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Stripping the bully

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Stripping the bully

Post by mikey22 »

1989 Senior year in high school.

It would be an affirmation that I will never forget.
It started out kind of odd anyway, since I was kept out of school that day by my daddy. Mainly just to be the unfortunate one to carry around his heavy bag of golf clubs, cause he’s to cheap to rent a cart or pay whatever fee was involved in obtaining a real catty, who could’ve helped him with some tips to improve his game, cause he really wasn’t worth a shit at playing golf anyway.
Actually I was even better than him, and that just pissed him off, so I wasn’t allowed to get in on the game.
It could’ve been a profitable day for myself if I could have. Lol.

So I stayed quiet and listened to daddy and his business associates brag about all there million dollar deals. Then by the ninth hole daddy was about half drunk, and started bragging about this little slave whore he bought to work the front desk at his office. Yeah now I knew why he was working late so much, but who could blame him? She was drop dead gorgeous and graded Prime from what he said.

By the end of the game daddy lost at least a couple of thousand dollars, and got so drunk that I had to be the one to drive him home.

By then it was after 2:00 and I had to get to the school to pick my girlfriend Misty up. Cause she’d been skipping so much school her mom grounded her from driving for a while. So she relied on me to drive her around, which didn’t bother me one bit cause I was so infatuated with her anyway.

So in my jacked up Toyota 4x4 I lined up with all the hot moms in front of the school. In the little mini van next to me, I kept checking out this 30 something hot mom with long blonde hair.

She caught me checking her out and smiled back at me.

“ Dick throbs “

I reach down and unzip my Jean shorts, I was going commando that day, so I’d be ready for Misty. Hoping I’d get a blow job driving her home.

I gently stroked my cock while flirting with the older woman in the van beside me. She even wrote down her phone number and gave it to me. But said not to call after 5:00.

So I assumed she was married and we needed to be discreet.

The 3:00 bell rings, and the school starts to empty out. In the distance I see Misty coming in her little denim skirt and heels.

“ Dick throbs again “

I gently stroke myself more as the truck creeps forward.
But the closer Misty comes to the truck, I can tell by the look on her face that she wasn’t happy.

Actually that’s an understatement she was down right pissed off. She threw her books into the back of the truck, opens the door, sat her purse into the seat and started to climb up into the truck.

As her head clears the passenger seat she sees my cock out and standing at full attention.

“ Put him away! We ain’t got time for that shit? “

“ WHAT???? “

I was shocked to hear her say that. No time for sex? That’s got to be a first for Misty cause she’s always in the mood.

But not that day she wasn’t.
I crammed my stiff cock back into my shorts and zipped up, as she sat in the passenger seat and immediately grabbed the pack of Marlboros from the dash, lighting up her cigarette she looks around at all the people coming out of the school and then at the busses, which she quickly pointed to.

“ Follow that God damn buss! “
She yells at me.

“ Yes mam. “
I said obediently.

“ I’m gonna kick her ass today! “

“ Who’s ass? “
I ask curiously.

“ Connie Wilson’s ass! Who do you think? “

“ Oh shit! “
I said to myself knowing this wasn’t going to end well.

“ Baby you sure you want to do this? “
I asked with the memory that was still fresh on my mind, from their last fight that started in the gym, and these two brawled all the way to the principals office, where they were both put in zip ties to wait on the law and both there moms to sort this out.

That fight afterwards cost mom over 2k at the emergency dentist, getting Misty’s 2 front capped teeth put back in again. Which were knocked out after her face was slammed into the brick paved hallway on the way to the office.

That fight was over Misty’s sister’s boyfriend Cody, apparently Misty caught Connie talking to him.

So what started this fight? I wondered and it didn’t take long for Misty to tell.

Apparently the night before Connie and her gang of thugs beat up Crystal at the skating rink. So now Misty’s gonna take revenge on her for Crystal.

This shit has been going on for years, between Misty and Connie. And there has never been a clear winner between them, usually Misty gets her ass kicked every time, and keeps coming back for more. Or it’s broken up before the two of them kill one another.

So how long has this been going on?

Let’s analyze this constant feud.

First grade 1976.

Anybody drove by a playground lately?
You see all that pitiful looking rainbow colored plastic shit they expect a kid to be entertained by playing on?

I saw just the other day seeing this little boy rocking back and forth on a pink painted transgendered unicorn. And his helicopter mom chewing on her finger nails scared to death that he’s gonna fall off and bruise his ass on that thick layer of rubber tire mulch.

I just shook my head in disgust at what they’ve turned children into nowadays.

But in 1976 we had a real playground, with 10 to 12 foot tall jungle gyms and monkey bars. Swing sets you could get 30ft of air on before you leaped from the swing and flew through the air like Superman. Before crashing to the ground that was nothing but red dirt, rocks gravel, bricks etc. Lots of weaponry so you can play war with your classmates. Then there was that extra tall slide that was built out of real metal and steel and it burns your ass and legs as you side down it on a hot day.

Absolute chaos plays out on the playground and Mrs. Knight just sits by the gate, on a bench ignoring everyone while chain smoking her menthol cigarettes, while sipping a Tab and reading a romance novel.

Misty and Crystal sit in the dirt. Crystal playing with her new Barbie doll and jeep while Misty pushes her Tonka dump truck around.
If there was any little girl that deserved a set of balls it was Misty. Cause she played just like the little boys, she didn’t like girl stuff. At least back then anyway.

The girls played quietly by themselves waiting for mom to get off work and pick them up.
A short time later Connie comes walking up, wanting to play with them.
Crystal being the nice friendly one shares her toys with Connie.
And minutes later Connie starts taking Barbies cloths off.
She wants to enslave Barbie and use Misty’s dump truck to transport Barbie across the playground, where a group of boys we’re playing with there GI Joes and toy soldiers. Connie wanted to hold an anytime auction and sell Barbie off to one of the soldiers.

It’s interesting to see that a first grader that knows so much about slavery. But for some reason Connie did.

This did not go over well with Crystal.

“ No!…No!…No! Barbie wears clothes! Give Barbie back now! “
Crystal demanded.

She try’s to get Barbie back and Connie shoved her back. Then broke Barbies legs and arms off.

Crystal busts out crying.

Misty slugs Connie between the eyes.

And the fight was on.

Everyone runs over and gathers around as they slug it out in a mud hole, kicking punching, biting and wrestling about.

It’s interesting how little kids love to watch a fight.

“ Fight!…Fight!…Fight! “

Everyone cheers.

“ Hey what’s going on over there? “
A concerned mom points out to Mrs. Knight.

“ Oh shit! “
She leaps from the bench and runs across the playground to investigate.

With a whistle between her lips she blows into it as she grabs at the girls to try to separate them.

“ Stop this now! Break it up! “
She yells as she finally gets the two apart, only to see them lock up like a couple of pit bulls moments later.

Mrs. Knight has to collar and leash both of the girls which she would tie to the fence and make them both kneel after she paddles them both.

Mom shows up a little later, finding Misty tied to the fence.

“ I’m sorry I had to do that to her Mrs. Jones, it way I could keep them from hurting one another.

Moms face turns red with anger.

“ Just you wait till I get you home! “

“ It’s not her fault mom! “
Crystal said showing mom her broken Barbie doll.

“ She did it! “
She pointed to Connie.

Mom sighs and looks back to Mrs. Knight.

“ I’m sorry this happened. I guess she’s got her daddy’s temper. “

“ It’s okay Mrs. Jones kids do these things all the time. “

Mrs. Knight said as she freed Misty from the collar.

Misty had a busted lip and a black eye, and all she could do was talk about that fight all the way home.

“ This is not how little girls supposed to behave! “
Mom says to Misty.

But this was only the first one.
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Re: Stripping the bully

Post by mikey22 »

These fights with Misty and Connie would continue. It didn’t help things either when mom got called up to the school when the girls hit the third grade, and Misty was slipping behind everyone else in the class, so after some tests mom got informed that Misty needed special Ed.

Connie was thrilled when she learned about this, she loved spreading the news that Misty was retarded and she was gonna make sure that everyone knew it. The dreaded R word got thrown around quite a bit back in the day. So bring labeled special was not really a good thing, despite how the nice teachers tried to explain to Misty and the small group of kids that were in the class together.

Being called Retarded just made Misty’s blood boil, and anyone calling her that usually got a swift punch to the face, or a kick to the nuts if a boy called her that.

So Connie and Misty fought continuously throughout grammar school, and it didn’t slow down in the least in junior high, when Connie casually strolled around the cafeteria with her hand out, as she extorted lunch money from others including Crystal who handed Connie her entire $1.25 and would sit there and starve with nothing to eat.

A quick argument breaks out as Misty refused to pay Connie to leave her alone, this escalated into a shoving match and fists were immediately thrown. The girls completely destroyed the salad bar in the cafeteria that day. Later Misty would get her head dunked in the toilet several times in the 9th grade.

The one thing about was that no matter Misty got her ass beat, she was not scared in the least of Connie. Others would try to intervene and ask Misty why she continues to fight Connie? When she knows she’s gonna loose.

In Misty’s words it’s not about winning or Loosing it’s about the fight, the adrenaline rush you get from the excitement of the entire scrap. That’s what drives Misty.

So back to where we began, I tried desperately to talk Misty out of what I knew Misty was gonna do.
But she wasn’t gonna hear it.

“ Ain’t this Crystals fight? “

“ Why have you always got to get involved? “

“ Can’t Crystal fight her own fight? “

Crystal is to nice of a person to fight. Plus supposedly it was 5 on 1 and Crystal didn’t have good odds anyway except to take it.

So we continue to follow the bus, Misty and Connie were shooting the bird back and forth to one another, as the bus makes its way through those new swanky subdivisions that Misty’s mom had built. Where all the Richie Rich preppy type snobs lived.

Slowly through the neighborhoods the bus moved dropping off kids on every other block.

Finally we were out in the country again. With one stop left, which was the dreaded trailer park. Another establishment that Misty’s mom owns. Moms known for taking money from the rich and the poor. And you can’t get much poorer than the majority that resided in the trailer park. Of course you got the few that dealt in meth and crack that could be well off, that is not getting high on their own supply.

But other than that there was primarily red necked poor white trash that lives there. Trash like the Wilson Family that Connie comes from. Which were all criminals and troublemakers that all need to be enslaved, that is if there was a slave company that would have them.

The bus finally pulls off onto the dirt road that leads into the park and stops.

“ Wish me luck babe! “
Misty said kicking out of her high heels.

She opened the truck door and hopped down onto the ground walking barefoot with that denim skirt and white blouse on.

She slings that long red hair out of her eyes pointing up towards the bus windows, cussing her head off.

“ Fucking Bitch! I’m gonna kick your God damn ass! “

And through the back window of the bus you could see Connie, shoving her way through the isle of teenagers and little kids, desperate to get off the bus and get at Misty.
Misty stood there at the door of the bus, with fists clenched and looking like a bull ready to charge.

But high flying Connie leaps from the top step of the bus, tackling Misty to the ground.

“ Oh Shit! “
I said from the distance knowing and knew this wasn’t gonna go well.

The two of them wrestled about trying to jockey for position, as the crowd circled around them, cheering them on. Misty had been watching pro wrestling her whole life. And seeing her throw Connie around with an arm drag that it was obvious that watching pro wrestling was paying off. But unfortunately Connie counters one of Misty’s moves and with leg scissors around the head, Misty is flipped right into another mud hole. Where she punched away at her face.

She stops briefly just to rip open Misty’s mud soaked thin white blouse. All the boys looking on went wild.

“ Strip her!…Strip her!…Strip her! “

Misty’s blouse was ripped to shreds, and Connie wasted no time at getting to Misty’s bra, yanking away at it. With Misty on her back trying desperately to shove Connie’s hands away. But her fingers quickly unhooked the front clasp of the bra, freeing up Misty awesome big round 38 D’S.

Misty may not have had the body of a beauty queen. But what boy doesn’t want to see an awesome set of big tits, with cookie sized areola’s, and thick puffy nipples.

Misty finally got a hand full of Connie’s hair and pulling away at it, she finally wrestled herself on top of Connie, punching away at her face.
Misty’s bra hung open as if she was wearing an open vest. With her big tits swinging about as she threw those punches.

One of Connie’s friends grabbed Misty from behind pulling her off Connie.
Connie though gets a hold of Misty’s skirt, snatching it down and right off her feet, while her friend wrestles Misty completely out of her bra.

Standing only in her sexy black bikini panties Misty was held from behind as Connie smile’s coming straight for Misty’s panties.

Luckily Mrs. Garret the bus driver grabbed Connie from behind.

“ That’s enough! Stop it now! Both of you! “
She yells at them.

There again another fight that ends in a draw.

Misty was finally turned loose, she takes a few steps back getting her breath.

One of the other girls offers Misty a shirt to wear.

“ No not now! “
Misty mumbles, pushing her away, but keeps both eyes on Connie, noticing that she too wasn’t being restrained.

And just as everyone thought it was over. Misty charges with a Rebel yell. All 5ft. 140 pounds of her, hits Connie like a linebacker, knocking her down into a 4ft ditch on the shoulder of the road. With about 5 hard blows to the head was all it took for Connie to finally quit.

But of course Misty wasn’t satisfied with that.

From the ditch we all seen a pair of Nike teens shoes fly through the air. One of them lands in the road. An old lady driving by swerved to miss it and drives off the road into the ditch on the other side.

A tee shirt and bra then followed. By the hair of the head Misty drags Connie from the ditch, she trips and falls with her jeans and panties around her ankles.

Misty then snatches the jeans and panties right off Connie’s feet.

Misty then grabs Connie’s tee shirt and puts it on.

Connie gets up on all fours as if she was gonna get up.

Misty with her muddy barefoot she shoved Connie back to the ground.

“ Stay down you stupid cunt! “

And as she did, knowing that she’d finally been beat.

Everyone cheers.

Misty had finally done it, not only she kick Connie’s ass, she’d stripped her naked. And now Connie was gonna experience the humiliation of walking the rest of the way home naked, cause Misty was keeping her clothes for a trophy.

Misty was beat all to hell and was covered in mud as she collected her skirt and what was left of her blouse and bra. But she was on cloud 9 on the ride home knowing that she’d finally won.
Once at home after a well deserved shower, mom was waiting with the first aid kit to patch up Misty’s face.

After this Connie didn’t mess with Misty no more. Knowing that she’d finally met her match.
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Re: Stripping the bully

Post by timerider »

Nice cat fight. :mrgreen:
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Re: Stripping the bully

Post by Belinda »

Another great chapter to the saga from Misty's point of view. Super well done.
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Re: Stripping the bully

Post by JustBob »

This story was good redneck fun!
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Re: Stripping the bully

Post by Mr. Smith »

But what boy doesn’t want to see an awesome set of big tits, with cookie sized areola’s, and thick puffy nipples.

For some reason I loved that line.

In my mind I envisioned Connie getting scooped up by the Sherriff for indecent exposure resulting in a penal enslavement. Almost like a dog catcher scoops up runaways. Nice story!
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