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Enslaving a nation 7B

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Enslaving a nation 7B

Post by mikey22 »

Moms branding.

The bailiff yanked mom back to her feet. Her hands again were quickly zip tied behind her back. She was then spun around to face the spectators and reporters that attended her trial, and was pushed from behind and yanked by her leash towards the door.

“ Please can’t we at least get an interview with her? “

A reporter yells out, cause everyone wanted to know how the former senator felt about all this.

“ I’m sorry there’s no talking to the slave! “
One of the bailiffs said back towards the press.

Through the doorway and out into the crowded hallway everyone got to see as mom knelt and backed herself into a kennel which was closed and secured with a cheap plastic lock. She and her cage was lifted and placed onto a cart. The cage was then locked into place on the cart. Mom was then rolled along as the crowd of people all parted and then followed from behind. Outside the courthouse doors instead of taking the ramp designed for the handicapped, mom on her cart was driven right off the steep steps.

Bump,Bump,Bump,Bump. Her body was slung about and jarred as she bounced about inside her cage.

Onto the sidewalk below she was soon bounced off the curb, across the street and into the parking lot, where she was rolled along until they stopped at the rear of a large Ford dually. The tailgate was opened the bed of the truck had an old leaking transmission, along with many other old junk auto parts and beer cans, also a cut off deer head was laying back there with its eyes looking right back towards mom.

“ Seriously? This is what a prestigious judge drives to work? “
Mom wonders as the bailiffs loaded her up into the back. The Judge was then there on the scene, getting into the truck. Being that it was a big crew cab, there was room for him and 3 of the bailiffs.

Right there in front of everyone they all cracked open cans of beer and drove through the parking lot almost as if they were on a leisurely drive to the hunting club.

A cavalcade of news reporters following behind as the judge navigated his way through the crowded DC streets. Inside her cage mom slid about around in the oily greasy mess that glazed the floor of the old dually.

She was driven into an old industrial part of the city and the truck parked outside of what appeared to be some type of factory. You could hear the sound of heavy equipment being operated. Drills, saws, large pressing and hammering, with clanging noises.

Her cage door was opened and by the leash she was drug out and back down onto the ground and led towards an open roll up door. She was pushed and drug along an isle of pure filth as she looks down at her bare feet, walking through antifreeze, oil and grease, trying hard she did to dodge the sharp metal shaving’s that also were along her path.

In the distance to come she sees the branding rack and the irons that lay in a hot barrel of burning coals.

Her stomach churns at the sight of it, being that it reminded her of the burning barrel of garbage that heated the iron that branded her ass back at home decades before.

When she reached the rack her zip tied wrists were cut free. When the gag was freed from her mouth she couldn’t help but to bend forward and vomit.

The press and all the workers gathered around in a circle to look on.

Misty, Crystal, and Cheryl were horrified at what happened next.

They watched as the judge then took off his robe. Underneath he wore a western style shirt, jeans with cowboy boots.

He quickly undid his extra big belt buckle.

“ No way! He’s not gonna? “
Was all Crystal got out as they watched the judges jeans and boxers come down.

“ Here’s a little preview of what you get to look forward to at the DC suck bar! “
The judge said to her as he shoved his big hard cock into her from behind.

For the next hour it was nothing but a down right gang bang. When the judge finished the bailiffs took their turns followed by all the men workers in the plant.

None of the women in the crowd of reporters and spectators dared to defend mom. They all had kind of a shocked but amused looks on their faces.
So much so that you had to wonder how many of them secretly wished they was mom at that very moment. Getting used the way mom was.

When the last of all most 50 men got finished with mom was bent over the rack and was strapped in.
Moms right hand vigorously rubbed her clit as the bite stick was stuck into her mouth.

She watched the judge take the branding iron from the hot fire. It was red hot as he raised it, making her look at it.

She closes her eyes and try’s to prepare herself by making herself come as soon as the iron touches her ass.
She feels the pressure of her orgasm give way. Her body quivering then jerks as she feels the judge press that hot iron against her ass. On Tv you could even hear the sizzling of her burning flesh. Which was followed by the burning smell. As soon as the iron was pulled away mom again vomited, pissed and lost full control of her bowls. Like a farm animal she shits right there in the floor in front of everyone.

She then felt the cooling spray of anti burn antiseptic. A plain white bandage was applied to her wound.

Justice was then done. Mom was freed from the rack. A form was handed over to this scruffy looking man that signed that he was taking custody of her, to deliver her to the DC suck lounge.

She was put back into her cage and was loaded into the back of a step side delivery van. Where she’d be delivered to what she would know as home for the remainder of what would have been her term as a prestigious senator.
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