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Post by gary »


Well this is not what I had planned for this story. I had originally just planned for the Magistrate inspection of Amy in the Davin's barn to be more humiliating. But then it took on a life of its own.
NOTE: made some edits, in Italic, suggested by Orflash64

Amy was in the Davin’s corral, naked and collared, as was now usual for her when she visited, teaching Liz to ride when Mr. Davin drove into the farmyard with someone who had the air of authority about him, someone Liz didn’t recognize. Amy worried, was Master Tod bringing an official to certify she had “self enslaved” herself? Was someone trying to buy her? Were they here to use her?

They had stopped at the house and Amy was able to sneak into the barn and quickly dress and removed the collar. When the men entered, they found both women talking about horses. Amy nervously asked, “Hi, can I help you?”

The mystery man asked, “Are you Amy Fleming?” Amy said she was. “I am Mr. Gerald Phillips; I am a Magistrate for the Rural District of Foothills. I have had reports that you have been behaving as a slave and thus self-enslaved yourself.” This scared Amy and she started shaking. She knew where those “reports” were coming from.

In a shaky voice Amy replied, “Do I look like a slave, I’m clothed and not wearing a collar.”

“I can see that, but is that your usual way you present yourself?”

“Yes, this is how I usually am. I don’t walk around at home naked and collared.”

“OK, but how about around here?”

It would be too easy to prove she was lying so she said, “Yes I am naked here, but only because the slave I’m training was feeling too intimidated by me being a clothed free woman. When I finally relented, we got along a lot better.”

“Do you wear a collar?”

“Its just a plastic toy one sir.”

“How do they treat you here, do they treat you like a free woman, or like a slave.”

“OK, they treat me a kinda like a slave and order me around. But there have been no sexual interactions!”

“How does it make you feel, being treated like a slave?”

“It annoyed me at first, but I’ve gotten used to it and I don’t take it seriously. And I didn’t want to make trouble for my friend Liz. Besides me being treated as a slave is more about their opinion of me than how I feel.”

”Well, I better check your slave chip and inspect you for slave piercings, tattoos or brands. Disrobe and put your fake collar on.” Amy felt it was better to obey than protest, it was better to deal with this now than in a more formal setting.

Amy disrobed in front of everyone, and felt humiliated. She had been forcibly disrobed by Mr. Davin and the Slave Catcher Mr. Gorski, but she had been in shock and unable to feel anything. But now she was fully aware of what was happening and even though she had been going naked around the ranch, she had undressed in private. Now she was being forced to show herself to these men and presented for inspection and she was horrified. Her hands were shaking and she could feel tears going down her face.

When she had finished, and was laid bare before everyone, she heard another order. “I told you to put the collar on!” Liz intervened and grabbed the collar and fixed it around Amy’s neck. This time it felt real, not fake and Amy was trying to keep herself under control as shivers of fear went up her back.

Mr. Phillips went up to Amy and pulled down her lip, seeing that her slave number wasn’t tattooed on the inside of her lip. “You know, I don’t know why they still put it there, usually can’t read them properly anyways.” He grumbled. As Amy shivered in anxiety he went back to his car and retrieved a chip reader. He pressed it against her left breast and there was an audible ‘ping’ as it registered her information. “OK, Amy Fleming, Slave ID #267-456-873, Status Free. That is, you right?”

“Yes sir.” Amy said so quietly she could barely be heard.

“What did you say, we didn’t hear you?”

Amy cleared her throat and tried not to sound panicked, “Yes that is me sir.”

“I don’t see any tattoos or piercings here, turn around and bend over.”

“Wwwhat?” Amy stammered out.

“Just do it, I need to check you for slave tattoos or brandings, particularly on the ass.”

Amy felt sick to her stomach, and couldn’t move. The Mr. Phillips grabbed her arm and spun her around and pushed her down to force her to bend over. She felt him pushing her ass cheeks around and announcing, “Nothing here, guess she’s clear.” Amy then felt his fingers invade her vagina, causing her to take a deep breath. When was this nightmare going to end? “She’s dry, no slave heat there.” He concluded.

Amy got up and turned around, “Now, I am going to ask you directly.” Announced the magistrate, “Are you a slave? Do you consider yourself a slave?”

“Ah…ah no sir.” Amy sputtered.

“Not the most definitive answer. I sense some hesitation.”

“No, I’m not sir, maybe I have let myself be treated like one, but I’m not.”

“Do you want to be enslaved? I have the papers in the car, Mr. Davin already signed them in advance. All I need is your signature and I’ll notarize it.”

Amy felt like her legs were about to give out, she felt like she was being trapped, her head was feeling like it was going to explode.

“You’re not answering, are you able to decide? Would you prefer someone else to make the decision? Should I call your father?”

“No, No don’t call him!” The idea went through Amy like a jolt of lightning. If he called her father Tim, he
and her grandfather Jack might show up with shotguns.

“Why, do you think he would agree to sell you?”

“No, the exact opposite, he’d get extremely angry.”

Mr. Phillips sighed, “I don’t like this being a wasted trip. You haven’t given a strong defense for your freedom, so maybe you need some time as a real slave. I’m going to give Mr. Davin partial slave rights on you, its a trial slavery and it will last forty-eight hours, starting from” he looking at his watch, “eleven o-clock this morning. Amy was thunderstruck and froze into place and broke out into a cold sweat.

“Now Mr. Davin, you cannot take her off this property. You also cannot whip her, if she is disobedient, you will have to make a complaint in person to a magistrate.” He continued, “You have the usual sexual and labour rights over her, but don’t push it. Now, if after the forty-eight hours, she doesn’t want to leave after her term, you can apply for permanent enslavement, but think days, not hours.”

Now he addressed Amy, ‘Now young lady, consider this a way to discover your slavery needs. Whether you want or need slavery. Now, if you leave after your service, and return for whatever reason, as long as you’re on his property and naked, he can continue to consider you a slave. But he has no rights over you when your clothed or off the property.”

Looking at both of them, “Let her use her phone to call her family and say what she needs to smooth things over. Now good day to all of you.” Mr. Phillips gave her a last look over, turned around and left, followed by Mr. Davin.

Amy collapsed on the floor, she was shaking so much Liz took her to the barn’s loft and laid her on her ‘fuck mattress” to rest. The emotional shock of what had happened had completely exhausted her and she passed out.

It was later, but she had no idea of the passage of time. She could feel she was being violated, but she couldn’t move. She dimly saw Master Davin on top of her, she felt his cock gliding in and out of her fuck box. She was a slave being fucked by her master. Confused, her body reacted like a slave’s would and pushed against his thrusts. She dimly heard, “You’re my slave now, you want this.” He came quickly and deposited his sperm in her. Then she felt his now limp cock coated in his slimy ejaculate pushed into her mouth. “Clean!” he demanded and her tongue automatically started rolling around his penis and tasting the salty cum.

When Amy finally woke up, she wasn’t sure what happened. Was it real? If it was, she had been declared a slave so it couldn’t be called rape. In her confused state she didn’t just let it happen, she had actively participated. She wasn’t even upset, “Maybe those damn slave videos made her like it.” She said to herself.

Amy came down from the loft and found her clothes and Liz gone. She walked to the house, still looking and feeling like a slave. When she got to the house, she asked Master Tod where Slave Liz was. “She’s in the laundry room washing clothes, go help her. But wash up first.” Amy used a sink full of soapy water in the bathroom sink to and a facecloth to clean herself. The went to the laundry room, when she got there, she started folding clothes without thinking.

She finally remembered her clothes. Asking where they were Liz said master had told her to put them away in his bedroom. Amy just said “OK” and kept folding. She was comfortable doing this, she was comfortable being here, she was comfortable being a slave.

Liz came up to her, “You’re not fully slave naked, you have to shave your pubic hair.” And she led Amy by the hand to the bathroom. “You are nicely trimmed, that helps.” Liz smiled. Then she put some shaving cream on and slowly removed Amy’s pussy hair. Amy just stood there, obedient, the cool feeling of the razor cutting away at her free feelings.

Taking the clothes to Master Tod’s bedroom, Amy got a look at herself in the mirror. Seeing her mound bare made her feel different. She felt like a different person, she felt like a slave.

But it also jolted her memories and self identification. She was confused, she remembered being free, wanting to be free. But at the same time, she remembered she was a slave. She realized she needed to call home, Mr. Davin had driven her here, so there was no question of someone coming here to retrieve one of the family’s vehicles. She told them that Liz needed her so she agreed to stay for a couple of days and not to worry. She had been talking to her grandfather Jack, who trusted her and took her at her word.

Master Davin now returned, he had purchased a real slave collar and ordered Amy to kneel. He removed the old collar and locked the new one around her neck. Amy felt a cold shiver of anxiety go down her back. Her master then demanded she pleasure him with her mouth and unzipped his pants. Amy had only given a blowjob once, not counting the one that has happened earlier. Amy pulled down his pants and shorts and now had his modest prick right in her face. She told herself she didn’t have a choice and grabbed his cock and placed it in her mouth. Not an expert she simply pushed her head back and forth letting the penis side over her tongue. Even this less then enthusiastic oral sex quickly made him come and she felt a gagging feeling as the warm ejaculate sprayed the back of her throat.

He then left without a word, leaving Amy unhappy with what happened. The Amy and Liz went back to the barn and Amy returned to her original job of teaching Liz how to care and ride horses. Amy quickly found that working with horses cleared her head and by the end of the afternoon she was feeling better.

When the children came home, they had to pick up after them and endure their petty demands. Amy would service the eldest son, now eighteen, who was not a much better lover than his father, though he partly made up with it with enthusiasm.

Before supper Master Davin took Amy to the fuck mattress and had her climb on him. Amy lowered herself on him and felt the semi-erect cock enter her vagina. Now it was Amy bobbing on master’s cock, feeling forced into pleasuring him she was angry with her circumstances. He started playing with her breasts and pulled her towards him. Very soon Amy felt his warm cum enter her. He had her clean him with her mouth, which she found unpleasant, then he left.

There was supper, the clean up, and then oral pleasuring of master again. At least he was easy to please sexually, and Amy felt little pleasure in their fucking. Amy told herself that she had to muck out the horse stables at home, a much dirtier, smellier, and overall harder work. Here, Rey did that, and she had to admit this was so much easier; she would just let her mind wonder as he fucked her. It was humiliating at first, she was now thinking clearly, unlike the first time when her mind was in a fog. She knew exactly what was happening and didn’t like it. Her slavery was to be endured, though with master away from work most of the time tomorrow, she would only had to suffer being treated as a slave by his wife, and even then, mistress was going to be away at various committee meetings, leaving her and Liz to clean house and prepare meals and work with the horses.

That night, when they were getting the bed ready Amy asked, “You know, I never did ask you where do you sleep?”

“I have a cot and I sleep at the end of the bed. I wake up first and put it away in a closet so I can get the coffee ready when they wake up.”

“That’s good I could never sleep in a cage.”

“I guess they didn’t put slave pens in houses this old, and master never got around to building one in the basement.”

“Thank heavens for small mercies.”

An air mattress was brought out and when it was time to go to bed, Amy would sleep on that.

That night Amy again had to pleasure Master Davin, beside her Liz was pleasuring Mistress orally. Amy sucked his cock till hard, then he climbed on her and pushed inside her. He wanted to break her, but all he could only come up with taunts, vague threats, and name calling. It was all something to be endured, and Amy did. After a few minutes of pumping, he came inside her again. Amy was being obedient; she wasn’t going to give him a reason to go through the trouble of taking her to the town hall to be punished.

The next day, it got easier, she now felt a bit better about what was happening. In fact, when she woke up, she found herself looking forward to the day. Amy even started enjoying the sex, playing with herself while master was being serviced by her, or his son, and have a satisfying orgasm. She started to just let go of her fear and just let herself enjoy slavery. No worries and sex without cares.

The following day, the forty-eight hours had gone by, and Amy was still there, naked and collared. She had lost track of time and just thought of her slave duties. It was now fifty- two hours and Mr. Davin and Liz had both been hoping Amy would stay. But a call from her sister Lou brought her back to herself. Her sister had wondered when she was coming home, and at first Amy didn’t know what to say. Finally, she blurted out “this evening” and hung up.

Amy sat in the barn for a while, getting her thoughts in order. It felt strange, she actually felt sorry she was going to go home. That her slavery was going to end. She actually got mad at herself for deciding to leave, then mad at herself for wanting to stay.

Amy had been fifteen years old when she had been in the car accident that had killed her mother. They were rescuing, well stealing, an abused horse named Spartan. That horse would become Amy’s horse, but not before almost losing him. Amy loved and deeply cared about horses, her mother had a gift for healing horses, and Amy had inherited her talent and had been a keen student. Always willing to try to help horse’s in trouble, she would refuse to give up on a problem horse. She was confident in herself and her abilities and held herself to a high standard. Not one to barge into other people’s business, but if a horse was involved, then she would jump right in.

Amy considered herself a strong young woman, and bristled at any suggestion she didn’t know what she was doing. Her Mother and Grandfather taught her to be responsible and do the right thing, and both had led by example. She enjoyed sex, but wouldn’t let herself become preoccupied by it. This put a lot of pressure on her and would secretly second guess herself.

But now as a slave she didn’t have to worry about all that. She could let go, let someone else make decisions and let it take the pressure off. She could let herself explore being fully sexual, pursue pleasure for its own sake. She could abdicate her responsibilities, stop worrying what people think about her, and just relax. When the magistrate had imposed two days of slavery on her she had been overcome with fear and anxiety. But having found herself capable of handling it, she found a kind of freedom in slavery, and her stress had disappeared. The stress of being enslaved, and the stress of her free life.

Amy realized that she couldn’t stay, at the very least her family would want to know what happened to her, and hell would freeze over before her grandfather would accept her being enslaved. A lifetime of being taught to be responsible was coming back to her. She knew that just avoiding the conflict that would break out was good enough reason to go back so no one would get hurt. Every time she worked with the Davin’s horses reminded her of her love of helping horses, something she wouldn’t get to do if she remained a slave. She knew she had to go back to her old life, it was the right thing to do for everyone.

When Mr. Davin to come home from work, he was happy and hopeful seeing that she was still there, he had left the key to the collar with Amy in case she had wanted to leave while he was gone. Amy pleasured him in the barn one last time, sucking his cock hard then wrapping her legs around him and bobbing up and down while he sat in a chair. When she finished, she respectfully asked for the collar to be removed and allowed to put her clothes back on. She told him she would be back to keep working with Liz, but she would not as his slave. He tried to convince her to stay but Amy was adamant, so he reluctantly unlocked her collar and returned her clothes. Amy dressed herself in front of him then he drove her back home.

The next day, they appeared before the magistrate at his office. Amy was clothed and uncollared, was able to declare truthfully and convincingly that she had no interest in being a slave. Then Mr. Phillips gave a statement of freedom to Amy and she walked out a completely free woman. Amy asked if there was a permanent record, the magistrate said nothing had been entered on the computer and there were no paper documents.

Amy felt disoriented being back home, her usual self confidence had been shaken. The whole experience gnawed at her. It messed with how she saw herself, a strong, capable, FREE woman. Her upbringing had been an active avoidance of slavery culture. But still, you couldn’t avoid it, magazines, television and movies it was ubiquitous, and they always showed happy slaves. She tried to tell herself that she had been forced, she just did what she had to do. But she had ended up enjoying it, and that bugged her. Amy didn’t like the idea she had gone so far in her participation in her slavery, it made her angry with herself.

Now that she was back home, she threw herself into her work and home life. She was trying to push the memories and feeling that she had as a slave. But having experienced slavery for real, it stayed in the back of her mind. She even kept her pubic hair shaved. The attempt by Mr. Davin and the slave catcher to enslave her had rattled her, it had been terrifying and reinforced her hatred of slavery. She had thought she would never let herself act like a slave, but little by little she let herself get sucked in. She couldn’t help wondering why she had accepted it so easily. No one who knew her would have guessed she would have acted that way, least of all Amy herself.

She went back a few more times, it didn’t matter how she was dressed, they still considered her a slave. And it didn’t matter to Liz whether or not Amy was naked or not, she felt she was her sister slave, and said so.

But it didn’t take much longer before Amy considered Liz to know what she needed to take care of horses, and Amy didn’t need to go back there anymore. She said her goodbyes to everyone, even Rey, she was a little sorry to go, but knew she had to leave now, it was what was best for her.

A couple of months later Amy ran into Mr. Davin and Liz at Maggie’s Diner and Tack and Feed, in Hudson.

Mr. Davin and his naked slave walked up to Amy’s table, “I’ve missed you; you were a good slave.”

This made Amy very nervous, her best friend Soraya worked for her mother here, and she herself had worked here as well when she was younger. She tried not to make a big thing of it and attract attention. “Well, thanks, I guess.”

“You should come by again, see how Liz Is doing and be my slave again.”

This is exactly what Amy had feared, him coming up to her and revealing what had happened to her. Luckily the Davin’s were not well known in town, preferring to go to Calgary for their shopping needs. Even the kids went to a private school. “I don’t think I would have time, I’m very busy with my clients.” Amy decided to pack her things in and pay her bill and leave, luckily, she was finished her lunch so it didn’t look like she was running away.

They followed her outside, “Come on, Liz misses you, and it wasn’t that bad?”

This was something Amy had worried about, being presented with another opportunity for slavery. But she shouldn’t make such a decision without careful consideration. “I’ll think about it, maybe I’ll probably call you tomorrow.” And walked away.

The idea bugged her; it became a worm in her mind that she couldn’t get rid of. The idea of going back didn’t repel her, and that worried her. Should she go back, eyes open and show herself she didn’t want it? Should she give it a second chance? Should she even risk it?

The next day Amy called Mr. Davin and told him she would do it. But with the same rules as before, no whipping and no taking her off his property.

“Sounds good, you’ll spend most of your time with Liz anyways, and do the usual work around the house.”

“See you Tuesday then.” Then Amy walked away. She actually felt a little shiver of excitement at the thought of going back on her own terms.

Tuesday morning Mr. Davin came to pick Amy up. Amy realized this was a power play, she would need him to drive her home, or ask someone from her family to pick her up, risking exposure. As soon as she exited his SUV he had her disrobe, and then kneel for him to lock a slave collar on her. He noticed that Amy was still shaved, and took note of her continuing slave behavior. He then brought out a leash and attached it to the D ring on the collar. This didn’t please Amy but she kept quiet.

“Suck me.” He ordered. Amy unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. She decided to try some of what she had learned from the slave instruction videos. She licked at the head of his cock, which made it quiver and elicited a sound of pleasure from him. She could see it getting harder so she took it into her mouth and swished her tongue around it. He grabbed her head and started sliding his manhood over her tongue. Amy gave up participating and just let him use her mouth. As usual he came quickly and his salty cum filed her mouth. She forced herself to swallow it as he pulled her by the leash towards the house.

When she got in, she was greeted by the wife with, “So you decided to come back and stay? Well get your ass upstairs and get those beds made and room fixed up.” Amy wasn’t surprised by the reception and went upstairs immediately.

She found Liz in the master bedroom, who welcomed her with a big hug, “Welcome home sister.” She exclaimed.

Amy replied, “Nice to see you again.” Then asked, “Where can I clean my mouth out?”

Liz pointed to the master bathroom and Amy washed out her mouth, she wasn’t going to ‘honor’ her master cum by swallowing every last drop.

When they finished, they went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. There was a smock for when food was being fried, but it wasn’t needed today. They had a variety of cereals and fruits, which the slaves served them. He didn’t take Liz to his job in Calgary, there were no clients or bosses to please so the slaves would be home together.

They went to the barn to care for the horses, Amy suggested, “You know, there’s no one else around, why don’t we tack up the horses and go for a ride.” Liz was enthusiastic, Amy watched Liz get the bridle and saddle on, making sure she did it herself, but giving hints and small corrections when needed. When they mounted the horses, Amy definitely felt the difference being naked. The gentle rubbing of her pussy against the leather and the motions of the horse sent pleasure rushing through her body.

“Doesn’t it feel great sister? The first time I did this I came so hard and was so horny I would have fucked anyone. When master came home, I jumped him like a rabid rabbit.”

“Ya, I can imagine.” Amy said breathlessly, she was feeling so out of control she could hardly think. She quickly came to a powerful orgasm that shock her body and almost caused her to fall off her horse.

When they got back to the barn, there was still no one home. Both of the girls were in a state of intense sexual excitement. Liz took Amy’s hand and led her to the hay loft. Up there she produced and double sided, flexible, dildo. Amy looked at it hungrily, as Liz laid her down on the fuck mattress. Both were so wet it dildo slid inside easily. The slaves faced each other, gyrating against the dildos. Then Liz started sucking Amy’s nipples, while guiding the dildos deeper in each other. When Liz started playing with Amy’s clit it sent her over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm. Amy just laid there, in post-coital satisfaction as she watched Liz pumping the dildo, till she too came, collapsing on Amy.

While they rested in each others arms, Amy asked Liz, “I’ve never seen master whip you, has he ever done it?”

“He tried once, but after three strikes he quit, he couldn’t do it because of my crying. Its probably why I ended up running away, I wasn’t disciplined properly.”

An hour later Young Master Tod came home early, he brought three friends with him, which scared Amy. “We got off school early, and when they found out I had two slaves my friends insisted ion trying you out. So, you’re going to be out fuck toys.”

The girls were made to kneel, and the guys lined up in front of them. first Tod and a friend approached. “Suck us.!” He ordered. Both girls undid their pants and slid them down. Amy started with sucking just the head of Tod’s prick. He gave his approval and she continued with licking around it. She slowly let it slide in her mouth and continued to roll her tongue as it slid back and forth in her mouth. Amy disliked doing this, on display like she was in a brothel. She refused to look at him, instead concentrating on the ceiling behind him. All of a sudden, he withdrew and Amy found her face being covered in his spunk. She was shocked at the disgusting act, the cum irritated her eyes and she tried to wipe it away.

But as she tried another cock was pushed onto her mouth and started pumping. She just kneeled there as the cock oscillated in her mouth, the eighteen-year-old young man grabbed her head and started pushing it back in forth in rhythm to his thrusts. He was longer than Tod and Amy had to resist retching as he hit the back of her throat. He came quickly, then he also withdrew and ejaculated all over her hair.

Amy could see Liz receiving the same treatment, but before she could say anything another cock was thrust into her mouth. This one took longer to get hard, as he had already had his pleasure with Liz just a few minutes before. Amy continued to refuse to engage sexually with these brats. She just let the penises pound her mouth, they didn’t seem to care she wasn’t actively pleasuring them, she was just a breathing fleshlight. The dickhead was sliding his cock for several minutes when Amy decided to take over. She grabbed hold of his wang and started licking the head, feeling shivers from him as she did so. Amy had learned some techniques from Liz, as well as online about giving oral pleasure. Soon she had her lips around the head and while her tongue teased the tip, she bobbed slowly and soon felt the cock become engorged. Then she teased the pecker gently with her teeth, hearing a “Oh shit!” from the young man. She finished up pleasuring him by rolling her tongue while it was in sliding in her mouth.

He also withdrew, and splattered her breasts with his cum. “Fuck that was the best I’ve had. Can I rent her?” Tod said he didn’t know, and didn’t care.

Amy now found her mouth filled with the pecker from the last of Tod’s friends. She found herself numb from a steady invasion of pricks, her mind had become listless, she was having problems thinking. As soon as he finished with her, he followed his friends and spread his ejaculate over her face. As for Amy, she just collapsed on the floor, her mind sluggish.

As for the boys they sat around with a case of beer talking about the upcoming football season. Amy was sitting up after a bit, looking at her blank face they called her “slave stupid”. Liz was up and set about and cleaning up the beer cans when the guys went for another round. They bent the slaves over hay bales, then they pushed their cocks in their mouths to suck them till hard, then moved around behind them to fuck them in their pussies.

Amy would mindlessly suck each cock in turn and then feel each cock enter her fuck hole and start pumping. She was running on automatic, not thinking or caring what was going on, barely even feeling the scratchy hay in her naked chest. She did realize at one point she had one cock in her mouth and another in her pleasure hole, but she didn’t care. This time each guy would deliver his load inside her, and when they were done, she was sticky all over and leaking cum.

The guys looked down on the exhausted slaves and talked among themselves, “Now what ya wanna do… Shit I’m not gonna fuck for a month… These fuck pigs are used up now… Let go clean up and play Call of Duty… Fuck ya…”

One of Tod’s friends asked him, “What’s the new slave sluts name?”

“I don’t know.” Replied Tod

“She kinda looks a bit like Kate Hudson, how about Kate?” Another friend suggested.

Tod replied, “Ya good enough.” And took a felt marker and wrote “Kate” on her left breast, then the back of her right hand to remind her of her new name.

The guys left to go to the house, leaving the slaves to recover. Rey came in to clean the stables, seeing the girl on the ground, he put a blanket on a hay bale, and sat them down on it. “You OK?” he asked. The girls just grunted. “OK I’ll take you to the house and let you clean up.” He was strong and he lifted both girls by the arms and led them to the house. The boys were too immersed in their video game to notice them and they were brought to the master’s bedroom to use the bathroom there.

There Amy finally saw herself in a full-length mirror and recoiled in horror. Her face and chest were covered in sticky cum, her hair was matted, and she was fouled with dirt and other stuff from the barn. She didn’t recognize this squalid creature. She saw the name on her hand, “Kate, am I Kate? Who am I?” Amy’s mind was hiding she has dissociated from herself. She couldn’t remember Amy. “Kate, my name is Kate.” She said out loud.

The rest of the day was spent as a mindless drone. Amy was hiding, and Kate didn’t have a personality so she had to be told what do. “Slave Stupid” they just said. When Master Davin returned home, he had an obedient slave service him. He asked about the name written on the slave’s body, his son told him he gave her a slave name. “OK Kate, welcome home.” Everyone just called her Kate now, even Liz. Kate didn’t know herself by any other name. She even forgot about horses.

Kate went to sleep, looking forward to her continuing life of slavery. But her sleep was filled with nightmares, she woke up every couple of hours in a sweat. Amy was reemerging, feeling it was safer to come out. It was six o-clock in the morning when Kate got up, a usual time for Amy to wake up. But Kate/Amy was confused, she was looking forward to her slave day, and she was hating it at the same time. She thought about pleasing Master Davin, and she thought that all she wanted to do was work with horses.

No one else was awake, and the slave girl wondered out into the early morning and walked to the barn. The smell of the horses and the barn welcomed her. Caressing the side of a horse made her feel good again. Her long-time love of horses pushed away her recent love of slavery. The cool air made her nipples hard and tickled her pussy lips, giving her a soft feeling of pleasure. But Amy was back, Kate was being pushed away.

Amy tacked up a horse, and road off into the pasture. The cool leather rubbing against her pleasure centers felt so good, but being on a horse felt even better. After an hour on the horse Amy knew who she was and knew what she wanted. The memory of the sexual abuse by Young Master Davin and his friends repelled and nauseated her. She knew she didn’t want to stay.

When she returned to the house, the use of the name Kate confused her, and gave her a strange feeling. When Mr. Davin awoke, Liz pleasured him. Amy helped him get dressed, and then announced her intention to leave. The Davin’s tried to dissuade her, reminding her that she had completely accepted slavery and that they had been good to her. There had been no slave kibble, no whippings, not even the threat of one, and she didn’t sleep in a cage. Another owner would do all that, and worse. When Amy said she didn’t want to be a slave at all, they countered she had shown herself to be a slave, she had kept herself shaved while free again, that showed it was impossible for her to return to being a free woman. It was better to accept it with a good master she knew than end up on the auction block and be sold to a stranger.

In the back of her mind Amy knew there was truth to what they were saying. But she stood her ground, and did so with gentleness and thoughtfulness. Showing she had no ill will towards them, even thanking them for the opportunity they had given her.

She received her clothes back, and had her collar removed. Both seemed so strange, she felt she had been a slave for months, almost like it was all she knew. She left the Davin’s with some sadness, feeling she had lost something. Amy felt like she had a split personality, but she knew she would get better.

Being back home was a perplexing experience. Amy felt like she was stuck between two worlds, a few times when she let her mind wonder her slave thoughts would slip in. A couple of times she forgot her name for a minute, someone addressed her as Amy and she would fail to recognize they were referring to her. One time in town, someone called out for a Kate, and she thought they were calling her.

But it didn’t take long to get better, the familiar surroundings, her close family, the happiness that horses brought her. All this brought her back to her pre-slavery self.

A couple of weeks later Mr. Davin got a big promotion and the family moved to Toronto. Amy worried what would happen to Liz, now she wouldn’t have access to horses. But there was nothing she could do. Amy visited just before they left and shook hands with the family and gave Liz a big hug, who gave Amy the plastic collar with the ”sister’s” pendent, to remember her and Amy’s time as a slave.
Last edited by gary on Thu Mar 11, 2021 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by orflash64 »

That was excellent Gary. Really liked the more sex, gives the slave haze more of a impact.
Not sure where in the story Amy goes from normal free girl with a bush to slave like with a shaved pussy? I like to see that transition. It not just being naked and collared that transforms the free girl to slave.
If I were editing I would put it in where Amy passes out in the barn after being enslaved. As she wakes up being fucked, also she is bare now down there. Liz having shaved Amy's pussy while she slept, In preparation for the Master fucking his new slave.
Or do you just imply that all young women shave their pussies?
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Post by gary »

Have to admit I didn't think of whether Amy was, or is already shaved. A detail I forgot to include, like not discussing worries about pregnancy.

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Post by orflash64 »

When Amy sees herself in the mirror for the first time slave naked and collared with her pussy shaved and freshly fucked, the identity crisis starts to set in. Is she free, is she a slave? It just another layer stripped away, making her feel more vulnerable.
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Post by gary »

Made a few edits, shown in Italic, of Amy being shaved, and the effect it has. Thank you Orflash64 for the suggestion.
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Post by Mr. Smith »

I loved the comparison of a slave girl to a "breathing fleshlight" in this chapter so much that I rewrote part of the story I posted this morning incorporating the term and adding a running narrative on using a slave girl for oral sex by a character who just loves the self-cleaning function when they swallow.

I like that you took Orflash's suggestion and had Liz shave Amy. It is more demeaning to not be allowed to shave your own vagina. You could of had Liz have Amy bend over so she could get all of those hard to get hairs around her anus. The act of bending over, pulling your cheeks apart while someone else shaves you can only be embarrassing. Then applying a bleach cream to lighten the color of her rosebud would further drive home Amy's slave status that her back door is available to for use. I am surprised that nobody tried out Amy's "slave hole" for some good anal sex to further drive home her changed status from free woman to slave girl.
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Post by orflash64 »

That's awesome!

But I still think the shock value would have been greater if Liz shaved Amy's pussy while she slept on the fuck mattress. She was so out of it Amy didn't even realize it was happening. Also taking the choice out of Amy's hands just like the Official ordering Amy naked and enslaving her. It just happens so fast and waking up to being Slave Fucked.
Also from that point on, Amy not liking the stubble feel down there, keeps shaving her pussy all the time, like a good little slave girl should do, even after she gets her clothes back.
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Post by Mr. Smith »

I agree with orflash regarding the shock value of Amy waking up with her pussy shaved. You could then embarrass Amy further by having her get Liz's help shaving off the stubble to keep it smooth and to get all the hard to reach places. Maybe have Amy shave Liz. I just like forcing slave girls to shave each other's pussies as a general rule.
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Post by lovethissite »

I love this series after reading all of it several times. I am absolutely stuck on this particular chapter. I did have the question of birth control being omitted. Love the shaving suggestions but I would love to read both slaves slaving each other in front of their master as he makes sure they both are very smooth then takes both of the slaves side by side anally. Also loved the slave name being written on Kate. Wish it would have been written on her cheek in permanent marker, harder to remove but not completely permanent just takes a while to fade. I hope you continue the series as I have written I am hooked and have read the entire series several times. Thank You.

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