A Day at the Beach
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:52 pm
The idea for this story is taken from a story I found on Deviantart, written by Grey Rose, what I've done is to move it to the utopian world of CollaredSlutGirls and expand it, including parts of sex that didn't exist in the original story. The names of the protagonists are the same as in the story, and they are characters created by Katie Smith, and they appear in the nearly forty stories she has written, in all of them in the same role that you can read here.
A Day at the Beach
I think this is the fourth layer of sunscreen I've applied to my body, or maybe the fifth, I'm not sure. It's not that I need so much sunscreen for nothing, my body has a nice natural tan that allows me to spend hours in the sun, a sun that is also hidden today by a light layer of clouds.
If I haven't stopped applying sunscreen in the nearly two hours I've been on the beach, it's because it's been the only way I've found to caress my body and thus reduce the excitement I've had since we got here.
I've been wanting to visit this beach for months, so when my classmate Emily invited me to spend the weekend at her beach house I barely thought about it before telling her that I'd love to go with her. Only afterwards did I start to wonder why Emily invited me if we'd barely exchanged a few words in the two years we'd been in class together.
I dismissed that thought immediately, happy and eager to visit this beach, a beach that attracted everyone equally, as it was the only public beach on the entire West Coast that allowed access to slave girls without any dress code, unlike the other few that allowed the cohabitation of slave girls and free women.
Arriving at the beach this morning was shocking, I think at that moment only Emily and I were free women, the rest were all slave girls, ‘dressed’ only in their collars and metal restraints.
Despite being proud of my body, regularly going topless and even having visited a nude beach on a couple of occasions, I felt very embarrassed when I began to take off my dress to stay in a bikini, a bikini that now seemed tiny to me and barely covered my body. Luckily Emily didn’t seem embarrassed at all, and that helped me follow her example.
In this time, my shame at seeing naked slave girls has disappeared, replaced by a growing excitement. I think none of this would have happened if I had just continued seeing naked slave girls, the problem is that although on all beaches in the country sex in public is prohibited, that does not apply to slave girls, legally they are no longer human, they are little more than animals, and their owners can fuck them with ease.
That is only part of the problem, like any girl in this world of female slavery, I have slavery fantasies, I imagine being the slave girl of a muscular man who fucks me at will leading me to an endless series of orgasms.
But that has always been a fantasy, in my conscious mind I saw slavery as something terrible, in which the poor slave girls were fucked as mere objects without being able to do anything to prevent it, feeling violated and humiliated. With what I have seen this morning I have realized that reality is closer to my fantasies than to my perceptions.
It is true that slave girls cannot object to their owners fucking them in public, but it is completely false that they feel violated and humiliated, at least in the case of the half dozen slave girls I have seen being fucked by their masters, all of them have enjoyed it, screamed with pleasure while their bodies were devastated, reaching orgasms that seemed incredible to me, very different from the ones I have when I masturbate or the ones I have had the few times I have fucked.
My excitement does not decrease in the least with my caresses, on the contrary, it seems to increase, and it shoots up when I see for the first time the new type of slave girls that has been talked about for so long on campus, and that although they have been in fashion for months in the big cities on both coasts, they have not yet reached our small town in Oregon: pets.
Before me I have two of the four types of pets that are said to exist, a puppy and a kitten.
The puppy and the kitten seem to belong to the same owner, and watching them behave is humiliating, leading me to look away from them until Emily begins to explain to me details about how a slave girl is transformed into a pet.
“Duchess and Kitty are two of the first pets that ever existed, and although the processing has advanced a lot, their owner has decided to keep them the same;” she begins to explain to me. “They still wear their latex suits, although they are much lighter and more comfortable than the originals, it is not necessary to take them off at all. Now all the pets have their bodies tattooed following the patterns requested by their owners.”
“Most of the body modifications that are now done to pets are reversible, they are done with nanotechnology, before they were done with surgery and were permanent.”
As Emily speaks to me I focus my gaze on the two pets again. Duchess is wearing a latex suit imitating the skin of a Dalmatian, in which her swollen tits are perfectly visible, a funny tail sticks out from her body, although it takes me a while to realize that it sticks out of her ass. Her face is made up like a puppy, and it would be funny in any other situation.
“The tail thing is something that hasn't changed;” Emily tells me. “Although tails were designed that came directly out of the pet's body, all owners prefer to keep the tail coming out of their anal plug.”
A shiver runs through my body when I hear Emily's words and watch Duchess gracefully move her tail from side to side while jumping to pick up a frisbee like any trained pet would do.
While Duchess doesn't stop playing, Kitty in her black latex suit with a soft layer of fur, is sitting on her owner's lap, who calmly tickles her stomach.
“Fuck!” I exclaim softly when I realize that I am wrong, he is not tickling her, he is clearly masturbating her, bringing her close to orgasm.
“Kitty must be a very good pet for her Master to masturbate her in public;” Emily tells me. “It is one thing for a slave girl to cum while being fucked and quite another to give her an orgasm in that way.”
“You have been lucky;” Emily tells me. “It is not common to see pets on the street, the owners usually keep them at home.”
“Will we see any other type of pet?” I ask her without thinking.
“I assure you that we will not see hucows;” Emily answers me. “Some farms allow them to graze outside, but in most of them, once they are hooked up in the milking and breeding stalls they do not unhook them again;” she adds, surely smiling at the face I make at her words.
“What you will surely see is some pony girls, the trainers in the area usually bring them to train on the beach, the sand is very good for strengthening their legs,” she tells me.
I look away from Emily so she doesn’t see how I blush, pony girls have become my secret fantasy, and every night I dream of being locked in a stable waiting for my transformation into one of them, although I don’t even dare to go any further in my fantasies.
The morning continues to pass slowly, luckily, although my excitement doesn’t disappear, it doesn’t grow any more. The two pets leave with their owner, and seeing slaves being fucked ends up seeming normal to me.
“I’m going to order a soda;” Emily tells me. “Do you want me to bring you one?” she asks me.
“A lemonade please;” I answer.
I go back to reading the book in my hands, and only stop when I notice that Emily is late returning. Looking towards the small beach bar, I see her with drinks in her hand talking to a tall, handsome boy, who is holding a leash that guides a red-haired pony girl harnessed to a carriage.
My heart races when I see the pony girl, and it speeds up even more when I see how while Emily and the boy are talking, my friend points to where I am, and the boy also looks at them, nodding.
I watch them while they talk, well, rather I can't stop looking at the pony girl, who remains completely still, moving her head slightly, and occasionally stamping her hoof on the ground, neighing as she does so.
From my position, the pony girl seems impressive to me, tremendously sexy and hot, I can't really appreciate the harness or the pony girl's ornaments, and that makes me more curious.
The conversation between Emily and the boy lasts a couple of minutes, then they say goodbye and Emily comes towards me calmly, slowly sipping her soda.
“My friend John has invited us to have a drink when he gets back from training his pony girl;” she says to me while handing me my lemonade. “I told him we would be delighted to go.”
“I don't know if we should, he has slave girls;” I answer nervously.
“That's nonsense Tracey;” she says twisting her face. “We have come to have a good time, around here everyone has slave girls and walks them around the street, Fuck! I have slave girls and you don't mind being with me;” she adds angrily lying down in the hammock with her back to me.
I feel bad about what I just did, and I kneel down next to Emily to ask for forgiveness.
“I'm sorry Emily, if you really want, we'll go have that drink with John;” I say to her.
“Thank you very much Tracey;” She says, smiling calmly again. “I assure you that we will have a good time, John has friends and you might like some of them.”
“I don't know if…” I start to tell her, stuttering, imagining that John's friends are as tall and handsome as him.
“You don't have to do anything you don't want to do;” Emily tells me. “I do want to fuck John, and it would be easier if we both went with him and one of his friends, and who knows, we could swap partners.”
“I…” I say without actually saying anything, the little I've seen of John I've liked and he also has pony girls, maybe he'll let me visit his stables.
“Although if you want we can forget about John and his friends and go home now and help you with that excitement that hasn't gone away since we arrived at the beach;” she says, approaching me, starting to caress my leg while kissing my neck.
I am petrified by Emily's movements, like any girl my age, I have kissed girls, but always as part of a game, Emily is clearly talking about going to fuck.
As if to confirm my thoughts, her mouth slides down my body to kiss the part of my breasts that the swimsuit doesn't cover, and her hand goes up my legs, getting inside my panties, revealing to my shame how wet I am.
“Fuck Katie! You're soaked!” she exclaims before removing the fabric of the bikini and taking hold of one of my nipples.
“Stop Emily!” I yell, although the truth is that I don't want her to do it. “Someone could see us.”
Emily not only doesn't stop at my pleas, but she increases the intensity of her caresses, her mouth sucks hard on my nipple, bites it and stretches it until I let out a small cry of pleasure and pain.
“Don't worry Tracey, if anyone notices us they'll just think of two women fucking,” she answers. “Maybe even a slave girl being fucked by her owner.”
I don't quite understand Emily's words until I realize she's on top of me, and still wearing the shirt and shorts she put on to order the drinks, while I, although still wearing the two parts of the bikini, have removed them leaving my breasts and pussy visible, so that to anyone looking from afar I'm naked as if I were a slave girl.
I want to continue protesting, but Emily's mouth takes over mine, preventing me from making any sound, although if she hadn't done that, the only sounds that would have come out of my mouth would have been moans of pleasure caused by Emily's fingers moving inside my pussy, looking for my clitoris to stimulate it.
Emily breaks the kiss and brings her mouth back to my nipples, so that now nothing prevents my moans of pleasure from escaping my mouth and everyone nearby from seeing what we're doing. I'm about to cum, when Emily's phone rings, and she stops paying attention to my breasts to answer the phone.
“Are you coming back already?” I hear her ask. “Okay, in five minutes at the pony girls' sheds;” I hear her say while she doesn't stop playing with her fingers in my pussy.
“I'm sorry Emily, John is waiting for us;” she says, taking her fingers out of my pussy, calmly putting my bikini on as if nothing had happened, leaving me on the verge of orgasm.
Emily grabs me by the hand and pulls me along, not giving me time to grab anything to cover myself, forcing me to wear just my bikini, where my nipples are visible against the fabric and a wet mark is probably visible.
We go around the beach bar and arrive at a covered area that we saw when we arrived and that I thought was a private parking area. The truth is that I wasn't wrong, it's an area where only pony girl owners can park their carriages. There are at least half a dozen carriages, although only John's has a pony girl harnessed to it.
Tracey stops next to Emily waiting for John to finish unhooking the pony girl, she watches attentively as he unties several straps that are tied to rings distributed throughout the harness that the pony girl wears, taking advantage to caress her and play with her tits, when after a couple of minutes he finishes unhooking her from the cart, attaches a strap to the ring of her collar and moves towards us.
“This is Tracey, the classmate I told you about before;” Emily points out as soon as John stands in front of us.
“Nice to meet you, Tracey;” John tells me coming closer to give me two kisses, grabbing me by the waist with his free hand to pull me towards him and press our bodies together. “You are very pretty, I have already told Emily before, you are surely the most beautiful girl on the beach;” he adds when he releases me.
I blush at John’s words, I’ve seen a lot of slave girls since we got to the beach, most of them real beauties much prettier than me, and the pony girl in front of me is stunning.
“Tracey says she’d love for you to bring a friend and go out for drinks and dancing this afternoon;” Emily tells him smiling.
“Sounds good to me, I have the perfect friend for Tracey;” John replies. “Although now that I’ve seen her up close, I might just leave my friend for you and keep her, I have no doubt we’d have a great night fucking.”
Emily and John start laughing at his words, and I laugh too, not really convinced by the way John looked at me that he meant it as a joke.
I try to look away from John, but when I do I find the pony girl and I can't help but look at her closely: Her body is shiny from the sweat that covers her, her accelerated breathing makes her tits go up and down, firm and round tits, with dark areolas, and stretched and hard nipples with two bells hanging from the rings that pierce them.
Leather strips joined by metal rings run all over her torso, forming a nice pattern, although they are not just for decoration, as I have seen to hook the pony girl to the cart, they serve to keep her arms close to her body and bent at a right angle so that her hands with gloves in the shape of hooves can be seen perfectly.
The horseshoe boots typical of pony girls reach just to her knees, and from there more leather straps adorn her thighs, going up them to join those on her torso, framing and dividing her pussy in a way that makes her lips look swollen.
The pony girl seems increasingly restless, she keeps stamping her hoof on the ground and making small sounds that are intelligible because of the bridle she wears in her mouth. These sounds make me look up at the pony girl's face, the straps of the halter and the blinders that only allow the pony girl to see what is in front of her, do not let me see her face well, but as soon as I see her big blue eyes, and the two small moles under her left eye I let out a small cry and look at Emily.
Emily does not answer me, she simply looks at John waiting for him to answer.
“That was the name of this pony girl when she was a free woman, now she is simply Red;” he tells us. “Did you know her?” he asks us.
“Katie was a classmate who stopped coming to college a month ago;” Emily answers. “We all assumed she had ended up enslaved, and we were right.”
I am unable to say anything, looking at the pony girl’s body again, thinking about how it is possible that the shy and insecure girl, who wore baggy clothes to avoid showing her body, and who had a hard time talking to boys, has become in a month the spectacular pony girl I see before me, proudly showing off her half-naked body, and how her excited pussy is betrayed by being displayed in this way in front of people who know her.
“She’s a little nervous;” Emily tells John when she sees how the pony girl repeatedly stamps her hoof on the ground again.
“Nothing’s wrong with her, she’s just waiting for her reward for having behaved well during training;” John comments. “Do you mind if I give it to her now?” he asks.
“I don’t mind;” Emily answers quickly. “And I don’t think Tracey either, in fact I think she’s curious to see how you reward Katie;” she adds, using the pony girl’s free woman name intentionally.
John turns to one side of the shed, leading Katie by the leash, allowing me to look at her from behind and see the red tail that adorns her outfit, surely coming from the long hair she had a month ago, and which, like Duchess’ and Kitty’s tails that I saw a few hours ago, is attached to an anal plug inserted in Katie’s ass.
With practiced movements John bends Katie over a wooden post, resting her belly on the post, hooking several straps to prevent her from getting up and securing the collar strap to the ground.
I don't know what kind of reward I had imagined Katie would receive, but as soon as I see her in that position with her legs spread and her pussy exposed I know what is going to happen. John releases the straps around Katie's pussy and pulls out a dildo that is not too long, about six inches, but quite wide.
Before I know it John has pulled down his pants, positioned himself behind Katie and started fucking her, causing the pony girl to let out a kind of whinny as she feels her pussy filled.
I try to look away so I don't see how my former classmate is being fucked like a simple animal, and clearly enjoying it. But I can't do it because Emily's hand is stopping me.
“Who knew that repressed Katie would turn into the horny slut we’re seeing?” she asks, reaching her free hand inside my panties to masturbate me again like she did earlier on the beach.
“John told me that as soon as he saw her on the auction block he had to buy her;” Emily explains. “She had been purchased by a collection patrol just half an hour earlier on her way to class, there were several slave girls missing for the auction and Katie and another girl had the bad luck to pass by.”
“Normally all the slave girls that are sold are uploaded after having spent a couple of days in the processing centers being fucked by the employees, that is if they have not also been fucked by the collection patrol agents when they were acquired. Katie on the other hand had not been touched by anyone, as John found out when he fucked her right after buying her she was a virgin, but when she went up to the auction block naked and with the slave collar she was already a different person, her nipples were hard and her swollen pussy was flowing juices down her thighs, she came twice in the short minute she was up for sale.”
As if she could hear us and want to confirm Emily's words that she is now a horny slut, Katie lets out a scream as she reaches orgasm.
“If you behave I will bring you back here in a little while, when all the pony girl owners are gathered;” Emily whispers in my ear while still masturbating me. “John is going to let a stallion fuck Katie;” She adds, turning my head towards a carriage that wasn't there a while ago, and to which there is no pony girl attached, but a huge, muscular black slave boy, with his body shiny with oils and a cock that is still flaccid and already threatening.
I am forced to watch as John fucks Red, I stop calling her Katie, for almost ten minutes, giving her three orgasms before cumming in her pussy. As quickly as he tied her to the wooden post, he releases her, placing the straps over and around her pussy before, but without inserting the dildo he was carrying, so that when Red stands up, the cum from her pussy begins to flow down her thighs.
“I think you should let her cum;” John tells Emily as he approaches me, joining two of his fingers with Emily's inside my pussy, quickly taking them out soaked with my juices.
“Not yet, it has to be saved for that friend of yours that you are going to bring;” Emily tells him, taking her fingers out of my pussy as well, bringing them to her mouth to clean them, leaving me frustrated again.
“By the way, John, do you have a spare harness to show Tracey?” she asks.
“I think there is one in the luggage rack of the carriage;” John replies. “But be careful not to lock the padlocks, there is only one key and I am taking it with me;” he adds, walking away with Red.
“You don’t need to go get the harness;” I tell Emily. “It’s getting late and we should pack up and go eat;” I add, eager to get away from all this.
“No problem with that, John has invited us to eat, so we have time until he gets back;” Emily tells me, rummaging through the luggage rack of the carriage, taking out several pieces of leather.
“The only problem is that this harness is for display;” Emily tells me, handing me a piece of the harness to hold while she begins to untangle the rest of the straps.
I quickly realize what Emily is referring to, apart from being white, the leather looks much more polished, softer than Red’s harness looked. Driven by curiosity, I run my fingers along the leather, the sensation of touching it is incredible and it causes the excitement I have after Emily has not brought me to orgasm to increase again. I also notice the nice effect the white leather creates against my tanned skin, and I can't help but imagine what I'd look like in it.
“Those straps are the ones that go around your thighs;” Emily tells me without looking at me. “Put them on while I finish unraveling the rest.”
Emily's words sound like some sort of order, which I obey without even thinking about it, wrapping the straps around my thighs, noticing several small padlocks as I do so, not sure if they are the padlocks John was referring to. As I finish putting the straps on, I notice that several of them are still hanging down, causing the harness to look wrinkled and misplaced.
I know where the straps go, but I don't dare put them on, although I do put a wide strap around my waist, which makes the whole harness tense and stretch.
“Put all the straps on properly;” Emily tells me, coming closer to me, grabbing three of the straps and pulling them, passing them between my thighs, wrapping and dividing my pussy in the same way that Red's pussy was. “I should take off your bikini so it would be better seen, but I don't want anyone to think you're a slave girl, and we also don't want you to stain the harness with your juices;” she adds, making me feel embarrassed.
Despite the bikini, the three straps dig slightly into my pussy, especially the middle one, which seems to want to go inside. I make a move to bring my hand down to put it on or take it off, but when I do, something hits my hand.
“Auughh!” I scream, turning to Emily, who holds a riding crop in one hand and a piece of the harness already unraveled in the other.
“Keep your hands still;” she orders me, hitting me with the crop again. “You better raise them above your head.”
I look at Emily, ready to tell her that the game is over, but when I see her waving the whip in her hand, I cower and raise my hands, placing them behind my head in the same way I've seen slave girls do on television.
Emily leaves the whip on the carriage and approaches me with the piece of leather she was holding in her hand, it's a corset, but without the top part of the bra, so that it fits the lower part of my breasts, squeezing and lifting them. I notice how she closes the straps behind me without tightening them but still causing me a strange sensation.
She takes a few steps away from me and shakes her head in a negative way, enters a small storeroom and comes out with a full-length mirror that she places in front of me, allowing me to see my reflection in it.
"I don't like how it looks;" she says, standing behind me, playing with both the straps and the corset, which wrinkle with any movement.
The truth is that Emily is right, it does look bad, but I feel so good with the feel of the leather on my skin, that I say something I didn't expect. “You can tighten the straps and corset a little more;” I say, watching in the mirror as I blush as I do so.
“Good idea Tracey;” Emily confirms. “I'll tighten them more and lock them, we'll open them when John comes.”
“That's not the…!” I protest, but my voice is cut off when Emily pulls the corset straps tighter and practically cuts off my breath.
Before I can protest both the corset and the straps are tight, perhaps too tight, now digging into my pussy, which without realizing it has been stripped of its bikini.
“I can't have you dressed in a locked pony girl harness and with a bikini on, someone might think what it isn't;” Emily tells me as she unties the knot of my bra, leaving my breasts on display, moving away to grab two other pieces that have nothing to do with the harness.
“Lift your leg;” she orders, leaving a pair of pony girl boots on the floor.
I stare at her without reacting, which causes her to pick up the whip again and hit me again, this time on one of my breasts.
“I don’t like treating you like this;” she tells me, playing with the tip of the whip on my nipples. “I like to do things another way better;” she adds, bringing the tip of the whip to my pussy.
“I’ve already closed the padlocks on the corset and the thigh harness, so we won’t be able to take them off until John comes back;” she tells me. “I can stop now and keep you like this, risking anyone coming and seeing you like this, or I can finish putting the whole set of harnesses on you and if anyone comes they’ll only see a horny pony girl;” she adds.
“Plus, if you let me continue, I can give you the orgasm you’ve been wanting so much;” she says, replacing the whip with her fingers.
I look at my reflection in the mirror, my face flushed, my tits pushed up by the corset with my nipples harder than ever, my pussy swollen by the straps and Emily's fingers moving inside and I am unable to react.
“Please Emily!” I beg her, closing my eyes, wanting to push that erotic image out of my mind.
“Please what?” she asks me.
“Please continue putting the harnesses on me and bring me to orgasm;” I finally beg her.
“Later, when you are dressed;” she answers, removing her fingers from my pussy. “Now lift your leg.”
I obey and let out a small cry as I lift my leg and feel the straps dig even deeper into my pussy, causing Emily to smile.
The boots are just the first step to dressing me like a pony girl. Emily no longer orders me around, she simply manipulates me like a puppet. She lowers my arms to put on gloves up to my forearms, topped with silver horseshoes, bends my arms at the elbows, holding them close to my body, first attaching them to several rings on the corset and then placing several straps around my arms and the area above my breasts.
While she has placed the whole set of straps on me, Emily has not stopped caressing me and playing with my body, thus ensuring that my excitement never diminishes at any time, keeping me on the edge, causing me to be obedient, eager for her to bring me to orgasm. Only when I see her approach with the halter and the bridle in her hand do I resist again, although only for a few seconds, just the time it takes Emily to bring her fingers back to my pussy.
This time Emily moves her fingers faster, causing me to start moaning with pleasure. She allows me a couple of moans, and takes advantage of the next one to place the bridle over my tongue and hold it firmly so that no coherent sound comes out of my mouth. Putting on the rest of the halter and the blinders only takes a couple of minutes, and little more than that to attach the straps to guide me where she wants.
Between the tugs of the reins digging the bridle into my mouth and the blows of the whip on my ass and tits, Emily has no problem getting me out of the small shed and leading me to the beach, where we soon begin to capture the attention of everyone there.
“Everyone is looking at you,” Emily whispers to me, stopping. “You are the center of attention, all the men want to fuck you and all the women, both slave girls and free women, want to be in your place. I'm sure you've seen some pony girl videos, let's give her a nice show and I'll let you cum.”
Emily starts giving me orders as if I were a trained pony girl, and I get more and more excited by the looks people give me and the comments they throw at me, I try to obey her as best I can. My excitement grows with every movement, with every touch of the straps on my pussy, I soon start to sweat and breathe quickly, so that when after more than twenty minutes she orders me to stop, my appearance must not be very different from what Red had when I saw her for the first time.
“I hope you enjoyed this part of the show;” Emily says, receiving a wave of applause in response, opening my blinders so I can see how many people have been watching me, causing me to not pay attention to what she has said. “To finish I would like some of you here to lend me a few minutes with your slave so you can see how obedient my pony girl Star is.”
Emily selects one of the several slaves offered by her owners, and orders her to kneel at my feet, I know what she is going to order the slave girl to do, but before she does she approaches me and whispers something in my ear.
“You are not going to cum until I tell you to;” she tells me. “If you do I swear I will let every man on the beach fuck you and then sell you to one of them. You will be marked and collared before you can do anything.”
I don't even pay attention to what Emily is saying to the people gathered around me, I just try to escape from the pleasure I feel, although I fail completely as soon as I feel the slave girl's tongue on my pussy.
The sensations are incredible, only one of my lovers had eaten my pussy, but in a clumsy way and nothing like how the slave girl is doing it. Her tongue moves inside my pussy, sometimes slowly and sometimes faster, she has it pierced, and the piercings rub against my increasingly swollen clitoris, bringing me irremediably closer to orgasm. I feel Emily's breath on my neck, and I wait for her to give me the order to cum, but that order never comes, and when I explode in orgasm I don't care anymore.
I don't know if I expected Emily to carry out her threat, what I didn't expect is that the slave girl would continue eating my pussy, adding two of her fingers to the equation. My body begins to shake with pleasure, and I feel my legs turn to jelly and are unable to hold me up. If I don't fall it's thanks to Emily's arms holding me by the waist.
A new orgasm doesn't take long to come to me, followed by another one with practically no interval, only then does the slave girl stop and move her mouth away from my pussy.
Again I hear applause, and also some people congratulating Emily on how well she has trained me, one of them even makes her an offer to buy me, an offer that Emily rejects by telling her that I'm not a slave girl, and that even if I were, I'm not for sale.
“That was incredible Emily, I didn't know you had such a well-trained pony girl;” I hear someone say whose voice sounds familiar, although the pleasure clouds my mind and doesn't allow me to identify her. “When you said she could cum three times in five minutes, I didn't believe it posible;” he adds.
“Five minutes!” I tell myself, I thought it had been a lot longer, and that thought makes me even more embarrassed about what just happened.
“Don’t be silly John, she’s not a real pony girl;” she says. “You don’t recognize your show harness, it’s Tracey.”
“Fuck! She was already completely turned on and horny a while ago;” John says, inserting two of his fingers into my pussy. “But it’s much worse now, she just had three orgasms, but she’s still dripping wet, I could bring her to orgasm again right now.”
“I’m sure I Will;” Emily says. “But we don’t have time for that, it’s lunch time and we have to go back to the shed and take all the harnesses off Tracey;” she adds, causing me to feel an incredible sense of relief, knowing that this has all been nothing more than a game by Emily.
“True;” John says. “But we can take advantage of having two pony girls to have a little competition and end up with a race on the way back.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, it’s one thing for Tracey to have done a couple of tricks in front of people who have no idea and quite another for her to compete with a trained pony girl like Red;” Emily says.
“You’re right Emily, it was just to make the way back a little more entertaining;” John points out, stepping back.
“If that's why we can do it another way, without it being a competition;” Emily says, causing my nervousness to reappear. “We can take off the blinders on the two pony girls, you order Red to do something, Star watches and tries to repeat it as best she can.”
The joy I feel that Emily's idea is not sexual or perverted, together with the feeling of liberation when I remove the blinders, does not let me realize that she has used the pony girl name she gave me a few minutes ago.
“Okay, let's see what Star is capable of;” John says, accepting Emily's proposal and using my pony girl name as well.
A journey that should have taken just ten minutes, stretches out for almost an hour, I do the first exercises quite well, being congratulated by Emily and John, but as soon as I start to feel tired from the effort I start to fail, and in the end not even the blows that Emily gives me with the whip manage to make me move or do things right. The final race is a failure, I barely stay ten meters at Red's height, and I end up practically walking.
“I'm going to cool Red off;” John tells Emily. “Do you want me to cool Star off too?” he asks her.
“It'll be best, she's covered in sweat and sand, and sticky from orgasms. Do it and then I'll take off her harnesses;” Emily replies.
John guides Red and me to one of the corners of the shed, and attaches our reins to the wall, placing us on top of a grate. He then approaches the wall, unhooks a hose and points it at us, showering us with a jet of ice-cold water, causing both pony girls to scream.
Once washed, John unhooks us from the wall and leads us back to Emily, handing her my reins.
“Star has been very good;” John comments. “No one would say she wasn’t a real pony girl.”
“Actually, she has;” Emily confirms. “She has been so good that I think she deserves a reward for it;” she adds smiling, handing my leash to John.
John pulls me towards the wooden post, I try to resist knowing what is going to happen, but Emily hits me several times with the crop on the ass, and the pain makes me stop resisting. In the same way he did with Red, John holds me to the post, ready and exposed for him to fuck me.
I feel the straps on my pussy being removed and fingers entering inside me, not John's fingers, they're too thin. Other hands grab my chin and lift my head up.
“You're going to get a very special reward, Star;” a smiling John tells me, moving my head towards the cart where the black pony boy was hitched, which is now nowhere to be seen.
I realize what's going to happen, and that I can't do anything to stop it. I let out a scream as I feel something huge force its way into my pussy, stretching it, making me feel like it's tearing me apart inside, a sensation that only lasts a few seconds as the huge cock immediately stimulates my insides, making the pleasure grow rapidly.
It's been humiliating enough cumming while being made to behave like a trained pony girl, and I don't want to cum while being fucked like an animal by a stallion, even though I know I won't be able to help it.
Someone lifts my head up with their hand again, it's John again, with Emily at his side holding a metal collar. Until now I had thought that this was just a game for her, something that had happened by chance, and that when she got tired of playing with me she was going to let me go home, now I know that inviting me to the beach, the appearance of John leading Red, the stallion, it has all been arranged by her.
I close my eyes and feel the cold metal wrapping around my neck, I wait to hear the click that will seal my fate, and when I hear it I let go and explode in the most intense orgasm of my life, my first slave girl orgasm.
As the sensation of pleasure that almost made me lose consciousness fades, I go to where he tells me what happened. My whole body hurts, probably because of all the exercises I've been forced to do and the way it's restricted, but the worst thing is the pain I feel in my pussy and ass.
I understand my pussy after being fucked for more than ten minutes by the stud's huge cock, but not my ass, although I quickly understand why when I feel something soft hitting my legs.
I don't have to look down, and I can't because of the halter, to know that a tail has been placed on me, and that for the first time in my life I have something stuck up my ass.
I look up, still without the blinders, which allows me to see perfectly what is in front of me: I am hitched to a carriage, in which Emily and John are riding together, the pace is slow, which allows me to follow without problems, although when I see that both Red and the stallion are hitched to the carriage I start to worry. Emily and John are talking quietly, and I try to pay attention to their conversation.
“Are you going to keep Tracey, or just train her and then sell her?” John asks Emily.
“Keep her, of course!” Emily answers. “You know I've been wanting to have my own pet for a while, Thomas has Duchess and Kitty and you have Red, and you've already seen her body and how she moves, I'm sure she'll be an excellent racing pony girl;” he adds.
“I remind you, sister, that for the races you need two pony girls, and not only must they get along well on the track, but for the shows they must fit physically, it won't be easy for you to find a girl similar to Tracey,” says John.
“So don't worry, brother;” says Emily smiling. “I've thought of everything, Tracey has a little sister, Sarah, she's a year younger than her, they practically look like twins! I've invited her to come to the beach next week.”
A Day at the Beach
I think this is the fourth layer of sunscreen I've applied to my body, or maybe the fifth, I'm not sure. It's not that I need so much sunscreen for nothing, my body has a nice natural tan that allows me to spend hours in the sun, a sun that is also hidden today by a light layer of clouds.
If I haven't stopped applying sunscreen in the nearly two hours I've been on the beach, it's because it's been the only way I've found to caress my body and thus reduce the excitement I've had since we got here.
I've been wanting to visit this beach for months, so when my classmate Emily invited me to spend the weekend at her beach house I barely thought about it before telling her that I'd love to go with her. Only afterwards did I start to wonder why Emily invited me if we'd barely exchanged a few words in the two years we'd been in class together.
I dismissed that thought immediately, happy and eager to visit this beach, a beach that attracted everyone equally, as it was the only public beach on the entire West Coast that allowed access to slave girls without any dress code, unlike the other few that allowed the cohabitation of slave girls and free women.
Arriving at the beach this morning was shocking, I think at that moment only Emily and I were free women, the rest were all slave girls, ‘dressed’ only in their collars and metal restraints.
Despite being proud of my body, regularly going topless and even having visited a nude beach on a couple of occasions, I felt very embarrassed when I began to take off my dress to stay in a bikini, a bikini that now seemed tiny to me and barely covered my body. Luckily Emily didn’t seem embarrassed at all, and that helped me follow her example.
In this time, my shame at seeing naked slave girls has disappeared, replaced by a growing excitement. I think none of this would have happened if I had just continued seeing naked slave girls, the problem is that although on all beaches in the country sex in public is prohibited, that does not apply to slave girls, legally they are no longer human, they are little more than animals, and their owners can fuck them with ease.
That is only part of the problem, like any girl in this world of female slavery, I have slavery fantasies, I imagine being the slave girl of a muscular man who fucks me at will leading me to an endless series of orgasms.
But that has always been a fantasy, in my conscious mind I saw slavery as something terrible, in which the poor slave girls were fucked as mere objects without being able to do anything to prevent it, feeling violated and humiliated. With what I have seen this morning I have realized that reality is closer to my fantasies than to my perceptions.
It is true that slave girls cannot object to their owners fucking them in public, but it is completely false that they feel violated and humiliated, at least in the case of the half dozen slave girls I have seen being fucked by their masters, all of them have enjoyed it, screamed with pleasure while their bodies were devastated, reaching orgasms that seemed incredible to me, very different from the ones I have when I masturbate or the ones I have had the few times I have fucked.
My excitement does not decrease in the least with my caresses, on the contrary, it seems to increase, and it shoots up when I see for the first time the new type of slave girls that has been talked about for so long on campus, and that although they have been in fashion for months in the big cities on both coasts, they have not yet reached our small town in Oregon: pets.
Before me I have two of the four types of pets that are said to exist, a puppy and a kitten.
The puppy and the kitten seem to belong to the same owner, and watching them behave is humiliating, leading me to look away from them until Emily begins to explain to me details about how a slave girl is transformed into a pet.
“Duchess and Kitty are two of the first pets that ever existed, and although the processing has advanced a lot, their owner has decided to keep them the same;” she begins to explain to me. “They still wear their latex suits, although they are much lighter and more comfortable than the originals, it is not necessary to take them off at all. Now all the pets have their bodies tattooed following the patterns requested by their owners.”
“Most of the body modifications that are now done to pets are reversible, they are done with nanotechnology, before they were done with surgery and were permanent.”
As Emily speaks to me I focus my gaze on the two pets again. Duchess is wearing a latex suit imitating the skin of a Dalmatian, in which her swollen tits are perfectly visible, a funny tail sticks out from her body, although it takes me a while to realize that it sticks out of her ass. Her face is made up like a puppy, and it would be funny in any other situation.
“The tail thing is something that hasn't changed;” Emily tells me. “Although tails were designed that came directly out of the pet's body, all owners prefer to keep the tail coming out of their anal plug.”
A shiver runs through my body when I hear Emily's words and watch Duchess gracefully move her tail from side to side while jumping to pick up a frisbee like any trained pet would do.
While Duchess doesn't stop playing, Kitty in her black latex suit with a soft layer of fur, is sitting on her owner's lap, who calmly tickles her stomach.
“Fuck!” I exclaim softly when I realize that I am wrong, he is not tickling her, he is clearly masturbating her, bringing her close to orgasm.
“Kitty must be a very good pet for her Master to masturbate her in public;” Emily tells me. “It is one thing for a slave girl to cum while being fucked and quite another to give her an orgasm in that way.”
“You have been lucky;” Emily tells me. “It is not common to see pets on the street, the owners usually keep them at home.”
“Will we see any other type of pet?” I ask her without thinking.
“I assure you that we will not see hucows;” Emily answers me. “Some farms allow them to graze outside, but in most of them, once they are hooked up in the milking and breeding stalls they do not unhook them again;” she adds, surely smiling at the face I make at her words.
“What you will surely see is some pony girls, the trainers in the area usually bring them to train on the beach, the sand is very good for strengthening their legs,” she tells me.
I look away from Emily so she doesn’t see how I blush, pony girls have become my secret fantasy, and every night I dream of being locked in a stable waiting for my transformation into one of them, although I don’t even dare to go any further in my fantasies.
The morning continues to pass slowly, luckily, although my excitement doesn’t disappear, it doesn’t grow any more. The two pets leave with their owner, and seeing slaves being fucked ends up seeming normal to me.
“I’m going to order a soda;” Emily tells me. “Do you want me to bring you one?” she asks me.
“A lemonade please;” I answer.
I go back to reading the book in my hands, and only stop when I notice that Emily is late returning. Looking towards the small beach bar, I see her with drinks in her hand talking to a tall, handsome boy, who is holding a leash that guides a red-haired pony girl harnessed to a carriage.
My heart races when I see the pony girl, and it speeds up even more when I see how while Emily and the boy are talking, my friend points to where I am, and the boy also looks at them, nodding.
I watch them while they talk, well, rather I can't stop looking at the pony girl, who remains completely still, moving her head slightly, and occasionally stamping her hoof on the ground, neighing as she does so.
From my position, the pony girl seems impressive to me, tremendously sexy and hot, I can't really appreciate the harness or the pony girl's ornaments, and that makes me more curious.
The conversation between Emily and the boy lasts a couple of minutes, then they say goodbye and Emily comes towards me calmly, slowly sipping her soda.
“My friend John has invited us to have a drink when he gets back from training his pony girl;” she says to me while handing me my lemonade. “I told him we would be delighted to go.”
“I don't know if we should, he has slave girls;” I answer nervously.
“That's nonsense Tracey;” she says twisting her face. “We have come to have a good time, around here everyone has slave girls and walks them around the street, Fuck! I have slave girls and you don't mind being with me;” she adds angrily lying down in the hammock with her back to me.
I feel bad about what I just did, and I kneel down next to Emily to ask for forgiveness.
“I'm sorry Emily, if you really want, we'll go have that drink with John;” I say to her.
“Thank you very much Tracey;” She says, smiling calmly again. “I assure you that we will have a good time, John has friends and you might like some of them.”
“I don't know if…” I start to tell her, stuttering, imagining that John's friends are as tall and handsome as him.
“You don't have to do anything you don't want to do;” Emily tells me. “I do want to fuck John, and it would be easier if we both went with him and one of his friends, and who knows, we could swap partners.”
“I…” I say without actually saying anything, the little I've seen of John I've liked and he also has pony girls, maybe he'll let me visit his stables.
“Although if you want we can forget about John and his friends and go home now and help you with that excitement that hasn't gone away since we arrived at the beach;” she says, approaching me, starting to caress my leg while kissing my neck.
I am petrified by Emily's movements, like any girl my age, I have kissed girls, but always as part of a game, Emily is clearly talking about going to fuck.
As if to confirm my thoughts, her mouth slides down my body to kiss the part of my breasts that the swimsuit doesn't cover, and her hand goes up my legs, getting inside my panties, revealing to my shame how wet I am.
“Fuck Katie! You're soaked!” she exclaims before removing the fabric of the bikini and taking hold of one of my nipples.
“Stop Emily!” I yell, although the truth is that I don't want her to do it. “Someone could see us.”
Emily not only doesn't stop at my pleas, but she increases the intensity of her caresses, her mouth sucks hard on my nipple, bites it and stretches it until I let out a small cry of pleasure and pain.
“Don't worry Tracey, if anyone notices us they'll just think of two women fucking,” she answers. “Maybe even a slave girl being fucked by her owner.”
I don't quite understand Emily's words until I realize she's on top of me, and still wearing the shirt and shorts she put on to order the drinks, while I, although still wearing the two parts of the bikini, have removed them leaving my breasts and pussy visible, so that to anyone looking from afar I'm naked as if I were a slave girl.
I want to continue protesting, but Emily's mouth takes over mine, preventing me from making any sound, although if she hadn't done that, the only sounds that would have come out of my mouth would have been moans of pleasure caused by Emily's fingers moving inside my pussy, looking for my clitoris to stimulate it.
Emily breaks the kiss and brings her mouth back to my nipples, so that now nothing prevents my moans of pleasure from escaping my mouth and everyone nearby from seeing what we're doing. I'm about to cum, when Emily's phone rings, and she stops paying attention to my breasts to answer the phone.
“Are you coming back already?” I hear her ask. “Okay, in five minutes at the pony girls' sheds;” I hear her say while she doesn't stop playing with her fingers in my pussy.
“I'm sorry Emily, John is waiting for us;” she says, taking her fingers out of my pussy, calmly putting my bikini on as if nothing had happened, leaving me on the verge of orgasm.
Emily grabs me by the hand and pulls me along, not giving me time to grab anything to cover myself, forcing me to wear just my bikini, where my nipples are visible against the fabric and a wet mark is probably visible.
We go around the beach bar and arrive at a covered area that we saw when we arrived and that I thought was a private parking area. The truth is that I wasn't wrong, it's an area where only pony girl owners can park their carriages. There are at least half a dozen carriages, although only John's has a pony girl harnessed to it.
Tracey stops next to Emily waiting for John to finish unhooking the pony girl, she watches attentively as he unties several straps that are tied to rings distributed throughout the harness that the pony girl wears, taking advantage to caress her and play with her tits, when after a couple of minutes he finishes unhooking her from the cart, attaches a strap to the ring of her collar and moves towards us.
“This is Tracey, the classmate I told you about before;” Emily points out as soon as John stands in front of us.
“Nice to meet you, Tracey;” John tells me coming closer to give me two kisses, grabbing me by the waist with his free hand to pull me towards him and press our bodies together. “You are very pretty, I have already told Emily before, you are surely the most beautiful girl on the beach;” he adds when he releases me.
I blush at John’s words, I’ve seen a lot of slave girls since we got to the beach, most of them real beauties much prettier than me, and the pony girl in front of me is stunning.
“Tracey says she’d love for you to bring a friend and go out for drinks and dancing this afternoon;” Emily tells him smiling.
“Sounds good to me, I have the perfect friend for Tracey;” John replies. “Although now that I’ve seen her up close, I might just leave my friend for you and keep her, I have no doubt we’d have a great night fucking.”
Emily and John start laughing at his words, and I laugh too, not really convinced by the way John looked at me that he meant it as a joke.
I try to look away from John, but when I do I find the pony girl and I can't help but look at her closely: Her body is shiny from the sweat that covers her, her accelerated breathing makes her tits go up and down, firm and round tits, with dark areolas, and stretched and hard nipples with two bells hanging from the rings that pierce them.
Leather strips joined by metal rings run all over her torso, forming a nice pattern, although they are not just for decoration, as I have seen to hook the pony girl to the cart, they serve to keep her arms close to her body and bent at a right angle so that her hands with gloves in the shape of hooves can be seen perfectly.
The horseshoe boots typical of pony girls reach just to her knees, and from there more leather straps adorn her thighs, going up them to join those on her torso, framing and dividing her pussy in a way that makes her lips look swollen.
The pony girl seems increasingly restless, she keeps stamping her hoof on the ground and making small sounds that are intelligible because of the bridle she wears in her mouth. These sounds make me look up at the pony girl's face, the straps of the halter and the blinders that only allow the pony girl to see what is in front of her, do not let me see her face well, but as soon as I see her big blue eyes, and the two small moles under her left eye I let out a small cry and look at Emily.
Emily does not answer me, she simply looks at John waiting for him to answer.
“That was the name of this pony girl when she was a free woman, now she is simply Red;” he tells us. “Did you know her?” he asks us.
“Katie was a classmate who stopped coming to college a month ago;” Emily answers. “We all assumed she had ended up enslaved, and we were right.”
I am unable to say anything, looking at the pony girl’s body again, thinking about how it is possible that the shy and insecure girl, who wore baggy clothes to avoid showing her body, and who had a hard time talking to boys, has become in a month the spectacular pony girl I see before me, proudly showing off her half-naked body, and how her excited pussy is betrayed by being displayed in this way in front of people who know her.
“She’s a little nervous;” Emily tells John when she sees how the pony girl repeatedly stamps her hoof on the ground again.
“Nothing’s wrong with her, she’s just waiting for her reward for having behaved well during training;” John comments. “Do you mind if I give it to her now?” he asks.
“I don’t mind;” Emily answers quickly. “And I don’t think Tracey either, in fact I think she’s curious to see how you reward Katie;” she adds, using the pony girl’s free woman name intentionally.
John turns to one side of the shed, leading Katie by the leash, allowing me to look at her from behind and see the red tail that adorns her outfit, surely coming from the long hair she had a month ago, and which, like Duchess’ and Kitty’s tails that I saw a few hours ago, is attached to an anal plug inserted in Katie’s ass.
With practiced movements John bends Katie over a wooden post, resting her belly on the post, hooking several straps to prevent her from getting up and securing the collar strap to the ground.
I don't know what kind of reward I had imagined Katie would receive, but as soon as I see her in that position with her legs spread and her pussy exposed I know what is going to happen. John releases the straps around Katie's pussy and pulls out a dildo that is not too long, about six inches, but quite wide.
Before I know it John has pulled down his pants, positioned himself behind Katie and started fucking her, causing the pony girl to let out a kind of whinny as she feels her pussy filled.
I try to look away so I don't see how my former classmate is being fucked like a simple animal, and clearly enjoying it. But I can't do it because Emily's hand is stopping me.
“Who knew that repressed Katie would turn into the horny slut we’re seeing?” she asks, reaching her free hand inside my panties to masturbate me again like she did earlier on the beach.
“John told me that as soon as he saw her on the auction block he had to buy her;” Emily explains. “She had been purchased by a collection patrol just half an hour earlier on her way to class, there were several slave girls missing for the auction and Katie and another girl had the bad luck to pass by.”
“Normally all the slave girls that are sold are uploaded after having spent a couple of days in the processing centers being fucked by the employees, that is if they have not also been fucked by the collection patrol agents when they were acquired. Katie on the other hand had not been touched by anyone, as John found out when he fucked her right after buying her she was a virgin, but when she went up to the auction block naked and with the slave collar she was already a different person, her nipples were hard and her swollen pussy was flowing juices down her thighs, she came twice in the short minute she was up for sale.”
As if she could hear us and want to confirm Emily's words that she is now a horny slut, Katie lets out a scream as she reaches orgasm.
“If you behave I will bring you back here in a little while, when all the pony girl owners are gathered;” Emily whispers in my ear while still masturbating me. “John is going to let a stallion fuck Katie;” She adds, turning my head towards a carriage that wasn't there a while ago, and to which there is no pony girl attached, but a huge, muscular black slave boy, with his body shiny with oils and a cock that is still flaccid and already threatening.
I am forced to watch as John fucks Red, I stop calling her Katie, for almost ten minutes, giving her three orgasms before cumming in her pussy. As quickly as he tied her to the wooden post, he releases her, placing the straps over and around her pussy before, but without inserting the dildo he was carrying, so that when Red stands up, the cum from her pussy begins to flow down her thighs.
“I think you should let her cum;” John tells Emily as he approaches me, joining two of his fingers with Emily's inside my pussy, quickly taking them out soaked with my juices.
“Not yet, it has to be saved for that friend of yours that you are going to bring;” Emily tells him, taking her fingers out of my pussy as well, bringing them to her mouth to clean them, leaving me frustrated again.
“By the way, John, do you have a spare harness to show Tracey?” she asks.
“I think there is one in the luggage rack of the carriage;” John replies. “But be careful not to lock the padlocks, there is only one key and I am taking it with me;” he adds, walking away with Red.
“You don’t need to go get the harness;” I tell Emily. “It’s getting late and we should pack up and go eat;” I add, eager to get away from all this.
“No problem with that, John has invited us to eat, so we have time until he gets back;” Emily tells me, rummaging through the luggage rack of the carriage, taking out several pieces of leather.
“The only problem is that this harness is for display;” Emily tells me, handing me a piece of the harness to hold while she begins to untangle the rest of the straps.
I quickly realize what Emily is referring to, apart from being white, the leather looks much more polished, softer than Red’s harness looked. Driven by curiosity, I run my fingers along the leather, the sensation of touching it is incredible and it causes the excitement I have after Emily has not brought me to orgasm to increase again. I also notice the nice effect the white leather creates against my tanned skin, and I can't help but imagine what I'd look like in it.
“Those straps are the ones that go around your thighs;” Emily tells me without looking at me. “Put them on while I finish unraveling the rest.”
Emily's words sound like some sort of order, which I obey without even thinking about it, wrapping the straps around my thighs, noticing several small padlocks as I do so, not sure if they are the padlocks John was referring to. As I finish putting the straps on, I notice that several of them are still hanging down, causing the harness to look wrinkled and misplaced.
I know where the straps go, but I don't dare put them on, although I do put a wide strap around my waist, which makes the whole harness tense and stretch.
“Put all the straps on properly;” Emily tells me, coming closer to me, grabbing three of the straps and pulling them, passing them between my thighs, wrapping and dividing my pussy in the same way that Red's pussy was. “I should take off your bikini so it would be better seen, but I don't want anyone to think you're a slave girl, and we also don't want you to stain the harness with your juices;” she adds, making me feel embarrassed.
Despite the bikini, the three straps dig slightly into my pussy, especially the middle one, which seems to want to go inside. I make a move to bring my hand down to put it on or take it off, but when I do, something hits my hand.
“Auughh!” I scream, turning to Emily, who holds a riding crop in one hand and a piece of the harness already unraveled in the other.
“Keep your hands still;” she orders me, hitting me with the crop again. “You better raise them above your head.”
I look at Emily, ready to tell her that the game is over, but when I see her waving the whip in her hand, I cower and raise my hands, placing them behind my head in the same way I've seen slave girls do on television.
Emily leaves the whip on the carriage and approaches me with the piece of leather she was holding in her hand, it's a corset, but without the top part of the bra, so that it fits the lower part of my breasts, squeezing and lifting them. I notice how she closes the straps behind me without tightening them but still causing me a strange sensation.
She takes a few steps away from me and shakes her head in a negative way, enters a small storeroom and comes out with a full-length mirror that she places in front of me, allowing me to see my reflection in it.
"I don't like how it looks;" she says, standing behind me, playing with both the straps and the corset, which wrinkle with any movement.
The truth is that Emily is right, it does look bad, but I feel so good with the feel of the leather on my skin, that I say something I didn't expect. “You can tighten the straps and corset a little more;” I say, watching in the mirror as I blush as I do so.
“Good idea Tracey;” Emily confirms. “I'll tighten them more and lock them, we'll open them when John comes.”
“That's not the…!” I protest, but my voice is cut off when Emily pulls the corset straps tighter and practically cuts off my breath.
Before I can protest both the corset and the straps are tight, perhaps too tight, now digging into my pussy, which without realizing it has been stripped of its bikini.
“I can't have you dressed in a locked pony girl harness and with a bikini on, someone might think what it isn't;” Emily tells me as she unties the knot of my bra, leaving my breasts on display, moving away to grab two other pieces that have nothing to do with the harness.
“Lift your leg;” she orders, leaving a pair of pony girl boots on the floor.
I stare at her without reacting, which causes her to pick up the whip again and hit me again, this time on one of my breasts.
“I don’t like treating you like this;” she tells me, playing with the tip of the whip on my nipples. “I like to do things another way better;” she adds, bringing the tip of the whip to my pussy.
“I’ve already closed the padlocks on the corset and the thigh harness, so we won’t be able to take them off until John comes back;” she tells me. “I can stop now and keep you like this, risking anyone coming and seeing you like this, or I can finish putting the whole set of harnesses on you and if anyone comes they’ll only see a horny pony girl;” she adds.
“Plus, if you let me continue, I can give you the orgasm you’ve been wanting so much;” she says, replacing the whip with her fingers.
I look at my reflection in the mirror, my face flushed, my tits pushed up by the corset with my nipples harder than ever, my pussy swollen by the straps and Emily's fingers moving inside and I am unable to react.
“Please Emily!” I beg her, closing my eyes, wanting to push that erotic image out of my mind.
“Please what?” she asks me.
“Please continue putting the harnesses on me and bring me to orgasm;” I finally beg her.
“Later, when you are dressed;” she answers, removing her fingers from my pussy. “Now lift your leg.”
I obey and let out a small cry as I lift my leg and feel the straps dig even deeper into my pussy, causing Emily to smile.
The boots are just the first step to dressing me like a pony girl. Emily no longer orders me around, she simply manipulates me like a puppet. She lowers my arms to put on gloves up to my forearms, topped with silver horseshoes, bends my arms at the elbows, holding them close to my body, first attaching them to several rings on the corset and then placing several straps around my arms and the area above my breasts.
While she has placed the whole set of straps on me, Emily has not stopped caressing me and playing with my body, thus ensuring that my excitement never diminishes at any time, keeping me on the edge, causing me to be obedient, eager for her to bring me to orgasm. Only when I see her approach with the halter and the bridle in her hand do I resist again, although only for a few seconds, just the time it takes Emily to bring her fingers back to my pussy.
This time Emily moves her fingers faster, causing me to start moaning with pleasure. She allows me a couple of moans, and takes advantage of the next one to place the bridle over my tongue and hold it firmly so that no coherent sound comes out of my mouth. Putting on the rest of the halter and the blinders only takes a couple of minutes, and little more than that to attach the straps to guide me where she wants.
Between the tugs of the reins digging the bridle into my mouth and the blows of the whip on my ass and tits, Emily has no problem getting me out of the small shed and leading me to the beach, where we soon begin to capture the attention of everyone there.
“Everyone is looking at you,” Emily whispers to me, stopping. “You are the center of attention, all the men want to fuck you and all the women, both slave girls and free women, want to be in your place. I'm sure you've seen some pony girl videos, let's give her a nice show and I'll let you cum.”
Emily starts giving me orders as if I were a trained pony girl, and I get more and more excited by the looks people give me and the comments they throw at me, I try to obey her as best I can. My excitement grows with every movement, with every touch of the straps on my pussy, I soon start to sweat and breathe quickly, so that when after more than twenty minutes she orders me to stop, my appearance must not be very different from what Red had when I saw her for the first time.
“I hope you enjoyed this part of the show;” Emily says, receiving a wave of applause in response, opening my blinders so I can see how many people have been watching me, causing me to not pay attention to what she has said. “To finish I would like some of you here to lend me a few minutes with your slave so you can see how obedient my pony girl Star is.”
Emily selects one of the several slaves offered by her owners, and orders her to kneel at my feet, I know what she is going to order the slave girl to do, but before she does she approaches me and whispers something in my ear.
“You are not going to cum until I tell you to;” she tells me. “If you do I swear I will let every man on the beach fuck you and then sell you to one of them. You will be marked and collared before you can do anything.”
I don't even pay attention to what Emily is saying to the people gathered around me, I just try to escape from the pleasure I feel, although I fail completely as soon as I feel the slave girl's tongue on my pussy.
The sensations are incredible, only one of my lovers had eaten my pussy, but in a clumsy way and nothing like how the slave girl is doing it. Her tongue moves inside my pussy, sometimes slowly and sometimes faster, she has it pierced, and the piercings rub against my increasingly swollen clitoris, bringing me irremediably closer to orgasm. I feel Emily's breath on my neck, and I wait for her to give me the order to cum, but that order never comes, and when I explode in orgasm I don't care anymore.
I don't know if I expected Emily to carry out her threat, what I didn't expect is that the slave girl would continue eating my pussy, adding two of her fingers to the equation. My body begins to shake with pleasure, and I feel my legs turn to jelly and are unable to hold me up. If I don't fall it's thanks to Emily's arms holding me by the waist.
A new orgasm doesn't take long to come to me, followed by another one with practically no interval, only then does the slave girl stop and move her mouth away from my pussy.
Again I hear applause, and also some people congratulating Emily on how well she has trained me, one of them even makes her an offer to buy me, an offer that Emily rejects by telling her that I'm not a slave girl, and that even if I were, I'm not for sale.
“That was incredible Emily, I didn't know you had such a well-trained pony girl;” I hear someone say whose voice sounds familiar, although the pleasure clouds my mind and doesn't allow me to identify her. “When you said she could cum three times in five minutes, I didn't believe it posible;” he adds.
“Five minutes!” I tell myself, I thought it had been a lot longer, and that thought makes me even more embarrassed about what just happened.
“Don’t be silly John, she’s not a real pony girl;” she says. “You don’t recognize your show harness, it’s Tracey.”
“Fuck! She was already completely turned on and horny a while ago;” John says, inserting two of his fingers into my pussy. “But it’s much worse now, she just had three orgasms, but she’s still dripping wet, I could bring her to orgasm again right now.”
“I’m sure I Will;” Emily says. “But we don’t have time for that, it’s lunch time and we have to go back to the shed and take all the harnesses off Tracey;” she adds, causing me to feel an incredible sense of relief, knowing that this has all been nothing more than a game by Emily.
“True;” John says. “But we can take advantage of having two pony girls to have a little competition and end up with a race on the way back.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, it’s one thing for Tracey to have done a couple of tricks in front of people who have no idea and quite another for her to compete with a trained pony girl like Red;” Emily says.
“You’re right Emily, it was just to make the way back a little more entertaining;” John points out, stepping back.
“If that's why we can do it another way, without it being a competition;” Emily says, causing my nervousness to reappear. “We can take off the blinders on the two pony girls, you order Red to do something, Star watches and tries to repeat it as best she can.”
The joy I feel that Emily's idea is not sexual or perverted, together with the feeling of liberation when I remove the blinders, does not let me realize that she has used the pony girl name she gave me a few minutes ago.
“Okay, let's see what Star is capable of;” John says, accepting Emily's proposal and using my pony girl name as well.
A journey that should have taken just ten minutes, stretches out for almost an hour, I do the first exercises quite well, being congratulated by Emily and John, but as soon as I start to feel tired from the effort I start to fail, and in the end not even the blows that Emily gives me with the whip manage to make me move or do things right. The final race is a failure, I barely stay ten meters at Red's height, and I end up practically walking.
“I'm going to cool Red off;” John tells Emily. “Do you want me to cool Star off too?” he asks her.
“It'll be best, she's covered in sweat and sand, and sticky from orgasms. Do it and then I'll take off her harnesses;” Emily replies.
John guides Red and me to one of the corners of the shed, and attaches our reins to the wall, placing us on top of a grate. He then approaches the wall, unhooks a hose and points it at us, showering us with a jet of ice-cold water, causing both pony girls to scream.
Once washed, John unhooks us from the wall and leads us back to Emily, handing her my reins.
“Star has been very good;” John comments. “No one would say she wasn’t a real pony girl.”
“Actually, she has;” Emily confirms. “She has been so good that I think she deserves a reward for it;” she adds smiling, handing my leash to John.
John pulls me towards the wooden post, I try to resist knowing what is going to happen, but Emily hits me several times with the crop on the ass, and the pain makes me stop resisting. In the same way he did with Red, John holds me to the post, ready and exposed for him to fuck me.
I feel the straps on my pussy being removed and fingers entering inside me, not John's fingers, they're too thin. Other hands grab my chin and lift my head up.
“You're going to get a very special reward, Star;” a smiling John tells me, moving my head towards the cart where the black pony boy was hitched, which is now nowhere to be seen.
I realize what's going to happen, and that I can't do anything to stop it. I let out a scream as I feel something huge force its way into my pussy, stretching it, making me feel like it's tearing me apart inside, a sensation that only lasts a few seconds as the huge cock immediately stimulates my insides, making the pleasure grow rapidly.
It's been humiliating enough cumming while being made to behave like a trained pony girl, and I don't want to cum while being fucked like an animal by a stallion, even though I know I won't be able to help it.
Someone lifts my head up with their hand again, it's John again, with Emily at his side holding a metal collar. Until now I had thought that this was just a game for her, something that had happened by chance, and that when she got tired of playing with me she was going to let me go home, now I know that inviting me to the beach, the appearance of John leading Red, the stallion, it has all been arranged by her.
I close my eyes and feel the cold metal wrapping around my neck, I wait to hear the click that will seal my fate, and when I hear it I let go and explode in the most intense orgasm of my life, my first slave girl orgasm.
As the sensation of pleasure that almost made me lose consciousness fades, I go to where he tells me what happened. My whole body hurts, probably because of all the exercises I've been forced to do and the way it's restricted, but the worst thing is the pain I feel in my pussy and ass.
I understand my pussy after being fucked for more than ten minutes by the stud's huge cock, but not my ass, although I quickly understand why when I feel something soft hitting my legs.
I don't have to look down, and I can't because of the halter, to know that a tail has been placed on me, and that for the first time in my life I have something stuck up my ass.
I look up, still without the blinders, which allows me to see perfectly what is in front of me: I am hitched to a carriage, in which Emily and John are riding together, the pace is slow, which allows me to follow without problems, although when I see that both Red and the stallion are hitched to the carriage I start to worry. Emily and John are talking quietly, and I try to pay attention to their conversation.
“Are you going to keep Tracey, or just train her and then sell her?” John asks Emily.
“Keep her, of course!” Emily answers. “You know I've been wanting to have my own pet for a while, Thomas has Duchess and Kitty and you have Red, and you've already seen her body and how she moves, I'm sure she'll be an excellent racing pony girl;” he adds.
“I remind you, sister, that for the races you need two pony girls, and not only must they get along well on the track, but for the shows they must fit physically, it won't be easy for you to find a girl similar to Tracey,” says John.
“So don't worry, brother;” says Emily smiling. “I've thought of everything, Tracey has a little sister, Sarah, she's a year younger than her, they practically look like twins! I've invited her to come to the beach next week.”