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Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Most of my stories are set in a world where Corporal Punishment is in common use - by schools, employers, and police. The main focus is on spankings, humiliation and strip/cavity searches.
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Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by SteveBurke »

Author's note: This is a sequel to my previous story, "Game, Set, Match!" It is recommended that you read that first.

Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

The two women stared at the gyno table in shock, while the packed gallery laughed and whistled.

"Order!" shouted the Judge, banging his gavel repeatedly. "Silence in court!"

The crowd settled down to a low buzz of excited whispers.

"So who wants to go first?" The Judge smirked.

"But... you can't!" Ashley objected. "Not here! Not like this!"

"Can't I?" the judge feigned surprise. "Let me see... federal judge... my courtroom... my word is law... yep! Seems I can!" He beamed at them.

Ashley couldn't believe what was happening. She had been searched in front of an audience many times, but this was different. What happened in Stripsearch County stayed at Stripsearch County. Well, to an extent. There was always video footage, and all her colleagues knew what had been done to her, but she herself had been able to compartmentalise. Her professional life was a world away from the Sheriff and the indignities he subjected her to. The courtroom was HER territory, the arena where she was a force to be reckoned with, not a helpless victim. Now Bighorn had not only defeated her in court, but the table in front of her was a powerful symbol that he had invaded her world - and would soon invade her body as well!

Janice was pale, her stomach turning almost to the point of throwing up. She had just a few minutes earlier listened to her friend describe the details of a cavity search and had been glad that she would never be on the receiving end of the Sheriff's gloved fingers. The harsh reality of just how wrong she was hit her like a sledgehammer.

While the startling turn of events came as a complete surprise to the young beauties, it had in fact been planned in advance by Bighorn and the judge. Bighorn's lawyer, Saul Goodman, had submitted the documentation about the sheriff's fake charity in advance and the outcome of the trial had been a foregone conclusion. In a private meeting between the three men, Bighorn had suggested to the judge that he be allowed to make an example out of Ashley and Janice. Faced with the prospect of an unprecedented spectacle in his courtroom, the judge had agreed wholeheartedly. So all the necessary equipment had been procured in advance - including the two plastic milk crates that Bighorn now placed on the floor in front of the shocked women.

Ashley stared at hers with a sinking feeling of inevitability. The sight of it brough back old memories - memories that she often used to stoke her fantasies as she masturbated, but which she didn't want to be reliving, (and re-enacting,) in court. Janice's lips trembled as she contemplated what was in store for her.

"Alrighty then!" Bighorn declared. "Let's start with the jackets!"

There was a pause, the crowd hushed as they waited for the show to begin. But the pair stood frozen like deer in the headlights, still in disbelief about what was happening.

"MUSH!" Bighorn clapped his hands together loudly. "C'mon Ashley, you know what happens to girls who don't do as they're told!" He walked to the small table that held his search equipment and removed a large leather strap. "You gonna cooperate, or do you want a date with Betsy?"

"Old Betsy" was the name that he had given to his punishment strap - a strap that had tanned the hides of countless beauties over the years. Some had started off high and mighty, some merely indignant about what he was going to do - but all ended up the same, sobbing like schoolgirls and falling into line. Leather was the best teacher...

Slowly, as if in a dream, Ashley removed her jacket, and Janice followed her lead. They folded the garments carefully and bent to put them in their respective crates.


Buttons were unfastened, zippers opened, and the skirts were lowered to the floor, exposing the slim, well-toned legs of the lovely lawyers. Once the skirts had been placed in the crates, Bighorn spoke again.

"Let's get those shirts off now!"

Janice stared at the floor, her cheeks burning with shame as her fingers worked the buttons on her designer-label blouse. Beside her, Ashley was also red-faced, but in her case she was flushed with anger.

Damn him! Damn him, damn the judge, and damn the whole fucking gallery!

She was well-accustomed to being stripped, spreadeagled and searched, but not like this! Not on her home turf! The sheriff was her nemesis, but at least he had been contained in his own small pocket of the country, like some kind of sea-creature that lurked under a rock. Now he was loose in the ocean - and he wasn't just a big fish in a small pond - he was a shark. Her lips were pressed into a thin line as she fought to contain her rage. She knew that any outburst would result in swift - and harsh - punishment. Bad enough that she was going to be humiliated - she didn't need to be flogged into submission as well.

With their shirts removed, the pair were now clad only in their undergarments - and a fine sight they were. Ashley wore a white lace pushup bra and matching panties with stay up stockings that ended at mid-thigh. Janice had a similar ensemble, but in black.

"Hands on heads!"

Slowly, the women complied. Bighorn pause so that everyone could admire the two scantily-clad beauties - and to let said beauties contemplate what would come next. Bra and panties was basically like a bikini, they were still technically clothed - but now the true nudity was going to begin. He waited for a full minute before giving the next command.

"Take those bras off. Let's see some titty!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement.

"Order!" the judge banged his gavel. "Anyone who disrupts proceedings will be ejected!"

Faced with the prospect of missing out on the wonderful display, the gallery swiftly settled down, watching in delight as the forced strip show continued. Two lace bras were carefully unhooked, and their owners bent low, keeping themselves covered until the last second as they dropped them into the crates.

Ashley stood up straight, staring at the ceiling and lacing her fingers on top of her head. She had been through the routine many times, and she wasn't going to give the Sheriff the satisfaction of looking embarrassed. Janice however wasn't used to public nudity, and stood crouched over, arms wrapped around her chest.

"Stand straight! Hands on head!" Bighorn yelled.

Janice complied. Tears were starting to well up in her brown eyes, and her lips were trembling. God, this was awful! To have to expose herself in front of a packed courtroom! But she knew this was mere foreplay compared to what would follow.

"Well ain't that a sight!" the Sheriff declared. And it certainly was. Both women were slim and feminine, and two pairs of firm young breasts were now on display. Ashley's were B-cups, topped with pale fleshed-coloured nipples. Janice was a C-cup, but her mounds stood firm and high, the nipples a light brown. Bighorn chuckled as he walked around behind his captives.

"You girls sure do wear some fancy knickers!" he said, slipping one finger under the waistband of Ashley's panties. "You wouldn't be hiding anything in there now, would you?" He pulled the waistband away from her body so he could look down at the small round buttocks thus exposed. His other hand deftly repeated the procedure with Janice. "What about you missy? Anything to declare?"

Janice was silent.

"Cat got your tongues?" He released the panties, the elastic snapping back against the soft skin of their tender bottoms and making them yelp with surprise. "Guess we'll have to keep looking."

He walked in front of them again and placed his hands on his hips. "Time to drop those drawers ladies!"

Ashley took a deep breath. Hooking her thumbs into her panties, she drew the flimsy scrap of lace down, bending as she did so. From his vantage point at his bench behind her, the judge had the pleasure of seeing her delicious derriere exposed, cheeks parting slightly as she bent over and stepped out of them. Janice was slower, lowering herself into a squat as she tried hopelessly to preserve her dignity. With their undergarment joining the rest of their clothes in the crates, both stood again. Ashley placed her hands back on her head, her thighs clamped firmly together. Her hairless mound was marked only by the slit of her pussy, a small crease between her outer lips. She stared at the ceiling again, teeth grinding in silent fury.

Janice couldn't bring herself to display her full nudity, and twisted away from the crowd. One hand was clamped over her pussy and the other arm was across her breasts. But the Sheriff was having none of it.

"Hands on head! Feet either side of your crate! And do it NOW unless you want to get some sense beat into you! You ain't too old for a good spanking!"

The threat worked. With a sob, Janice forced herself to obey. She stepped to her crate, placed a foot either side, and put her hands back on her head. A tear was slowly trickling down each cheek, her vulnerability highlighting her beauty.

With their legs now slightly parted, both pussies were on clear display: Ashley's neat little slit and Janice's delicate inner labia just visible between her outer lips. A small, neatly-trimmed strip of pubic hair topped her mound like an exclamation mark.

The crowd stirred, giggles, whistles and muffled laughter filling the air. The judge banged his gavel again to silence them.

Bighorn nodded in satisfaction. Two natural beauties, bare-ass naked except for their stockings and high-heeled shoes. Normally he stripped his girls completely naked, but this was a special occasion and having them keep those on made them look like porn stars instead of accomplished lawyers. It was a nice touch to the performance. He walked around behind them again, playfully smacking each bottom with his hand.

"You girls sure do keep in shape, I'll give you that. Such lovely firm little asses!" He grasped Ashley's buttocks in his large hands and squeezed. She grimaced, but stayed silent. His hands slid around her front to massage her tummy before slowly moving upward until they were cupping her breasts. "Some men don't like 'em this small, but I've always been a big fan of your tiny little titties myself." He teased her nipples with his fingertips and the released her, moving on to Janice.

"Sure is nice to make your acquaintance young lady. Any friend of Ashley's is a friend of mine." He grabbed her cheeks and sunk his strong fingers into her soft flesh. Janice gasped and wriggled her hips in a futile attempt to shake him off.

""And I've met a few of your friends over the last few years, haven't I?" He turned his head and addressed Ashley. His hand started wandering again, feeling their way around Janice's wide hips and over her belly. She had just a tiny bit of softness, a delightfully feminine feature. "Let's see - Terri London, Judge Feilds, and oh yes, that student friend of yours - Lauren, wasn't it?" He felt his way up Janice's body.

Ashley smiled wryly at the mention of Lauren's name. She had been an honours student who started at the firm and had been assigned to be Ashley's understudy, hopefully her protégé'. But Ashley couldn't stand her. She was a smug, annoying know-it-all who wouldn't listen. Wanting to be rid of her, but unable to go against the instructions of the senior partners, she had devised a way to get the girl to leave of her own accord. Ashley had taken her down to Stripsearch County on business. Unsurprisingly, both had ended up in the front room of the station, stripped naked and given a turn on the gyno table while the locals watched and cheered. The outraged Lauren had quit immediately on their return to the office, and Ashley hadn't seen her since.

Bighorn lifted Janice's breasts, feeling their weight. "Now that's a fine pair," he said admiringly. "You'd be popular down at the truckstop, that's for sure. The boys do love a woman with curves."

Janice imagined herself forced to spread her legs for strange men, selling herself for a few dollars at a time, and shuddered. "You should visit sometime!" the Sheriff laughed. "Sure would be a treat! And you'd make lots of new friends, I'm sure." He pinched her nipples, making her gasp. "But that's enough yappin. Can't keep these fine people waiting now, can we?" He removed his hands and stepped in front of the anxious women again. "Now then, who wants to go first?" He chewed his lip.

It was always a pleasure to search a woman, but this was undoubtedly going to be his favourite memory. He had brought the fine traditions of Stripsearch County all the way to a Federal court! He would be famous throughout the nation, envied by all others who worked in law enforcement. He briefly considered who to start with.

Normally he liked to leave Ashley for last, knowing that the anticipation would increase her nervous tension and thus result in even more intense orgasms when he made her come - but her friend was obviously a search virgin, judging by her stricken look and the tears on her face. It wouldn't be right to start with her - the whole thing would be over before she really had the time to take it all in. Bighorn was an artist - women were his canvas, and he treated each one with the care and attention that she deserved. So Ashley would have to go first, allowing Janice to fully absorb the reality of what was going to happen to her. She would be dripping wet by the time she got on the table, he was sure of that. Women just couldn't help themselves.

"Ashley, why don't you show your friend how it's done?" he waved invitingly at the padded bench.

Ashley swallowed, trying to clear the lump in her throat, and stepped forward. She walked between the stirrups and climbed onto the table, facing away from the crowd. Spreading her knees apart as wide as the table would allow, she leaned over to place her small breasts on the surface, arching her back as she did so. With her chin on the table, she pushed her hips backward toward the delighted audience. In this position she was fully exposed, inner lips visible and globes separated to reveal the enticingly pink rosebud between them. Most of the crowd was already filming on their cellphones, and they used their zoom function to get a good close-up look at her picture-perfect holes.

"I always start with a visual check," Bighorn told his rapt audience. "And as you can see, the young lady knows the drill." He slapped the small white bottom that Ashley was presenting. "Spread 'em girl!"

Ashley's small hands reached back to grasp her cheeks and pull them wider apart, giving an even more graphic view.

"Split that clam honey! Show me some pink!"

Ashley's "clam" was already split, her thin labia and tiny clitoris in full view, but she knew better than to argue. Placing two neatly-manicured fingers either side of her opening, she pulled herself open even wider, while maintaining her grip on her buttocks. But the Sheriff wasn't done.

"Open the back door! I wanna see you gape!"

To everyone's amazement, her tight little sphincter promptly loosened, becoming a ring with a thumb-sized hole in the centre. It was a skill she had learned the hard way at the truckstop. Being taken up the ass a dozen times a day was rough, even with the generous amount of lubricant that the working girls were supplied with - until you learned how to relax and accept it. Ashley could bend over and be ready for a solid anal pounding in an instant.

Janice watched in dismay. Not only was her friend being forced to display herself in the most obscene fashion - but she new she would be next. And this was just the visual check!

Bighorn took a small flashlight from the equipment table and shone it at Ashley's no-longer-privates. He made a show of inspecting her, as if he genuinely entertained the possibility that there might be something inside her. Finally he switched off the light and dropped it back on the table.

"Clear so far! Alright Ahley, on your back.

Ashley released her lips first, allowing her pussy to partially close. Then in a crowd-pleasing moment, she tensed her asshole so that it closed up in an instant, just as small and tight as before. Only then did she let go of her cheeks and raise her body from the table. She spun on her knees to face the gallery, then laid back. Bighorn slid his strong hands under her thighs and pulled her down so that her ass was perched on the very edge of the table, and took hold of her ankles, spreading her legs wide. With her high heels slipped through the stirrups she was now wide-open and ready to receive visitors. He removed the pin that held the end of the table in place and it hinged down, leaving her ass hanging in the air.

Without being prompted she laced her fingers behind her head and waited. The thrilled audience was now treated to the sight of a stunningly beautiful woman naked and spreadeagled - and the real fun was just about to start!


The sheriff smiled happily as he donned his latex gloves, admiring the sight in front of him. He really did admire the plucky lawyer - both for her beauty, and her bravery. Even now, when she was exposed in the most undignified fashion, she managed to keep her composure. But they both knew that wouldn't last. In a few minutes he would bring her to a shameful orgasm - and then another. And Ashley had always been a screamer, a guaranteed hit with the locals every time she came through town.

He gently brushed her thighs with his fingertips, making her shiver.

"Are you ready miss? Or do you want a minute to get ready?"

His fake consideration was just another one of his mind games - games that Ashley had played many times. She answered through gritted teeth. "No sheriff, you may search me now."

"So nice of you to grant permission!" he chuckled. The audience tittered.

Standing to one side so as not to block the view, he carefully spread her outer lips, wider, wider, wider... Ashley moaned quietly, signalling that she had reached her limit. With a surprisingly gentle touch he teased her inner labia, tracing his fingers up and down them. Ashley had been wet before she even got on the table - aroused by the Pavlovian conditioning that came with repeated searches. She felt her body relax, preparing itself for what was too come.

A fingertip brushed gently over her clit and she twitched, her hips bucking on the table. "Relax Ashley, we're just getting started."

She felt his fingers stir around just inside her entrance, stimulating her. Soon she could hear the slick, shlucking sound of her wet lady-parts being manipulated, rubbed, toyed with. He pressed more firmly, two fingers finding her opening and then -

"OOOH!" she gasped, her legs trying to come together as he thrust into her. He drove in swiftly, perfectly angled so that he got all the way up her in one motion.


He was up against her cervix now, pressing uncomfortably. She writhed and moaned as he circled around inside her, exploring the space beyond her tight little snatch. She was clamped around his fingers, her body trying to keep him out even as she felt her arousal grow. He released her outer lips and began to gently rub her clit with his left hand while circling around inside her with his right.

He knew her well. When the pool of juice inside her showed that she was ready, he began to thrust. Long, slow thrusts that let her feel the full length of his fingers as they plunged deep, sliding back and forth. Then faster. And faster. And faster.


She was getting close now, and she worked with him, raising her hips to accept his fingers, turning her knees outward to make herself more accessible. She grunted with each thrust.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes, Yes! Yes, YES! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

The gallery erupted, roaring their approval, shouting, laughing, and cheering. Bighorn withdrew his fingers with a flourish, turned and bowed. Even the judge put down his gavel and smiled as he slowly clapped in admiration. He hadn't believed Bighorn's claim that he could force a woman to orgasm on his table, but there was no denying the performance that Ashley had just put on. He allowed the exhilarated onlookers a minute to express themselves before bringing the court to order once more.

Ashley slumped in the bench, her slim body now glistening with sweat. As the flush of her orgasm faded she began to feel the shame she always experienced after cumming in public, and closed her eyes while she tried to pull herself back together. One down, one to go... And she always came harder with anal. She waited to have her back passage probed - but instead she heard a metallic clicking. She opened her eyes again, puzzled, and saw -


Bighorn was smiling as he worked the jaws on a large, stainless-steel speculum. It was one of his favourite toys, and he liked to tell his victims how many women it had been inside as he stretched them open. Ashley had been number sixty. And number eighty-one. And one hundred and seven...

"You remember this?" the sheriff asked. "Well, this will make you number one hundred and thirty-eight!"

Ashley hoped he at least sterilised it between uses. Sharing a speculum with over a hundred other women was a nauseating thought.

Bighorn carefully placed the tip of the speculum against her lips, handle facing upward, and pushed gently.

"Mmmmph!" Ashley pursed here lips as the cold steel slid in. It was a size too large for her, and penetrated deeper than she could comfortably accommodate. But the length wasn't the worst thing about it. Once it was firmly located in her tunnel, Bighorn squeezed the lever and opened her up in one swift movement.

"Gaahhh!" Ashley yelled. Her back arched and her hips bucked as her body tried to escape from the instrument. "Eee-yaaah! God DAMN!"

"Language!" said the judge in a warning tone.

"And now that our little lady is open nice and wide, we can have a good look inside!" said the Sheriff cheerfully. He produced the flashlight again and peered up inside her. "Clear!" he declared after several moments of inspecting her pale pink walls. "Time to proceed to the anal search!"

Naturally, this did not mean the removal of the speculum. Ashley knew that it would remain inside her until he was finished. She sighed and tried to relax herself as she felt his gloved fingers rubbing gently over her sensitive little ring. Normally he would start with one, but ever since Ashley's first stint at the truckstop he had given her both at once. "You can take it!" he told her with a grin.

He was right. Having been sodomised more times than she could count, Ashley knew how to surrender to it. His fingers were covered in her juices, and they slid easily up her back passage.

"Aahhhhh!" she sighed as he went in. As before, he proceeded to circle around, investigating her thoroughly. The speculum in her pussy was taking up space inside her body, and she felt uncomfortably full. He started to play with her clit again, and soon he was thrusting, his hand slamming against her buttocks as he finger-fucked her. Once more, she felt the delicious warmth start to spread through her body, the tingle that became a wave of pleasure, and the climax that erupted inside her.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!" she screamed, her body shaking. Her vaginal muscles contracted hard, making the speculum feel even bigger as she clamped painfully around it. The crowd cheered again.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" She slumped back on the bench, totally spent. The sheriff circled around inside her ass a few more times before gently withdrawing, and she closed up again, her asshole slick with juice but otherwise good as new.

"And we're done!" Bighorn withdrew the speculum and held it high so everyone could see just how wide Ashley had been spread. The women in the audience were startled to see how large it really was, and shivered at the thought of it stretching out their own love-tunnels.

Ashley was helped off the table and sent back to her crate with a firm slap on her ass. Once she resumed the required position straddling the plastic box, all eyes turned to Janice.

For the last ten minutes, Ashley had been the centre of attention, and Janice had partly forgotten her own predicament as she watched her friend writhe and scream on the table. But now the courtroom was focussed on her, and she turned pale, cringing in shame.

"Hop on girl!" The sheriff waved at the waiting stirrups.

Janice looked imploringly at Ashley, who simply shrugged. "Don't fight it," she advised her friend.

With a heavy heart, Janice walked toward her fate. Her bottom was more curvaceous than Ashleys, and made a good impression with the crowd as she posed for her visual check. But even more entertaining was when she was ordered to open her back door. She didn't have Ashley's hard-learned muscular control, and no sooner had she made herself relax a little than her asshole would pucker up involuntarily, thus "winking" repeatedly at the bemused onlookers. Eventually the sheriff declared that he would have to "do this the hard way" and had her turn over.

Soon she was spread out and on display. She tried to cover her breasts with her arms, but the sheriff wouldn't allow her even a trace of modesty.

"Hands behind your head!"

With a sniffle, Janice complied - and the sheriff got to work. Eyes firmly closed to blot out the crowd in front of her, Janice moaned, squealed and grunted as her snatch was invaded like never before. Every inch of her walls was investigated, and she was explored to the full depth of her pussy by unwelcome fingers. She gasped and sobbed, squirmed and twisted - but finally, just like Ashley, she wailed in climax.

"OoooooAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" she cried out as her body betrayed her. The applause and laughter made her ears burn.

How could this be happening? She wondered. Would she even have a career after this?

She soon had more urgent things to consider. The speculum was forced into her, going painfully deep.

"OOOOOOWWWWW!" she screamed. Then "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" as she was opened up. She could feel the cool air of the courtroom enter her body and was mortified to think about how she must look with her legs wide and her pussy gaping. She puckered up at the sensation of a fingertip probing her anus.

"Don't do that - it'll just hurt more," Bighorn warned. "Push out and this will be easy."

Again, her little ring failed to cooperate, and Janice squealed in pain as the finger penetrated her unwilling rectum.


Janice had seldom done anal, and even one finger inside her ass was hard to cope with. When the second was added -

"AAAGHH! GOD NOOOOOO!!" It felt like she was being split open. "STOP! PLEEEAAASE!!"

Her entreaties fell on deaf ears, and Bighorn gave her a rogering such as she had never had before. Her second orgasm came at the expense of a thoroughly reamed-out asshole and she screamed as much with pain as she did with pleasure.


By the time he slid his fingers out of her aching rear entrance Janice was an utter wreck. She had to be helped off the table and stumbled back to take her place beside Ashley, her legs trembling and her face streaked with tears. But their ordeal was far from over...
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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by SteveBurke »

Part Two

"Well, that makes up for the public's time that you wasted," the judge said with satisfaction. "But you have also wasted court time - which is something I will deal with personally." He stepped down from his box, reaching for something as he did so. To the horror of the two young women, he brandished a long rattan cane!

"I find that a short, sharp shock usually gets the message through! Bailiff, please fetch the bench."

The gyno table was promptly wheeled away, and the piece of furniture that replaced it was even more ominous. A padded wooden bench with restraints for wrists, knees and body. Anyone secured to it would have they rear-end held high and immobile, a perfect target for the evil-looking cane in the judges hand.

With a nod, the judge indicated Ashley, who was immediately seized and pushed face-down on the bench. She had been on these before, both at the sheriff's office and at the prison. Grim memories came back to her as the straps were fastened - but she had a feeling that the caning she was about to receive would eclipse them all...

She was right.


The cane sliced into her tender buttocks, leaving a tin red line on her milk-white skin.

"GNNNNNHHHH!!" she exclaimed through gritted teeth. FUCK THAT HURTS!

Ashley had been spanked frequently as a child, paddled almost weekly through senior high, and since she started visiting Stripsearch County she had been punished with a wide variety of implements - but this was the worst of all. The cane was half an inch thick, and a little over three feet long, giving it extra weight and a faster impact than the ones she had experienced previously. She strained at her bonds, her body trying to free itself even though she knew it was futile.

"Count aloud," the judge instructed her.

SHIT! Having to count off made it harder - and she knew that her pain would be clearly shown by her voice. "Wo - wo - one sir!"

The cane tapped her bottom, making her flinch. "One, thank you, your honor."

BASTARD! This was going to be sheer hell!

She took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "One. Thank you, your honour." She managed to keep her voice steady.

*CRACK!*​ The cane swung again.

"MMMMMPPPHHH!" Another line of pain burned into her tender little tushy. "Gah! Two! Thank you... you honour!"

The cane swung again. And again. Having been on the receiving end of corporal punishment so often during her youth, Ashley had not only developed an impressive pain tolerance, but also psychological techniques to help her take her medicine. Her father had expected her to accept her whippings without screaming or crying, and in the case of her Principal, she hadn't wanted to give him the satisfaction of 'breaking' her. She was going to need all her painfully-acquired knowledge to get through this. In her experience, failing to count off inevitably meant more swats added to the beating - and she desperately wanted to avoid taking any extras from this cane. She tried to zone out and distance herself from the pain in her rear, but was only partly successful. The fire grew hotter with every stroke, and she was sweating from her struggles, her tiny fists clenched and every muscle tense. She started to yell with each stroke, quietly at first, but then louder as her self- control gradually crumbled.


"Yee-ahh! S-Seven, thank you... your honour!"


"EEEEEEE! Eight.. t-thank you.. your (gulp), ho-honour!"
The cane was inflicting dreadful damage on her soft skin, welts now covering her backside. Tears were streaming down her face and she sobbed between strokes. Janice looked on in absolute horror as the cruel implement ravished the bare ass of her helpless friend. Her own eyes were filled with tears - both of sympathy and of fear.


"OOOOWWW! (pant, pant,) Elev-ven, (snif), thank y-you (sob), y-your hon... hon... (sniffle), hono-or!" It was all she could do to get the words out. One more to go!

The judge paused. "Ask for it," said with a wicked grin.


Ashley's chest heaved as she tried to steady her breathing. "Please g-give m-me my last s-stroke your hon-n-our!" she stammered out. "a-and m-make it n-nice and h-hard!"

"As you wish!" the cane tapped against her burning bottom, making her buttocks tense in anticipation. He slid the ratan back and forth, teasing her. His arm drew back, and he made her wait for several, agonising seconds before -


The last stroke was worse than the others, and she howled in pain.

"AAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!" She shrieked. "Waaahaahaaa!" She sobbed in abject misery for a few seconds, then her body jerked violently as the cane tapped her again.

"What do we say?"

"T-t-twelve. Thank. Y-you. You hon... (gulp) honour!"

"Excellent!" He nodded at the bailiff. You may release her now."

The straps were unfastened, and the chastised damsel helped to her feet. She reached for her throbbing rear-end, only to be cut short.

"Hands on head! Or you'll get more!"


It took all her willpower to lace her fingers together and she grasped her head tightly so as to keep her hands in place. With her eyes filled with tears she found it hard to see, and the bailiff had to guide her back to her crate. Then he took hold of Janice's arm.

"No! Don't PLEASE!" she begged - to no avail. She was strapped down in turn, and the judge took aim again, admiring the flawless beauty of her wonderful rump - beauty that would shortly marred by the welts of a good thrashing!



She screamed at the very first stroke, and began to cry. The cane tapped her again.

"What do we say?"

Oh God!

"One, t-thank... y-you... your ... your honour!" She managed to force out.



Janice hadn't had the same upbringing as Ashley. She had been spanked only infrequently, and not harshly. She didn't have the same pain tolerance or coping strategies, and by the fourth stroke she had given up attempting to count. She screamed and wailed as the cruel cane ravaged her soft flesh.




Ashley watched in anguish as her friend was brutally flogged. She was wracked with guilt - this whole thing had been her idea in the first place, and now poor Janice was getting an unwanted lesson about how one-sided the law was when pretty women were involved. Damn the sheriff!

The excited murmurs from the gallery were drowned out by the pitiful screams and incomprehensible pleas of the luckless lawyer. Janice writhed and struggled, but remained firmly in place, her behind a perfect target for the obviously well-practiced judge.


The final stroke sliced into Janice's badly-beaten bottom.

"EEEEYAAAAHHHH!!!!" Janice howled. But her torment wasn't over yet.

"Twelve" the judge announced with satisfaction. "And now, another three for failing to keep count!"

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Janice begged - but his arm was already rising again.




The last three strokes of her caning inflicted truly hideous suffering on poor Janice, and she screamed uncontrollably, with no indication that she would stop.

"My goodness, what a terrible noise!" said the judge somewhat testily.

"Let me fix that for you." Bighorn produced a ball gag, and swiftly fastened it around Janice's head. She continued to scream and wail, but was sufficiently muffled for proceedings to continue. The judge returned to his box

"Now then, time for sentencing." he cleared his throat. "I was going to to hit you with felony charges for perjury," the judge said. "But it seems that the Sheriff here is more forgiving. He said you should only get a misdemeanour. And being the generous type, he has offered to accommodate you at the local jail down in Stripsearch County. So it's up to you ladies. Perjury and a couple of years in the pen - or a misdemeanor and three months in what the good Sheriff here assures me is basically a health spa. Good diet, plenty of exercise, and lots of social contact." He chuckled, making it clear that he knew what that "social contact" would entail.


Ashley had entered the courtroom with the expectation of making the Sheriff pay for what he had done - not only to her, but to countless other women. Now the tables had been turned, and she was going to be his prisoner once more. Her lip twisted with anger and she felt her blood pounding through her veins - she had never been so angry before.

But years of legal experience helped to hold back her rage. Mouthing of to a judge was a guaranteed loss to any case - and this time it was she who would bear the price for failure. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

"We will take the deal, your Honour," Ashley spoke for both of them. Janice's head snapped around.

"Whaaa?" She glared at Ashley - but then reality sunk in. A felony conviction would be the end of her career, and everything she had worked for. She bowed her head and wept fresh tears as she contemplated what was coming to them.

"Very well!" The judge raised his gavel. "Sentence passed, this court is adjourned!" He slammed it down with cold finality.

The gallery laughed and clapped as the two naked women were again led through the side door. They were deposited back in the holding cell and left alone. Even then, it was several minutes before they could fully process what had just happened. Janice had stopped crying and they were standing awkwardly, rubbing gingerly at their welted and bruised rumps.

"The truckstop! My God!" Janice whispered in horror. "I'll have to sell my ass!"

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Ashley replied. And eventually, you'll learn to like it! She added mentally. But Janice wasn't ready to learn that yet. Ashley was bitterly disappointed at the outcome of the trial, and boiling with rage at how they had been treated, but she couldn't deny that the prospect of another tour down at the truckstop was making her nether regions moist. Deep down, she knew it was where she really belonged...

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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by jeepster »

Awesome couple of chapters!

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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by Hooked6 »

Although I seriously enjoy all of your stories, Steve, I must say this Spin Off series is amazing. The tension is palpable and the story is so well written that it does Joe's original Ashley character justice. You have managed to show how a smart, well-educated, extremely clever lawyer/justice gets trapped like so many others in our Sheriff's snare. Truly clever writing here.

This series goes into my Favorite all time stories file for sure!

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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by SteveBurke »

Hooked6 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:42 am Although I seriously enjoy all of your stories, Steve, I must say this Spin Off series is amazing. The tension is palpable and the story is so well written that it does Joe's original Ashley character justice. You have managed to show how a smart, well-educated, extremely clever lawyer/justice gets trapped like so many others in our Sheriff's snare. Truly clever writing here.

This series goes into my Favorite all time stories file for sure!

I am so glad that you see these as a worthy continuation of the Doeverse. Joe did a wonderful job of creating a fantasy world, and while I previously had an interest in the subject, I'm sure that his masterful work helped me get fully engaged with the genre.

I have my own fantasy world in the CPA series - slightly different and truthfully inspired by another source (a young lady in the UK who wanted her own caning story,) but I won't deny that Joe's stories were influential. His writing showed me how to create an unapologetic fantasy. Make your own rules, and stick to them. Be true to the universe that you create.

When I write a "Joe Doe Spinoff" it is not because I want to stand on the shoulders of a great writer - it is because I have a genuine appreciation for the Doeverse and there are some aspects/storylines that I think are worthy of continuation. Since many people here have read his works, I'm sure they feel the same way.

I have never had any personal contact with Joe. If he were to reach out and tell me to stop using his foundational 'verse I would agree to do so. But I'm not the first to expand on his work (Arty wrote some excellent prequels and sequels over twenty years ago,) so as far as I can tell, he's OK with this.

As I have mentioned recently, I have found an artist to illustrate my stories, and soon Ashley will be brought to glorious, colourful, graphic life. While I'm sure Joe never imagined that this would happen when he typed his original stories, I hope that the images I have commissioned will do justice to his vision.
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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

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Can't wait to see the pictures!

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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by SteveBurke »

jeepster wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:37 pm Can't wait to see the pictures!
I have commissioned Zodiac to make an illustration for each of the Ashley Marsh stories - including one that is not yet completed. I will add them to the respective threads as they become available, and archive them all in the "commissioned artwork" folder in the gallery. It will likely take a few weeks for him to complete - he has a job as well, but going forward I hope to have an illustration for each of my new stories.

It's lucky for my wallet that I'm not a prolific writer! But I hope to gradually add some pics to my past stories as well.
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Re: Joe Doe Spinoff - Tables Turned!

Post by SteveBurke »

Bumped for the artwork! :D
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