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Madison's Halloween Predicament -- Chapter 10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:58 pm
by Johnny Lawrence
I keep adding more chapters. It seems I've always got at least two more in the works after the one I'm currently writing.

Chapter 10

Ricky slowly approached the vehicle that sat halfway in the ditch. Hooking his thumbs into his belt, he did his best to affect the confident swagger of a man in charge, like John Wayne or Burt Reynolds. But with the amount of alcohol he had consumed over the course of the afternoon, his arrogant strut became an unsteady stumble. He listed to the left, and took seven or eight quick little steps in that direction before he regained his balance. Then he overcorrected, and followed it with an extra five or six steps to the right. Bringing himself to a halt, Ricky swayed in a circle all around, and then his face went pale white as though he might puke right there in the middle of the road. Several seconds ticked by before the feeling passed, then he blinked his eyes a few times, and completed the last ten feet to the side of the car.

The man placed his hands on the roof of the BMW. That was better, he was less likely to fall now. He tilted his head forward, letting his cop sunglasses slide down the length of his nose. Carefully he lifted one hand from the roof and held it where the woman inside could see it, and then made a little circular motion with his fingers pinched together. 'Roll the window down' it said. The woman inside stared at him, wide-eyed and mouth agape. She saw his pantomime and complied.

"Lady... do you know how fast you were goin?"

Truth be told, Ricky and Junebug were both happy as shit that whoever this lady was, she hadn't plowed right into the side of the squad car. They'd almost finished off two twelve packs between them, and the drive back to town had proven more challenging than they had anticipated. Somehow they'd managed to get the car parked crossways on the road, and their vehicular operational acuity had proven insufficient to get it unstuck. Go forward, you hit one ditch. Go backward, you hit another ditch. It was a real pickle.

Then the red coupe had swerved around a corner and almost slammed directly into Junebug's door. He'd have pissed himself if his reaction times had been good enough to recognize what was happening. As it was he still hadn't quite grasped how narrowly he had escaped getting squashed. Fortunately the woman's reactions were far better than theirs.

Didn't mean she was obeyin' the rules of the road, though.

Madison stared up at the deputy. He was tall, maybe six-two. Scrawny with a big long nose, and was clearly trying to grow a thick cop mustache. He'd gotten as far as having a few scraggly whiskers on his upper lip, and no further. The smell of alcohol poured off of him, and he grinned.

She couldn't think of a thing to say. Her car was completely disabled. The tall man in front of her could do anything he wanted and there was nothing she could do to resist. Escape was virtually impossible now. A small voice in her head screamed to slide over into the passenger seat, climb out the window, and make a run for it. She turned and looked. Maybe...

"Ma'am, I've got you dead to rights. We got you on radar. Do you know how much trouble you're in? You might as well cooperate and make it easier on yourself. Now please exit the vehicle," was what Ricky meant to say. What came out of his mouth was more along the lines of 'Speedin' huh? C'mon, git out."

Surrendering to her fate, Madison slowly pushed open the driver's side door. Deputy Ricky stumbled backwards several steps, his support disrupted. But he regained his footing and played it off. The slim brunette stared at her feet, her mind awhirl with what dark destiny awaited her. Timidly she pushed the door closed.

Ricky grabbed the woman by the shoulder and spun her around, facing the vehicle. He reached down and took her left arm, then pulled it up behind her back. With practiced ease, he snapped the cold steel handcuff around her wrist. It ratcheted shut and locked tight. Then he repeated the process with her right arm. In less than five seconds, Madison had gone from free woman to prisoner. Her knees trembled at the realization of her loss of status.

The deputy pulled her over to the front of her car and pushed between her shoulders. Madison bent at the waist and leaned onto the hood. Her heart was pounding, and the heat she had battled since arriving in this town returned in force. Without even pausing to consider why, the young woman obediently began to shift her feet apart, to make the deputy's coming tasks easier.

Ricky reached down to Madison's left leg, one hand on the outside and one on the inside. He started at the ankle of her tight jeans, cupping his hands and then sliding them all the way up. He slowed when he reached the top of her thigh, feeling the heat that was radiating from her body.

"Ya like this, do ya?" he whispered in her ear. Madison could only whimper and squirm. Her breathing came in deep gasps. Ricky reached to the front of her jeans and unsnapped them, and then began to slide them down her hips, exposing her underwear with the big damp spot in the center. He grinned. "You know, some women just ache for it. Born to be a little jail house slut." The fingers of his right hand began to rub in small circular motions, pressing her panties up into her. The beginnings of a ragged grunt formed in Madison's throat, and Ricky smiled.

And about five seconds after that, Billy Johnson and Jim Butler came speeding around the corner doing almost fifty.

Fortunately for everyone involved, Billy's reflexes were not bad either. Or at least they were okay enough that nobody got hurt.

The midnight blue 1973 Chevy Nova jerked to the left in a desperate attempt to not slam right into Junebug, who was still shooting out an stream of pee that went a good six feet from his pecker to the front tire of the squad car. Fear registered in Junebug's eyes as he saw the approaching death machine, and he waved his hands in the air while turning to face them. The stream followed and left a wet streak down the side of the Nova. A few inches higher and it would've gone right in Jim Butler's open passenger window.

That car was Billy's prize possession, and his heart sank as it shot right into the ditch. He was virtually standing on the brake, but at that speed and that angle it made no difference. However, fate was kind to them that day, and instead of hitting a tree the Nova slid right down the old muddy trail that Ricky and Junebug had taken to get down to the ol' drinkin' spot by the creek. Thanks to the underbrush you'd never have seen it if you didn't know it was there. First there was a car, and then it was gone, lost in the thick vegetation of the forest. And then there was yelling and cursing as Billy and Jim got out of the car after skidding down a ten foot embankment on a trail barely wide enough for two grocery carts to pass.

"Junebug you stupid sack of shit!"

The next fifteen minutes were filled with accusations and remonstrations.

Billy and Jim had crawled up through the brush and out of the ditch, looking a bit disheveled. Mud and dirt on their hands and knees, and bits of leaf and twigs in their hair and on their uniforms, they began shouting at the two intoxicated men whose car continued to block the road. Ricky and Junebug, for their part, responded with their typical unassailably sound logic.

"Where the hell you guys been?"

"What you talking about, we're doing our jobs!"

"You idiots, your shift ended an hour and a half ago!"

"Well you were driving way too fast, you almost ran over Junebug!"

"Why you parked in the middle of the street?"

"We're uhh, stopping a criminal!"

"You cain't arrest her, you ain't on duty anymore!"

"Why were you homos looking at my junk??? I saw you!"

As the men yelled, Madison turned and looked over her shoulder. The four of them were standing over by the police car. The two men she had nearly hit were three sheets to the wind, whereas the two who had chased her were out of breath and completely preoccupied. They were all pointing fingers at each other, and slowly she realized that *none of them were looking at her*.

Her heart was pounding, and her entire body was aflame with a tingling warmth that distracted her thinking and her ability to process. Madison's legs trembled. The videos of those women flashed before her eyes. Women stripped and humiliated and enslaved. And without a doubt, that was going to be her fate too, if she didn't do something about it. If she couldn't get away, they would strip her, and they would fuck her, and she would spend the next several years as some ignorant farmer's helpless fucktoy. She should... she should try to get away, right?

Madison twisted her hands in the cuffs, but they were tight and secure. Locked behind her back, her hands were useless. Her jeans had been pulled halfway down her thighs. She stretched her arms out straight, fingertips grasping for the feel of denim, but the top of her jeans was just out of reach. She wouldn't be able to grab them to pull them up, not without rolling around and contorting her body. And that would make noise.

The cuffed woman turned her head the other direction, away from town and down the road. How much further until the highway? It couldn't be far. Five hundred feet? A thousand? Something told her that as soon as she made it to the highway, she would be safe. That it was a hard limit to their 'jurisdiction', whatever that was. Could she just walk away from them, hoping her pants didn't fall down?

What did she have to lose?

The men continued to argue. Billy wanted to know how Ricky was going to pay for the damage to his car. At the moment he was standing by the ditch, looking down through a crack in the foliage at his midnight blue Nova that was scratched all to hell. Shocks were probably shot too, maybe even some frame damage. "And you don't have the kinda money I'm gonna need to fix that, Ricky!"

Junebug expressed his opinion that Jim Butler had spent too long watching him pee as they had gone by. "Your eyes was all big and your mouth was open, Jimbo! You was droolin' and everythang!"

Jim smirked. "I just never seen one that small before."

Several more exchanges followed, until Ricky pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the BMW. "Why y'all chasin' that girl anyway?"

"Aw, shit."

Madison had made it around the next curve, hobbling with her pants around her knees until she was just out of sight of the men. At that point she laid on her back, grabbed the jeans, and hiked them up over her ass. And then she was hustling towards freedom.

What would she tell people when she got to the highway? Tell them anything. Handcuffs? Yes I'm an escaped convict, call the real cops. Just get me out of here. Get me away from Doeville.

A couple minutes later she rounded another bend, and up ahead she could see salvation. The small two-lane blacktop road, surrounded by the thickest trees and forest she'd ever seen, had a light at the end. A few hundred feet left to go and then the road angled up into a clearing. Madison grinned as she saw a semi-truck go by.

Her unfastened pants prevented running. She had to stop every thirty seconds or so to keep them from falling down. Part of her wished she had just kicked them off back there on the road, but it was too late to second guess now. With renewed energy, Madison did her best speed-walk towards the light. Less than a minute and she would be in the clear.

Madison had less than fifty feet to go when the squad car rounded the corner behind her, like the shark in JAWS coming for one last attack run before the credits rolled. She looked over her shoulder and saw the vehicle seem to take aim at her, like it was some sinister, living being.

"I'm almost there. I can just keep going and they can't catch me. I've basically made it. Twenty more seconds."

Jim Butler reached down and hit the lights on the top of the car. They began to flash red and blue.

Red and blue. Red and blue. Red and blue...

Madison's eyes saw the flashers and her pupils started to dilate. The muscles in her legs, primed for a run, relaxed as all the tension flowed out of them. Her body felt so heavy, and her pace started to drag. She took just three more steps before her feet came to a rest on the blacktop. Slowly she turned and faced the car, staring straight at the flashing police lights. She stood motionless as the vehicle pulled up beside her.

"And that's how it's done, you buncha rookies," said Jim.

Re: Madison's Halloween Predicament -- Chapter 10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:00 am
by mikey22
Johnny I’m loving this story! The excitement is off the chart. The town, the drunk hick cops, Madison trying to rescue her friend and getting caught by them. Then breaking away from them. I’m sure she’s gonna be caught. But she’ll probably drive them all crazy before her final escape. It’s very creative and well done.

Re: Madison's Halloween Predicament -- Chapter 10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:50 am
by Johnny Lawrence
Thank you! The next chapter should be up in a day or two. I'm still working on Madison's final fate. There are just so many options, and I'm not sure which one suits her the best. I don't know that "escape" is in her future though.

Re: Madison's Halloween Predicament -- Chapter 10

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:27 pm
by reader158
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:50 am Thank you! The next chapter should be up in a day or two. I'm still working on Madison's final fate. There are just so many options, and I'm not sure which one suits her the best. I don't know that "escape" is in her future though.
Oh man! This is going to be good!
I see several charges coming up for our heroin.

I'm loving the details you are putting on each scene

Re: Madison's Halloween Predicament -- Chapter 10

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:22 am
by Citizen1069
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:58 pm I keep adding more chapters. It seems I've always got at least two more in the works after the one I'm currently writing.
Something told her that as soon as she made it to the highway, she would be safe. That it was a hard limit to their 'jurisdiction', whatever that was. Could she just walk away from them, hoping her pants didn't fall down?

She took just three more steps before her feet came to a rest on the blacktop. Slowly she turned and faced the car, staring straight at the flashing police lights. She stood motionless as the vehicle pulled up beside her.
What will it be?
She did not cross over the white line and onto the road, so she is still in Doeville jurisdiction.
She is on a road next to the highway, and is still in Doeville.
She is standing just outside their jurisdiction, and nobody but them are around, so they drag her back into their jurisdiction.
They do not know how to spell jurisdiction, let alone what it means....

If she brings this up in court will the Judge give her a contempt charge for wasting their time? What is the punishment for a contempt charge from the Judge, 10 with his belt or another 30 days, or both?

You cannot outrun the long arm of the law! Because it can reach out and touch you where ever you hide...or stand.