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The Master - Chapter 1

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The Master - Chapter 1

Post by jessmartin »

This is the first story I publish in this page, although this story was published in Literotica more than two years ago.

I am Spanish, and I have difficulties with the English language, in these two years I have improved a lot and I have tried to correct the mistakes I could make in the original publication.

Anyway, I apologize for any grammatical error that may still exist.

I hope you enjoy this first chapter.

The Master - Ch. 1 - The Dinner

As I put on my dress and look at myself in the mirror, I keep convincing myself that it's a good idea to attend this dinner. When Rachel proposed to me several weeks ago, I flatly refused, but after my friend insisted over and over again, I ended up agreeing to go to the dinner. Rachel has played her cards right; she knows how fond I am of her, but most of all she knows that since I met her when we were both three years old, I have not been able to refuse her anything.

The dinner is for her to meet the man she has been in a relationship with for over a year, her Master, Rachel wants to introduce me to the man to whom, at the age of twenty-six, she has given herself as a slave girl, giving up her freedom and allowing him to do with her what he wants. When she told me about six months ago, I was very angry with her, I work as an Assistant State Attorney and for years I have imprisoned dozens of men for trafficking and slavery of women, although now, without knowing very well why or how, the government has legalized some forms of slavery and cases like that of my friend Rachel giving herself to a man voluntarily are on the rise.

Now that a few months have passed since the news I have to say in favor of Rachel's Master that my friend has changed completely, before meeting him she spent all her time squandering her family inheritance in parties full of alcohol and drugs and fucking any boy or girl who wanted to enjoy her magazine model body, she even had to be admitted for overdose twice; now she has quit drugs and alcohol, and only goes out accompanying her Master, and what I find most incredible, is that she has returned to resume her studies at the university, she exercises and takes care of herself much more than before, which makes her look younger and more desirable than ever. I just hope they don't think about doing any of that slavery nonsense in front of me or 'Master's' balls will be in serious danger.

As I get out of the car at the door of the hotel I notice how both the valet and the two bellboys at the door look my body up and down undressing it with their eyes, although those looks make me feel sexy and desired I can't help but wonder why to come to a dinner I didn't want to attend, to meet someone I don't want to meet, I have put on a dress that fits my body like a second skin, enhancing all my curves and with a cleavage that my firm tits fight to escape from.

It's as if I want to compete with Rachel, although we are so similar that it is impossible, many times they have thought we were twins, we are both 5’ 9’’ feet tall, and we have measurements of 34-26-34, only our hair and eye color differentiates us, redhead with green eyes Rachel and brunette with blue eyes me.

As I blush at one of the bellboy's comments, I realize another difference between Rachel and me, while she has never had any problem with experimenting sexually, I am quite inexperienced in the subject, my last love story is more than three years ago, and my last fuck a couple of months later.

Rachel has told me that the dinner would be attended by about ten people, when I enter the dining room I think I am the last to arrive, except for Rachel and her Master, as I approach the table I try to take a look at the guests, there are three men and five women, all like Rachel and me close to thirty years old and all perfectly could be the cover of any fashion magazine, the men are tall, muscular and handsome but they have something in their look and posture that makes me shiver, the women are beautiful, with slender bodies full of curves, with elaborate tattoos and piercings on various parts of their bodies, at least four of them who obviously must be the submissives.

I say obviously, because all four wear a similar necklace around their necks and 'wear' clothing that without appearing obscene and scandalous lets their entire bodies show perfectly, including their ringed nipples and their shaved and adorned pussies. Only one of the women is dressed in a sleek, tight-fitting outfit that makes me try to imagine what she would look like in a dress like the other women's, or if her body is also tattooed and adorned; though when I look at her, she makes a shake of her head as if she knows what I'm thinking.

I suddenly think about how I would react if Rachel arrived dressed like this, but luckily, she appears smartly dressed despite wearing the addition of a necklace similar to the other girls.
Rachel and her Master stand in front of me, and my friend begins to speak while keeping her head down, “Taylor this is my Master Caleb.”

Caleb takes my hand and kisses it like an ancient gentleman, I look into his eyes as he kisses me, and I feel the electricity run through my body until it stops at my pussy, he is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life, his two-day beard and almost black eyes seem to be reaching into my soul.

Immediately we approach the rest of the group and he begins to introduce me to everyone, “Taylor, may I introduce Master Summers, Master Danvers, Master Anderson and Lady Frost, the slave girls behind them are Opal, Sapphire, Emerald and Turquoise. “Gentlemen and Miss this is Lady Taylor Pryde and I believe you all know my slave girl Ruby.”

I sigh when I hear the Lady next to my name and I am surprised to hear that all the slave girls have gemstone names, I go to ask about it, but immediately one by one the guests approach me and just like Caleb kiss my hand, when it is Lady Frost's turn, she gives me a tight hug and two resounding kisses to finish whispering in my ear, “For now you can call me Anna, and when you want I let you check what I am wearing under my dress.”

Anna leaves with a smile on her face leaving me speechless, I only react as one by one the submissives kneel before me, kissing my hand and then repeating the same phrase; “Lady Pryde, tonight I am your slave girl and I owe you obedience, you can use me any way you want.” I am so hallucinated by the words of the slave girls that I don't notice when Caleb gestures to Rachel, who also kneels at my feet and after kissing my hand begins to speak; “Lady Pryde, tonight I am your slave girl and I owe you obedience, you may use me in the way you have desired for so long.”

I don't notice Rachel's addition as everyone heads to another room for dinner, although all the slave girls except Rachel go in first. The five minutes it takes the rest of us to get inside are the only times I forget about the situation as we talk about work and normal things. As we approach the table, I can see the submissives already seated; Caleb approaches me and smiling starts talking to me, “Out of deference to you, the slave girls will eat sitting at the table instead of kneeling at our feet as would be normal, although some of the Masters will show a different attitude towards the slave girls, I have also given Rachel permission to talk to you without restraint, although I want you to address her as Ruby in front of everyone."

I nod my head surprised that Caleb has ordered me how to treat Rachel, I sit at the table next to Ruby who in turn is sitting next to her Master Caleb, on my other side sits Anna.

We start dinner and I can't help but observe the rest of the guests even though Rachel is talking to me normally as if the two of us were alone in a hamburger joint like when we used to go to college; ignoring Rachel's chatter a bit, I turn on the analytical part of my mind that has helped me so much to ascend in my career and dedicate myself to study the rest of the guests.

Soon I identify Master Summers as Jason Summers III, one of the most important shipping businessmen in the country, sitting next to him is his slave Opal, a dark-skinned beauty whose hands are tied behind her back and whom Master Summers feeds and gives to drink, my surprise comes when I recognize Opal as Niama Latos, one of the most famous models of the moment who occupies the covers of the most important magazines.

Rachel gets close to my ear to whisper; “I was also surprised when I met her, her naked body is as amazing as in the magazines, and you can't imagine what she can do with her tongue, Ohh, amazing!”

It takes me a few seconds to understand the meaning of Rachel's words and when I turn around to reproach her, she is talking to Caleb as if nothing is going on. I turn my attention to the rest of the guests and once I have recognized Jason Summers, it takes me a short time to identify the other two guests, one is Oscar Danvers, one of the most important philanthropists in the world and owner of dozens of companies, the other is James Anderson, the genius who revolutionized the computer world at the age of 20 and one of the ten richest people in the world, after recognizing them I decide to look at their slave girls.

Sapphire was a beautiful blonde that I fail to recognize, as she wears a carnival mask that I have not appreciated before and that reveals eyes as blue as the gemstone that gives her name, which I doubt that they are natural, when I look at her nipples that are transparent through the fabric of her dress, I can see that her piercings are two jewels of the type of her name, as for Emerald, I recognize her as soon as I stop looking at her breasts adorned with two emeralds linked with a gold chain, she is Mary Yurkova, one of the most famous tennis players in the world, famous both for her sporting successes on the court, and for her scandals outside it. Both slave girls, unlike Opal, are eating with their hands, although they look quite nervous.

Again as if reading my thoughts Rachel comes over to talk to me; “Sapphire is the daughter of a rival businessman to Master Danvers, only a few of us know her true identity, and something similar to me happened to Emerald, her life had hit rock bottom and thanks to Master Anderson, she is back on top, and if you are wondering why they are so nervous, it's because Sapphire has two dildos in her pussy and ass and her Master controls them with his watch taking her to the edge over and over again, Emerald is sitting on two metal dildos that every so often freeze creating an extreme sensation in her body, I assure you it's a real torture though afterwards...”

I prefer to ignore Rachel and I look dumbly at Anna, although every time I do it she seems to discover me and a smile appears on her face; after seeing her a couple of times I discover something that seems curious to me and when I look at Caleb carefully I confirm it, they are siblings! As for Turquoise, Anna's slave girl, remembering her naked body that we have all seen on the movie screen, I find no reason in sight for her to have that name; Turquoise is actress Jennifer Clark, one of the most desired women on the planet and now still holding her moans while Lady Frost plays with her hand on her pussy.

I avoid looking at Caleb anymore, every time I do; my body seems to warm up and I concentrate on continuing to talk to Rachel in the hope that she won't reveal anything unnecessary about any of the people present. Rachel's slave girl name is obvious, her rare dark red hair shines in the sun like a beautiful Ruby and I can't help but imagine her naked body that I've known well for years adorned with some of those jewels.

The rest of the dinner goes more quietly and I am even able to strike up a conversation with the rest of the guests on sometimes trivial topics that are interrupted by the occasional moans of Sapphire, Emerald or Turquoise.

When we finish dinner, Caleb stands up and pulls my chair and Rachel's chair back for us to get up, “If you will join me Lady Pryde, we will continue the evening in the Library Room.” I get up following Caleb but we stop as we see the rest of the guests seem to be heading elsewhere, Anna walks towards us with a smile; “Excuse us Taylor, neither I nor my fellow Masters are as fortunate as my little brother to have a beautiful slave girl like Ruby available twenty four hours a day, we have been deprived of enjoying our slave girls during dinner out of deference to you, but now we want to enjoy their bodies for a while, we will join you in a little while, besides this way you can talk more quietly with Caleb and your friend.” As Anna says this, the three Masters leave with their slave girls and I have to hold back a scream at the sight of the two huge metal dildos Emerald has had in her pussy and ass, now glistening with her body juices.

If masturbating your slave girl with your fingers, taking her to the edge continuously or forcing her to impale herself on two huge dildos calls it a quiet dinner, I can't imagine what dinner would have been like if I hadn't been there.

As soon as we get to the library Caleb pours himself a glass of bourbon and pours me a glass of brandy, as soon as we both sit down Rachel kneels at his feet resting her head on Caleb's thighs who begins to caress her, “You have been very good tonight my little jewel, but you will have to wait until later to get your reward.”

Leaving Rachel relaxed on his thigh Caleb turns to me again, “Well Taylor, did you enjoy the dinner, I hope you didn't feel too uncomfortable, believe it or not the Masters held back a lot, but back to how you felt, I'm sure at some point you imagined yourself in the place of Opal, Sapphire or Emerald, although if what Ruby has told me about you is true, I think you would have preferred to be in the place of Turquoise while my sister lovingly attended to her.”

Caleb pauses to take another drink from his glass without taking his eyes off me, watching me blush, he continues stroking Rachel's hair and continues talking; “Or maybe what you want is to be kneeling at my feet in your friend Rachel's place?”

I freeze when I hear Caleb's words and stand up angrily, “I don't know what Rachel has told you about me, but no one talks to me like that, and you can keep dreaming, because it will be the only place where you can see me at your feet, besides I swear I don't care who you are or how much money you have, I'm going to do everything I can to end these games you two are playing and free Rachel.”

I head for the door not too determined, expecting and almost wanting Caleb to order me to stop, but it's not his voice I hear, it's Rachel's; “Taylor stop playing games and behave, sit down immediately.” I have never heard Rachel use that tone with me and I panic to the point that I stop in front of the door.

I go to turn around but Caleb speaks again; “I'm sorry Taylor I didn't mean to offend you, I probably misunderstood what Ruby told me about you, go home and get some rest, tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon a limo will pick you up to take you to my house to talk about all this, dress for the occasion.”

I walk out the door not realizing that Caleb has addressed me again giving me orders, as he does with Rachel, or the rest of the Masters have done all night with their slave girls. As I pass through the dining room, I discover that Anna has not left him and is sitting at the table moaning with Turquoise's head between her thighs, as our gazes cross and I look at her lips, it seems to me that she is moving them to say something to me, “Tomorrow you will be mine;” but I ignore her and leave the hotel to go home.

As I drive back home, I notice my blood boiling in my veins and I feel a strange tingling throughout my body, though I tell myself it's from the anger I carry from Caleb and Rachel's words, though I can't deny that some of the things I've seen tonight have turned me on.

As soon as I get home I head for the shower and as I undress, I find the evidence of everything I have denied during the night, my pussy is wet from the excitement of what I have witnessed, as I shower, I keep seeing images in my mind of the slave girls; but I endure without masturbating. I go to bed immediately after getting out of the shower, as soon as I close my eyes the images of the slave girls come back to my mind but with a noticeable difference, it is not their faces that I see, the slave girls in all the images have my face; as soon I see myself trying to sit on the two huge dildos that filled Emerald's holes, as soon I see myself being fed by Master Summers, I even see myself sitting at Caleb's feet instead of Ruby, but the images that repeat the most are two, in the first Lady Frost plays with her fingers in my pussy, in the second I have my face buried in Lady Frost's thighs as she forces me to suck her pussy by pulling on a chain hooked to my slave necklace.

I am startled by the sound of the doorbell and as I check my watch, I realize that I have barely 'slept' two hours, I am so unaccustomed to having visitors in my apartment that I don't realize that I am heading for the door with my tits in the air, highlighting my hard swollen nipples and my silk pants completely wet from the moisture in my pussy. When I open the door, I am surprised to discover Anna dressed quite casually, which only enhances her beauty; “Fuck Taylor, if I had known you were going to greet me like this, I would have stopped playing with Ruby a while ago.”

I don't quite understand what Anna is referring to until I notice the chill coming through the door; “Sorry Lady Frost, come in and sit down, I'll be right with you, I'll put something on in a few moments.” As I walk away, I notice Anna's smile and am surprised to have addressed her that way, I quickly walk into my room and removing my wet shorts I put on jeans and a shirt without bothering to put on panties and bra.

When I return to the living room where Anna is waiting for me, I see that she has taken off her jacket and is looking with interest at the books in my small library. “Sorry for the wait Lady Fro....'

Anna raises her hand and doesn't let me finish, “I told you to call me Anna, only my slave girls and those of my friends call me Lady Frost, and as far as I know you are not a slave girl, yet!”

My body thrills at Anna's last word and I take a deep breath to answer her: “Neither am I a slave girl, nor will I ever be, Anna, now explain to me why you have come, these are not very normal hours to visit a person you met a few hours ago.”

Anna smiles, but doesn't answer me and continues browsing through my books, “Masters and Submissives and The Jade Diary by Leia Valti, The Shadow Masters and the Legacy of the Mountains by Chris Saint Clair, Samara Kelly, Cheyenne McCourt, you have some very interesting and themed reading here, I can recommend several more books if you are interested.”

I blush to discover that Anna knows all those books, in all of them the protagonist falls in love with some strong, mysterious man and ends up subdued or enslaved by him, I've been reading books of that type since college, but never until that moment had I seen the implications Anna hints at. “I asked you why you came here at this hour, even though I'm not interested now, get out of my house right now.”

Anna's face suddenly changes and all her smile and kindness suddenly disappear; “Kitten pulls out her nails, well you are wrong kitten, I am a lioness, I had come to apologize to you on Caleb's behalf, he came to power very young and has always gotten what he wants with a simple order, he is not used to dealing with free women and treats them all as if they were his slave girls, but I have lived more in the real world and I know that some bitches need a punishment from time to time.”

I try to respond to Anna, but she surprises me by moving quickly, bringing my hands behind my back then closing some handcuffs around my wrists, “You have to keep the toys away from the boys,” Anna tells me laughing and showing me some nipple clamps and other toys, I keep in a box she must have found while I was changing, unless Rachel...

"That's right honey," Anna says smiling as if she had read my mind again, “You can't even imagine everything your little friend has told us about you, between that and the months we've been researching you we know things about you that you can't even imagine.”

Without stopping talking, Anna rips off my shirt and pulls down my pants leaving me naked and uncovering my wet pussy, as she lowers one hand to my pussy with the other, she places and squeezes the clamps on my nipples making me let out a scream, immediately her fingers find my clit and starts to masturbate me as she continues to talk.

“What did you feel when you met Caleb, did you imagine you were Aileen being fucked for the first time tied to the bed, NO, I think your favorite image is when he rips off her purple dress and fucks her against the wall, although right now this reminds me more of when he makes her reach her first orgasm in her bedroom.”

All those images taken from Jade's Diary that Anna is saying come clearly to my mind, as well as other images from other books, and although I have reached orgasm several times imagining myself as the protagonist, none of those orgasms were as intense as the one Anna is building in my body with her fingers, I suddenly scream with pleasure and cum on Anna's fingers.

Anna takes her fingers stained with my juices into her mouth, and cleans them by licking them clean; “Uhhmmmmm! You taste delicious, I'm almost left wanting to taste you right now, but it's better to let you rest for what's in store for you tomorrow.” She gets up releasing my cuffs and puts on her jacket to leave. “Tomorrow morning, they will bring you a package with some things and some instructions, follow them all to the letter, and wait for the limo to come and pick you up,” before walking out the door Anna turns smiling, “And you can't cum, I assure you if you do, I will know.”

Anna closes the door to my apartment and I begin to cry overwhelmed by the situation, I remove the clamps from my nipples between winces of pain and bring my hand to my pussy, but as I do I remember Anna's words and despite the need for another orgasm I lie down on the bed and try to fall asleep.

It takes me hours to fall asleep, each time I close my eyes I see myself subjected to Caleb or Anna, even Rachel, on one of the occasions I see myself bound and exposed with all four Masters ready to fuck me and I wake to cries of supplication. Every time I wake up, I am tempted to masturbate, but I remember Anna's words and stop myself. Finally, I fall asleep from exhaustion and tension, when I wake up, I see the sunlight and discover that it is past eleven in the morning, luckily, I have no case pending and I call the office calling in sick.

I get in the shower and stay under the water relaxing and trying to forget the night before for what seems like hours, only the sound of the doorbell makes me get out of the shower, this time I put on a robe to open the door, but when I do, I don't see anyone, I only find a medium sized package on the floor.

I leave the package on the bed determined not to open it and not to go to Caleb's house, I'm getting dressed with the intention of leaving town for a few days when I get a message from Rachel on my cell phone, although I'm about to not open it in the end I do it worried that all this mess will hurt my friend, the message is accompanied by a video in which Ruby is sucking Anna's pussy while Caleb violently fucks her until he cums inside her, the video ends with a still image of Ruby with her face stained by Anna's juices and her pussy oozing cum from Caleb's fucking, all with a text at the bottom, “Wouldn't you like to be you?”

I shake my head as I realize that for the first time, I have referred to my friend by her slave girl name and not as Rachel and noticing my pussy getting wet again, I decide that I must go to Caleb's house to settle this whole thing once and for all.

I open the package and its contents are nothing like I expected, there is a beautiful black two piece dress, matching stockings and lingerie, high heels and a number of erotic toys, plus a note from Anna; “Surely you thought we were going to send you some latex attire or something that would expose your tits and pussy, that was my idea but Caleb hasn't let me, apart from the dress there is only a ball for your pussy, an anal plug and a slave collar, take the pill that is included and wash before you put it all on and wax your pussy completely.”

“Not in my wildest dreams am I going to wear those things.” I say to myself as I grab the dress, but soon I reopen the box and find myself holding the two items which soon cool on contact with my hand making me remember Ruby's words about Emerald's dildos and the feeling afterwards.

“Fuck, again!” I scream out loud realizing I have named Ruby instead of Rachel, not realizing what I am doing as if I have no mind of my own, I take the pill and head to the bathroom, within minutes I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, the next half hour is a real nightmare with my body expelling whatever physiological remains I had inside, when finally, my body calms down I wash myself completely under the shower. I go back to the room and taking the two objects from the box I decide to try them, the ball goes easily into my pussy that has not stopped being wet since the night before, on the other hand the anal plug is difficult to insert in my virgin ass, when finally, both objects are inside, I feel how they get cold, heating and exciting my body, although after a few minutes they return to their normal temperature.

I take the two toys off my body and put them back in the box. I decide not to shave my pussy, I consider that I wear it well-groomed and I have always thought that wearing it completely shaved is something that only sluts do. I throw the necklace in the trash can as I tell myself I am no one's slave girl and open the last package, which turns out to be a bottle of body oil, when I open it I discover it smells like strawberries and I smile as I remember what Aileen smelled like for Caleb, I pour some oil in my hand and rub it on my arm noticing how my body warms up and then relaxes, the bottle is big enough to smear all over my body and I decide to do it. When I am done the whole room smells like strawberries and as I look in the mirror my body glistens from the oil giving me a beautiful look. I look at the clock and discover that there are barely twenty minutes left before they come to pick me up, I comb my hair and finish putting on my dress just as the intercom calls; “Lady Pryde, your limousine is waiting for you.”

I walk down the stairs quietly with the intention that the limo will wait, I have decided that from now on I will be the one in control of this situation.

To be continued...
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Re: The Master - Chapter 1

Post by Mr. Smith »

I remember this story. My favorite story from your collection is Venice Vacation. Will there be another chapter?

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Re: The Master - Chapter 1

Post by jessmartin »

Thank you very much for your comments Mr, Smiths, I have always wanted to write a sequel to Venice Holiday, and tell what happens to Emily and the slave girls in the United States, but I have a series to finish publishing in Literotica and two series in progress on the Spanish page where I also publish it, and I can't find the time to do it.
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Re: The Master - Chapter 1

Post by Denemdora »

Jessmartin, it is a commendable effort to write in a non-native language. That said, I would not have mentioned it in the prologue of the story (apologize for what?), and I would let everyone think what they wanted about the reading. Furthermore, sometimes rude, vulgar or uneducated speech is more conducive to the success of the story, who knows? Thank you very much for sharing your work.
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