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Cassie's Downfall Pt. 02

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Cassie's Downfall Pt. 02

Post by chrwy01 »

Chapter 2 – A Nude Awakening

Cassie and Sophie watched the train slowly pull into the station, and despite the train doors stopping and opening right where they stood, they hesitated to get on. As usual, there were no seats available, so they were forced to stand on the busy train. The train pulled away and they said very little, both filled with anxiety. Cassie had managed some porridge before leaving home, but Sophie hadn’t been able to eat a thing. As the train rocketed through the countryside of farmland and allotments, Cassie looked round at the bored commuters on the train. To her it felt obvious why the two of them, 18 years old, were on the train; To go strip off and have strangers rate how well they would perform as slave sluts. To the commuters however, nobody gave them even a second look. It was just another Wednesday morning to them. There was one commuter she noticed, who was not even hiding the fact that he was staring at her chest, as well as Sophie’s ass. “Fucking creep” she thought, along with the thought that he would be able to see even more of them when they are strung up naked later to be viewed and inspected by the public. She hoped he wouldn’t show up.
After 40 minutes, the train finally pulled into its final stop, and the two girls looked around for the exits. Sophie pulled up her maps app, typed in the address for the solicitors, pressed the walking man button, and noted that they were a twenty minute walk away. With an hour until their appointment, they decided to stop at a coffee shop on the way.

“An iced latte and an orange and mango smoothie please” Cassie said to the barista. She paid and brought the drinks over to table where Sophie had sat. For a moment they said nothing, and she watched as Sophie slowly drank the smoothie through a straw.

“Maybe I should cancel. I can sign you in at the auction house reception and be with you for the periods where they allow access to the public.”

Cassie grabbed her hand. “Don’t be silly, Sophie. We haven’t come this far just for you to drop out now. You’ve always wanted to go to university, it’s a few hours and that’s it”.

“I could always get a retail job, something to get me by.”

“And do you want to spend your life ‘just getting by’?”

“Well, no”.
“Well, until slavery is finally abolished, we will have to play by whatever stupid rules they set out so that we can go to uni and get well-paying jobs like women of the past were able to do. I’ll be by your side the whole time”.

This seemed to settle Sophie down a little, and after finishing their drinks they made for the exit and once again followed the route on Sophie’s phone. After 15 minutes, they arrived at the solicitors. It was a small, unassuming building as they always are, with a huge glass front. Sheepishly, they entered.

“Hi, welcome to Sullivan & Scott Solicitors, how can I help you?” Said the man at the front desk.

“Hi”, Cassie started, “we’re here for an appointment.”

“Certainly, can I have a few personal details?”

As Cassie started to give her and Sophie’s information, they heard a woman shout from the back of the room.

“Sophie and Cassie? This way” she said as she walked into a back office and beckoned them inside. They walked through the office which had an open layout, and they felt the eyes of the staff working at the computers as they walked past.

“Hi, I’m Vivienne Young, we liaised via email, and I will be your solicitor for today” she said in a friendly manner, shaking both of their hands.

The two girls sat on the chairs opposite her desk and they both eyed Vivienne up. She appeared to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She wore a very professional dress and had an aura about her that exuded confidence.

“Ok, so I have the contracts written up here. By signing this it means that I have the right to hand both of you over to the auction house for the purposes of slave grading and slave grading only. This means you will be completely safe from accidental sales or harm on their part. Once the grading has been concluded, I will then be there to accept your release.”

Following this, she handed over a sheet to the two girls outlining what would be expected of them during the day, which included walking into the auction house already naked. It had a timeline of all the procedures that would take place. It even had a chart of every slave position they should know, with a picture of a slave girl expertly performing each one. Not that they needed the chart, Cassie was already very familiar and even Sophie had committed to learning them in her bedroom.

With all the formalities out of the way, the two girls signed their respective contracts, writing their initials, signature and the current date seemingly dozens of times on multiple sheets of paper. Once the last of the paperwork was signed, without any change in her demeanour, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Vivienne announced “Brilliant. Now both of you, strip.”

Cassie and Sophie both froze. They knew what to expect and yet when it came time to do it, it didn’t feel real.

“Bu.. we’re not even at the auction house yet” Sophie suddenly spoke up.

“Well yes, you’re supposed to be naked beforehand. We aren’t your parents or your friends, we don’t do it in the car park, it looks unprofessional. Our rules and procedures clearly state we perform the de-clothing here. Now I want you both slave naked within the next minute, we haven’t got all day”.

“Yes miss”, Cassie uttered, and they both rose from their seats. Cassie took the first step, and started to remove her shoes, followed by Sophie doing the same. As they were doing this, Vivienne moved both chairs out of the way and then slammed down two wide Eurocrate baskets labelled “C. GALLACHER” and “S. EAMES”. Cassie took her boots and placed them into the corner of the basket, followed by her socks tucked into each boot. Sophie didn’t dare take any initiative and copied everything Cassie did. Next Cassie unbuckled her mom jeans and slid them down to the floor, exposing her plain white panties. After folding the jeans nicely into the basket, she slid off her cardigan, and then slowly pulled her t-shirt over her head. Once these were placed into the basket, she stopped and thought about the ridiculousness of her situation, and how wrong it felt standing in her bra and panties in a professional office. She was suddenly brought to her senses when she saw the stern look of Vivienne sat switching her gaze between the two nearly naked girls in front of her. Being reduced to her bra and panties, she knew that no matter what she removed next, she was going to be exposing herself. She gritted her teeth and braced herself, like someone building up the courage to jump into an icy cold pool, counted down in her head, and then unclasped her bra, letting it fall from her chest exposing her small B-cup tits and putting it into the basket with the rest of her belongings. She looked over at Vivienne, expecting her to be impressed, but saw a bored expression like she had seen this a thousand times. She looked over at Sophie, who was currently fighting the same problem, and watched as her bra also fell, exposing her C-cups and was impressed that Sophie had got this far. With only her panties to go, Cassie built up the courage to take them off swiftly, and did just that, folding them into the basket and standing back with her hands at her sides fighting the urge to cover her waxed pussy. She looked to her right and saw Sophie similarly in the process of removing her panties, and she got a glimpse of her shaved pussy as she was putting her panties in the basket, before her hands quickly covered it up.

“Miss Eames, I hope you’re not going to similarly disregard the rules of slave etiquette when you’re being graded. Hands at your sides, NOW.”

Sophie looked terrified and quickly dropped her hands to her side without question. “Sorry”

“Sorry what?” Vivienne replied.

“Sorry miss”

“What are you sorry for?”

“I’m sorry for hiding my body from you, miss.”

“That’s better. Now, the two of you remove your remaining pieces of jewellery and we can get started.”

They were each provided a small plastic wallet in which they both removed necklaces, bracelets and ear/nose piercings and placed them inside, leaving the two girls as naked as the day they were born.

“Ok, we can start. Turn around and display.”

They both turned away from the desk, bent down at the waist, and pulled their cheeks apart for their new temporary owner’s inspection. Vivienne got up and crouched down to get close to the two exposed girls.

“Miss Gallacher, great choice to get waxed, very smooth.” She said, rubbing her fingers over the poor girl’s vulva and anus. Cassie was shocked, feeling the fingers of a woman she met just moments ago feeling up her most private parts. She then moved on to Sophie. “Miss Eames, well shaved, it will be adequate for you not to be docked any marks in the grading. OK that’s enough. Kneel. Present”

They both straightened up, happy to not be exposing their most private parts to a stranger, then knelt down, spread their legs, and interlocked their hands behind their heads pushing out their tits, still facing away from the desk. Once they were both in position, they heard Vivienne press a button followed by her saying “Peter, they’re ready”.

Soon, the door they were both facing swung open, and in came the receptionist from before holding two slave collars. He seemed unfazed that the two pretty girls who he was talking to moments before were now kneeling before him naked and on display.

“Collar” he barked, and they quickly bent their necks down, holding their hair out of the way.

Without any delay, starting with Sophie, he expertly wrapped a collar around her neck and fastened it. “Back hands” he then ordered, and she placed her hands together behind her back. He then pulled out a zip tie from his pocket and tied her wrists together securely. While this was going on, Cassie was still in the Collar position, and he soon came over and performed the exact same procedures on her. With the two girls collared and tied, he placed a gag in both of their mouths.
“Don’t they look wonderful, Peter. Go get the van ready”.

“Sure thing Viv” Peter answered as he quickly left the room, and as the door swung open, Cassie could see one of the office staff who had a full view of her naked body. He smirked at her while she knelt helpless and gagged.

Peter quickly returned and Vivienne commanded the two girls to stand up and follow her out of the office. Quickly the two girls realised they were about to walk through the main office of the building, naked and collared and with their hands tied behind their back. As they exited the office, it felt like a thousand eyes were watching them, when in fact there were only about 15 people working there. As Cassie walked past the guy who was staring at her earlier, she felt a slap on her bum. Seeing this, Vivienne ordered the two girls to stop and had Cassie stand next to him.

“Why don’t you have a better feel, Chris? I’m sure she won’t mind”.

The man Cassie now knew as Chris took no delay in feeling her up. He turned her around and admired her ass, kneading her bum cheeks and marvelling in the way they looked and felt.

“Ever taken it up the arse, love?” He asked crudely as he parted her cheeks.

Unable to speak, she shook her head no.

“That’ll change soon I imagine”, he said with a pat on her bum, “turn around”. She complied, now facing him. His hands went straight to her defenceless tits, and he massaged them roughly. Cassie wanted to crawl up and die. She felt like nothing more than a piece of meat and it seemed like nobody was willing to stop it. She didn’t know where to look, because she certainly didn’t want to look down at the man groping her. But if she looked up she could see the many faces staring at her. Sophie meanwhile stood and watched her naked best friend groped and fondled and could do nothing but feel lucky that it wasn’t happening to her. Not that her situation was much better as she felt the rest of the office eyeing up her nakedness from top to bottom, unable to shield herself due to her tied wrists. She kept telling herself “Nobody here knows you. Nobody here knows you. You’re just another insignificant slave to them”. She tried to disassociate from her predicament, but every slight breeze of the air conditioning across her naked body brought her back to the realness of her situation.

“Ok, that’s enough, come on sluts” Vivienne said to the two girls as she headed for the front door. They were both too overstimulated to even acknowledge the misogynistic remark, and Cassie was too relieved to be walking away from Chris’s wandering hands and out of the office to process the fact that she was about to head outside onto the street. Sophie was the first to head out as Vivienne held the door open for them. Everything suddenly felt like it was going in slow motion, and she had to use a lot of strength to not wet herself on the spot. Miraculously she managed to put one foot in front of the other and soon found herself in the warm air of the busy street outside, the change in temperature was very noticeable on her naked body. Seconds later (which felt like minutes to her), Cassie battled the same ordeal and followed her best friend outside.

Cassie’s eyes darted around, the traffic on the street was stopped due to a red light. On the road was a double-decker bus, and everyone on board had a great view of their nakedness. She noticed an old couple, the woman saying something to her husband clearly in disapproval, while he looked on at the exposed pair. Then 2 rows behind them was a young girl who appeared to be the same age as Cassie and Sophie, who looked the two nude girls up and down with a bored expression before returning to her phone, as if seeing two naked and bound girls on the street was the most normal thing in the world. It seemed half the bus (mostly men) were staring in their direction while the other half didn’t care at all and were more concerned with reaching their destination. As they followed Vivienne to the right down the street and past the leers of pedestrians on the pavement they passed a white van with three workmen in the front, who proceeded to beep their horn and shout obscenities out the window that luckily neither Sophie nor Cassie could hear. Vivienne ignored them and kept walking.

They felt relieved when they saw Vivienne turn right into an alley. As they turned the corner, they saw Peter standing next to a grey van decorated with the logo of Sullivan & Scott Solicitors, with its two rear doors open and a ramp leading up to it. At the bottom of the ramp was two dog crates on wheels, one for each girl.

“OK, I know it’s difficult due to your tied hands but crawl inside and get all the way to the end so that your bums are out of the way of the closing doors.”

The two girls were beyond questioning the ridiculousness of their situation at this point, and they both knelt in front of their respective cages and gingerly started shuffling inside on their knees, thankful that the cage floor was somewhat padded. Running through the cage was also a padded bar which the girls could rest their chests on. Once they were both securely inside, Peter closed the doors, pushing their bottoms in as they stuck out slightly, and locked them with a small padlock. Then he unlocked the wheel mechanisms and spun the two crates round so that they were now facing the street they just came from, and that’s when they noticed the small crowd of 5 or 6 people who had stopped at the entrance of the alley to watch the whole ordeal. Cassie felt her cage being pulled backwards and up an incline as her cage was slowly pulled up by Peter into the van. Eventually her cage hit the back wall, and the wheel mechanism was disengaged. Peter then jumped out of the van and soon after, the sight of Sophie’s rear end came into her view and closer towards her as he repeated the process. The two crates were then pushed together, and the back of Sophie’s crate was secured to the front of Cassie’s. This left Sophie’s bum just centimetres from Cassie’s face, separated only by 2 thin mesh cage walls. Around the sight before her, Cassie could see Peter marching up and down the left and right side of the cages, making sure everything was fastened securely, and then pulling the two ramps into the van alongside either cage. Sophie in front of her had a clear view of the onlookers as she was secured into the van, and rather than dispersing, the crowd seemed to have grown. To her, this was the most mortifying moment of her life; To them, watching her humiliation was so insignificant they'll have forgotten about it in an hour. Then, without a word spoken to the two naked girls, Peter jumped out of the van and slammed both doors shut leaving them in darkness.

For a short moment they were left alone, and they both enjoyed the quiet after their stressful ordeal so far. Cassie was struggling, but she could tell from the grunts and moans from Sophie that she was struggling even more. If it wasn’t for the tied wrists and two sets of metal bars, she would reach out and hug her. Hearing her best friend struggle sent her into protective mode and she almost didn’t care about her own situation anymore. With their mouths gagged, all they could do was make noises resembling words, trying to reassure each other. Sophie tried to turn around to face Cassie, but her cage was far too cramped for that. After a few minutes of waiting, they heard the engine start up which in turn caused an overhead light to turn on, and felt the van pull away. For about 10 minutes it felt like stop-start traffic, but eventually the van picked up speed as it merged onto the outer road network. For the whole journey, Cassie’s main view was the shaved pussy and anus of the naked and caged girl in front of her, and it didn’t seem real that it was her best friend in that cage. The two girls had seen each other naked plenty of times, as most girl best friends have; But it was surreal for her to have such a pornographic view of Sophie’s genitals as she was forced to bend over in the cage. She felt disrespectful for looking but at the same time she had nowhere else to look.

Finally, the van slowed to a stop and the engine turned off. Despite the overhead light, the two girls were blinded when the back doors swung open and they were greeted by two figures they eventually worked out was Vivienne and Peter.

“Enjoy the trip, girls?” Vivienne asked sarcastically, with the girls only able to muffle as a response. “Let’s get them out, we only have 5 minutes until the appointment.”
Peter wasted no time in un-securing the cages from the van and wheeling them out into the sunny car park. Then the doors to the cages were unlocked and Peter helped each girl out, definitely being more handsy than he needed to be. Finally, the girls were out and stood on the tarmac and were able to take in their surroundings. The car park was huge, and where they were parked seemed to be as far away from the auction house entrance as possible.
“Stay here with the van, I will be back shortly” Vivienne told Peter, and ordered the girls to follow her as she turned and headed towards the entrance. As they marched through the car park, they noticed they were no longer the only naked people anymore. They approached a fully naked young girl who was rummaging through the back of a car to put her clothes back on, and they could overhear her conversation with who appeared to be her mother.
“I knew we shouldn’t have come to the later booking. They always say if there’s delays there are risks you can be kept overnight. And look what happened.” she said, sounding annoyed.

“Look Chloe, I couldn’t get the time off work yesterday to come in the morning, and would you really want your brother taking you and seeing you in this state?”

“Well, no, obviously”

“Exactly. Just be glad it’s over with now”

The girl slid on her sweatpants and shirt, and quickly jumped into the passenger seat.

Cassie looked into the distance and could see other groups of nude and non-nude people, either heading to entrance or leaving. She saw a few older women being escorted nude by their husbands, ‘probably a kink thing’ she thought to herself. The overwhelming majority of the naked people, however, were young girls around 18-19, probably all in the same boat as her and Sophie. Some were being led on a leash by their friends or partners, others by their parents (usually their mother).
As they approached the entrance they saw a group of old creepy looking men sat on deckchairs with beers in hand, clearly there to enjoy the naked girls on display. The entrance was specifically for slave grading applicants, which made it more exciting since everyone walking slave naked through those doors was technically a free woman, and not a slave forced to be naked. They would sit there for hours enjoying the sights and shouting obscene things at the girls walking past. The auction house saw little issue with them staying there as long as they didn’t cause too much of a scene, and they even sold them refreshments.

The two girls ignored the men’s jeers as much as they could, and they were soon in the air-conditioned lobby of the grading centre. They looked around, and saw a counter opposite staffed by receptionists, all occupied with customers. In the far corner on the right was a small coffee counter, being staffed by a collared slave who looked about 19 years old with her hair tied up and wearing nothing but a transparent apron. On the right side of the room, there was a large padded mat in front of a slightly curved wall, and on the mat knelt 8 naked girls, all in the display position with their legs spread wide and their hands interlocked behind their neck, eyes cast downward. Behind the girls on the wall there were screens displaying a number different for each girl. In front of the mat there was a waiting area for those bringing grading applicants in, where the 3 rows of 12 seats conveniently faced the mat occupied by naked girls for their viewing pleasure while they waited. On the left there were two sets of ominous looking double doors.

Not long after entering, a male staff member removed their gags, though they were both too terrified at this point to utter a word. They were then ordered “Back hands”, and he took a pair of scissors to the zip ties binding their wrists. Then they were ordered “collar”, and as they knelt, they felt the collars on their necks removed only to be replaced by an official auction house collar, locked shut by a small lock at the back. The only thing that differentiated the collars from normal slave collars was a red band that ran around the inside lining but this wasn’t visible when being worn. This meant that for the purpose of grading and public viewing, they were indistinguishable from full slaves and would be treated as such.

“Under section 2 of the Slavery and Indentures Act this auction house hereby has the authority to hold Miss Cassie Gallacher, present willingly and unclothed, and Miss Sophie Eames, present willingly and unclothed, for a duration no longer than 48 hours and under the legal conditions of slavery for the purposes of official slave grading. I must inform both of you that each collar is fitted with the ability to deliver a powerful shock. This will trigger if you try to leave the premises, and can be triggered by any member of staff for their safety as well as yours.”

They were then shown cards with a long string of numbers, Cassie’s read ‘1506330095’ and Sophie’s read ‘1506330096’. “These are your slave numbers which you will be referred to while you are here as you will not be referred to by name, however only the last 4 digits matter so Cassie you are 0095, and Sophie you are 0096”. As he explained this he slid the cards into each of the girls’ collars. The girls had an even higher sense of dread than before, now that they had been reduced to just a number and were indistinguishable from regular naked slaves.

“OK 0095 and 0096, go to that mat over there and kneel with the others. You will remain there and after 30 minutes you will be taken through for your grading. Do everything that anybody tells you, and you refer to everyone as master or mistress. Is that understood?”

“Yes, master”, the two girls said in unison. Cassie understood the reasons for the 30 minute wait; firstly it allowed time for the marks on skin left by clothing to fade. Though obviously that was pointless for her and Sophie as they’d already been naked for over 30 minutes at this point. The other reason was to overwhelm the girls with extreme exposure to being naked, making their grading experience less daunting later on.

They briskly walked over to the mat and noticed that two previously empty displays next to each other now displayed ‘0095’ and ‘0096’. They went to their corresponding numbers and then turned to face the room and knelt with their legs spread and their hands behind their neck, copying the other girls. Sophie instantly felt the eyes in the room take in her nakedness, as those in the waiting area quickly examined the newest naked girls to occupy the mat.

Cassie looked over to the reception counter, where she saw Vivienne thoroughly reading through and signing a pile of papers. After she was done, she had a conversation with the receptionist which appeared very friendly as if they were on good terms; Clearly Vivienne came here often to drop off slave gradees. She then walked over to the coffee counter and picked up a pre-made coffee, which Cassie figured must have been made by the slave barista the moment she saw Vivienne walk through the door. After paying, she walked briskly towards the same door they’d entered from, turning to give the girls a wave, knowing the girls couldn’t wave back in response, and then left. Although in a terrifying environment, Cassie had taken comfort in knowing that Vivienne was there to look after her, as she had been a commanding and powerful figure from the moment she had ordered them strip, to having them crawl into a dog crate and then finally walk through a car park to their current destination. But now Vivienne was gone, and she was just any other slave girl, at the whim of the handlers and anybody who wished to inspect and touch her naked body.

She looked over at the waiting area, at the audience sitting there staring at the naked flesh on display while sipping on their coffees. To her left was Sophie, but to her right knelt a girl of similar age to her, thin with ginger hair and freckles. She remembered her walking in from the car park just a few minutes ahead of her and noted what appeared to be her boyfriend sat on the front row staring at her with a slight smirk on his face, though he didn’t shy away from also taking in the view of Cassie and the other girls, nor did he try to hide the fact. Although he seemed a bit sleazy and definitely not her type, she did get at least a little bit wet when she noticed the tent that had formed in his pants and imagined being ordered to service him. God, what was coming over her.

Then she looked down and noticed that in the floor was a small camera facing up at her, with a small red dot indicating that it was recording, and that there was a camera in front of each girl on the mat. She panicked, and many different thoughts raced through her head. Who will see this? Why is she being recorded? Is it being live streamed? Realising there was nothing she could do, and that any potential audience couldn’t be seen by her anyway, she slowly started to focus on her breathing and making sure that her kneeling position was correct.

Her attention was pulled when she heard a wrangler shout “Zero Zero Eight Seven”, beckoning with his hand and then a girl three places to her right got up and walked towards him. “Backhands”, he said, reaching for one of the many pairs of cuffs on his belt, and had her hands bound with little effort. With a clipboard in one hand and the girl’s ass in his other, he expertly guided her to the opposite side of the room and marched her through the right hand set of double doors. Moments later, the left hand set of doors flew open, and out came another wrangler goosing a slave-naked girl in cuffs where he led her towards the reception counter and she knelt patiently while he sorted paperwork. A minute or two later she was ordered to stand and her cuffs and collar were removed, then a woman who must have been her mother came over from the back row of the waiting area holding a gown and a pair of sliders. After a hug between the two, they walked towards the exit and the girl could be seen eagerly grabbing the gown and wrapping it around herself the first moment she could.

Watching the other girls go through the exact same experience became reassuring for Cassie. Kneeling slave naked and collared in an auction house lobby spreading her legs and pushing out her tits for an audience of people was the most traumatising and embarrassing thing she had ever experienced. But seeing she was just one girl out of hundreds who would be graded that day she realised just how insignificant she was. She wasn’t the main attraction, she wasn’t in the spotlight. Yes, her body was on full display, but everyone watching her contort herself in her birthday suit wouldn’t even remember her in half an hour. And as she thought this, another naked girl was being collared at reception and ordered to kneel where 0087 had been.

She began to enter a meditative trance. Her breathing and nerves calmed, and she was almost starting to enjoy being on display. Just like at home with her ex-boyfriend, she could play the slave girl for a day, and now she was getting more comfortable with being slave naked and on display. Less could be said for Sophie however, who was constantly fighting the urge to cover herself. What stopped her was knowing that she would only stand out more, whereas at least she was blending in with the small and on-display group. She barely paid attention to what was going on in the room, choosing to keep her eyes downcast and to zone out from her ordeal.
Ten minutes passed and in that time a few more naked girls had been called up and a few more naked girls had joined the mat. Then a wrangler ordered “Ok sluts, turn around. Display”. Not wanting to be the slowest, the girls all quickly turned around on their knees, planted their right cheek on the mat, and reached back to spread their ass cheeks for the viewing audience. Even though they were now obscenely displaying their pussies and assholes, both Cassie and Sophie preferred this position as their faces were now obscured from the crowd and there was nothing to distinguish one set of holes with another.

As Sophie settled into her new position, all she could do was listen to the sounds of the busy lobby. Every audible sip of coffee from the waiting area made her incredibly conscious of her spread cheeks. She desperately wanted to let go and cover herself, but she feared the consequences, whatever they were. All she could see from her position was Cassie to her left, the back of her head on the floor and her spread ass raised high, and behind her the queue to the coffee counter. As she looked over at her friend, she felt incredibly lucky that she had her with her as she went through this ordeal, and she couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather have alongside her.

“Zero Zero Nine One”, called the wrangler and Sophie heard the girl to her right stand up and her bare feet tap along the floor. A few minutes later the space was filled again, though she couldn’t see who it was. “Zero Zero Nine Two”. Part of her wanted the counting to keep going so she could get this all over with, but another part of her wanted to remain where she was, safe from the rest of the slave grading experience. As degrading as it was, she reckoned to herself that she probably would prefer to kneel displaying her pussy and asshole in the lobby than go through the next few hours of grading.

Just as she was starting to enjoy the relative anonymity from this position, the wrangler came back over. “OK sluts, turn around, Present”, and the girls once again spun in unison, spreading their knees wide, curving their backs to push out their breasts, and placed their hands behind their necks. Sophie looked over to the audience and noticed new faces, their eyes darting around taking in everything the girls had on display.

“Zero Zero Nine Three”, called the wrangler, and the girl to the right of Cassie stood up and walked over to him where she quickly cuffed and goosed to the other side of the room by a hand firmly between her ass cheeks. Cassie looked over to the waiting area where 0093’s boyfriend was sat and noticed him staring straight at her. When he made eye contact with her, he grabbed his crotch and shook it at her. Cassie started subconsciously spreading her legs and pushing out her tits more as he studied her body intently. She was shocked at how in such a short space of time she had gone from being mortified when she was stripped and groped in the solicitors’ office, to willingly flaunting and contorting herself for a random guy’s pleasure. Cassie found a strange sort of safety in her collar, like she was a character in a play and the mat was her stage. “Actresses get nude in films all the time so why can’t I” she thought to herself, and she had the added benefit of having nobody know who she was.

“Zero Zero Nine Four”, called the wrangler. Knowing she was next, and with her newfound confidence, Cassie tried her best to enjoy the last few moments on the mat before the slave grading began. She knelt with pride, curving her back expertly and lifting her face up displaying no hint of shyness. She made eye contact with a few men in the waiting area, giving them a slight smirk. She could tell from the way they looked at her that they wanted nothing more than to bend her over and fuck her. She no longer felt like the lowest person in the room; She felt powerful. Those men could look at her private parts as much as they wanted, they couldn’t have her.

That power quickly diminished however, when two wranglers came over and in turn called out “Zero Zero Nine Five” and “Zero Zero Nine Six”. Cassie and Sophie quickly rose from their knees and walked over to their respective caller. Sophie felt all eyes on her as she stood before the waiting area and was expertly cuffed alongside her best friend. She then got the shock of her life when she felt the hand of the wrangler on her ass, and his fingers wedged with no hesitation between her cheeks. She had never been groped by a stranger before, and she knew it was only going to get worse from here. She watched as Cassie was marched forward and then she felt pressure from the wrangler’s fingers as he forced her to follow. They walked briskly to the other side of the room, past the queue at reception, and through the foreboding double doors where their slave grading would begin.
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