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Stories by C Lakewood

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Stories by C Lakewood

Post by SteveBurke »

The late Mr C Lakewood was the founder of the original StripSearch group on Yahoo, over twenty years ago. Without him, this site would never have existed.

Mr Lakewood nourished the stripsearch community for many years, editing stories for others and writing many of his own. His work can be found here:
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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by Survivor29 »

I really liked NEWSBABE TRACY'S HALLOWEEN SCOOP by Joe Doe. ... 0Scoop.txt

I think I would prefer it without the supernatural element, but I like the balance of enf, build up, slave setting, handcuffs, etc. but without being too extreme for my tastes.
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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by Freight_Train »

Try A Change is as Good as a Vacation - another Lakewood gem. ... cation.txt

Lakewood was a history professor at University of Dayton before retiring. Love his stories or hate them, they are all very well written! Plus, he frequently provided constructive comments on other writers.
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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by orflash64 »

Old Story from the C. Lakewood files

Marcy's First Time
by Dudley_3
C Lakewood Oct 2nd 2001

A few months ago, I posted the details of my experience being
strip-searched along with my girlfriend, Marcy. It was during a
female prison inmate interview project she was doing as part of her
graduate school program of study in journalism. Toward the end of
that posting I mentioned that Marcy had also been strip-searched
during an earlier visit to the prison. Although I was not present
for her first time, she did relate her initial experience to me in
great detail after she had "surprised" me with our joint strip
search. (She'd wanted to keep it to herself until after she'd
"shared" the experience with me.) The following are the details I
remember about her first time. In many ways, I found Marcy's story
of her first time to be even more exciting than the events that
occurred during our mutual strip-search experience. In particular,
I found her first strip-search to be more exciting because it arose
out of a complete misunderstanding. Marcy had no idea she was
going to be strip-searched until the actual order came to remove
all of her clothes.

The misunderstanding that led to her being strip-searched occurred
at the completion of her initial visitor orientation session.
After she had been briefed on all of the "dos and don'ts" of
the facility, the orientation officer took her to the prison
"reception" area and left her there. The female guard at the desk
in this area was on the phone when Marcy first entered, so she had
to wait a few minutes for the woman to finish her call. When the
officer got off the phone, she asked Marcy what her business was
at the prison. After Marcy explained that she was there to do an
interview with a prisoner, the guard reviewed her paperwork to
make sure that Marcy had the necessary approvals, etc. to be there.
When satisfied that all of the paperwork was in order, she asked
Marcy if she wanted a guard present during the interview or whether
she wanted to do it in private. At that point, Marcy made the same
mistake that I did when we were asked this same question during our
joint visit. She assumed that the offer of an accompanying guard
was being made for her personal safety during the interview and
responded that she would prefer to do the interview in private.
Her journalistic instincts told her that the prisoner would
probably be more candid if her responses were not being monitored.
The guard replied that she would have to wait a while if she
intended to do the interview in private. Marcy said, "That's
alright," and she took a seat on one of several benches that lined
the walls in this area.

After she'd waited for about an hour, two other guards came into
the room, escorting three women who were dressed in ordinary street
clothes. Two of them were dressed very nicely, and one was wearing
jeans and a sweater. Their ages ranged from about 20 to 35. Marcy
considered the youngest one to be quite attractive and the other
two to be average in looks. From the conversation the guards were
having, it quickly became obvious to Marcy that these three women
were new prisoners who had just been brought to the facility from
their sentencing hearings in area court rooms. She later learned
that this facility served as the local female prisoner "intake"
site for our state's prison system.

She watched the activities patiently as the three women were
photographed and fingerprinted. When all of these preliminary
procedures had been completed, the women were given plastic boxes
about the size of a home delivery milk crate and told to follow
another guard whom Marcy had not seen before. Almost as an
afterthought, the guard then motioned for Marcy to come up to
the desk. There Marcy was also given a plastic box and told to
follow the guard. Marcy was completely confused as to what was
going on at this point and had no idea what the box was for.
Like me, she didn't even know what a strip-search was before
this day. As directed, she followed the guard and new "arrivals"
down a long hallway to the same sparsely furnished room where we
were strip-searched together during our subsequent visit.

Once inside the room, Marcy got her first insight into the
implications of doing an interview without a guard. She and the
three new prisoners were informed that they were brought to this
room to be strip-searched. All four were then ordered to
immediately remove all clothing and place it in the boxes they
were given earlier. At this point, Marcy's mind began to race.
She wondered if she should try to back out and accept the presence
of a guard at the interview. She then wondered if she even could
back out. She didn't know if this particular guard knew she was a
journalist and not just another new prisoner. After the first few
seconds, the shock began to wear off, and she realized she was at
a turning point.

As I discussed during my first posting, Marcy was a real
exhibitionist, who loved to be stripped in front of others.
She had been required to strip at nudist camps before and had
occasionally worked as a nude model for figure drawing classes
at school. Now she had to decide if she wanted to take her
"forced stripping" activities to a new level. After balancing
her intrigue against her fears of what the strip-search might
entail, she decided to go ahead with the process without saying
a word.

Once she decided she was going to submit to the strip-search, she
wondered how fast she should remove the few items of clothing she
was wearing. As noted during my previous post, Marcy never wore
(and didn't even own) any undergarments. She wasn't embarrassed
by this fact, in and of itself, but knew that, since she was only
wearing a pull-over knit blouse, jeans, and low heels, she would
be the first to be naked if she proceeded quickly. So she
initially tried to "time" her removal of clothing items with that
of the three prisoners. When the guard noticed that Marcy was
slow to begin removing her clothes, she ordered her to hurry up
and get undressed. Not wanting to anger the guard, Marcy promptly
stepped out of her heels and slipped off her jeans and top, leaving
her completely naked in front of the guard before the other three
women had even stripped down to their underwear. Marcy was a
little bit embarrassed to be naked for so long before the other
women, but this initial embarrassment wore off as the other women
removed more of their clothing.

The other women eventually finished stripping, and the boxes of
clothes were taken from the room by the guard who observed the
"strip" and a second guard who entered the room after the women
were already naked. Marcy and the three new prisoners were then
left naked in the room for an extended time, just like we were
during our mutual strip search. During this extended period,
Marcy and the three women struck up a conversation about what
was about to happen to them. Marcy had, of course, never been
strip-searched before. Neither had two of the three other women.
Apparently these two were both released on bail shortly after
their initial arrests. They were both held in a temporary holding
cell for a few hours, but were never actually incarcerated
overnight. Thus, no previous strip-search. It was a different
story for the third prisoner, however. She had been thoroughly
strip-searched twice during her original arrest and incarceration.
She was therefore able to tell the others what was about to happen
to them. Upon hearing the details of what was involved in the
strip-search process, Marcy was a little bit shocked for a second
time and wondered again to herself if she had made the wrong
decision. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to
continue looking at the situation as a new forced stripping
"adventure." It was also at this point that she decided to try to
arrange circumstances whereby she and I would be strip-searched
together, having sensed the erotic potential of the situation.

As an interesting side note, Marcy noticed that the other three
women began to get more comfortable with each other during this
conversation. They were all highly embarrassed at first and were
all trying to hide their bodies from each other as best they could
with their hands, postures, etc. Eventually, they gave up these
futile efforts and had an ordinary, albeit fully naked,
conversation with each other. Marcy had been required to be nude
in front of others on enough previous occasions that she didn't
feel the need to try to hide herself even from the start. She
also learned during this conversation that all three of the other
women were sentenced for drug offenses, and all would be moved to
a low security facility after their initial "intake" into the

Once the two guards returned to the room, the search process
progressed much like I described in my previous posting. The
women were told to stand in a certain area of the room while
waiting. One of the guards then asked sarcastically who wanted
to be first. When there were no volunteers, the other guard
suggested that Marcy go first since she was just a visitor,
noting that she could go on her way if other staff members
finished searching her clothes and returned them before
everyone else had been searched. The guard then added that
it shouldn't take them too long to search her clothes, since
there weren't too many of them, an obvious reference to her lack
of a bra or panties.

Marcy was then told to stand in front of the examining table and
listen carefully to the series of commands she was about to be
given. "Run your fingers through your hair; open your mouth and
twirl your tongue around; lift your arms and turn completely
around." Marcy's breasts were small and firm, so the guard skipped
the command for her to lift each breast. She also skipped the
command to run her fingers through her pubic hair, noting that
nothing could be concealed in the little sliver of hair that Marcy
had not shaven off. The guard did, however, order her to spread
her outer vaginal lips for inspection.

Once this portion of the search had been completed, Marcy was
ordered onto the examining table on all fours with her head down
on the table and her hands back spreading her cheeks wide. She
found this part of the search to be very humiliating, but also
extremely erotic in how helpless and vulnerable it made her feel.
The guards made her hold this position in full view of the other
three women while they first inspected between her toes, then
donned disposable gloves for the vaginal and anal searches.

Marcy nearly came as her pussy was thoroughly probed, she even got a little wet from the anal probe.
After Marcy had been declared "clean," she was ordered to get off
the table and stand on the other side of the room from the other
women so that there could be no passing of contraband from one of
the "unsearched" women. Although the guard had indicated that
Marcy's clothes might be returned to her before the other searches
were done, they didn't show up until well after everyone else had
taken their turn spreading their cheeks on the table. Eventually,
a guard did bring Marcy's clothes back to the room. She slipped
her jeans, top, and heels back on in front of the other women, who
remained naked in the room. Marcy was then taken to a private
room where she did her interview with the selected prisoner. The
interview was completed about two and one half-hours later. When
Marcy was leaving the prison, she passed by a different room, where
the other three women were now seated, listening to a guard explain
prison procedures. All three of them were still completely naked.
As I noted in my previous post, this first strip-search experience
left Marcy somewhat shaken, but nonetheless highly charged
sexually. We had our best night of sex ever, although I had
no idea why until weeks later when we experienced the process
together. Our mutual excitement about the strip-search we
experienced together also led Marcy to repeat the process on a
couple of her subsequent interview visits. When she was in the
mood and had an interview scheduled, she would ask me if I wanted
her to do the interview with or without a guard, knowing that my
decision could lead to another strip-search. I would, of course,
always answer that I wanted her to do it without a guard, so she
would again be strip-searched in front of others. She would
dutifully do as I requested and then come home and tell me about
what happened with the other women being searched, etc. She also
tried to do a newspaper piece on how it felt to be strip-searched
so that the perspective of the prisoners could come through.
Unfortunately, this idea was rejected before she could even write
Marcy was the most erotic woman I ever met, and I will never forget
the adventures she took me on.

Edited by C. Lakewood
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by SteveBurke »

I remember reading this story years ago. Marcy was a good sport - shame she never posted on the SS group.

"Once this portion of the search had been completed, Marcy was
ordered onto the examining table on all fours with her head down
on the table and her hands back spreading her cheeks wide."

^^^ This is hot. It's a position I use for women in my stories, and it's nice to know it's used for real!
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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by orflash64 »

What's a C Lakewood story that's good, that's not yet posted here?
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by jeepster »

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by surferchick »

Is the asttr server down?

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

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Seems to be!

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by Diver »

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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by imreadonly2 »

The Marcy story is one of my all time favorites, and I particularly love this passage:

At this point, Marcy's mind began to race. She wondered if she should try to back out and accept the presence of a guard at the interview. She then wondered if she even could back out. She didn't know if this particular guard knew she was a journalist and not just another new prisoner.

I love the way the particular sequence of events conspire to strip her of her clothes, and her dignity.

Telling the guard that she wanted to do the interview alone, while not realizing what that meant.

Waiting on the bench for hours, not realizing what she was waiting for...

Taking the cheap carton and following the guard, not realizing the carton would soon be holding all her clothes...

The first guard not mentioning Marcy's status to any of the other guards, leaving Marcy at the mercy of guards who view her as just another prisoner...

This story is amazing, and the believable buildup is suspenseful and very erotic. This gets a 4 finger review from me! :D
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Re: Stories by C Lakewood

Post by SteveBurke »

Marcy was "living the dream"!
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