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Crystals life after grading

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 11:07 pm
by mikey22
Crystal was relieved that the grading was now over with, and she hoped that life would get back to normal.

She took it easy for a week so her aching ass could heel up. Mom was diligent at helping her, change her bandage making sure there was no sign of any infection.
But about a week later, the mail started to roll in. Apparently getting a slave grade is not a private matter. Unlike going to your doctor’s office where you have all those privacy form things, you read and sign, stating that all your information is kept confidential.
Apparently there was no form like that at the slave market, where mom red over all them forms and showed Crystal where to sign.

Nope unfortunately there wasn’t no privacy forms whatsoever. And Crystals life was definitely gonna change more so than she ever imagined.
All of her personal information including her nude pink shots were all sold off to marketing agencies.
And being graded Prime Plus met that everyone had Crystal in their sights.

Her credit rating greatly increased as credit cards and applications came in day after day, offering her hundreds and thousands of dollars in credit. It didn’t seem to matter that the only legitimate job she’d had up to that point was a part time gig at the movie rental store, that only paid minimum wage. Besides that she’d only get her percentage of whatever came from the top jar, from the fuzzy duck lounge, when she played with the band.

But she was also offered lots of employment opportunities, mainly in the field of modeling. Or so it was fronted that way anyway. Claiming that she could make thousands doing that.

Misty thumbed through the pile of mail with envy.

“ You lucky cunt! I’d forget about college! And I’d be calling these people! “

The people from The Howard Stern show even called. Crystal was definitely flattered that such a personality like Howard wanted her to come in for a sit down televised interview. If she’d agree they’d mail her out the round trip airline tickets to New York.

Once off the phone with them, she consulted with Misty about their offer.

“ I would do it! “
Misty said enthusiastically.

“ But have you ever watched that show? “

“ No not really. It don’t seem like it’s really my thing. “

“ He usually makes girls show off their tits. “

“ On Tv? “

“ Like yeah! “

Crystal looks down at her tits.

“ I ain’t doing that! “

“ If I had your tits and body I’d be showing it off! You got an opportunity to make lots of money here. “
Misty informs her.

A few days later this sleazy guy named Bud showed up at the door.

Bud was the owner of The Pussy Cat Club, which is a sleazy local strip joint.
He too was enthusiastic and motivated to recruit Crystal, claiming that she could make a thousand dollars cash on Friday and Saturday nights.
This offer seemed to be too good to be true. Misty herself was already pondering about applying for a position at the club, since her best friend Shirley was already dancing and waitressing there. But she wasn’t making near the money that Crystal was offered. Nor was she Prime Plus either.

But judging by the dancers and the clientele that patrons The Pussy Cat Club. Misty, Mom and Crystal knew that Bud was full of shit.
Bud though didn’t want to take no for an answer. And when he thought that he could get away with copping a feel of Crystals awesome tits.
Mom rushed right out from the bedroom with a 12 gauge pump, running him right off the place.

On the second week Crystal starts going out more. Back to the gym to get back into her routine. With boyfriend Cody at her side. He found himself having to fight off all the guys that just gravitated towards her. Some of them so arrogantly just pulled their cocks out, showing off to her.
Never had she had that happen before.

She wasn’t sure to feel flattered or offended. Since some were real hunks. And some were just jerks, or just guys being typical guys.

“ Should I report this? “
She wondered but decided to put it behind her.
Feeling that the judge in a case like that would turn the whole thing around and spin it into being her fault, since after all she’s Prime Plus.
And instead of going to the gym she’d use her own equipment in the privacy of their garage.

Sunday morning at church.
Mom and Crystal had been going to church for years, but Crystal had ever been looked at so critically as she was after her grading. Throughout the congregation they attended with, for the first time she heard the words Whore and slut being whispered, as fingers were pointed her way.

Crystal was really hurt by this. She always worked hard at upholding a wholesome loving image. At this point in her life, she’d only had sex with Cody, and of course David on graduation night, but in her mind she justified that by whatever was mixed in that champagne glass. And was taken advantage of. But she sure didn’t view herself as a slut.

Her and mom discussed this on the ride home.

“ Don’t worry about it! They used to treat me the same way. They’re all just jealous of you. “

Mom could rattle off the names of many men that most of those married or widowed women had been with.

“ Haven’t you ever wondered why the same ones race to the alter on Sunday morning? “

“ Not really. “

“ They asking for forgiveness for what they did Saturday night.
Next time you play with the band, look around the beer joint. The same women that condemned you this morning, has applauded you in the past. “

Crystal thinks about that for a moment.

There was Arlene, Carlene, Bridget, Rebecca, Pam and Nancy.

Thinking back on it Crystal could remember them many times at the beer joint.

“ Like I said they’re all just jealous of you. We all swimming in the same pit of sin together. The only difference is is that you got the Prime graded brand that makes you better than any of them. Be proud of it! “

Mom lights herself a smoke.

“ Besides you want to talk about a whore? What about Kelli the preachers wife? “

“ You mean that rumor is for real? “

“ Yep her and Mr. Ryan down at the bank been going at it for over a year now. “

“ Wow! I had no idea. “

Crystal felt much better after talking to mom that morning.
In just those first two weeks after grading, Crystal knew her life had changed. The innocence of the life before was gone, and only remembered by her. Everyone else saw Crystal in a totally different way now.