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Lottie's Year of Servitude Pt. 03

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:41 pm
by chrwy01
The upload times will be a bit longer between chapters now as my original chapters for both this story and Cassie's story were written all before I submitted the first chapter. From now on all my chapters are being written as the last one is submitted.


Chapter 3

Lottie sat on the bench in her pen as she looked out the window at the passing motorway traffic and sipped on a bottle of water. This was her first time on her own since she was enslaved, and it gave her some time to contemplate the situation she found herself in. No matter what, she was going to be naked and collared for the next 2 weeks, but should the Kenilwood Institute decide to keep her on, this was going to be the next year of her life. At first she started to panic and cry, sobbing for the first hour of the drive, but as she calmed herself down, she realised she had no control over the situation. No amount of kicking and screaming would make this two weeks end, and although a year of this sounded daunting, she didn’t want to go through all this ordeal just to be rejected and have her best chance of social mobility taken away from her. She would never have the opportunity to make this sort of money elsewhere. She was so conflicted. Did she want this or not?

After what felt like a long 2 hour drive, she saw the van pull off into a motorway service station. It parked up and she watched as the driver left and walked into the building. Soon he returned with a sandwich, bottle of coke, and a packet of crisps heading straight for the back of the van. It was at this point that Lottie realised how hungry she was getting, it was now 2pm and she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The back doors opened, and the man quickly jumped in, shut the doors behind him, and called out “Hands”. Lottie understood what he meant and she quickly stood, faced away from the pen door and slid her hands through. A pair of cuffs were once again attached to her wrists, and the door opened.

“Right,” the man started, plonking himself down on the bench, “It’s my legally enforced driving break. So I’m going to sit here and eat my lunch while you get the great honour of kneeling here and sucking my cock for the next 15 minutes.” He nonchalantly unfastened and removed his trousers to reveal his soft cock, surrounded by what looked like long and unmaintained pubic hair. “Gross,” Lottie thought to herself, as she found herself going from never having given a blowjob in her life before to giving a blowjob to two different older men in the space of 3 hours.

She realised this was going to be a lot more difficult than the last blowjob as her hands were now cuffed behind her back. She reluctantly leaned forward and took his soft member into her mouth, which she was able to do in its entirety. With his whole cock in her mouth, she started to suck while circling her tongue around it, and she very quickly started to feel his cock harden. While she had a face full of the man’s pubes, he had his face in his sandwich.

Once she had him fully erect she could no longer take all of him in her mouth, so she settled with taking as much of him as she could, and used the same technique she had used earlier except without her hands to help her out. She worked into a rhythm of bobbing her head up and down furiously, trying to make him cum as quickly as she could and end the blowjob. A few minutes of this and she felt him start to tense up, and suddenly a torrent of hot cum once again filled her mouth which she swallowed down quickly.

Once she finished swallowing his load and using her mouth and tongue to clean up his penis, she pulled back and knelt on her feet to signal the end of the blowjob which clearly annoyed him.

“What the fuck are you doing? I didn’t say to stop, I told you to suck my cock for 15 minutes. My break isn’t over yet I’ve only just finished my sandwich. And lick my balls while you’re down there.”

“Yes master, sorry master.” She quickly had her head back between his legs, giving his balls and softening cock a tongue bath. The blowjob itself only lasted about 10 minutes, so she had five more minutes of serving him like this. She wasn’t even sure he was getting anything out of it at this point, but doing it just to humiliate her because he could. He barely even looked down at her, he was too busy tucking into his bag of crisps and taking sips of his coke. “Hopefully the Kenilwood clients will be better than this,” she thought to herself.

However, as the minutes grew on, she started to get used to servicing his genitals with her tongue. She pictured herself servicing a powerful, handsome man. He had bought her for his own personal use and promised he’d wed her once she’s free. And as the cock started to stir slightly again, she took pride in knowing she was causing it. She wanted to be given the honour of taking it in her mouth again and making him cum. She started to feel herself getting wet…

“Ok, time to go,” the man suddenly snapped. She was brought out of her trance and the ball sack resting on her tongue suddenly repulsed her again. He took his wet cock and balls and wiped them dry on her face, then he zipped up his trousers and went to the door of the van, opening up a cabinet. He pulled out a dog bowl and a bag of what looked like dog biscuits. “Another treat for you, you get to try some world famous slave kibble,” he laughed, dropping the dog bowl on the floor in front of her and filling it up with beige dry-looking pellets. He left the cage and relocked the door, ordering her hands back through so he could uncuff her. Then he shut the van and very shortly the van was once again on the move.

The first thing Lottie did was grab a bottle of water and rinse her mouth of the taste of his cum. Then she studied the bowl of slave kibble. She was under no orders to eat it on the floor like a dog so she sat on the bench and held the bowl in her hands, picking up the kibble with her fingers. Her eyes told her to avoid it at all costs, but her stomach was saying otherwise. Realising this might be her only chance to eat for a while, she cautiously placed a piece in her mouth and chewed down. It wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Bland and wheaty was the only way she could think to describe it. She certainly hoped this wouldn’t be her only food as a slave.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. She sat on her bench and munched on her slave lunch while watching the passing traffic. She tried to read the overhead road signs to figure out where she was going but the only thing she knew was that she was heading south. Suddenly the van exited the motorway and they were then driving through miles and miles of countryside. The surrounding traffic got less and less frequent, until eventually no other cars were seen at all. The van was hurtling down a one lane track for another 20 minutes or so until they suddenly reached a large warehouse building with security barriers at the front. The barriers opened and quickly the van parked up.

The back of the van opened and she found herself naked and exposed in front of a different man. He had a rather official looking guard uniform on. Her first thought was to cover her body with her arms but she knew it wouldn’t do her any good. The only word uttered by him was “Hands,” in a sharp tone. She complied immediately and placed her hands back through the door and felt her wrists cuffed once more. He unlocked the cage and dragged her from the van. Her bare feet touched the concrete outside and it was cold, the large imposing structure casting a shadow over the courtyard they were in. Parked neatly were dozens of dormant vans identical to the one she had arrived in. She didn’t have long to study her surroundings as she quickly felt a hand on her bum pushing her in the direction of the building’s doors. The automatic doors slid open and as they entered she was glad to be sheltered from the cool breeze on her nude body.

The room they entered was a small reception, and she found herself being pushed towards a desk. Behind the desk was a man in his 50s, balding with a poorly maintained beard. He looked her defenceless body up and down with a bored expression and started typing away at his computer.

“Slave, what is your name?” he asked, not looking away from his computer as he spoke to her.

“Erm, Lottie. I mean Charlotte… Charlotte Wiles. Master,” she replied nervously.

“Let me see…” he said to himself while scrolling his mouse. “Ah yes, there you are.”

He studied her face, then looked back at his screen, then repeated this a few more times. “Everything looks in order, scan her.” She suddenly felt herself being led towards a large contraption next to the desk which looked like an airport scanner. “Present,” the guard ordered, the second word he had said to her so far. Unable to place her hands behind her neck due to the cuffs, she performed as much of the position as she could, spreading her legs and pushing her tits out.

“Count yourself lucky,” the man behind the desk said, “we used to perform cavity searches before we picked this machine up.” He then spoke to the guard, “She’s clear.” The guard then pulled her from the machine and towards a large security door, which he opened with a keycard. The door slowly opened and she found herself facing another door identical to the last, as the door behind her slowly closed. The guard used his keycard again and the second door then began to open. Once she was past the ‘airlock’, the guard very kindly removed her cuffs.

The inside of the building had a cold and imposing aura. The walls were a glossy two-tone drab green and white, with little decoration. She was led down a corridor which had multiple rooms either side, and as she turned her head to look through a door window, she got her first view of another naked slave. Over a dozen of them in fact. They were in what looked like a classroom, except instead of desks they were all kneeling on a padded floor facing the ‘teacher’ at the front of the class. Lottie was walking too quickly to study what was going on inside. She was soon brought to a door labelled ‘HEADMASTER’, which the guard proceeded to give a loud affirmative knock.

“Come in,” came the sound of a man from the other side, and the guard opened the door and pushed her through. The door was then closed behind her, and the sounds of the guard’s footsteps could be heard getting quieter as he marched back down the corridor. She was now standing alone and naked in an office, in front of a stern, powerful-looking man in a smart suit sat behind a large, sturdy desk.

“Hello, Lottie. I’m sure you’ve had quite the day,” he said, in a friendly manner.

She nodded with a slight smile, feeling herself relax just a little, “yes master.”

“Please, make yourself comfortable,” he said, gesturing with his hand to the front of his desk. She noticed immediately that there wasn’t an opposing chair to sit on, instead there was a padded mat. She took the hint and knelt down on the mat, spreading her knees in a way she thought appropriate for a girl of her station, a slave. She also placed her hands behind her neck in the Present position, despite not being ordered but it felt like what was expected of her. She felt herself getting more and more comfortable being slave-naked in front of strangers, quicker than she expected.

“Thank you master,” she uttered, performing the role she knew she had to play.

“It’s my honour to personally welcome you here to our slave school. I’m sure you will find your time here invaluable and you will learn many important life skills. Now, Lottie, I’ve been following you with great interest. It’s not often that we have complete virgins joining us, and the ones who do apply generally don’t make it this far. Clearly Michael saw some promise in you. Now, I don’t want you to think you’re at a disadvantage because you haven’t had a cock in your holes. We treat every slut here the same, from the basics all the way up to mastery.”

He had a way of speaking which seemed to put Lottie at ease. She knew she wanted to please him, that her time here would run more smoothly if she did. She subconsciously found herself spreading her legs and pushing her tits out more as he looked down on her from behind his desk so he could get a better view of her.

“Now, your lessons start tomorrow, but I have one lesson for you today which I think will be helpful. It’s no good starting your training thinking about your virginity as something precious. You certainly won’t leave this facility a virgin, you will be fucked here often by our staff.”

The matter-of-fact way he said this scared Lottie, but deep down she also found herself strangely getting turned on. She couldn’t explain why.

“You need to learn quickly that your body isn’t yours anymore. That’s why you’re kept naked, so others can properly see and use you.” He paused to let it sink in. “So, let’s start. Bend over my desk here, feet spread apart.” As he said this he gestured to the spot at the front of his desk.

“Fuck, this is really happening,” Lottie thought to herself. Everything was moving so quickly. She had started the day as a regular 18 year old girl, who had never even seen a penis before in real life. Now she was a naked slave, had already sucked the cocks of two strangers and was now about to have a third enter her and take her virginity. Any thought of her first time being special was out the window, her virginity was about to be taken unceremoniously and without any of her say on the matter.

She rose slowly from her kneeling position, trembling slightly, and made the short walk over to the desk that would soon be the site of her deflowering. She could sense the eyes of the headmaster roaming her body, taking in the sight of what he would very soon be claiming. A thought came to her, “How many other girls have lost their virginity in this exact same spot?” It was then that she noticed the edges of the desk were significantly more worn where she was about to bend over, clearly indicating a lot of prior use. The realisation hit home that even though this was supposedly a monumental step in her life, she was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Her virginity meant nothing to the headmaster about to take it. She felt her self-worth diminishing.

She solemnly took her place at the desk and bent at the waist, leaning on her elbows, and spread her legs apart like he ordered. If anybody walked into the office she would be incredibly exposed, she thought. As she looked up at the headmaster she saw him rise from his chair, and noticed he already had a bulge in his pants. He stood and walked around the desk out of her sightline, leaving her to stare at his empty, expensive looking chair wondering what he was going to do to her.

She felt his presence behind her. She couldn’t see what he was doing but she felt that he was studying her. Then she jolted in a slight shock as she felt his hand touch her between her legs, down.. there. This was the first time anybody other than herself had touched it. She felt his fingers roaming around the folds of her vulva until finally, to her surprising pleasure, they reached her clit. Internally she moaned but it came out externally as a small whimper. He continued rubbing her clit, extracting more of a reaction out of her and feeling her pussy getting more and more wet, whether she wanted it to or not. She was finding herself getting incredibly turned on at his groping of her pussy.

She heard the almost inaudible sound of a zipper, and quickly his hand was replaced by something else prodding at her, his cock.

“Ready to lose your virginity, slut?” The headmaster asked with a smirk, clearly enjoying the power he had over her.

“Yes master, I’m yours,” she replied meekly. She knew she needed to answer in a way that would please him, but deep down, she was ready. He’d worked her into such a frenzy that she really did want him to take her.
It felt like ecstasy when for the first time, she felt a cock enter her and his whole shaft slowly slide into her pussy as her virginity was taken. He fucked her slowly at first, enjoying the feeling of her pussy around his cock. But he wasn’t here for passionate lovemaking, his job was to welcome her to the world of slavery. He grabbed her wrists, holding them behind her back and forcing her to bend down more and rest her chest on the desk, then picked up the pace. He started pounding into her using her wrists as leverage.

Lottie found herself moaning louder and louder the harder he fucked her. “I could get used to this,” she thought to herself as he used her like the slave slut she now was. He held her wrists with one hand and with the other he bunched up her hair and pulled her upwards. He leant down and spoke breathily directly into her ear. “I want you to remember this moment. I want you to remember this was your first time, a collared slave, horny out of your mind.”

Lottie could barely comprehend what he was saying to her as she felt the pleasure build up in her body until suddenly she felt herself pass a point of no return. She couldn’t believe it, she was about to cum.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” she panted under her breath, then suddenly her whole body began to shake as the headmaster’s cock continued to pound into her.

“That’s it slut, cum for me. Good girl, good little slave,” he whispered into her ear as he felt her pussy convulsing around his cock.

Her orgasm subsided and she went limp on the desk as the headmaster fucked her with a few more long pumps. He then pulled out of her, and she lay on the desk stationary. She felt a warm glow through her body, never had she had an orgasm so strong.

She was suddenly pulled from her trance when she felt a cool liquid on her anus and felt his finger tracing around it. She tensed up as she realised what was happening, which he sensed.

“Relax, fighting it only makes it worse,” he said sternly. “Now, reach back and spread your cheeks for me.”

“Y.. Yes master,” she shakily replied, and reluctantly she reached back with both hands to pull her cheeks apart for the headmaster. Soon she felt his finger prodding at her hole, and with a little pressure he forced it into her. She let out a gasp at this foreign invasion of her ass. He finger fucked her ass with long strokes, forcing lube inside of her. Then she felt him pull out, and a second finger was added, but she found her ass accommodating the sensation.

He removed his fingers, and she heard the wet sounds of him stroking his cock, until suddenly she felt the thick tip against her sphincter.

“Push out for me slave,” he said in a reassuring manner, and she did so, even if pushing out when something was about to go in felt counter-productive. But right now she had to trust him as he was clearly the expert here, and she didn’t want it to hurt.

She tried to fight her instinct to tense up as she felt him push and felt the pressure against her hole. The pressure continued to grow until finally her ass opened up, and the cock head entered her. A pain shot through her, but she knew she had to try her best to accommodate him and be a good slave so she remained in her position.

He kept the tip of his cock inside her, letting her ass get used to being as stretched as it was. Then she felt the strange, uncomfortable feeling of his cock slowly sliding in her ass. Back and forth it went, getting deeper each time he thrusted into her. Then he pulled back until just the tip was in, then with one long deliberate thrust he slowly slid his entire length into her asshole. She gasped audibly, her breathing short and quick, as she lost her second virginity to this man.

He repeated the action again and again, pulling his cock out to just the tip, then sliding the whole length back into her with one thrust, each time his groin pressing against her cheeks and her hands spreading them. He looked down and enjoyed the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her cute ass. Once he was happy she could take him, he once again grabbed her wrists, using them for leverage as he increased the pace of his long strokes.

Her heightened sense of arousal helped her get through her first anal deflowering. She couldn’t believe that his cock was all the way up her ass. He picked up the pace, and she felt a sudden pleasure at the invasion of her forbidden hole. As she became more accustomed to the feeling of getting anally reamed, the discomfort shrank and the pleasure continued to grow. She realised she was beginning to enjoy it.
The headmaster smiled to himself when he heard Lottie let out a moan as he slammed into her tight asshole. He never grew tired of feeling a tight virgin anus wrapped around his cock. Soon both of them were panting away together at the shared pleasure of their anal coupling. He grabbed her hair again, pulling her head back and slamming ferociously into her now cock-accustomed asshole.

She couldn’t believe how good it felt. She’d heard girls at her college talk about how painful it was, but other than the initial insertion, there was no pain at all. She was surprised by how quickly her ass was able to take his whole cock. She truly felt like a slut as she bent over this stranger’s desk getting her ass pounded and loving every minute of it. The pleasure rose inside her and she felt her body begin to tense up. She realised what was happening, she was about to orgasm again. Her body began to shake and the headmaster increased the ferocity with which he reamed her. She lost control and started to spasm, kept in place by the headmaster pinning her down as he continued to abuse her rectum. The feeling of her anus around his cock spasming as she orgasmed sent him over the edge and he felt his orgasm quickly rising. He could hold back no longer, and her spasming hole milked the cum from his cock as he shot spurt after spurt of his hot fluid into her bowels.

The pair fought to regain their breaths as they both came down from their orgasmic highs. The headmaster managed a few more short thrusts into her as Lottie lay limp on his desk. He reluctantly withdrew his cock from her rectum, and from his pocket he retrieved a buttplug which he inserted into her with ease and with no complaints from the motionless teen. He walked back round his desk and in an exhausted manner he sat back down on his chair. Lottie looked up to see him sat pantsless, with his cock now waning but still looking huge, and glistening with the lube he fucked her with.

He pressed a button on his desk, and a short while later she heard the door open behind her and someone enter. Their view, she realised, would be of her buttplugged ass as she lay bent over the desk, but at this point she had little embarrassment in her situation. The footsteps were quiet, and she realised why, as moments later a naked and collared girl came into view as she walked around the desk and knelt in front of the headmaster, paying little attention to Lottie splayed across the desk. This was the first time she’d come face-to-face with another slave girl.

“Frances, here, showed some aversion to sucking a cock that had been in her ass yesterday,” the headmaster explained to Lottie while Slave Frances looked down gravely. “But I’m a solid believer in second chances, so I thought I would give her the chance to redeem herself.” He turned and spoke to Frances knelt before him. “Lottie here is a new arrival and has just had the pleasure of receiving a wonderful welcome in the form of a double deflowering. But after that great assfuck my cock needs some cleaning. Get to it.”

Frances understood his order and quickly approached the headmaster crawling between his legs, and studied his cock. She fought back every instinct inside her to not do this and opened her lips to take the head in her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and sucked expertly down to the base, tasting the lube and Lottie’s ass as she did so. Lottie continued to lay bent over on the desk as she watched the poor girl taste her ass, feeling bad for her as if she was somehow complacent in her ordeal. She also noticed how easily she took him in her throat, something she wasn’t able to do.

After a few minutes of Frances licking and sucking his wilting cock he ordered her to stop, and after wiping his cock dry on her face he retrieved his pants and redressed. He led her round the desk, ordering her to crawl behind him which she did without question. Now Frances was behind Lottie where she couldn’t see her. She felt a yank of the buttplug as it was removed, and the headmaster ordered “suck,” followed by the sounds of Frances sucking the buttplug clean.

“Now, slave, get your mouth on her asshole. Get it nice and clean.” Lottie was shocked at this order, but very quickly she felt Frances’s hands part her cheeks, and her lips envelop her asshole. She soon felt the pleasurable sensation of her tongue circling her abused rosebud. She felt guilty deriving pleasure from the tribulations of the girl whose face was between her cheeks. The headmaster stood back and enjoyed the forced lesbian scene before him. “Lottie, would you say Frances here did a good job of redeeming herself?”

Lottie didn’t know what to say, but she knew she wanted to make her fellow slave’s life easier. “Erm, yes master,” she replied with a slight moan of pleasure.

“Good, how about you give her a nice treat as a thank you for cleaning you up. Release my cum from your ass.”

Lottie was shocked, she couldn’t believe what this man was asking her to do. She knew refusing might mean something worse might happen to her, and maybe to Frances too. With some effort, she strained herself and the headmaster’s cum flowed slowly out of her ass and into the mouth of the slave grudgingly awaiting it.

“Really get your tongue up there, Frances, make sure it’s all out.”

Lottie felt her fellow slave’s tongue push its way up her ass and was startled by the invasion, but also shamefully enjoying it. As more and more of the cum from her ass filled Frances’ mouth, Lottie felt dreadful being used as an accomplice in this slave’s misfortune.

“Excellent work girls. A great bonding exercise for you both. Frances, open your mouth.”

Frances turned and opened her mouth to show the headmaster his cum.

“Wonderful, now swallow.”

With almost no hesitation the girl swallowed his cum, then opened again to show him her now empty mouth.

“Good girl. Now, off you go, you have your next lesson soon.”

“Yes master,” the girl replied quickly, rising from her knees and making her way to the exit.

As the door opened and then closed, Lottie remained where she was, until the headmaster ordered her to turn around and Present. She quickly did as ordered, spreading her legs and pushing out her tits.

“You’ve done well for your first day, Lottie. I’ll give you the rest of the day to recuperate. Now, let me show you to your new room. Follow me.” He walked towards the door and she followed behind him, thanking him for holding the door for her.

She followed him round a maze of corridors and rooms until they reached a section of the building signposted as ‘Slave Quarters No. 3’. They entered, and in the main corridor she saw many slave girls walking about. Many of them stopped to eye up the new girl, and Lottie could sense their eyes on her. However, her embarrassment at being naked was lessened when the girls staring at her were also naked.

“Now, here is the canteen, this is where you will eat your meals. It is currently empty as it isn’t meal time.” He didn’t give her much time to investigate the room as he carried on walking quickly. He turned right into a room labelled ‘Showers’. “These are the communal showers, you’ll be expected to make sure your hygiene is up to scratch. Perhaps you should have one later after the day you’ve had,” he said to her with a slight laugh. She noticed that rather than separate stalls the shower heads were all along the walls. There’s no point in hiding their nudity when they’re always nude, she supposed.

He continued on “Here are the communal toilets, as you’ll see there are divider walls but no doors. Privacy is something we really like to drill out of our slaves if we want them to flourish.” Lottie couldn’t imagine the horror of never being able to use the toilet in private. At that moment, all she saw was one girl peeing. There were other girls there who were mopping the floors and cleaning the toilets.

“If you follow me I’ll show you to your room.” She followed him out to where the rooms were located, and they were all numbered. “Here we are, room 15.” He led her inside to what would be her new home for the next two weeks. The room was incredibly small and bare. There was no wardrobe since she didn’t have clothes and no drawers since she had no personal belongings. All the room contained was a small single bed, a desk with a book and a pen, and a small window behind iron bars. “Your door can be locked from the inside by twisting this lock, however staff all have key access to your rooms. You are permitted to use the quilt on your bed when sleeping, however you must remove the quilt and kneel to attention if any staff ever enters your room. More rules will be explained to you in time. That will be all for now, I have a meeting to attend. Rest well, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”

“Yes master, thank you master,” Lottie said submissively with a slight bow, and watched as the headmaster left the room, leaving her alone to finally rest.