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Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

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Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by chrwy01 »

I had to do one small rewrite of this for Literotica but the updated version still isn't approved yet and I know a few people want the next instalment so I'm uploading it here early. Enjoy :D


Chapter 2 - The Office

It was the day of Lottie’s appointment at Kenilwood. Many times she had flip-flopped between going and not going. But as the time neared, she decided to brave it. Anyway, she could always turn it down after showing up. Struggling through her breakfast, she went to her room to dress in her smartest business attire she had; Flared grey trousers with matching jacket, a white blouse that revealed a tasteful amount of cleavage, and shiny black flat-bottomed shoes. She had a minimal black leather bag which contained only her phone, purse and ID. After a final touch up of her makeup, she took a deep breath and left her front door.

As Lottie walked down the high street towards the train station, she walked right past a shouting crowd holding signs, many of its members she recognised from her college.





A girl from the group called Cassie, who was in the same year as her, recognised her and called out to her.

“Hey Lottie! Wanna join us?”

Awkwardly, she replied “Errrm, maybe another day. I have places to be.”

“Ok no worries. See you on monday” Cassie replied back in a friendly tone.

Lottie felt flustered walking past the protest, feeling somewhat guilty about her decision to sign up as a slave and inadvertently supporting the industry.

The train journey was only 30 minutes into the city, but it felt like hours in her anxious state. To fellow passengers, she would have looked like she was on her way to a job interview, which wasn’t entirely untrue. As the train pulled in and she left the platform into the busy station, she opened her maps app and typed in the address given in the email. A 10 minute walk through the busy central streets led her to an unassuming office building, about eight storeys tall. There were revolving doors at the front, and as she slowly passed through she was greeted by a grand-looking lobby. At the back was security barriers, and to the right was a reception desk which she approached.

“Hi, I have an appointment here at 11am?” she asked the receptionist as politely as she could.

The woman at the desk responded, “Sure, with which company?”

“Ummm, Kenilwood?” Lottie replied, feeling embarrassed.

The woman seemed to pause and analyse her with her eyes, giving away a slight smirk, “Okay, can I have your name please? As well as some ID if you have it with you.”

“Erm, Charlotte Wiles,” she replied, whilst fumbling through her bag for her provisional driving licence and handing it over to the woman.

The woman studied the licence, handed it back to Lottie, and stared at her computer screen for a moment. “Perfect. Take this visitor’s pass, go through those barriers, and into the lift. Kenilwood are on the fourth floor.”

“Thank you,” Lottie replied, nervously taking the pass before heading through the barriers and into the lift. As the lift ascended, she studied herself in the wall mirror, adjusting her outfit and checking her makeup. As the lift re-opened and she stepped out, she was greeted by a locked set of sliding glass doors with “Kenilwood” written above. She noticed a card scanner to the side and tried her visitor’s pass, and suddenly the doors shot open. When she walked through she was greeted by another reception desk manned by a young man in his late twenties.

“Hi, I’m Charlotte Wiles, I have an appointment at 11?” she asked nervously.

“Hi Charlotte, you’re in the right place. Please take a seat over there and I’ll let them know you’ve arrived,” he said in a charming manner, but an energy between the two of them made it clear that they both knew why she was there. She sat for roughly 15 minutes, thumbing through social media on her phone, when suddenly a smartly dressed man in his forties came to greet her.

“Good morning Charlotte, or do you prefer Lottie?” He asked while shaking her hand. “I’m Michael, I’ll be conducting your interview today.

She immediately felt comforted by his friendly attitude. “Good morning Michael. Either is fine but everybody calls me Lottie.”

“Sure thing. Can I get you anything Lottie? Tea? Coffee?”

“Errrr, tea, please, if that’s ok?”

“Absolutely. Follow me this way please.” She followed him down a corridor until she was led into what seemed to be his office. She was asked to take a seat and a few minutes later he returned with 2 cups of tea, placing one in front of her, before sitting down in his seat behind the desk.

“So Lottie,” he paused to take a sip of his tea, “we can keep up the pleasantries and beat around the bush about why you’re here. Or we can just get to the point. You’re interested in signing your life away for a year, to be a naked slut parading her body around taking cock in any hole others wish to use. Is that why you’re here?”

His bluntness shocked Lottie, who grabbed her mug of tea awkwardly. “Yes… sir”

“Ok, it’s good to break the ice and get to the meat of it all. I’ll give you a rundown of how our company operates, how you will serve us, and your potential future clients. If at any point this all sounds like too much you are free to enjoy the rest of your tea and leave at your leisure. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes sir.”

“Perfect. Here at Kenilwood, we specialise in volunteer, high class sex slaves. We don’t buy slaves at auction, we only take those who volunteer freely by walking through our doors like you have here today. We are highly selective of who we take on to be slaves at Kenilwood. After successfully making it through our selection process you will be housed in one of our slave centres, where you will live for the duration of your indenture with us. There you will be trained, and will be allowed to recuperate during your one allotted rest day per week, and to socialise with your fellow slaves. Each slave is paired with another slave, and they will be paired with you for your whole indenture. Two slave pairs then form a group of 4, and two groups of 4 will form a larger group of 8 called a unit. Each unit is housed together, will train together, and will be sent out to clients together. Sometimes you will be sent to a client on your own, sometimes with your partner, sometimes as a group and on rare occasions as a whole unit. Does this all make sense so far?”

“Yes sir, I think so.” She noticed she had been calling him sir without even thinking about it, a fact that hadn’t escaped Michael. She’d started so there was no point stopping now.

“Good, I don’t want to give you information overload too early on. Now, each client you and your slave sisters will be sent out to will have been vetted by us, to ensure both your safety and the property of Kenilwood, which is what you will be. You will be shipped out caged from your slave home, to wherever you have been hired to serve. You are to serve them in any which way they demand. Do you understand what I mean by this?

“Yes sir.”

“And what do I mean?”

“Sex,” she replied meekly.

“Well, yes, it will certainly involve sex, but also things other than sex. Such as serving drinks, greeting guests, cooking food, cleaning up, companionship. The price of hiring a Kenilwood slave often means you won’t just be pimped out to clients who want to fuck you. Only the rather wealthy would do that, and they tend to have their own slaves for that job. No, a Kenilwood slave is hired to impress, it’s a status symbol. Say someone is hosting an extravagant party or corporate event. Having the guests be served by beautiful naked slave girls adorned with the famous Kenilwood slave collar is a statement of luxury and prestige. Of course, you will also be trained to be an exquisite sexual slave, skilled in many different techniques. Tell me Lottie, how much sexual experience do you have?”

This felt like such an odd conversation to have over a cup of tea. “Errr, none, sir.”

“Now that is surprising, to make it to 18 with no sexual experience at all. Are you straight?”

“Yes sir.”

“Does the idea of being forced to engage in sex with women repulse you Lottie?”

“Erm, no sir.”

“Does the idea of being forced to engage in anal sex repulse you?”

“Erm, I don’t think so sir.”
“You will be forced to engage in a lot of acts that deep down you absolutely don’t want to do, but will be forced to engage in them with enthusiasm and a smile. Do you think you would be able to do that?"

“I hope so, sir.”

“Don’t worry Lottie, if we think you aren’t up to the task, we will know during the selection process. If you make it through selection, it is because we know you can handle anything that will be thrown at you. Now, do you think you will be able to manage public nudity? You will be expected to be naked 24/7 for the duration of your indenture, and much of this time will be spent serving large groups of people.”

“I think so sir, it is something I expected when I applied.”

“Perfect. Why don’t we start now? We’ll conduct the rest of the interview naked.”

“Sir? Right here in your office?” She was stunned, and visibly shaken.

“Sure, if you’re serious about the role then I don’t see why you’d have an issue. Strip.”

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she calculated what was happening and what he was asking of her. But suddenly she found herself rising from her chair and removing her jacket. It felt like she wasn’t in control of body as her hands moved to unbutton her blouse. Each item of clothing she removed she neatly folded into a pile on the table. Next she moved to remove her trousers, and after folding them and placing them on the pile she was left in just her bra and panties. As this was all happening Michael continued to casually sip his tea as he watched her, and with a small motion of his mug Lottie understood he wanted her to continue. With trepidation she reached back and unclasped the hooks of her bra, revealing her 32B tits to a man for the first time in her life. She then hooked a finger into the sides of her panties, and slid them down, now leaving her completely naked before this man she’d met less than 30 minutes ago.

He looked her up and down, not in a lustful way, but in a professional and methodical manner, still sipping his tea. “Turn around,” he said, making a twirl motion with his free hand. She did as he said, and he looked her up and down again, studying her cute and peachy ass. “Ok, turn back around and Present.” Remembering the position from her email she spread her legs apart and placed her hands interlaced behind her head.

“Good. Tell me Lottie, honestly, how you feel right now.”

“Embarrassed, Mas… Sir. But also exhilarated.”

“Is this your first time being naked in front of someone?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well for your first time you are doing well.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Now turn around and Display.”

She knew how lewd the Display position was, but she didn’t want to let him down now. She turned around, bent down at the waist and reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks apart, fully aware that she was crudely showing her pussy and asshole to this stranger.

“Nicely done, and good to see you’re well shaved. Now, tell me how you feel?”

“Mortified, sir”

“You know you can put your clothes back on and walk out the door whenever you want, right?”

“Yes sir.”

“Yet here you remain, bent over and spreading your ass for me.”

“It’s what you told me to do, sir.”

“But you said you’re mortified. If this was such a terrible experience for you, you’d leave now. Yet here you remain. What I’m getting at is… ok turn around and Present, I’d rather talk to your face than your asshole.” She quickly complied, performing the same position as before. “What I’m getting at is, you may face tasks that seem like you will never be able to do it, but you bear it and come to live with it, because that’s what’s expected of you. On top of that, you will often have your slave sisters performing alongside you, and you will fight to not let them down, and they will do the same for you. Now, I have a task for you. This folder here needs to be delivered to Mr. Johnson who is in room 38, and I want you to deliver it to him. Think you can do it?”

“Yes sir, I think so. Do you want me like this?”

“Naked? Yes, of course. Now, get to it.”

He handed her the folder, and cautiously she opened the door to his office and stuck her head out into the corridor, which luckily was empty. She looked at the numbers of the doors in the corridor and she had no way of working out where room 38 would be. She re-entered Michael’s office.

“Sorry sir, where is room 38?”

“That is for you to find out.”

Sent out once again, she quickly tried to develop a plan to find the room as quickly as possible and be seen by the fewest number of people. Realising she would have to ask somebody, she made her way back to the reception only a short walk away to ask the man at the desk. However, when she arrived there was a group of workmen gathered and talking to the receptionist. She tried to back out but realised she had already been spotted.

“Oi oi,” one of the men called out, “I didn’t realise they had slaves in the offices.”

Lottie quickly realised that rather than act embarrassed, which would give the game away that she wasn’t a slave, it would be better to hide behind the mask of slavery and pretend that she was one. People are going to pay attention more to a free girl walking around nude than they are to a genuine slave. And the first thing a slave wouldn’t do is be embarrassed and hide her nudity. She just had to hope they wouldn’t question why she wasn’t wearing a collar. She took a deep breath and placed the folder behind her back with both arms, completely exposing herself to the group of men.

“Good morning masters,” she announced with a slight bow. She tried to portray an air of confidence, hoping to not give away how much her heart was beating with anxiety. She turned to the receptionist, “Excuse me master, where would I find room 38?”

The receptionist was at first confused why she was naked and pretending to be a slave, but he quickly worked it out. “Down the hall, turn left. Through the canteen and at the end there will be three doors, it’s the middle one, now be quick about it, slave, and don’t bother me again”.

“Yes master, thank you master” she replied, and as she turned, he slapped her lightly on the bottom. She was shocked, but she couldn’t respond as she was still playing the part. Remembering his instructions, she returned back down the corridor, turned left, and arrived at the canteen which she noticed had a few people eating their early lunch. Realising playing slave girl worked last time, she tried it again. Taking a deep breath she kept her head high and proud as she waltzed through the canteen past several people, and to her surprise nobody said a word, though she did get a lot of glances. Finally she reached the other side and was greeted with the three doors like the receptionist said, with the middle one labelled “Room 38, Craig Johnson.”

She knocked, and as she waited for a reply she realised her ass was exposed to everybody in the room. She then heard a “Come in” from the other side and took that as her cue to enter. As she entered she saw a man in his early thirties typing away at his computer, who didn’t seem too shocked at a naked young girl walking in to hand him a folder.

“Did Michael send you?”

“Errr, yes sir.”

“Very good. Do a little spin for me, slowly.” He said with a creepy smile. Complying, she slowly rotated on the spot, showing this stranger her body from every angle. “Very nice, you’ll certainly be a fan favourite I reckon.”

“Thank you sir,” she replied, taking the compliment even if she didn’t enjoy it very much.

“Ok, you can go back to Michael now.”

“Thank you sir,” she bowed, and quickly left the room, retracing her steps past the wandering eyes in the canteen and back to Michael’s office. She opened his door to see him still sitting at his desk.

“Great job Lottie. This office has CCTV so I watched the whole thing from my computer here.”

“Thank you sir, I’m happy I did a good job.”

“Yes, I’m sure you are. Now, I’m happy to say that you’ve passed this stage of selection. Please take a seat, and don’t let your tea go cold.” She sat back down on the chair, which felt a lot different on her bare ass, and she picked up the mug to take some soothing sips. “Now, I have a contract here which will outline the next steps in the process. First, there will be a two week training camp as part of selection, and after that, if we are happy to take it further to full enslavement, the contract you sign will give us permission to go ahead with it. If we decide to keep you on for the full year, then you will automatically be entitled to monetary compensation to the sum of £300,000, available to you immediately upon completion of your servitude. If we decide not to take you on, then after the two weeks you spend with us the rest of the contract will be deemed null and voided. You will leave us with nothing but hopefully some improved sexual and domestic skills. Once you sign the documents I can contact my superiors about starting the next steps of your journey.”

He pushed the documents towards her and let her take her time to read through all the legal jargon. “I hope you have enjoyed your time here today Lottie.”

“It has certainly been an experience,” the still naked girl replied with an awkward laugh.

After a few minutes skimming through, he handed her a pen, and overwhelmed with the whole experience so far but happy to pass, she started to sign her signature and the date where required, making her way through the multiple sheets. Finally she signed the last date and signature, and handed the pen back to Michael.

“Perfect. Now, come round my desk so I can measure you up for your collar.”

“Yes sir. Also now that I’ve passed this interview would it be ok for me to put my clothes back on now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I just assumed since the interview is over I would be able to put my clothes back on soon.”

“Yes the interview is over, but you still have your two weeks of training.”

“But that won’t be until I’m called back, right?”

“No? You just signed the documents, it starts now.”

“So I’m going to be naked for the next two weeks?”

“Well, yes, obviously. Did you not think about that when you signed the contract? You officially signed away your rights to wear clothes.”

“Yes but I thought I’d have time to think about it.”

“You had your time 2 minutes ago when you were signing the documents.”

“What will I tell my mum? She’ll be expecting me home today.”

“Well as a slave you won’t have access to your mobile phone. But look, I’ll do you a favour and contact your mother for you, if you can do a favour for me.” he said trying to comfort her, but also with his hand rubbing her bum cheeks.

She couldn’t believe she was stupid enough to not read the fine print properly. Visibly shaken and distraught at the sudden news, she replied, “yes sir, thank you”.

“Now, come over here and kneel down so I can try this collar on you,” he said, retrieving a collar from his desk and rolling on his chair to meet her.

She meekly knelt down in front of his chair, and she noticed the collar in his hand was very similar to the one her brother had in his room. She held her hair out of the way so that he could fasten it properly and securely.

“Perfect fit. Now, it’s time for you to perform your first proper act of servitude. Remember, since you’re now officially a slave to us, you have no rights to refuse.”

Lottie felt sick to her stomach, this was all happening so quickly and unexpectedly. But he was right, legally she had no choice.

“Is this the first cock you’ll have ever seen?” he asked her, slightly amused

“Yes sir,” she replied meekly.

“Master. Call me master now.”

“Yes master, sorry.”

“That’s ok, slave.” As he spoke he started to unbuckle his trousers. “Now, since this is your first time sucking a cock I’m not expecting a world-class blowjob from you. Just make me cum and make sure you swallow.” As he finished, his cock, already partially erect, sprang from his trousers right in front of Lottie’s face. He pulled his trousers down further to give her easier access, then motioned for her to begin.

Lottie had always pictured what her first sexual experience would be like, maybe a cute guy from school after a romantic date to the cinema and a meal. Maybe a hot passionate fling that ultimately fizzles out. She certainly didn’t picture herself naked in an office building giving a legally forced blowjob to a man more than twice her age whom she’d met less than an hour ago. She reached out with her right hand, and cautiously gripped the shaft of his cock. Holding her first ever penis felt strange. It was warmer than she imagined, and the skin soft. She gave it a few tugs up and down, watching the foreskin retract and envelop the head. Picking up the pace, she noticed he was enjoying himself, so she was clearly doing something right.

But she remembered that this was supposed to be a blowjob, and not just a handjob. She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head, and rubbing her tongue across the tip she noticed it was slick and salty. Not knowing what she was doing, she tried to copy what she had seen in porn, and she slowly tried to take more and more of him into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking as she did so, and every few bobs she would take more of him into her. Eventually his tip reached the back of her mouth, and she started to gag as she tried to go further. But as hard as she tried, she couldn’t take any more of him. She settled with using her mouth as far as she could go and using her hand to jerk the rest of his shaft.

Although incredibly inexperienced, she had managed to work out a decent rhythm, her hand and mouth working in tandem to work the entire cock. “This isn’t too bad” she thought to herself, if she ignored the fact that the man was far too old for her. That is until suddenly she heard a knock on the door and Michael call out “come in”. Panicking, she went to move away but Michael was quick and had his hand firmly on the back of her head to stop her. She got the message, and reluctantly continued to bob her mouth and hand up and down his cock as she heard the door open and close.

“Hi Mike, just came in to see if the contract was all signed, but.. Err. I can see I’ve got my answer,” the man laughed, having a great view of her bobbing head and fantastic rear. Michael let out a chuckle as well. Lottie didn’t like that she was clearly the (naked) butt of this joke, but luckily her current predicament of her head being in Michael’s lap meant she could hide her shame and not look at either of them.

“Has all the paperwork been sent off Craig?”

“Yep, just need to scan the signed contract now.”

“Sorry, I would have sent her back round to hand deliver it but I got a bit busy as you can see.”

“Don’t worry, perk of the job and all that.”

“Want me to send her to you after I’m done?”

“Not today, got special plans with the missus tonight, I’m saving myself. Maybe the next one.”

Hearing them offer her around like a toy while she was right there made her feel even more objectified than she already did. Although she was grateful she wouldn’t have to provide a second blowjob to the other man, who she now realised is the same man who she delivered the folder to. And she also realised the folder she was delivering was the details of her own enslavement.

“Enjoy mate. And the van is all set up and ready to go?”

“Will be in about 5 minutes, yeah.”
“Perfect. Cheers Craig. Another thing, can you take the clothes in that pile on my desk? She clearly won’t be needing them for a while.”

“Sure thing." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Craig approach the desk and scoop up her clothes and belongings, as well as the contract that enslaved her. She then heard the door open and close again, and now it was just her and the owner of the cock in her mouth.

“You know, considering this is your first time, slave, you’re pretty good at sucking cock. I’ve definitely had non-virgins in here who are worse.”

She didn’t know why, but she felt a small amount of pride at hearing this compliment. “Thank you master,” she replied, before putting her mouth back on his cock.
She kept up the hand and mouth rhythm for a few more minutes, until suddenly she felt him start to stiffen up, and his breathing become louder. “This is it,” she thought, as she slowly brought him closer and closer to orgasm until finally he erupted. She pulled back until just the head was in her mouth, and used her hand to jerk him, working his cum into her mouth. Spurt after spurt of hot cum filled her mouth for the first time. Once the spurts stopped, she immediately swallowed, not wanting the cum to linger in her mouth any longer than necessary, and she continued to lightly lick and suck the head until she felt his hands pulling her up.

“Nicely done slave. I definitely think you can go far. Now, let’s get you ready. Stand up and turn around, hands behind your back.”

She did as she was ordered and quickly felt a pair of handcuffs bind her arms together.

“Since you’ve been incredibly cooperative and I like you, I’ll explain where you’re going. You’re going to be sent to our slave school in the countryside, it’s about 4 hours away from here so get comfy. Once there, you will be trained alongside 100 or so other slaves dreaming of becoming Kenilwood sluts like yourself. You’ll be trained in sexual skills, grace and decorum, cooking, cleaning, and anything else we deem appropriate for you to expertly represent the Kenilwood name. Now, let’s get going shall we?”

He placed a hand on her ass and used it to push her forward as he led her towards the door. She was then led back through the office reception, and out the glass double doors towards the lift. Pressing the button, they waited a moment before the doors slid open to reveal a thankfully empty lift and she was forced inside. She was once again greeted with the same mirror she adjusted her outfit in as she arrived, and she gazed upon her new status. This was the first time seeing herself since she’d stripped in the office. She studied the collar around her neck, a true symbol of her slavery; as opposed to the one she wore at home playing pretend slave. The contrast of her reflection compared to Michael’s fully-clothed reflection make her nudity all the more striking. She couldn’t believe it, she was completely naked in public. This is the sort of thing you have a bad dream about. Her only protection was the legal status of slavery, knowing that although everyone was free to see every part of her, they would only ever see her as “just a slave”.

Michael pressed the “-1” button, and the lift slowly descended all the way to the basement level. Upon opening, Lottie was greeted with an underground car park. A short walk along the cold concrete and she was brought to a man standing next to an unassuming grey van. The man wore a shirt with branding which said “Kenilwood Deliveries”.

“Alright Michael? Leave her with me, the van’s all ready.”

“Ok cheers Chris. Have a safe trip.” Michael turned and walked back, leaving her standing alone, naked and handcuffed, with a new man she had only just met, and who was now in charge of her.

“Ok slut I don’t have all day to dilly-dally,” he said firmly, moving to the back of the van and opening the doors. “Hop in and I’ll show you around”.

She looked inside and it was more luxurious than she expected. She thought there would be a small crate for her to kneel in, but instead, almost the entire payload of the van had been converted into a slave pen. The first section had some boxes and cupboards for storage, but the main section taking up about three quarters of the cargo bay was the slave pen, behind a prison-style barred wall. She stepped inside and he quickly started pointing to different areas of the pen.

“Here’s the bed on the floor, there’s a bench above it which folds out, here’s a cupboard with bottles of water should you need them, in the corner there is a bin and here is a toilet. If there is an emergency, there is a cord here you can pull which will alert me. If you pull it for no good reason then there will be hell to pay. I have a break in 2 hours so you will be fed then. I think that covers everything. Let’s get you in and we can take those cuffs off.”

She entered the pen and the man locked the door behind her. There was a slot in the door for her to push her hands through, and as she did so she felt him uncuff her. Before she could turn around he had already left the van and slammed the doors shut. The van started up, and was quickly reversing and then driving out onto the open road.
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by Jim927 »

A great second chapter. You are doing a wonderful job writing these stories. Please keep up the good work.
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by Mr. Smith »

Lottie is living in the lap of luxury in that slave transport van. I like the voluntary indenture restriction used by Kenilwood to acquire their slaves. With malleable subjects it should be more efficient to get them trained to sexually serve Kenilwood's clients. I'm particularly interested to see if the training regimen churns out pleasure sluts with slave mind or if there is some other goal.
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by chrwy01 »

Mr. Smith wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:30 pm Lottie is living in the lap of luxury in that slave transport van. I like the voluntary indenture restriction used by Kenilwood to acquire their slaves. With malleable subjects it should be more efficient to get them trained to sexually serve Kenilwood's clients. I'm particularly interested to see if the training regimen churns out pleasure sluts with slave mind or if there is some other goal.
It was definitely a deliberate decision when writing it to make it sound more luxurious. It definitely might get cramped when transporting more than one slave however (It can ship four). As well as being ‘luxurious’ it also seems like the most practical way to transport slaves long distance and I’m trying to add a sense of realism rather than using restrictive cages to be cruel for the sake of being cruel. It also makes sense for the slaves to be well rested and hydrated when they arrive at clients to suck and fuck ;)
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by Mr. Smith »

Now you have to fill it up with three more horny slave girls and see how they wile away the time. There are so many possibilities, especially if those drawers have a few sex toys. Maybe they get their first shot of horny juice to get their juices flowing allowing them to hit the road running so to speak when they arrive at the training center. :swoon:
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by jeepster »

And just continue the story!

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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by chrwy01 »

jeepster wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:35 am And just continue the story!
My apologies for the delay! I’ve been busy with house moving but I finally got the chance to sit down and write more yesterday. And don’t worry, I’ve had lots of time to think about the story so I already have a large portion of it mapped out in my head.
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by chrwy01 »

Chapter 3 has now been finished and has been submitted to Literotica for publication.
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Re: Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 02

Post by GypsieCowboy »


I look forward to Chapter 3 and beyond.

Thank you.

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