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Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Proud, educated, professional women who secretly long for humiliation, discipline, or slavery have their fantasies fulfilled.
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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by imreadonly2 »

I really appreciate Eug's comments and observations, and identified with them. Carl had a throwaway character in one of his stories, about a nightshift manager who seemed to be a let's-not-rock-the-boat bureaucrat, who seemed slightly annoyed that the protagonist's girlfriend was pretending to be a slave for the night. He agreed not to sell her, but I got the impression he wasn't prepared to put any of his own chips on the table to save her, either.

In my mind, I immediately spun an entire universe out of this guy, whom I saw as neither maleficent of benevolent, but just a slightly exhausted manager slogging through his job. I was disappointed when Carl gently explained to me he was like 3 sentences in the story, and that was it. :lol: Too bad, as I had built a Harry Potter style universe with this guy at the center of it.

My version of Rita is a loving older faux sister, a bit exasperated by her cocky younger sibling. She wants to help Anne explore her slave girl fantasies, safely, but given Anne's bad behavior, and her natural dominant tendencies, doesn't exactly hate it when Anne takes a fall. Rita knew about the Any Chance? Auction before she arrived, and wasn't as naive as Anne supposed. But she knew her younger sister saw them all as country bumpkins, and decided to have a bit of fun with her sister's misconception of her by making Annie watch helplessly as Miss Calico "sold" her Anne's auction like a used car with a bad transmission. Similarly, she knew full well that Skeeter was going to want to put the Doodle bug brand on Annie's butt, and had slipped word to Rosco to let Professor Merle that if it happened it was to be a temporary. So while Anne's desire are the flywheel that drive the action, and Rita's happy to play a slightly befuddled "Aunt Bee", Rita is the story's puppet master.

Yes, Power of Attorney does expire in most jurisdictions, although I hadn't really thought about that. I wonder if there might not be a special enslavement POA in Texas, like a medical power of attorney? the SPOA would lasts for 10 years, and would allow the person holding the POA to enslave or use the other person as collateral. During that period, the "beneficiary" of the POA could not self enslave or use themselves as collateral, however. Many a protective father would get the document for their adult teenage daughters, even though it required an official grading, and for the father to review the grading photos with a licensed attorney and the daughter present, much to the girl's embarrassment. :oops: But as they say in Texas, them's the rules.

This sort of proves my point with Eug, that one simple sentence can trigger a whole story universe in your head. The only real cure for this is to create your own characters and right your own story, as you obviously have a lot of creativity and imagination. I have no plans to continue Anne's story at this juncture, largely because i feel like I need to get back to Margot and several other adventures, and I'm delighted to have (more or less finished something). I think a good story should always leave you feeling like there is another story about to begin, as that makes the characters more real and teases the reader's imagination into wanting more. So if you feel like this character is interesting enough for yet another adventure, there is no greater compliment a writer can receive.

Thank you so much, everyone!

Thank you so much for your interest, and thoughtful comments and suggestions.
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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by Mr. Smith »

A standard Power of Attorney (POA) for a slave grading should terminate once the individual is released from the slave market upon completion of the grading, or heaven forbid, upon sale if the holder of the POA exercised that clause. I always wondered why a person would sign a POA that authorized the holder to sell them but it appears to be doctrine. Maybe a clause the slave market requires to do the slave grading or a legislative requirement that the slave markets successfully lobbied for. Regardless how it happened it adds a sense of danger and realism for all the young women getting graded knowing that some of them will not be going home as free women after their grading. Joes Any Chance auctions concept doubles down on this angle.

We have also discussed Protective Enslavements of transitionally aged youth (18-25) where a parent or other relative obtains a court order so that they can protect their loved one from becoming enslaved. This is usually done by parents who see their high school daughters considering self-enslavement having bought into the romantic notion of falling in love with their masters after becoming slaves. These women watch too many slave romance movies on the Hallmark Channel or read those Hillary Rodham slave romance novels while in high school. Mandatory slave yoga also conditions them to accept and in some cases long for the collar as they climax in class fantasizing about their benevolent masters.

I like Joe's suggestion of a slavery POA where the beneficiary cannot self-enslave or use themselves as collateral for a loan. Only the holder of the POA can use them to secure debt. The existence of the POA would be entered into the National Slave Registry so that any party conducting a title search looking for body attachments on a person would learn of its existence. Many a parent would have their daughters sign one as a condition of financial assistance for college. These POAs would not prevent a penal enslavement if the little darling were to get arrested.
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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by Carl Bradford »

I will defer to the attorneys in the crowd, but I have imagined that a self-indenture or voluntary surrender to slavery might involve several documents:
First, EITHER a person voluntarily indenturing herself/himself (chattel slavery) for a particular period or a particular sale price, usually processed by the State Department of Agriculture because the individual is becoming livestock, and including provisions against foreign transfer, major body modifications, etc OR a power of attorney allowing the "owner" to sell the individual, subject to similar restrictions;
Second, a trust or other document that places all of the slave's property (including whatever profit the slave realizes from his/her auction) into escrow, to be administered by a trustee (with successor trustees designated) while the individual is collared--certainly a "rich bitch" like Annie would need such a trust to protect her property during the period when she doesn't have access to it. In the case of "Any Chance," Annie's pseudo-sister Rita probably needs BOTH, unless her intent is to let the sister spend all her money. (Before Joe wrote his actual solution to the basic premise, I advocated that Rita would use Annie's OWN MONEY to buy her at auction, after which she would grant Annie some limited freedom with the understanding that she could still be summoned back to the collar on holidays until the expiration of her term of indenture, not to mentioning servicing Skeeter and all the other guys she had cock-teased. I thought it would be cute to use Annie's own wealth, about which she was always bragging, to enslave and humiliate her.)
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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by Hagenherz »

Super well written story!!!
What an experience would it be for the original if all of a sudden Ann's 6 Kobie appeared in the clothes, shoes and purse of the original??
At the latest then Annie would know that she would remain a slave forever without any ifs or buts.
Only Sketter and Rita could help her.
But why, if you had the copy in your hands and with it everything that Annie once owned.
You can spin a lot together.
On a farm for white slaves, working in the fields, annie wouldn't have looked so pretty after three months or more, hehe

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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by timerider »

Excellent story, liked the part of Annie slipping back in to
Slave heat, and the dog pile part. Thanks for the great chapter :cheers:
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Re: Any Chance Auction, Part 22 (Conclusion) By Joe Doe

Post by reddbunnz »

Great story. I love the surprise ending. I would have been happier if it had ended after Chapter 20, with Anne going back to her old life. Now, the actual ending leaves more questions than it answers. Great story line and ending. I loved it. :D

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