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The Yards--Chapter 5

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The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

Thank you for reading my story. This chapter is a little different. I have had this whole meshing of Kaylee's story along with those of her mother. I thought I would get some feedback of her mother and father, so I am not sure if people liked that part of chapter 1. I have one or two flashback chapters in my head as this moves forward, unless you all hate it then I can figure something else out. Thanks again.

Thanks also to Joe Doe, and Carl, and all of the other fine 34th amendment story tellers. Thank you for kindly welcoming me to your world.

The Yards Chapter 5

6 Months Ago

Erin and Jacob both sat in plush, high back leather chairs in the middle of a very well-appointed office. Across from them behind a wide mahogany desk was Wayne Newport the owner and CEO of Slave Products and Systems Inc. SPSI was the largest global provider of well everything slave related. They provide just about every product a slave owner, retailer, training school, auction house, or wholesaler might need or ever want. Their slave products covered the range from the inexpensive slave kibble, or zip cuffs, to the high-end electromagnetic slave collars and cuffs. If it had anything to do with the slave industry, the sex, or flesh trade Wayne Newport owned a part of it.

Erin and Jacob Miller were the last people on earth that you would think would be sitting in his large office located in The Yards auction and entertainment house, but here they were. Wayne leaned back in his chair, “so let me get this straight, you Reverend Jacob Miller, the same nationally recognized pastor and evangelical speaker, the Director of the Anti-Slavery and Public Decency Coalition wants to partner with me, and SPSI?” He paused for just a moment, “I mean we are enemies, and rivals. The only reason I accepted the meeting in the first place was to finally meet the man face to face that has been causing me so much political grief.”

Erin sat watching him, thinking that he was not dressed at all how she expected. She thought a man in the slave and sex trades would be dressed sleazily, or like a pimp of some sort. Lots of gold rings, and chains hanging from his neck. Thick, dark chest hair peeking out between the folds of his button-down shirt. Oh, and the shirt should be colorful and accompanied with linen pants and white patent leather shoes with no socks. Her imagination, however, could not be any further from the truth. The only thing that was the same about him compared to her vision of what he should be was that he wore pants, a shirt, and shoes. He actually wore a finely tailored black suit jacket with a dark blue patterned dress shirt. Erin admired him for a moment. His hair was short, almost a buzz cut, that required very little attention, he looked tall but hard to determine since he did not stand to greet them when they entered his office. He had green eyes that seemed to have a little sparkle to them as he spoke, but other than that he was slightly above average on the good looks scale. Not a man she would consider attractive although not bad looking. There was nothing extraordinary about him other than his sense of style, and the wealth that was dripping off of him, oh and all of the naked slave women in his office.

When Erin and her husband first entered the office, she was taken off guard by all of the nudity, and was immediately uncomfortable. There was a very pretty slave, with bright red hair, and freckles wearing a maid’s cap, and apron. She had her nipples pierced with small barbells, and a small metal tag with a number stamped into it hanging from her left breast. She stood quietly by a drink cart with her feet together and hands behind her back. Another female slave was standing behind them beside the door they used to enter the office. She stood silently holding the guests’ coats, and hats. A third and fourth slave were kneeling on each side of his desk. They were facing into the room holding crystal bowls filled with candies and chocolates. The one that caught Erin’s attention the most, and kept drawing her attention was a rather short woman who stood on a small platform against one of the walls. She stood in the middle of a beautiful gold picture frame on the wall behind her. That was not unique, what made it unique was that her body had Van Gogh’ Starry Night painted on it. The background behind her from one side of the frame to the other was the rest of the Starry Night artwork. Erin could not help but stare at how strangely beautiful the whole thing looked. The swirls of the night skies, stars and moon swirled around her breasts, and body. The wisps of the clouds running across her belly and blending into the background perfectly.

“Mr. Newport, I know that this might seem strange considering how public myself and my followers have campaigned against the 34th amendment, as well as business such as your own,” Jacob paused for a moment trying to get a read on Newport before continuing, “but I can assure you that we are here not as adversaries but to form a partnership for the good of our country, and our organizations, and well to be honest our bank accounts.”

Wayne seemed to be more interested in Erin as she was disengaged from the conversation staring at the human Starry Night. “She is lovely, don't you think Mrs. Miller?”

“Oh, um sure, I am sorry for staring, I know I should have been listening and here to support my husband I just could not help myself” Erin smiled, embarrassed as she looked back at Wayne.

“No apologies needed I understand it is sometimes hard not to stare and admire these slave naked beauties,” he said as he gestured around the room toward the other woman, “that is new technology my R and D team has been working on for a couple of years now, and I think we have it just about perfect. We call living slave art.”

“It is amazing.” Jacob spoke not wanting to be left out.

“Of course, it is fucking amazing! Everything that SPSI does is amazing,” Wayne said, his tone a bit aggressive toward Jacob, but never once stopped looking at Erin.

“How is it done? It can't be painted with the way it moves and shimmers, and I don't see any kind of projector anywhere.” Erin asked as she looked at the ceiling looking for something small that might be shooting the image on the slave.

Wayne smiled at her, “it is all done with a new kind of electro conductive, light refractive body paint.” He stood up and walked to the wall where the Starry Night slave was located. “See,” he licked his thumb and forefinger and taking one of the slaves' nipples between the fingers started to rub back and forth, “the image won’t move or project where there is no paint.” he moved his hand and stepped back. The slaves' pink flesh stood out in contrast to the darkness of the masterpiece. “We have a sealer that we can spray over the paint to prevent it from rubbing off, but I do enjoy giving these demonstrations.” He smiled again but this time at both Erin and Jacob.

“But how does the image get on her body to move like that?” Jacob was now very interested in slave art. He had always been wildly interested in new technology, and innovation, and the prospects of this new tech got him very excited.

Wayne's grin grew from ear to ear, “oh that is the fun part, and I am so glad that you asked. See the paint is made up of small conductive, reflective particles, that when applied make a kind of digital mesh. It is flexible, nearly transparent, and does not interfere with the wearer in any way,” he turned as he spoke and started to do something behind the slave, “so once the surface is coated it just needs a low voltage input and signal.” he tugged at something behind the slave and the wall flashed off turning white. He gently pushed the slave a few steps forward and turned her around. Starry Night was now wrapped around her entire body moving and shifting.

“Now let me show you, spread your legs, slave and present.” The slave quickly spread her legs wide and bent at her waist pulling her ass cheeks apart. Buried deep in her ass was a butt plug. The plug that had a small antenna wire, and l shaped metal rod that stuck out from the bulbous base while two small LEDs flashed red and green. “This plug supplies the power and has a Bluetooth receiver so it can be controlled from any smart device; all you need is the app.” He pulled out his phone and navigated through a few screens, and the backside of the slave including her hands holding her ass open flickered and they were now watching a porn video of a black woman sucking a heavy white guy's cock. “As you can see, we are not limited to just pictures, but we can also project videos as well. However, live streaming requires more power. The only way to get that kind of power is this.” He touched the rod with the connector,” as long as it is plugged into a power source then streaming is possible as well.”

“Wow that is incredible, the applications are so far reaching, I cannot imagine all of the possibilities,” Jacob knew that this one invention would be a game changer for any company and worth billions. He began to question if he could even partner with this man, and felt his confidence eroding away.

“Yes, they are, thank you for recognizing that,” his smile never left his face as he played with his phone again, this time the image changed to dogs sitting around playing poker. He turned the slave around and reattached the rod and the connector to the wall in the middle of the frame. The wall flickered a moment and the dogs playing poker now filled the space behind the slave. Wayne moved back toward his desk, “if you don’t mind me asking Mrs. Miller what do you think of this little slave on display?”

Erin was not sure what to say. She just looked at his open mouth for a second. She was brought along to help reinforce that the women in the organization were behind the decisions that her husband was making. She was there to show solidarity, and add support for her husband. She was not there to really speak, or answer questions. She had been taught since birth that a woman’s place is beside her husband, serving him, and taking care of him and the household. She was teaching her daughter the same Biblical values. “I think that it is quite interesting, and the technology is amazing. I am not sure of the point of the young lady being in the middle of it.’

“Oh, that is easy Erin. I am sorry, may I call you Erin?” his tone was soft and almost compassionate as he spoke to her.

“Oh of course Mr. Newport,” She smiled back at him.

“You are right Erin there is no point other than I want her there. It’s about control, Erin. You see I have it and these slaves don’t,” he looked at her trying to get a feel for how she was taking his answer, “they are my property to do with as I see fit,” he smirked and looked at Jacob, “within the confines of the law of course.”

“But surely she did not choose this?” Jacob interjected.

“I don’t know what her story is, but many of the women do choose this. They want to be possessed, owned, and used.”

“You just have her there on display, because you can?” Erin asked.

“Yes, and I have many slaves that I change out as I get bored with them. I rotate my slaves, some are used for sex, or as human furniture, servants, or like her as a human decoration,” he looked at both of them, his smile gone, “does that offend your sensibilities? Would it bother you more to know that with controlling ownerships of The Yards that I have my pick of slaves? My intake system is designed so that if a slave meets certain criteria that I prefer, then that slave is pulled out and set aside for me. When I say for me, I mean for me to possess and use. Since I opened The Yards, I have never fucked the same cunt twice.”

Wayne was trying to shake them now by letting them know the kind of man he was and the true value he placed on his human livestock. “I have several legal caveats in my slave housing and sales agreements. These agreements, unlike some of my competitors, are never coerced and always 100% willingly signed,” he went on, “I cannot be blamed that people do not read the fine print. You see, I am allowed to take 1% of all slaves processed through The Yards. That works up to be about 1 slave a month or so. I do have to pay the owner, if there is one, fair market value of the slave based on an average of sales prices over the last 12 months of slaves with similar slave grades. Then when I am done with a slave they are resold, and shipped out.”

“The dehumanization of these peoples is my greatest concern. Mr. Newport, they are still people that need love.” Jacob looked at the slave art, a full house rippling across her vagina, “and what comes after the men and women are used up, and have aged out, then what? That is why we are here today.”

“You know as well as I do Mr. Miller that laws that have been on the books for several years now, establishing financial accounts for these slaves, as a form of retirement, so please don’t tell me that they need cared for,” Wayne was leaning forward onto his desk, his frustration starting to build with this man that had been a thorn in his side was building.

“If you could give me 10 uninterrupted minutes, I think you would like what I have to say.” Jacob sat forward as well but spoke in his best request for a prayer voice.

“10 minutes and “BZZZZZZZZZ!”” Wayne's desk phone buzzed mid-sentence and he held up a finger on one hand looking at Erin and Jacob and pressed the call button with his other hand, “yes?”

“Mr. Grador is here to meet with you,” the soft female voice on the other side of the intercom announced.

“Thank you, send him in” he released the button, the door opened soon after, and a very large man with a file folder full of papers entered the room. He must have been just at 300 pounds, and maybe 5’9 or 5’10. He wore faded jeans and a Hawaiian shirt in spite of the fact it was February and still very cold out.

Jacob stood up as he entered, while Wayne remained in his seat.

“Good of you to finally join us, Robert.” Wayne sarcastically greeted him.

“Well, you know how time sort of gets away from you when you have a set of pretty lips wrapped around your knob,” The fat man let out a forced laugh as he looked around the room. Jacob was the only one to offer any kind of respiratory response to the comment, a small smile from the corner of his mouth.

“Sit down Robert.” Wayne motioned for a free chair furthest away from the door, but closest to the drink cart, “I invited Mr. Grador to join us for our conversation as he has a very unique perspective,” Wayne gave Jacob a look that made him feel instantly uncomfortable as he returned to his seat.

Robert Grador crossed the room handing Wayne the file before taking his seat. He looked to his right and visually ogled the slave in the slave apron, “Jack and cola, slut!”

Wayne looked at him then back at Jacob, “your ten minutes starts now.”

“Thank you, Mr. Newport, I truly appreciate you giving us the opportunity to meet with you,” he leaned back in his chair trying to portray a sense of confidence as he spoke, “Joseph Kennedy, father of the great John F. Kennedy was a well-connected man during prohibition, and similar to Joseph Kennedy who used his connections and the fall of prohibition to mass a great wealth, I want to use my vast political, religious, commercial, and activist connections to make us both a great deal of wealth.”

Jacob paused to get a read on if he still had Wayne’s attention, but he sat there in his chair, his expression unchanged, his hand on the folder. “The ASPDC leadership, and I recognize that the 34th amendment is not going away, and we also recognize that people eventually grow tired of conflict, and over time participation in the cause simply fades away. This could be quickly, but realistically in our case it could be a decade or more before interest fades enough for you to experience any real growth.”

“I have my own connections, and enough wealth to wait this out, why would I need you to be any part of this?” Wayne asked goading him.

“Simple I can help get your expansion started all over the upper Midwest, from Chicago to Salt Lake City in a matter of weeks. Into Minneapolis within two months, the west coast in 4 and the east coast in 6 to 8 months.”

Wayne and Robert looked at each other and then started to uncontrollably laugh. Jacob looked at his wife who had been silent sitting the whole time listening. She felt sorry for him, and hoped that he could get through to them, since she was already planning on ways to spend all the money they would be making.

The laughter started to subside, “sorry,” Wayne coughed back another small chuckle before getting control of himself, “first you don’t have that kind of money, political support, or honesty clout.” Wayne sat up in his chair, “I knew this was a waste of time.”

“You promised me ten minutes, I believe I have five left.” Jacob tried to play it cool, but he could feel the nervous as he silently begged this man not to throw him out.

Wayne leaned back in his chair once again, “fine continue.”

“As you know I am the director of the ASPDC, so that organization, and vast bank accounts go whatever direction I choose to take them in,” he paused for a moment before going on, “What you may not know is I am on the board of directors of Farm nation bank, it is the biggest, small bank you never heard of. They already handle a great deal of government money, and they have a broad range of services, but mostly they help farmers and other agricultural businesses get loans, grants, and other federal funding that might be available. They are the go-to bank for anything related to agriculture.” Jacob saw just a flash of recognition in Wayne’s eyes as he spoke.

“I also just recently became a silent partner in a real estate firm. The bulk of our holdings are retail in nature, strip malls, fast food land leases, and my two favorite buildings, the old Union Live Stock Exchange, and Burlington Station. These two buildings were key to the cattle and livestock exchange in the upper Midwest a hundred years ago. They both sit right on one of the main railroad hubs of our nation. Those rail lines still run today transporting most of the goods for North America from one coast to the other, and my buildings are right in the middle of it. I don’t have to tell you how important these lines are to your trade with the Department of Transportation interstate rules regarding the transporting of slaves.” Jacob looked at Robert who had pulled the drink slave to his lap and was quietly stroking his fingers in and out of her, then he looked to Wayne who was stone faced as ever.

“With a stroke of a pen the ASPDC’s stance will shift from the desire to abolish slavery altogether, but to a stance of making it safer, decent, and more acceptable to the public. We will also begin work on offering ongoing support to those that need assistance after they leave their contracts. With a few public service announcements, we alone will sway the nation in a single news cycle. You of course would make donations to the ASPDC, and help establish your desire to help and support these men and women when they need it.”

Robert snorted, but Jacob continued.

“The Farm Nation Bank has worked to secure exclusive rights to manage all of the slave retirement accounts, and funds. Your previous mentioned donations will help get you a seat on the bank’s board. The board helps guide the financial managers decisions toward future possible investment opportunities. This will also be legitimizing all of your accounts, and keep your deposits from getting any unwanted attention from federal banking officials.”

“Last, we have the assets to quickly establish what I like to call retail and rehabilitation outlets. All these proposed locations are in small and midsize communities on the rail line. The outlets will do all of the things a normal slave retail outlet can do, but they also offer the support, guidance, and federal funding that ONLY the ASPDC can offer.” Jacob for the first time felt very comfortable in the soft chair he was sitting in and smiled across at Wayne, as his wife took his hand, “I do have some thoughts on how the ASPDC can work with the training schools, but that would be another phase of the project that we can discuss at a later date.”

Jacob stopped talking and looked at Wayne for some long moments while they all sat there in silence. Finally, Robert broke in, “This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard,” He pushed the slave from his lap wiping his fingers into the chair.

“Give me a moment Bob.” Wayne waved his hand at the other man as he sat staring at Jacob, “I see a lot more benefit to me than you, what am I missing?”

“Well, I was waiting to see if my proposal was of any interest to you, and now that I see it is, I am looking for a five percent stake of SPSI.”

“Are you fucking kidding me!” The fat man pushed himself up from his seat, “this is the guy that is trying to ruin me, us! You can’t possibly.”

“Sit down and shut up BOB, your being disrespectful!” Wayne looked up at him staring hard at him. Robert’s nose was flaring, his face was red and sweat had started to form on his forehead. He dropped angrily into his seat mumbling under his breath.”

“Five percent is too much, and I am still not sure I should trust you.”

“What would be a better offer, and what might we do to prove to you that we are on the up and up?”

“I am also not sure just you saying so would sway the nation, people will see through that and follow the money,” he shook his head, “I am not seeing how this would work, I mean not a bad idea, but too many things that could go wrong, and I don’t trust you, so I am not even willing to counter at half a percent.”

Jacob felt like he may have blown it. He felt panicked trying to think of what to say to change his mind. His mind went blank, failing him.

“We need a catalyst.” Erin spoke up for the first time, “something that would push Jacob, and the Coalition to shift, and we could do our share for four percent.”

“Shrewd woman you have there Jacob,” he tapped the folder, “you see my associate here Mr. Grador operates several traveling fairs and carnivals. He is the owner of the fair that comes through your area in a few months.” Bob straightened up and leaned forward in his chair getting his face closer to the Millers.

“We were prepared to take steps to ruin you,” he opened the folder and started sliding 8x10 glossy pictures to the edge of the desk toward Erin, “You got the slave decently laws passed requiring slaves to hear a foot covering as well as a body coving. The industry was not happy with you, and quite honestly feeling very threatened by you. Now however you created a small little source of income with slave dresses and flip flops, so thank you for that. However, we still need you out of our business, so we have been following you,” He slid a sexually graphic full color photo of Jacobs young, petite secretary bouncing up and down on his cock. It was obvious that it had been taken at some distance and through a window.

“Your loving husband here has been fucking his secretary, a maid, and” he slid a picture of another hotel room with a different woman across to her. It was Jacobs turn to feel his face burn red as he set up, but Erin never stopped holding his hand, “who was this girl?” holding it up for Bob to see.

“Some slut at one of his meetings,”

Turning it back to Erin, “some random slut.”

He started to hold up another one, but Erin began to speak quietly and calmly. "Mr. Newport, your problem is that you do not understand your enemy,” she smiled at him. “You see, I went to Bible college for the sole purpose of finding a husband in the ministry. The Bible is a patriarchy handbook, and I strive to follow it.” She looked at her husband, squeezed his hand and mouthed I love you. “As a pastor’s wife it is my job to keep and prepare the home, and serve my husband sexually. This is not much different than what you are peddling, except I get love and respect back” she paused and took a breath, “I also know that there are sexual needs that my husband must have met when I am not there to meet them. I understand and accept this,” She gestured to the pictures in front of her. “Although the last picture you showed me is new to me, I know or have known about all of these women.”

Wayne and Robert for the first time looked at a loss for words, and were stunned by the revelations this loving wife was making.

“It is my job as a woman of God to meet all of the needs, wants and desires of my husband. Even if that means allowing him to get those needs fulfilled in another bed.”

“I don’t have words; I mean how is this ok with your people?” Wayne asked, shaking his head in shock.

She laughed, “We are not the only ones silly. We just do our best to remain discrete,”

“As far as the planned protests for the fair, I still have a job to do, and well the shuttle company hired to transport fair goers, is owned by a close friend. Nothing personal Bob.” Jacob cut in. “So do we have a deal at four percent?”

Wayne sat there for a moment, “no that is still too rich,’ shaking his head, “I am still trying to take all of this in, and well like your wife suggests we need a catalyst to make all of this work.”

“Honey, I think I have a solution,” Erin’s voice was sweet and dripping with sugar as she spoke. He nodded to her encouraging her to continue. “I can be your catalyst.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Bob threw himself back in the chair, “this shit is getting crazier by the minute! Throw them out, send the pics to the Gazette and let’s move one.”

“Bob please shut the FUCK UP!” Wayne was angry now as he slammed his fist to his desk, ending Bob's rants. “Go on Mrs. Miller.”

She smiled to herself, she was Mrs. Miller to him again, he respected her. Jacob and I were going to get a deal. “You see I love my husband, and leader and he loves me. That said I have needs as well that he tries to meet, but is not always successful,” she smiled at him again giving his hand another light squeeze affirming her love for him. “I as a woman am subservient to my husband and all men, it is what I am commanded to do and be.” She paused, taking a deep breath trying to find the courage for the next part. She could feel her nerves building, and a dryness starting to take over her mouth at the same time she felt a slickness developing between her legs.

“I don’t know what you’re about to say but I have an idea,” Jacob squeezed her hand back, “I will stand behind whatever you say, as you support me in these efforts.”

“Mr. Grador, I understand that that last couple of years you have hired women in the area that had slave fantasies, or needed extra cash to entertain your employees, is that correct?

Bob spoke up, “Well mostly volunteers that consisted of some secret FINO slaves, men and women that had some kinks or fantasies to fulfill.”

“Well, I would like to offer you my services during your stay in our town. You agree to keep my face covered while out in public so I cannot be identified, and you can record everything.” She straightened up in her chair pressing her thighs together when she did, and swallowed to try to get some moisture back into her mouth, “then when it is time you can make it public, we will say something about an accidental enslavement, or something along those lines, and how the experience has caused us to rethink our stance of opposition to one of support and love.”

The room was silent, as everyone including the slave were all looking at her open mouth. Her hands were sweaty, and she ran her free over her skirt to dry it off. “May I have a drink of water?”

The slave was already dropping ice into a tumbler, before Wayne could snap his fingers at her. A moment later the slave was handing the class to Erin, lightly touching the back of Erin’s hand as she did. Erin took a long sip feeling the water cool her parched lips and throat.

It had now been two long minutes, finally Bob spoke, “I can make the fair side happen.”

Wayne was still staring at her his gaze never faltering, then he blinked and looked at Jacob. “Jake I will want to fuck her before we sign the papers, and Bob gets to fuck her at your home in your marital bed when he comes to discuss the fair arrangements, and I want her to strip to slave naked now,” Wayne sat back wondering if they were for real and this last request would answer any of those lingering questions he might have as to their commitment.

Erin stood up and began to unbutton her satin blouse, untucking it from her skirt as she did. She was about to fold it but the coat check slave at the back of the room was there quickly taking the top from her and folding it while Erin began to remove her bra. The ivory lace bra slipped off her shoulders exposing her 36C breasts. They were not as impressive as her daughters she thought, but judging from the smile on all three of the men’s faces they approved.

Erin then unzipped her skirt and let if fall to the floor. The slave bent over to pick it up as she stepped out of it. She stepped out of her shoes, hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her tan pantyhose and panties and pulled them down from her butt to her thighs. She then sat down in the chair and smoothed them the rest of the way down her legs till they were in a pile beside her shoes. She stood back up with her hands on her hips letting the men admire her. She was proud of her body and she was working hard to stay fit. She was 42 and although her breasts were just starting to show a little sag, she saw Bob adjust himself and lick his lips as he stared at them, or was he looking at the little landing strip of hair above her pussy. Her 5’6’ frame was dwarfed by her 6’4 husband, but she was petite big breasted for her size, and standing naked in front of all of these men and slaves made her very horny.

“So,” she crossed her arms over her breasts, getting the men to look back up at her face, “I am thinking three-point five percent?”
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by Carl Bradford »

The falsely-pious clergyman is a familiar fictional character, but it's interesting to see BOTH sides of a cynical partnership, and now we see the plot value of the clergyman's wife playing slave in the first episode. Can't wait until she meets her own daughter in a collar!
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

Carl Bradford wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 10:55 pm The falsely-pious clergyman is a familiar fictional character, but it's interesting to see BOTH sides of a cynical partnership, and now we see the plot value of the clergyman's wife playing slave in the first episode. Can't wait until she meets her own daughter in a collar!
A bit cliché I know, but I thought it might be an interesting way to bring the wife/mom into it a bit deeper. Thank you for the read.

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by Roy Jasper »

It will be interesting to see what happens to this partnership if daughter Kaylee is among the 1% of slaves selected by Wayne for his own use.
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by mikey22 »

Oh Kaylee I’m loving this story! Yes put the flashbacks in the story, cause I feel it gives insight on why things are the way they are within the characters.
And definitely use the mom character. It might be just me, cause I’ve always been turned on by older middle aged mom types, and use one as a main character in most of my stories.
Moms are important and they add a lot to a story. Or that’s my opinion anyway.
But keep up the good work! Cause for sure I’m enjoying reading about Kaylees adventure.
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

Roy Jasper wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 2:05 am It will be interesting to see what happens to this partnership if daughter Kaylee is among the 1% of slaves selected by Wayne for his own use.
Glad you are liking it, and we will see about that 1%

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

mikey22 wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 2:06 am Oh Kaylee I’m loving this story! Yes put the flashbacks in the story, cause I feel it gives insight on why things are the way they are within the characters.
And definitely use the mom character. It might be just me, cause I’ve always been turned on by older middle aged mom types, and use one as a main character in most of my stories.
Moms are important and they add a lot to a story. Or that’s my opinion anyway.
But keep up the good work! Cause for sure I’m enjoying reading about Kaylees adventure.
Thank you for the kind comments, glad you are enjoying it.
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by Jim927 »

Another great chapter, Kaylee.

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

Jim927 wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 8:07 pm Another great chapter, Kaylee.
Glad you enjoyed it

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by reddbunnz »

Very interesting concept. Plays off the premise that most evangelicals are hypocrites. Keep up the good work. :D

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by Citizen1069 »

I can see Kaylee getting flagged at her grading, but what will Mr. Newport do, or even better what will her parents do? Will she follow her mother's example to become a "Catalyst"?

If they are looking to expand the "business" they could get the teacher Miss Pierce to help. She could help them with the school board to get a "supply" source for SPSI. Any student that does not graduate with at least a C- can be enslaved, because they would best serve the state as slaves rather than unskilled/unemployed bums. At graduation everyone is locked in a coffle, until they are unlocked to receive their Graduation Certificate, or to be led off to the Yards for processing. You could start a subsidiary called Carnal Links International Talent Slaves to run that part of the SPSI.
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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by CommodorRaptr »

This is great! Setting up some backstory is good and allowing multiple story paths to play is nice too. Can't wait to see what happens to Kaylee.

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

CommodorRaptr wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 7:32 am This is great! Setting up some backstory is good and allowing multiple story paths to play is nice too. Can't wait to see what happens to Kaylee.
Thank you I am glad you are enjoying it.

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Re: The Yards--Chapter 5

Post by kaylee36dd »

Citizen1069 wrote: Sat May 20, 2023 9:15 am I can see Kaylee getting flagged at her grading, but what will Mr. Newport do, or even better what will her parents do? Will she follow her mother's example to become a "Catalyst"?

If they are looking to expand the "business" they could get the teacher Miss Pierce to help. She could help them with the school board to get a "supply" source for SPSI. Any student that does not graduate with at least a C- can be enslaved, because they would best serve the state as slaves rather than unskilled/unemployed bums. At graduation everyone is locked in a coffle, until they are unlocked to receive their Graduation Certificate, or to be led off to the Yards for processing. You could start a subsidiary called Carnal Links International Talent Slaves to run that part of the SPSI.
I am glad you are enjoying the story and thinking of all of the possibilities with these characters

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