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Crystals vacation part 7

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Crystals vacation part 7

Post by mikey22 »

After Crystals brief conversation with Alison, she found herself powerfully depressed.
She replayed their quick conversation over and over in her head, and probably twisted the whole thing into something totally different than it was.

If anybody knows anything about Alison Krause, by seeing her on Tv or any kind of interview type of situation. She always appears to be friendly kind and humble. And not mean or arrogant in any way.

But unfortunately Crystal felt disrespected as if Alison was talking down to her, as if her Prime Plus graded status was beneath her. And in reality it should have been the other way around, considering that Alison had admittedly never been slave graded.

If Crystal would have acted in time, this would have easily been her opportunity to rub Alison’s nose right into a big pile of shit.
But Crystal hasn’t learned yet how to use the Prime Plus card to her advantage. Just cause a girl is Prime or Prime plus, that don’t mean shit unless she uses it. And using it to your advantage means you have to flaunt it and work it.

“ I’m Prime Plus! And I’m better than you! “

That’s the kind of quote a spoiled rich bitch valley girl type uses on all the girls that don’t measure up.

A girl has to learn how to embrace the moment by acting like a total bitch and putting the other bitch in her place.

Crystal is far from that point. She might have the looks of a Prime girl but in reality she’s much to nice to be one.
But the looks and how her slave naked body feels to the grader is what makes the grade, not the personality.

Within Crystal will learn. But for the moment she makes herself physically sick worrying about it. By the time she’d finished her laundry she had a head splitting headache and an upset stomach. She goes back to her car for some Midoll and Tylenol PMs.

After which she soon falls back asleep inside her tent.

The boys thought Crystal was acting strange. They knew nothing of her conversation with Alison. But they did know she’d been looking forward to this trip for months and were surprised that she was just sleeping away her time, instead of being out and about socializing and playing music with her friends.

But with her out of commission they take advantage of the situation and go to the beer tent for some drinks. Alcohol at these festival types of events flows like water. It’s everywhere and plentiful.

Crystal is not a total prude about it, but she does insist that they wait until after their show before they have a little nip. But being asleep in her tent they assume she’ll never know.

After a few drinks they notice that the Smoky mountain slave company trucked in a load of slaves to be whored out, and they went straight to get in line for some more pussy.
Considering that up until the night before they all 3 were virgin’s. This was the perfect opportunity for them to get some more experience fucking pussy.
And there is no better teacher for 3 wild young bucks than a real slave whore.
And as long as they had money for their pimp. They could fuck them slaves as much as they want.

Hours later.

Crystal wakes up with the urgent feeling that something was wrong.
She sees that the boys ain’t at their camp, nor were they at the neighboring camps.

She looks around in all directions, pushing herself along through the crowds of drunk partying people. In the distance she sees the big tents with a sign that said slaves on the outside.

She falls in line among the people waiting. At the door the proprietor is demanding a $10.00 cover charge. Through the flap of the tent she enters, and is almost knocked down by the smell of human filth. The smell of dirty sex was almost nauseating. Everywhere you looked people were fucking or sucking. Besides the sounds of sex there was the constant sound of cash registers ringing up all them dollars they were taking in.

Many of them were people you wouldn’t expect to see in a place like that.
Many were older married couples that looked about middle aged. You’d see some woman bent over with her shorts and panties down, while a well endowed young stud slave would be pounding her ass. While her hubby is face fucking some young whore.

She suddenly feels a hot sticky glob of goo hit her across her cheek.

She wiped it with her hand and looked at it.

“ Eeew! That’s disgusting! “
She says to herself wiping the cum onto her shorts.

Cum was shooting and flying from all directions.

“ Shit! I’m gonna need another shower! “
She said holding her hand over her mouth.
She weaves through the isles that led through out the tent.

Not seeing any sign of the boys anywhere. She stumbled through the door out the opposite end of where she’d gone in. She was then confronted with several cages like you’d see when the circus comes to town, but inside them instead of animals was slaves.

She assumed these were the reserves so when the others were all used up, there would be some fresh pussy that could be ready. But not only were there cunts but there were cocks also,

One was a tall blonde guy with washboard abs. From the cage he looks down onto the sexy young redhead. With his giant uncut cock in his hand, he gently stroked himself.

“ Care to try me out? “
He said with a smile.

Crystal feels her own cunt start to juice up. Her thick nipples instantly harden and poke through her tee shirt.

She stands there wondering what it must feel like to be fucked by him.

But out the corner of her eye her attention is drawn away from the young hunk.

Her head turns toward the left. And there in the cage is Billy, Bobby and Josh all three were naked, gagged, collard and enslaved.

Crystals blood boils in anger.

“ What the Fuck? Is going on here? “
She yells out.
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Re: Crystals vacation part 7

Post by Belinda »

Excellent additional Chapter. You are an amazing author.
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