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Best Chance Auction

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:49 am
by cardman314
By Cardman314
(This story is a sidebar to the Epilogue of “Any Chance Auction” with a minor reference to “The Girl in the Window”. Both of these pre-stories are a great read. Joe Doe and Carl Bradford are two of my favorite authors. This story takes place in the world of legalized slavery following the 34th Amendment. All characters are over the age of 18 and bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead. The concept of the ‘USDIS’-United States Department of Involuntary Service first appeared in a story by Gentle Mariner entitled, “Three Sisters” and is another excellent read. Sam, the Slave Man is a fictional chain of stores created by Monkey Man66 in his story, “Home Again”, the second story in his slavery trilogy. If you are looking for violence, you have come to the wrong story. I hope you enjoy it.)

“We’ve got a real mess here, people,” Jake ranted as he paced back and forth. Rosco, Skeeter and Rebecca looked on in silence, clearly not wishing to draw Jake’s ire. “By the way, where’s Ms. Powers? She should be in on this meeting?”
“She’s busy dealing with placating our buyers with the Legends people, hoping to head off this law suit they’ve initiated,” Skeeter said smiling to himself.
“Well good. I’m glad she’s on our side. She’s a real “fire brand” when it comes to business dealings.”
Skeeter had to suppress a smirk as he thought about the “fire branding” going on even now by Prof Atkins on Annie’s butt. That doodle bug would soon be a permanent badge on his favorite auntie. Now, who’s in charge?
“These ‘Any Chance Auctions’ started out as a real bonus moneymaker but now have us in hot water. Not only do we have this current class action suit for cancelling the sale of the largest, single bid ever, we have an upcoming judgment for selling someone without their owner’s knowledge. We could be facing judicial review of all our practices, fines and even having a whole slew of new regulations handed down by the government. We need to take action now to head this off before the lawmakers get involved. Ideas, people, ideas!”
“Jake, as you know, almost 2/3s of the auctions go through. This is a cash cow we can’t afford to lose,” replied Rebecca, the ever cost-conscious, profit-minded accountant.
“I’m not suggesting we stop doing them but we have to make every effort to prevent the appearance of fraud on our part. Part of the problem lies with “fraud” on the part of the sellers, the thrill seekers who come pretending to be players but, in the end, they only want to brag about how much money they were worth. Intent is very hard to prove,” said Jake, slowly sinking into his chair. “On the reverse side, we don’t have a problem as the USDIS handles fraudulent sales very effectively. Cesar runs a tight ship over there.”
“You bring up a great point, Boss. It looked really suspicious when the highest bid in history was turned down. Who wouldn’t suspect that there was never any intent to sell in the first place,” posited Rosco. “Maybe we should have forced the sale to go through.”
“The system as it stands wouldn’t allow it,” said Rebecca, “but if we could get the seller to agree in advance….it might fly.”
Skeeter stood up and took the lead. “In my Slavery Law class, we learn about penal slavery auctions. The court sets a ‘reserve’ auction price. If the reserve is not met, the state retains the convict for work gangs, or in the case of pretty women sends them to the Lodge or other state-owned brothels to pay their debt to society. Why couldn’t we set a reserve and if the reserve is met or exceeded, the sale goes through. If the reserve is not met, then the sale is at the discretion of the seller.”
Rebecca jumped up and objected. “Sellers would accuse us of setting the price too low to ensure a sale would be made.”
Rosco slouched back in his chair and chimed in, “I agree with Rebecca and Skeeter. What if we let the seller set not only the reserve price but the period of enslavement, say from 2 to 7 years. Those lengths of servitude are pretty typical for college students to indenture. That way it should discourage the pretenders as there would be a much bigger risk of being sold.”
“I think that could fly and if the reserve isn’t met the sale could still be turned down or accepted,” replied Jake, “Rebecca, write it up and submit it to the Texas Agriculture Board for approval. Be sure to let them know that by doing this we hope to also unburden the court system with fraud claims. It never hurts to suck up to the Board.”
Skeeter raised his hand to put a temporary halt to the proceedings and said, “This is all well and good for sellers and slaves but we can’t keep our bidders in suspense for hours like we do now. It’s not fair to them. I propose that from the time of the last bid, the seller has 15 minutes to decide whether to accept a lower bid or cancel. If they cancel, that gives the buyer the chance to bid on other slaves. If they accept the bid, now the buyer knows how much he has left to spend if he wants to buy another. This will mean that all of the ‘Any Chance Auctions’ must be the first up on Broadway or on our other venues but that’s my problem.”
“I like all of it,” said Rosco, “But I would like to add my two cents on a slightly different topic but one in the long run which I feel could generate more interest in the Big D. It’s kind of a pet peeve, if you will. Why do we let people hid our brand? It is something to be proud of and should be seen more often. It bugs me that we hid it inside the left cheek. I think if a slave is auctioned on Broadway, whether the sale is consummated or not, when she comes down of the block, she should go directly to the smithie and have the Big D badge applied directly in the center of her left cheek. A walking billboard for all to see and appreciate.”
“Well, branding is an internal issue, so we don’t have to notify the Ag Board about that but I like it. If you made it to Broadway, you are a top 5-percenter and should be proud of what you have done. Let’s start doing it. Put a picture of a nice butt with the brand in our new brochure. Rebecca, I want to see your final draft and then I want you to hand carry it over to the Board. I want their approval for our next big auction in two weeks.”
Jake continued, “Rosco, I want you to help Rebecca and get some new brochures together before then so everyone is on board with the revised structure. I want you to all know I appreciate your input and Skeeter, if you ever consider going to work for your Anne-Annie in Chicago, I will brand your ass myself, young man. You have a real future here. Now all of you, go home and get some sleep.
“Oh, that’s awesome. I would never dare do that.”
“Do what?” asked Mia as she walked up to her three best friends standing in the hall at DCHS (Dallas Central High School). “What can be so exciting on a Mondy morning?”
“Tell her, Lina, tell her,” giggled Sharon as she bounced excitedly from foot to foot.
“Friday after school, I got graded for my school loan collateral application at the Big D…..and I am Prime,” smiled Lina. “That guarantees my loan for Texas A&M. I am so excited.”
“Congrats, girlfriend, but something tells me there is more to this story. We all new you would get at least Prime-.”
“Show her, Lina,” squealed Beth squirming eagerly.
Lina grabbed the waist of her sweatpants and pulled it down just enough to show a very large, sore brand of the ornate, Big D logo, centered on her left cheek. A lot of the redness was gone now and the clear, spray-on bandage made it look amazing.
Mia’s eyes went wide as her jaw dropped almost to her belly button it seemed. “How in the world did you get that?” “It’s beautiful!” “Beth only got a certificate when she graded ‘Prime’.”
“The Big D has a new program. It’s only in its third week of trial and it’s becoming very popular,” explained Lina. “It’s called a ‘Best Chance’ auction. When you go to be graded, if you grade as Prime- or higher, they offer you the option to be auctioned on Broadway with all the others.”
“But you could..” Mia started to say but Lina leaned over and put her finger on Mia’s lips to stop her.
“Let me finish, let me finish. You are auctioned off just like a normal sale to see how much you would bring for real, but there is a safety net. You don’t have to be sold. Before you get up on the stage, your caretaker sets the limit on your enslavement and sets a reserve price. If the reserve is not met, the sale can be voided. Of course, your caretaker could accept the lower offer and screw you, so you had better pick someone you trust completely. I got really nervous as the bids came closer to my reserve than I would have liked but here I am. The bonus for me was that anyone who is auctioned on Broadway is automatically branded as an authentic ‘Sandy Foot Girl’” My family is so proud and despite pissing myself and passing out from the pain, I will have my badge of honor to enjoy forever.”
The girls all joined in a celebratory, group hug as Lina cautioned them not to touch her butt.
Mia’s mind was in a turmoil as she walked home that day. She would turn 18 just two weeks after graduation but did she have the nerve to do what Lina did? The brand looked gorgeous but it would hurt like Hell, just as Lina had said. Her family had money so she didn’t need any college loans, so why get graded at all? On the other hand, she had no specific need for a degree as she was well-versed in the family business and would inherit it someday. Maybe a short term of slavery could be exciting. “Wait, what am I thinking?” she thought to herself, now more confused than ever and strangely aroused as she continued homeward.
“Miabella McKinney, are you going to sleep all day? Come on, get up! It’s your birthday and I have a whole morning of shopping and pampering planned for us.”
Mia was usually wary when her mother called her by her full name, I mean “What’s up with that?” she thought.
“Let’s go to breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then hit the nail salon in the mall. Daddy will join us for lunch and then the rest of the day we can do whatever you chose. You only turn 18 once.”
“18, decision time,” Mia thought to herself as she climbed out of bed and brushed her waist-length, red hair and put it up into a ponytail. She looked in the mirror and smiled, turning first left then right, admiring her pert, freckle-covered, 36C breasts. “I have to be ‘Prime’”, her mind goaded her towards the inevitable conclusion. The only hurdle remaining was how to get her parents to go along with her lusty desire. She giggled as she tried to draw a fancy “D” on her butt with her fingernail, while looking over her shoulder in the mirror. She laughed to herself as she realized she had just written in backwards.
She was awakened from her daydream when she heard her mother shout up the stairs, “Come on, Mia, time’s a wasting!”
“Coming, mom, just a minute.”
As she bounced down the stairs, her mom smiled broadly at her 5’10” “baby” girl. She was dressed like a flirty, 12-year-old in her short, pleated skirt, yellow (obviously bra-less) T-shirt and black, platform Mary Janes with white ankle socks.
“How do I look?”
“To quote and old movie, ‘You look like you’re going forth to sin’”.
Fully aware of the movie her mom was referring to, she laughed in reply, “Oh good, that’s exactly the look I was going for.”
It was a short drive from breakfast to the mall and the stores were just opening as they walked in. Despite the shops being closed, there was the usual assortment of “mall walkers” in their fancy, running apparel. Mia doubted from the looks of them that any of them could actually run but they did look nice to their fellow walkers and wasn’t that the point of it all. As they headed for the nail salon around the corner, they passed a couple of mall security police. The younger one choked on his coffee at the sight of her, much to the amusement of Mia and her mother.
Mom and daughter were the first to arrive at the salon and spent the next hour and a half getting new nails, a foot massage and a pedicure. Mia almost regretted not wearing sandals to show of how all her nails almost perfectly matched the color of her hair. Her mother’s hair was now more auburn than the original red when she was younger, so they couldn’t quite be twins.
They wandered in and out of a few stores but Mia’s heart wasn’t in the mood to shop as she was still wrestling with how to broach the subject of grading with her mom. She worried about her reaction and what she would think of her, then she spotted it. There was a new “Sam, the Slave Man” store which had just opened a few weeks ago. No going back now.
“Can we go in there, Mom?” she blurted out. “I’ve never seen one before.”
“Sure,” she smiled, “Just don’t sign anything. Sam’s is notorious for trying to get girls to self-enslave.”
She was right. No sooner had they come through the door than the girl behind the counter asked her to lift her T-shirt so she could scan her chip.
“I don’t have a chip,” replied Mia, “I am not graded yet. We just came in to look around.”
“No problem, we can get you graded, chipped and registered in less than an hour.”
“I told you they were insistent on trying to enslave girls any way they can,” laughed her mom. Mia just looked peeved. It was now or never.
“Mom, I think you should buy a collar and cuffs. You are going to need them when you and dad take me to the Big D to be graded this afternoon.” Boom! There it was, all out in the open. She blushed. She had said it. She couldn’t whistle it back.
“I had a suspicion something like that might have been eating at you ever since Lina’s mom told me about her grading and how proud she was of her Big D badge. It would be quite a feather in your cap if you graded ‘Prime’ too. I’m just concerned about you having to go through an actual auction to earn the brand.”
“I’ve thought about it a lot since then and if the period were short enough and the price high enough, I should be safe. Can we see how Dad feels about it before we decide?”
“We’ll see. In the meantime, I guess we’d better pick out some cuffs and a collar.”
“Leather or metal?” quickly asked the clerk realizing her chance to snag another girl was gone, she still could make a nice commission, if she worked it right. “We have some beautiful ones from ‘Swedish Collars’ in steel and bronze which only unlock with a special magnet. Would you like her to try one on?”
“Yes, but I want to put it on her myself? It is really beautiful. Collar!”
At the command, two years of mandatory Slave Yoga classes at DCHS kicked in and Mia dropped to her knees. She quickly lifted her ponytail and lowered her eyes to receive her collar.
As Tracy closed the two halves of the 2’-wide collar together, the clerk showed her how to push up on the center section of the ringed, front plate to lock it.
“Unlike most collars, the Swedish Collars have a front closure rather than the typical rear ones. They also make a line of matching wrist cuffs. If you get set, I’ll throw in a free chain leash, a lock link for the wrist cuffs and a can each of Devox spray and the antidote. Do we have a deal?”
“Deal. Can I also get a bag for her clothes since she wants to play ‘slave girl’ today?”
“Hey, you’re the one who started this, now ‘STRIP’. You can leave your cute shoes and socks on for now as the pavement today is hot enough to blister your feet.”
Tracy bagged up Mia’s clothes while the sales girl went to get the rest of the order. When she returned, she was stunned by the naked beauty in front of her.
“She’s not shaved. She may get docked a half a grade if she isn’t nude down there when you get to the Big D. I can shave her clean, wax her, and then apply our special cream to keep her that way for up to 3 months for only $30 if you wish.”
“Okay, but please be quick about it, we are supposed to meet her father shortly.”
“Bring her back here and put her up in the stirrups on the table.”
Tracy smiled as she clipped the leash to Mia’s collar and led her to the back.
The shaving and smoothing took less than 20 minutes even with the sales girl taking time to sample Mia’s wetness. “This slave definitely has some heat going on. Check this out.”
Tracy slipped a couple fingers in Mia and then licked her fingers. “Oh my, what a tasty, little slave you have become. You need to taste yourself.” Tracy dipped in again and held her fingers up to Mia’s lips. “Suck them clean, missy.”
Mia didn’t think she could blush any redder but had to admit the taste was quite delightful as she sucked them clean.
No sooner had she climbed down off the table than Tracy said, “BACK HANDS!”
Mia didn’t hesitate in putting her hands behind her back, which her mom quickly cuffed and locked together with the link provided. With the sale completed and Mia in tow, Tracy headed back out of the store into the mall proper on their way back to the car.
“What have we here?” came a voice from behind them.
Tracy turned to see Lina and her mom, Mary, loaded down with shopping bags. “Shopping for outfits for school in the fall, Mary?”, approaching to kiss her on the cheek as they hugged. “Hi, Lina.”
Lina just stared at Mia for a moment and then approached her. “Are you going to do it?” she asked, cupping both of Mia’s tits with her hands and fondling her nipples.
Mia moaned softly at the touch and squeezed her thighs together. “I am going for grading today but Mom isn’t sold on my being auctioned. She and Dad will have to decide over lunch.”
Lina gave her a big hug and a kiss and said, “You are a lock for ‘Prime’ and maybe ‘Prime+’ so stay horny. I want to see a Big D right here when you get back,” as she smacked her on her left cheek.
Mary and Tracy just laughed as Lina dragged her mom away to find some new running shoes for school.
The oo’s and ah’s Mia received on her way to the car had her positively dripping. So much so that her mom made her sit on a blanket so she wouldn’t get the seats wet.
They arrived at the restaurant to find her dad, John, waiting by the front door. When Mia saw him, she tried to duck down out of sight but Tracy walked around the car and dragged her out. “No time to be shy now, kiddo. If you want to do the auction thing, you are going to have to show your dad that you are committed to doing this. Now walk proudly up there and kiss him like you normally do.” A little swat on the rump helped motivate her forward.
“Well, aren’t you adorable! So, you want to be graded, huh. Your mom thought that might be on your mind since all of your friends were doing it. Well, I know ‘Prime’ when I see it and I’m seeing it now, sweetie.”
“Thanks, dad, but there is more to it than that,” she said glancing over at her mom for help.
“I’ll tell you all about over lunch, John, and then we can decide how to proceed.”
Mia’s dad patted her head as she knelt by his side while he and her mom talked openly about the options and the risks as they ate. Occasionally, her dad would slip her a bite of salad or lasagna as she looked up adoringly at him. Her look melted his heart and he knew he couldn’t deny her this dream of being a true “Sandy Foot Girl”.
Finally, it was decided that if she decided to go through with it, the indenture would be for only 3 years with no sale outside of the U.S. and her reserve would be set at $300,000. I mean, who would pay that much for just 3 years of service. Certainly, that was safe. John had to get back to the office so Tracy would have to go it alone with Mia. They kissed and John had to give Mia a swat on the butt for good luck.
As luck would have it, they arrived at the Big D just as a parking space 10 yards from the entrance opened up. Tracy took Mia’s shoes and socks off and told her to run to the steps so she wouldn’t burn her feet. As soon as Tracy undid her seat belt, Mia hot-footed it up to the steps, dragging her collar chain behind. Tracy picked up the loose end of the leash and led Mia through the door.
It was amazingly quiet for a week day in the Big D and they were able to walk right up to the check-in desk.
“How may I help you today, are you here for grading or are you selling her today.”
“I don’t plan on selling her at the moment, I just want to get her graded and chipped for her protection.”
“I take it you are her mother, if I could just see some identification and means of payment. We are having a special this week and grading is only $100. There are other add-ons available like piercings and such but we recommend doing those after grading as sliding around doing Slave Yoga moves with new jewelry can be very painful. You will get her chip and a set of her National Slave Registry photos automatically included but if you want a wrangler to follow her through the process and record a video for you, that’s an extra $50. Would you like that?
“Sounds good. I think her dad would love to see it since he couldn’t come with us today.”
“Okay, done with that for now.” Turning to Mia she said, “Please look up at the camera over my left shoulder and answer the following questions for the record. “Do you affirm that Tracy is in fact your mother and, of your own free will, has your consent to have you graded and possibly branded or sold, solely at her discretion? If so, please answer, “Yes, Ma’am,”.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Mrs. McKinney, if you would be so kind as to remove her collar and cuffs, I need to put an official collar and cuffs on her for processing.”
The attendant came back with a cuff and collar set and began her formal address, “Collar!” to which Mia dropped to her knees and assumed the position. “The collar I am putting on you now is capable of delivering a severe, electric shock. All Big D employees are authorized to use any means deemed necessary to compel you to comply with all orders given to you, and those means include, but are not limited to, electrical shock and whipping. If you obey promptly, you will not be harmed. Do you understand?
"Yes, ma’am,” Mia stuttered somewhat nervously.
“Good. Back Hands!” the attendant said as she handed her tablet to Tracy. “Please check any additional items you may wish to add after her grading and sign in the box at the bottom.” While Tracy completed the form, Mia was cuffed and handed over to a very buff wrangler named Jim.
“I’ll see you after your grading,” Tracy shouted as Mia was led away.
Jim led Mia into a cubicle under the stairs leading up to Rosco’s office. He looked at Mia’s arousal and decided to have her kneel instead of sitting on one of the cushioned chairs. “I need to complete your registration before we can take your pictures and fingerprints for the National Slave Registry. I see your name is entered as Miabella McKinney. Is that your full, legal name?”
“Yes, sir”
“Okay, well that was the last time you will use that name here. Your slave registry number just popped up in your file. You are now 0723-0665, so, remember that. Here you will answer to ‘0665’ or just ‘665’ for short. Got that?”
“0723-0665, yes, sir!”
Jim pulled out a laser tattoo gun from his desk drawer and dialed in Mia’s number. “Please, fold over your lower lip so I can give you your number.” She complied and he quickly zapped her number inside then continued with his questions.
“Height?” “5’10”, sir”
“Weight?” “130, sir”
“Stats?” “36C-26-37, sir”
“Sexually active?” “No, sir, technically a virgin, sir.”
“My hymen was accidently ruptured during a ballet lift while practicing for the Nutcracker last winter, sir, but I have never been with a boy.”
“Okay, I believe you but I’m going to have to change your collar to a different color to protect you while you are here. Do you know anything about sex?”
“Oh sure, we had Sex Ed in high school and watched videos about all kinds of activities, like oral techniques, anal, vaginal, masturbation, BDSM,…..all kinds of weird stuff. It was kind of hot, sir. So hot in fact, I was wondering if I could try my oral technique on you. I’ve never done that before except on a dildo in Sex class. I’ve often wondered if I’m doing it right.”
“I appreciate the offer and maybe if we have time before the ‘slut wash’ and your visit to the vet. Now let’s finish this and get your fingerprints and photos done.”
0665 was hot as a pistol as Jim ran her through her slave moves with four other girls and then it was on to fingerprinting and some of the slutiest photos Jim had ever shot for the registry. 0665 was literally dripping in every shot and the bulge in his pants, said it all.
“Okay, those were great, 665 but I have to cuff you again to take you over to the ‘slut wash’. Back Hands!”
As soon as the cuffs were on, Mia turned and dropped to her knees longingly looking up at him. “Please may this slut suck your magnificent cock, master” No sooner had he nodded yes, than she pulled down his zipper with her teeth but then she was stuck. He saw she couldn’t actually get it out without her hands so he obliged and she went straight to work. Three minutes of her divine tongue technique and ability to take him deep throat was all he could take, and he spurted his first load of the day.
She smiled broadly as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue showing his fresh cum.
He grabbed an empty coffee cup out of a nearby trash can and offered it to her saying, “You don’t have to swallow it since this was your first time,” but she grinned, refused to spit it out and swallow it all in one gulp. “Thank you, master.”
The teens running the ‘slut wash’ strung her up, right proper and went to work. Two enemas administered and voided, a lot of scrubbing, groping and fondling and she was off to the vet.
The vet for the day mercifully was a woman. “A virgin? I have to say we almost never get any of those any more. Now 665, I have to run couple of sensitivity tests, take a blood and urine sample and you can be on your way to your final evaluation. Jim, can you please remove her cuffs so she can climb up on the table.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“665, before you jump up could you please squat over the grate and pee in this cup for me.”
665 had been warned by her friends that this was coming so she hardly blushed as she filled the cup.
“Good job, just set it on the table by the other door and jump up here.”
The vet drew her blood and then started teasing Mia’s nipples. Mia moaned and arched her back. “Hmmmm, very sensitive nipples and my how her eyes are already dilated. She is ‘slave hot’ for sure.” Mia’s clit was standing at attention and in less than one minute of stimulation she had a massive, screaming orgasm. “OMG, she is amazing! 665 are you awake?”
“Mmmmmm, yes, ma’am, thank you, ma’am.”
“Are you on any kind of birth control, dear?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Okay, I’m going to give you a shot to prevent pregnancy which should be good for a year. This shot will also help to keep you aroused for your final evaluation. Good luck, 665”
Jim helped her off the table, re-cuffed her and led her on shaky legs on to the viewing room. Once inside, he took her hands and attached them to the frame above her head then spread her legs wide and cuffed them to the bottom of the frame. Once secured, he tilted the frame at a 45-degree angle for better viewing. “Open,” he said, then he sprayed Devox down her throat. “That’s just a precaution to prevent from calling someone who fondles you too much an asshole. Once the last two girls are strung up, the viewers will have one hour to examine everyone and give their evaluations. Have fun.”
The first 30 minutes or so were spent being groped and fondled by all the college-age boys who coughed up the $10 to get in. After what seemed much longer than 30 minutes, the serious buyers came in with their note pads and went to work in earnest. It was over before 665 knew it and she was proud she had managed to smile and squirm seductively through the whole thing. Jim praised her performance, re-cuffed her and led her back to where her mother was waiting in the vet’s office, then uncuffed her.
“How was it?
“Oops, sorry about that,” blushed Jim, “I was so admiring 665, I forgot the antidote.” He quickly sprayed it down her throat and handed her a bottle of water. “Your voice should be back in a couple of minutes, take it slowly at first.”
As she was drinking, they all heard Jim’s tablet go ‘bing’. “Wow, that’s the second highest score I have ever seen. 98.5 out of 100. You got PRIME+.” “Hey, Doc, I’ve got all the data and the grading, you can chip her now.”
665 and Tracy jumped up and down for joy. “I knew you were ‘Prime, sweetheart, but PLUS!. Wow!”
“Okay, 665, congratulations on getting ‘Prime+’. Let’s get you chipped right between your boobs.” The needle slid the tiny chip right under her skin near her right breast. “All done unless you want a tracking chip too. Only $25 and it finds her if she is ever kidnapped.”
“Do it, please” said Tracy as she quickly texted John. The return text simply said, “And?” Tracy showed 665 the screen and she nodded, yes. “It’s a go!” she texted back. A loud pop and a scream indicated that the tracking chip had been shot deep into 665’s right butt cheek.
No sooner had she put the phone down when Rebecca showed up with her tablet. “I see we have a superstar among us. Do you want to put her up on Broadway and see what you could get for her? There are two others trying a ‘Best Chance’ auction today so you’d get a good comparison. She scored the highest, so she could go first and you wouldn’t have to wait until the end.”
“She wants to do it, so set the term at 3 years and the reserve at $300,000 with no international sale.”
Rebecca looked at little down as she entered the information and had Tracy sign the confirmation. “No sale on this one,” Rebecca thought to herself. She pulled a pink tag in the shape of ballet shoes out of her pocket along with a staple punch. “Come here, 665, I hear you’ve done ballet, let’s properly tag you for sale.” The next thing 665 knew was pain and she now had a tag stapled to her left ear.
“Put her in the chute first, Jim, in about 10 minutes.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he drawled.
“Mia, what if by some fluke, someone actually buys you? What then?”
“It’s only 3 years, mom, and someone with that kind of money isn’t going to treat his property badly. How bad could it be?”
“You’ve got guts, baby girl. No matter what your dad and I will always be there for you.”
They hugged and kissed until Jim finally said, “We have to go.”
As he led her to the chute, he kept encouraging her to do her best moves and stay lathered up. “Having a slave-gasm on the block will drive the bidders crazy, if you can pull it off. Good luck, 665.”
665 didn’t have to wait long as 12 other girls piled in behind her and bang the chute opened and she was in the spotlight running quickly in the sand to the front of the stage.
Skeeter almost fell over his podium as she came to an abrupt stop next to him smiling. It took him almost 30 seconds to gain his composure while ogling this beauty then he started in giving the details. “The term of enslavement is 3 years and there is a reserve. Oh, BTW, her profile and her collar confirm she is a virgin.” At that announcement an audible gasp went up from the audience.
665 didn’t wait for Skeeter to begin his commands. She did a perfect, 3-spin pirouette and slid into a full split. Spinning her long leg around, she gave the crowd a full view of her mound and rolled into ‘slave fours’. She had carefully practiced her routine, gliding through all of the standard slave poses occasionally slipping in a graceful ballet gesture in between. All the while first shouting then alternately slyly whispering her slave mantras in the most seductive way possible. Her eyes flashed to and fro over the crowd enticing them to bid. She tilted her head in a seductive pout as she winked at her mom in the crowd. The bids came fast and furious as 665 fingered her clit for no more than 5 seconds before cumming with her first squirting ever soaking the sand. She quickly rolled over rubbing her tits in the mess and sat up cupping her sand-covered flesh and licking one of her nipples. The crowd went nuts as Tracy covered her eyes amazed at what she had just seen her daughter do.
Skeeter banged down the gavel at the last bid as he tried to hide his erection behind the podium. Wow, $240,000 dollars for a 3-year enslavement, but as amazing as it was, it wasn’t enough. The crowd let out a collective groan as the reserve was announced and everyone realized it had not been met.
665 reveled in her triumph as she was led to the branding barn. Tracy left the stands to join Mia there. When she got there, 665 was already strapped in but she wasn’t gagged yet. She ran over and caressed her face and planted a great big kiss on her lips. “Wow, I never knew you were such a hot, little slut. I am so proud of you.”
“It’s time, please stand back,” Prof Atkins indicated. He inserted the gag and tied it off and started to rub her with the handle of the branding iron. She came almost immediately and just as quickly the hot iron spun around and struck. The stream of piss ended long before her scream ended, but to her credit, she never passed out. The vet was on her in a heartbeat with antiseptic and a spray on bandage. She finished by giving 665, a couple of Tylenols and a sip of water.
Tracy felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around, she found herself face to face with another red-head, Lois Spaulding. “Are you the owner of 665?”
“Yes, I am. Why do you ask?”
“I want to buy your filly. I am willing to meet your price, if you will increase the term one more year to 4 years.”
“Why do you want her so badly?”
“She is a red-head and my husband, Richard Jameson, is going to be losing his favorite, red-headed, ponygirl, me. I am turning 31 very soon and I want to start a family but I also have a business to run, the Spinning Wheel Ranch. I would like to buy 665 as a gift for him. She could easily become a grand champion either in the show class or as a racing pony in two years but then I would need her as a nanny for my baby so I could get back to work. You could come visit her any time you want. What do you say, deal?”
“Her name is Mia and she is my daughter. The decision is all hers. I’ll talk to her while you call your husband and ask him if her remembers a ponygirl his dad owned named Scarlett.”
Tracy dropped her pants and showed Lois her ‘Prime’ brand with the HCI logo on her left cheek and the Jameson ranch brand on her right. She then walked over and showed her bare bottom to Mia.
“I assume you overheard that whole conversation but here’s the rest of the story. When I was 16, I couldn’t stand my foster parents and they couldn’t tolerate me. They agreed to let me self-indenture for 4 years to the Jameson ranch to get rid of me and all they had to do was lie about my age. They got half of the money and half was put in a trust for me after manumission. It was wonderful. The Jameson treated me well and your father was one of their wranglers. He got me pregnant and the Jameson cared for you during the day while I worked as a ponygirl. Do you want an adventure? Do you want to go back to where you started life?”
Mia nodded happily thinking about ponyboys. Tracy gave her a great big kiss. Tracy pulled her pants back up and turned to Lois, who was still in shock and said, “Richard said his dad loved Scarlett like the daughter he never had. He longs to see her again.”
“Mia says we have a deal, and I can’t wait to reconnect with the Jamesons again. I’m sure John will be thrilled as well. I will let Rebecca know the sale is complete and she can alter Mia’s chip to show the new indenture period. I guess you’ll want these,” she said, as she handed Lois the bag containing Mia’s clothes, collar and cuffs.
“Great,” said Lois, “Let’s shake on it. I’ve only got one task left to complete.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
“The Jameson ranch brand of course,” as she pulled the branding iron head out of her purse.
“Oh fuck, not again,” groaned Mia as Prof Atkins shoved the gag back in her mouth.
Tracy smiled as she walked away rubbing her own brand. “Like mother, like daughter,” she thought.
The End(?)

Re: Best Chance Auction

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:51 am
by cardman314
By Cardman314
(This story takes place in the world of legalized slavery following the 34th Amendment. This story presupposes the reader is familiar with the works of Carl Bradford, Joe Doe Stories, Gentleman Mariner or Monkey Man66 the creators of this fantasy world. All characters are over the age of 18 and bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead. It continues the story of Mia’s grading at the Big D Auction house. Many thanks to Joe Doe Stories for several excellent suggestions I may well incorporate into future Best Chance Auctions. This story is listed in “non/reluc” as there is no category for “slavery” despite the growing number of 34th amendment stories. Sorry.)
“I know this part is no fun, and you’ll probably hate me in the morning, but you will thank me someday,” Lois whispered as she stroked Mia’s hair softly. While Merle continued to heat up the Jameson brand, Lois continued to try to steady Mia’s heart rate. She walked around the branding bench sliding her hand down Mia’s back, cooing softly, “Good Pony, ponies are proud of their beautiful brands.” Slipping fingers into Mia’s wet slit, being careful to avoid her already branded, left cheek, she smiled to herself. “How about a little something to relax you for a few minutes, sweetie?” asked Lois as she began rubbing Mia’s love button.
Mia moaned softly but you couldn’t tell if it was from the pleasurable touch or the blinding pain from the Big D brand. A quick scream and then darkness as Merle placed the second brand on her other cheek.
Lois cried quietly for what she had directed to happen, but she knew it was necessary to protect Mia from potential rustlers. She was drying her tears as she removed the gag from the unconscious girl spread out before her on the rack. Prof Atkins had cooled off the branding head and wrapped it in a damp rag before handing it back to Lois, who stuck it back in her purse.
“Lois, are you crying? I’ve never seen you shed a tear for a slave before?” teased Merle.
“No, of course not. You know the smoke from your brazier bothers my eyes.” They both knew she lied. Her heart ached for this precious creature, who only a few minutes before had agreed to be her slave for the next four years.
“How did she do?” asked Tracy as she returned with Rebecca in tow.
“It was too much, I’m afraid. We need help getting her to the vet’s station. The ‘slave behave’ didn’t wake her up.”
Merle gave a loud, shrill whistle and a shout that would have been heard over the roar of a NASCAR race, “HEY, JIM, I NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE! It will be okay, ladies, Jim and I will get her over there.”
“Not before I’m done treating this wound, you won’t,” directed the vet. “This has happened before. She should be okay to travel in a couple of hours, tops,” she said reassuringly to no one in particular.”
“Jim, hold her steady while I release the restraining bars. I don’t want her slide off and possibly get hurt. Have you got her?”
“No problem. I’ll slide her onto my shoulder like a fireman’s carry and then you and Doc can ease her onto the exam table when we get there.”
Doc led the parade to unlock the “infirmary”, as it was sometimes called, followed by Jim carrying Mia, Merle, Lois and Tracy, both a little, teary-eyed and finally, Rebecca eagerly awaiting payment.
Once Mia was laid out face down on the paper sheet covering the exam table, the vet went to work. First, she covered Mia with a mylar, reflective blanket to keep her warm and then she slipped an oxygen tube into her nose. After checking her blood pressure and heart rate, she started a saline drip to rehydrate her and gave her a small injection of adrenaline. “Now, we wait,” she said while Tracy stroked her daughter’s head as the rest just looked on.
“Ahem,” Rebecca grunted while fiddling with her tablet, “Can we do this now? I have someone waiting in my office. The auction raised $240,000, so the Big D is due $24,000. As soon as we settle up, I’ll make the appropriate entries into the National Slave Registry, update her chip information and take back our collar. I assume you have your own collar for her. Will that be cash, electronic transfer or check today, Ms. Spaulding?”
“That’s Mrs. Spaulding-Jameson now, thank you,” Lois said coldly wondering how anyone could be so callous in the presence of a teenage-age girl in severe distress. “Hold up your tablet when you are ready.”….then Lois’s phone beeped and Rebecca’s tablet chimed, showing the transfer complete.
“Okay, if you would please fill out this form on my tablet while I remove our collar from her.”
Doc said, “I’ll do it. I don’t want anyone to disturb her yet.” Careful to avoid the IV-line, Doc slipped the collar off and handed it to Rebecca. Sensing a slight shift in Mia’s breathing, she slipped a strap over Mia’s mid-section to insure she didn’t awaken suddenly, try to move, and fall off the table.
Lois handed her tablet back and Rebecca read the data back out loud to verify everything was correct before sending the data stream to the chip in Mia’s breast. “Name- Miabella McKinney, Age-18, Hair- Red, Eyes- Green, Height- 5’10” Status- Voluntary Indenture, Term- 4 years, Manumission- 1500hrs 7/14/32……..What? Voluntary Indenture? She’s a Slave!”
Tracy paused petting Mia long enough to respond, “No! She is a very special, brave, young lady, who of her own free will has volunteered to be of whatever service the Jameson Ranch has need of. She will very proudly wear their collar and set aside her needs to fulfil the needs of others. Mia and Lois have negotiated their own service agreement and Big D has their commission from the auction, so get on with it.”
“Yeah, whatever,” groused Rebecca then hit “Enter” to complete the Registry and then “Send” to upload the data to Mia’s chip and left without another word.
Everyone stood in silence until Rebecca was out of ear shot, then smiled and clapped.
“Way to stick up for daughter, mom,” beamed Lois, “but she will still have normal slave duties, as you well know.”
“Sure, but I know she is up for the challenge and I was just sick of Rebecca’s condescending attitude.”
“Do you have a banking app on your phone? If so, I can make the transfer now or I can write you a check,” asked Lois.
“Yes, I have e-Banking. I’m opening it now.” PING!-PING! And it was done.
Doc glanced over and saw the IV was empty and the last bit was running down the tube, so she pinched off the line, grabbed some gauze and tape and set about removing the line from her vein and bandaging the site. “Try to keep this dry for 24 hours as I used a larger insert to hydrate her as quickly as possible.”
“Unnnnnnnn,” Mia moaned softly. Tracy smiled and tried to talk to her but she fell silent again. Waiting can be agonizing.
Lois walked over and lifted the blanket just enough to see Mia’s butt and smiled. “Merle, you’ve done another perfect job. I’m sorry you missed out on your ‘slave’s kiss’ so here’s a little something for you to take your wife out dinner and maybe you’ll get lucky.” She kissed him on the cheek as she slipped two, hundred-dollar bills in his hand.
“Thank you, Lois, always glad to be of service,” Prof Atkins replied.
Turning to Jim, Tracy said, “Speaking of service, thank you for taking care of my baby throughout this whole process.” She kissed him and slipped him a couple hundred.
“Just doing my job, ma’am, but it was especially enjoyable with someone as beautiful as her.”
“Well, if you want to see more of her, you know where she will be for the next 4 years, the Jameson Ranch. I suspect you both have work to do so we won’t keep you any longer. Doc, Tracy and I can get her into my truck when she comes around.” Taking the hint, Merle and John said their goodbyes and departed.
“Is there anything else we can try to rouse her? Do you think maybe stimulating her sexually might bring her around?” asked Tracy. “It’s killing me, knowing from my own experience, how much she is suffering right now.”
“Me too,” Lois added, “Been there, done that.”
“Well, I can’t recommend it, as she might begin to associate pain with pleasure but there are much worse things than being a “pain slut”, Doc commented. “However, if you want to try it, I can inject her with a ‘clitoral stimulator’. They are the latest in nano-technology and you can control her orgasms right from your cell phone with a special app. They don’t interfere with normal sex but you can tease her, edge her, or bring her to full climax with a simple swipe on your phone. Great for rewarding or gently controlling slaves and they’re only $300.”
“Is this a permanent change? If it is, I would never do it without her mom’s consent. That would be illegal.”
Tracy squeezed her thighs together at the thought and said, “I’d have to try it first, before I could let you do it to Mia.”
“You kinky devil, you!”, gasped Lois, “I want to watch. Is that okay, Doc?”
“By all means and yes, it’s ‘permanent’ if by that you mean it would take a ‘clitorectomy’ to remove it. If you are serious, Tracy, remove your shorts and underwear, spread your legs, and lean back against my desk. I will prepare the injection while you lather up. You will need to be in ‘slave heat', so I can access your clit.”
Tracy dropped her shorts and thong in a pile and started to finger herself rapidly as Lois looked on smiling.
Lois reached into the bag with Mia’s belongings and pulled out the collar. “Mia isn’t going to need this. I brought an RJ ranch collar that can control her voice to just whinnies if desired, so I think you should wear this one for a while. COLLAR!”
Tracy felt the old feelings rising and only hesitated a second before dropping to her knees and lifting her hair for Lois to put her in the Swedish collar.
“Now, SCARLET, go stand where Doc told you to and I’ll watch over Mia. Don’t make me cuff you, too”
“I’m ready,” Doc said. “The first thing is to put this ring around your clit and pull it out a little more. It’s a good thing you are so erect. Now I want you to pull it out a little more and hold the clamping ring there. Good, now a quick wipe with a local anesthetic…two…three…four…five…that should be long enough.” This was followed by a minor prick into the base of her clit, and the injection was all done. “You can let go of the clamp now, it’s done. Doc removed the ring and picked up her phone to open the app. “Now we just have to test it, PRESENT!
Scarlet stood up straight, hands behind her head, breasts pushed out, and legs spread beyond shoulder-width, worried about what was to come.
“Okay, stop, stop, stop. Let’s do this right. STRIP! I want you slave naked in 30 seconds or less,” Doc commanded…(the blouse, the bra, and the shoes hit the pile with the rest of Tracy’s clothes)… “Okay, now PRESENT. That’s more like it. This first setting is ‘Teasing’.”
Scarlet lifted up on her toes a little and drew a deep breath as she smiled.
“This is called, ‘Edging’,” as she moved up the scale.
Scarlet felt like she was being pounded by a solid, 8-incher and then it stopped, then it started again. Three more cycles of that and she was begging, tearfully for release, “Please, Mistress, let me cum.”
Doc laughed and moved the setting to “OMG!” and left it there. Scarlet screamed and fell to the floor thrashing around and moaning as wave after wave washed over her. Doc finally shut it off after the feedback to her phone showed four slave-gasms. “This app also has a ‘Naughty’ setting and a ‘Bad’ setting but trust me, it’s worse than a cattle prod. What do you think, should Mia get one?
“Oh, yes, Mistress, but first may I serve you?” as she got to her knees in front of the Doc.
Doc dropped her scrub bottoms and panties, sat on her desk and spread her legs. “This better be good or I’ll change your chip status to ‘slave’ and have you put in the next auction,” she said with a dangerous grin.
Scarlet was pretty sure it was meant as a joke but she wasn’t taking any chances and in less than ten minutes of licking, sucking, and biting, she had delivered two, glorious orgasms. Scarlet almost had one herself, as memories of her days at the ranch came flooding back. She wondered what it would be like to serve her old master again and fondled the collar around her neck.
Doc stood up smiling and said, “Oh, how I wish I could keep you. You’ve still got it, mom,” and planted a great, big kiss on Scarlet’s lips. “Okay, I need Tracy back, so get dressed Scarlet….but leave that beautiful collar on for me, please.
All of Mia’s muscles were starting to un-tense, as evidenced by her relaxed breathing and her body sagging on the table. Her clenched pussy had opened slightly and her “little man” had drooped out enough so Doc could get a ring on it after spreading Mia’s thighs and strapping them down.
“Okay, Tracy, with Mia lying on her stomach, injecting this is very awkward, so I need you to pull gently on the clamp and hold it, just like before.” Dabbing the anesthetic at the base of Mia’s clit, she queried Lois, “How’s our girl doing?”
“She’s starting to mumble quietly. I think she is coming around.”
“Tracy, do you still want me to proceed or do you want to wait a few more minutes for Mia to awaken on her own?”
“Yes, please do it. I couldn’t bring myself to deprive her of something so amazing. That was as good, if not better than any vibrator or screwing I’ve ever had.”
While Doc injected the nano-unit, Lois stood quietly contemplating getting one also but then decided she’d ask Richard first, since he owned her, body and soul.
“Okay, Tracy, you can let go now. Thanks for your help.” Doc reached for her phone again and set the app on “Tease”.
Instantly, a soft moan came from Mia and a squeak came from Tracy as she grabbed her crotch.
“Sorry!….not sorry. I probably should have warned you. My phone has a universal code which triggers all nano-bots within 30 feet or so. When we code the app for you and Lois, it will only stimulate or punish Mia or Tracy, but it will work over a much greater distance, so you will need to be careful how you use it. I don’t recommend using it if she is out of your line of sight.”
“Excuse me but I have to take my shorts off or I’m going to have a huge wet spot and reek like a $20 whore.”
“She’s getting aroused,” Lois said, and they all turned their attention to their helpless charge.
“I’m going to bump it up now, so Lois, I want you to get down face-to-face with Mia. When she first awakens, it will be a strong, bonding moment, and I want her first sight to be her new owner. Sorry, Tracy, but as her mom, you two already have a strong connection, I can tell, unlike so many who pass through this place, who can’t wait to be rid of their kids.”
“I understand completely, Doc. I love my husband, John, but I will always be a willing slave to Robert Jameson, my first owner and master. Now, will you please stop edging us both and bring it on?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” she turned it up, carefully watching Mia’s response.
Tracy screamed, doubled over, and squirted. Mia’s eyes popped wide open and Lois took her head in her hands and planted a long kiss on her lips, smothering her deep moaning. Mia had no awareness of anything going on except the beautiful, blue eyes staring deep into her soul. She never wanted it to end.
“Welcome back, sweetie,” Tracy said, grateful that Doc had finally shut that infernal device off.
“Oh mom, I hurt so bad. Please, make it stop.”
“Believe me I know, honey. It won’t last too long.”
“I know too,” said Lois. She dropped her jeans and panties to show Mia her Spinning Wheel brand and her JR brands, then removed her bandana from her neck to reveal her Jameson Ranch collar. “We are sisters now. When we are at my ranch, I’m the boss but thanks to the FINO agreement with my husband, when we are at the Jameson Ranch, we are both just slaves. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
While Doc was busy tiding up, Tracy walked around in front of Mia and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You are going to be in good hands, sweetie, as a wrangler and trainer, Robert’s son, Richard always took the best care of his father’s ponies.” She looked up at Doc and asked, “Is there anything stronger than Tylenol you can give her, she’s really hurting still and very teary-eyed. It’s at least a two-hour drive down to Lois’s house, even the way I drive, if I remember right.”
“Closer to three, in my big truck”
“I can give her a small dose of Morphine but it will probably knock her out and might not be safe in a cage, where she can’t control her movements if she is knocked out.”
“She’s not going in a cage. I have a bed behind the front seat in my club-cab, F-250 for transports such as this. I want her to be able to stretch out on her stomach, since there is no way, she can sit on those brands. Besides, if she is in the cab with me, I can better keep an I eye on her in case she is hurting or needs a potty break.”
“Okay, let’s see if we can get her up on her feet without causing her any more pain. Tracy, take her hands and I’ll take her feet. We are going to turn her perpendicular to the table top on her stomach and then I will slowly lower her feet to the floor. Move to your right and swing her around. Okay, so far, so good. Lois take her right arm and I’ll take her left and we will slowly raise her upper body until she is standing.”
“Are you doing okay, sweetie? Tracy asked. “Can you stand on your own now?”
“As good as can be expected, mom…..o-o-o-o-o, ouch…that was one, disgusting frog.”
Tracy laughed and Mia smiled but Lois and Doc just looked at each other in confusion.
Mia turned and explained, “Mom always said, ‘If you eat a live frog for breakfast, nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day.’” Doc and Lois laughed.
“You’re doing great, Mia. Take it slowly,” said Lois, “Now, just stand still a moment while I put your collar on. Just hold up your hair, I’m not going to ask you to kneel for this as it would be too painful.”
Tracy came around the exam table and hugged and kissed Mia. “Well, we will be going to different homes today. You may actually have an easier time of it, as I have to go home and explain to John why I sold our daughter.” They both giggled.
“Okay, ladies, let’s get your apps downloaded and coded as they only are supposed to work with one unit at a time. You can have multiple phones controlling one slave but not more than one slave at a time on a single phone.”
“You mean I’m not going to have access to control Tracy’s sex.”
“Not a chance, Lois. John is the only one getting access to this app.”
“Is the download complete? Good, open the app and look in the corner for a box that says ‘LINK NOW’. Put your phone next to the pussy you want to control and tap the button.” Tracy and Mia both jumped indicating the connection was now complete.
“Richard’s birthday is on the in ten days on the 24th and that’s when I’ll be giving him his present. Until then Mia will be staying in my stables to heal up and start her training. Why don’t you and John come down for the party. It could be a combination birthday, homecoming and ‘picking a pony name’ party. We might even get to pull a cart together and give our husbands a treat.”
“You and Mia could pull that one, I want to give Master Robert a ride again,” Tracy said with a big smile.
“MOM!” “TMI.”
Lois, Doc and Tracy burst out laughing. Lois then gave Doc the $300 for the stimulator and an additional $200 for all her extra effort.
Tracy pulled out her money but Doc said, “Yours is on me for your excellent service.”
Tracy took Doc in her arms, gave her a big kiss, and whispered, “If I weren’t already taken, I might have let you take me home. Bye, beautiful.”
“Lois, I’ll meet you at your truck. I’ll give Mia her shot out there. I don’t want her all loopy as we try to walk her out, she might fall.”
Lois pulled out a step stool when they got to the truck and Tracy gave Mia one last hug, squeeze and kiss then helped her up into the cab. Doc stepped up on the stool and gave Mia a quick shot in her butt just above the RJ brand and then headed back to her office.
Tracy and Lois just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. Tracy broke the ice, “So, what is your ponygirl’ name?”
“Ginger,” grinned Lois.
“Well, I’m proud to call you ‘sister’, ‘Ginger’.”
“The feeling is mutual, ‘Scarlet’,” and they shared a strong embrace and a kiss.
Tracy’s phone rang. “It’s John. Hi, Darling.”
“Tracy, I just got a notice from the bank that $300,000 has been deposited in our account this afternoon and the IRS already wants to know where it came from. What is going on?”
“John, let’s meet at the Texas Roadhouse for dinner in half an hour and I tell you all about it.”
“Okay but ‘Lucy, you’ve got some ‘splaning to do’.”
Doc came running back out, “Hey, you forgot your bag, Lois”
“Thanks, Doc but you’d better give that to Tracy to keep, I think there is something magnetic in there she is going to need.”
“Yeah, that’s one more thing to explain. It could be a long dinner. You’d better get going if you want to get home before dark, Ginger. Drive safely, you’re carrying precious cargo.” They both glanced up into the cab only to see Mia had already fallen into a morphine-induced sleep.
Lois jumped into the driver’s seat, put her bandana over her collar and waved as she drove off.
Tracy gave Doc another hug, fired up the BMW and headed for the Roadhouse.
Arriving maybe all of five minutes before John, she reached into the bag, grabbed the magnetic key, and quickly removed her collar. “No point in drawing attention to ourselves,” she thought. She spotted John’s truck pulling into the lot and headed over to meet him.
“Okay, where’s Mia? Did you really sell her.”
“No, not at all. Let’s get a booth in the corner and I’ll tell you all about it.”
After ordering drinks, Tracy began, “I did not sell Mia, she sold herself. The auction end $60,000 below the reserve we agreed upon, so Mia had earned her badge but was still a ‘free’ woman. During the branding, I was contacted by the high bidder, who was desperate to have Mia to give as a gift to her husband on his birthday. She told us what she had in mind and how Mia would be used and agreed to our price if Mia would extend for one more year. I told Mia of my past and showed her my brands.”
John interrupted, “So, we don’t have to try to keep your past secret anymore, that’s a relief. Who bought her?”
“Patience, honey, I’m getting to that. She is going to be a ponygirl for approximately the first two years and then she will have additional nanny duties as her buyer wants to start a family. You know she didn’t apply to any colleges, despite her 3.7 GPA. She wanted an adventure and after hearing about mine, she agreed to be sold. She is so excited.”
“You know she is going to get her brains fucked out, right. Are you sure you are okay with this?”
“Honey, she is a grown woman now, it has to happen someday. What’s the worst that can happen? She meets a handsome wrangler, who sweeps her off her feet and turns out to become one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in America and head of a multi-million-dollar company,” she grinned as she looked in his eyes and squeezed his hand.
“Okay, I guess I’ll have to get used to her being grown-up. So, who’s going to be her new owner?”
Tracy grabbed a paper napkin and in beautiful, “copper-scroll” font wrote her own brand, RJ, then turned the paper for John to see.
“RICKY! My fellow wrangler?”
“Well, that means you got to meet Lois since you couldn’t go to their wedding two months ago.”
“Yes, my new sister, Ginger. So, what do you think, did Mia make the right decision?”
“If this is the adventure she wants, she couldn’t have made a better choice. Ricky learned his compassionate style of training from his dad, Robert, as did I, and you turned out to be an amazing woman. She is going to grow so much”
They enjoyed their dinner as Tracy delivered a blow-by-blow retelling of the day’s activities, except for the brief interlude with Doc, of course. (A girl has to have some secrets, doesn’t she?) When she finished, she asked, “Can we go to Richard’s birthday party to see Mia meet her master?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now about this app and clit stimulator you talked about, cough it up.”
“Okay, give me your phone and I’ll download it for you.” A few moments later, she handed him back his phone. “Okay, see the box in the corner, LINK NOW. Put your phone in my lap and tap the box. Tracy bounced up in her seat, “It’s linked.”
John looked at the screen while Tracy explained the functions. “So, if I press this you will feel a vibration?”
Tracy drew in a deep breath and sat up straight, “Yes, but don’t go any higher please.”
John chuckled and pressed, EDGE, and watched Tracy squirm and moan like a scene out of “When Harry Met Sally.” “I don’t think I’ll go any higher. I’m going to get you home and finish the job myself.” With that he closed the app and put his phone away.
Tracy breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Maybe at Ricky’s party, we should talk to them about their FINO arrangement.”
No sooner had they exited the Roadhouse when Tracy made a break for her car shouting, “Last one home has to be on the bottom tonight!”

Re: Best Chance Auction

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:57 am
by cardman314
By Cardman314
(This story takes place in the world of legalized slavery following the 34th Amendment. The year is 2028. This story presupposes the reader is familiar with the works of Carl Bradford, Joe Doe Stories, Gentleman Mariner, MrSmith27 or Monkey Man66 the creators of this fantasy world. All characters are over the age of 18 and bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead. This story ends the trilogy of Mia’s grading at the Big D Auction house, sale, processing and becoming a ponygirl. Comments are welcome. New stories coming soon.)
Blue…shimmering blue waters……mmmmm…, blue, sparkling eyes staring right down into my soul….mmmm… I love those blue eyes……mmmmmmm….
Mia hung in the space between reality and fantasy, unaware of the droning of the engine or Lois singing along with “Achey, Breaky Heart” playing on the radio. Her drug-induced stupor was beginning to wear off, just as she was kissing the brands on that nice, round ass in front of her face… ..mmmmmm……Heaven and blue eyes……still not able to put a coherent thought together.
“Crunch, crunch, crunch,” went the tires on the gravel driveway leading up to the ranch house and stables, causing Mia to stir again. She moaned softly as those beautiful, blue eyes were fading away…..”Please, don’t go,” she mumbled.
“Crun-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch” as the truck slid to an abrupt stop, a moan came from the back seat.
“Sorry, sweetie, I shouldn’t have braked so suddenly. Are you okay?” asked Lois, looking back between the front seats. Realizing no response was coming, she climbed down from the cab and waved to Haile, who was just walking across the yard. “I need a little help here, get Mary, please.”
Mary and Haile appeared just as Lois had set up the step stool and climbed into the back next to Mia’s inert form. “She is barely conscious, so we will have to be extra careful. Haile, I need you to grab her legs as I slide her out. Mary, try to get her under her arms then I’ll jump down and we can try to get her to walk between us to the barn.”
“Hursh,” slurred Mia like a ‘Friday night drunk’, her head bobbed loosely, as they half dragged her towards the barn.
Throwing Haile the keys, Lois told her to take the bedding out of the truck and put it back in the stall # 17. “We will meet you there, glancing at Mia’s condition,….eventually.” Mary laughed.
“You were right to go all the way to the Big D, boss, your chances of finding someone this pretty anywhere else were really slim. She looks to be as tall as you too, if we could just get her to hold her head up. Richard is going to be amazed.”
“Rishurd?” queried Mia as her head rolled back on to her shoulder to the right looking at Mary, “Who are you?”
“I’m Mary. Who are you?”
“I’m…who am I….oh, yeah,….. 0723-0665.”
“No, you’re still Mia for now, silly pony….MIA.”
“I’m Mia,” she repeated and then flopped her head to the left to see where the other voice was coming from. Instant recognition hit her, “Blue eyes! I love blue eyes,” she squealed, breaking away from Mary’s grip to hug Lois like a python and kissing her passionately on the lips.
Lois was only taken aback for a split second and then she returned the kiss and hug. “Welcome to your home for the next nine days, Mia. This is Mary, as you now know, she and Haile will be your trainers and caregivers. You will meet Haile in a few minutes. She is making your bed right now. Let’s go inside.”
“I love blue eyes.”
“I know, you told me.”
“Did I? I don’t remember.”
Lois’s eyes rolled as shook her head while Mary just giggled, “They must have given her something stronger than Tylenol to be that loopy.”
They resumed their positions, one on each side, and continued into the barn. The late evening activities around the stable’s stalls were just a din to Mia, as wranglers got their charges settled in for the night. She was almost walking on her own now and things were getting clearer. They stopped next to an emergency medical station, located just inside the door, and Lois gave Mia two Tylenol from the cabinet to take and pointed her to a water fountain. They watched her closely to see how stable she was getting on her feet. (no pun intended)
Mia stood by the fountain staring at the pills in her hand. She used to know what to do with them, she was sure of that. Mary walked over and took the pills from Mia, “It’s okay, Mia. I’ll save these for later when you are more awake. It’s almost time for bed anyways. Let’s go find your stall, okay?”
“Okay,” said Mia, “What color are your eyes?” turning to face Mary. “O-o-o-o, green eyes. I love green eyes. I have green eyes too. See.” she said as she stumbled slightly to come nose-to-nose with Mary.
“Yes, they are very nice eyes. Time for bed,” Mary answered as she took her hand to lead her done the row of stalls as Lois headed quickly for the ranch house.
Haile had the bed all ready when they arrived. “Mia, this is Mistress Haile. She will check your bandages in the morning and get you ready to start your training.”
“Mishtus Haile,” slurred Mia. “O-o-o-o, dark eyes. Big, beautiful, dark eyes,” she said as she slung her arms around a very stunned Haile’s neck and started to kiss her.
Haile very briefly returned the kiss and then gently pushed Mia away looking with desperation towards Mary, “What’s with the ‘eyes’ thing?”
“Damned if I know. We’ll have to ask the boss.”
“You’ll have to ask me what?” asked Lois as she entered the stall, carrying a small, protein shake. “Mia, drink this. It will help you sleep.”
Mary responded, “Mia seems to be inordinately fascinated with everyone’s eyes. How come?”
“Primarily, I think it is the morphine haze she is in, but the vet at the Big D created a ‘bonding’ moment between us when Mia woke up from her branding and now, she is fixated on my eyes. Everyone’s apparently.”
Mia handed the empty cup back to Lois. “Thank you.” Staring longingly, she said, “I love blue eyes.”
“I know, you told me.”
“Did I? I don’t remember.” Mia looked confused when everyone burst out laughing.
“It’s time for bed, pretty pony. Haile, she is all yours. I’ll relieve you at midnight. Mary, when you relieve me at 6, please bring another protein shake for Mia’s breakfast. I don’t want her to have anything solid until the morphine has completely worn off. Come on, Mary, let’s go discuss Mia’s training schedule. Good night, Haile. Good night, Mia.” With that, Lois and Mary departed arm-in-arm.
“Good night,” returned Haile, taking Mia by the hand over to the bed, she said, “I want you to kneel on the bed now and slowly lower yourself down. I can help you if you need me.” She winced slightly as she watched Mia slowly and somewhat painfully get flattened out. She began to stroke Mia’s hair with one hand and rub her back with the other, all the while softly praising her beautiful hair and what a good pony she was going to be. Mia went out like a light and Haile gently kissed her cheek then covered her with a light blanket. Closing the stall door, Haile made her rounds of the stables, set the thermostat to 72, turned off the lights and stationed herself within earshot of stall 17, where Mia slept peacefully.
The tap-tap-tap of Mary’s riding boots could be heard, as she tip-toed through the stables, not wishing to wake anyone prematurely. “Good morning, boss. How did it go last night?”
“Haile said she had no problems as Mia went right to sleep. She only fussed a little when she tried to roll onto her side, moaned, and then went back onto her stomach. I’m going to bed now. I’ll see you at lunch. She’s all yours.”
Mary sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed Mia’s cheek, “Time to wake up, pretty pony.”
Mia stirred slightly and slowly tried to open her eyes, vaguely aware of a throbbing in her behind. She reached back to see what the trouble was but Mary grabbed her hand to prevent her from touching it. “Easy, pony, mustn’t touch yet.”
Mia opened her eyes fully and looked at Mary. “Do I know you?”
“Yes, I’m Mary, you know, the one with the green eyes.”
“O-o-h-h-h, green eyes. I love green eyes.”
“Yes, I know, silly pony, now push up onto your hands and knees and I’ll help you stand up.” Getting Mia to her feet was more work than Mary expected due to how tall Mia was. Mary handed Mia the protein shake. “Drink this slowly.”
Mia sipped at the shake while looking around, more than a little disoriented. Her mind suddenly snapped wide-awake, “Okay, I get it now, I’m in a stable, right?”
“Yes, you are! Welcome back to reality, that was some dose they gave you yesterday. Here, take these two Tylenol you couldn’t handle last night, you’re going to need them today. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain level right now?”
“Mmmm, about a three.”
“Either you have a very high pain tolerance or you still have a lot of morphine in your system. Most ponies at this stage are a 7 or an 8. Unfortunately, the next couple of days will be marked with periods of more pain, like today when Haile dresses your brands, or tomorrow when you get your jewelry. Slip your feet into those rubber, mini-hooves and let’s go for a slow walk and I’ll show you around and tell you about your duties.”
“O-o-o-w-w!” yelped Mia after just four steps.
“Sorry, but walking is the only way to work off the pain and stiffness. Those brands have your leg muscles and lower back seized up. We have to stretch them out again.”
Mia stepped tentatively out into the walkway with clenched teeth, breathing sporadically through her nose, her nostrils flaring with each painful movement. By the time they reached the front of the barn, she was almost breathing normally.
“You’re doing great, Mia. You are one tough ponygirl. Let’s rest a moment and I’ll show you one of your jobs. See that picker and sack by the door? Your first job in the morning is to go around the exterior of the barn and check the scorpion traps. Any traps with scorpions stuck in them, you grab with the picker and put the trap in the sack, then go and get a new trap from that big box over there to replace it. Bob Grant, our head wrangler will dispose of the scorpions later. Come, I’ll go with you for the first time. We can walk really slowly; it shouldn’t take too long.”
They had just completed making the rounds when a bell sounded and the lights came on inside signaling it was time to get up. Tack rattled, buckles buckled, and stable doors creaked open as a troop of ponies and wranglers shuffled down the aisle.
“Where are they going?” asked Mia.
“They are going to morning slave yoga to get loosened up before breakfast and a day of training or working depending on why they are here. For example, four of them are being stabled here for other owners while they are out of town. Two of them are being trained here since their owners are new to ponies as an investment and want them trained right. They should be arriving shortly to watch and learn how to properly handle and care for their ponies. Do you want to watch for a couple of minutes even though with your new brands you won’t be able to participate until your brands have healed?”
“Yes, please, Mistress Mary.”
They arrived at the indoor corral behind the stables. The wranglers were standing together in the center of the corral as the ponies circled around the perimeter in lockstep. “There are 16 different styles such the ‘Spanish Walk’, a trot, a cantor, a gallop or prance,” informed Mary. “Bob, the head wrangler calls out about 5 or 6 different ones to get everyone limbered up before they pull out their mats from the cubby holes along the fence and do ‘slave yoga’. They only do this for about 20 minutes or so and then it’s off to breakfast. We need to get to the kitchen and wheel the food trays to the barn so the wranglers can feed their charges. You will be expected to help me each morning. How’s your pain doing?”
“It’s up to about a 5 or maybe a 6 now.”
Mary took out her cell phone and held it next to Mia’s body and pushed ‘LINK NOW’. “Mistress Lois had me download this app to help with your pain and training,” then she pushed ‘Tease’ and the vibrations started. Mia started feeling better already as the tingling in her clit distracted her from her burns. She threw her arms around Mary and kissed her deeply, “How may I please you, Mistress?”
“Maybe later, Mia, we’ve got work to do,” and she led her off to the kitchen. “Good morning, dear,” said Mary as she kissed her husband, Bill, the cook for the ranch among other odd jobs. “This is Mia, the one I was telling you about. She going to help with easy tasks around here until her brands heal.”
“Turn around for me, Mia, and let me see how they look.” (He really just wanted to see her cute tushie.) “’D’, ‘RJ’, looks good. Maybe they should see if they could brand the whole alphabet,” he joked. “Let’s see….hmmmm….’V’ for the Venus Academy of Sexual Arts, ‘B’ for Broadstone Etiquette Academy, ‘L’ for…..”
“Honey, please stop,” as Mary punch him on the arm, “You’ll scare her to death with all this talk of more brandings. Mia, you won’t be getting any more brandings, sweetie. Let’s get these trays down to the barn.”
“This is quite a spread. Where is the ‘slave kibble’ I’ve been hearing about?”
“Ponies and stallions can’t survive on kibble. They work and train constantly. We need to build strength and stamina. Today, kibble is used primarily for auction houses, kennels, brothels and jails to save time and money. They have a short-term interest in slaves, not a long view as an investment. Wait until you see what our runners get for breakfast on race day, ‘Spaghetti’. They need the complex carbs to keep up their strength for the whole day.”
“I love spaghetti! Can I be a runner?”
“That will be up to your future owner, Richard, to decide but based on how tall you are, you could be.”
A little while later, as they were loading the dish washer after breakfast, a sleepy Haile stumbled in and grabbed a cup and got some coffee. “Good morning, everyone. I see our new charge is up and moving. How’s she doing?”
“Really well, she thinks she wants to be a runner. Speaking of running,” she said as she pulled out her cell phone, “We can’t have that going all day, your clit will be numb.” When she hit the off icon, Mia moaned. “Sorry, little one, maybe later. Haile, I’ll show you this after you do her dressing.”
“Okay,” replied Haile as she topped off her coffee and picked up a cinnamon roll as she headed for the door. “Come, Mia, let’s get this over with.”
Mia didn’t like the sound of that and cast a pleading look at Mary.
“Don’t worry, Mia, Haile has to remove your bandage, dress the brands and then put a new bandage on. It only stings for a few minutes. She is very gentle.”
Mia smiled, kissed Mary and slowly followed Haile back to her stall, as she was starting to stiffen up again.
Haile stopped by the infirmary only long enough to get her kit and a bottle of water for Mia. Haile opened the stall and told Mia to lie down on the bed. Once she was down, Haile sprayed an adhesive remover on the dressing and slowly began to peal it off. Mia twitched as bits of burned skin were pulled off with the bandage but she bit her lip like a real trooper and only sniffed a little as she suppressed the urge to cry.
“I’m sorry, baby girl, the hard part is over. I’ll spray some stuff on it to deaden the pain.”
Mia let out her breath in a sigh as the cooling spray settled in.
“Now, you get the special treatment. You will be my ‘magnum opus’. Picking up a scalpel and tweezers, she explained, “You will only feel an occasional light tugging as I trim your brands. We are one of the few ranches that take the time and effort to do this. When I have cut away the rough edges of your brand and picked out any charred flecks of skin, your brands will look as sharp as if they were tattooed on by an artist. Everyone will be amazed how good they look.”
Haile set to work and within 45 minutes, she sat back, put her tools down and beamed with pride. She sprayed some antiseptic over the spots and then applied the clear bandage. “Do you want to see how beautiful they are?”
“Are you done? That wasn’t bad at all. I almost fell asleep. I’d love to see them.”
“Let me help you up. There’s a big mirror in the infirmary and I have to sterilize my instruments there anyways.”
Mia stood in awe in front of the mirror staring over her shoulder at Haile’s work of art. “I love them,” she squealed. “How may I serve you, Mistress?” she asked as she dropped to her knees with her head bowed, just like a proper pony.
“Let’s go back to your stall and see.”
Haile stripped from the waist down and spread herself on the bed.
“I’ve never done this before, Mistress, will you teach me how to give you pleasure?”
For the next half hour, Mia was all over Haile’s body, from neck to nipples to nether region, “the 3 N’s.” Haile squirted with the second orgasm then led Mia to the showers where they hugged and kissed some more.
“Well done, pretty pony. Mary wants you to do two more laps around the stables and then take a nap before lunch. This afternoon Mary is going to cut your mane and fit you with your tack. You might even get to pull a cart a little if you are not too sore.”
“Thank you, Mistress, for everything and I still love your beautiful, dark eyes.”
“Yes, I know, you told me,” She giggled.
Naps never seem to be long enough and before she knew it, Mary was standing over her admiring her brands saying, “Get up, Mia, we have to serve lunch.” As she got up, Mia tried to steal a kiss from Mary, who blocked the attempt with her arm and simply said, “Later.”
Following lunch duties, Mary led Mia back to the infirmary as she explained, “Now, this isn’t going to hurt you physically but many girls get very teary-eyed and some even cry when I style their hair into a proper mane. A few have even struggled to the point that I’ve had to tie them down.”
Mia interrupted, “Let’s do this, I’m really excited to see my new look. It’s only hair, it will grow back someday, right?”
“Certainly.” Mary held her hand up to Mia’s forehead. After fiddling around for a couple of minutes, she pulled back and showed Mia a gap of about 4 inches between her thumb and forefinger, “What do you think? Smaller girls usually only get to keep a mane about 2-1/2 to 3 inches wide but I think this wide will look great on you.”
“Whatever you wish, Mistress.”
“We will use the cuttings to make a proper, matching tail for you. It’s good that your hair is so long, we won’t have to do any splicing to get a good length.” That said, Mary went about her trimming while Mia sat smiling on the exam table. Once both sides had been shorn, she got out the shaving cream and carefully went to work with a razor until Mia’s sides were as smooth as glass. She took a scrunchie and put Mia’s hair up into a high ponytail that almost looked like it was coming out of the top of her head. Having finished, she told Mia to go look in the mirror.
“It’s amazing!”
“Just wait a minute, I’ll give you a more complete look.” She grabbed a bundle of Mia’s hair, smoothed it out and held it against her butt so it dangled between her legs just like a real tail. “How’s that?”
“Wonderful,” she squealed in delight. “Now may I please you, Mistress?”
“Yes, sweetie, but please lock the door,” she replied while slipping out of her jeans and panties, then sat on the edge of the exam table.
Mia began her assault on Mary’s labia, eager to show her the tricks that Haile had taught her.
A minute later, Mary reached over and pulled her cell phone out from her pile of clothes and hit “EDGE”. Mia jumped at the sudden pleasure emanating from her loins, then resumed licking and sucking, penetrating ever deeper as she circled Mary’s clit.
Mary grabbed Mia’s head with one hand and hit, “OMG” with her other. Within seconds, both of them climaxed, arching their backs, curling their toes and screaming. “What a ride!” moaned Mary, “For a virgin, you are fast learner.”
Mia turned melancholy for a moment. “That’s what worries me. How will I ever be able to please my Master when I meet him? I have no idea what to do or how to do it. I’ve only seen videos in sex class. Maybe I’ll be so disappointing that he won’t want me.”
“Oh, poor baby, come here.” She pulled Mia to her and kissed her. “Don’t you worry. There isn’t a chance in Hell that any man wouldn’t want you, even if snot came out of your nose during sex.” They both laughed at that silly image. Mary continued, “I’ll talk to Lois and see if there is something that can be arranged after your brands heal a little more. Meanwhile, let’s get you tacked up and then go show everyone your new look.” Off to the tack room they went.
“The first order of business is to get you into character, no more talking for now.” Saying that she used the remote for Mia’s collar and switched over to pony-ese. “Try to say something.”
“N-n-g-g-h-h-h-h!” she whinnied to her surprise, then smiled.
“Good, now let’s find you some real pony boots instead of those rubber ones. Mary went into the closet and returned with a pair of size 10’s. “Hold on to the railing and lift your left foot.” Mary slid the boot on several inches above Mia’s knee and then laced it up. “Okay, give me the other foot now.” Once they were both in place, she wrapped a heavy cuff around each ankle and buckled them tightly. “These will keep you from twisting an ankle on a stone or loose gravel. Racing boots come below the knee and actually have a steel cuff built in to take the heavier stresses of running. We will try those tomorrow. When you are finally able to sit on that pretty butt of yours, you will be expected to put your own boots on in the morning. Walk around for a couple of minutes to get used to the weight and walking on the balls of your feet.”
“N-n-n-g-g-h ngh n-n-g-h!” (which roughly translates “these are fun!”)
“Alright, put your arms straight out in front of you and I’ll slip your bustier on and we’ll see how it fits.” Once it was laced up tight, Mary went on to explain, “The rings on the shoulder straps allow the reins to pass through so they don’t rub on your neck and give you a brush burn. The rings under your arms allow your tit reins to pass through.”
“N-g-g-h-h?” (translation – WTF?)
“Oh yes, that’s what we were talking about when we said that you’d get your jewelry tomorrow. You will get nipple rings, a naval ring and a ring through your clitoral hood. Since you already have pierced ears, we will install rings there also so your holes don’t close up. Not to worry though, only very, unruly ponies get nose rings. We will numb you up and you’ll barely feel more than a tug. You are going to be even more beautiful, if that’s possible,” she said as she pulled on one of Mia’s exposed nipples while she sucked on the other. She quickly inserted a couple of fingers into a very wet pussy and Mia’s eyes got big as saucers. “I’m glad to see you are enjoying all of this. Let’s get your headdress and bridle and we’ll go to the inside corral to learn some gaits. I don’t want you to go outside this time of day without sun screen and sun screen might loosen your bandages as you sweat.”
The bridle was a tangle of straps that made no sense to Mia until it was all in place with straps around her head, under her chin, up both sides of her nose like an upside down ‘Y’ and across the top of her head. The headdress attached to the straps at her forehead and held a pretty, blue plume. Her ponytail was pulled up through a ring in the strap on top of her head. “We won’t be using a bit today because you won’t be pulling a cart. Walk around the perimeter of the corral, and as you do, try to raise your knees to your waist with each step, if it doesn’t pull your brands too much.”
After about twenty steps, Mary said, “I guess you are going to need a little help with your posture, you are not upright and proud like you should be. Wait right where you are.” With that Mary went back to the tack room and returned carrying a single-sleeve arm binder. “This will pull those shoulders back and stick those nice titties out,” as she went to work pinning Mia’s arms together behind her back, pulling the laces tighter and tighter. “Now, head up, when you are in pony gear, be proud. When you are ‘slave naked’, be humble, head down.”
“N-n-n-n-g-g-g-g-h-h! Ngh nghngh n-n-n-g-g-h-h n-n-g-g-h-h.” (Sorry! I didn’t know that.)
After about an hour, maybe more, Mia had learned to walk, trot and prance, actually quite a feat, having never seen a dressage pony show before. Mary was pleased and decided Lois and Haile should see her before she undressed her and wiped her down before serving dinner. “You can take a proper shower before bed later,” she said and sent out a general call on her walkie-talkie to anyone who was available to come to the corral and bring a camera. In a minute or two, Lois showed up, followed by Bob, Haile and a couple of wranglers, who’s ponies were on break in the pasture.
“Wow,” said Haile, Bob and one of the wranglers almost in unison. Lois snapped a couple of pictures but Bob and the wranglers quickly walked over to ‘cop a feel’ as the British would say. Mia just smiled at all the attention as she got wetter by the second.
“Okay, guys, it’s time for Mia to get ready to serve dinner. You are welcome to sample her oral skills later but everything else is off limits. Come, Mia, let’s get your pony boots off. When you are comfortable sitting down, you will be able to do your boots by yourself. After dinner, I’ll show you how to care for your tack.”
Dinner was almost like being at home. It consisted of a fresh, mixed green salad, a piece of B-B-Q chicken with southern-style green beans, sweet tea and finished off with apple slices in yogurt. As soon as the dishes were done and put away, Mary gave Lois a look and a wink and called out from the front porch, “Hey, Ryan, can you help me?”
“Yes, certainly Boss. What do you need?”
“I’m going to have a drink with Lois and Bill, would you be a dear and help Mia out of her bustier and bridle, show her how to care for it and give her a shower. I’m sure Mia would be very grateful,” she said grinning in Mia’s direction. Mia could hardly contain her excitement, and happily followed Ryan to the stables, half skipping all the way.
Having removed her head gear, he unlaced her bustier and took it off her shoulders and hung it on two hooks on the wall, her bridle hanging next to it. On the shelf near the hangers were a couple of brushes, one fine and one wide and coarse, a couple of rags, a jar of saddle soap, and a scraper, that looked more like a chisel. He showed her to use the scraper first to get the dirt out of her pony hooves and then the big brush to get the loose dust and dirt off of everything else. The finer brush was used to get dirt from the grooves in the leather and under the laces in the back of the bustier. “You should remove the laces every 3 or 4 days and wash them. This will let you get a good soaping of the flaps underneath.” It only took the two of them another 20 minutes to rub everything down with saddle soap with Ryan coaching her. “Shower time,” he announced. “Don’t forget to take that scrunchie out of your hair. Let’s go.”
“How bizarre,” Mia thought. “Here I am naked with a complete stranger getting severely aroused when any normal person would be scared to death. Have I adopted a ‘slave mindset’ already. This could be a very horny four years.”
Mia made a quick stop at a pee grate to empty a very full bladder. She blushed beet red when Ryan glanced over his shoulder to see why she had stopped following. Even a wrangler can be a gentleman and he quickly looked away at her embarrassment. By the time Mia caught up with him, he had already adjusted the shower temperature to medium hot. She stepped under the spray and reached for the shampoo. When she turned around, she saw Ryan was naked as well with a “stiffie.”
“I will wash your beautiful hair, Mia,” as he held out his hand for the bottle.
“May I worship your magnificent cock, Master?” she asked as she handed him the shampoo and dropped to her knees.
She eagerly kissed the tip and licked off the drop of pre-cum. He sucked in a deep breath through his nose and leaned closer as he poured some shampoo on her head. She licked up and down and all around his shaft while she gently rubbed his balls below taking his cock all the way into her mouth. He wasn’t so big that he blocked her airway, which allowed her more freedom to swirl her tongue all around him as she slid back and forth as she sucked.
Ryan was having a hard (pun intended) time focusing on the task at hand. He made every effort to saturate all of her hair with soap before beginning to rinse. “O-o-o-o,” came from his lips softly as he began to tense up.
Sensing the coming moment, Mia reached around and grabbed both cheeks and pressed tightly to him and slid her middle finger into his ass followed by two more. He immediately threw his head back in a silent yell as he came in torrents. Mia let go of him and frantically rubbed her clit as she swallowed volumes of his baby batter before cumming herself.
“Thank you, Master,” she smiled as she slowly got to her feet. Ryan picked up some soap and starting with her breasts began to wash her all over. Dropping to his knees, he washed up and down both legs. He lingered on her mound and then gave a quick lick in her slit. Mia’s eyes sprung open wide but it was short-lived as Ryan got back to his feet.
Grinning he said, “You’ll have to finish that little arousal yourself when you get back to your stall, you still have work to do. The rule is ‘last one in the shower has to launder the towels in the hamper’. Since all the other ponies showered before dinner, that makes you last.” Tossing her a towel from a nearby rack, he continued, “When you are dried off, put all the towels in the washing machine around the corner. While they’re washing, you have to go around and flush down all the pee grates with the bleach here in the laundry room. When the towels go into the dryer, that will give time to mop and disinfect the shower room. Fold the towels over the racks when they are dry and you are done for the day. You will have about an hour to relax and brush out your mane before ‘lights out’. Got all that, pretty pony?”
“Yes, Master.”
“You’ve had a very full, first day, I’ve heard. Your brands look fantastic and you’ll get new bandages in the morning. I will leave you a couple of Tylenol and a fresh bottle of water in case you have any discomfort tonight. I am on duty until midnight and then Bob will relieve me.” Ryan smiled as he tweaked her nipples, kissed her on the forehead and left her to her duties.
Rising early the next morning, Mia was horribly stiff. Between training and working yesterday, she had used muscles that had been dormant for a while. Very gingerly she got up and made her way to the Tylenol tablets and her water bottle. She slipped on her rubber hooves and quietly went about checking the scorpion traps. She was placing the bag with the traps down when Bob, the head wrangler, came up behind her and asked, “How many today?”
Startled, she turned, dropped to her knees and answered, “Only two, Master. How may I serve you today?”
“You already are, little pony. Here, let me dump these two and you can put them back.” He dumped the scorpions out into the trash bin designated for the incinerator and gave the traps back to her. He went to swat her butt as she rose to send her on her way but stopped when he saw her bandages. “I can’t wait to spank that adorable butt of yours, someday.”
Mia giggled and wiggled her butt a she scurried away to complete her assignment before heading to the kitchen to help with breakfast. Lois came over as Mia was loading the dish washer and asked her how she was feeling, to which, Mia replied, “It still burns a little but strangely enough the pain is somewhat arousing as it reminds me of what I am becoming. I like it.”
“If that’s the case, you’re really going to enjoy today. I want you to walk that trail to the top of the hill and back and then come to the infirmary. The local vet should be here by then. We need to keep your muscles limbered up. Now scoot, I’ll finish loading the dish washer.”
Mia arrived at the top of the hill just in time to see a white, panel truck with a picture of a horse on it, coming down the road which paralleled the ranch. She figured that must be the vet so she double-timed it back to the barn. Only slightly winded, she walked into the infirmary, and stood next to the exam table, legs spread and hands behind her head thrusting her tits out and waiting patiently.
Lois entered chatting with the vet and smiled at Mia, secretly wishing she could find a dozen more like her, so beautiful, so compliant. “Frank, this is Mia. She is going to be Richard’s special birthday present 8 days from now. I want her all healed up and ready to go.”
“Well, she really is special. Where did you find her? Turn around little pony and lay across the exam table so I can tend to your brands.”
“I got her at the Big D while she was being graded. She is PRIME +. I went there instead of Longhorn’s so there was very little chance of someone ruining the surprise I had planned for Richard. She actually voluntarily indentured herself to me for 4 years. It turns out her mother was Robert Jameson’s favorite pony. Small world, huh?”
“I think you’ll be very happy,” he said as he slowly peeled off her bandages, “The redness is almost all gone around her brands and it’s only been a little less than 48 hours.” Frank surprised, stepped back a step as Mia almost came from the pain of the bandages peeling off and moaned seductively. “Did you like that, Mia?”
“Oh, yes, Master.”
“Wow, she is special. I think you may have a little ‘pain slut’ on your hands, Lois. You’ll have to be careful that she doesn’t become addicted to it. Most ‘pain sluts’ eventually self-destruct clamoring for ever higher thresholds to attain. By the way, be sure to tell Haile, her trimming of the brands is absolutely stunning. That woman is a real artist. That may also be why with her brands, cleaned of charred, skin fragments, are healing so fast. I’ll just spray some antiseptic on them and she can go without bandages today. We will let the wounds breathe until I recheck her tomorrow. Now, let’s dress this beauty up, shall we?”
Frank pulled out a vial from his bag and said, “I will apply a topical before I give you the Novocain. You shouldn’t feel any pain at all and your jewelry will bring you a lifetime of pleasure, if you decide to keep them after you are free again.” Before Mia knew it, she had a full set of pony jewelry, earrings, nipple rings, a navel ring, and a ring through her clitoral hood.
“They are beautiful. How may I thank you, Master?”
“Maybe tomorrow after the drugs have worn off, pretty pony. You will be happy to know that no maintenance is necessary on your piercings. The coating on these new ones effectively seals the piercings, isolating them from the metal. They will turn freely with no bleeding or pulling, so leave them alone for at least 3-4 hours.”
“I can fix that,” Lois smiled. “See you tomorrow, Doc.”
“Let’s go get you some racing boots and your bustier, then I’ve got a new-style arm binder for you to keep those hands where they belong.”
After Mia was tightly laced in, Lois took her to the tack room and pulled out a ‘box tie’ armbinder. “BACK HANDS! And grab your opposite elbows with your hands. This will keep you from touching your jewelry or your brands but is much more comfortable than the single-sleeve you wore yesterday.” She slid the leather pouch up over Mia’s arms and strapped it over her shoulders. “Lean against the wall and give me your feet, one at a time. These running boots only cover you calves so they are easier to run in. Time for talk is over, pony girl,” and she switched Mia’s collar to ‘pony-ese’.
Lois led Mia to the indoor corral and had her review the gaits she learned the day before. “Do two laps of each of the three gaits while I call Haile to take over your training. Today I want you to learn the various strides for running and tomorrow if the Doc okays it, I’ll rub you down with sun screen lotion and start you pulling a cart around the ranch. Now, start with a prance to warm up and I’ll see you at lunch time,” she commanded and reached for her walkie-talkie to call Haile.
Mia’s breathing had returned to normal and she was standing proudly in the ‘pony present’ position when Haile arrived at the corral. Haile smiled broadly at the gorgeous sight in front of her and began to explain, “From today until you meet your proper owner, we are going to work on your strength and stamina. Whether he decides to develop you as a ‘show’ pony or a ‘racing’ pony, we need to shape up what little bit of ‘baby fat’ you are still carrying. Being beautiful isn’t enough for a show pony, your body must be as sculpted as possible to be a Grand Champion and your movements flawless and graceful. Racing ponies obviously need strength, fluid motion and stamina, so let’s get to it, kiddo.” She tapped the ‘TEASE’ setting on her phone and Mia stiffened up slightly. “Focus is a critical part of any training, so to help develop yours, I figured a little distraction will make things a bit more difficult.”
“N-n-ng-h-h ngh n-g-g-h!” (translation – Yeah, thanks a lot! Whinnied with a sarcastic, horsey tone)
“You’re welcome,” replied Haile, who was well-versed in pony-ese, “Let’s start with the proper, proud, “Call-to-the Post”, pre-race stride for a lap or two and then your ‘out-of-the-starting-gate’ burst.”
Mia was a quick study and very athletic but after ten or more ‘wind sprints’, she was spent. Being the seasoned trainer that she was, Haile knew that was enough for now as she stroked her long, red mane and praised her performance. “Let’s go back to you stall and get you out of these racing boots and arm binder. You can clean and oil them before lunch, just keep your hands away from jewelry and brands for another hour. Now, how do you work this thing,” she not-so-innocently played with her phone and hit ‘EDGE’.
‘N-N-N-G-G-G-H-H-H!” (no translation necessary as her eyes got as big as saucers as she wriggled and squirmed)
“I wonder what this does?” Haile smirked as she hit ‘OMG’.
Mia staggered and leaned against the handrail along the wall to keep from falling as she arched her back and moaned. The well-deserved climax caused her to squirt and blush all over. Slowly she straightened and shook her mane with a big smile.
Haile switch her collar back to normal speech and after removing her boots and armbinder, sent her on her way with a kiss.
With luncheon duties concluded, Mary approached Mia and said, “I’m taking over this afternoon as Haile has to rest up for night-shift duty tonight. You’ll see her later. Let’s get you back into bridle and go back to the corral. I had one of the wranglers pull a cart indoors so you can learn how to respond to rein commands. Tomorrow we will take to the trails if the Doc okays it. Let me see how your rings have set.” Mary took a nipple in her fingers and slowly rotated the ring around with the fingers of her other hand. They moved smoothly without a single drop of blood. The slight vibration of the ring sliding against skin caused Mia to suck in a quick breath and moan. The navel ring caused the same reaction and she tensed a little in anticipation of her hood being touched. Mary was well aware of Mia’s arousal and wetness and suggested that there might be a bigger reward later if Mia performed well.

Re: Best Chance Auction

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:59 am
by cardman314
Back in the stall, Mary explained how the bridle was going to be different today while she pulled Mia’s boots back on. (In case you are wondering, pony boots are not allowed in the house. That’s why Mia has to put on her rubber, slip-on hooves for meal service duties.) “I am now going to add the bit to the bridle. This will rest on your tongue and will make it possible to guide you with smaller motions rather than jerking your head from side-to-side to get you to turn. We will only use the bridle reins to start. Nipple reins are usually used when the rider wants to chat with the pony girl and the bit would make speech impossible. It also makes oral access easier if the rider is planning on using a pony’s other services.” Mary switched Mary’s collar to pony-ese, took her reins and led her to the corral.
Mary had Mia stand between the tongues of the sulky as she clipped them to the straps on the sides of the bustier. “These prevent you from dropping the rails, which could cause a cart to flip, if you were moving fast enough. Now grab hold and here’s your first command, ‘DOWN’, at which you should kneel so the rider can easily step between the tongues and sit down. Now, ‘UP’ and wait for the signal to go, which is just a gentle shake of both reins. If I want you to turn, you have to do the opposite of what you feel. If I pull the left rein, you will feel the bit pivot and press against the inside your right cheek and vice versa. I know it’s confusing at first but I’m sure you’ll pick it up quickly. Got that, pretty pony?”
“N-n-g-g-h! N-n-g-h-h ngh gh.” (roughly translated – Ready. Let’s do it.)
“First couple of times around just walk normally. When I say, ‘PARADE’, I want you to walk with your knees coming up as high as possible. When I say ‘STRUT’, I want you prance like you learned to do yesterday, lift your chin up as high as you can, and swing your head to the left and right with every step, kind of like a drum major leading a band across the field at half-time. Let the crowd know that you are the finest pony in the parade. I will have you do ‘figure 8’s’ so you get the feel for left and right turns rather than just do circles around the ring.” With that, she jiggled the reins and off they went, making frequent stops for water as it got hotter and hotter, after all, it’s Texas in July. Mia was starting to fade when Mary finally agreed they had done enough for one day, curtseying, and gallop gaits could wait until tomorrow. “Let’s grab a quick shower before the other ponies steal all the hot water,” and they hurried back to Mia’s stall to get naked.
Mary got Mia out of her tack as quickly as possible, set her collar for normal speech, and took her hand as they dashed through the empty stables like a couple of naughty, school girls going skinny dipping. They splashed and laughed and washed each other down before swiping a couple of towels and scurrying back to stall #17, where they shared a mutually, satisfying time. Mary got dressed first and then helped Mia back into her bustier. They headed to the kitchen to help prepare for the dinner meal just as the other ponies and wranglers were returning to the barn.
After dinner, Haile gave an evil grin to Lois and Mary and suggested tonight would be a good night for a bonfire in the pasture since there were no races tomorrow, to let the wranglers and stallions have a little fun. Mary chimed in, “I think it is just what Mia needs to see what pony life can be, at times.” Lois added, “Just watch out for her, so that no one exceeds her bounds. I’ll let Bob know so the wranglers can start gathering firewood. Too bad we can’t take part, only watch.”
“Mia, as soon as you are done with loading the dish washer, come here so I can unlace your bustier. Then I want you to go clean your tack and boots and then come, ‘slave naked’ to the pasture with the other ponies for a bonfire.”
“This is an interesting development,” mused Mia, “Slave naked’, what’s up with that?”
About an hour later, Mia walked through the gate and into the pasture wearing only her collar, cuffs and jewelry. She saw a cute blonde about her size, except for bigger boobs, leaning against the fence watching them pile up wood for the fire and walked over to her. “Hi, I’m Mia.”
“That’s a weird name for a pony. I’m Queen Booby”
Mia smiled and replied, “I’m too new. I’m supposed to meet my Master next Saturday and get my pony name. I hope it’s not ‘Freckles’.”
“Oh, I’d love to play connect the dots with your freckles,” she said and reached over and traced a line with her finger across Mia’s breast. Mia moaned softly and leaned into Queenie. Before long conversation had turned into hugging and kissing with a little groping and licking below the belt line. Mia came straight away when Queenie licked, then tugged on Mia’s hood ring with her teeth, causing her knees to buckle. She eagerly returned the favor. Mary and Haile watched from across the way and smiled.
Dusk was settling in as they lit the fire to a lot of cheering. “NIPPLE RODEO!” shouted Bob Grant.
“RUN1, RUN!” screamed Queennie, “Don’t get caught!” and she pulled herself away from Mia and took off.
Mia stood there in shock for only a second before she tried to follow Queenie away from the fire. She only got about ten feet when a lariat flew over her head, pinning her arms to her side. Apparently, Ryan knew exactly what was coming and had worked his way around the pasture to a point just out of Mia’s sight, not that it would have made any difference, someone was bound to catch her.
“So-o-o, the pretty pony moonlights as a pleasure slut, does she?” asked Ryan, grinning from ear to ear.
Mia immediately dropped to her knees, “How may this slut please you Master?” she said with a smirk.
“Up! We have to catch you a partner first.” Grabbing a nipple ring, because he knew her brands weren’t quite ready to handle yet, he led her over to two, rubber mats near the fire. “Now you can kneel and wait.”
She didn’t have long to wait when three other wranglers, each with a naked slave in tow, came into view. Queen Booby looked embarrassed at having been caught so easily, blushed and knelt in front of Mia with their tits almost touching. The other two did the same on the other mat. Two of the wranglers produced zip ties from their pockets and tied the ponies’ nipple rings, left to right and right to left, so that the girls were inseparable. “BACK HANDS”, came the command and extra ropes were used to quickly, box tie their arms out of the way.
“What now?” Mia whispered to Queenie.
“Now we get to worship all the cock you could ever imagine. All the male staff and stallions get serviced tonight. Everyone else around the fire gets to have sex on a leisurely basis but we get it non-stop, even though it’s only oral. We can still get off but it will take a lot of rubbing together as we get sweaty from the fire and slippery from the cum which eventually ends up everywhere on our bodies.”
“One more addition tonight, ponies,” said Ryan, “A little something to increase your response.” With that, he smoothly zip tied their hood rings together too. The ratcheting, zip sound and the vibration it produced cause Mia to moan and climax instantly.
“Wow, that is some serious ‘slave heat’ you’ve got going on there, Mia. This is going to be a really, fun ride tonight,” Queenie beamed and started kissing and writhing against her. Mia went for it, tongue and all. All eyes fell on the two of them and their passionate display made everyone horny and start looking for a hook up.
With one wrangler standing to each side of the kneeling pairs, the command was given, “MOUTH”, and the ‘bukkake, blowjob fest’ began in earnest. Ryan slid into Mia’s mouth first and she received him eagerly, while Queenie almost choked on Steve’s monster as he went straight for the throat. A few strokes later, Ryan said, “Switch” and the girls turned their heads to take in the other’s cock. Mia thought to herself, “Maybe size does matter,” and happily took in the smaller Ryan when they switched back. The spurts came fast and furious as the guys moaned. Apparently, the tradition of ‘nipple rodeo’ was much like a bukkake ‘blowbang’ where the last spurt or two was reserved for the face, hair or tits. Ryan and Steve both pulled out and pumped their cocks to drain every, last drop out onto their partners.
“SHOW, SHARE and SWALLOW” ordered Steve. In response, Mia and Queenie stuck out their tongues, then kissed to swap spit and cum, and then swallowed with a smile. Mia leaned over to lick the cum off Queenie’s cheek and then kissed her again and started wiggling her hips to tug on their hood rings. It was Queenie who came with a guttural, moan from deep in her soul that time, and plunged her tongue deep between Mia’s lips. The two pony sluts next to them couldn’t help but get caught up in the heat of Mia and Queenie’s passion and both came almost in unison, to the applause of the onlookers.
Two more men lined up on each side of the four ponies and round two began, Bob grant started in on Mia, and Frank, the vet, who came by special invite from Lois, went at it with Queenie.
Mary’s husband, Bill finished getting the kitchen ready for breakfast just in time to grab her at the peak of her arousal from watching the action, and steered her to a dark corner by the fence.
Haile poked Steve and asked, “Hey, big boy, got any lovin’ left for me?”
“Sure ‘nuff, beautiful, let’s get away from the crowd,” and they slipped away back into the stables, unnoticed.
By the time almost everyone had paired off, Lois came into the pasture leading the four stallions. She leaned over to Stud and pointed out Mia and said, “Don’t hurt my baby but show her why you’re named Stud. Got that?”
“Yes, Mistress Ginger,” he whispered back with a wink.
“Go to it, big boy,” she replied and slapped his ass as he went.
Any pony that hadn’t been paired up yet, rushed eagerly to the stallions as they wandered into the pasture. Stud grabbed Ram Rod and pulled him aside pointing to Mia and Queenie. “We have special instructions to let them service us first, then we can get all the pussy, we want. I get the redhead. Are we good?”
“With the tits on that blonde! Oh yeah, we’re good.”
Bob was almost apologetic when he finally sprayed all over Mia’s hair. Frank was more matter of fact about the whole thing, after all, tradition is tradition. He walked around Mia, studying her in the fire light, then squeezed her cheeks gently noticing that she didn’t even wince. He turned to Lois and said, “Thanks for the invite tonight. Mia is looking good, so I won’t be back tomorrow morning. If you’re going to put sun screen on her, just give her a light coating of the spray-on bandage first.” With that, he and Bob headed for the cooler to get a beer and scope out their next conquest.
“Show time,” said Stud as they stepped up to the open slots by Mia’s and Queenie’s mat. Mia’s eyes bugged out at the size of the two packages before her, one black and one white. Queenie just said, “Fill ‘er up,” and Ram Rod quickly obliged.
Mia wondered, “How am I ever going to suck that, and does black cum taste different.” Stud just held still as Mia licked up and down his massive member. He leaned a little closer sliding his cock along the outside of her cheek, trying to gage how far he could enter her without hurting her or causing her to choke and panic. My, how he loved redheads. Finally, he had to breech her lips or he was going to explode all over everything.
Mia sucked up his pre-cum and looked longingly into his eyes, as if to say, “It’s okay, I won’t break. Use me for your pleasure.”
Inch by inch, Stud slowly entered her, feeling his skin rubbing on her teeth as she couldn’t open any wider, her tongue swirling furiously all over him. He hit the back of her throat and felt her tense up as she had to hold her breath. Knowing he couldn’t push it any further, he signaled Ram Rod to switch. Queenie grinned as the black monster slid easily down her throat, grabbing a breath each time he pulled back. Stud heard Mia gag and signaled Ram Rod to switch back. Mia moaned in relief and that sent Stud over the top, one huge spurt filled Mia’s mouth and he pulled out for the next four spasms which covered Mia’s face, neck and tits. Mia pushed into Queenie’s tits just to feel the cum sliding across her skin. Her back arched, causing a pull on her hood and she felt Stud’s cum drizzle down across her clit. Queenie felt it too and they came together, twisting and turning, pulling on their nipple rings, pulling on their hoods. Ram Rod accidently fell out of Queenie’s mouth and grabbed his cock to spray them both all over. Both stallions quietly moved on to new territory as the two sluts trashed a bout in ‘slave heat’.
After a brief interlude and a bottle of water, Mia and Queenie became almost glued together as the heat from the fire was drying the cum on them, as the round robin continued. After Stud, Ram Rod and the other two stallions, everything else seemed anti-climactic, but they did climax some more before being untied and sent to the showers. The four captives luxuriated under the hot water as they washed each other down and tried to scrub the cum out of their manes. They laughed and talked and each secretly wondered how they could arrange to get caught next time before heading off to bed.
Mia had a big smile on her face when Haile woke her the next morning. She slipped into her rubber hooves and waited patiently for Haile to lace up her bustier before heading out to do her chores. She noticed that whoever was last in the showers had failed to wash the towels, so she threw them in the washer and went to check the scorpion traps. She barely had time to put the towels in the dryer before she headed for the kitchen to serve breakfast. Before reporting to Lois in the infirmary, she ran to get the towels out of the dryer, where she came across Queenie, who just finished hanging them up.
“Thanks for covering for me, I completely forgot about rules last night, and you are supposed to be the newbie,” she blushed.
“My pleasure,” said Mia as she wrapped her arms around Queenie’s neck and gave her a big kiss. “Got to go. Lois is waiting for me in the infirmary.”
Lois smiled as Mia came through the door and she handed Mia a sugar cube.
“What’s this for, Mistress?”
“Dearie, there are cameras all over the stables. I saw you doing someone else’s job earlier. You are a real, team player and that’s a good trait for anyone to have. How is your pain level today?”
“I am barely aware of any at all, except when I bumper into the dryer this morning but that was only about a 4, Mistress”
“Okay, good. Lean over the exam table, I need to give you an enema before I can insert your tail-prepping plug.”
“I already went this morning, isn’t that enough, Mistress?”
“I have to be sure you won’t need to go all day, darlin’. Now, bend over.” Lois gave her the first flush and sent her to the toilet. The second flush went more easily and Mia was completely cleaned out. Lois wiped her clean and the lubed her anal sphincter before inserting a couple of fingers. Mia moaned slightly, but whether it was from pain or pleasure or both, who knows. Lois lubed a medium-sized plug and gently forced it home. She stood Mia up and had her walk up and down the stable aisle to see how she handled it.
“Okay, let me spray a little bandaging on your brands and then I’ll butter you up since Haile will have you outside all day. You won’t have luncheon duties today so you can stay in your tack.” Lois rubbed on the sun screen paying particular attention to where her scalp was shaved bald. Holding her head in her hands, she gently kissed Mia on the forehead and smiled.
Mia dropped to her knees and looked longingly in Lois’s eyes, “Now may I pleasure you, Mistress.”
Lois slid her panties off, raised her jeans shirt and sat on the exam table. It didn’t take long for Lois to respond, since she didn’t partner up at the bonfire last night and she longed for Richard’s touch. She hopped off the table much more relaxed than earlier and sent Mia on her way to meet Haile then returned to her office.
“Good morning, Spinning Wheel Ranch, this is Lois, how may I help you?” (who but Lois would have whinny for a ring tone)
“Hi Ginger, it’s Scarlet. How’s Mia doing?”
“Hi Scarlet, she is a natural. She seems to love the challenges and is very submissive, never arguing or resisting.”
“Great, I was wondering if I could come for a visit today and bring one of her admirers. Remember Jim, her wrangler at the Big D. He has been inquiring about her and has the day off today.”
“I think that could be perfect, it could solve a big problem. Mia is scared of her first time with Richard since she has no experience and doesn’t want to disappoint her Master. As a former ponygirl on the Jameson ranch, you had to have experienced Richard at least once and you know how well-endowed he is. I’m concerned that it would be a very unpleasant, first time for her.”
“If you are suggesting that we let Jim take her virginity, I thinks it a good idea, especially since he is smitten with her, he would be very gentle and caring. I’ll explain the situation to him and let him know, if she asks for it, he has a green light.”
“Be sure to let him know that her brands are not completely healed so oral or vaginal intercourse only. I’ll talk to her trainer and let her know what we hope will happen. See you around lunch time. Bye, sister.”
“Bye, sis.”
Haile was a ‘Master Trainer’ if there ever was one and Mia was an avid student. She got so sensitive to the slightest pull on the reins that Haile decided to blindfold her and hit the trails for a second time. They were about to tackle the hill trail for the last time when Lois flagged them down as they passed by the yard.
“DOWN,” Haile commanded. Mia went to her knees and Haile got off the sulky and walked over to where Lois, Tracy and Jim were standing just out of earshot from Mia.
Lois began the introductions, “Haile, this is Tracy, Mia’s mom, and this is Jim, the wrangler, who took care of Mia’s grading. He is very fond of Mia and may help us with Mia’s ‘problem’. Haile nodded in comprehension of the ‘problem’.
“I would do anything for her. She is amazing,” Jim replied.
Tracy walked over to where Mia was kneeling and ran her hand through Mia’s hair and gently rubbed her cheek before rejoining the group. Tracy beamed with pride. “I knew she would be a stunning, pony girl but wow, just wow! I had to snap a picture and text it to her dad.”
Mia wondered, “Who was that? It sure didn’t smell like Haile’s perfume.”
Lois hatched a plan for a perfect surprise. “Haile, I want you to put Jim on the sulky but you give the ‘UP’ command so Mia thinks you are the one driving. Jim, Haile will show you to the entrance of the trail that leads to the picnic grove, overlooking the ranch. When you get there, you can unhook her and take her blindfold off. Her reaction at seeing you will tell you everything you need to know. If you need it, there is a sex swing on one of the trees that hopefully hasn’t been taken over by spider webs. There are also mats and blankets in a plastic storage bin under one of the picnic tables if you prefer. Here’s a couple of bottles of water to take with you. We sound an air horn, 30 minutes before dinner so the wranglers can get their charges washed down before dinner. Ready?”
“Yes, ma’am,” replied Jim. Tracy just gave him a big smile and a wink as Haile led him over to the cart and sent them off.
“Haile, Tracy, let’s go inside and get some tea and a bite of lunch.”
After an hour or so of conversation and planning for Richard’s party, Lois threw down the gauntlet, so to speak, “So, Scarlet, what shall we do with you for the next 2 or 3 hours? It would be a shame to drive all the way down here and not get to have a little fun yourself, wouldn’t it?”
“Well, yes, I guess it would be, Mistress,” said Tracy nervously biting her lip.
“Haile, be a dear and get me a training collar while Scarlet gets naked. STRIP!”
Tracy shed here clothes and folded them neatly in a pile on a chair on the porch. Without being told dropped to her knees and lifted her hair to receive her collar. Her ‘slave heat’ was building rapidly and she was almost to the point of dripping when Lois snapped the collar shut around her neck. “How may this slut serve you, Mistress?”
“Come along, Scarlet, we need to get you tacked up. I want to go for a ride and then maybe I’ll put you on the breeding rack and introduce you to Stud.” Tracy quivered with excitement as Lois and Haile took her to the tack room, each of them grabbing an ass cheek to lead her along.
The ride to the top of the hill was only a quarter of a mile and the slope wasn’t too bad. Mia only struggled the last 30 yards and was greatly relieved when they stopped. She felt the bottle of cold water pressed to her lips and she drank eagerly, wondering why Haile hadn’t said the ‘DOWN’ command. She was unclipped from the sulky’s rails and set them down. Hands removed her bit and then reached around to undo her blindfold. It only took a few seconds for Mia’s eyes to adjust to the sunlight filtering through the trees when she recognized the hunk of a young man standing in front of her. “Jimmy,” she squealed and threw her arms around him completely forgetting ‘slave etiquette’. The realization of what she had done hit her and she dropped to her knees, “How may this slave serve you, Master Jim?”
Jim grinned broadly and lifted Mia by her chin to her feet. In silence, he removed her bridle, then her bustier and finally her boots, putting them all in the cart. He stroked her beautiful mane as he stared into her bright, green eyes. He wrapped her in his arms around her and kissed her deeply.
“Take me,” whispered Mia, “Take me from being a child into young womanhood, please Master, take me now. Let me be your slutty slave for today.”
Jim took her by the hand and led her to an old, oak tree where a sling on a heavy spring was dangling. He hoisted her up so she could slip her legs into the loops, which came to rest behind her knees, holding her in a sitting position with her thighs wide open. She put her arms through the waiting straps and there she hung suspended only a few feet off the ground. The straps only pulled on her cheeks slightly and what little pain she felt only heightened her arousal. Jim knelt between her thighs and started to tease her with his tongue. As he continued, he reached up and grabbed her nipple rings and pulled and twisted slightly. At the very first circle of his tongue around her clit, she came with o-o-o’s and a-a-h-h-‘s.
“I’m sorry, Master,” she almost cried, “I came without permission.”
Jim stood up and looked deep into her soul. “I will never deny you pleasure, pretty pony, you may cum as often as you can. It excites me to know I have the ability to make you happy.” Stepping back for a moment, he removed his clothes and laid them on the picnic table, revealing his very buff, 6-foot-2 frame and respectable 8-inch manhood. He stepped up to her and rubbed his tip up and down her very wet slit before slipping the first three inches of his cock into her. He took her hands and put them on his shoulders and he put his hands on her hips and slowly pushed against the spring further impaling her.
“Oh, Master, more please,” she begged throwing her head back.
He continued to apply pressure until he was all the way in and she was squirming in delight. He eased off and the spring lifted her almost completely off of his dick and then he pushed down again fully impaling her. In less than 20 strokes, she came screaming and trashing causing Jim to respond in kind. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed madly trying to swallow each other’s tongues. Jim absent-mindedly squeezed her left cheek sending a lightning bolt of pain crashing into Mia’s brain and she moaned and came convulsively again.
“Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot for a moment, I’m sorry,” Jim scrambled to apologize, taking her head in his hands and kissing her all over.
“Oh, Master, it was so amazing. The pain just drove me to my sexual limit.” She responded panting hard in the afterglow.
“Wow, you really are a special pony. I hope someday you will be mine to keep. Let me get you down from there and I’ll get out a mat for us.”
They were lying quietly on the mat, Jim on his back, Mia sprawled on top twirling his chest hair When she asked, “Master, can we do it again?”
“That first one was a doozy. I’m going to need some help to get ready again, so soon.”
“My pleasure, Master,” and she slid down off his chest between his legs and starting lick his cock while stroking his balls. Almost immediately she got a rise out of him and when she took him deep in her mouth and hummed, he moaned and stiffened up. He pulled her back on top of his chest and quickly slipped into her. As they started rocking back and forth, Mia said, “Master, please hold my brands in your hands but please don’t squeeze.” Jim gently cupped her ass in his hands and it sent an electric tingle through her pussy and up her spine. She arched her back and sped up her rocking motion. Her pussy spasmed violently on Jim’s cock and they both exploded with a scream of pleasure. Mia collapsed on Jim’s chest, breathing heavily as he pulled her tightly to himself and smothered her with kisses.
The sun reached the 4 o’clock position Jim estimated, and suggested that they get dressed up and head back down the hill. Once Mia was fully tacked up, without the blindfold or bit this time, Jim attached the reins to her nipple rings as she proudly stuck out her tits. One more passionate kiss and they headed off back down to the stables. She had to admit to herself that the tugging on her nipples and the cum running down her thighs was severely turning her on again.
Lois and Haile had been putting Scarlet through her paces, both had taken advantage of her excellent oral skills, and had pretty much run her ragged around the lower trails surrounding the ranch. They came to a stop by the carriage garage and unhooked Scarlet from the cart. “BACK HANDS!” Scarlet was surprised by this sudden turn of events as she figured her day in harness was over but she didn’t question the command and quickly put her hands behind her back. Lois slapped a pair of cuffs on her and gave her a sugar cube. “Good pony, you deserve a reward. Haile, would you go get Stud and bring him to the breeding room.”
“Right away, Boss,” Haile giggled knowing what was coming and hurried off.
Lois clipped a leash to Scarlet’s collar and led her towards the stables. She spotted Bob and asked hm to please put their cart away and then come to the breeding room for a little relief.
Scarlet stopped dead in her tracks. This didn’t seem like a good idea to her but she couldn’t deny her that her ‘slave heat’ had been percolating all afternoon and she was practically dripping.
Lois said, “Oh no you don’t,” as she tugged on the leash and quickly switched Scarlet’s collar to pony-ese. “And no complaints from you either.”
“n-n-g-g-h-h” Scarlet squeaked meekly. (no translation necessary, everyone understood “e-e-e-k”)
Before she knew it, she was bent over the bar with her legs cuffed wide apart in the frame. Lois pulled her forward until she could latch her leash to a ring in the floor, leaving Scarlet bent in half. She hooked the link to her wrist cuffs to an overhead pulley and raised her arms to an immobile strappado, perfect for servicing and being serviced. Lois knelt in front of Scarlet and said, “You’ll thank me later, have fun, you sexy beast.”
Bob came in precisely as Haile rounded the corner leading Stud.
N-G-H! (translation – OMG!) N-g-h-h-h n-n-ng-g-g-g-hhhhh n-n-n-g-g-h! (Undecipherable but clearly shocked as to the size of the monster between Stud’s legs). It has been 16 years since Scarlet was last DP’ed and she panted heavily as her heat built.
Bob took his position in front of her face and she could have sucked a bowling ball out of its bag as he put his dick to her lips. She eagerly pulled him in and before he knew it, she was deep throating him and moaning.
Stud mounted her slowly, inch-by-inch he went deeper. When he was 10 inches in, he felt resistance and she moaned louder. He figured this must be how big her master was so he rocked in and out a few times to really lube her up before trying to go deeper. He managed to get all the way in and just barely touched her cervix, then he grabbed her hips and began pounding her in earnest.
The psychological impact of what was happening to her hit home and she had her first slave-gasm. Sensing the tightening around his cock, Bob came deep, down her throat. Pulling out just like at the bonfire with Mia, he sprayed the rest all over her face.
“Way to go, Mom,” exclaimed Mia as she and Jim had gotten back down the hill in time to witness the whole thing from the doorway. The scene before her caused Mia’s arousal to become in flamed again. “Master, can you please take me like that, too?”
Scarlet’s whole body flushed with embarrassment when she realized Mia had seen her debasement. She let go a long, loud whinny as Stud came deep into her womb. It seemed to go on forever and Scarlet just slumped over the bar in the afterglow of her second slave-gasm.
Jim had Mia strung up in the rack next to her mom as Stud backed out and flipped the breeding position lever and Scarlet’s frame swung 90 degrees. This left her hanging from the bar, facing the ground as Stud’s baby batter swirled inside her, almost guaranteeing pregnancy, if she was ovulating. The good news was at least the strain of the strappado was taken off her arms.
Stud walked around to the front of the rack and did a little drum beat on Scarlet’s butt, “I sure hope that takes, you are finest breeding stock I’ve filled in a long time.” He glanced over at Mia, who was licking her lips and staring at his cock. “Would you like to clean me off like last night, little pony”?
Mia moaned and nodded her head. Jim mounted her at the same time Stud shoved his cock in her mouth. She was in heaven as Jim pounded away and she licked and sucked her mother’s juices and Stud’s cum off his dick. Since he had drooped after finishing with Scarlet, she was able to take most of him in. She choked slightly as he began to get stirred up again. Stud withdrew little by little until he was full erect again and she stopped choking. She desperately tried to shove her mouth further onto his cock but her throat was just too small to take anymore. Jim was thrusting against her thighs and remember how she had come just from his lightly touching her brands and so he took his finger and traced the line of the Bid D brand. It immediately generated the response he was looking for and she came, moaning again, which triggered a huge splash from Stud down her throat. Fortunately, very little was left to spray on her face as he was well spent already. Rather than wait for her to come down from her high and clean him off, he wiped his cock off with her mane and walked away smiling as Haile tugged on his leash.
Jim walked around in front of Mia and she smiled broadly as she started to lick him clean. “You know, I think you should get to have the same experience as your mom and maybe we can do this for real someday.” With that, he walked back and flipped the lever, swinging Mia up to hang upside-down next to her mother and laughed. The two ponies looked over at each other in shock at the turn of events then embarrassingly smiled at each other.
After 10 minutes, Lois said, “Okay, let’s get them down, Mia has to get cleaned-up to serve dinner and I’m sure Tracy wants to get home before dark.” She swung Tracy’s frame back upright as did as Jim for Mia and freed them from their tack and boots. Mia picked up her stuff, gave Jim a big kiss, and ran off to the showers just as the horn sounded to signal the work day’s end. Lois said, “You’d better follow her if you want a hot shower, the other ponies are coming in shortly.”
“N-N-g-g-g-h-h-h?” whinnied point to her collar.
Lois said with a smirk, “Don’t worry, they’re waterproof,” and slapped Tracy on the ass to hurry her along.
Mia and Tracy scrubbed each other down, grabbed towels, and raced to her stall. Tracy helped Mia into her bustier and Mia slipped on her rubber hooves. Lois had the foresight to move Tracy’s clothes from the front porch to Mia’s stall including a pair of Depends and plastic panties to prevent any of Stud’s remaining cum from getting on her leather seats.
When they reached the ranch house, Mia said her good-byes, kissed everyone and dashed into the kitchen before anyone could get teary-eyed. Lois grinned and took Tracy’s collar off. Tracy said, “Paybacks are a bitch.” To which, Lois replied, “I’ll look forward to it, sister.” She and Tracy kissed. Lois gave Jim a hug, and thanked him for all he did, as Mia obviously enjoyed crossing that hurdle into adulthood. Turning as she and Jim jumped into her Porsche Turbo, Tracy said, “I’ll see you next Saturday for Rick’s birthday,” and waved good-bye.
The drive home just missed the rush hour even with a quick stop for a bite to eat. Tracy insisted on paying while she explained how grateful she was that he was Mia’s first. The rest of the way was very quiet as they each relived the day’s events in their mind. Tracy dropped Jim off at the rendezvous spot and were relieved to see his car hadn’t been towed.
Tracy was relieved to find she had gotten home first and was in her sexiest lingerie when John came through the door. She didn’t give a second thought as to whether ‘marital rape’ was legal or not, as she jumped him instantly.
The next six days went by in a flash for Mia as everyday she learned new things about being part of a ranch and all the duties that had to be completed. She learned about weeding the garden, hoeing potatoes, how to pull a plow, how to care for the chickens, and yard and stable maintenance. This was in addition to learning all the pony gaits, rules of dressage and etiquette, and how to prepare mentally and physically to a race. Her strength and stamina grew by leaps and bounds.
On the seventh day, she was healed enough to get her magnificent ponytail and even though the plug was bigger and stretched her uncomfortably at first, she wore it proudly. Her last two days at the Spinning Wheel, she was allowed to join the other ponies doing morning warm-ups and ‘slave yoga’. She was truly becoming a proper pony, and a horny one at that, as every evening she serviced and was serviced by Mary, Haile or Lois as a reward for another day of training well done. She always slept with a smile on her face.
The mad rush was on Saturday morning so everyone could go to the party. With chores and lunch out of the way, Ryan, the most senior wrangler, below Bob of course, was left in charge as the staff headed off to the Jameson ranch. Bill was driving Lois’s big truck with Mary by his side. Haile and Bob occupied the back seat. Ginger and Mia were in full, ‘parade dressage’ tack complete with blue plume headdresses and thigh-high pony boots, carefully tethered in their stalls in the pony trailer behind. Since they didn’t have their bits in yet, they chatted excitedly, especially since Ginger hadn’t been with her master in almost three weeks. This talk made Mia even more aroused about meeting her master.
The truck pulled into the driveway and swung around by the first of three stable buildings. Everyone climbed down from the cab to be greeted by Richard and Nikki Sheldon, of all people. This raised a few eyebrows. Haile went to the back of the trailer, dropped the ramp and was leading Ginger out when John and Tracy pulled into the yard. Haile walked over and handed Ginger’s reins to Rick, who embraced her warmed and kissed her deeply. “Welcome home, my love, I’ve missed you so much.” Ginger just about smothered him with kisses and said, “I’ve missed you too, Master.”
“Happy Birthday, you old rattlesnake,” John said as he handed Rick a 250-year-old bottle of Scotch and slapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, pard’,” John replied shaking his hand, “We’ll have to break the seal on this later when Dad is here.”
Ginger turned and took Nikki’s hand and introduced her to John and Tracy. “This is Dr. Nicola Sheldon (Sousa, now married). I asked her to come here today, not just because she’s a long-time friend, but because after last weekend, I sensed a deep longing in you that she may be able to help you with.
“Tracy, John,…. I specialize in what is known as Texas FINO contracts and they provide a safety net if you decide to engage in pony play in the future, as many couples do, once the kids are grown. Would you like to hear more?”
Tracy looked lovingly at John and said, “I would love to be your pony again, Master.”
John looked at Nikki and said, “Let’s get a drink and go sit on the veranda and you can explain this privately.”
Ginger smiled and walked back to her Master, “It’s time for me to give you, my present, Master. Please close your eyes a minute.” She waved to Haile, who led Mia out of the trailer and stood her directly in front of Richard. “Open your eyes, Master”.
For just a second, Richard thought he was looking at Ginger, then he gasped. “Turn around, please.” Mia turned. “OMG! She’s a ‘Sandy Foot Girl’ and she’s already got the ‘JR’ brand. Haile you are an artist, these brands are perfect. Tell Lois when you get back that she needs to give you a bonus for every brand you treat.” Ginger just rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Remember we talked about starting a family. Mia volunteered to be my replacement during my pregnancy and be our nanny when the baby comes. She has tremendous potential as a racer as we have been training her for almost two weeks. What do you think, Master?”
“I love you, Ginger. I am going to take you to the breeding barn right after the party is over.”
He smiled broadly as he rubbed Mia’s cheek, “You are so beautiful.” Mia blushed deeply and replied, “Thank you, Master,” and did a deep, perfect curtsy and held it. “Rise, ponygirl. What’s your name?”
“Whatever you wish, Master.”
“Ideas?” Rick asked around. “We had a Scarlet, a Rose, now Ginger…..” While the others contributed their suggestions, voices could be heard approaching from the house.
Mia’s ears perked up as her attention was drawn to the approaching voices. Memories flooded into her mind of a Fisher Playhouse Farm Set and playing with Thomas the Train in front of the fireplace. Memories of the huge hands that picked her up and the lap she fell asleep in as they rocked on the porch. “Could that be….?” She pondered. The voices came closer. “Grandpa?” she strained to hear to be sure. YES! The realization hit her hard and she jerked her leash out of Rick’s hand and ran screaming, “GRANDPA! GRANDPA!
Robert stopped dead in his tracks as Mia pounced on him with hugs and kisses. He pushed her back just far enough to get a good look at her smiling face. “Miabella? ‘Pinkie’ is that you?” He hugged her tightly and shed a tear, “I’ve missed you so, ‘Pinkie’. Ever since your family moved away when you were 5, our families drifted apart. Theresa Jameson put her arms around her husband and ‘Pinkie’ and they all had a little cry. “Your barn and train set are still in front of the fireplace,” said Theresa, “He never could bring himself to put them away. I just keep dusting them off. Maybe Richard and Lois will give us grandkids of our own someday.”
“I’m going to start working on that right away, Mom. We were just talking about that very thing,” said Richard, who had led the charge to try to see where Mia had headed. “I overheard everything and I think we have found our name for Mia, PINKIE! I remember now that’s what you used to call her when you baby sat for Scarlet. I haven’t heard that name in at least 10 years.”
“Speaking of Scarlet, where is your mother, Pinkie?” Robert asked.
“Right behind you, Master,” said Tracy as she threw her arms around him and kiss him on the neck and rubbed her cheek on his before releasing her grasp to hug and kiss Theresa. “We won’t be strangers anymore, Master Robert. All of John’s businesses are pretty much on auto-pilot now and we plan to spend every chance we can get down here, maybe even buy a second home.”
“I know a place just down the road that might be available, I’ll keep an eye on it,” said Rick. “Okay, Mom, she’s all yours and gave Pinkie’s leash to her.”
Pinkie looked confused. Theresa said, “It’s time to get your new name and join the sisterhood. Show her, Scarlet.”
Tracy stepped forward and unbuttoned her jeans and lowered them to expose her mound and a beautiful tattoo of a green, Celtic knot with Scarlet written in flowing script above it. “Wear the name proudly, Pinkie, you are truly a ponygirl now,” and she kissed her with a passionate kiss usually only reserved for Masters. Pinkie blushed and kissed her back.
An hour later, Theresa paraded Pinkie out on to the lawn. Pinkie smiled through the tears of joy as everyone applauded.
“All right, I want someone to get Scarlet tacked up. I want a family picture with all our redheads surrounded. Best Birthday ever!”
What’s the matter, Doc? You seem a little panicked,” asked Jim as he walked into the infirmary at the Big D.
“I just got a notice of a bad batch of injectables, you know the one with the horny juice and year-long contraceptive.”
“What was wrong with it?”
“Somehow the computer filling the vials gave a double dose of horny juice and no contraceptive. The girls that got that can expect to gain at least one or two cup sizes even if they don’t get pregnant before we can get then re-injected.”
“Well, I’ll go through the records to notify their owners, just tell me the date in question.”
“July 23, just ten days ago.”
Jim smiled to himself as he went back to his work station, “Maybe I’ll get to keep Mia after all.”
The End

(A timeline of events for OUT OF THE WINDOW and BEST CHANCE AUCTIONS since they overlap. Obviously, there could be other stories within this time frame but I’m only interested in these two. 5/16 – Natalie is sold to Lois 6/22 – Lois marries Richard 7/23 – Mia’s Birthday and Indenture to RJ ranch 8/2 – Richard’s B-day Party 8/16 – Slave Court

Re: Best Chance Auction

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:16 am
by JustBob
I thoroughly enjoyed this story - it is very well written. Loved how the girls were excited to become Sandy Foot girls and how you tied the families together.

One minor thing that bothered me: Since the Big D didn't complete the auction with a sale, why did they get a commission on a private sale?

Keep up the good work. I would love to see a follow-on story where Tracy becomes a FINO slave for her husband and we find out what happens with Mia and Jim.