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Intro to Slavery part 2B

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Intro to Slavery part 2B

Post by CommodorRaptr »

I don't plan to continue this series but I’m totally fine if someone wants to continue it themselves. I’m much better at making one off stories and I will likely make some of those in the future. Any comments and constructive criticism is always welcomed. Enjoy!

Intro to Slavery Part 2B

Beatrice’s POV

I have to say I stood surprised at how fast the HCI crew were in and out. In a little less than 2 hours they unloaded and installed everything in my place. I own a small house by myself, I wouldn’t say that I’m rich by any means but I am in a relatively comfortable financial situation. I have 2 jobs after all and both “careers” take a significant amount of time. Now a lot of people judge me for this (especially my parents) but I couldn’t care less. I am a full time content creator. I stream on twitch up to 4 days a week and on the sidelines I work at a gas station down the road. Streaming has really popped off in the past decade and it's stupid how easy it is for young women to get into it and make some serious dough. One could argue that making content on Only Fans would be a fantastic idea for paying college debts or loans but I don’t particularly like the idea of my pussy being on the internet for my future kids to see. I’m not judging anyone doing it, it's just not my thing.

Once the HCI trailer left and one the staff gave some instructions on how to train my friend out of slavery and other things like the amount of kibble I’m supposed to feed her they left and I was just standing outside processing it all. There was a moment of silence for, well, a moment until Andrea who was standing slave-naked with me holding the leash to her collar shyly spoke.

“Sooooo… are we going inside Beatrice?”

“Ye… yeah… come on”

I led my friend up the front patio stairs and into the house. I took off my shoes and decided to go check out the cage. My house had a somewhat unfinished basement. The floor is made of soft concrete, the ceiling is full of wood and steel beams, a few wires here and there and ventilation tubes. The ceiling itself is quite tall so there's no issues with hitting your head on anything. I don't often come down here as I don't have many reasons besides to turn on a breaker or fetch something from the deepfreeze. Speaking of, it is a little chilly at times down here, especially during winter, luckily it's close to summer. I did give a quick glance to my friend’s naked body and her nipples were quite erect. It gave me a little chuckle.

The cage itself was not at all what I was expecting, or at least a lot more intense. It seems the crew had installed and drilled in the floor a metal frame and then had welded the cage to the said frame. It made sense now that I had seen them bring in power tools and all that noise they made. I have to admit that had I known they would PERMANENTLY install a slave cage in my basement I might have objected but too late now I guess. The cage itself was also larger than I thought, made of strong black steel beams. It was roughly 3 meters long, 2 meters wide with a generous 1.5 meters tall. I knelt down to touch the floor of the cage and it was made of soft mat, the same type that you buy in the giant puzzle pieces. Outside of the cage were two human sized dog bowls. I did a few rounds of the cage and inspected its look and durability.

Next to the cage was a large bag of what looked like dog food but was that slave food, or kibble sorry. I opened the bag and by curiosity grabbed a few pebbles. I gave them a little sniff to discover that they have no smell whatsoever so I threw them in my mouth. The initial texture was odd but it tasted not too bad, actually almost good. I can’t really explain it but it felt good to eat some. I grabbed a bit more, ate them and turned to my friend.

“This looks good doesn’t it Andy?”

“Yeah, it does, am I going in there now?” she asked timidly

“Oh right, ummm… yes. Go on in there you… ummm… slave person.” Is it obvious that I don't know how to treat slaves, particularly when my best friend is the slave?

Andrea slowly crawled in and layed down on her side. I was about to close the self locking latch on when I began taking a long look at her. I realized that there was now a real life slave in my basement and that she was mine. If I wanted to I could grab her leash and force her to eat me out until I creamed all over her face. Woah! Damn! Why am I thinking about this? Like yeah it wouldn’t be the first time I did that with a girl but with Andrea? I’m supposed to break her out of slavery not push her back into it.

Clearing my head I went back upstairs and went back to the main entrance to look at that reading material and how it could help me cuz I don't know if I can do this. They gave me a few pamphlets that gave me a refresher on the steps I was supposed to follow.

Guide to Freedom
As an R.O (Rehabilitation Owner) your job is to make sure the return to everyday life is easier and gentle with your slave. The following steps are suggested guidelines to help you and your slave on that journey.

Step 1 - Freedom of movement
Slaves constantly wear their cuffs, used primarily to easily and effectively restrain a slave for a multitude of reasons, that being theirs or your security or simply for your pleasure slaves are used to feeling these items on them as part of themselves. Simply removing them abruptly can cause both mental and psychological breakdowns in a slave. The best way to approach this is to simply unlock your slaves cuffs, the strap itself is easy to remove once the lock is no longer present. Keep in mind it may take a few hours or a few days for your slave to remove the cuffs by themselves. But once they do, you can go on to step 2.

Step 2 - Freedom of control
In order to better control slaves with ease and safely the collars are fitted with special systems that with the simple pushes on your tablet you can restrict your slave in a few ways. First and most popular is the shock function which can cause as little as a simple jolt to get their attention to full on surges that ripples through their entire body and causes them to hit the ground begging for your mercy. Another popular feature used often throughout the grading process is the devoicer. This removes the slave’s ability to form any sort of speech, small modifications can be made to have your slave sound like a specific animal too. A final feature to cap off this section is the collar’s ability to trigger a significant body response and an increase in both dopamine and oxytocin, or more basically, it makes your slave super horny. This is used to both reward or punish as slaves can be given explosive orgasms or be edged out of their minds.

Now since your slave has passed step 1 with little issues it's time to repeat the process with step 2. Using your pad or by hand unlock the collar and wait for your slave to take it off.

Step 3 - Freedom of fashion
Slaves typically never have the ability to choose their own clothes and in most cases will never receive anything beyond their cuffs and collar. On occasion slaves will be provided with appropriate slave clothes if the weather becomes a health hazard. Now that your slave is fully naked you will provide them with their own clothes, if you know who your slave was prior to their voluntary enslavement try to offer them a small variety of clothes that they’ll like. To further increase the motivation of clothes use your local AC system and turn it down a bit to make it ever so slightly uncomfortable. If all done right your slave should be in their clothes in no time.

I kept on reading the entire guide, step 4 was to have your slave accompany you on stuff like groceries to get the slave out in public and get them used to having money and buying stuff. The 5th step was something along the lines of getting them a part time job and so on. It all led to making your slave feeling less dependent on you for everything. It was a good system and I was hoping that it would work. The last line of the pamphlet marked clearly;

“If the slave hasn’t completed Step 1 within 5 days, activate Old World protocol. For more information read the Old World pamphlet.”

What the heck is “Old World”? Finding the Old World pamphlet wasn’t difficult as it was splattered with stickers and emblems of high importance. I began reading and… oh god…

Old World protocol
This protocol is to be a last resort only. If 3 days after step 1 was not completed by the slave it is possible your slave may be hypnotized by a love for slavery or a more technical term would be stuck in slave space. This is highly common in cases where a slave was well treated during an extended term of service of 6 months or more and now they think they have no reason to return to their old lives. Old World is to be activated as a behavior change in the R.O and in the collar’s system as well. OW bypasses all safeties set by the slave’s file and their limits, meaning anything, even branding, is now a possibility.

This system is to in short make the slave realize how bad of an idea slavery is and that they should return to their old life and turn away from slavery. This system has only been used under 100 times since its inception last year and has seen an approximate 79% success rate. Is it to note that the R.O is to be extremely careful when activating the OW protocol and is encouraged to seek HCI help at any time. OW is set to last 5 days, if the slave further falls into slavery and doesn't get the wake up call the R.O is to call HCI to have the slave re-accessed and likely sold.

Well that was quite the scare for sure. I sure as hell hope that won’t be necessary. I started looking in the various services that an OW slave can do for the R.O and the list was, well, interesting;

Outdoors labor
Domestic duties
Sexual servitude
Pain slut
Public entertainment

This short list gave me shivers to think about. I kind of envied Andrea, all of this looked so hot and fun to do, it literally checked all my boxes for my kinks. I sat down in one of my chairs and my hand found its way to my aching pussy. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in each scenario…

Wearing nothing but a slave shock collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, chains linking it all together restraining my movements but not too much, I’m in my backyard digging holes and planting seeds in that garden plot I haven't touched since I moved in. My Mistress shocks me or whips me when I slow down…

Again in my collar and cuffs, working endlessly at scrubbing floors, washing dishes and doing laundry while my Mistress whips me to remind me of my place…

My Mistress holds a tight grip on my leash forcing me to eat her pussy until she squirts all over my face and orders me to lick her juices off the floor…

Strung up in my basement, my Mistress hits and hits and hits me constantly and consistently adding more force with each new hit making me wetter and wetter as I approach an orgasm, but right as I do she stops and leaves me hanging there panting and begging for another hit…

Collared with a chain locked on a ring to the floor, my hands cuffed behind my back, dick after dick, pussy after pussy shoved in my face, I’m nothing but a piece of meat then left in the dark until I can be of use again…

With the last scenario I brought myself to a rather small but still satisfying orgasm. Coming down (pun intended) from my little masturbation adventure I did find it a bit odd that I imagined my master to be a mistress to be a female. I am primarily into guys and if I happen to play around with another girl I tend to be more dominant but I supposed that I was perhaps putting myself in the shoes of Andy at this point. Wait… that’s not a half bad idea.

Going to the basement I found Andy in her cage laying down comfortably but not sleeping. When I approached she shifted her body and got on her knees to face me. Oops I guess I forgot to take off her leash or lock the cage.

“Come on out Andy, I have some questions for you.”

Pulling her out by the leash I let her sit on the ground while I took a seat in one of the folding chairs I had down here in storage.

“How was your term of service?”


**6 months ago**

Andrea’s POV

I was kneeling on the auction block, ordered into a variety of displaying positions to entice buyers. My collar’s pleasure systems had been turned on and I was ready to do anything just for the possibility of getting to cum. From spreading my ass cheeks or pussy lips, to sensually grabbing my boobs or biting my lower lip I was showing off like any other slave slut that I had seen in those “educational” videos at school.

After a few minutes of all that I was apparently sold. A VERY attractive woman in probably her late 30s met me down from the auction block. Usually my collar and cuffs are to be exchanged for the ones that my new owner wants to put on me but for an extra fee they can stay on and the owner is given a pad linked to the slave.

“Another one for the movies Donna?” said the slave handler

“You betcha! I never pass up the opportunity to pop a virgin’s cherry.” My new Mistress said as she grabbed my leash and gave a small tug to get to follow her

We walked back to her car which was a jet black mini-van with the “KINK.COM” logo painted on it. I just got bought by one of the most reputable porn companies who specializes in oftentimes hardcore BDSM films and videos. Saying I was scared would be an understatement.

I was made to sit in the back seat and buckled in. My wrist cuffs were locked together in front of me and my ankles locked together as well. I know I shouldn’t have but I met my new owner’s eyes and she immediately saw my tears forming.

“Honey, are you ok?” she asked genuinely concerned

All I could do was shake my head as they had enabled the devoicer on my collar, which my Mistress quickly disabled as well as the pleasure mode allowing me to think a bit clearer.

“What’s wrong honey, tell me? And don't call me Mistress.”

Well this was new, I spent almost a week at HCI calling everyone Master, Sir, Mistress or Ma'am. It was certainly weird to me for the person who just bought me like a piece of meat to be so nice.

“I… I’m scared…”

“Oh honey, no need to be scared, okay? What do you think is gonna happen to you?”

“Wel… *sniff*... You’re with KINK right? And since I’m just a slave I’m probably going to be chained to a bed and raped by a bunch of guys and girls until I die or something.,,”

“Well honey, let me tell you that first off we can’t kill you and that you won’t get raped, yes you are a slave and yes we could make you do a ton of nasty stuff, especially according to your limits too, but we won’t. At KINK we buy slaves for use in our movies but we don’t abuse them to the point that you think. I’m assuming you’ve seen a few of our films? Which ones?”

“A few yeah… mostly the ones called Sex and Submission and Public Disgraced.”

“And you mind telling me why you were looking at those videos? I know they don't show them in your classes…”

She was on to me now. Fuck. I had now calmed down and was getting slowly aroused even without the collar’s control by just answering her question.

“Well… sometimes I dream about seeing myself in the videos and… and it uhh… turns me on…”

My owner gave a small chuckle at my response.

“Well what about we make that dream come true. Do you think you’d like that?”

“... yeah, maybe…”


Beatrice’s POV

“So you weren't raped? Or forced to do stuff you didn’t like?”

“No. After each shoot I was led back to my cage which was equal to a dog kennel. I had a comfortable bed, real food brought to me, massages to help relax and they even brought me an Xbox to pass the time.”

“Well there must have been times where you didn’t want to or days where you just didn’t feel like doing a shoot right?”

“Not really. I was given a guaranteed 8 hours of sleep between shoots and they almost always would activate the pleasure mode on the collar prior to shoots starting to get me in the mood.”

“So what you’re telling me it was all sunshine and rainbows?!”

“Well no, my first week there I was made a fluffer and that wasn’t super fun but it wasn’t bad either. I literally got to kneel on a comfy mat, my collar chained to the floor and suck dicks for 8 hours a day at 2 hour intervals with 15 min breaks. Once I got the attention of one of the directors I got to do my own shoots.”

“I… wow… you lucky bitch…”

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't fucking believe it! My best friend who I thought had been suffering in hell for the last 6 months was living my wildest wet dreams. I was so jealous, was there a way that I could do this too maybe?

Then as if a lightbulb lit up above my head an idea came to mind.

“Okay, I might have an idea but before I tell you, you need to answer one thing.”


“Do you want to go back to doing a term of service or not?”

“To be honest, as much fun as it would be… no. I want a break and I want to catch up on my studies and…”

“Perfect”, I said, cutting off my friend, “now let me explain what’s gonna go down…”

**3 days later**

Andrea’s POV

I can and also can’t believe that this is happening. I was waking up the same steps I took 6 months ago. I looked up swallowing hard at the giant emblem of KINK.COM. I entered the building and got to the front desk where Donna was already waiting for me.

“Welcome back honey! So glad to see you back, you're sure I can’t convince you to come do a few shoots? Our subscribers really do miss you.”

“I might take you up on that offer but I’m sure that they won’t miss me for long with this piece of ass to take my place.”

As I finished that sentence I roughly yanked the leash I was holding to show my newly acquired slave that had volunteered herself to me, after a few days at HCI to make everything official me and Beatrice had essentially swapped roles. She signed a 1 year term of service to me, of course since it was a private sale I paid the tax on her which was an easy 15,000$ since I had 111,000$ to my name. Then I contacted KINK, asked for Donna and arranged everything. My slut was gonna spend a year getting railed in a number of ways since her limits didn’t really “limit” much of anything.

“Can’t wait to break this one in.” said Donna with a mischievous smile as she took hold of the leash. “What are her limits like? You said you had a special list for me or something?”

“Ah yes, here.” I handed Donna the control pad and the Old World protocol pamphlet

Donna looked puzzled, she skimmed through the pages and her eyes went wide and her smile even more devious.

“Well,” she said as she pulled Beatrice close by the leash, mere inches from her face, “aren’t we going to have fun with you slave girl?”

The end.
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