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Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:00 pm
by gary

Amy knew this was the end of the road as a free woman. She had ended up as a slave too many times, even if it had been temporary. It kept feeling like slavery had been hunting her, no, more like a fisherman doing catch-and-release, except maybe the next time she won’t be thrown back. Even though she had spent more time as a free woman than as a slave since this had all started, her repeated servitude had become an imprint on her very being.

In fact, she had to admit she no longer wanted to avoid it. Maybe it was fate? She had tried to run away from it, but it always caught up to her eventually. It seemed like it was time to stop running.

This slave-in-waiting starting wondering about her options. She still had control, for now, of her future. She realized she had to figure out her path to formal enslavement. Amy thought about wearing Dr. Ranger’s collar, with the RFID chip reinserted into the pendent. This might give her a small amount of protection from someone else enslaving her if it looked like she was already owned. In fact, Dr. Ranger already considered Amy her slave, should she just make it permanent? The young woman didn’t like that idea since it meant becoming a pony girl.

Amy wondered about some kind of protective slavery, with a relative. She knew that protective enslavement was usually granted to the father. Tim had the old-fashioned cowboy mentality, but had loosened his feelings in pursuit of business and social contacts. But that could cause problems with her grandfather Jack who was strongly against slavery. But given the circumstances could even her grandfather see the usefulness of it?

She didn’t want to go back to her sister as a slave, Lou had modern attitudes towards slavery, but what happened before could cause problems. They had used her fully as a slave when she was under the influence of Hyper Slave Heat and Amy couldn’t control herself. Just the memory of it made her extremely aroused.

This almost overwhelmed her with a storm of conflicting feelings. To alleviate her emotional turmoil, she was pleasuring herself several times a day. She especially loved the saddle that Prince Ahmed had given her, it had a flap in the seat that a variety of different vibrators could be attached to, giving incredible pleasure to the rider. Several times Amy would ride out of sight to the nearby woods and strip off her clothes and ride her horse powered sybian till she was screaming in ecstasy.

Amy knew where the road led, but not which route she should take. There was too much information online, much of it either contradictory or just didn’t really apply to her. But finally, something came up that put her on a path.

She was working with a horse at the hobby ranch of an oil executive, and stayed in an old bunkhouse that had been set up as a guest house. Homer, that was the horses name, had trouble following orders. He wasn’t aggressive, the horse would just ignore prompts to do things.

Mr. Foy, the horse’s owner, already had two slaves, and acted like he would like to make Amy the third. His slaves had a couple of times pulled down her clothes and try to put a collar on her. She didn’t resist the unrobing, but put up her hand to stop them from collaring her. Mr. Foy would watch as the girls would playfully molest Amy, playing with her breasts, stroking her bare pussy and gently rubbed her clit.

The first time it happened, they had come on the couch on either side of her it was with difficulty that Amy was able to gently extract herself from them. But by the third time they caught her unawares while in the corral with the horse. She didn’t resist them this time and was enjoying herself so much that she didn’t notice Mr. Foy come up behind her and ram his cock in her now lubricated pussy. Amy didn’t even resist; she didn’t feel like a free woman anymore so this was something she would have to get used to. She let down her defenses and allowed herself to fully enjoy her hard fucking.

Afterwards, he placed a collar on her, “Don’t worry, it doesn’t lock automatically. It needs a key. But maybe eventually I will lock it when I’m ready to claim you legally.” He then took her to his slave kennels and gave her a mattress for the bare bed. “You sleep here now, and work slave naked.” Amy wondered if this was the end of her journey. It didn’t feel right, although there was a part of her that wanted the decision to be taken out of her hands, she still wanted to have power over her future.

She was working with the horse, slave naked and collared, when Mr. McTavish drove up. “So, you ended up a slave anyways?” Was his first remark to her.

“No, well sort a, maybe, I don’t know what this is.” Amy stammered. “I’ve had so many run ins with slavery it’s been a revolving door, and my head is spinning.” She collapsed on the ground. “I don’t feel like I can be a free woman anymore.” She knew this was a dangerous thing to confess to, but her time with Mr. McTavish, even though it was some two years ago, she felt she could trust him. Maybe even feel safe with him.

He asked after the ranch owner, and she told him he was out in the barn. “I think you need to be properly slave trained. I think I should do that with you, and get you a proper slave grading. I am qualified and experienced as a trainer, but you will have to stay at least a week, and you will have to go through the more difficult parts of slavery.”

Amy knew part of that training would mean use of the whip, so she didn’t give her answer immediately. She would also have to come up with a reasonable excuse to give her family. She also wasn’t sure what would be done with Mr. Foy, or even Dr, Ranger. She expressed her concerns to Mr. McTavish. He reminded her that he had placed a right of first refusal if she was enslaved, and he had kept the claim updated.

“I was enslaved to my sister over a year ago, didn’t they contact you?

“No, they didn’t, they should of. Must have been an oversite. But I’d like to hear about how that happened.” He told her they would talk later but he had business with her temporary master.

When both men came out of the barn after a while, Mr. McTavish informed Amy that he had told Mr. Foy about his prior claim. He told her that Mr. Foy would be able to continue having her as a slave until the horse’s behavior had been corrected. Mr. Foy asked how long it would take and Amy replied that it would take about a week if the horse continued to improve. The two men shook hands on the deal without asking Amy's opinion, which she didn’t attempt to express.

During the next week Slave Amy worked hard with the horse, and submitted completely to her temporary master, and his ranch hands. Even after Amy had cured Homer’s problems to his owner’s satisfaction, she didn’t immediately ask to return home. Calls and e-mails from home finally brought her out of her slave trance and the slave girl respectfully asked if she could go home. With some reluctance her present master agreed, and phoned Mr. McTavish to pick her up.

When he arrived, Mr. Foy thanked Mr. McTavish for the use of his slave and Mr. McTavish drove her to his ranch in a cage, naked of course. The slave girl serviced him without his asking after they arrived, but Amy was still able to ask that she go back to Heartland. He told her he said he would see how she was after a couple of days of service, which she accepted.

After a couple of days, Amy/Kate was showing some signs of independence. Mr. McTavish decided that it would be a good time to finally have her slave trained properly and be graded as well. There were no words from Amy/Kate rejecting the plan, but her Master did see some disapproval in her eyes.

He had her tell her family that Mr. McTavish had a friend north of Edmonton whose horse had problems. And he invited her to stay the week or more with his family as it would be too long of a drive to go home after each day.

Then he announced he was taking her to Calgary. “I’m going to have your chip list me as your owner while I’m training you so there is no question of what I am allowed to do, and it will protect you.” Amy/Kate did feel nervous about the idea, but she wasn’t strong enough to voice her weak objections. It had the feeling of inevitability as he put her cage in the back of the truck and she crawled into it and was locked. It was not that long ago that she would have hated the idea of being hauled in full view of passerby’s as well as being jerked around by bumps and turns in the road. Now it was something to be endured and they got underway, passing through Hudson, where she saw her sister Lou walking on the street. She hoped she didn’t see her, and mused about they had almost been both enslaved together.

After an hour they reached Calgary and went to a store in the south end. He let her out of the cage and attached a chain to her collar and brought her into small slave store. He went up to the counter and asked for the owner, who was a friend of his. When he appeared, they exchanged pleasantries and then the manager brought out a chip reader, and read her chip, then he typed in new information and with another application of the reader, she was now a slave according to her slave chip.

He started taking down the slave girls’ statistics: height, weight, breast size, hip measurements, hair color, eye color as well as rather more subjective measurements such as body type and attractiveness. Before Amy would have been embarrassed with the methodical inspection, but now there were feelings of pleasure. There were two customers in the store, a man, and a woman, both middle aged watching the proceedings. No longer averse to being displayed like a slave in public, she knew it was part of being a slave, which she now was.

He cut a lock of her hair and took a vial of blood “To check for drug use, diseases and genetic background.” Then they brought her over to a T shaped post and spread her arms and locked them in place. Amy was scared and confused and asked what was going on. Mr. McTavish informed her, “Being branded is part of being a slave, but this is different. I’m giving you one that’s applied with a small iron, like a small laundry iron. It will hurt, it will burn, but my brand will be applied. But it also won’t be permanent, it will heal and disappear in about a month.” Amy pleaded for them not to do this but she was ignored and the brand was placed over her right ass cheek. Then an electric iron was pressed the brand against it and Amy screamed in pain. Finally, it was removed, and the slave released, falling to her knees.

Back at his ranch, Amy laid on her side and read “Slavery for Dummies”. Her new owner insisted she had to learn the slave mantras by heart:

“Remember you are a slave.”

“You exist to please your Master.”

“Your Master’s happiness is your only reason to exist.”

“You have no rights.”

“You never say no to anything.”

“When you do wrong you will bring your Master his whip in your mouth and beg punishment.”

Amy memorized them and would repeat them at master’s command, with her slave sister Tracy smiling at her.

He engaged in sexual training, teaching her to deep throat, to clench her vaginal muscles during sex to give a tighter feel for master’s cock. Her anal training was vigorous, with less and less lubricant each time to accustom her rough handling. As he trained her, she gave a lot of encouragement, praise, and hugs. Tracy was also involved teaching Amy the best ways to please a both men and women.

On the third day he grabbed her and took her down stairs, and chained her to the punishment post. “All slaves have to know the pain of punishment. I won’t go easy, but I also won’t be sadistic.” Amy was crying and her legs were already to give out.

The first hit of the whip the slave girl cried out, “Please stop!”

“No that is the wrong response. You must say “Thank you master’, you understand?”

Amy weekly said, “ master.”

“Good girl.” And he hit her again. Amy screamed and he again prodded her to respond correctly.

By the seventh hit, Slave Amy cries of pain were not as loud and she was able to say, “Thank you Master.” in a clear voice. By the twelfth her cries were muted to a “uh” and her legs were no longer supporting her.

The twelfth was the last blow, and the least permitted by law. As he uncuffed her he praised her, “I know you were scared, and I know it hurt, but you got through it like a veteran slave.” He even allowed her to lay on her stomach on the guest bed to recuperate.

Slave Tracy came in and put Polysporin on her back. “Master is proud of you. You know he rarely whips me, he’s very forgiving. But he also knows a slave must be reminded of the whip so they know its what’s best for them.” Amy didn’t know what to say to that. “And don’t worry, slave whips don’t leave permanent marks, but you will have a bruise for a couple of days.”

The next day he took her through her slave auctions moves, to show herself off on the block and get bidders to raise their bids. Slave Amy was still sore but slowly went through the moves, sometimes with Tracy showing her how to move from one position to the other with grace. They went over this for two hours and when it ended Amy crawled up to her master and mounting him in the cowgirl position. It felt so good after the whipping to have pleasure coursing through her body.

Amy quickly got used to the slave water, the kibble and sleeping in a cage. She didn’t so much forget she was naked and wearing a collar, but felt this was her proper situation. She didn’t know what was going to happen after her training. She was trying so hard to learn, she even enjoyed it, her slave mind was coming back. It was a total release, yes, she was working hard, but it felt good and she didn’t have to feel embarrassed, her sexual self could be completely liberated. She made love to her sister slave and master watched. Tracy taught advanced methods to please women. Amy was embraced by a world of pleasure.

A couple of days later, he brought her outside and she saw a crowd on men, and a couple of women. She was worried that Dr. Ranger was there but she couldn’t see her. Slave Amy was led to a raised platform then she looked at the assembled crowd. She recognized some of the men from town, but most she didn’t know. A man stepped up to the platform and banged a gavel. Like a thunderbolt Amy realized what was happening, she was being AUCTIONED! The auctioneer then read off Amy’s statistics and the fact that she had recently completed training. Then he started his spiel:

“OK you know the rules, lets hear $10,000 for this prime beauty, $10,000 anyone?” someone raised their hand, “$12,000 do I hear $12,000?”

“$11,000” someone called out. Amy started swaying her body to entice the buyers. She cupped her breasts then bent over to let them hang down. She turned around swaying her hips as if to music, bending over again and spreading her asshole and vagina with her fingers, by doing this she actually found herself getting excited.

“$12,000, $13,000, $14,000.” the bids called out. Amy was now so completely involved in showing herself off, she laid down with leg spread and spread her pussy lips, showing lust in her eyes. “$15,000, $20,000, $25,000.” the bids roared upward. Amy started juicing herself, becoming a pleasure slave for sale. “SOLD! $30,000 is the winning bid!” the auctioneer called out.

She stepped down and the it was Chase Powers who was her new owner and took her leash.

Chase Powers was tall, dark haired, blue eyed, handsome and a narcissist. His narcissism was misunderstood as self confidence by people who meet him, not seeing his lack of interest in others needs.

The year before Amy started having experiences with slavery, she competed against him in the Ring of Fire, a colt starting contest (also known as Horse Breaking). Amy had struggled early on in the contest, and Chase had entered the ring shooting blanks from a pair of six-shooters. Amy was able to make up her poor start to win the competition and the use of a new truck, fire engine red, emblazoned with flames and a Ring of Fire logo.
He was attracted to Amy and kissed her, at this time in her life this is as far as she would go. Later they would tour with the Ring of Fire, spending a lot of time together along with a few more kisses. However, after the tour they saw less of each other and Amy had been dealing with Ty spending time with a female friend.

Then Master McTavish came up to her. “You preformed magnificently. You didn’t get nervous; you acted as a real slave being auctioned. Now you should know, it was not a real auction, Chase here just pays 10% of his bid and it goes to charity. But he does get to keep you for 24 hours. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t sell you unless you wanted me to.” Amy was confused but relieved, she hadn’t been sold. Her training had kicked in and she got so involved she forgot that her freedom might have been at stake.

Master McTavish removed her collar and then Chase locked ankle and wrist cuffs on her that had short chains, with her hands behind her. It was hard to walk to his truck as she was only able to take short steps. She was surprised when he put her in the horse trailer and locked her spread eagle inside.

When they got to his small ranch, he came up right behind her while she was still stretched and rammed his average penis into her dry ass. Amy was still shocked, but knew she had to accept it as a slave. Even with here training it still hurt like hell, but she knew her duty and called out through gritted teeth, “Thank you Master.”, “I am yours to use.”, “I hope you find me adequate.”. She made the mistake of saying, “That feels so good.” And Chase slapped her on the back of the head hard.

“I don’t care about your pleasure, all that’s important is my pleasure and whatever else I get to do with you.”

Amy knew what she had to do now, she didn’t want to but she felt compelled, “I’m sorry Master, please punish me.” She was terrified about what was coming next, Chase pulled the slave whip from its hook and stood back.

“Damn well I will you deserve this for everything you did to me.” Luckily, he was so mad he didn’t think to take her out of the trailer. This limited his movement so he couldn’t deliver the full force of the whip.

Even then it was incredibly painful, Amy screamed after every stroke and choked out “Thank you master.” As best she could.

When he was done, he unlocked her restraints. Amy tottered but was able to keep to her feet. All four cuffs were kept on her, but no longer attached to each other, as he would keep the cuffs on her the whole time she was there.

Once inside the house, he took her to his kennels. He grabbed a tall plastic collar and locked it around her neck. He adjusted it so that it was a tight and uncomfortable fit. It was a Posture Collar, so the slave girl couldn’t move her head at all, and it felt that her neck muscles were being stretched.

He then brought her into the house, taking her to the back storage area. Amy saw a rather small slave cage and he ordered her into it and she found there was so little room she was forced to a tight fetal position. When she was inside, he ordered “Back braces” and she put her hands behind her back. She could feel him moving her wrists till she realized that he had attached her wrists to the cage, further immobilizing her.

Then he slipped earbuds on her and she heard the Slave Mantras repeating in a quiet but firm voice:

“You are a slave and nothing else.”

“You exist to pleasure others.”

“You obey Master without question”

“Your Master’s is your only reason to exist.”

“You have no rights.”

He was still not done with her. He walked to where her head was located. He had a long stick with a very long floppy dildo on the end, the dildo looked like it was over a foot long. He knelt in front of her and ordered her to open her mouth. The slave girl of course obeyed immediately, almost with out thinking, and immediately felt the dildo enter her mouth. She gagged when the quickly hit the back of her throat, and then it continued down her throat deeper that anything except food had gone. Slave Amy/Kate, heard him walk behind her, her tears blinding her. Then she felt an extremely thick dildo pushed inside her cunt. It was like nothing she had ever experienced and she tried to scream from the intense pain but couldn’t. I just kept going, it seemed to never end. There was more pain and she feared it was going all the way into her uterus where it seemed to hit something deep inside her and stop.

Just when she though it was over, she felt another assault on her body, this time in her butthole. Again, another soft dildo entered her, so thick it was painful as it stretched her ass. Again, she could just feel it going deeper and deeper inside her. It felt that it was going all the way up her intestines, it so painful but unlike anything that she had ever experienced.

He stood on her right side and announced, “Well that will hold you good, and they are also vibrators so they will randomly pleasure you but deny you orgasm. So have fun, I’ll visit you later.” And he walked away. Then the dildo in her mouth started to vibrate…

It’s a cliché, but the minutes did feel like hours. First the mouth dildo/vibe went off, then it turned off and a couple of minutes later the one in her pussy started up. The stretching hurt so bad but the pleasure confused her body. She had almost gotten to climax when it stopped. She knelt her sweaty and uncomfortable until the one in her ass took up where the one in her cunt had left off. And again, when she came close to orgasm, it stopped, leaving her shaking in sexual frustration.

All of a sudden, there was a shock of pain in her throat, then in her pussy, followed by her ass. Then all three went off and a muffled cry of pain tried to escape her mouth.

Out of her sight, Chase watched the slave girl’s torture, and he loved it. The dildos would pleasure her in pairs, then all together. But never allowing her release. Then they would shock her, and he could sense her fear and anguish. Before she could prepare herself for the next round the dildos started firing randomly, driving her to the heights of derangement.

It actually took less then an hour for the slave girl needs for an orgasm overrode the machines attempt to deny her, and a massive orgasm exploded over her body and brain. Evan as she was experiencing the most intense pleasure in her life the vibrating dildos went into denial mode and gave her continual shocks of pain to stop her ecstasy. But all it did was intertwine the feeling of pleasure and pain so that the infliction of physical punishment will carry feelings of delight.

Exhausted, he released her. She had to crawl, so wobbly were her legs, and even when she was on all fours, she still seemed to be teetering. Her mind could barely form a thought, she forgot who she was as responded only to “slave”.

Master then attached her wrist shackles to chains and hauled her up with her arms spread wide. When she was high enough, he did the same to her ankles shackles and spread her legs wide. He then started using a vibrator on her pleasure points. The slave moaned; this is all she wanted, but then there was a painful shock that made her yell in pain. He was using an electric cattle prod on her. It made her body jerk and painfully pull on the restraints.

He enjoyed doing this to her. Her beating him in competition, rejecting his advances. He wanted payback. He thought of putting a hood on her and offering her to her father and grandfather for use. Then he remembered they were not supportive of slavery so they would reject the offer, possibly using violence. He thought of many things he wanted to do to her, but he had been warned not to physically or emotionally damage her, and her trainer made it clear he would enforce any consequences of him breaking the deal.

Amy wasn’t Amy anymore; she was just a slave thinking about giving pleasure and obedience. She could barely remember her past or even her name. Though as if seeing it from a distance, she could barely make out the name Kate. She wondered if that was her but having a name didn’t seem important. She was “slave”, that was the only identity she needed.

Chase took her down and led her to his bed, without being asked slave kneeled and waited for orders. “You shouldn’t need to be told, fuck my cock with your mouth slave.” She immediately did as she was told, undoing his blue jeans and pleasuring his inadequate manhood. Before he came pushed her away and got on the bed, she followed and lowered herself on his cock, gyrating her hips and bouncing up and down on him to give him maximum pleasure. He laid there doing very little, making her do all the work. She worked hard and he soon got what he wanted for the moment.

He didn’t like that the revenge he sought was ringing hollow. He wanted her to feel used and humiliated and struggle against her slavery, instead she was a completely obedient uncomplaining slave. He ordered, “Get into the cage Amy.” And left her to play video games.

In the cramped quarters of her pen, the slave girl was confused by the use of the name “Amy”. She couldn’t remember it at first, but slowly flashes of memory came to her. She was exhausted and quickly fell asleep, with disjointed dreams of her disjointed life.

In the morning Chase woke her up and roughly fucked her, deriving little but some physical pleasure from the act. His dreams of revenge stymied. He shoved her into the cage in the back of the truck, and drove her to Mr. McTavish’s ranch, while letting the cage bounce around. He did little but say that she served “fine” when he turned Amy over to her owner/trainer.

Mr. McTavish made himself plain that he didn’t want to see Chase ever again. He said this as Slave Amy/Kate was enthusiastically orally pleasuring him. He looked down to her eyes, even more submissive now then when she left. Mr. McTavish wasn’t sure that Amy could go back to her old life and wondered what he should do. The best he could come up with just give the slave girl some time, and not to push her either way and see how she does a few days after her grading.

The next day was Amy’s big day, her slave grading. She was locked in the cage in the back of his truck to return to the slave store. Amy/Kate now considered herself a slave, she had been broken like a horse. She didn’t know what would happen now. Did she have anymore choices to make? Her slave feelings were now burned into her like a brand, she had surrendered. Should she become the slave of Mr. McTavish, to Ty? What were her options, if any? So many possibilities went through her mind it almost made her dizzy.

They arrived at the store and Amy was again led out of her cage at the end of a leash. The store manager who would do Amy’s grading informed Mr. McTavish, “Her drug and genetic testing were all clear. Straight forward Caucasian, no other races indicated.” He addressed himself to Mr. McTavish and ignored Amy.

“Why is racial purity of any interest?” queried her master.

“Many customers want to know racial background for breeding proposes.” Was the response. “Well let’s get her the slave on the table.” Amy was taken to a table, and laid down on it. Her neck and wrists were strapped down, and another strap was placed under her breasts. Her legs were strapped so that the were spread. All of this was now making Amy wet, and the manager commented. “I see she is already slave wet and juicy. Not going to take much for the last inspection.” And he pushed three fingers inside her slave box. Amy’s reaction was one of pleasure and happiness. “She’s ready for the auctions block right now if you want to sell her.”

“No, I told her she wouldn’t get sold.”

“That’s a pity, though it would have had to wait till our next auction if you change your mind.”

“So, is that all?”

“No, just the slave positions and photographs.”

Amy was unlocked from the grading table and taken through her paces showing off her slave body, while a camera flashed taking pictures. Before Amy would have been reluctant to do this, but now she performed, she became enthusiastic and started smiling for the camera.

Finally, it was over and the manager declared to Mr. McTavish, “Congratulation, I can confidently rate her as Prime Plus. I’ll get the chip encoder and bring the slave info on it up to date.”

When he came back, Mr. McTavish told the manger, “Remember she is to be listed as a free woman. That was the deal I made with her.”

“That’s a pity she is an outstanding slave. Well things can change.” He typed into the encoder and then pressed it against her breast. “Now come to the front desk and I’ll transfer the information to the Canadian Slave Registry and print you your slave grading certificate.”

It read:
Amy Fleming
GRADE: Prime Plus
GRADE TYPE: Official
GRADER: Mr. Alexander Wentworth

The manager reminded Amy, “Remember you have to pay your picture dues every year, or they get released to the public.” Amy made no comment. Mr. Mctavish had noticed Amy’s change in attitude and he realized she couldn’t be released yet, if ever. He informed Slave Amy he was going to take her back to his ranch as his slave “For her own safety.”. The slave girl didn’t bat an eye and compiled without any more of a comment than ‘Yes sir”.

Originally Mr. McTavish had planned that he would release Amy, give her back her clothes, and drive her home to Heartland. But he now realized that that the girl was in no shape to return to freedom. Amy now had a complete slave personality. Of course, that can weaken over time but right now she could only function as a slave.

This was a big problem, Amy was now “slave broken” and would be at the mercy of anyone of a number of terrible people willing to grab an unclaimed slave girl. “Well Hamish (for that was his name) you got trouble.” He said to himself, certainly he wouldn’t mind taking her as a slave. But he knew enough about Amy’s Grandfather and Father that there would be a serious fight over that.

So, he took her to his ranch, and settled her back into her cage. Slave Tracy was excited to have a sister slave, though master did warn her it may only be temporary. He checked social media to see if she was on any. She was and also found her sister Lou’s accounts as well. There was nothing about slavery on their home pages, Amy’s was mostly about horses and her family while Lou’s were about her business ventures. He did a Goggle search for pictures of Amy but found no slave pics. Finally, he did a search of Slave Court Cases and found out about the case of Amy and HCI, there he found out that Ashley; daughter of Val Stanton, who was the owner of Briar Ridge Stables, had also been involved in the case and been enslaved. Looking at Val Stanton’s social media he found mentions of Amy and her family. Realizing that the Val and Amy were connected he felt he had found a possible go-between between him had Amy’s family.

But first he would have to see if Slave Amy/Kate continued to have a slave mentality or not. He wouldn’t push her one way or another. Time would tell.


Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:57 am
by Belinda

Thank you for the gift of this wonderful chapter. Can't wait to see where you take this.

Your devoted fan,



Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:15 pm
by CommodorRaptr
I have to admit that I was pretty surprised when I saw you posted a new chapter. I'm glad to see you write again.


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:44 am
by Sissy
thanks for the continuation. came up with my story ideas?


Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:11 am
by Belinda

So love this

Amy Fleming
GRADE: Prime Plus
GRADE TYPE: Official
GRADER: Mr. Alexander Wentworth