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Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

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Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by mikey22 »

As the line slowly but surely moved forward. They were eventually close enough to the front of the line, that they could see the ones up to be graded.
They could see the girls moms, looking over the legal documents. More well to do parents, even had lawyers show up. To look the documents over, making sure everything was on the up and up. They supervise and make sure the excited teenager would check the right boxes and sign in the right places. So a simple grading wouldn’t turn into an outright enslavement.

Crystal though paid particular attention to the girls coming out from their gradings.
There was quite a mixed bag of emotions that followed.

And just like you would expect. The head cheerleader types with Barbie doll figures and blond hair graded Prime.
And they’ed be jumping up and down with excitement.

“ I’m Prime!…I’m Prime! “
And she’d be hugging her mother, sister or friends. As if she was on top of the world.

But unfortunately this reaction was rarely seen. And as we touched on earlier in the story. All these stuck up snobs, all thought they were Prime worthy.

And many of them had gotten knocked down off their high horses.

A more normal reaction was the look of content or satisfaction with their grade.

“ I’m Choice…That’s okay. It’s not what I wanted but I can live with it. “

Another reaction was the poor girl running out, crying her eyes out.

“ I’m only Select! “
Would be all she’d get out, as she cries like a baby.

And then there was the look of anger.

One in particular was a knock dead gorgeous black girl. She had long straight black hair, pretty round face with nice big suck your dick lips. She had big tits with an ass that would rock your fucking world.

As far as figure goes she might be considered big boned. Or Phat “ Pretty Hot and Temping. “ Not to be confused with Fat, as in lazy fat slob. If she’d been dressed in a Zebra striped dress with heels. She’d be the kind of woman that would just suck the oxygen out of the room, when she’d walk in swinging those hips. All eyes would be on her, and her only.
But her reaction was this.

“ Choice Plus???…You mean I shaved my fucking cunt for this? Old ass white man felt me up for half an hour! And all I get is Choice Plus? I’m gonna sue God Damnit! I’m Prime! And they’re gonna know I’m Prime! When I get through with them! “

To say the least she was pissed off.

And she had her mom, and auntie. Along with about 4 cousins with her.
They came over to mom.

“ What you think? Don’t you think my baby is Prime? “
The girls mom asks mom.

Mom with her hand gestures to Crystal.

“ It’s just like I was telling my daughter the other night. It’s not a momma’s place to say. That’s why they’re graded by an experienced grader. Cause you know every momma would say their baby is Prime. “

Though that explanation made sense. None of them were satisfied with it.

The mom looked down the long line of girls waiting to be graded.

“ I don’t see nothing but snow bunnies here? “

“ Race don’t have nothing to do with it. She either meets the standards or she doesn’t. If you’d done your homework, you’d know the standards here are some of the highest in the country.
If you think the old white man is holding you back? Why didn’t you go to the Jackson market?”

“ We did go to the Jackson market. She only graded Select there. “

“ And she grades Choice Plus here? And you’re bitching about it? “

Mom shakes her head in disbelief.

“ I’m done with you! “

The group continues to bitch and complain all the way out the gate.

As you see some people just can’t accept reality.

Also up at the front counter, there was a large sign above that said Lottery. Where there was an excited couple who thought they had a winning ticket in hand.
The smiling woman looked to be as if she was in her early to mid 30’s. Her permed dark blonde hair hung down past her shoulders. She just looked kind of like the average mom type. Sort of pleasantly plump, in her white shorts matching top with sunglasses resting on top of her head.

She handed over her ticket to the employee behind the counter that ran her numbers. And suddenly lights flashed with a loud bells ringing.

“ We have a winner folks! “
The employee announced through a microphone.
A small crowd stopped and gathered around to watch.

“Pretty lady! Just sign right here for your winnings. “
The smiling employee said.

She anxiously grabbed the pen and scribbled out her signature.

“ How much did I win? “
She asked excited with a beaming smile.

“ Congratulations lady! You just won yourself a five year enslavement! Now take off your clothes!”

It was priceless to see that pretty beaming smile she had, as it turned to a look of shock and despair.

Her hubby quickly backed away, as she was surrounded by four men, who grabbed and forcefully started to strip her.

“ HELP ME!!! “ She screams out in desperation as the scuffle follows.

Her purse was snatched from her shoulder. She was then hit in the head with it, which knocked her stylish sunglasses to the ground. They of course was crushed by the boot of one of the wranglers. Her thin white blouse was easily ripped from her body. One man yanked at her bra, while another one pulled down her shorts and panties. Her sandals quickly followed.

She was held bent over the counter, while her fat pale ass was whipped with a crop, until she submits for the steel collar that’s locked around her neck. Her mouth also quickly gagged.

“ Mind if I fuck her one last time? “
Her husband yells out.

“ Of course not! Go ahead sir! “

Her hubby quickly dropped his pants and just shoved his cock into her pussy from behind. And gave her that last 2 minute special that she’d been complaining to her girlfriends and the lover that she’d had on the side about.
Once he shot off and filled her cunt. He grabbed the wedding ring from her finger.

“ Just so you know I’ll be pawning this! “
Her necklace and earrings were taken and tossed away like they were nothing but trash.
The woman was then forced into a cage, and rolled away on a cart.

There was a couple of waiting naked slaves that swept up her torn and discarded clothing, and dropped them into a trash can.

Hubby walks away with a big smile.

“ That lottery ticket was cheaper than a divorce! “
He said with a laugh.

Mom was instantly aroused by watching how the woman had been man handled, stripped and fucked.

“ Mmmm! Maybe I should buy a ticket or two? “
Mom said feeling her pussy start to juice up.
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by CommodorRaptr »

Just wanted to say sorry for my horrible posts on your last story. I should be much more empathetic to you and your writing. The spelling errors are fine and not at all as bad as I said. You've created and made a wonderful story and I have no right to shit all over it. As someone else said it's a free service for everyone to enjoy. I sure as hell could not write stuff like this so I shouldn't criticize it so mercilessly. Again I apologize. I'm excitedly waiting for your next chapter.

PS: I did mention in the past how short your chapters were, I'd like to take that back as shorter chapters makes it much easier to remember what's going on rather than having to go back. Plus you are very good at releasing new chapters quickly. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by imreadonly2 »

I sort of see grading like a blue book rating, where there are specific definitions of good (no major blemishes, clean title, no rust, etc.) Of course there is room for debate, but a numerical score card is used to arrive at the letter grade.

If you want to be told your Prime Minus, you should get an unofficial grade down at the mall, where for a $100 they will tell you anything you want to here.

I loved having the moms involved in reviewing the grading documents. I always thought having moms or grandmas or older sisters around for these procedures was very hot, in that the girl is protected, but also left feeling more naked because they are being evaluated as livestock under the watchful eye of someone they know.

Nice work!
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by JustBob »

I loved the lottery idea: "Cheaper than a divorce", At first, I was thinking 'who would be dumb enough to buy a ticket for that?' Then you pulled the U-turn where the husband bought. Nice!
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by butterballgurl »

Love the twist of the lottery enslavement. Lots of potential there.
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 16

Post by timerider »

Good story, thanks Mikey.
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