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Almost Home

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 9:38 pm
by gary

A sort of a “What if” story that involves the aggressive woman seen near the end of “Vacation to Slave Training: Part Three”. The first part takes place while Claire has returned to the Sam Store in York looking for Carol. She has been locked in one of the kennels until Carol comes to work the next morning. The Second Part takes place immediately after “Vacation to Slave Training: Part Three”.


The clerk locked the cage and walked away, leaving Claire alone. It didn’t last long, a average looking women in her thirties came in. she was naked of course, but had a plastic Visitor Collar on, and her purse. She was looking over the selection of slaves and came to Claire’s kennel. “Well you look like good quality slave meat. What’s your grade?”

“Prime Plus Mistress.” Claire figured she had to be submissive like when she was being graded.

“Very good quality pussy then.” She asked a janitor for the keys to the kennel. He told her he wasn’t allowed to do that but she became very insistent, so he gave in.

She told the slave girl to come out for inspection. Claire complied but stated she wasn’t for sale.

“You have a slave collar, that makes you a slave.”

“It was a mistake by a clerk, they are going to sort it out.”

“Slaves are always saying that, so shut up.” She ordered Claire to turn around slowly with her hands on her head. She groped and slapped the helpless Claire, then she shoved three fingers up her cunt. “Not very wet, you need work if you expect me to believe your Prime Plus.” Then she ordered her to pleasure her, she dragged Claire back into the kennel and pushed her down to her knees. She started licking around the Mistresses lips eliciting a “nice,” from her. She then pushed her tongue inside her slit which caused a groan to escape her tormentor. Finally, she pleasured the clitoris till it was erect and through a combination of tongue and lips action brought the woman to an orgasm.

“Not bad, I want you as my slave, I’ll have you one way or another.”

“I’m not for sale.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

She came back the next day and found Claire chained to the punishment pole She spoke to the few customers who had gathered “Punishment for Slave Claire 562, five lashes.”

Someone, disappointed said “Is that all?”

Carol swung the whip, it cracked against her back and Claire cried out.


Then again “Two.” Followed by Claire’s whimper.


Someone complained “You’re not hitting her hard enough.”
“Four.” Carol ignored them.

“Five, slave punishment completed.” Carol went to unlock the cuffs but they wouldn’t open. Not again thought Claire.

There’s a hardware store in the mall, I’ll get some WD40 that should do it.” She left leaving Claire in place being ogled by the customers.

“That whipping was barely worth it.” one of them grumbled.

The manager Mr. Johnson came in and noticed Claire, “Now why are you here again?”

Someone in the crowd called out, “She’s been punished but the clerk barely hit her.”

“Why would you be punished, you’ve been released from store control.” he looked at her.

“Carol will tell you sir; the locks won’t unlock and she went for oil.”

“Well I’ll get the story from her when she comes back.”

It seemed to take forever but Carol came back, “Sorry, the story was busy.”

The Manager came over to her “Now what’s this all about?” Carol explained the situation to him and admitted she didn’t hit her very hard. But she had already declared punishment complete. “Well I guess that that then.” he turned to Claire “Maybe you should be on your way.”

“How about a quick auction?” someone called out.

Mr. Johnson simply replied, “She’s not a slave.”

“That’s easy to fix.” It turned out to be a woman calling out, “A couple of keystrokes and she’s for sale.” Then continued, “Happens all the time, no one makes a fuss unless she rich.”

He looked at Claire, then Carol, “So what do you think I should do?”

“I’d like to say do it, and Claire won’t object, her training is too fresh, but we shouldn’t, our records clean and let’s keep it that way.”

“You’re right, besides it’s a lot of paperwork and your shift is over.”

“Thank you, sir.” Claire said.

“How about a private sale then or maybe I should go to a Magistrate.”

“They will take the store’s position over yours, so let it drop.” Mr. Johnson replied. Carol was able to get the shackles undone finally and she took her to the lockers. Claire dressed in front of everyone, something that no longer bothered her.

The woman who wanted Claire stood close and watched, “You’re a slave and we all know it, just give it up.” she grabbed Claire breast, “And I want this.”

Carol intervened, “She’s getting dressed and she’s free as soon as she’s done.”

“Well she isn’t uncollared yet so she’s still a slave to me.” Pulling Claire close and playing with the other breast now, then she put her hand between Claire legs, “She’s slave wet and juicy, she should be on the block.”

“Madam stop making a scene, you’ve done this before in here and I could have YOU on the block by tomorrow.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“I would, magistrates don’t like uppity women.” the woman just stormed out, “She’s been causing trouble constantly.”

“Thank you very much, you’ve been a strange and special kind of friend Carol.”

Carol finally removed her collar. “Well I do like you, want to go for cuppa (1)?”

“Love to.”

“Certainly, by the way Scott authorized you could buy a Slave Outfit and a Collar.”

“Love to, lets see what you have before we go.”

“And then we can come back and put you on the auction block.”

“Why are you joining me?” The both laughed.


When Claire and Carol left the store the woman who had wanted Claire followed them. The girls had a relaxing and talkative tea together.
Afterwards they separated and Claire want to the train station with the woman following her.

While she was sitting down reading a magazine, all of a sudden she felt someone come up to her and quickly pushed her hair apart and she felt a collar locking around her neck. “What are you doing?” Claire called out and look behind her. She recognized the woman from the store.

“If you ever want that collar off again your coming with me”

“You can’t do that; my chip will show I’m free”

“Your just released, your as good as enslaved to me, now come with me, I told you I’d have you”

“Don’t do this please, you’ll be the one in trouble if I call for help”

“Cops don’t carry chip readers, they will take my word for it and hand you over to me until they get a response from Slave Control, and if you think they will listen to you they won’t, not with a collar on”

Claire had been too well trained in obedience, even this took a lot of strength. But it failed her quickly and she soon followed the woman. She took her to a back room and said “Strip” Claire obedience kicked in and she did without thinking. The woman held out a slave outfit, “Put this on, now everyone will know you’re my slave”. Claire did as she was told. Her head was spinning not sure what to do get out of this. When she had dressed the woman clicked a chain on the collar “Now follow me to your new home” they got to the woman’s car and she said “Get in the boot” (2) and pointed for Claire to get in. She lowered herself into the trunk knew she was trapped when it was closed

The ride lasted almost a half hour with Claire being jerked back and forth in the trunk. Finally, they stopped and the woman let Claire out. She took of the slave clothes and then took her to the basement, Mistress ordered Claire to open her mouth, she felt the familiar taste of De-voicing Spray, “That will keep you quite for at least a few days, maybe a week” She then dragged her to a punishment pole. “You got away too easy at the store, I’ll make sure your properly punished” the she ordered “Bring me the whip”

Claire crawled to the whip and carried in her teeth to her. The woman locked he to the pole “My name is Louise, but you will only call me Mistress or Ma’am, of course that when I let you have your voice back” She started whipping Claire hard, Claire was in agony as the whip tore into her again and again. She counted twenty strokes when they finally stopped. When the shackles were unlocked she collapsed on the floor. “Now you know what you are, and you know your mine” She smiled as she looked down on the slave girl. “Now go to your kennel”, Claire crawled in slowly and heard the door lock behind her.

The next day Mistress Louise brought Claire out of her kennel. She ordered her to make her bed and prepare breakfast for her. Claire obeyed meekly, wondering if there was a way to get out of this. Or was she now her slave.

“I have to go to work, don’t get any Ideas about trying to leave because you have a shock collar on and it has a perimeter limit. Step more than a few feet from the front door, or beyond the back gate you’ll get a shock you won’t forget.”

Claire was too scared to try to leave, her training held her back. She was giving a list of things to do around the house: vacuum, dust, wash clothes and so forth. When her Mistress came home she welcomed her with oral sex. She asked for her cell phone so she could contact her parent so they wouldn’t worry, telling her they would call the police and come to England to find her. She allowed it but made sure she controlled what she sent. They went up stairs and Claire undressed her Mistress and helped her into more comfortable clothes. She made supper, but had to eat Slave Kibble like a dog on the floor out of a bowl. She cleaned up after and had to crawl beside her Mistress and sit beside her chair.

Before bedtime she would again undress Mistress Louise and be used as her sexual toy. Usually she would please her with oral sex, licking the pussy lips, pushing her tongue inside and finished with licking and sucking the clitoris. One-night Claire was made to stand on all fours while her owner put on a strap on dildo. First, she lubed it good, and then slowly, rhythmically started fucking her. “Use your Slave Pleasure, make yourself mine.” Claire could not help but do it she wanted to feel the heightened sensations it gave her. But as she did the planned side effect took hold and she started to fall in love with her Mistress. After Claire came, she continued her pleasuring of her slave until she came two more times.

Within a few days, Claire had settled into her new life, but her wish for freedom still stirred. She had regained her voice but didn’t let her Mistress know that. Claire was happy when Mistress took off the shock collar and put a regular slave collar on. She felt she had earned her owners trust and love and Mistress brought home the paperwork to formally enslave Claire But events now took a turn in Claire’s favor.

She was being taken downstairs to her kennel when her Mistress slipped on some grease she had previously spilled. When she fit the concrete floor and the bottom she hit her head and was unconscious. Claire ran to her aid, “Mistress, Mistress, wake up, please wake up.” She was crying worrying about her owner. Her Mistresses cell was busted she had to leave her to call for help. She was going to dial 911 but then she remembered that the U.K. used 999 instead. In her confusion over what to dial, she realized that her captors’ purse was right in front of her. Remembering she kept all her keys in there she rummaged though the bag till she found the key to her collar. She undid her collar and then rushed to where her luggage had been brought and quickly dressed. She called for and ambulance and told them what happened. Now revenge came to her and she rushed downstairs and cut off her captors’ clothes, and locked the Slave Collar on her. When the Paramedics came, she told them that her slave had fallen down the stairs. They told her where they were taking her and where she could go to see her.

Instead Claire gathered all her stuff, making sure to leave nothing behind. She found the slave papers and started making them out in her former Mistresses name. She then took the woman’s purse, took the money and, more importantly, her ID. She went out the back gate wearing a large hat to avoid the CCTV network (3). Taking a bus, she got to the train stations and while on the train she booked a plane back home.

After a week home she e-mail Carol about some of what the woman had done, and asked if she could find out what happened. She received the following e-mail:

"I knew the woman from previous encounters at the store. I looked up her Slave Number (recorded when she entered the store) and found out she was now registered as a slave. I have a friend at Slave Control and she found out that she had been taken to the Slave Wing of the local hospital as she had a Slave collar on. When she gained consciousness, she claimed she was a free woman. But when they went to the house she was taken from. They found no ID and partially completed enslavement papers. There were questions when it was found she owned the house and had a job. But it was decided there was enough evidence to enslave her and sell her at auction. She put up such a fuss they are going to send her to a Slave Correctional School. If you thought Roman House was bad this is worse and they usually handled criminals and drug addicts. She’ll be there for at least two weeks and then sold at government auction."

Claire was surprised this pleased her no end and asked for updates. Three weeks later she got another e-mail that the now Slave Louise had been purchased and sent to Egypt. That did give Claire a smile.

(1) Cuppa - cup of tea
(1) English term got a car trunk
(2) Closed Circuit Television, Britain has one of the most extensive networks of CCTV for surveillance in the world.

Re: Almost Home

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:34 pm
by jeepster
Good story, I really like the ending!

Re: Almost Home

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:18 am
by Hooked6
Normally I don't really like stories with a "Get what's coming to you" ending but this was magnificent! If ever I wanted someone to get "what was coming to her" it was Mistress Louise. Nicely written.
