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Yet another Literotica author

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:20 pm
by Freight_Train
Literotica author 'Schlank' has been writing and posting since 2007. He started out good . . . and has gotten even better. His lengthy multi-part stories are excellent - great plots, believable and well-developed characters, plenty of sizzle. What's not to like? ... ubmissions

If you're into slavery stories, with a heavy side of spanking, start with Enslaved in Europe. Stories Enslaved in Fairfax County, A Dream of Bathory Prison and Return to Sessia all continue the same plot, same characters, etc.

Chery's Passion and The Story of Odilia are different spins on this same topic. BTW, Schlank is still writing. Expect an update or new chapter every couple of weeks.
