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Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Most of my stories are set in a world where Corporal Punishment is in common use - by schools, employers, and police. The main focus is on spankings, humiliation and strip/cavity searches.
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Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law (Part 1)

Author's note: this is a sequel to "Bare-bottomed barrister". It is recommended you read that first.

(This story is also available as a downloadable file in my "Story Archive" thread.)

The sudden flashing of red-and-blue lights behind her caught Annette by surprise.

"Goddamit!" she swore, hitting the brakes and pulling over. It had been a long week at work and she was looking forward to a Friday evening with a hot bath and a good book. Getting a strapping on the way home had not been part of the plan. She hadn't done anything wrong, but it didn't matter. As soon as the cops saw her pretty face and lovely figure they would make up some excuse to apply leather to her beautiful bottom. She sighed heavily, trying to prepare herself for the inevitable. She rolled down the window as the plod walked up to her car.

"Good evening, officer. Is there a problem?" she asked as sweetly as she could.

"You were speeding, miss!" was the stern response. "Two miles over the limit."

BULLSHIT! Annette thought. She had her speed alarm set to go off at two miles under the limit - no way was she going too fast. Usually the cops at least made a pretence of finding some wrongdoing, but this one was blatantly lying.

"Step out of the car miss." His tone left no room for argument (not that there ever was).

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Annette exited her Prius. She was a slim woman of five-foot-four, with long dark hair that hung down her back in a ponytail. Her blue eyes sparkled over a lovely face with high cheekbones and delicate features. Her slim body was wrapped in a smartly-tailored business suit, and her skirt ended at mid-thigh to show slender legs wrapped in black silk stockings. She forced a smile and batted her eyelashes at the man who was about to tan her hide. "I'm sorry, officer," she said ingratiatingly. "I'll take my swats, of course."

Usually she could sweet-talk the cops into going a little easier on her - but there was something nagging at her. This man seemed familiar...

It came to her with a jolt. He was PC Carver!

This was bad news. A few months earlier, Annette had pulled off an amazing, unexpected victory in court. In the process, she had made Carver look incompetent, and he had clearly been furious. Meeting up with him under these circumstances did not bode well for her future - or for her bottom.

Perhaps he doesn't recognise me, she thought desperately. After all, he must meet so many people...

Carver wasted no time in getting down to business. "Bend and present!" he ordered.

Annette dutifully walked to the kerb and turned her back to the footpath. A small crowd was already gathering - everyone knew what was going to happen. They chuckled and smirked as cellphones were taken out, ready to record her punishment. Trying to put on a brave face, Annette pulled her skirt up over her hips. Her bum was small and round, toned white cheeks divided by a thin strip of black lace thong. Her stay-up stockings were topped by matching lace that ended a few inches below her buttocks, framing her perfect ass between underwear and skirt. She leaned forward and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thong, pulling it down to her knees as she bent herself double. With grim resignation she stepped her feet apart and took hold of her ankles.

"I am ready to be punished, sir. Please give me what I deserve."

Annette couldn't possibly count how many times she had said that line. The very day she had turned thirteen (the minimum age for a public strapping,) she had been nabbed at the train station on her way to school. Several of the delighted crowd had missed their own trains while watching the spectacle that followed. That spanking had been the first of many. Like all pretty girls, Annette was a moving target, her bottom considered public property. Police would use any pretext to apply the heavy leather strap - and attempting to argue only made things worse. Consequently, Annette was on the receiving end of the law on a regular basis, meekly submitting to her numerous, unjust punishments.

Her faint hope that Carver didn't recognise her was soon dispersed.

"So nice to see you again, miss high-and-mighty!" he smirked. "Now I'll show you what we do to smarty-pants lawyers like you!" He slapped the inside of her thighs with the strap. "Spread wider girl! Show me some pink!"


Annette's heart sank even lower. He hadn't pulled her over by chance - he must have run her plates and known who she was all along. Carver was out for revenge...

She shuffled her feet wider apart, her pert little bottom stretching tighter as her cheeks separated. Soon the people watching were treated to a lovely view of her most intimate openings. Her lasered mound was smooth except for a thin strip of hair above her pussy - a pussy that was now open for inspection, soft inner lips clearly visible. Her asshole was a small pink circle, still tight-closed despite her position. She heard comments behind her, both lewd and genuinely admiring as she was examined in detail. For most women, this would have been humiliating, but Annette had abandoned any notions of privacy or modesty years ago. She was used to displaying herself in public - her only concern was the triple-ply leather strap that was about to redden her rump.

Carver laid his strap over the middle of her bum, rubbing gently to heighten her anticipation. "You've been a bad girl, haven't you?" he teased.

Annette rolled her eyes. She just wanted to take her swats and go home - but he was going to play this up, make her act her part. She gritted her teeth.

"Yes, sir," she replied. "I've been a bad girl and I need to be spanked. I'm glad you're here to give it to me. Good spankings make for good girls!"


She could hear the grin in his voice, hear the shift of his feet as he lifted the strap high -


"Eeek!" Annette allowed herself to let out a small cry of pain. Carver wanted her to suffer - denying him the satisfaction would not be a wise move. She wiggled her hips, buns moving in a hypnotic rhythm. A wide red mark showed across the centre of her buttocks. "One, thank you sir!"


The strap had landed in the exact same place, dead centre of her bottom. This was not good news. Many cops would spread the damage over a girls tushy, which meant less intense pain and lighter bruising. But if Carver delivered all her swats in the same place, she could expect a brutal strapping that would leave marks (and painful reminders) for a week!

"OOOH!" She paused, taking a deep breath. "Two, thank you sir!"


Another hard hit, right on the same spot. Annette gasped, her legs trembling. JESUS! This was going to be REALLY bad! She fought to control her voice.

"Th-three, thank you, sir! That was a good one!"

She braced herself for the next swat. Her ass was burning, the pain getting steadily worse.


AHHhhh!" she sighed. "F-four, thank you sir! Tan my ass good!"

Carver was happy to oblige her, the next two swats landing with equal force and precision. Her ass was on fire, her legs trembling - and they were only halfway through!

Having delivered the first six, Carver methodically stepped to her other side to deliver the remaining strokes backhand. While this did somewhat even out the damage to Annette's burning bottom, he continued to hit right across the centre of her buttocks. The pain was terrible - Carver was laying on as hard as he could, and her tushy was being tenderised with every swat. Tears stung her eyes and rolled down her face, but she hardly noticed, consumed by the awful, methodical, beating of her backside.

*WHAP!* The leather smacked her once more.

"GAAAHHHH! N-n-nine! Th-th-thank-you s-sir!" she squeaked. Her knuckles were white with the effort of holding position - if she attempted to stand she would receive penalty swats. She was well-used to taking the strap, but Carver was giving it to her with exceptional force and accuracy. The red mark across her white cheeks had turned purple, with dark splotches that bordered on black. She was biting her lip desperately to distract herself from the pain in her posterior, and no longer attempted to flirt with him - just count off and look forward to the finish. The crowd behind her was laughing and joking, with some livestreaming to their FaceBook accounts, complete with commentary.

"See what happens to inattentive drivers?"

"Here we have a lovely lass, being taught her proper place in society - BENT OVER!"

"This little lawyer didn't think the rules applied to her - now she's learning the hard way!"

Annette cared little for their banter - she was overwhelmed by her anticipation of the next swat. Her bottom wiggled from side to side, involuntarily providing an even better show for the audience as her strapping continued.


"EEaaahh!" She gasped for breath, fighting to control herself. "N-n-nine," she swallowed hard. "Thank y-you, (gulp) s-sir!"

The final blows were just as severe, but she managed to endure, holding her position and counting off.


"OOooohhh! T-twelve, th-thank y-you, s-s-ir!"

Annette breathed heavily. It had been bad, but she had taken her swats with dignity, without screaming or crying. Hopefully her yelps and moans had been enough to satisfy him. She waited for permission to stand.

"Well then, that takes care of the speeding charge," Carver said. "But I think we need to investigate further. WHY were you speeding miss?"

I wasn't, you prick! Annette thought. "I... I was distracted sir," she replied,her voice shaky. "It's been (sniff) a l-long day and I just want t-to get home..."

"Really?" Carver didn't sound convinced. "I think maybe there's another reason. Seems to me that your erratic driving could be caused by the use of illicit substances!"

SHIT! Annette could tell where this was going. Carver was itching to get her down to the station for a full search - and would doubtless find excuses to give her additional swats. Deciding that she was better off getting it over with here and now, she resigned herself to another strapping.

"I plead guilty, sir. I'll take the strap."

"Strap-or-search" was the option usually given to young ladies accused of drug possession. A girl could claim innocence and be taken to the station for extensive probing by rubber-gloved fingers, or else plead guilty and accept an on-the-spot strapping. Annette wanted this over as quickly as possible, and while a second dose would be extremely painful she was even less thrilled about the prospect of being taken into custody. She had been on her knees many times in the search room, sucking off grinning cops in order to spare her ass from further unjust punishments. She didn't want to give Carver that pleasure.

"I don't know..." Carver mused. "I think it would be irresponsible to let you drive home in your state. Best if I take you to the station."

"No need for that, sir! I'll take my swats like a good girl!" Annette waggled her bottom enticingly. "Give it to me hard sir! Teach me a lesson!"

She had learned through long experience that accepting her punishments and seeming grateful for them was the best way to ingratiate herself with the police. Perhaps, if she was sufficiently humble, she could satisfy Carver's bruised ego - by taking a bruising of her own.

"Am I to understand," Carver asked, "that you are requesting a strapping?"

"Oh yes, sir!" Annette replied with all the enthusiasm she could muster. "Please give me twelve hard ones on my bare bottom!"

The crowd laughed and cheered, while Annette fumed silently. It was outrageous that she had to humiliate herself like this! She was twenty-five, and an accomplished lawyer. It was bad enough that she was going to be publically spanked like a schoolgirl - she had to play her part as though she was happy to be thrashed! But Carver had all the power - she could only submit to him and hope for the best.

"Very well then!" Carver's voice clearly showed his delight. "Brace yourself miss. This will be a spanking you'll remember for a good, long while!"

He was right. The strap continued to land in the centre of her buttocks, hurting more and more each time. Annette was soon letting out a small cry of pain every time the leather kissed her flesh, and counting off became harder and harder.


"AAAAHHHHGGGGG!" Annette couldn't hold back her cries. She could take a standard dozen, and even hold position for more if need be, but the precise targeting of the same bruised patch of her bottom was taking the pain to a much higher level than normal. She sobbed for a few seconds, trying to regain her composure.

"What do we say?" Carver flicked her ass with the strap.

"Eight!" Annette blurted, desperate to avoid a penalty swat. "Thank y-you... (sob!) s-sir!"

She was crying steadily now, tears falling onto the road. Her lip was bleeding where she had bitten it and she was exhausted from the effort of holding position - forcing herself to stay in place so the cruel leather could punish her again and again.


"EEEEEEEEE!!" Annette shrieked. God this was bad! It was the worst public strapping she had ever received - and it wasn't over yet!

She cried and wailed through the remaining swats, blubbering out the required count. By the time the last stroke had been laid across her quivering bottom she was a total wreck, her legs shaking and her fingernails digging into her ankles in a vain attempt to distract herself from the fire in her behind.

Annette sobbed quietly. Damn that hurt! She waited for permission to rise, her whole body shaking. It was all she could do not to reach back and rub at her injured rump.

Carver looked down at her battered bum with satisfaction. A good start! he told himself. In truth he was somewhat impressed - Annette had taken the worst thrashing that he had ever dished out and managed to hold her position. But he wasn't done yet, not by a long shot...

"Well done miss!" he said encouragingly. "You may stand now."

Thank God! Annette slowly rose, her legs stiff. She turned to face the smirking cop. "Th-thank y-you f-for p-punis-shing m-me!" she stammered meekly. Tears were running down her face and her makeup was smeared. She looked as miserable as she felt.

"My pleasure miss! Did you enjoy your spanking?"

"Y-yes, s-sir." Annette sniffed. "It w-was ju-ust wh-what I n-ne-eded!"

"Excellent!" Carver beamed. "Now turn around and place your hands behind your back."

"WHAT!" Annette blurted.

"I am taking you to the station for a full cavity search."

"B-but I t-took my sw-wats!" Annette wailed.

"You ASKED me to strap you," said Carver. "I have witnesses." He waved a hand at the onlookers. "I never said that the strapping was in place of a search!"

The crowd laughed in delight and Annette burst into tears. The BASTARD! He had tricked her! She had taken those swats for NOTHING!

She was quickly cuffed and bundled into the police car. Her bottom burned fiercely from the sting of the strap - and she knew her troubles had only just begun...


"Strip!" Carver ordered.

Annette complied. First her jacket, then her skirt. She took her time with the buttons on her blouse before slowly slipping it off her shoulders. She stood before him in just her black-lace underwear - a beautiful sight marred somewhat by her smudged makeup and reddened eyes.

"Bra." Carver prompted.

Annette reached behind her back to unclip it, tossing the underwear to one side and pushing her chest forward to highlight the beauty of her firm breasts. She traced her fingertips over the lovely curves, teasing her soft pink nipples. She knew that the police liked a girl who put on a show for them - and with her ass still throbbing from the two dozen she had received, she was anxious to ingratiate herself with Carver. She knew that he would take full advantage of her, the only thing she could do now was to minimise the harm to her tender tushy. She was his plaything, just another pretty girl to be used. It was a role she was well-accustomed to. The CPA had changed everything - men had all the power and women could only submit gracefully, counting themselves lucky if they could sit down at the end of the day.

To her disappointment, Carver didn't seem impressed with her display. "Panties!" he ordered.

"Yes, sir," Annette replied demurely. She slipped her thumbs under her waistband and slowly drew the tiny thong down, peeling it over her mound to reveal the neat little slit beneath. She stepped out of the flimsy undergarment and let it lie on the floor. Straightening up, she was about to roll down her stockings when Carver held up his hand.

"You can leave those on," he told her. Seeing her in just her stockings and heels was particularly exciting, as though she was a strip-a-gram performing just for him (which in a way, she was).

Carver took his time with the glove, slowly pulling it over each of his long, thick fingers. The latex made the all-to-familiar sounds as it stretched and snapped.

"Have you been searched before?" he asked.

It was a pointless question and they both knew it. Any girl over the age of sixteen was eligible for a cavity search, and the police used any excuse to give them one. Annette had been 'over the table' more times than she could count.

"Yes sir!" she responded. "I know the drill!"

Without further prompting she stepped to the bench and laid her body over the top. She spread her legs as wide as she could, shoes just touching the floor. Her delightfully-toned bottom was now parted, the firm cheeks open to display the treasures within. Her asshole was a tiny circle of pink, her pussy slightly open to show the delectable inner lips. But she knew this was not enough. She had to open herself wider, be fully cooperative as she was invaded. She reached back and took hold of her buttocks, wincing at the pain, and pulled them wide to make her rear entrance accessible. Her index fingers were either side of her pussy, opening her slit so that Carver could see the moist pink of her vaginal channel.

"I have nothing to hide sir!" she declared. "You may search me long and deep!"

Carver smiled wickedly. He knew full well that he could do almost anything he wanted - but having Annette present herself like this made it even better. She was submitting to his authority, inviting him to explore her most intimate spaces. His cock was hard in his pants, aching to be released. This little slut was about to get what she deserved!

He placed his left hand on her lower back, using his weight to pin her to the table. His fingertips gently rubbed her moist slit. "Are you ready for your search miss?"

"Yes, Sir!" Annette tried to relax her openings. She knew from long experience that it was best to cooperate with a cavity search. Carvers fingers were going to go all the way up her, whether she liked or not (which she didn't). Her pussy was lubricating itself - not from arousal but from the Pavlovian conditioning that came from experience. Her body was responding to the situation, knowing full well that it was going to be explored. Nearly ten years of frequent fingering had trained her to accept her place in the brave new world of the CPA.

Carver teased her opening, caressing her lips with surprising delicacy. With the expertise of long experience, he chose the right angle and thrust hard.

"OOOOHHH!!" Annette gasped as the policeman's fingers slid inside her, penetrating all the way to the end of her channel in one smooth movement. Her eyes widened and she wriggled involuntarily as her body tried to escape from the prying digits. But there was no escape to be had. Carver pinned her firmly to the table, circling his fingers inside her. "Squeeze!" he commanded.

Tightening her pussy was another part of the all-too-familiar routine. Annette clamped herself around Carver's fingers and forced herself to push back with her hips, letting him explore her deeply and vigorously. It only took a moment to establish that she had nothing hidden - but police searches were always exhaustive. The pleasure of feeling around a tight snatch was one part of it - the other was the re-enforcement of male authority, showing that girls had no privacy even within their own bodies. Carver twisted within her, rubbing and probing, feeling every inch of her sensitive walls and thrusting inside her again and again.

"OOoooooh!" Annette moaned. "Ahhhh! Mmmmmm!"

The fingers continued to move within her tight, wet love-tunnel. Feeling around her cervix, tickling her walls - rubbing at her G-spot with deliberate care, making her body respond against her will. She grew wetter even as her discomfort increased, adding to her humiliation. Her face flushed with unwelcome arousal - Carver was giving her the full benefit of his experience. As her excitement grew, Annette found herself conflicted. On the one hand, she didn't want to show that she was aroused, but on the other hand, she was distinctly horny and part of her wanted satisfaction. She struggled between the two desires for a few minutes before Carver made the decision for her by withdrawing. Annette relaxed, glad that she hadn't climaxed. She really didn't want to cum on the end of Carver's fingers...

She heard the sounds of a glove being removed - and another pulled on. "Time to check the back door honey!" said Carver with relish. "Anything to declare?"

Annette shifted her grip to spread her firm young buttocks even wider. "No sir!" she answered. "Explore all you want. There is nothing to find!"

"Excellent!" Carver smirked. "Then you won't mind this, will you?" He tickled her pink ring and shoved forcefully.

"AAAHHHH!" Annette couldn't hide her discomfort as his fingers plunged into her. Normally cops would slip in one digit at a time, but Carver was giving her "both barrels" - two fingers side-by-side.

"UUUUGGGGHHH!" Her asshole was being stretched too wide, too fast, muscles aching as they tried to accommodate the thick, latex-clad fingers that rammed into her. She tried to move away, but with her thighs against the table she had nowhere to go.

"Just relax sweetie!" Carver mocked. "This won't hurt a bit if you co-operate."

Bastard! She was doing her best to comply, holding her cheeks open and pushing back to make his entry easier - but he was being far too rough. She gasped and moaned as her tight little ass was invaded.

"Not. So. Hard!" she pleaded. "Just let me - oooohhhh!"

His knuckles were pressed against her ring now, fingers fully inside, twisting and curling. "Aaaahhhh!" she moaned.

"Hold still!" Carver warned. "You know what happens to girls who don't comply?"

Annette was well aware. In her teen years she had received numerous additional punishments for failing to submit properly to a search. The burn of the strap had taught her that submission was the best option. But Carver was being deliberately cruel, evidently trying to make her earn another dose of leather. She gritted her teeth and held still as he explored her, probing every nook and cranny. He slid back and forth, making her moan and squeal. As before, Carver was determined to make it long and humiliating, relishing the noises from his helpless victim.

"Ooohhh! Aaaahh! Eeeee!" Annette vocalised her feelings for his benefit. If he didn't get the satisfaction he was after he would just search her longer - and harder. "God, that's so deep!" she moaned.

Eventually Carver removed his fingers from Annette's aching asshole. She sighed with relief as he stripped off the glove and tossed into the bin.

"Well, nothing so far," he admitted. "But we leave no stone unturned here! As I still suspect you of concealing drugs within your person, I am empowered to administer the hose!"

Annette had expected this. Police were very fond of using the colonic tube when searching female suspects - and the more attractive the woman, the more likely it would be employed. Annette had become acquainted with the hose shortly after she turned sixteen. The local plods had wasted no time in concocting an excuse to bend her over the table, and her first cavity-search had been followed immediately by her first enema. Since then, both had been a regular part of life and she could expect the hose with nearly every search. Generally speaking, taking the hose was preferable to a strapping. Done properly it went in smoothly, snaking its way up her back passage as she filled with water. Done improperly however, it was quite painful. Given Carver's delight at giving her some payback for his humiliating defeat in court, Annette could expect the latter.

"Of course, sir!" she said with false enthusiasm. "I could use a good flushing!"

In actual fact, she had been given the full treatment just a couple of days previously. She had been a witness to a public strapping, and had unwisely stopped to watch. A pair of young girls had been bent over in the middle of a shopping centre, bums tight and holes open. Mistakenly believing that she was just a face in the crowd, Annette took pleasure in their punishment, rubbing herself through her clothes as the strap blistered their bottoms. Immediately afterward she had been seized by a strong policeman on the pretext of "Public Indecency" and taken to the nearest station for an extensive search. After the "finger and flush" routine she had spent the next hour on her knees, giving several cops their jollies after her body had been thoroughly investigated. Taking the hose again so soon was a less than thrilling prospect. But with her ass still stinging from the two dozen swats Carver had given her, she was in no position to argue. She would happily take the intimate invasion of the hose rather than grab her ankles for another strapping.

She held position as he prepared. She heard the enema stand roll into place beside her, heard him open the small refrigerator in the corner to remove a bag of ice-cold water. Two pints was the standard - but she was sure he would give her a second bag to prolong and intensify her suffering. This was going to be bad...

After setting up the equipment, Carver walked around to the other side of the desk. "I know you're used to the standard tube," he told her with a grin. "But we have a special one for troublesome tarts like you!" He held a coiled rubber hose in front of her face.

Annette's jaw dropped. The standard hose was one inch thick and twelve inches long - highly invasive when slid up a girls bottom. But Carver was holding something far more sinister. It was thicker, about an inch and a half - and even when coiled up it was evidently much longer.

"You can't use that on me!" Annette exclaimed indignantly. "It's not standard issue! I'm not going to let you shove that up my ass!"

Carver's grin broadened. "It might not be standard issue," he told her, "But it's still on the approved list. And YOU my girl, just declared that you would fail to comply with a lawful search of your body!" he dropped the hose onto the bench and his hand moved down to the strap that hung from his belt. "It seems you're in need of some attitude adjustment!"

Annette's blood ran cold. "Attitude adjustment" was one of the many tricks police used to deliver additional strappings. If a girl was non-compliant or argued with an officer then she would be given a summary dozen to ensure her co-operation. Since the police had successfully argued that this was an 'operational necessity' rather than a formal punishment, the swats would be given immediately and in full - no rainchecks or discounts. Annette's protest had played right into Carver's hands...

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

Part 2

Carver unhooked the strap and slapped it heavily on the table, making Annette flinch. "Bend and present!" he ordered.

With a sinking heart, Annette stepped back from the table and bent over. She cringed as Carver stepped behind her, swinging the strap through the air with an ominous "whoosh" sound. "This will teach you to be more obedient!" he said happily.

Annette grasped her ankles and prepared to take her third dozen. This was so unfair!

Carver took position, tapping the strap against her tender bottom. Annette flinched, her nerve endings tingling at the sensation. She was still hurting from earlier, and this was going to be -


"YEAAAAGGGHHHH!" Annette screamed, shuffling her feet and waggling her backside in a vain attempt to shake off the pain. "Oooooowwwww!"

Carver tapped her ass warningly. "What do we say?"

"O-o-one, th-thank you s-sir!" Annette squeaked. God that hurt! She was well-acquainted with the strap, but never before had she taken so many in one day. Her legs were trembling and she barely managed to hold herself in place.


"WAAAAAHHHHH!" The explosion of pain in her rump was too much and the lovely lawyer did something she had never done before - released her ankles and stood without permission. She rubbed frantically at her bruised bum, tears running down her face.

"That didn't count!" yelled Carver. "BEND AND PRESENT!"

"Noooooo!" Annette wailed. "It's too much! Please, I can't take it!"

Carver smiled, happy that he had finally broken her. "Like it or not, you've got a dozen coming," he said sternly. "But maybe you can work it off another way..."

Annette turned to look at him. It was clear from his smirk what he meant. Normally she was okay with giving blowjobs, but this time it was different. Her victory over Carver in her recent court case had wounded his pride - and now he wanted to return the favour. She pictured herself on her knees, looking up at him with a submissive, tear-streaked face as she sucked his cock - and realised that she would never forgive herself if she gave him the satisfaction. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

"No," she said with quiet determination. "I'll take my swats on the block."

The disappointment on Carver's face told her that she had made the right decision. He had wanted her to suck him off - not just for the sexual pleasure but for the joy of humiliating her. She could still get through this with a tiny amount of pride intact. Unfortunately, her behind was going to pay the price - and it was going to be a heavy price indeed.

"Suit yourself," he shrugged. "I guess that sweet little ass just can't get enough of the strap!"

Carver escorted his captive through the station. The smiles and leers of passing officers meant little to Annette - she was preoccupied with her impending fate. Never before had she taken a "block" punishment. Being the sensible sort, she had always taken a discounted strapping if she could, and seldom run up a tab that required an additional visit to a police station. On those rare occasions when she had to defer a strapping she had reported promptly to take her swats, never risking the possibility of being delinquent on her punishments. Any girl who failed to collect her tab within the allotted time could expect harsh treatment next time she was carded - strapped to the block to receive all swats owe plus another dozen for not presenting her bottom to collect her dues.

The corridor outside the block room was lined with attractive young women, aged from teens to mid-twenties. All were naked from the waist down, their lower garments having been checked in at the front desk to streamline the process. They waited glumly, hands on their heads so that they couldn't cover themselves. Friday nights were a busy time - the police were always out in force to check on the club-going crowd. Sniffer dogs and ID checks provided a constant supply of victims - suspected of drug possession or with overdue tabs that needed to be collected.

Carver pushed Annette against the wall and she copied the other girls, placing her hands on her head. The chilling sound of the strap was ringing out from behind the closed door, each swat followed by a loud shriek of pain.

"This one needs some attitude adjustment," Carver told the officer who was monitoring the line of luckless lasses. "Mind if I jump the queue?"

"No problem Sam. Be a little while though." He nodded toward the door. "Little tart inside has a few dozen coming to her!"

He wasn't exaggerating. Annette cringed as the strap smacked against bare skin with horrible regularity. The screams grew steadily louder, with audible crying in between.

"Damn! She's getting Zanished!" said Carver approvingly.

Tara Zanish was undoubtedly the most famous woman in the United Kingdom. Having made the mistake of leading a protest against the CPA, she had been publically searched and strapped along with her supporters. Tara had been given a record-breaking sixty swats and earned herself a place in history - and in the terminology of the CPA, her name forever linked to a high-count strapping.

Annette could feel the knot of tension growing in her tummy as she anticipated her own turn on the block. Waiting like this was awful. She was actually glad that she had been placed at the head of the line - the other girls would have to listen to several punishments before receiving their own. She began to question her choice of taking swats rather than giving head, but it was too late now.

Eventually the punishment was over, and a short time later the door opened. A slim blonde girl in her teens was ushered out, bawling loudly and rubbing at her beaten bottom.

"There's your ticket miss." The spanker handed her a plastic token. "You can collect your clothes at the desk. And remember - always collect your swats on time! You can't avoid them, we always get you in the end!"

"WAAAAAHHHH!" Tears streaming down her face, the girl hobbled off down the corridor.

"Your turn sweetie!" Carver grabbed Annette's arm and ushered her into the punishment room.

The leather coverings of the spanking block were surprisingly soft, moisturised by the sweat of countless girls. Carver fastened the restraints around her arms, legs and waist, holding her in position with her ass high and her head down.

"Smile for the cameras!"

Annette rolled her eyes. The punishment room was fitted with several high-definition cameras that captured every detail and streamed live on the internet. She wasn't concerned about her exposure, any notion of modesty had been lost years ago, but there was one final humiliation. Her numerous strappings and court punishments had been seen live by hundreds of people, (and on video by thousands more,) but she had always taken them with dignity. She was well-known in legal circles as being a "tough cookie" who could hold her head high and carry on gracefully after bending for correction - but she knew that this would be different. Her throbbing buttocks were in no shape to take another dozen and her usual self-control was gone. This time, everyone watching would see her cry and scream. Colleagues, rival lawyers, and the cops who had failed to break her would finally get the satisfaction of seeing her taken beyond endurance and sobbing like a schoolgirl.

Carver wasted no time in getting down to business.


"AAAGGGHHH!" she screamed, writhing futilely against the restraints.



Carver was merciless. He took careful aim with each swat, landing the leather with amazing precision. By the fourth she was crying, by the ninth she was howling uncontrollably. She no longer cared about her reputation - all she could think about was the fire in her ass. By the time she was released from the block her throat was sore from screaming and the red patch on her bottom had turned purple and black. Blinded by her tears, she was oblivious to the horrified stares of the waiting girls as Carver walked her outside and back to the search room.


"Let's try this again," Carver smiled. He had allowed her some time to compose herself, and while she was still in terrible pain, Annette's sobs had turned to sniffles. Hurt and dejected, she was ready to submit to the inevitable.

He had unrolled the "special" hose to display its full length. "I bet you're happy to take this now, right?"

Annette felt queasy just looking at it. She had been subjected to numerous indignities since her teen years, but this was going to take things to a whole new level. "Yes, sir," she replied glumly.

"Ask nicely dear."

Fucking asshole!

Annette swallowed what little remained of her pride. "Please, mister Carver, will you shove your big, thick hose up my tight little ass?"

"My pleasure!" Carver beamed. "Over the table and spread those cheeks!"

Annette draped herself over the tabletop, spread her legs wide and carefully grasped her bruised buttocks, pulling them apart for easy access. "Give it to me sir!" she said with what little enthusiasm she could muster.

"Would you like some lube with that?"

"Yes please, sir!"

Carver opened a drawer and took out a large tub of KY jelly. He unscrewed the top and placed it on the bench next to her. "Prep that ring sweetie! And don't say I'm not good to you!"

Annette gratefully dipped two fingers into the lubricant and smeared it over her asshole. She breathed out slowly as she stuck her fingers into her ass, carefully applying the jelly to her back passage. Faced with this new hose, she could use all the help she could get...

Carver watched in satisfaction as his pretty young victim prepared herself, her slender fingers going as far in as they could. As an experienced searchee, Annette knew that she would feel every inch of the hose as it was pushed inside her. She explored herself carefully, making sure that every part of her back passage was slick and ready for the outsized hose - at least, as ready as it could be.

Carver handed her a paper towel to wipe the lube off her fingers, not out of consideration but so she would be able to maintain a proper grip on her buttocks as she held them apart. "Open wide!" he commanded.

Annette gingerly took hold of her chastened cheeks. Slowly, she pulled them open, giving Carver a magnificent view. The gloating policeman took a few moments to admire her delectable little asshole before administering the thick rubber tube.

"EEEEEE!!" Annette squealed. He had pushed it in hard and deep, several inches invading her rectum with the initial insertion. She gritted her teeth as he twisted it from side to side, sliding it back and forth as he searched for the path of least resistance that would allow him to go further inside her.

"Ooooooohhhh!" moaned the unfortunate young woman. She was acutely aware of how thick this "special" instrument was. She had maybe six inches inside her, but the extra girth combined with Carver's forcible movements made it far worse than normal. Each thrust went deeper inside her, the flexible hose snaking its way up her back passage. From her brief glimpse of the horrible instrument she guessed it to be twenty inches long - meaning she was going to get the buggering of a lifetime.

She was right. Carver forced the hose in dry, only allowing a trickle of water now and then when he could push it no further. Instead of sliding smoothly into her, the dreadful instrument pushed and prodded at her insides, twisting and probing as Carver worked his way into her body. Holding onto her throbbing bum was hard enough already, but the sensations within her were overwhelming. Annette gasped and involuntarily lost her grip on her buttocks.

"SPREAD THOSE CHEEKS!" Carver yelled. "And keep them open! If you don't comply, I'll take this out and give you another attitude adjustment. Then we'll have to start over!"

Oh God! Annette couldn't face another dozen. Gritting her teeth, she took hold of her tender cheeks and spread them wide so that Carver could continue to violate her. "I'm sorry, sir!" she wailed. "I'm trying, honest. Just go a little slower!"

"I DECIDE HOW FAST THIS GOES!" Carver declared. "You've still got eight inches coming - I suggest you learn how to take it!"

Bastard! Annette bit her lip as she prepared for the worst. The normal hose was bad enough - getting ass-raped by something that felt like an anaconda was a whole new level of pain and indignity. She moaned and sobbed as the thick tube was pushed into her body. Inch by inch it invaded her, stretching and pushing at her delicate insides. Every twist made her moan, her body protesting as she was explored deeper than ever before. It was clear that Carver was enjoying her suffering, so she gave full voice to her feelings in the hope of satisfying his lust.

"Ooooh! Aaahhhh! EEEee-uggghhh!"

She vocalised her discomfort as the thick tube worked its way into her body. It was way past the reach of the regular hose by now - forcing itself into parts of her that had never been touched before. How much more was there? she wondered. Surely it must end soon...

Carver twisted the hose and forced another two inches up her back door.


Annette couldn't believe how deep it had gone. She could feel the tip slide further up her, invading her body like never before. "PLEASE! THAT'S ENOUGH!" she begged. But Carver was relentless. "It's not over till you take the plug!" he said sternly.

"Waaaaah!" Annette moaned, squirming desperately. To her relief, she finally felt the bulge of the retention plug pressing against her asshole.

"This is my favourite part!" Carver said with relish, driving the plug into her tight sphincter.


Annette's lovely little ring was stretched wider as the plug was rammed in.

"YEEEEOOOOOWWWW!" she screamed, rubbing frantically at her cheeks. "That HURTS!"

"I'm sure it does!" Carver replied with a smug tone. "Hold the table and wait for the water."

With a dispirited moan, Annette did as ordered, grasping the edge of the table. Carver opened the valve and watched happily as the ice-cold water surged down the tube and made the flow meter spin rapidly. "Here it comes!"


Annette writhed as the cold water met her warm insides. She had felt this many times before, but it was impossible to prevent her reaction as the chill spread through her body. "Ah-ah-ah-ah!" she gasped. The icy water flowed into her, filling her up and making her tummy ache with the pressure. It took several long minutes for the bag to empty, and Carver squeezed the bulb pump to get every last drop into her.

"Feel good?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, I'm nice and full," she replied. In reality, she was freezing, and her whole body was shivering.

"I bet you'd like another bag, wouldn't you?"

CRAP! Annette shuddered at the thought, but there was only one acceptable response. She dare not risk another dose of the strap.

"Yes sir, I would love another bag. Fill me up!"

Carver hooked a second bag of cold water to the stand, and she felt increased pressure inside her as the flow resumed.

"Ooooooohh!" She slumped over the table, resigned to her fate. Just one more bag, she told herself. Then you can go home.

Unfortunately for Annette, Carver still had a surprise waiting for her...

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by Hooked6 »

Very nice! I love that it ends with the hint of more to come. I LOVE surprises!


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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

It's not over yet!

Part three should be following soon.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by searchem »

Well done, Steve. Love continuing Tales of the CPA. Making society a better and safer place to live. At least for us men!
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

searchem wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:48 am Well done, Steve. Love continuing Tales of the CPA. Making society a better and safer place to live. At least for us men!
Thanks. And that just gave me an idea...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

Part Three

The next few minutes passed slowly. Annette could feel her tummy bulging from the water inside her, and the chill had spread throughout her body. She shivered and whimpered quietly, cursing her luck. If only Carver hadn't happened along! But the more she thought about it, she realised he would have got to her sooner or later. It would have been easy for him to find out where she worked and what time she finished - he probably arranged his shift on purpose to make sure he could pull her over.

Even in her teen years, Annette had heard rumours of cops "working the system" to give themselves access to attractive victims. Everyone had an online profile and an entry in some government database. It was easy for police to flag a "person of interest" - meaning that any girl with a good figure and pretty face could be put on a watch list. It explained why she had been strapped the day she turned thirteen - and why her "sweet sixteen" birthday had ended in a police station, bent over a table with gloved fingers invading her tight young holes. Her natural beauty made her a prime target, and having beaten Carver in court earned her his wrath as well as his lust. She should have realised that she was a marked woman...

She moaned quietly as the second bag was emptied into her. Carve was amusing himself by rubbing her bruised buttocks and pinching them painfully at intervals.

"A fine spanking!" he said with satisfaction. "You'll remember that one for a while, I'm sure!"

Annette cringed. "Yes, sir," she agreed glumly. She was never going to forget three dozen in one afternoon, that's for sure! Her weekend was effectively ruined - she would barely be able to walk for a couple of days, and wouldn't be sitting comfortably for nearly a week. And on Monday her black-and-blue bottom would be on full display at work, thanks to the cutout section in her skirt. There was nothing unusual about that - all the other women wore the same uniform and there was always someone sporting the marks of their latest punishment, but she could count on plenty of snide remarks from her colleagues. Worse still, she would still get caned by the senior partners if she made any mistake. She shuddered at the thought of the thin cane biting into her still aching backside.

By the time Carver allowed her to leave the table she was full to bursting. Unable to stand straight she clutched at her tummy. "May I use the bathroom now, please sir?" she asked hopefully.

Carver waited a few seconds before graciously nodding his head. "Very well."

"Thank you, sir!" she hobbled to the toilet cubicle. Relief was slow in coming however - first she had to undertake the slow and uncomfortable task of removing the hose from her ass...


When Annette returned from the cubicle she was feeling better physically, but her spirits were still low. She looked at Carver with her saddest, most contrite expression. "May I go now sir?"

"Just one more little thing," smirked Carver.

Annette's heart sank. God, could this day get any worse?

"I've booked you a slot on the table."

Annette's jaw dropped. "Nooooo!" she wailed. "Please! Haven't you done enough already!"

Carver was stern. "I decide what's necessary!" he declared. "And I believe it necessary for you to experience the full force of the law! Come along now!"

The downcast lawyer was led naked through the station. She paid no heed to the looks and whistles of passing cops - she was lost in her own thoughts. The table! The dreaded gyno bench that police usually reserved for uncooperative searchees! Once strapped down she could expect to be probed longer, harder, and deeper than ever before...

Soon she was lined up against another wall this time outside the infamous "search room one" that every woman knew of - and desperately wished never to set foot in. With two other victims ahead of her, she had plenty of time to think about what would befall her inside...

"Let me know when it's her turn!" Carver told the cop guarding the line. "I'll be in observation." He winked at Annette. "See you soon!" He strode briskly off.

It was well-known that "search room one" had a large two-way mirror that allowed people to watch unseen. What was NOT well known, however, was exactly who was allowed in - and what went on. The entrance to the observation room was through a maintenance corridor that didn't show up on the official floor plan. There were three kinds of people who used the room - police, paying customers, and "service providers".

Carver swiped his ID card to open the door and slipped inside. The room was dimly lit, but he knew what it looked like even before his eyes adjusted. One wall was covered by the two-way mirror, giving a clear view of the search room. Close to the mirror was a series of stocks that held the head and wrists of the occupants, with their legs spread wide and cuffed to the supporting uprights. Each stock held a young woman who had (reluctantly) chosen this method to pay off her tab. Bent double and legs wide, they were in a perfect position to be used by the men lucky enough (or wealthy enough) to be granted access.

As usual on a Friday evening the room was nearly full. Most of the available girls were taken - getting fucked vigorously in whichever orifice their "customer" preferred. Excited chatter filled the room as the men laughed and joked about the show in front of them.

"I've seen this little slut on Spankvision dozens of times! Great to see her getting a proper search!"

"She gets the finger and flush once a week - don't you have the Premium channel?"

"No - is it worth it?"

"Fifty quid a month for close-up action? Hell yes!"

The police had been quick to see the possibilities of their search powers. Now that they could apprehend any girl they liked, thrash her, strip her naked, and violate her body on the slightest pretext, they had a constant stream of live porn available for sale. Those in the know could find it on the Dark Web and pay for high-definition video of the most graphic nature. And if they were willing to pay even more, they could buy a ticket to spend a half-hour in the observation room, watching the action live while taking advantage of a helpless woman. Carver stepped to the slot that was reserved for officers only and unzipped his fly.

"Back again Mandy?" he slapped the firm rump in front of him.

"Yes, sir," was the subdued response. "I'm you're little whore. Do what you want."

Carver slapped again - harder this time. "Try to sound more enthusiastic sweetie. Would you rather be on the block?"

"I'm your whore, sir!" the girl said loudly. "Give me a good, hard fucking with your big, thick cock!"

"That's better!" Carver stroked himself to full hardness. It didn't take long. His arousal had been growing steadily since he gave Annette her first strapping. Having her over the table had been a treat - and having her deny him a blowjob had been a major disappointment. After shoving the hose up her sweet little ass he was in need of some relief - and Mandy was here to provide it.

Soon he was pushing inside her, smiling as she gasped from the rough intrusion. She was still tight - her shift had begun recently. He leaned forward to get full depth and cupped her ripe young breasts. "Always good to see a girl who knows her place!" he chuckled.

"Yes, sir. I'm yours to use." Mandy said dutifully.

Carver began to fuck her with slow, steady thrusts as he watched the show in front of him...

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by Hooked6 »

This story just keeps getting better and better. I really like your writing style and the fact that you include a lot of little details that make it easy for readers to imagine things like room layout, the types of emotions experienced by your characters as well as little erotic background information about things we might not have thought of.

For example of detail helping us picture things, you wrote "The room was dimly lit, but he knew what it looked like even before his eyes adjusted. One wall was covered by the two-way mirror, giving a clear view of the search room. Close to the mirror was a series of stocks that held the head and wrists of the occupants, with their legs spread wide and cuffed to the supporting uprights." Etc, etc. This might not seem like a big deal but you'd be surprised at how many authors skip over things like this. You, on the other hand, seem to seamlessly incorporate helpful descriptions without detracting from the flow of the story. Even though your character knew what the room looked like you chose to describe it for the rest of us.

I also love your deviously creative mind. To further illustrate your creativity while adding details you wrote: "She held position as he prepared. She heard the enema stand roll into place beside her, heard him open the small refrigerator in the corner to remove a bag of ice-cold water. Two pints was the standard - but she was sure he would give her a second bag to prolong and intensify her suffering. This was going to be bad..."

I could just hear the sounds adding to the tension of what was about to happen. Marvelous writing. Thank you for taking the time to write and share this series.


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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by orflash64 »

Steve, I don't see Barebottom Barester, just Barebottom Barmaid. Is it posted some else?
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

orflash64 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:23 pm Steve, I don't see Barebottom Barester, just Barebottom Barmaid. Is it posted some else?
Barrister is there in the archive. Eleventh story from the top.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

Hooked6 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:32 am This story just keeps getting better and better. I really like your writing style and the fact that you include a lot of little details that make it easy for readers to imagine things like room layout, the types of emotions experienced by your characters as well as little erotic background information about things we might not have thought of.

Thanks! It's important to give enough detail to let people picture the scene, but at the same time, these are short stories and giving too much detail would spoil the flow. I hope I stike a good balance.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by searchem »

Excellent love the idea of the dreaded 'Search room 1'. Looking forward to the first hand account of Annette in the gyno chair.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by Chance »

I just read all of this today. Great story! I can't believe I didn't notice it here before now. This poor girl is really being put through the system in every way imaginable. Carver should have put a little pepper or ginger into that enema, then she would have really had a fun time in this next search room while feeling the burn. :twisted: Can't wait to read more.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

(Sorry it's taken so long to finish this.)

Chapter 4:

The atmosphere in the observation room was one of hushed excitement. The four "paying guests" were thrilled at seeing a search firsthand, and being balls-deep in tight teenage snatch at the same time was everything they could dream of. They were temporary members of a very exclusive club. The sounds of panting men and moaning girls filled the air as eager cocks pounded pussy.

To complement the experience, a naked serving girl was on hand to provide drinks. She could be summoned with a snap of the fingers, and an ice-cold beer placed in the hand of an eager customer - at ridiculously marked-up prices of course.

Being on duty, Carver wasn't able to avail himself of the bar. Nor did he engage with the chatter of the other men. Having performed countless searches over the last ten years he didn't find the sight of a young lady on the gyno bench particularly thrilling - searches were only truly fun when it was his own fingers buried in the hot, tight holes of a squirming victim. He was enjoying the anticipation of what would come next. Soon he would have miss smarty-pants lawyer on the table - minus her panties of course! He was going to explore her like nobody ever had before... He fucked Mandy with calculated precision, keeping himself close to orgasm without climaxing. He was saving himself for the last moment, when Annette would be next on the table. Draining his balls right before her search would give him a clear head - and allow him to investigate her special places with slow, deliberate thoroughness.

The man next to Carver moved into high gear, pumping his girl harder and faster. It took only a few seconds for him to finish, groaning loudly as he came. He sighed contentedly as he withdrew.

"Was it good for you hon?" chuckled.

"Yes, sir," was the forlorn response. "I'm a naughty slut who needs a good fucking."

"You sure are!" he slapped her ass. "Catch you another time!"

The satisfied man zipped up and left the room, whistling happily. As soon as he had gone, the serving girl stepped forward with a douche in one hand and a towel in the other. The captive in the stocks winced and gasped as the nozzle was pushed into her already-sore pussy, cleaning her out ready for her next customer.

The young woman on the table was replaced by another. Soon she was moaning and squirming, her body invaded by fingers and instruments. Every orifice was explored, with the searching officer soon getting to know her anatomy better than any of her boyfriends ever had.

Carver's phone beeped. He checked the message on the screen - Annette was next in line. Excellent... He fucked Mandy harder, relishing the gasps and whimpers as her slim body was rocked by his thrusts. He came with blissful intensity, shooting hot cum into Mandy's love-tunnel. Such a sweet, tight pussy!

He took a few seconds to collect himself as his breathing slowed. "Atta girl, Mandy!" he gave her firm bottom a friendly pat. "See you next week!"

Mandy dutifully thanked him for the fucking she had just received, but Carver scarcely heard it. His mind was already focussed on what he would do next...

Annette stared glumly at the gyno table. It had velcro straps to hold the occupant in place and was facing the observation window. The padded surface was reclined at a 45-degree angle, ensuring that anyone watching would get a magnificent full-frontal view of her whole body.

"Hop on!" Carter grinned.

With her bottom still throbbing from his strap, she knew better than to argue. Carver promptly grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head, securing them with one of the straps. Her feet were soon in the stirrups, ankles fastened tight, and another strap went over her waist. Carver hit a switch, and a whirring electric motor slowly moved the leg supports back and out. Annette's legs were spread wider, while being angled up toward the ceiling. When the supports finally stopped moving her legs were in a wide, shallow "V" shape. Her bottom was hanging over the end of the table, and with her legs so wide both her holes were open slightly. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing the view that any observers would be getting. She could only wonder at who might be watching.

Carver took a glove from the equipment table and flourished it in front of the window before slowly pulling it on. A generous dollop of lubricant was smeared carefully over his fingers - not just the first two, but all four! Annette felt queasy just watching.

Carver stepped over to his helpless captive and stood slightly to one side so as not to block the view from the observation room. "Open wide!" he chuckled as he positioned his fingers against her slit.

"Ooooohhh!" Two fingers slid smoothly up her, aided by the lube and her easy-access position. Carver placed his other hand on her lower belly, pressing down to increase the pressure inside her. He could feel all the way up her channel, but the fun was just starting.

Annette squirmed as his fingers worked inside her, twisting and thrusting. After a minute of exploration, he withdrew - and re-entered her with three fingers.

"Aahhhhh!" She was being stretched now, and the pain was showing on her face. She tried not to give him too much satisfaction, but her whimpers and grunts betrayed her. He thrust in deep and twisted before sliding out again, a strong, rhythmic finger-fucking.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, Carver withdrew entirely - and brought his hand up in her line of sight. To her horror, he was holding all up four fingers, tips together to form a wedge. "Just relax, sweetie!" he grinned. "It'll hurt more if you fight it!"

"EEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" Annette couldn't contain the howl that erupted from her throat as Carver forced his hand inside her, burying his fingers full-length. "NOOOOOO!!!" she begged. "STOOOOOP!"

Carver had no intention of stopping. He continued to plunge into her, over and over as she writhed and screamed. Annette's usually tight pussy slowly lost the battle, loosening and stretching wider than it ever had before. Tears ran down her face as she was violated, her most precious opening roughly invaded by the strong arm of the law. When the fingers were removed for the last time, her usually neat lips were shamefully open, her pink insides visible. She sniffled and gasped in relief as Carver peeled off his glove and tossed it into a bin.

"And now time for a little look-see," he said cheerfully. Annette watched as he removed a large plastic speculum from its wrapping.

Oh God!

After the near-fisting, she had endured the speculum didn't feel as bad - but it opened her up wide and she could feel the cool air of the room flowing inside her. She could see herself in the mirror - pussy now open like a tunnel. Carver produced a small pocket torch and shone the light up her. "Well then!" he said with relish. "I am satisfied that your vagina is free of contraband. Time for the anal search!"

Any hopes that he would remove the speculum were soon dashed as he pulled on another glove. With her pussy still being gaped open, he teased her anus with his fingertips before ramming into her.


She was well-used to getting two fingers up her back door, but the speculum was taking up so much space inside her body that her rear passage was even tighter than usual. She felt everything more acutely - but with her legs wide and body held fast, there was nothing she could do.

"Uuuuuugggghhhh! Gnnnnnnn!" The lovely lawyer was nothing but a toy, her body being used for the amusement of Carver and the men watching from behind the window.


Carver had slipped a THIRD finger inside her - stretching her little pink ring wider than ever before. "OOOOOWWWWWW! NOOOOOOO!" She could feel him pushing hard, exploring as deep as he could, moving in all directions and touching parts of her that nobody had ever reached before.

"How do you like them apples?" asked Carver gleefully. Annette couldn't reply - she was lost in her misery, slim body straining against the straps that held her as she tried futilely to escape. She had been on the business end of gloved fingers more times than she could count - but this was a whole new level of humiliation and pain. Her beautiful little asshole! Would it ever recover from this?

She was sobbing now, unable to even put on a brave face as he dug and delved inside her. On the other side of the mirrored wall, the men were enjoying themselves immensely. Annette was a rare beauty and Carver was giving her a drilling such as they had never seen!

Eventually, the fingers slid out of her much-abused rectum, leaving her sighing with relief. Carver removed his glove and stepped to the table once more. She heard the crinkling of plastic and turned her head to look. To her horror, he was unwrapping a SECOND speculum! Smaller than the first, but there was no doubt as to where it was going...

Annette whimpered as the instrument was pushed into her, and moaned as Carver lovingly opened it up to its full width. He took out his torch once more to make his visual inspection. "All clear!" he announced. "And nice and clean too!"

But he had one final humiliation for the mortified woman on the table. Removing his phone from his pocket, he sat it on the sill of the observation window and hit the timer button. Kneeling beside Annette, he put one arm around her shoulders and grasped her small firm breast with his other hand. "Smile for the camera love!"

Annette couldn't have forced a smile even if she had tried. Spreadeagled, thoroughly violated, and with both her special places opened up for display, she had never felt more miserable. Her hair was a mess, and her makeup was running thanks to the flow of tears. The phone clicked and flashed - immortalising her humiliation.

"I bet you won't be so cocky next time I see you in court!" Carver gloated.

Maybe not, Annette silently conceded. It would be hard to regain her confidence after today. But she wasn't going to stop fighting. She would continue to do her best, to oppose the police with every legal device she had.

On the other hand, maybe it was time to stop driving and start taking the bus...

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by automagix12 »

Great job, Steve, kudos! :thumbup:
Good girls will not be spanked here :D

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by Hooked6 »

SteveBurke wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:06 am

Maybe not, Annette silently conceded. It would be hard to regain her confidence after today. But she wasn't going to stop fighting. She would continue to do her best, to oppose the police with every legal device she had.

On the other hand, maybe it was time to stop driving and start taking the bus...


Loved this chapter! I realize that this is a logical conclusion for this marvelous story but I still loved the possibility that further additions might be added in the future sometime when she said, "She would continue to oppose the police with every legal device she had." Hey . . . I can dream can't I?

Great Universe you created here with the Tails of the CPA.


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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

Hooked6 wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:47 am

Loved this chapter! I realize that this is a logical conclusion for this marvelous story but I still loved the possibility that further additions might be added in the future sometime when she said, "She would continue to oppose the police with every legal device she had." Hey . . . I can dream can't I?

Great Universe you created here with the Tails of the CPA.


You never know, there might be another story featuring Annette. The First ever "Tale of the CPA" was inspired by a line in a Sarah Jenkins story about how McDonald's spanks female employees. A couple of years later that one line inspired "The Golden Arches" - and from there, the CPA universe expanded rapidly.

I now have a number of characters in the series who might interact with each other in new, exciting, (and bare-bottomed) adventures...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by twonines »

Wow, that was intense, you certainly did not spare poor Annette, It is also good to hear that you are thinking of resurrecting some of the your earlier characters. I always had visions of Sarah Jenkins serving her suspended sentence in a harsh regime prison with Monica Glampers as a wardress with a score to settle.

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by SteveBurke »

twonines wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:48 pm Wow, that was intense, you certainly did not spare poor Annette, It is also good to hear that you are thinking of resurrecting some of the your earlier characters. I always had visions of Sarah Jenkins serving her suspended sentence in a harsh regime prison with Monica Glampers as a wardress with a score to settle.
I had to make this one fairly brutal, otherwise "search room one" wouldn't mean anything special. I think it was obvious from the start that it was going to be more than just a standard search - it was always about taking the humiliation to a new level.

Sarah's adventures will continue and Monica Glampers will make an appearance - but not quite how you imagine...
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by searchem »

Fantastic ending with Carver grabbing her boob and capturing the cell phone pic of her ultimate humiliation.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by bertrumm00057 »

Just superb!

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Full Force of the Law

Post by Jin »

Great! I enjoyed the full course of spanking, enemas and cavity search.
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