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Crystals slave grading adventure Part 17

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:28 am
by mikey22
Crystal continues to focus on the front end of the line. Misty becomes restless, just standing around waiting.
But mom was really enjoying herself, watching the slaves around them. As they happily did their daily tasks. Sweeping and picking up trash, weeding the flower gardens or maintaining the landscaped areas. Or assisting the free public with whatever questions or concerns they may have. And of course the spontaneous sexual encounters that broke out around them.

Across from where they were lined up, in the park area. There would be slave girls on their knees, sucking anyone’s cock that asks. Or there may be one in the doggy position. Thrusting her ass end back into the young obnoxious college boy, as his friends just stand around, cheering him on. Most all with their cocks out, waiting their own turns with her.

“ Oh I would love to be a slave in a place like this!”
Mom says to herself.

And she comes up with an ingenious plan.

“ I’ll be right back girls. “
Mom said walking away from Misty and Crystal.

Crystal looks at Misty, and points to the big rubber ball gag.

“ Take this out! So we can talk! “

“ I can’t understand a damn word you’re saying! Do you need to use the bathroom again? “

Crystal shakes head from side to side.
With her cuffed hand, she grabs Misty’s hand, and placed it on the rubber ball part of the gag.

“ Oh you want me to take that off? “

Crystal nods her head up and down.

“ I don’t know if I should? Mom might get pissed! “

Crystal gets more agitated.

“ Take it off!…Take it off! “

“ Okay…Okay! “

Misty reached over and unbuckled the strap from the back of Crystals head. The gag then falls free onto the mat in front of Crystals knees.

Crystal pants for a moment without the gag in her mouth.

“ I got a bottle of water over here, you want a drink? “

“ Hell no! I ain’t eating or drinking nothing! Until I get this over with! Especially that kibble, that stuff made me go! And just so you know! That was embarrassing! I can’t believe mom made me poop, and clean it up in front of everybody! “

Misty couldn’t help but laugh.

“ It ain’t funny! That was humiliating! “

“ You just had a few bites of that kibble. I don’t think it’s the kibble that made you do that. I think it’s that green vegan shit you’ve been trying to live on lately. “

“ If I want to go Prime, I can’t let myself get fat! “

“ You got a long way to go! To be considered fat! “

“ You saw what happened to that black girl a while ago? “

“ Yeah I thought she was Hot! “

“ I did to! And I think she didn’t go Prime, because of her BMI. “

“ Oh how do you know? “

“ That’s just what I think. And moms acting weird! I think she’s up to something. “

“ I think she’s living out some fantasy through you. “

“ Yeah you’re probably right. But I think it’s bigger than what we think. “

Crystal looks to the right.

“ Oh shit! Here she comes, gag me back up! “

Misty quickly shoved the ball back into Crystals mouth, and buckled the strap.

Mom strolls up, carrying 3 rolled up slave yoga mats.

“ I got us something girls. “
Mom said pulling the Velcro straps loose from one of the mats.
Crystal moves over, so mom can lay the mat down.
On her hands and knees, she crawls back on to it.

“ This is cool! Another inch of padding feels good to the knees. “
Crystal says to herself, wondering what moms really up to.

Mom rolls out the other two slave mats. She then stands and starts unbuttoning her shirt, while looking at Misty.

“ Take off your clothes! We’re all three gonna get graded! “

Crystals neck pops, as she turns her head so fast. Looking up and over at Misty.

Misty’s face turns beet red.

“ But mom! You said! “
And that’s all that came out, before mom cuts her off.

“ I don’t care what I said! I’m saying now for you to take off your clothes! “

Misty was standing there bra less. With her big tits that had been jiggling freely all day. From under a slutty white tank top. The cheeks of her ass hung out of a pair of Daisy Dukes. As she stood there in her flip flops.

“ Besides you look like pure white trash! You’ve been flaunting yourself all day! Why don’t you just take it all off! And show it off! So everyone can see? “

Looking like a trashy little slut was one thing. That’s one of Misty’s signature looks. She likes to get reactions from other guys. But being slave naked in public? That’s an entirely different issue all together.

Yeah stripping it all off right there, wasn’t something Misty wanted to do. But before she knew it, mom had moved with cat like reflexes.

Misty’s feet flew out from under her, flip flops falling from her feet. As mom had her bent over her knee, with her own flip flop in hand.





Mom had cut loose, whipping that ass.

“ Okay!…Okay!….Okay! Stop it Please! “

This of course had attracted a small crowd of on lookers.

Misty was then allowed to stand. She takes off her shirt, used it to wipe the tears from her eyes and cheeks. She tossed the shirt behind her. Then unfastened her Daisy Dukes. Under them she had on a sexy thong.

“ My My don’t you look sexy now? “
Mom said looking down at her daughters chubby belly, hanging over the front of the sexy thong.

“ Quit stalling and take it off! “

Finally with a huff, Misty slipped her thumb’s into the waistband of the thong, slipping it down and off.

Mom immediately pointed to Misty’s crotch.

“ What the fuck is that?…Growing between your legs? “

“ Mom that’s my cute little design! “

Mom shakes head from side to side.

“ That shit has got to go! “

Mom almost felt the need to whip her ass again. In her mind free women should be keeping their cunts just as clean as slaves do.

Mom grabbed up her purse, and starts digging through it. You never know what mom might have in her purse. It wouldn’t be surprising if she had a disposable razor, or a battery powered trimmer. But unfortunately that day she had neither.
But what she did have was a roll of duct tape.

“ Why are you carrying duct tape in your purse? “
Misty asks.

“ I saw this the other day, in the store. And something just told me to buy it, and keep it with me. “
Mom said pointing down at Misty’s new slave mat.

“ Lay down so we can get this over with. “

“ I can’t believe you’re gonna do this to me? “

“ That Damn hair has got to go! “
Mom peels off a long strip of the tape, and pressed it down onto Misty’s skin.
She then gave it a yank.


“ Shit! That hurt! “

“ That will teach you to keep yourself up! “
Mom inspected Misty’s crotch.

“ Didn’t get it all! We got to do it again! “

And it took about five more try’s before mom was satisfied.

“ Now roll over, so I can check your rear end! “

The crowd of on lookers grew larger. Many of them laughed as mom torturers Misty, with the duct tape.

“ Yeah that ass looks awful! “
Mom said using multiple pieces of tape, cramming it up Misty’s crack.


“ Shit mom! You’re killing me! “
Misty screams with tears running down her face.
After multiple attempts moms got Misty’s ass and cunt hair free.

Mom then got herself undressed. And knelt down between her two daughters, onto her own slave mat.

She then pointed out other naked slaves walking about. Either with their slave mats rolled up under their arms. Or rolled up with a shoulder strap.

“ To a slave, there mat to them. Is what a purse is to a free woman. It goes wherever you go. I don’t want either of you to ever forget that. “
Mom explained.

“ Mom people keep staring at me? “
Misty complained.

“ Your eye candy. That’s why they’re starring. “

“ If I'm eye candy? Why are they laughing? First one that barks at me, I’m gonna whip their ass! “

“ And I’ll be whipping your ass! That’s not the way a slave behaves! You kneel rest and meditate. Until your owner comes and tells you something to do. And when they do. You do it without question. Do you understand me? “

“ Mumble…Growl…Mumble. “

It was obvious that Misty’s not happy. But mom is using this as an opportunity to teach the girls, in case either of them are ever enslaved. They can reflect back on this. And will know what’s expected of them. Maybe not all but many of moms tips, could prevent them from getting a whipped ass in the future.

Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 17

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:56 am
by imreadonly2
There was a scene in one of the GOR novels that I liked. The city had been captured, and the women were all enslaved, and a mom was explaining to her daughter that it would be better if she embraced what was coming, for her old life was over, and she only existed to serve. The daughter was having none of it, but the mom patiently explained that no one was going to help them, and soon they would be branded, and everyone they knew would think of them as Pleasure Sluts.

I also envisioned that on Mother's Day, slaving operations might offer chances for mother's and daughters to be graded together. Selling twins, or two sisters, or a mother/daughter(s) combination can increase the value of the merchandise, as they care considered a "set". Of course if any "Any Chance?" auction is involved, and the price is right, Dad might just decide to take the money and restart with a clean slate (and a lot of cash). :lol:

Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 17

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:42 am
by JustBob
Well written, Mikey. I liked the twist where is getting everyone graded. Keep up the good work. More please!

Re: Crystals slave grading adventure Part 17

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:53 pm
by reddbunnz
Mom and both daughters scheduled for grading. Or are they all about to become slaves? Mom may not know best after all.