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The Yards Chapter 8

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The Yards Chapter 8

Post by kaylee36dd »


Thank you everyone for reading my story. I did not mean for to be Three different posts, but I guess I had too many words. Sorry it took so long to bring you these chapters. Life has been pretty hectic. As always thank you for those authors that have come before me and created this genre. Your comments and thoughts are always welcome.

Chapter 8

Derek led her through a maze of hallways and doors, some empty while others were full of people that were always eager to make crude comments about her or give her swinging breasts a squeeze or her ass a slap. Erin had not felt so small and insignificant in her life.

10 minutes later she was pulled into a room that had rows of raised curved platforms. Many of them had naked female and male slaves locked to them with VR goggles covering their eyes. Wayne was looking at a tablet when they entered and waved them over. Derek handed Wayne the leash. Without looking up Wayne waved his hand and Derek left without saying a word.

“Is he gone?” Wayne asked in a whisper.

“Yes, he is.”

“Great now let's get a look at you.”

He stepped back and circled Erin, lightly touching her butt cheek with the stamp, flicking her nipple with his fingers, before stopping in front of her looking her up and down.

“Your temp brand looks amazing. Your ass we built for it.”

Erin blushed hard and tried to will her pussy to stop tingling. “Well, I wouldn't know I was not able to see it.”

“You’re not supposed to see it. You are free to imagine what it looks like when you see what it looks like on one of the other slaves later,”

They looked each other in the eyes for a moment then he looked down between her legs and nodded at her. “It looks like you have already been entertaining some of the other boys.

Erin felt some fire rise up in her, and fought to remain composed as she spoke, “This is not what I agreed to. I was not supposed to be registered.” Try as best she could, she still came off as aggressive, with a tone of indignation.

“This is exactly what we all agreed to. We all agreed that you would go through this process.”

“I thought we would just have sex.”

“The press won’t even bat an eye at cheating stories of politicians, do you honestly think you and your husband would get any more attention?” She lowered her eyes, and he quickly lifted her chin forcing her to look him in the eyes again. “The whole thing revolves around the press learning you have these desires in spite of your husband, and his righteous crusade. If you were dumb enough to think this was not going to be the case, then you are a slave mind ripe for the picking and deserve to wear that collar. But I know you are smarter than that from our interactions in the last meeting. I know that this slut standing before me is just 2 classes away from having her doctorate in psychology.”

Erin was startled that he knew this about her. She had chosen to leave school when she got pregnant with Kaylee. It was a difficult decision at the time to give up her dreams to support her husband's dreams and goals to stay at home and raise a family.

Wayne saw the confusion in her eyes, “ I told you before I knew everything about you and your husband,” He paused for a moment and took a breath, “now are you ready to cut the shit and take a tour?”

All she could do was nod.

“Great, I plan on showing you the place as a first time slave would see The Yards starting here.” He paused, holding out his arms to the room as it displayed all of the slaves before them. “This is the pre-assessment room. We bring the slaves here and run psychological and physiological tests on them to determine their propensity to being a slave. We can determine with a great deal of certainty what type of slave disposition they might have, or if they have any emotional desire to be a slave at all.”

He looked at Erin and saw that she was confused. He lifted his tablet and punched in a number. The screen started to flash with sexual words and images, each only lasting a few seconds. He pointed to the side of the screen that had numbers that were fluctuating.

“We are looking at what slave 7 is seeing in her goggles,” he pointed to a brunette with short hair and small breasts, “the raised platform she is on along with the sensor on her ear and finger, are measuring her arousal. While the goggles track eye movements and dilation. The computers then measure the responses and determine what sort of service they are best suited for. There are also up to 10 points that a slave can acquire toward their overall slave grade.” He pointed directly at the numbers 67% and 98%. “This one has a 67% aptitude toward hard usage, and a 98% aptitude toward women. The usage score will help increase her point score while the aptitude will be noted in her auction bio. With any luck she will be sold to an aggressive domme bitch that loves having her pussy eaten while stretching out that slave pussy with a huge dildo.” He smiled at her, “I wonder how you would score?”

Erin blushed and couldn’t seem to find any words.

He gave her leash a tug and led her out of the room, “perhaps some other time.”

They stepped into a large room full of people. All of them were in que lines like you would see at the amusement park. Each person in control of a slave or two waiting to be called up to one of the many desks.

“This is the intake area. While the slaves are getting the pre-assessment, the individuals who hold the POA over them are filling out forms. The federal and state forms not only register the slaves into the federal databases, but locally help us identify who is here for a grading, transfer of ownership, an auction, FINO, or a few little side categories. All of that data is ready when they get to the intake desk. They can also sign up for add-ons, and really give the slave a unique experience while they are here.”

Erin just looked around the room in awe of the sheer number of people that were in the room, most of them naked and being led on a leash much like she was.

He pointed to the screen behind one of the intake stations closest to them. The screen displayed an image of the slave that was standing in front of the desk, “See the display allows the owner and the slave to see what is going on and prevent mistakes”, he gave air quotes as he said the word mistakes, ”You can also see that male slave has a dominant streak based on his pre-assessment. So, we know from experience this process, as well as his new station in life, will be quite difficult for him. He may require long term training, visits to a slave phycologist, chemical intervention to change his attitude, or any combination of the three. Regardless of what he needs in the future his pre-assessment only awarded him 1 point. I mean he is good looking, decent cock, but my guess is he will have a hard time getting a choice grade. He most likely will end up as a labor slave someplace.”

“Is that bad? I mean, is it horrible that it will be used to move our country forward through manual labor, doing real work rather than being used for someone else's sexual gratification?”

Wayne laughed, “interesting that you referred to him as it, and well the only thing worse is a 0. He won't bring much at auction; he might be useful in sperm production, but not as many options for male slaves that don't grade well. As far as is it bad that his labors will help keep the United States an economic powerhouse. Not at all hard work built this nation and hard work will continue to keep us thriving. I just feel that the human livestock industry is the next great industry, and you should be proud to be part of it.”

He gave her leash a tug again and led her through the sea of people in the intake area and out a door behind the intake stations. They entered a long narrow room, where a small group of slaves were waiting to be attached to a strange ring shaped metal device. They watched as the wrangler guided the slave that was first in line to sit on a metal saddle that ran in the middle of the device. The wrangler then pressed her back against the bar that ran from the saddle to the top of the ring. He told the slave girl to hold her hands behind her back as two dildos were pressed just to the entrance of her ass and pussy.

“These slaves are being hooked up into a conveyor track system.” Wayne began to talk and pointed at the various locations in the room as he spoke.

There was a loud clank that made Erin jump as the slaves' ankles were locked together below her, her neck was pulled tight against the bar behind her, and her wrists were locked behind her.

“The ring that they are being secured to will be pulled along the track by a chain drive in the ceiling. Here watch as he finishes up with that one.” The wrangler stepped on a peddle and the ring rose up from the floor. A loud moan escaped the slaves lips as her body sank onto the saddle driving the dildos deep inside of her. He then pressed a device to her left breast followed by a POPPING sound. He looked at a screen of a tablet that was mounted beside where he was working.

“What is he doing now?”

“He just chipped her, and he is checking that the chip is digitally attached to her National Livestock Registry file. All livestock, no matter what kind of classification or grade, must be chipped and registered as required by law. Once he has verified the slave is in the system, people can log into our website and watch in real time as the slave progresses through their grading, and even take part in the grading itself.”

“So, can anyone see what is going on in this room, and follow along with a particular slave?”

“Of course, the SIN number is listed along with the NLR file, and they can click between any number of slaves and a variety of camera angles.”

The wrangler then pushed the ring along the track it was mounted to until it caught on the chain drive and started to move down the room swaying gently as it moved away, then he turned and started on the next slave. Wayne followed along beside the slave that had just been mounted as she moved down the track. There were a number of robotic arms attached to the ceiling around the room, each designed to do something different.

“How do people at home participate in the grading?”

“I can show you a bit later in the tour, but for now this is the medical room, once the wrangler at the door has chipped the slave and they are verified they are entered in the system the computer's automation takes over. The ring will move down the room; female slaves will be evaluated for vaginal and anal flexibility, while male slaves will be checked for cock length and raggedy.”

The ring they were walking beside stopped and the machine came to life quickly, finding her arm. I needle pressed into her flesh and took a blood sample. It took only a moment before a light that had been flashing yellow turned green.

“This machine is testing for pregnancy, the green light means she is not pregnant, and now it will administer birth control.” As if on cue a small robotic arm slipped into the middle of the dildo that was buried deep in her pussy. They both watched as the slave tensed for a moment, before the arm retracted. The lock released and the belt started to move again.

“The next station is disease testing and inoculations. Can’t afford getting a reputation for selling damaged product.” They walked past the next station as the belt stopped again. Normal auction houses would employ up to 2 or three people per station. The staffing costs are just astronomical. This system allows us to do the same process with 5 people rather than 25 and in a fraction of the time.”

“It is impressive, I had no idea that automation to this process was possible, I will admit though that I did not know much about the process.” Erin chuckled as she looked around the room.

“Very few people know what it takes to get livestock from bedroom to blocks.” They continued to walk through the room, “that slave will still get Lasik if needed, her tilt tag, her SIN number, a body scan, and voice suppression as well.”

“I thought that SIN numbers were done manually?”

“Well, we only do it manually for special guests like yourself, and the tattoo is still done with a traditional gun. It is just that the robot does it instead of a wrangler.”

“Oh,” Erin replayed the conversation over in her head from earlier and thought about the intimate touch of the man holding the gun versus the cold and harsh reality of a robot marking her. Shivered not knowing which one would have had the more profound effect on her. “And the voice suppression?”

“So glad you asked.” He waved over the wrangler closest to them who quickly made his way over.

“Yes sir.”

“Umm ..” Wayne was looking at the workers shirt, “Glen this tourist would like to see what voice suppression is. Could you set up a manual injection for me.”

“Yes sir.” Glen quickly moved away to a cabinet across the room while Erin and Wayne slowly followed behind him, careful to avoid the machines.

“The majority of auction houses use devox spray. It is effective, and cheap in silencing a slave. My company produces a generic version well here and at a few outlets. Problem is it doesn’t last long, and prolonged use or overuse can cause permanent damage to a slaves vocal cords. Not an awful side effect, but the side effects tend to be random, causing some slaves to lose their voices permanently, while others might speak with a rasp, and left others with a squeaky voice like a mouse.”

“Aren’t you concerned with people at home using your generic version, and causing permanent damage?”

Wayne chuckled, “No not at all. It might be criminal to sell devox to the general public. We just sell watered down lidocaine. It numbs the vocal cords and can produce the same effect for perverted home use, but what we have here is going to be a game changer.”

The wrangler brought over a gun looking device with a long narrow hose like end that was about 20 inches long. He also carried a long shiny steel bar that was as long as a broom handle with him and some clampy looking things. The wrangler placed the long bar into the floor behind Erin.

“If you could step back for me Erin.” Wayne said while playing with his tablet, and more out of curiosity she stepped back into the bar.

“CLANK” her collar snapped tight to the top of the bar. The strong magnetic pull yanked her heels back, “CLANK, CLANK”., and her ankles were locked to the bar.

“Oh CRAP!”

Wayne and the wrangler both laughed. The wrangler took her hands in his and pulled them behind her back “CLANK, CLANK”.

She pulled at her bonds and found that she was stuck tight with no movement allowed at all.

The wrangler moved in front of her. “Open your mouth please.”

She swallowed nervously and did as he asked. Glen put a mechanical device in her mouth that when he turned a lever it forced her mouth to open wide while a piece pressed her tongue down. He then produced a thin leather strap and wrapped it around her forehead, completing her immobilization.

“Now try not to move your head too much’” Glen said, getting a mild chuckle from Wayne. Wasting no time Wayne started to feed the long end of the device down her throat, before pulling it out. Dammit I almost forgot she needs to be chipped, can you bring me the chip gun?”

Glen went back to his cabinet. “I wanted to see your face when you get chipped, I wanted to see the recognition in your eyes when you know that anyone with a slave scanner will have access to your data. They will see pictures of your face, your body, your pussy.”

“Here you go sir.” Glen tried to hand Wayne the chip gun, but Wayne shook his head.

“Oh no you do the honors please and take your time. Really enjoy those great tits.”

Glen smiled and took her right breast in his hand, fondling it then manipulating the nipple, getting it stiff between his fingers. He then pressed the chip gun to her body just under her breast.

Erin felt a pinch, a poke and just a second of pressure and Glen was walking away. Her eyes met Waynes and started to blur with tears. He just smiled at her.

“Shit never gets old.” He was then once again feeding the end of the device down her throat. “We are about to put this device into your vocal cords. It won’t hurt and won’t harm you in any way. However, the benefit to your owner is very significant. You see when it is activated your speech can be modified in all sorts of ways.”

Erin felt him moving around in her throat then it stopped, and she heard a clicking followed by a buzzing sound, and Wayne was pulling the end out of her mouth.

“Ok all done. Glen, can you pair this with her chip.”

Glen nodded and started to type on his tablet.

“Once the device in your throat is paired to your chip, this tablet,” he held his tablet up, “or any tablet linked to you will be able control your voice. We can change your tone, pitch, or even make it so you are not allowed to speak at all. The really cool thing is we can also put an implant in your ear that if you hear someone speak in a foreign language, you will hear it in English. Then when you speak back it will be in that foreign language. This is a very popular feature in our overseas markets.”

“It is all done sir.”

“Great, take that medical gag out of her mouth.”

Erin flexed her jaw, moving her mouth up and down and licking her lips once Glen had removed the device.

“OK 3215 call me master.”

“Seriously you want me to call you……” eyes went wide as her lips were moving but no sounds were coming out.

Wayne laughed at her expression.

She began to panic, “stop please give me my voice back.” Well, that is what she tried to say. Her lips were moving with nothing coming out. Just silence.

Wayne pressed some things on his tablet.

“lease give me... OH GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH. I was really starting to …mmmmoooo.” Erin was not sure what she was hearing as she spoke, and her voice and words were now those of a cow.

Wayne and the wrangler started to laugh, “If you could see your face.” Wayne pressed the buttons again, “ok you can speak now.”

“Are you sure?” Erin let out a sigh when she heard her voice again. “That is the most unsettling thing I have ever been through.”

“Really you have been bound, stamped, and chipped and losing your voice is the worst of it?”

“Yeah”, Erin blushed. “I don’t know how to explain it, but it was scary.”

“We just scratched the surface of what that implant can do. We can lower or raise the pitch of your voice, have you speak in foreign language, and a variety of animals.”

“Please don’t do it again, I am really not a fan.”

“Ok we can chat about that later, there is still a lot to see. I can’t be late for an afternoon meeting, and I still want to show you the last station in this room.” Wayne gave her leash a tug and moved to the last station where as they arrived the ring was dropping from the ceiling into a vat of foul smelling brown gel.

“What is this?”

“I love this invention. This is electrolysis gel.” Wayne smiled broadly and was weirdly giddy about it. “The slave is lowered into the gel and once this light turns green.” He pointed to a flashing yellow light similar to one they had looked at before that flashed green a moment or two after he pointed at it. There was a hum then a soft pop, followed by the smell of ozone. “There it just happened. Once that light turns green the gel, which has a very high level of conductivity, gets a burst of electricity. That is what you are smelling, and it stings a bit.”

The ring rose out of the gel clinging to the body of the slave, dripping clumps on the tile floor as the ring moved through a passage in the wall to the next room.

“What does it do? I don't think I understand.” She looked at him, not really following along.

“Seriously you cannot be this stupid you almost have your doctorate. Unless the slave brain is starting to take over?”

“I am not stupid, and I have no idea what slave brain is and why you keep talking about it.”

“The shot of electricity the slave received in combination with the conductive gel is a one shot full body electroless that takes just moments. She will no longer have hair from her neck down. I will have lines a mile long once the FDA approves its use. Every woman on the planet will be visiting one of our auction house locations to be smooth, and hair free. I mean what would you pay to never have to shave your legs again?” Wayne was not taking a breath as he spoke. “All of the new clients, and slaves that walk through our door, will be worth millions.”

“Oh, wow that is an amazing invention.”

“I know.” Wayne felt his watch vibrate. “Damn! We are out of time. I am afraid that I won’t be able to finish your tour.”

“Oh, that is disappointing. I was hoping to see the rest of the facilities and innovations that you are working on.” Erin tried to show mock disappointment in the tour ending, but her heart leapt knowing that she would soon be going home.

“Oh, Erin or rather 3215, I think you misunderstood.” He smiled as he waved the Glen back over to them. “You are here for the weekend. You will get to get a small taste of what a slave goes through.” Glen had arrived and said nothing as he listened to Wayne and began to understand what was to be expected of him. “Glen here will get you through the rest of the tour. Some of it will be a little hands on for you.” Wayne smiled at Glen and gave him a wink that was all too obvious and gave Erin a serious sense of doubt. “He will also find you a comfy place to sleep for the night. Glen walk with me for a moment, Erin stay here and don’t go anywhere.”

Erin watched as they walked away from her. There was lots of nodding on Glen's part, then Wayne patted him on the back and walked out the door.
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