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Scared straight

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:09 am
by mikey22
Does anyone remember those scared straight shows?
I haven’t seen one in a long long time. The do gooders of the left probably won’t let anything like that on Tv cause it might hurt somebody’s precious feelings.
But back in the day they had these shows where they’d take a group of rebellious teenagers and put them in jail for a day so they’d get a little taste of what’s ahead of them, if they don’t straighten out.

In slave world on the slave network they have there own versions of these shows also, And for those progressives and liberals don’t waste your time on getting all uppity! Cause slave world don’t give a damn about your feelings or rights or anything else for that matter.

In this version we’ll use our favorite bad girl Misty to demonstrate that there can be severe and embarrassing consequences for cutting class.

It starts on a cool crisp winter day. Misty was just returning from lunch back to school. And just so you know if you don’t remember you’re not allowed to leave school for lunch.

Our principal Mrs. Beasley had been watching Misty all semester letting her get away with it. But today that’s gonna end. Of course she consulted with the board of education, law enforcement first. And because Misty had reached the magical age of 18 she was fair game to be treated like an adult. So the Slave network was notified so they could shoot this as a documentary type of show. And last but not least her mom was called not out of necessity but just for entertainment value, cause mom craves and thrives on naked humiliating shit.

Misty returned to class calmly and cool as usual, about halfway through the class the classroom door swings open wide open and in walked this tall big built deputy Sheriff, Mrs. Beasley, Misty’s mom followed by a camera crew, who was there to document all the action as it happens live.

“ Misty this gentleman would like to have a word with you. “
Mrs. Beasley said.

“ Are you Misty Jones? “

“ Yes sir…Why? “

“ Ws have a warrant for your arrest! “

“ For what? “

“ You cut class again! “
Mom said flatly.

“ I didn’t cut class I went to lunch! “

Misty’s got away with this for so long she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

“ I know I’ve caught you on camera since the beginning of the school year going to lunch. “
Mrs. Beasley added.

“ Stand up turn around and face the class, with your arms up and your legs spread. “
The officer said coldly.

Misty just had that shocked expression as the man forcefully patted her down.

“ Hey shouldn’t a female officer be doing that? “
A concerned classmate asks.

“ This is what happens after you turn 18. “
Mrs. Beasley pointed out to the class.

Mom just standing a few feet away observed closely as the man’s strong hands felt her daughter up over her clothes right in front of her.

“ Fuck me! “
Mom mumbles to herself feeling her own nipples harden, her panties moisten.

“ Watch what you say Deb! “
Mrs. Beasley warns her by whispering in her ear.

“ Why?…Where they taking her? “

“ Slave office. “

Mom’s stomach instantly turns for the worse, she quickly covers her mouth feeling nauseous and raced to the girls restroom, heaving from the cunt.

She bends over the toilet throwing her guts up, then raised her dress and quickly snatched her panties down and sat, with an exploding bowl movement in a cold sweat. She sits there until she’s empty.

She lets out a reliving sigh as she wipes herself clean. Feeling better she had the urge to lift her dress further and inspect her own crotch.
Outside the stall she hears gossiping teenage girls Bragging to one another about how good they got fucked the night before, apparently one of them was dating a slave handler and she liked playing slave.

Mom listened to her intimate details as she ran her battery operated trimmer over her own crotch.
And wondered if Misty shaved everything that morning, as she rubbed her clit a few times.
Mom then stood, flushed, straightened her dress and picked up her panties, exiting the stall just as the two teenagers had lit themselves a cigarette.

Both jumped in fear seeing the older woman coming out of the stall.

“ Just give me one I won’t tell. “
Mom says as the two nervous girls watch her toss her panties into the trash can.

“ Why are you throwing your underwear away? “
One girl asks as she gives mom her cigarette.

“ I’m going to the slave office. “

“ You??? “
Both girls ask together.

“ No I mean my daughter is. “
Mom said before taking a big draw from the cigarette.

Suddenly there was loud talking coming from the hallway.

“ Wonder what’s going on? “
One of the girls asked as she flushed her cigarette down the toilet.

They all exit the restroom to see Misty in handcuffs with that officer holding her upper arm.
Mrs. Beasley and the camera crew along with the entire class of about 30 something followed.

“ You okay Deb? “
Mrs. Beasley asks as she handed mom Misty’s purse and car keys.

“ Just so you know her driving privileges are revoked for the rest of the year. “

Mom wasn’t happy to hear that, cause Misty had been driving ever since she’d been kicked off the bus for fighting and cussing out the bus driver.
But unfortunately for Misty, the driving privileges was soon gonna be the least of her worries. Cause there was gonna be a lot of other things fixing to be taken away from her.

Outside the front of the school a big yellow bus sat there warmed up and ready, cause apparently Mrs. Beasley arranged for all this to be an educational class trip.

Misty though got to ride in the backseat of a police cruiser as the bus followed.

The camera crew in the Tv van speeds ahead so they could get set up and be ready for the young star of the show to arrive.

Mom sort of crashed hard down in the seat of her Cadillac and pulled a bottle of Thunder Bird from under the seat and guzzled half the bottle down.
Mom needed a stronger cigarette so she grabbed the pack of Marlboro reds from Misty’s purse and lit one of those up.
She takes a couple of draws and cranks the car.
From the radio Lynard Skynards Four walls of Raiford was playing.

“ Shit! Why ain’t they got a slave office song out yet? “

From the police car there was a camera zoomed in on her from below, it looked right up at her bulging blue Jean covered crotch. You could even see it throb on occasion. Past it you could see the look of pure fear on her face as beads of sweat break out across her forehead and run down her makeup packed face.

Though it was just 40 degrees outside her body felt as if it was as hot as a furnace. And along with the heat came the arousal like she’d never felt she felt her nipples poking against her bra, her clit swollen her pussy soaking and making her panties so wet almost as if she’d peed on herself.She felt her feet and legs sweat within her tight nylons. And though she’d been wearing heels since junior high. Her feet felt cramped and uncomfortable wearing them.

“” Jackie you smell that smell? “

“ I sure do!…It smells like pussy! “
The fat deputy says with a smile as he looks back at Misty.

“ What you see looking at her? “

“ I see a slut fixing to be a slave! “

Misty gulps at the sound of that.

“ Don’t you worry Honey! You gonna be alright! Get you out of them clothes and in a collar, on a diet of kibble for a few months so you can get rid of that fat gut. You gonna feel so much better I guarantee it! “
He said with optimism as the other deputy laughed wickedly.

Re: Scared straight

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:05 pm
by CommodorRaptr
Interesting take on Scared Straight and a good start. Looking forward to your next part.

Re: Scared straight

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:35 pm
by mikey22
With her hands cuffed behind her back Misty squirms in the seat uncontrollably.
A mist like vapor just flows from the air conditioning vents.
Not only was Misty growing aroused sexually. The sense of smell and taste also grew stronger.

She licks and smacks her lips repeatedly, craving the taste of a filthy cock as it’s pushed across her tongue and forced down her throat.

She took in the scent of the two men that sat in the seat in front of her, the smell of Brute couldn’t cover the smell of sweat and manly musky filth.

Her imagined her nose nestled into the mass of unruly pubic hair, with his shaft shoved all the way into her mouth.

“ I’ll suck both your cocks at the same time if you let me go? “
Misty says offering.

Both men just busted out laughing, which gave her the impression that being let go wasn’t going to happen.

Officer Drew who rode in the passenger seat suddenly looks over at Officer Jackie who was driving.

“ Jackie did you push that damn button again? “

“ I sure did! You know they said every time transport some tramp to the slave office to push the button along the way…Why? “

“ My dick is getting hard as Hell over here! “
He says picking at his khaki uniform pants to unbind his strained cock.

“ Yeah mine is too. Hope this stuff lasts long enough so I can bend the old lady over the kitchen table when I get to the house! “

Shit! Don’t think I can wait that long! If we didn’t have this cavalcade behind us I’d say let’s find a dirt road somewhere and we’ll just bend this bitch over the hood and take turns with her.

From the back seat Misty lets out a loud moan, with her legs spread wide and her high heels pressed into the floorboard from the waist down her body thrusted forward, from her swollen camel toe bulging from her tight designer jeans, her cunt throbs uncontrollably as her orgasm squirted and flowed filling the crotch of her full backed fat girl panties.
The entire car reeks of her aroused pussy.

Both men start rolling there windows down for some fresh air.

“ God damn that smell! “
Officer Drew blurts out.

Yep that’s how it’s going, it seems that the scientists in the R/D department has found a way to turn horny juice into a gas form.
Under the hood there is a canister all hooked up to the air conditioning lines that feeds the horny gas into the vents, it’s guaranteed to make everybody horny.

There was no doubt that Misty was gonna be a mess when she reaches the slave office, which was quickly coming in to sight as Jackie turns the corner.
How Ironic it was that the slave office sat on the road called Freedom Way.

Jackie turned into and drove through the parking lot and parked at the very front.
Misty looks at the steps that led up to the glass doors that led into the intimidating government building.

“ Isn’t there a back door we can use? “
Misty asks with her face beaming red.

Both men bust out laughing again.

“ This ain’t Juvie Honey!…Back door is the loading dock where your loaded onto a truck! “

Misty was just hoping for some privacy but unfortunately especially in her case, there would be no privacy.

Along the front of the building there were news vans parked along the way.

Yeah this was was a much a bigger deal than just the slave network which caters primarily to a hard core base of fans that craves slave shit.

No Misty was the first high school teenager that was going through the scared straight slave program. Which is designed to show the wayward teenage bad girl, where she could possibly end up if she doesn’t change her ways.

All networks were represented. ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN.
Unfortunately I don’t believe Fox News had been invented quite yet at the time.
But if it had been I could just imagine Roger Ailes forcing about 20 or 30 of them sexy Fox women through the doors of the slave office.
The ratings would go off the chart with a show like that.
Some how the thought of Kelly Anne Conway being forced to part with her pantyhose seems awful appealing at the moment.

“ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm “
Pausing to stroke my own cock for a moment Kelly Anne all ways gets me excited.

Back to the story.

“ What’s all this about? “
Misty ask’s seeing the reporters and camera crews gathered around the squad car aiming there cameras right at her.

“ There all here to see you Honey! “
Officer Jackie said with a laugh.

A group of officers from the slave office came to push the reporters back.

“ Back…Back!…Give us some space please! “

From behind multiple School busses parked. No it wasn’t Misty’s class of just 30 students it was the entire senior class was invited to tag along on this field trip, including the school reporter and yearbook staff.

Just think Misty’s popularity is fixing to go through the roof. Her slave naked body will fold out into a poster sized centerfold right from the middle of her high school year book.
The class of 1988 was gonna make history in slave world.

The students bounce happily off the school busses, as they line up recruiters from the slave office start handing out pamphlets of propaganda that promote slavery to all the girls.

“ Want an opportunity of a life time? Don’t wait until you get into trouble, just self indenture details inside. “
Was the quote from a cartoon like picture of a smiling naked slave girl with a collar around her neck.

Misty’s twin sister Crystal was beside herself not knowing what to think of this.

“ She’s getting enslaved?…For going to Taco Bell? “
She asks mom.

“ Apparently so. I’d hate to think of what they’d do if she robbed a bank! “

Mom and Crystal wait a few feet away as Misty’s finally helped from the back seat of the police cruiser.

“ Mom!…Ain’t there something you can do? “
Misty yells out in a fearful voice.

“ I’m sorry baby! “
Mom yells back at her across the noisy crowd.
Only to find a microphone shoved into her face.

“ Are you her mother?…How does it feel to see your daughter processed as a slave? “

“ No comment….No comment! “
Was all mom could think to say as she pushed her way away from the reporters.

Mom, Crystal and Mrs. Beasley stand together close to the doors waiting for Misty as she’s prided along with the noisy crowd right behind her.
As mom finishes her cigarette she’s sort of caught off guard of a sniffing slave hound that stood at her feet.

“ Look mom I think he likes you. “
Crystal says watching the dog sniff mom.

That is until it snarls its nose and looks up her booted leg and growls. Mom turns and looks straight into the staring dark eyes of a slave trooper who just stairs her down. She gulps as she turns away to follow Misty feeling the man’s presence as he follows.
A cold chill goes up her spine.
Secretly mom was loving this shit, she wished so badly that she was in Misty’s shoes that very moment.
Mom just thrives on the excitement of stripping down in public but unfortunately for her this would be Misty’s day to shine in the public light.
Realizing this mom pulls a business card from her coat pocket and dropped it on the floor.

“ Excuse me Mrs. “
The trooper calls out to mom as he picks up the card, and offers to hand it back to her.

Mom slows and falls back away from Crystals side.

“ No you keep it and call me later. “
Mom whispers in his ear.
He just nods steps away, as they follow along across the spacious marble floored lobby.

A large water feature had been added since we visited the department of agriculture building last.
It was a large pool with a flowing fountain with statues of attractive young slave girls happily playing in the water.

It’s part of the propaganda you know? Slavery has to be sold as fun and exciting, and something to look forward to. That way more young women will come willingly without the need of force.

Misty was led through the glass doors of the Live stock and slave office the crowd followed into the spacious but smaller waiting room, which filled quickly to full capacity.

A naked married couple turns with shocked looks towards the crowd.
They looked to be in there mid 30’s. The woman still an attractive mom. The man had that dad bod gut, with his hairy naked body with his low hanging balls and slightly erect cock that bounced heavily as he moved about.

A uniformed female supervisor swatted them both across the ass with a crop.

“ Get them out of here! “
She says to there handler that gave there leashes a yank.

Apparently for an anniversary present to each other they paid $2,500.00 for a week in slave Land.

Apparently it’s a thing for free people to pay to be treated like real slaves. Again it’s that base crowd that watches the slave network, that usually gets into that sort of thing.
That way the woman’s macho husband can watch his trophy wife as she’s railed in all three holes at one time. And in return the action pauses as the wife watches her macho alpha male manly man husband as he’s forced to suck the dick clean that was just pulled from his wife’s ass.
Unfortunately though there’s statistics that go in to a disturbing trend of divorce that seems to be following these types of adventures.

The late twenty something uniformed brunette supervisor turned towards Misty, starring her down.

“ Well…Well…Well!…What have we got here? “
She says as she slowly circles Misty. As she sizes up the first teen to go through the scared straight slave program.
She was somewhat disappointed that they didn’t pick a girl with a more fit body like a cheerleader.

Over Misty’s dressed body she somewhat assesses her big breasts, chubby belly, fat ass with wide hips, her thick thighs looked tight against her acid washed blue and gray Gasoline brand jeans.

“ WTF? Kind of ratings is the slave network gonna get with this? “
The supervisor mumbles to herself.

Mom with Crystal at her side and Mrs. Beasley meet with the supervisor and two lawyers one that represents the slave office, the other that represents the board of education to go over the enslavement contract.

“ Mom where is my lawyer? “
Misty cries out.

“ Shut up!…I ain’t hiring you a lawyer! “
Mom says crudely back to Misty.

“ But what about my rights? “

Everyone in the room busts out laughing.

So Misty’s asking about her rights. Supposedly in slave world girls age out of there juvenile rights at the ripe age of 18. Any rights a woman gets in the future has to be earned.

So we go over the contract of Misty’s enslavement.

For a set time of 6 weeks Misty will be collard and will be expected to be slave naked during all school hours or during any school activities.
If she miss behaves in any way, time can be added to the enslavement.

That’s option #1

Option #2 is Misty’s choice if being slave naked at school is too much to endure.

Is a four year contract where she will strip slave naked and put through grading, training and then sold at auction to the highest bidder.

“ The choice is yours? “
One of the lawyers asked Misty point blank.

“ Option One. “
Misty mumbles with a pouty look on her face.
The lawyers, Mrs. Beasley and then mom signs the contract for Misty.

“ Hey ain’t I the one that supposed to sign? “
Misty yells out, questioning this.

“ Didn’t I tell you to shut up?…A moment ago? “

“ I hate you! “
Misty yells back at her mother with a growl.

“ That’s enough of that ladies!…Let’s get on with it! “
The young supervisor said, nodding toward the deputy to unlock and remove Misty’s handcuffs.

Misty slowly rubs her wrists with a sigh.

“ Will you be taking her things home with you? “
The supervisor asks mom.

“ May as well. “
Mom said as a plain cardboard box from behind the counter was placed onto the counter top.

“ Shit! “
Misty says under her breath looking at it.

“ Now take off your clothes! “
The young supervisor says looking at Misty with a blank expression as she slaps that crop against her tall leather boot.

“ Strip! Or I’ll whip your ass! “

Misty sighs again as she slowly turned to face her classmates and all the Tv cameras.

Re: Scared straight

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:49 pm
by mikey22
Finally Misty reached for the zipper of her crisp red hoodie, that she always wore on cool days. Mrs. Beasley looks on as the skimpy short crop top comes into everyone’s view as the hoodie opens.
As Misty takes it off, her tits press forward looking as big as two cantaloupes as she sheds the jacket, placing it inside the box, as she does the loose sleeve of her top, slips off her shoulder exposing her bra strap.

“ What have I told you about wearing that top? “
Mrs. Beasley said glaring at Misty with an angry look.

“ I had a jacket on! “
Misty argues.

“ The key word is had, now take it off! “

From that day forward anytime a girl arrives at school wearing an inappropriate outfit, she’ll just be expected to take it off and go without.

From the background of obnoxious teenage boy’s whistles and cat calls started being yelled out.

“ Take it off baby!..,Take it all off! “

“ No!….No!…Put it back on! “

“ Oink.. Oink….Show it off Mis Piggy! “

“ I think I got to barf! “

“ Gag me with a spoon! “

“ Bark…Bark!…Bark!…Bark! “

“ Yeah!…Yeah!…Bark back to us Bitch! “

Misty was looking as if she was fixing to cry.

“ Just ignore them…Keep going! You look great! “
Crystal says to Misty, encouraging her.
Misty grabbed the bottom of her top, pulling it over her head, Mrs. Beasley grabbed the top and tossed it into the trash can that sat close by.
It was obvious that she didn’t want to see that top again.

Misty’s arms goes behind her back, unhooking the three clasps that held the supportive cross your heart bra. Her big tits spring forward and fall freely with a bounce, as the straps fall down and off her arms. The bra is dropped into the box.

My perspective
From a short distance away I watched as my girlfriend was forced to strip in front of the crowd. Within my pants my balls felt full and tight, my cock fucking throbs uncontrollably, just standing there it wouldn’t take much for me to just blow my nuts out, filling my underwear with my seed.

“ FUCK! “
I said to myself.

Moms perspective.

This is good for her and just what she needs.
Time spent slave naked and is much more effective than an ass whipping behind the wood shed.

“ Shit! I can’t believe I’m so horny right now! Why couldn’t this be me? “
Mom says to herself.

Crystals perspective

“ I wish I had the guts to do what she’s doing right now! “

Misty’s perspective.

People are barking at me! And oinking! I’m taking names God Damnit! I’m kicking ass when this is over with!
Starting with Mikey, he makes you all think I’m some fat ass ugly hog! And I’m not! I’m just pleasantly plump and deserve to be loved and just not used for entertainment!


“ Men are Scum! “

Though the mixed bag of negative reactions Misty’s getting as she stands there top less, as she attempts to stall, looking down at the floor. Thinking about all the women that had stripped down before her. For some reason the bad case of athletes foot she’d gotten in junior high comes to mind.
Some players you just shouldn’t go barefoot and even though the marble floor beneath her high heels looks clean and shiny, doesn’t mean you won’t pick up some funk.

“ Keep going! “
The supervisor said.

“ Do you have any flip flops or shower shoes I could use? “

That question was answered with a swift swat of the crop, that just lit Misty’s ass on fire.

“ I said Strip! Or you’ll get another! “
The supervisor said holding the crop up to Misty’s face.

“ Shit!…That hurt! She means business! “
Misty says to herself with a gulp.

She then bent her leg backwards, raising her foot and slowly pulled the ruby red high heeled pump from her right foot dropped it into the box and repeated the process with the left one, she paused for a moment as she stretched her nylons slightly and wiggles her toes, before putting both feet onto the floor.

She then sucks in her gut and unsnapped the tight Gasoline jeans, as her zipper comes down her chubby fat gut spills out for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

“ Damn! I had no idea she was that fat! “

“ She’s really been porking up lately! “

“ Shit! People are really gonna be pissed if we put this fat cunt on pay per view! “
One of the camera men said.

“ Just ignore them! “
Crystal says to Misty again. As she reluctantly lowers her jeans.
Her thick thighs jiggle like a couple of ham hocks.

Out of her jeans she quickly folds them and placed them into the box.
The crotch of her light blue full backed panties was still soaked, where she’d had her explosive orgasm earlier, feeling still wet there she decided to take them off next, only to keep her nylons longer, still thinking about athletics foot again.

As she lowers her panties they stick to her cunt. A Tv camera zooms in for a tight shot so you could still see the sticky white stringy cum that she deposited earlier as it’s stretched from her flesh it breaks away as the panties fall freely to her feet.

Misty bends over picking her panties up, dropping them into the box.

“ No!…No!…Those ain’t going in my car! “
Mom said shaking her head. With just her finger and thumb, she picks the panties up and steps towards the trash can.

I then race forward, shoving myself through the crowd then leap forward grabbing the panties in mid air before falling to the marble floor.

As I get up I see the whole room full of people all watching me.

“ Did you see that?…If he’d catch a football like that he’d still be on the team! “
I heard one of my former teammates say.

Feeling nervous with a red face I race back to where I was standing earlier. I then put the crotch of my girlfriend’s panties to my nose taking in her scent plus a little of my own, suddenly remembering that we’d fucked that morning before school.

“ That’s disgusting! “

“ You’re so nasty! “

“ Dude where are your standards? “

“ That ugly bitch really gets you hard? “

“ Are you that desperate? “

I suddenly felt embarrassed by what I was doing and crammed Misty’s panties into my pocket. I’ll use them later to jerk off as I watch the new edition of Scared Straight.

Misty then peeled off her nylons and tucked them back into her shoes as if she’d be putting them back on shortly like at the doctors office or something.

But unfortunately being naked was something she was fixing to get used to.

“ Okay you finally got me naked!…Now what? “
Misty asks with attitude.

A new foam yoga mat was rolled out at her feet.

“ I think you know! “
The supervisor says as she placed her hands onto Misty’s bare shoulders and pushed downwards.

Misty falls to her knees, bowing her head looking at the new yoga mat.

“ The mat goes everywhere you go!…So don’t loose it! “
The supervisor says in a warning voice.

“ Collar! “
The supervisor says next, as she reached for a new collar that Said Slave across it.

Misty looks puzzled at the woman standing over her with the collar.

“ I said collar! “
She said in a louder voice.

That’s when mom stepped in taking both Misty’s hands, kneeling beside her naked daughter, placing her hands under her long hair, lifting it out of the way.

“ When she says collar…This is what she means.”
Mom says softly giving Misty a gentle hug and kissing her on the forehead before getting back to her feet and moving away.

“ Thanks mom. “
Misty said raising her hair and bowing her head, allowing the supervisor to buckle the collar around her neck, a small padlock was then put on so Misty couldn’t get it off.
The key was then handed to Mrs. Beasley who would be the one supervising her enslavement.

Re: Scared straight

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:11 am
by timerider
Keep going mikey 22 :clint:

Re: Scared straight

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:01 pm
by mikey22
“ Are we done now? “
Misty asks truly feeling as if she’s had enough for the day, but unfortunately she wasn’t.

“ No we just have a few more things to do. “
The supervisor said in just a matter of fact sounding in her voice.

In Misty’s head this closely resembled that documentary she’d recently watched about Ted Bundy, as he continued to stall his execution by admitting and pointing out where other dead bodies were. Finally when there was no more and his execution date was set. They then shaved his head and said.

“ We just have a few more minor things to do first.”

Which meant humiliating him by having some unfortunate guy to pack his ass full of cotton, then get him into a diaper so he don’t shit all over the place when they throw the juice to him.
Can’t blame them for that, who’d want to clean up that mess.

But as we know in slave world slaves have to be processed properly, and just because this is a short term or temporary enslavement with conditions it doesn’t mean Misty gets to side step procedures, there in place for a reason which helps the slave adapt to being a slave.

“ Have you had breakfast this morning? “
The supervisor asks.

“ Not really just a snack cake and a Pepsi. “

Misty’s not big on breakfast and chooses to sleep in as long as possible, skipping the bacon and eggs, toast or cereal.
She buys her snack cake, Pepsi and Marlboro Reds the same time as she puts a few dollars of gas in the car, she never fills up thinking she’s saving money by just putting in just enough gas to get her to school, work and back home.
It’s the same routine every day. But now that routine is gonna change.

As a slave she’s either gonna walk or be transported as slaves typically are especially when there new slaves so they can be supervised properly.
They’ll be no more snack cakes or Pepsis either. And no cigarettes.
Mom will have to lock hers up unless she decides to crate train Misty. Though the enslavement is just for school hours mom will have say on if Misty’s enslavement continues at home.

Usually around mom Misty’s pretty good, cause mom never failed at whaling that switch when Misty needed it. It’s away from home when she gets into trouble.

Though now the process must continue.

“ Step around over here for me. “
The supervisor said.

Misty noticed the toilet sitting there and she did need to pee, but wondered why the toilet wasn’t in the restroom.

“ Now I’m gonna need you to get down on all fours. “
The supervisor said as she reached for the enima kit.

“ Why is the toilet not in the restroom? “

“ Cause slaves don’t use restrooms. “

“ Can I pee first?…I really need to go! “

“ So you got to pee? “

“ Yeah! “

The supervisor pointed to a drain in the floor.

“ Squat down over that drain and pee. “

“ But there’s a toilet right there?…Plus there is a public restroom out there? “
Misty pointed out towards the lobby.

The supervisor then raised the crop to Misty’s face.

“ I told you a moment ago, slaves don’t use restrooms. Now do as I say or everyone here will see you get a whipped ass. “

Misty immediately went to the drain and squats over it and pees in front of everyone. Which of course gets lots of laughter.

Guys in the crowd get a pass on being obnoxious guys, but unfortunately for the girls that laugh along names are being taken down and many of them will be visiting a slave office in the near future to go through the same humiliating process that Misty is going through right now.

Once she pees she looks around for toilet tissue or a box of wipes to clean herself, but as we know those are luxury goods for free people only. Slaves have to learn to adapt by finding other ways to do those things.

She then got down on all fours and felt the plastic like tube as it was fed into her rectum. Then came the fluid that filled her up. It wasn’t long before she fell bloated and full. Once allowed to stand she hoped about holding her anal muscles tightly together as the second hand on the clock above ticked by slowly feeling as if it was an eternity.
Finally the supervisor nods and Misty raced to the toilet to virtually explode, filling it with everything she’d eaten in the past two days.

That’s right 2 days and sometimes more. My grandmother used to lecture me about important it is to be regular meaning you need to shit everyday. Regardless of if you want to or not. And if you’re not going regular you don’t tell grandma otherwise you get exactly what Misty just got.

The supervisor watches as Misty’s body relaxed after the explosive sounds of dharma that created heckling laughter from all that watched.

“ Done yet? “

“ I think so. “

“ Stand up. “

Misty stands from the toilet. The supervisor looked at what Misty just deposited and obviously wasn’t satisfied.

“ Back down all fours! Let’s try this again! “

Misty repeated the process two more times.

“ I can’t believe people are so entertained by watching someone take a shit? “
Misty says to herself as the Tv cameras zoom in and out on her naked and embarrassed looks she had on her face.

“ Now that your finally done get into the shower! “

“ But I showered this morning! “

“ Don’t argue with me! “

Misty gets in the shower and turns on the water jumping with surprise as the shock of cold water hits her body.

“ There is no hot water? “
She screams out as she shivered.

“ Just shut up! You’ll get used to it! “

From above a trap door type of thing opens and out falls what looks like white powder. In reality it’s none other than Tide detergent the good kind of Tide Remember it came in a big red box it usually had a big scoop or mom had a large green cup that she used to pour it into a real washing machine that actually used enough water to actually get your clothes clean. Unlike that bull shit machine they sell today that costs around 2k and stinks with mold after it’s sat for a day or two. And uses them little pods that Generation Z kids challenge each other with to eat.

Yeah unfortunately there’s idiots everywhere.

But supposedly the government regulates washing machines so they’ll save water and the earth with all that climate change bull shit.

But in slave world they believe in using the old Tide for the slave, so the slave will be Tide clean.
It obviously made plenty of suds as Misty soaped up with it.

She was then pinned to the wall as the supervisor decided to use the fire hose on her for the rinse cycle.

After which she was given a disposable razor to shave everything.

Mom looked on and was quite impressed that Misty had taken up shaving her cunt clean instead of just trimming up to make some stupid design out of her pubic hair.
But she still had lots to learn as far as keeping herself slave shaved.
Mom takes Misty’s razor and gently parted the cheeks of her ass. Then shaved the hair away from her poop shoot.

“ But mom why have I got to shave there? “

“ Because the gentleman that are in charge say so. “

“ But that hole is exit only? “

Mom then busts Misty’s bubble by shaking her head.

“ No baby as a slave all three holes get used and inspected on a daily basis. So you better learn to do all these things we’re showing you today. “

The thought of all that weighed heavily on Misty’s mind. Slaves just got looked down on and talked about as if they were idiots or something.
Misty was finding out then there was a lot to being a slave, especially keeping herself free of unwanted hair. And that daily enima thing was definitely disturbing.
After 3 of them back to back she felt weak and empty as far as nourishment went.