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The Master - Chapter 12

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:14 pm
by jessmartin
The Master - Ch. 12 - Caleb

A loud noise causes me to wake up with a start and I jump up in bed, looking around me and not recognizing where I am, my breathing quickens, increasing my sense of panic.

The last thing I remember before suddenly waking up is wandering the corridors of the dungeons with no particular destination after having left Lady Frost locked in her own playroom being double fucked by her own male slaves after having submitted to me, and suddenly starting to sweat and become dizzy, falling to the floor in a faint, although strong arms grabbed me and lifted me into the air before I fell to the cold floor.

I calm down a little as I realize that I am not chained for the first time in several days, with calmer breathing I carefully observe the place where I am, realizing immediately by the size and decoration that this is not a normal room of the Palace, let alone the harem.

The room is huge, even bigger than the library where I found myself the first day with Caleb and Anna, the large windows on one wall allow a view of the entire valley over which the Palace stands, elaborate tapestries, paintings and antiques adorn the other three walls as far as the eye can see, with several desks scattered around the huge space, the bed on which I now find myself lying is enormous, surely the largest I have ever seen, and that in recent days I have enjoyed beds of considerable size.

“I'm sorry I woke you up;” says a female voice approaching the bed from the back of the room where shelves full of books seem to have no end. “Caleb didn't tell me that someone was going to be sleeping in his room, I've been using his private library for years every time I come to the Palace, but I've never seen anyone here other than Caleb or Yaiza;” she adds looking at me curiously.

“You're in Caleb's bed!” shouts a voice inside me and I quickly drop to my knees on the bed to look for any trace of him in the room.

“Don't look for him;” the woman tells me smiling stopping a couple of feet from the bed; “I already told you that you are the first woman Caleb has brought to his room in years, as far as I know he hasn't slept with anyone in a while, he usually spends his nights in other areas of the Palace playing with one of his slave girls and when he gets tired of them he leaves them and comes to sleep here alone;” she adds.

I feel a pang of jealousy when I hear how the strange woman talks about Caleb's sex life, and I say strange because she is nothing like any of the women, I have seen these days in the Palace; not that she is not beautiful which she is and very much so, but in a very different way from them.

While Lady Frost, Opal, Turquoise, Esmeralda, and even Yaiza despite their youth exude sexuality and dress and move knowing what they provoke in the people who observe them, the woman in front of me seems to feel ashamed of her body, and despite the fact that she must not be much more than twenty-five years old she is dressed like a librarian or a governess of the nineteenth century, with glasses and formal hairstyle included.

But even the old glasses and unflattering clothes can't hide her generous curves and exercise-toned body, let alone her beautiful face where big, bright blue eyes keep looking every which way as if they were continuously scanning everything going on around her.

“Fuck!” she suddenly screams scaring me. “Damn that bitch, Anna!”

I don't quite know what the woman is referring to, she has been staring at me and her face shows a clear gesture of anger, but I fail to understand why she is shouting and insulting Lady Frost. Suddenly as if I had been hit with something, memories come flooding back to my mind and my whole body seems to burst into flames causing an intense scream to come out of my mouth.

“Lie down;” the woman orders me in a firm voice approaching me to help me lie down on the bed. “I will alert Rania and Amira to come and attend to the marks on your body, they are used to treating the Princess's victims;” she adds making the last word sound rather dismissive.

Before the woman can alert anyone, a metallic music plays and pulling out a rather ancient cell phone, she gestures for me to be silent as she sees who is calling.

“Good morning, Caleb;” I hear her answer the phone. “Your warning is a little late, sleeping beauty has awakened because of me, I see her quite well, though I think you should send some of your slave girls to help her recover from your little sister's tender care.”

I notice how the woman's face twitches as she talks about Lady Frost, “I've been telling you for a long time, you're going to have to stop your sister, she's going too far and you're going to end up in serious trouble;” she says to Caleb on the phone in a tone of voice that surprises me and makes me imagine Caleb's face on the other end of the line.

The woman is silent for several minutes, just nodding her head yes or no, but her expression changes as the conversation progresses into a broad smile. “If what you tell me is true, your sleeping beauty has gained a new admirer;” I hear her say.

“I plan to leave before dark, and I probably won't be back for a couple of months, if you didn't have the party tonight I'd stay until Monday and we could chat for a while about the dig and that other thing you just told me, but you know I don't like those games you two play;” the woman says to Caleb over the phone.

I would have liked to know Caleb's response to the woman's words, because it causes the woman's face to turn tomato red and she hangs up the call abruptly calling him an idiot.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Taylor;” the woman says putting the phone away and sitting down on the bed next to me, “I don't really know what happened tonight, but Caleb is so angry about what happened, he forgot that I was coming to the Palace today to consult the excavation maps, and even though last night he was the one who picked you up in the corridors and brought you here he didn't even remember your marks, Amira and Rania will be here shortly to attend to you.”

“By the way my name is Roxanne Martin;” she says introducing herself with a huge smile. “But you can call me Roxanne or Roxy, no calling me Miss Martin, Lady Roxanne or any of that nonsense, as you heard me tell Caleb on the phone I don't like those bondage games;” she adds running the fingers of her hand over one of the marks on my shoulder.

“You're very pretty;” she says bringing her hand up to my face brushing my hair away from my face with a gentle gesture. “Hopefully Caleb has finally found what he's been looking for so long.”

Before I can react to her words and answer her, Roxanne gets up from the bed, “You will tell me in detail what happened tonight with Anna and more about you Taylor;” she tells me already standing up. “Unfortunately, I have a lot of papers to go through and very little time before catching the plane, but listening to Caleb talk about you, something tells me that we will see each other again;” she adds heading across the room.

Just as Roxanne steps away from the bed Rania and Amira enter the room smiling and stop to greet her, “Good morning, Lady Roxanne, it is a pleasure to see you again;” the two slave girls tell her with a chuckle.

Roxanne snorts angrily at the greeting, but ignores the two slave girls and walks away from them without saying anything.

As I watch Roxanne walk away and sit down at a table full of papers and books, Rania instructs me to lay face down on the bed. I realize I know Roxanne Martin's name from something, and though I try to remember from what, I fail to place it, and soon the caresses of the two slave girls spreading the oils over my aching body to heal the marks from the night before make me forget everything.

“Don't worry Amber;” Rania tells me clearly more concerned with playing with her fingers in my pussy than caring for my wounds. “In a couple of days you won't have any trace of Lady Frost's lashes.”

“I don't think she can say the same;” Amira replies with laughter. “Knowing how the two male slaves do it will take days for her to sit normally again after last night's double fuck;” she adds making Rania also start laughing.

“Quiet;” Rania orders her trying to look angry without succeeding. “We are still her slave girls.”

“I know that already;” replies Amira. “Here we don't have to be careful with anything we say, you know for a fact that in Master Caleb's rooms there are no cameras or microphones;” she adds reminding me that everything that has happened to me since my arrival at the Palace has been recorded.

“I know, but it is supposed to be Master Caleb who is supposed to explain to Amber everything involved in what happened last night in the dungeon;” Rania comments gesturing me to turn around on the bed.

I turn around following Rania's order, but instead of lying down I sit up slightly and look angrily at the two slave girls.

“Can you two explain to me what the hell you are talking about!” I shout angrily at them.

“I'm sorry Amber but we can't explain anything else to you;” Rania answers me pushing my body back on the bed. “Master Caleb has only ordered us to take care of your wounds and entertain you until Yaiza comes in a while to prepare you for the meal.”

“Stop your games and jokes for a few moments;” I reply to Rania. “There are hours left to eat.”

“It's no joke Amber, it's almost two in the afternoon, you've slept almost eight hours since Master Caleb brought you here;” Rania tells me showing me the screen of an alarm clock placed on a bedside table.

I lie down on the bed somewhat surprised by Rania's words, it's been years since I've slept that many hours in a row, and it makes me wonder if I'm putting too much stress on myself with this whole business of being Caleb's slave girl.

“Don't worry about anything Amber;” Rania tells me. “We'll take care of distracting you.”

Before I can say anything, the two slave girls lie down on the bed and start kissing all over my body, Amira focuses on my neck and tits, while Rania stands between my legs ready to lick my pussy.

The heat of the oils making their effect on my marks and Amira's kisses and caresses cause my nipples to get hard in no time making any touch transmit small shocks of pleasure throughout my body. Rania's tongue and fingers make my pussy abundantly wet even though it is still quite sore from all that happened the night before. In a few minutes the caresses of the two Arabian beauties have me on the verge of orgasm, but to my surprise before I climax, they stop and start playing with each other ignoring me completely.

“I'm sorry Amber, but Master Caleb has forbidden us to bring you to orgasm;” Rania tells me before she starts kissing Amira's body.

I watch excitedly as the two slave girls kiss and play with their hands all over her body hoping that at some point they will turn their attention back to me, but as soon as a few seconds pass and I see that they completely ignore me focusing on their own pleasure, I decide that I don't care what Caleb has said and lower my hand to my pussy ready to masturbate myself to orgasm.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you;” Yaiza's voice says to me who has just entered the room without us noticing. “You've got Caleb angry enough as it is without disobeying him again;” she adds heading towards me.

“You two can go, I'll talk to you later;” Yaiza says in a threatening tone to Rania and Amira, who are more concerned with pleasuring each other than with watching over me and have been about to let me reach orgasm.

“Are you ok?” Yaiza asks me with a worried gesture, although that concern doesn't stop her from starting to masturbate me.

“I'm fine;” I answer her, my voice cracking with moans of pleasure as her fingers play with my clitoris. “But I'm starting to get a little fed up with everyone but me knowing Caleb's intentions;” I add eagerly awaiting orgasm.

“What happened last night has really complicated things;” Yaiza answers me stopping and bringing her fingers wet with my juices to my mouth for me to clean them.

“You are going to have lunch with Caleb in his private quarters;” Yaiza tells me getting up from the bed. “I don't know if he is going to tell you something, is going to finally fuck you or just wants to enjoy your company, he just told me to walk you there;” she adds.

“Follow me;” she orders me heading towards the door.

As soon as we walk through the door the sun hits my face and but soon, we are approaching a covered garden area, before entering the covered area I look back observing that the huge room is a single white walled building completely surrounded by beautiful gardens.

It takes us ten minutes to walk through the covered gardens and reach the palace, in that time Yaiza and I do not exchange a word and I am aware that the young woman is more serious and nervous than I have ever seen her these days.

We go up to the second floor of the palace and in front of a double wooden door we find two slave girls dressed in white silks, wearing on their bodies several golden jewels.

“Accompany them and do what they order you to do;” Yaiza says to me, stopping. “We will not see each other until a while before the feast.”

The two slave girls say nothing, greet Yaiza with a bow as she turns and open the doors indicating me with a gesture to pass in front of them. The room I enter has a huge bathtub in the center, much larger than the one I used a couple of days ago in the harem.

While I wait on my feet, the two slave girls get into the tub and begin to pour soaps and aromatic salts, I take those seconds to observe them carefully, both slave girls are two beauties of Arab origin, something that was to be expected seeing the rest of the women in the palace, the only difference is that while most of the women with whom I have shared my time these days except for Lady Rose and Lady Nabila were not more than thirty years old these two slave girls are clearly over forty years old although they are splendidly preserved.

One of them makes me a hand signal to enter the water and soon the two are bathing me as if I were a child, if Rania and Amira a few hours ago and Yaiza when she has bathed me during these days have taken the opportunity to caress and play with my body, the two mature slave girls do not stop longer than necessary in any part of my body, although that does not prevent that because Yaiza has not let me cum I start to excite me more and more with their touches.

Minutes later they take me out of the bathtub and dry me with soft cotton cloths, the next step is to smear my body with oils and begin to make me up, starting with my nipples. I practically lose track of time and don't even realize I've been put in a dress and heels until I'm placed in front of a full-length mirror.

I let out a little gasp when I see myself in the mirror, I barely recognize my reflection, if it weren't for a couple of details anyone who saw me would think I was attending a high society party, my hair curlier than usual seems to shine and my face looks more natural than ever despite knowing it has been made up, my fire red painted lips look sensual and appetizing. The knee length black silk dress fits my waist and hips perfectly and if it weren't for the fact that it leaves my tits and pussy in the air it would be stunning.

The two slave girls guide me into a room where I find Caleb waiting in front of a table and pull me towards him before leaving us alone.

“They're not very talkative;” Caleb tells me pointing out the obvious. “But they know how to do their job very well.”

“You are gorgeous;” he states grabbing my chin and seizing my lips in a passionate kiss. “And very hot;” he adds breaking the kiss and starting to play with his hand on my wet pussy.

Hooking a leash to my collar he guides me to one end of the table, setting aside a chair for me to sit in.

As soon as I see the chair any hope of a romantic meal immediately disappears, just like the last few lunches or dinners I am going to have to remain impaled on a dildo placed in the center of the chair.

“Bend over;” Caleb orders me showing me the anal plug in his hand. “You've had nothing inside your ass for too long.”

Without protesting I bend over the table and Caleb without wasting any time starts to push the plug into my tight hole making me moan with pleasure.

“You like this more and more, don't deny it Amber;” he tells me pushing hard on the plug until it is completely inserted in my ass. “I'm sure you will reach orgasm in seconds when I decide to deflower your ass;” he adds helping me to sit up.

Without Caleb saying anything I position myself on the chair and start to lower my body slowly until I feel the dildo spread my labia apart, my pussy is so wet that I have no difficulty getting the dildo in slowly until I feel the cool surface of the chair slap against my thighs.

“I'm going to trust you and I'm not going to hold you to the chair;” Caleb tells me sitting on the other end of the table picking up a remote and pressing several buttons.

“Shit!” I scream suddenly unable to control myself, although when I close my mouth, I can't tell if the scream has come because the dildo has started vibrating inside my pussy, or because a wall has opened up behind Caleb revealing a huge bed on which Rania and Noelia are fucking wildly.

“Don't worry about them, they won't be able to hear anything we talk about;” Caleb instructs me. “Eat and ask me anything you want freely.”

Although I have many questions to ask Caleb, the first one I ask him is about the most recent thing that has happened to me.

“Who are those two slave girls who have been attending me, do they not fit in with the rest of the slave girls I have seen in the Palace?” I ask him.

Caleb looks at me as if the question has surprised him and takes a few seconds to answer.

“Fatima and Sara are former slave girls of my father, although when he died I freed a large part of his older slave girls, they did not want to be freed, they were both born slave girls and knew no other way of life, having grown up with them in the harem I decided to bring them with me to the United States for my personal service, they have taken care of Yaiza while she was growing up and are excellent cooks as you will see at once, they also help me on special occasions as they have done with you;” Caleb answers me speaking with obvious affection of the two slave girls.

I decide to start eating before continuing with the questions, as soon as I savor the first bite I am aware of how hungry I am and I start tasting from all the dishes within my reach, while I enjoy the mix of flavors I cannot help thinking that after three days at the Palace, this is not how I imagined my first moment alone with Caleb, although I do not know if I can call it that considering that Rania and Noelia are fucking a few meters away from us.

The dildo keeps vibrating in my pussy every time Caleb decides to activate the remote next to him on the table, but always stopping when I'm on the verge of orgasm, orgasm that Noelia and Rania I can see from my position have already reached several times.

“When are you going to fuck me for fuck's sake?” I blurt out to Caleb bringing my hand to my mouth immediately as if the question was asked by someone else.

Caleb lets out a light chuckle before replying, “Tonight after the party, when all the willing guests have enjoyed fucking you;” he answers me in a tone of voice that clearly indicates to me that his words are serious. “And from then on whenever I feel like it for as long as you remain at the Palace.”

His words together with a new vibration of the dildo almost make me reach orgasm, but I manage to hold back. I want to ask him about how he really feels about me, and what his intentions are, but I know he won't answer me and I decide to ask about everything that happened last night.

“Why is everyone so happy about what happened last night with your sister?” I ask him.

I notice how the question makes Caleb uncomfortable, but as if showing that he expected it, he starts to answer me after taking a long drink from his wine glass.

“What happened last night is that Anna declared herself your slave girl in front of several people, that for all intents and purposes is as binding as the contract Ruby signed with my sister or any of the other slave girls with their Masters;” Caleb explains to me.

“Does that mean I can do whatever I want with...?” I start to ask him but am suddenly interrupted.

“NO!” Caleb cuts me off sharply. “Because of her status Anna will only be your slave girl when you are on one of my properties, and only from Monday when you are a free woman again, and of course if you accept my offer, in the meantime you remain her slave girl.”

A shiver runs through my whole body at the thought of what Anna will do to me in these remaining two days, my reaction must be so clear that Caleb looks at me smiling.

“Don't worry, Anna will never be alone with you again;” Caleb instructs me getting up from the table and walking over to where I am sitting. “Now if you're done eating it's time to play for a while;” he adds holding out his hand to help me up.

It takes me a few seconds to get up completely and pull the whole huge dildo out of my pussy, as soon as I do Caleb places a blindfold over my eyes and pulls my leash for me to follow him. As soon as we walk a few feet I start to hear intense moans of pleasure and I suspect we are next to the bed where during lunch I have been able to watch Noelia and Rania fuck.

“Kneel;” Caleb orders me.

“As Master Caleb wishes;” I reply continuing the formal treatment he has allowed me to skip during the meal.

“I want you to take as long as possible to make me cum;” Caleb's voice says to me and instantly I feel a cock touch my lips.

I begin kissing the entire length of the cock, making sure to mark it with the lipstick on my lips, though this is something I can only imagine while wearing a blindfold. My next step is to lick those fictitious lipstick marks with my tongue, starting at the bud and working my way down its length to the base of his balls.

“Keep it up Amber, you're doing great;” Caleb compliments me. “Now start sucking it.”

I take my cock into my mouth knowing it's not Caleb's, his voice has sounded more distant than it should, though I don't care about that and begin to take it into my mouth all the way down my throat imagining that at last Caleb has decided to use me as his slave girl.

“You suck it better and better, tonight the guests are going to really enjoy using your mouth before they fuck you;” Caleb tells me with his voice cracking with moans trying to keep up the charade.

The owner of the cock I'm sucking pulls it completely out of my mouth, and when he reinserts it all the way down my throat, I can't help but get the feeling that it's a different cock.

My suspicions are confirmed when someone removes my blindfold and I see two cocks in front of me, as I look up, I notice Master Danvers and Master Anderson smiling at me. As I turn my head to the side looking for Caleb, I see him a few feet away from me and I check that the moans were not faked, Noelia and Rania kneeling at his feet take turns taking his cock deep in their throats.

Something explodes inside me as I see the image of the two slave girls pleasuring Caleb, I pull back causing Master Danvers' cock to leave my mouth, and when he tries to grab my hair to prevent me from pulling away, I slap his hand hard.

I immediately realize my mistake and look at Caleb in fright, but instead of showing anger he seems strangely amused.

“I didn't know how to get the Masters to use their whips on you without it looking like a simple whim;” Caleb tells me. “Now you've given us a reason.”

In barely a minute I am completely stretched out dangling from the ceiling, with only my high heels on not touching the floor, the two Masters move amusedly around me cracking their whips in the air to try to scare me more than I already am.

The first lash lands on my breasts and I try not to give them the satisfaction of screaming, but when the second hits above my pussy, I can't help but let out a cry of pain that doesn't stop them from continuing to whip me relentlessly.

When the Masters stop, I notice that I am crying, it is not because of the pain of the blows, although my body is covered with red marks the Masters know well how to hit without making the marks deep, besides I am sure that they have slowed their blows so as not to hurt me more.

Once again and it's been too many these days, my tears are because of Caleb, for not daring to use me in any way and leaving it to Masters Anderson and Danvers to punish me and play with me.

Although my punishment seems to be over, Caleb continues to fuck Noelia's mouth holding her head against his body, now he does look at me intently and although I try to look away from him, I am not able to do so, only when I see him throw his head back and let out a loud moan as he cums in Noelia's throat I lower my gaze to the floor.

“Amber deserves a prize;” Caleb says to Noelia as he keeps his cock in his pants.

Noelia crawls towards me licking up the remains of Caleb's cum and looking at me with an air of superiority, as she stands between my legs I try to kick her away from me, but then I get another whipping from Master Anderson.

“Be still Amber;” he orders me.

I couldn't disobey him even if I wanted to, as soon as Noelia's tongue finds my clit I surrender to her, I have been being brought to the brink since I woke up without ever cumming by Rania, Amira, Yaiza and finally Caleb and his fucking dildo and I feel like I am about to explode.

I cum intensely on Noelia's face waiting for her to pull out, but she doesn't seem to have any intention of doing so, I look at Caleb and see him smiling at me and I understand that if at some point I thought the whipping was the punishment for my behavior I was wrong, the real punishment has just begun and I don't know if I will manage to endure it.

Noelia does not stop playing with my pussy, adding to her skillful tongue several of her fingers, at the same time the two Masters stand next to me and start kissing me all over my body focusing especially on my aching nipples.

The orgasms start chaining one after the other and I barely notice when Master Anderson positions himself behind me and starts to slowly fuck me bringing me to the brink of madness.

Again, Caleb seems to want to humiliate me even more and signals Rania to bend down in front of him and begins to fuck her with quick, violent movements.

I feel Master Anderson's hot semen fill my pussy and begin to flow down my thighs slowly as he pulls out his flaccid cock, immediately the cock is replaced by Master Danvers' who begins to fuck me with rapid movements.

I close my eyes surrendering to the pleasure and thus also avoiding seeing Caleb fucking Rania, in my mind this whole situation only reaffirms my intention on Monday to leave the Palace and never again have any contact with any of its occupants.

When I open my eyes again, I realize that Caleb and the Masters are gone, beside me now stand the two slave girls who prepared me for Caleb washing my body of the remains of semen and smearing oils over the Masters' lash marks.

As soon as they finish cleaning me, they untie me and help me lie down on the bed.

“You can sleep if you want;” one of the two slave girls tells me. “No one will disturb you until dinner time, if you wake up before then I recommend you go to the slave girls' pool to relax.”

I barely hear the last words of the slave girl overcome by exhaustion, and as I fall asleep, I seem to feel as if someone is giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

After having slept almost eight hours and having woken up shortly before eating, I don't stay long in bed and seeing that it's still daylight I decide to follow the slave girl's advice and go to the garden.

A couple of minutes after going out to the garden I realize that I have no idea how to get to the pool reserved for the slave girls, all the times I have gone there I have been accompanied by someone.

After wandering around for ten minutes I reach an area full of tables and strange devices, where I find a slave girl that as soon as I get a little closer, I recognize as Ruby held in an uncomfortable position very similar to the one, I had two nights ago when I fucked her for the first time.

If the area is full of wooden structures with an obvious use, the floor is full of various sex toys, as there is no one in sight I take one of them, an anal plug of considerable size and approaching Rubi I start to slowly insert it into my friend's ass.

I notice how Rubi's body tenses up and she starts moaning into her gag, being blindfolded and as I haven't said a word, she is unable to tell who is playing with her.

I insert the plug fully into Ruby's ass and bend down to pick up a red dildo about seven inches that is widening from the tip to the base, when I stand up I am surprised by the presence of Caleb and Lady Frost who shows a wicked smile on her face.

Before I can say anything, Lady Frost holds me and forces my mouth open by inserting a metal bridle in it and then closing it behind my head, with Caleb's help they tie my hands to some chains hanging from the ceiling and begin to lift me with some pulleys until my feet do not touch the floor.

As Lady Frost shackles my hands behind my back and locks rings around the base of my tits and clamps around my nipples I watch as Caleb attaches a round tray to the frame Ruby is attached to and places the dildo, I had chosen to fuck her with.

I don't know what they plan to do to me until I hear a strange noise and feel my body lift even higher off the ground. Caleb is operating a winch and is moving me around the garden until he places me on top of Ruby, then he starts to slowly lower me down as Lady Frost moves the tray with the dildo to line it up with my pussy, then Caleb continues to slowly lower me down and I am slowly impaling myself on the huge dildo.

“We're going to leave you two alone;” Caleb tells us.

“It's good for girlfriends to spend time together;” Lady Frost adds smiling as she places a fucking machine between Ruby's thighs. “Although I don't think you'll be having much conversation;” she comments jocularly before operating the machine which quickly starts to move in and out of Ruby's pussy. At the same time the dildo I am impaled on also begins to vibrate and I notice my pussy getting wet.

Lady Frost approaches me with a look of hatred on her face and attaches the two clamps to my nipples with a chain which she pulls upwards hooking it to the bridle forcing my mouth.

“I'm going to make the rest of your stay here a nightmare;” she whispers in my ear. “So that when you leave here on Monday you will never think of coming back.”

Lady Frost walks away without another word leaving Caleb smilingly looking at me saying nothing for a few seconds. Finally, he walks over to me to whisper in my ear.

“I will send someone to release you in half an hour, until then try not to over enjoy yourself;” he tells me manipulating the dildo remote to increase the vibrations.

“Daaaaamn motherrrfuckrrrer!' I insult him through the gag.

“Better in an hour;” he tells me smiling. “You know I am always willing to please you my pretty slave girl;” he adds walking away from me thankfully ignoring my further insults.

When I reach my first orgasm, I hope Caleb didn't mean his last words.

To be continued...