

"Naughty girls know what to expect!" the government had declared. "If they earn themselves a spanking or a search it's because they want it. Good girls who behave have nothing to fear!" It was a lie of course. No matter how well-behaved a girl was, if she was slender and pretty she was a target. Even a model student would be sent to the headmaster's office on the slightest pretext, and the police were even worse, frequently lying blatantly about some supposed offence in order to exercise their enhanced powers. But the general public simply didn't care. Seeing young women bent double to take a thrashing was a welcome part of life and they had no intention of objecting to the fun. For the guests of the petting zoo, seeing the arousal of the captured beauties simply affirmed that they were cheap sluts who enjoyed being treated as sex objects. Indeed, after a few months in the zoo, most learned to accept their place, if not enjoy it. Being constantly on display and probed daily made it impossible to maintain any illusions about privacy or the right to control their own bodies. They were there to be used, whether they liked it or not.

"Good work people! Now, change gloves. It's time for some back-door action!"

The questing fingers withdrew and the sounds of stretching, creaking latex were heard. Susan cringed - she knew that her anal search would be even worse. But failure to cooperate would mean a session on the block, so she dutifully held position and kept her cheeks spread wide to allow easy access.

"Use plenty of lube!" the guide instructed. "These holes are tight! But don't worry, the girls are experienced, you won't do them any harm."

The gloating woman behind Susan took him at his word, plunging two fingers deep into the delectable little ring that was being shamelessly displayed.

"GNNNNNNN!!!" Susan moaned through gritted teeth. "Aaaaaahhhh!"

Erica meanwhile was having a much easier time of it. Her searcher had gently inserted one finger and slid it up to the knuckle before circling around in a thorough but careful movement.

"Oooooh!" she sighed. "That's good! Open me up slowly!"

She continued to encourage him as he felt around inside her, pushing her hips back against him. "Nice and easy... back and forth... that's good..." She listened to the sounds of the other girls - mostly soft moans, the occasional giggle - and a few cries of pain, mostly from Susan. "Two fingers now. I'm ready for it", Erica instructed.

She moaned afresh as her back passage was stretched a little wider. Smiling for the benefit of the cameras, she hammed up her performance, eyes half-closed in apparent pleasure as her tightest entrance was enthusiastically explored. "Mmmmmmm...."

"I think we can be sure that none of these ladies are hiding anything now!" laughed the guide. "Step back everyone, it's time for some photos!"

The tour group reluctantly withdrew their fingers from the warm, tight holes and removed their gloves. The girls remained in place, heads down, bums up and cheeks wide. Their holes were glistening with lube, their lips parted to show the delicate labia within. Erica allowed herself to relax. She liked to gape a little after a search, to show her customer that he had done a good job. Cellphones clicked and flashed as they captured the scene - a row of obedient, contrite young women who had permitted themselves to be violated for the entertainment of others. It was what they deserved, after all!

"And we're done!" announced the guide. "Stand up girls!"

The prisoners gratefully released their buttocks and got to their feet, muscles stiff after several minutes of kneeling on the bench. Most kept their eyes downcast, reflecting the humiliation they had been subject to, but Erica had no such feelings. She stepped over to the man who had searched her and threw her arms around his neck, drawing him close and pressing her body against him. "Thank you sir!" she cooed softly, her hips moving as she ground her pelvis against his hard cock. She kissed him warmly, smiling inwardly at his astonished expression. "Perhaps you'd like to book me for a date sometime?"

"Well, sure, I'd love to!" he stammered in reply. Erica giggled and patted his cheek. "I'm booked up for a while - but I'll be here for a few more months. Hope I see you soon!"

She stepped back, leaving him to cope with the erection that was uncomfortably restrained in his pants. It was so easy to keep men entertained when you knew how...

"Alright, we're done here. Time to dress - except for Alex 259 and Laura 501. Everyone else, move out!"

The girls complied, pulling on their fresh clothes. Their morning performance now completed, they would have some free time before scheduled exercise. Alex and Laura on the other hand were going to be used to demonstrate the more invasive part of a cavity search - the colonic tube.

Of all the humiliations that could be inflicted on a young lady under the CPA, taking an enema in front of an audience had to be the worst. She would have to hold herself in position, legs wide, chin down and ass up, as she was gawked and leered at from all sides. Every detail would be captured by cellphones to be shared later on. And if she wanted to keep her ratings up, she had to smile as the long tube was pushed all the way up her back passage to deliver the ice-cold water. It took considerable self-control and some good acting to pretend that it was a mere inconvenience. Grateful that it wasn't their turn, Erica and Susan joined the others as they were led out of the room. All part of the routine...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by Hooked6 »

SteveBurke wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:23 am
Most of the guards were men, a reminder of the mostly male authority under the CPA. The few female guards had been selected for their beauty so as not to spoil the image of the prison, but the inmates generally found the male guards to be far more pleasant.
Interesting observation. At first glance one would think the nicer demeanor was based purely on what the guards stood to gain from these female inmates, namely blowjobs and other sexual gratification but I offer the following two studies that would suggest that there might be other dynamics at play here.

First, a study several years ago by ACOG (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) found that contrary to expectations, women generally prefer to be seen and cared for by male gynecologists rather than be examined by female gynecologists. Though theories abounded as to why that might be, the study offered one definitive piece of data provided by the study participants themselves – men were kinder, less rough and more caring while examining their patients than women were. Participating women felt that female gynecologists were rougher, had less empathy for discomfort, and less patience during examinations. This was contrary to expectations that women would better understand the needs of other women and therefore be the preferred provider for gynecological services.

Second, an older study (1990) by the Georgia Department of Corrections found that male guards were more civil, more empathetic and on balance more respected among female inmates than female corrections officers were among women inmates. Interestingly, male prisoners found the opposite – that female corrections officers were often more empathetic and more respected by male inmates than were male officers.

I am sure there were many reasons for these outcomes but these studies would seem to suggest there may be more going on in Steve Burke's story besides simple sexual gratification.

Just some thought from underneath the shade tree. :clint:

Oh, and I am loving the story and the dynamics among the inmates and the guards! Great storyline.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Interesting comments!

Still working on chapter 3 and 4, will post in the next day or so.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by ZeeChromosome »

"It was also clear that she was going to be used and abused no matter how well she behaved."

This is a theme that I personally really like in these types of stories. Instead of being an advantage, her attractiveness is actually a DIS-advantage, because it puts a target on her back.

It's definitely one of the important themes of the mailgirl genre. The better looking a girl is, the more danger she is in. My one (unpublished) mailgirls story heavily relies on this theme.

I also have carried it into my "Stallion" series set in the Joe Doe legal slavery universe. By the way, I took a 6-month break, but I'm writing again. I hope to have some things to share soon.

“Since the zoo needed girls to look their best, it was essential to provide them with quality makeup and hair care.”

That’s just common sense. Well done.

“The very first time they had used their internet access time there were complimentary messages on their Prison-Pal Twitter accounts.”

I’m in favor of this. You are an evil and perverted genius.

“While they were quick to apply the strap to the beautiful bottoms that surrounded them, they were indulgent of the girl's youthful spirits and genuinely concerned for their wellbeing. Every inmate was a precious resource and source of income to the corrections department, and keeping them happy was essential to their earning potential.”

I love this passage because it’s something that’s important to me. I really LIKE pretty girls and I want them to be happy. Naked and occasionally spanked, but happy.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

ZeeChromosome wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:16 am

“While they were quick to apply the strap to the beautiful bottoms that surrounded them, they were indulgent of the girl's youthful spirits and genuinely concerned for their wellbeing. Every inmate was a precious resource and source of income to the corrections department, and keeping them happy was essential to their earning potential.”

I love this passage because it’s something that’s important to me. I really LIKE pretty girls and I want them to be happy. Naked and occasionally spanked, but happy.
Thanks for the feedback!

Personally, I've never been into the "slavery" theme, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, under the CPA, ANY attractive woman is a target. She doesn't need to be enslaved. She can be a schoolgirl, a professional woman, a MILF, or even an older lady who still has a good figure - if she's worth looking at, she's worth spanking.

Secondly, once you make someone a slave you take away their free will - and most of their personality with it. A slave isn't likely to be happy, just resigned to her fate. To me, a woman like Annette who puts her ass on the line (quite literally,) as part of her job, is far more interesting. The girls in the petting zoo are prisoners, but not slaves. It's entirely up to them whether they want to work the system to get better treatment. And in the general CPA world, women are doing their best to live a "normal" life, knowing that they could be ordered to drop their panties at any moment. But aside from that inconvenience, there's nothing stopping them from being happy.

Of course, the CPA has also resulted in the rise of the HotBots, who take their swats for fame and fortune. Given the lengths people will go to on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok just to acheive "celebrity status", I would genuinely expect HotBots to be one of the outcomes if the CPA (or something similar) were to happen in real life. If anyone doubts that women would actually put themselves through that, check out the "Cards of Pain" series by Elite Pain studios.

The girls must endure several rounds of whipping, spanking, and other punishments in order to win a cash prize. The punishments are real and quite brutal, leaving welts etc that would probably take a couple of weeks to heal. Taking a dozen swats as described in one of my stories would actually be far less painful. I'm sure that there would be women willing to take public strappings if it meant having a multitude of fans and a decent income.

There are several themes running through the CPA stories, but one of them is that my ladies are not "dumb bimbos". For the most part they are pragmatists, either putting up with the realities of life under the CPA, or in some cases working the system on a professional basis. But the main advantage of the CPA is that ANY situation can be enlivened by a bare-bottom spanking! :D
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Chapter 3: Bad girl!

That afternoon, following the second cavity search, Erica checked her PrisonPal account. As usual there were a handful of 'priority' messages from those fans she had placed in her private chat group. This was a privilege she granted to those who had gifted her luxury items, something that both rewarded their generosity and ensured their ongoing loyalty. The first couple were nothing remarkable - just the usual offers to perform sexually depraved acts with her, but the third was genuinely interesting. It came from a fan with the username "Carpe Cuntum," ('seize the pussy'). He had been a regular since she was first incarcerated, and had been particularly focussed on the various punishments she had received under the CPA. He was especially interested in the canings she had received at school, prying for every last detail about how often, what position she had to assume, how many she would get, and what sexual favours the headmaster had extracted from her in return for clemency. From his use of language she had deduced that he was an older man, more educated than most, but beyond that he was a mystery, refusing to answer questions about his background or career. He had even declined her offers of video or voice chats, which was highly unusual for such an avid fan. Most men were delighted to receive her attention for a few minutes of one-on-one conversation.

"Finally got to the head of the queue!" his message said. "Tonight's our night sweetheart - I've booked you for a date!"

Erica felt a mild thrill as she read it. Being rented out was a welcome change from the prison routine, and she was genuinely curious to meet the man. "That's great hun!" she replied. "Loking forward to it. I'll go make myself nice and pretty for you!"

Erica always got herself spanked before a date. She had found that her customers liked to see a red bottom – proof that they were getting a “naughty girl” who needed to be put in her place. The strap used by the guards was much thinner than the heavy police-issue model, and while it stung for a while it inflicted very little damage. This was a deliberate decision on the part of the prison operators because the girls were money-spinners and they had to be available for rent as often as possible. The inmates soon learned that a spanking from the guards was nothing to be afraid of. After being thrashed by the police more times than they could count, six swats with a light strap were easy to take. It was also a good way to boost a girl’s ratings. This made the prison a vibrant and energetic place, with the young beauties frequently breaking rules or sassing the guards to earn themselves a quick dose of leather. Not an hour passed in the zoo without a girl bending over to present her bare ass for the strap – and the multitude of cameras, broadcasting it all to insatiable viewers.

It would have been a simple matter just to ask a guard to smack her behind, but that wouldn't really give her viewers what they wanted. It was important that she earn her licks through bad behaviour. But first she had to find a man who deserved the pleasure of beating her behind - and the thanks she would give him afterwards...

Erica strolled through the rec room. Her tight-fitting top was unbuttoned, tied in a knot that left her flat belly exposed. She smiled when she saw her preferred spanker - PO Johnson. He was a black man of average height but solid build, broad-shouldered and with impressively muscled arms. His shaven head and heavy brow gave him an imposing look that matched his physique, but in reality he was a pleasant and amiable guard who was merely playing his part as a stern enforcer. He knew the importance of putting on a good show, both for the prison's profit margin and to boost the ratings of the girls. Erica caught his eye and winked. They had acted out this charade several times already, and Johnson gave a slight nod to indicate that he was ready to rise to the occasion.

Erica swung her hips from side to side and brushed her long hair back over her shoulders in a theatrical fashion. She liked to build things up gradually, making sure that she drew the attention of the audience before getting to the main event. Her fans would recognise the signs that she was "cruising for a bruising" and alert others, thus giving her the maximum number of viewers as she took her swats. With most of the girls present engaged in games or reading magazines, she was already the main focus of attention as she put on her low-key display.

Johnson allowed her a couple of minutes to build up the anticipation before striding over."Erica seven-two-five! Uniform violation!"

Erica pretended to look surprised. "Oh, come on, sir, you aren't going to spank me just for this are you?" she indicated her top. "It's warm in here, I just need to cool off a bit!"

"Rules are rules!" Johnson replied sternly. "Uniforms must be properly worn. We run a tight ship around here!"

Erica had to stifle a laugh at that. The only rule that was strictly enforced was the "no fucking the guards" restriction - everything else was negotiable for those girls who knew how to play the game. In their first week she and Susan had even been able to get a couple of decent meals sneaked to them by the guards - after paying the required bribe on their knees. She feigned concern as Johnson unhooked the strap from his equipment belt. "Bend and present! he ordered.

Erica turned around, an indignant look on her face. “This isn’t fair!” she grumbled. She pulled down her pants until the elastic waistband slid over her hips, allowing the garment to fall to the floor. Spreading her feet as far apart as the pants would allow, she hooked her thumbs into her tiny white thong and bent over slowly. She drew the skimpy undergarment down as she folded herself double, leaving it halfway down her thighs. Heaving a sigh of resignation, she took hold of her ankles. “Give it to me big boy!” she said defiantly. “I’m ready for you!”

The strap tapped against her milk-white buttocks. “You’ve got an attitude problem Erica!” Johnson declared. “But don’t worry - I’ll take care of that. You’ll be a whole new woman by the time you leave here!”

That last part was certainly true. By the time she was released, Erica expected to be an experienced and confident whore, ready to earn some serious money. But she didn’t need the strap to teach her that - her own carefree past and the conjugal visit program were all the education she needed. The swats she was about to take were just advertising, keeping her in the top tier of the prison’s ranking system and making sure that her fans didn’t get bored.

Johnson carefully shifted his feet to get in position. He was now to one side of Erica’s delectable little backside, allowing the cameras a full view. The inmates weren’t the only ones tracked by the prison system: the moment he unclipped his strap his belt had pinged the wireless network to announce what was about to happen. The cameras in the room automatically turned and zoomed in, while an alert went out on the website that a strapping was about to take place.

Johnson actually had his own fans as well. There were women who followed the careers of police and prison guards, applauding them as they administered discipline. Mostly their admiration came in the form of nude selfies, but occasionally the braver ones would seek out the men they fawned over and ask to be punished! It was always a thrill when he received an invitation to deliver a dose of leather to a willingly-offered bottom.

Right now though it was Erica who was offering. He happily admired the beautiful sight before him. Her firm round cheeks had parted to reval her delicious little asshole. Despite the dozens of fingers (and no small number of cocks,) that had invaded it, her ring was still small, pink and enticing. Her pussy was graced by delicate labia that only just showed between her outer lips. He would willingly have licked both if permitted to do so. But right now he had a duty to perform...


The leather swung hard against bare skin, making the girl flinch.

“OW! One, thank you sir!”

He waited a few seconds before giving her the next.


“Eeee! Two, thank you sir!”


“Ooooohhh! Three, thank you sir!”

“ I hope this is getting through to you my girl!” he lectured.

Erica sniffled. “Yes sir, it’s teaching me a lesson!”

“Good spankings make for good girls, don’t they!”

“Yes sir. Please give me more.” Erica’s voice was soft and quavering, as if she was on the verge of tears. But they both knew this was only for show - she could take a dozen from the police strap without crying.

*SMACK!* The leather kissed her ass once more.

“Ahhh! Four... (Erica pretended to choke a little,) Thank you... sir!”

Her lovely white behind now sported a broad red patch. Johnson had carefully spread out his blows to cover the maximum area, giving her a nice rosy glow.

*SMACK!* Another swat in the fleshy centre of her bottom.

"Gnnnn! F-five,” Erica panted a few times. “Thank y-you, sir!”

“Last one’s the worst!” Johnson said cheerfully. He swung forcefully, the strap hitting the lower part of her globes just above the thigh. It was a sensitive spot, and this time Erica’s reaction was somewhat more genuine.

“YEEEOOOW!” she exclaimed. “Don’t be so mean!”

“What do we say?” Johnson prompted, strap flicking against her backside.

“S-six,” Erica gulped as if fighting sobs. Th... Thank-you, s-sir!”

“That’s better. You may stand now.”

Erica rose slowly. She turned to face him while rubbing at her bruised bum, leaving her clothes as they were so she was still on display. Her eyes glistened and a few tears were trickling down her face. Like her chastened expression however, this was simply more acting. Six from the light strap was nothing for a spanking veteran like her - indeed, she enjoyed the warm glow in her posterior. “Thank you for *sniff* punishing me sir.”

Johnson looked thoughtful. “That covers the uniform violation,” he nodded. “But you didn’t ask me properly when you bent over. I think you need some attitude adjustment! “Bend over again!”

“NO!” Erica feigned shock. “Please sir, you can’t give me another spanking! I’ll be a good girl, I promise!”

“You WILL be - after you’ve learned your lesson!” came the reply.

Her pretty face twisted in mock distress. “I’ll be good sir!” She dropped to her knees. “I’ll be REALLY good...” she said pleadingly. Her hands reached for his belt. “Let me show you how good I can be!”

Johnson smiled happily as he replaced his strap. “Well, if you insist...”

His pants were soon around his ankles and Erica took down his boxers to release his manhhood. He was already semi-hard from anticipation. She cupped his balls with one hand and stroked him with the other, feeling him grow stiffer in her grasp.

“That’s it...” he placed one hand on top of her head. “Show me what a good little girl you are!”

Erica smiled up at him - and this time her expression was genuine. His cock was worthy of a porn star and she loved to get hold of it. Once she was out, she told herself, she was going to look him up and get a proper fucking. But for now she had to be content with taking him in her mouth. Her skilled fingers massaged him to full hardness. "It's so big!" she cooed. "I bet you'd love to stick that in my tight little ass, wouldn't you?" It was shameless teasing. She knew that Johnson would have happily three-holed her right there if only he was permitted. "You can't have my ass," she said apologetically. "But I can still take care of you..."

Now that he was proudly erect she could fit both her small hands on his shaft, leaving only his tip uncovered. She breathed gently on it, letting the warmth excite him further. Opening her mouth wide, she slowly took him into her, knowing that the cameras were zoomed in to show her smiling face and red lips as they closed around his big, black cock. "Mmmm..." she fluttered her eyelashes at the now entranced guard. So big, so strong - and yet he was putty in her hands... Except for his now rock-hard erection of course. She slid him back and forth in her mouth, taking his full length with some difficulty.

The girls around her watched with mixed expressions. Some were disdainful at her brazen display, others impressed with her boldness. Erica continued to suck, unconcerned by the attention. She had left any sense of shame behind years ago. Johnson groaned quietly, his body rigid. His fingers ran through her hair, his touch surprisingly gentle. It took only a couple of minutes to bring him to the edge. "Mmmm... yess..." He stroked her cheek - the agreed signal that he was about to orgasm - and she pulled her mouth away, hand jerking rapidly to finish him off.

"Oh YESSSS!" the guard yelled, his cock erupting in spurt after spurt of hot, sticky cum as he shot his load onto her upturned face. She took it with a smile, milking him until he was dry. "That's... a good... girl..." he patted her head, his breath still ragged. "Now, remember to dress properly next time!"

"Yes sir, Erica replied demurely as she pulled up his trousers. She waited for him to walk away before standing, leaving her own pants on the floor around her ankles so that her red bottom would be on display. Turning to the nearest camera she winked saucily and blew a kiss before taking a large handkerchief from her pocket and wiping her face clean. Only when she had removed the sticky fluid did she bother to cover herself again, signifying that the show was over. She felt all eyes on her as she happily left the room, her reputation as both a bad girl and a wanton slut proudly upheld.


Erica waited to be fetched for her date, excitement growing as she exchanged a few messages with her inner circle.

"Yes of course I suck my customers like that! Everything you see is advertising, and that's what you get when you book me!"

"Yes, the strap hurt a little, but I deserved it."

"Why the fuck do you want to see my feet?" (It was an odd request that she got surprisingly often.)

Her heart sank a little when the door was abruptly opened. It was WPO Connor, one of her least favourite guards. She was an athletic woman of five foot nine, her dark hair pulled back in a bun, with C-cup breasts that swelled within her tight-fitting uniform. Her glossy red lips seemed to wear a permanent sneer which was representative of her personality. The male guards were easy to deal with - the women were a different story. Beautiful, but often bitchy, they viewed the inmates with an odd combination of disdain and envy. While on the one hand the guards had authority over the girls, they were well aware that the "guests of the Crown" had far more admirers than their captors did - and that the girls on the upper levels ate far better than a mere guard could afford. Consequently, they liked to make life unpleasant for the pretty prisoners when the opportunity presented itself. Since Erica would soon be receiving the hose, Connor was going to have the opportunity to make her life very unpleasant indeed.

"Seven-two-five! Report for conjugal duty!" Connor barked, a smug grin on her face.

"Yes Ma'am!" Erica sprang to attention and marched briskly out the door. It was best to stay on what passed for Connor's good side, and prompt obedience was the only was to do that. Connor was very fond of swinging her strap, and despite not being as strong as the men she had perfected a full-circle technique that made the thin leather sting far more than it should. The guard followed her as she made her way down the hall toward the guest rooms.

"Get naked whore!" Connor smirked. "You know the drill!"

"Yes ma'am." Erica feigned nonchalance as she stripped off, tossing her garments carelessly onto a chair before climbing onto the table and assuming the required position - chin down, knees wide and ass high. She spread her gorgeous cheeks without prompting, even though Connor needed time to prepare. Staying ahead of the procedure denied the other woman the pleasure of giving her orders - a small satisfaction, but Erica knew that it stole some of the fun from her vindictive guard. For her part, Connor lengthened the ordeal by moving slowly as she hung the bag of ice water and prepared the hose. She would have loved to insert it dry, simply to maximise the discomfort, but prison rules were very strict when it came to looking after the level three girls. Each one was worth a few thousand pounds a week thanks to website membership and conjugal visits. Damaging Erica's money-making orifices would result in swift dismissal and they both knew it.

Connor whistled happily as she pulled on her gloves, the familiar sound making Erica tingle with anticipation. The creak of latex was all-too-familiar, and always signified the imminent invasion of her tight little spaces. Years of experience had conditioned her to not only submit, but to grow moist as she waited for the inevitable. Connor's fingers were about to go straight up her -

"AHHH!" she yelled as her back door was roughly invaded. As usual, the vindictive guard had given her two fingers at once, plunging all the way up to the knuckles. Without pausing Connor began to twist around inside the sensitive tunnel, making sure she explored as deeply as possible. With one hand on Erica's back to hold her steady, the older woman slid back and forth with forceful movements.

"Uuggghh!" Erica moaned. "Eeee-oooohhh!"

"Don't play innocent!" Connor laughed. "You can take a cock up there - a little fingering won't do you any harm!"

In actual fact even a large penis was easier to cope with if carefully inserted, and Erica wasn't faking her discomfort as she was roughly lubricated. "Gnnnnnnhhh!"

Satisfied that the girl was properly lubed, Connor removed her fingers and grabbed the hose. First the tip, carefully pushed into the delightful pink ring, then:

"Say Ahh!" She drove several inches into Erica with one swift movement.

"AAAAHHHH!" Erica gasped. God, that was so deep! The sudden intrusion made her flinch as she tried to move away - only to earn her a sharp slap on the backside.

"Hold still!" ordered Connor. "Or do I need to give you a reminder?"

A "reminder" of course meant six of Connor's best swats - something Erica could do without. "No ma'am!" she eased herself back into place.

"Time for the water!"

Erica clenched her teeth and waited. The male guards would use warm water for her pre-date flushes - but not Connor. The young woman shivered as ice-cold water began to flow into her. Wasting no time, Connor twisted the hose and pushed firmly, driving it further up her captive's rear entrance.

Erica moaned quietly. It was so much better when the men did this!
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Chapter 4: Date night!

After being released from the not-so-tender clutches of WPO Connor, Erica sat in the conjugal visit suite and checked herself in the mirror as she waited for her customer. She put the recent unpleasantness out of her mind and looked forward to the most exciting part of her day. She was going to get laid! By an older guy to be sure, probably a bit older than her dad, but at least she would have the satisfaction of being an object of desire. It amused her to see the lust in her client's eyes, the thrill they got from being able to live out their dark fantasies with such a beautiful young woman. She was hot property and she relished it.

The door swung open at last, and Erica turned with a carefully practised covergirl smile to welcome her guest - only to have her expression change to one of outright shock.

The man who entered was in his late fifties, tall and thin with grey hair and wire-rimmed spectacles. But it wasn't his appearance that alarmed her. It wasn't even the cane that he was carrying, (though that was cause for concern.) She knew him! It was Jeff Rogers, her old maths teacher!

Rogers looked her up and down, a gloating expression on his face. He flexed the cane between his hands and smiled cruelly. "Hello Erica. So nice to see you again!"

Maths had been Erica's worst subject. She had neither interest nor aptitude, and her boredom and frustration had led to frequent disruptions as she passed notes or stared out the window. This in turn had led to just as frequent visits to the headmaster's office to be caned. Like most men in his position he could usually be bribed with sexual favours, but it wasn't a guarantee of escaping punishment. It depended on his mood, how recently he had been pleasured by another girl, and on how often she had been sent to his office in the last week. "Sometimes," he was fond of saying, "a girl just needs a good caning!"

So about half the time came back trembling and tear-streaked, wincing as she carefully lowered her throbbing bottom onto her hard seat. That was Rogers' preferred outcome, and he would take great pleasure in her obvious distress. At other times she would return to class dry-eyed, looking smugly at a fuming Rogers who knew that she had traded one of her holes to save her ass. It wasn't just the fact she had avoided the cane which infuriated him though. She knew it was because the Headmaster had been granted the pleasure of using her delightful young body, a pleasure that Rogers himself could never have.

Until now that is...

Erica tried to recover her poise, though she knew he could see how rattled she was. "Well, now I know why you didn't want a video chat," she said as calmly as she could. "Does your wife know where you are?"

"Speak when spoken too!" he growled. "It's high time you learned your place young lady!"

I've been learning my place since I was thirteen! Erica thought to herself. Her usual "place" was bent double, getting the business end of a strap, paddle or cane. Her other positions included on her knees sucking cock, and bending over the search bench to be probed by latex-clad fingers. Between one thing and another she was constantly reminded that her role in society was to be submissive. Rogers meanwhile, was for the first time enjoying a position of true authority. Now he could personally inflict punishment on her, not to mention satiate his lust. For him, this was a dream come true. For her, it was going to be a painful and humiliating ordeal...

But Erica could not refuse him. Failure to perform her duties as a "prison wife" would not only mean the immediate and total loss of all privileges, but a session on the block as well. She would be soundly flogged by the next tour group and then made available to the guards. So far as the Department of Corrections was concerned, a girl who didn't "work her holes" as agreed had little value, and so there was no need to keep her in rentable condition. Having been gang-banged by the police once she was in no hurry to go through the ordeal again. Which meant that for the next hour, she would be Rogers' plaything.

"Get those clothes off!" Rogers commanded. "It's time to earn your keep!"

Erica swallowed her pride and resignedly put herself into the compliant role that she had learned through many painful encounters with authority. "Yes sir," she murmured quietly. She undressed slowly and reluctantly, guessing that it was what Rogers wanted. He wished to see her humbled - and it wouldn't be wise to disappoint him. Her orange uniform was soon on the floor, and she stood before him in a black lace bra and thong. Roger's licked his lips as she removed those too, revealing the full beauty of her firm breasts and neat little pussy. Eyes downcast, she waited for his next order.

"I was very impressed with your display this afternoon," he said conversationally. "You loved sucking on that black cock didn't you?"

"Yes sir. It's what I'm for."

"Excellent!" he nodded approvingly. "I do love a girl who knows what her mouth is for. Now get to work!"

Here goes! She knelt before him and reached for his belt. It took only moments to drop his trousers and pull down his underwear - and he was already half erect before she even touched him. His member was average-sized, clean and circumcised, certainly not the worst thing she had taken in her mouth. Teasing him gently with her fingertips, she opened her lips and leaned forward.

The cane tapped against her thigh, making her flinch in surprise. She looked up to see what was wrong.

"Eyes on me Erica," he smirked. "Just like you did for your friend this afternoon."

Shit! Making eye contact meant it would be impossible to pretend he was someone else. She couldn't feign any enthusiasm for her task, so she resorted to looking sad and ashamed as her lips closed around him. Her tongue moved in practiced circles around his knob and she slowly slid him deeper into her mouth.

" Yesss...." Rogers began to relax, pleasure written all over his face. "That's it! Just like the little slut you are!"

Fucker! Erica felt a fresh wave of disgust for the man. She was used to dirty talk from her clients, but coming from Rogers it was different. Playing her part as a whore was one thing - being genuinely degraded was another. She resolved to get him off quickly and be done with it. Twisting her face into a mournful expression that exaggerated her unhappiness she began to suck in earnest. She made sad whimpering noises as she applied herself to the task, exciting him further. His hand cupped the back of her head and he pulled her forward, face-fucking her with hard, rhythmic thrusts. Fortunately he wasn't large enough to enter her throat. She felt the cane smack against her buttocks, first one than the other. The strokes were light, but she could feel the sting. The longer this went on, the worse it was going to get...

Moaning loudly, she sucked even harder. The cane strokes increased in both frequency and force as Rogers grew steadily more excited. It didn't take long for him to climax, shuddering as he emptied his balls into her warm, moist mouth. His hand remained clamped to the back of her head and it was clear he wasn't going to let go until she had swallowed. With a grimace, Erica managed to force it down, and finally he released her. She knelt in front of him as he panted for breath. But she was sure he wasn't done with her yet...

He took off his shirt and wiped the sweat off his face. "That's good!" he said breathily. "You're a natural cocksucker, aren't you?"

"Yes sir." Erica nodded sadly. Better than you deserve you prick!

Rogers stepped out of his pants and took a moment to collect himself. "A good start!" he declared. "But a naughty girl like you needs to be punished." He swished the cane through the air. "Bend and present!"

Erica rose slowly. This was not going to be fun... Being spanked was routine for a conjugal visit, but it was usually done with the lightweight strap. Customers had to pay a hefty premium to use something more damaging, and the cane was the most expensive of all. She would have welts for several days, and wouldn't be rentable for a while. But the prison cared nothing for her suffering, only for her profitability. With a sigh, she turned around and spread her legs wide before bending over to assume the all-too-familiar position that she had become accustomed to shortly after turning thirteen. Her beautifully sculpted bottom was stretched tight, cheeks separating to show off her lovely openings, still slick with lubricant from Connor's preparation. She shivered as the cane stroked gently over her soft skin.

"This is going to hurt you - A LOT!" Rogers said with obvious glee. "What do we say?"

Rogers wasted no time in delivering his first stroke.

*CRACK!* The thin rattan cut into her tender flesh.

"OOOOOWWW! One, thank you sir!"

A thin red line now stood out against the warm red of her spanked ass, growing gradually darker. But Rogers was in no hurry to continue. "You were caned often at school, weren't you?"

"Yes sir. I was a bad girl." And you picked on me, you bastard!

"They say that good spankings make for good girls - but it never seemed to work on you. Perhaps you just weren't punished enough!"


"AHHHHHH! Two, thank you sir!" I got punished MORE THAN ENOUGH! Erica thought. Between the school cane and police strappings she was usually whipped twice a week. But since she was going to get it whether she deserved it or not, she hadn't seen any point in improving her behaviour.

Rogers continued to cane her, lecturing between strokes. "I must say, I did so enjoy sending you to the office." *CRACK!* "It's just a shame that the head let you off so often." *CRACK!* "Bad girls need correction. If I were him, I would have given you what you deserve - every single time!" *CRACK!*

Each time the cane struck her trembling backside Erica had to count off and thank him, her voice now quavering slightly as the pain increased. Just one more...

*CRACK!* The sixth stroke bit deep, making her gasp. "Ah-HAAA! S-six, thank y-you, s-sir!"

She waited for permission to stand - but it didn't come. Rogers continued to lecture, pacing behind her as he did so. The cane sliced through the air and she flinched at the sound, anticipating a stroke that didn't land. Bastard! He was teasing her! He'd had his six, now just let her stand!


"YEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!" Erica screamed. She hadn't been prepared for that! "What the FUCK?" she blurted out.

" I paid for twelve strokes!" gloated Rogers. "But since you didn't thank me, that one doesn't count."

Goddamnit! Erica bit her lip and gripped her ankles so hard that her knuckles were white. Her ass was on fire! Rogers was laying it on hard - this was worse than the canings she had received at school! It was startling to realise that her headmaster had actually "gone easy" on her, and could have hurt her a lot more if he wanted to. Compared to Rogers he was a gentleman. She hoped desperately for an intervention. Unbeknownst to Rogers, the bridal suites were fitted with hidden cameras so the guards could keep watch in case a client took things too far. Her beautiful behind was worth a substantial sum to the prison, and they weren’t going to let Rogers ruin her earning potential. But to her dismay, there was no rescue. Rogers must have paid a hefty sum to be allowed to inflict this much damage – she wouldn’t be rentable for at least a week! All she could do was take her licks and hope he'd be satisfied...

"The CPA was the best thing the government has done in decades." *CRACK!* "It's high time that the younger generation got put back on the straight and narrow." *CRACK!* "This country has gone downhill, and it needs a firm hand to set things right!" *CRACK!*

For fuck's sake! Erica was quietly fuming. Get off your fucking soapbox and just finish this! She struggled to count off and thank him, her voice now broken by sobs. It was all she could do to keep position as her battered bum was caned again and again.

"Last one Erica." The cane rubbed gently over her collection of stripes, sending electric shocks through the tenderised skin. "Ask me for it!"

ASSHOLE! Erica swallowed hard. "P... please s-sir, g-give me a *gulp* g-good hard o-one!" She closed her eyes and held her body rigid. Rogers took his time, carefully touching the cane against the crease below her buttocks to show her exactly where the stroke would land. He drew back his arm and paused, while the anguished girl waited in dread.

*CRACK!* The last stroke was harder than the others, sending fire through her tortured rump.

"EEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!" Erica howled, shuffling her feet and waggling her ass involuntarily. Her little dance of pain amused Rogers greatly as she struggled to draw breath.

"T... T-twelve! Th-thank y-you... sir!" she squeaked out. Her body shook as she burst into outright sobs. "Waah-haaah!" The sound of suffering filled the room as she gave full voice to her agony.

"That's better," Rogers nodded smugly. "You may stand now."

It was hard for Erica to regain a vertical position, and she faced him with eyes that were filled with tears. Her makeup was ruined, streaks of mascara running down her face. "Thank... y-you f-for punish..punishing m-me, s-sir!" she blubbered. She wiped at her eyes to clear her vision. When she could see more clearly, she realised to her alarm that Rogers was still fully erect. He must have taken viagra - which meant he was ready for more sexual antics! It was the last thing the distraught girl wanted to do, but at this point she was too demoralised to argue.

"I hope that taught you a lesson my girl!"

"Y-yes, sir," she stammered. God, this was the worst date she'd ever had!

"Excellent. Now then, on the bed and spread your legs!"

She obeyed, still weeping. Just get it over with! All she wanted now was to go back to her cell and have Susan take care of her. Her soft embrace and warm lips had never seemed so welcome as they did now. But first she had to submit to Rogers' desires for the second time...

Erica didn't bother moving as her former teacher climbed on top of her. Her legs were open, her pussy ready for him - and that was all she was going to do. Normally she was an enthusiastic performer for her clients, but right now she was far too miserable to pretend. He entered her roughly, but the discomfort barely registered - she was too overwhelmed by the fire in her welted ass. Her body shook from his eager thrusts as he worked toward a second climax.

She didn't think it would take long, but she hadn't counted on his age. Rogers continued to pound her, veins bulging on his forehead. The Viagra kept him hard, but it was difficult for a man his age to come again so soon. His breathing became louder and more ragged as he pushed his body to the limit. For a while she expected him to give up, but it became clear he was determined to finish what he'd started. He was sweating profusely, grunting with effort as he thrust into her. She began to worry that he might have a stroke or a heart attack from his exertions. While she wouldn’t shed any tears if he dropped dead, she certainly didn’t want him to do it while he was on top of her – and, (even worse), inside her. She realized that she was going to have to help him out. With a feeling of disgust, Erica wrapped her legs around him and began to move her hips, raising herself to meet his thrusts. She was bruised inside now, and made small noises of pain as he hammered into her.

"OH! Ah! OOOH!" she moaned, forcing herself to keep the rhythm. "Fuck me hard sir! Give it to me!" Her fake enthusiasm and receptive pussy finally brought him to the brink, and he grunted loudly as he pumped his cum inside her. "Ahhhhhhh!" the man sighed, his body finally relaxing. He lay atop her for a few moments before withdrawing his still-hard cock and collapsing onto the bed beside her. For several long minutes they lay next to each other, him breathing loudly, her whimpering quietly. By the time he was able to sit up she had recovered somewhat, her eyes now dry and her pain bearable.

Rogers clambered off the bed and reached for his clothes. He was clearly exhausted, his hands shaking as he fumbled with his buttons and stuffed his uncooperative hard-on back into his pants. “I’ll be watching you Erica,” he leered. “And I’ll be back for more as soon as your ass can take it!”

Erica looked at him, her mind now somewhat clearer. He didn't look as poised or imposing as he had when he entered the room - in fact, he looked old and feeble. She shrugged with feigned nonchalance. “I’ll be here,” she replied. “I hope you’ll last longer next time – that wasn’t the fuck I was hoping for.”

A flash of anger crossed Roger’s face. Ah, that one had got to him! “Sassy little tart, aren't you!” he growled. "But don't worry, I'll beat that out of you. I'll be back again girl. And I'll teach you how to behave properly!" The door slammed behind him.

Erica heaved a deep sigh and rubbed at her still-throbbing buttocks. Damn, he’d really given her a walloping! After a few moments of self-pity she looked at her phone. Her fans would expect an update – but what would she say? How could she spin this?

She thought long and hard. Her first reaction was simply to withdraw from the conjugal visit program – Rogers could get his rocks off with someone else. But aside from losing her hard-won privileges, she really didn’t want to lose her reputation. Having worked her way to the upper levels of the prison hierarchy she was reluctant to fall from grace. Besides, her popularity could open doors for her when she got out, giving her opportunities she would otherwise miss out on.

After a few minutes of contemplation, she picked up her phone. “My lucky night!” she typed into her Prison Pal account. “A hot date with a top fan! Shoutout to my old teacher Jeff Rogers, who caned my naughty bottom and fucked me proper!”

She grinned. Rogers would be furious at being doxed. But there was more to it than just outing him as a man who paid for sex. It was quite likely his wife would file for divorce - something that would leave him extremely poor in his upcoming retirement. He’d make her pay for it on his next visit of course, she could expect another brutal thrashing. You were right - this is going to hurt me a lot, she acknowledged. But my ass will heal. YOU will spend the rest of your life regretting what you've done!

She thought about her lawyer, Annette – how she had doggedly pressed her case despite knowing it was futile. How she had obediently bent over and presented herself for the strap, stoically enduring her unjust punishments. After Judge Griffin had left the court, the occupants of the public gallery had turned to Annette and given her a standing ovation, applauding her courage and fortitude. The lovely lawyer had managed a smile and nodded in gratitude. She left the room with a tear-streaked face but head held high, her pride and dignity intact despite the bruised and welted bottom that showed through her open-backed skirt. And in doing so, she had shown Erica something that the younger woman had never seen before. Despite the one-sided nature of the CPA, a girl could still win, (after a fashion,) simply by refusing to break. If Annette could take it in stride, then so could Erica.

She opened the private chat with Carpe Cuntum and sent a message guaranteed to make Rogers’ blood boil.

“Try harder next time!”

Erica smiled grimly as she pulled her uniform back on. It was going to be an interesting few months… but she was sure she could make it.

Do your worst, Rogers! she thought. You aren’t going to break me!

The game was on…

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by Hooked6 »

Will she hold out? Will this strategy work?

Can't wait to find out for sure! Interesting storyline here and a battle of determination and wills as a bonus!

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Hate to disappoint you, but that was all I had in mind for the time being! It's possible I might write a sequel sometime, but don't hold your breath.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by ZeeChromosome »

"Erica smiled grimly as she pulled her uniform back on. It was going to be an interesting few months… but she was sure she could make it."

I really like this aspect of your story-telling. You always ensure that your characters retain their agency. They may be in a difficult circumstance with the balance of power tilted heavily against them, but they keep fighting for the best outcome that can manage. I've tried to convey a similar theme in my own stories.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

ZeeChromosome wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:17 pm "Erica smiled grimly as she pulled her uniform back on. It was going to be an interesting few months… but she was sure she could make it."

I really like this aspect of your story-telling. You always ensure that your characters retain their agency. They may be in a difficult circumstance with the balance of power tilted heavily against them, but they keep fighting for the best outcome that can manage. I've tried to convey a similar theme in my own stories.
Thanks. This is what I mean about free women being more interesting. My ladies can still retain their pride (if not their dignity), and it's up to them how they deal with their situation. In this scenario, Erica will ultimately be the winner, even though it costs her a badly whipped ass. Rogers is going to find his life going downhill because he wanted to have his way with Erica. So she has effectively turned the tables on him by submitting. "Submissive" doesn't necessarily mean powerless.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by twonines »

It is great to see that you are still producing these wonderfully erotic tales and there is plenty of scope left in the CPA scenario .In Susan, and in particular, Erica, you have found another brave and resilient heroine in the best traditions of Annette and the great Sarah Jenkins. Thanks, please keep up the great work.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

Thanks for the support!

I have long believed that storyline and characters are important to the enjoyment of these fantasies. The more engaged the reader is, the more they will get out of it. Having recurring characters like Sarah and Annette is one way to boost reader satisfaction. But once a character is introduced she can always come back for more, as did Amanda who was originally a one-off in "The Golden Arches." Now that she has met up with Annette, she is sure to feature in another story.

I might write another story that details Erica's struggle against her former teacher, or she might appear in another scenario altogether. The possibilities are endless because the CPA is now its own fantasy world.

Aside from that, what did everyone think about the proportion of story vs action here? Was it too long-winded, or did you enjoy the detailed scenario?
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by ZeeChromosome »

RE: Action vs. Plot

Steve: Honestly, you left me hoping for more. Which is exactly what a good writer does to their readers. Seriously, you need sufficient plot in order to make the action engaging and exciting. And sufficient action to make the plot worth reading. I really think you hit the right balance here.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by SteveBurke »

ZeeChromosome wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:00 pm RE: Action vs. Plot

Steve: Honestly, you left me hoping for more. Which is exactly what a good writer does to their readers. Seriously, you need sufficient plot in order to make the action engaging and exciting. And sufficient action to make the plot worth reading. I really think you hit the right balance here.
Glad you agree. Most of my stories end on a suggestive note, so people who do "want more" can imagine it how they like. Stimulating the reader's imagination is a key element in storytelling. It gets people engaged because they create a picture in their own head - one that is tailored to their own fantasy. For example, if I were to describe a woman simply as "slim, long-haired and pretty", anyone reading it would picture a woman who THEY found to be pretty - I wouldn't have to go into detail.

There are a couple of famous authors who are/were really good at this. One is Michael Crichton, the other is William Gibson. A while back I read "State of Fear" by Crichton, and two things struck me about the book. Firstly, despite him using a lot of short sentences the narrative flowed very well (the damn thing still ended up being a few hundred pages long.) Secondly, he was extremely light on description, but I still had a vivid image in my head of both the characters and the action. Both of those things are tributes to his skill as a writer.

Gibson is extremely good at "world-building". He will make mention of something with only a vague idea of what it is, and leave you to fill in the blanks. Again, this is very effective because he gives you just enough to paint the picture yourself.

But what works in a full-length novel won't work the same way in a short story. This is why I give a detailed description of new ideas when I introduce them and have written a glossary of CPA terms so that I don't have to go into detail every time I mention something. Hopefully, regular readers will be familiar with the CPA world by now. So if I mention "raincheck", "hotbot", or "stacking", most readers should understand without the need for more detail. My stories are light-hearted fun, set in a thoroughly ridiculous fantasy world, but I do strive to make them decent reading.

Or not-so-decent, depending on your viewpoint...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by ZeeChromosome »

"Stimulating the reader's imagination is a key element in storytelling. It gets people engaged because they create a picture in their own head - one that is tailored to their own fantasy. For example, if I were to describe a woman simply as "slim, long-haired and pretty", anyone reading it would picture a woman who THEY found to be pretty - I wouldn't have to go into detail."

I noticed you doing that while reading this story and I strive to do it, too. Sometimes I second-guess with it, because I feel like I should be providing more detailed descriptions. But so many stories I see start with a long-winded description of the character and I feel like it disrupts the narrative flow. Especially if done in the opening paragraphs.

So, I've settled on a compromise. I just describe a few key characteristics that seem to matter most and leave the rest up to the reader's imagination. I mean, that's how our brains work in real life, isn't it? If the first thing I notice about someone is their "cruel smile", do I really care about the shape of their nose? I do not, and neither do readers.

And if a new body part comes up later in the story, I can just describe it then. "I grabbed his short, greasy hair and tilted his head back so I could look him in the eye." On the other hand, the Chekov's Gun rule still applies, so if the character's short greasy hair was an important plot point, I would have mentioned it up front. Anywho, thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Petting Zoo

Post by twonines »

I think you are getting the balance absolutely right. While we all love to read of pretty girls being stripped, enduring sexual humiliation and relatively severe punishment, it is so much more effective (and erotic) when it is cleverly placed into a context which is familiar, believable and doesn`t require the suspension of disbelief to be absolute.
Using familiar characters but placing them into new and unfamiliar situations is also good, and in the world of CPA, you have created the perfect vehicle to do this.
I`m sure we all appreciate the effort it takes both in imagination and volume of writing to keep the series going, so thanks for all your present, and hopefully future, efforts.
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