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Break of A Lifetime - Part Eighteen

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:17 am
by orflash64
Break of a lifetime part 18
by Goodgulf
awatcher123Oct 17 5:12 PM

Part 18 - Taking Her Leave

Finally the strapping was over. The COs undid the restraints and cleared the frames. A sound system came alive, informing patrons that the next group would be dealt with in 15 minutes.
"Hey!" Sandy exclaimed. "That's fucked! Why are those women going out with the prison sluts? No judge sent them here."
She didn't address comment to anyone, but Darren answered.
"They don't have to be sentenced," Darren revealed in a dry tone. "The Carnacki Correctional Institute for Women takes in paying guests. I would hazard a guest they have paid to stay here through Friday, giving them a chance to recover from this night. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them stayed longer, remaining for weekend."
"Fuck that's awesome!' Sandy gushed. "They paid for that themselves? The sluts!"
"They, or someone else," Darren observed.
"Who would do that?" Sandy asked.
"A friend perhaps?" Darren suggested. "I know one of them couldn't pay her own way. I recognised the one on the far left; she won't get her trust fund until she's 25. Until then she's on an allowance. A nice one, but not enough for this place."
Jane knew who he was talking about, and wondered who was paying for those two sisters to be here. She doubted that either girl would be leaving soon.
"Allowance? At her age?" Sandy said in shock. "Shit, I haven't needed one of those for years! Not since I started getting boys to buy me stuff. Not that I ever whored, but guys have bought me stuff since my tits sprouted."
"You never asked for things in exchange for things?" Darren asked dryly.
"No, well, not really," Sandy said. "The nearest I came was getting cash from one of my daddy's friends. But that wasn't sex, that was me not telling daddy his old buddy was spanking me."
Hal looked at his companion with new eyes.
"You took money from a family friend to let him spank you?" Hal asked in neutral tone. "I know my aunt calls you a trailer trash whore, but I never thought..."
"It wasn't like that honey," Sandy said, snuggling up to him. "He only spanked, and he didn't even do it bare, and I earned that cash. Them girls had it easy; none of them sluts got the buckle end of the belt."
"How old were you?" Hal asked. "No, make that how young were you?"
"Young enough to earn a belting, but old enough to take the cash," Sandy replied.

Turning back to Darren, Sandy asked:
"Can you stay here without getting smacked down there?"
Jane found herself answering.
"Yes, but they treat you like an inmate when you arrive," Jane told the girl. "You have to shower, get your hair done, and put on a uniform like you were sentenced here."
"She's right," Darren nodded.
"Wait, I could be in here surrounded by all those sluts?" Sandy asked. "Hal, you getting hot thinking bout that?"
"If you want to stay here then I'm sure I can arrange it," Hal said slowly. "I'm sure I can get my aunt to sign off on an advance from my trust fund."
"Didn't she just say no?" Sandy asked.
"She said no to a trip to Tijuana," Hal replied. "After you said something about the quality coke, E, and H we could get there. But was about the drugs, and there's no drugs here."
"Freaky! Would I get to spank the sluts?" Sandy asked.
Darren spoke up.
"I'm sure your stay would involves sluts and spankings," Darren chimed in. "Maybe only one of each, but it would happened."
"Fucking awesome!" Sandy said. "Can I stay? Just for the night?"
"Well we must be going," Darren announced, but didn't rise. "We only arranged for one show."

"We should go too," Sandy declared. "And talk to someone about me smacking some sluts."
Hal rose, a bittersweet smile on his face.
"If that is what you want," Hal said. "After what you've said tonight I'm sure I can bring myself to sign you in tonight."
"Yeah, I said I wanted in. Scuse us honey."
Sandy didn't want to wait until Jane had left. She walked with her back to Jane, and as she did so Jane saw a large wet spot on the back of Sandy's skirt. The girl had to know it was there, that it was visible, and that it would become a permanent stain, but Sandy didn't seem to care.
"I'm sure you'll look great as a redhead," Hal said as he followed her out.
Darren rose when the pair was several feet up the aisle, and Jane mirrored him.
"Do you think she'll be here for a day?" Jane asked in a low voice.
Darren chuckled.
"A day is just the start. She's obviously a gold digger," Darren murmured in return. "It's just as clear that Hal is getting a bit tired of her. They have nothing but sex in common, and I doubt he enjoys the idea that she used to charge grown men to spank her. He was probably on his way to dropping in the next few weeks, maybe buying her a 'go quietly' gift. But his aunt suggested they come here, Sandy wants to have an adventure, and perhaps most importantly she freaked her date out by talking about her early sexual activity, so here she'll stay. Maybe his aunt had this in mind when she suggested they come here, maybe she didn't, but that is what is happening "

Jane held back her response because they we no longer alone; as often happened when entering or leaving a theatre, a clump had developed in the aisle as friends stopped to say hello to each other. Jane didn't know anyone there, but her uncle always loved working a room. Darren made sure to introduce Jane as they halted and when someone new joined the clump, always using the same wording - "Jane Higgins, my niece the reporter". Annoyingly enough, each and everyone in the clump remarked on seeing Jane bringing off the inmate. Several mentioned in the form of a compliment, others in passing, but each of her uncle's friends mentioned it. At first Jane wondered if they were teasing her, but that didn't feel right. She wasn't getting that vibe, and why would they tease her when everyone was here to watch Punishment Night?
Then it hit her. Each and every person was really saying:
"I saw you here tonight and watched you finger that girl. If you cause us trouble I'd be able to testify to that.
You're one of us now and we're all in it together."
They all knew Jane's background and they were united in welcoming her to their number - politely telling her to like it or else. It was the most polite blackmail threat Jane had ever heard, but she was sure they were all deadly serious in what they were saying. Especially after one grey haired gentleman winked as he expressed his regret that he had missed the last Punishment Night in July.
That gentleman, who conveniently forgot to mention his name, trailed after Jane and her uncle as they broke away from the clump. He was unfailingly polite as he mentioned that he owned a wide selection of Carnacki uniforms, and if she should ever want to wear one again he was sure he had one that would fit her. Perhaps she would enjoy wearing it at his country place? A country place that had begun life as a farmhouse and thus had no neighbours for miles in every direction. They could agree in advance how long she would stay, or leave things to chance.
Jane politely demurred. The gentleman merely smiled and told her that the offer stood.
When they finally reached the reception area Jane noticed a small clump talking with the staff. There was Hal Taylor and Sandy, a girl hanging on the arm of a man who was at least twice (and maybe three times) her age, and a college age girl standing alone.
"Hey you," Sandy called over to them. "We're looking at booking a quad. Want to share the quadruple occupancy rate? It's all inclusive."
Jane's heart raced as her uncle escorted her to the group, but discovered they were going over simply so Darren didn't have to shout. As he politely turned down the offer on her behalf, the singleton spoke up.
"It's no biggie. I've decided that this is my twentieth birthday present to myself. I'm sure my parents will give me enough for a double share of the room. It can't be that much; it's just for a few days."
"I'm sure they will," Darren agreed. "Why, I wouldn't be surprised if they were willing to fund your stay for a week or two."

The older man escorting the younger woman snorted at that, but his date didn't get the humour. The staff member merely smiled and agreed that something could be worked out. Jane wanted to speak up, to warn the girl that her stay might not be a short one, but she didn't dare. Not while at the Carnacki institute. Not after seeing that girl stripped and positioned next to her sister.

Darren excused them from the group. Jane discovered that his car was waiting for them at the door. Within in minutes they were beyond the wall, driving away towards freedom.
"Congratulations my dear," Darren said. "You seem to have made the correct choice for you."
"Um, thanks. Do you mind if I have a drink?" Jane said, nodding towards the limo's small bar.
"Oh where are my manners? We have scotch, bourbon, Jack Daniel's, and apple and cherry brandies."
"Cherry brandy," Jane answered.
Sipping her brandy, Jane had to ask some of the questions that were running around her head. She knew that she might not like the answers, but she had to ask the questions.
"That gentleman. The one who invited me to his country place. Am I right in assuming I won't be able to sit afterwards if I go?"
"You would indeed be correct," Darren said as he sipped his single malt. "But you might want to consider it. He is a very influential, and wealthy, man and we wouldn't be talking about any long term effects. Oh, you'd have a very sore bottom and he prefers not to use condoms, but you might find yourself enjoying your visit. Think of it as being at the institute without the hypocrisy of them pretending to reform you. Just open D&B play with the limits, or at least the guidelines, agreed to in advance."
"No thanks," Jane answered. "I'm not into that."
"Not at all?" Darren questioned. "Are you aware the single most erogenous zone in the human body is the brain? Which is one of the reasons we don't find ourselves sexually attracted to close relatives."
"Sure, I understand that," Jane nodded.
"Then perhaps you can explain why, when you were in such adverse conditions, suffering both shame and pain, two things you avow to not be into, someone was able to make you orgasm in minutes using only his hands?" Darren said. "Your body has certain responses that would explain that reaction from regular sex, or a vibrator, but mere manual manipulation? And so quickly? Most woman seeing to their own needs would take longer than that, and despite his claims Anton was not God's gift to woman."
Jane looked away as her face went red.
"No, you don't have to explain that to me," Darren said. "But you should know yourself, and that gentleman is an expert at helping girls your age discover those answers."
Jane didn't want to continue the discussion. The very idea of talking to her uncle about her sex life had too high an ick factor to continue. She decided to risk another question.
"You keep saying I made the decision that I really wanted to make," Jane began.
"Those aren't my exact words, but close enough," Darren agreed.
"What was my other choice, no, I know what I could have chosen," Jane said, interrupting herself. "What would have happened if I had chosen differently?"
Darren sipped his drink before he answered. Jane had taken several classes on giving interviews; if she didn't know better she would say her uncle was stalling.

"Do you remember how Heather took a semester off?" Darren asked her.
"Sure, that was..," Jane's throat went dry. She needed to take another drink before she went on. "That was winter after she told people she had been backpacking in Eastern Europe."
"Yes it was," Darren nodded. "You know how she didn't go to Europe? Well she wasn't ready to make her bones as it were, at the New Years Day party. She spent most of January in a uniform, but when she went back at Spring Break she made the right decision."
"You should be happy that she had that second stay," Darren noted. "David didn't really know where his older sister was in the summer, but he knew that winter and there was nothing he could do about."
"Couldn't you..."
"Me?" Darren laughed. "I have accepted that while I can open doors, it's up for my children to decide if and how they go through those doors. It wasn't always that way, but they are now adults and that means they make their own decisions. Oh, I might have made waves and gotten Heather out earlier, but she needed that extra time to appreciate the choice she had to make. And she had to make it; if she hadn't, well if she hadn't then she would have had to do something else to ensure that she couldn't testify. There are various scenarios that can work, but almost all of them can lead to long prison terms. No, making your bones is the easiest way to go. Now any other questions?"

"Um, those girls, Sandy and the others, will they be leaving in a couple of days?" Jane asked.
"Of course not," Darren chuckled. "Oh, normally that girl would have some say in when she left, but since her parents are paying it's up to them. I suspect she'll be lucky, and grateful, if she makes it home for Thanksgiving. As for the other young lady, her escort would never book her in for less than a month, regardless of what he tells you. Most likely she'll be out for Christmas, and ready to give him a wonderful Christmas present to thank him for getting her out."
"And Sandy?"
"The trailer trash whore? Her fate rests in the hands of Hal's aunt. Hal knows enough about that place not to admit Sandy if he's not prepared for her to stay awhile. In fact, I do believe he is in the process of splitting up with her."
"Are we talking three months?" Jane pressed.
Darren shrugged.I

"I would not be surprised, not surprised at all, if this time next year Sandy was working at North African brothel," Darren admitted. "Or in an Arab's harem. Not to be cruel, but does her fate really matter? If she wasn't there she would mostly likely be in jail, or ODing on drugs, or living on welfare as her looks give out. Going overseas might be the best thing for Sandy. She's been trading sex for favours since she was too young to do it; that's the only life she knows. This way she'll end up somewhere she is considered exotic."

"Yeah, but..."

"Then there's the other benefits," Darren continued. "We have various allies, both governmental and non-governmental, who enjoy seeing a girl like Sandy arrive in their area. Why, if David is to be believed, in 1976 a planeload of wannabe models from the mid west landed at a private airport in the Middle East. Those were girls who had flocked to LA, New York, and Chicago, who normally would have ended up being chewed up the local pimps, whose fates meant nothing in the big picture, but they changed history when they arrived where they did."
"Oh. Ah. Er," Jane stammered, looking for words.
"But enough about negative things, let's talk about that new job of yours," Darren said. "The one with the crusading media outlet. Now the job pays 40 grand to start with, which isn't much, but it will lead to better things. If you put your heart into it then you can expect to hit 60 to 80 inside of three years. I'd say that you should hit six figures, and not necessarily low six figures, within five years."
"What?" Jane asked in surprise. "But you said entry level. Entry level is formally interning rather than being a stringer. Forty thousand? Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure," Darren smiled. "I pulled in a favour, and favours make the world go round. Now there is a change, a very low chance now but it might grow over the years, a chance that someone will ask you for a favour. Nothing big, nothing criminal, just, well, let's say a source comes to you and tells you that they do awful things at the Carnacki Correctional Institute for Women. You might be asked to decide that the source isn't a credible one."

"But, but that goes everything journalism stands for!" Jane protested.

"Does it?" Darren asked. "Hypothetical, if you hadn't been there, if that source had come to you on June 10th, and described the health classes, exercise routine, custom diets, and Punishment Nights, would you have believed that source? "
"Um, well..."
"Point of fact, aren't you now a source yourself?" Darren pressed. "Now I understand why you are keeping quiet, but if you decide to go to an editor and tell what you know, do you think he'd believe you? Or would he think you had suffered a breakdown and were now delusional or a conspiracy nut? If you were the editor would you believe you?"
"But... But the public has a right to know," Jane protested, at the edge of tears as she realised she might have to reject the job her uncle was offering.
"Of course the public has a right to know," Darren agreed.
Jane hadn't been expecting that response.
"But, no wait, you said..."
"There is only so much that can be told," Darren pointed out. "Our local paper lists local births, but you know how many people are born each day? Or die? If you just read aloud the names of the parents and time of birth along with the names of people who died you wouldn't have time to finish today's births and deaths before you needed to start on tomorrow's list. And then there's crime: something happens to a photogenic white kid and it's a national news story, but how many black males died violently every day?"
"Yes, I know, I've taken courses in bias of coverage."

"And that's all we're talking about," Darren assured her. "You'd still be reporting a full day's worth of news, but maybe you don't fight to get a certain story into the news. Or let it be buried in some obscure section. Or you act like a responsible journalist and demand multiple credible sources before you report a certain story. That's all."
"Um, I'll have to think about," Jane said weakly.
"You do that," Darren advised. "You're likely to have months, if not years, before someone asks you to do something. Or it could happen soon if you take a certain gentleman up on his offer. A week wearing that uniform would do more for your career that you can possible imagine."
"What would happen if someone asks me to do something if I don't do it?" Jane asked, shifting the subject from that intriguing offer.
"Probably nothing," Darren admitted. "Or your story could be disproven, leaving you with egg on your face. Maybe enough egg to cost you your job. Worse case? Heather might not be my only relative to be held in that place a second time."

"Um, but..."

"Just think about it. That's all I ask," Darren said. "Speaking of Heather, have you seen pictures of the new baby?"
"Just the hospital ones."
"Well have a look at these," Darren said, switching into proud grandpa mode.

Jane could barely believe it. She was leaving a private prison where girls where beaten, where a good friend was still trapped; had been invited to spend time with an old perv and her uncle thought she should, for business reasons; and she was being offered the carrot of a dream job while being threatened with the stick of prison. All of that and what was she doing? Looking at pictures of her cousin's new baby.

That was when things snapped into place. Jane had been thinking of the Carnacki Correctional Institute for Women as an abomination, of her Cousin David's job as a abhorrent stain on the government, of that offer as a sick idea from a person who lived beyond the fringe of what was accepted - but what if they were all as normal as looking at baby pictures? What if David was right, that he was helping the world go round? What if the Carnacki Correctional Institute for Women was only one of hundreds of its kind? What if she really wanted to explore what she hadn't dared to seriously think about when she was sharing that room with Trish?