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Crystals vacation part 3

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Crystals vacation part 3

Post by mikey22 »

Crystals unfortunate detour to jail continues.

The backseat seemed so cramped with 4 people crammed in it, then of course was the sickening smell of Buford’s nasty wet fart combined with that stinking cigar. It was almost too much to bare, thankfully the window of the old squad car worked, so eventually the cloud of funk cleared.

As the car cruises the mountainous winding roads. Cousin Josh was the one sitting next to Crystal. He decided he’d try to take advantage of the situation, by placing his hand on her knee, thinking that she wouldn’t mind him feeling up her leg a little.

And just as he did, her head snapped to the right, giving him the look that could kill.
With her teeth clenched, she growled in anger, and he immediately moves his hand back to his own lap.

Crystal maybe cuffed, collard and leashed, but as far as Billy, Bobby and Josh go, she’s still the fucking boss. And the boss always gets respect.

So the boys always knew their place with Crystal.
Though each one of them all dreamed of a day that things would be different.

Unfortunately for these three, Crystal was the closest thing to a girlfriend any of them had ever had. All three of them also was down right pissed off that pretty boy Cody was the one that popped her cherry. Before that she was just as big a virgin as they was. And the way they felt about was if they were doomed to be that way, then Crystal should be that way also.

It wasn’t long before they rolled into this fucking hick town that resembled Mayberry. It had everything that all them small towns have.
Barber shop, apothecary, hardware store, feed and seed, Dairy Queen. It even had one them old Shoney’s restaurants with the fat boy standing out in front of it. You don’t never see those around these days.
Of course they had a couple of car lots that seemed more to specialize in trucks than cars.

But what caught the boy’s attention was this joint called The Slave Trap, that advertised on the lit up marquee sign that you can get lap dances by real slave whores.

It was a big place and it had a packed house. Unlike The Pussy Cat Club, back in the Delta. Where you can watch that 200 pound 1 legged whore, swing around that pole with no teeth.

The Slave Trap had it going on. Even Crystal was impressed just driving by it. She looked back to see the sign that was above the marquee, that resembles a naked slave lit up in neon lights.

The car soon slowed to a stop right in front of the Sheriffs office. Buford and Clyde orders them all out of the car, all 3 boys got out in their own time. Crystal though got her a quick yank of the leash.

“ Come on! Hurry up! Whore! “

Crystal didn’t like that either, while ago she was addressed as slave and now she’s a whore. It was hard for her to decide which was worse. Not that it was gonna matter anyway. The boy’s led the way as Crystal gets drug along through the front door, still by the leash of course.

The lobby was small, behind the counter was a couple of desks, where a woman deputy was sitting at a police radio monitoring the calls, with a headset on.

Her name was Monica, she was the only female deputy on the night shift.
She takes off her headset and casually walks towards the counter. Where Buford hands her Crystals purse, SIN and license, along with the boys licenses.

Monica looks over the licenses, and looks over the boys with guarded interest, considering their youthful looks, she thought possibly their license’s were fake, and they might needed to be taken to the juvenile detention center instead.
But after another thorough check, she seemed satisfied that they were legitimately 18. And that really got Monica’s juices flowing.

Monica’s view point.

“ Damn! This might be my lucky night. Got 3 young bucks all to myself? Oh the fun I could have! “

Though when it came to Crystal, who’s the same age as they are. Monica had a different attitude towards her.

She snarls and looks down her nose at her with disgust, as she sizes her up.
Though Crystal is still dressed nicely, how can you take anybody seriously, when you’re wearing a whore slave collar, with a leash hooked to it.

“ So your what Prime looks like? “
Monica says to Crystal.

“ I’m Prime Plus! Let’s get that straight right now!”
Crystal says with arrogance.

“ Bitch Don’t let it go to your head! “

Monica then put her finger in Crystals face.

“ If you push my buttons! I’m gonna be pushing you in your crate, right on into the truck in the morning. And off to Doeville you’ll go! “

Crystal gulps.

“ Ain’t that in Alabama? “
Crystal asks shyly.

“ Roll Tide! “
Monica says with a big shit eating grin.

Crystal quickly humbles herself, by dropping to her knees, and bowing her head like a good slave would do.

There is no way Crystal wants to be a slave in Alabama. Mississippi and Tennessee is one thing, Alabama is a whole different matter there. Or as far as Crystals concerned anyway.

As Monica searches through Crystals purse, not finding anything any different than any other girl would carry around. She then started their paperwork. As she does Buford comes around the counter.

“ What ya think about them boys we brought you?”
He asks as he again smacks on another chew of tobacco.

“ I’m interested but they look to green. You think they got what it takes? “

“ To satisfy you? “

“ Of course. “

“ What man wouldn’t? “

“ Well for starters the one I’m married to. “

“ I’m sorry Monica, I shouldn’t have said that. “

“ So y’all think that girl is all that? “

“ She’s Prime Plus! It don’t get no better than that! “
Buford said before leaning towards the trash can to spit.
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Re: Crystals vacation part 3

Post by reddbunnz »

It sounds like Crystal ran into a combination of Barny Fife and Buford T. Justice in this small, red-necked hillbilly town. And they do exist even today in the rural South.
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