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Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:39 am
by gary
I've been working on a story based on the Canadian TV Show Heartland. ... TV_series)

I have two ideas, The main character Amy finds boxes that fell off the back of a truck that are to go to HCL (created by Gentleman Mariner). She brings it to them, finding the place has not opened but is able to take it to the loading dock. That's as far as I have gotten so I wouldn't mind some ideas, please remember what my stories are like.

A second story has Amy finding that Big D's (from Joe Doe's "Sandy Foot Girl" story) has a set up at the Calgary Stampede. Note, I have already written a story with Amy getting lost at a cattle and horse auction and finding a slave auction as well. And she end up getting naked, and being pushed to become a slave. So I need something different in this story. Or maybe I could re-write it so that my story already has Big D's.

Thank you for your story ideas in advance.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:20 am
by orflash64
Gary, are you sure you want to insert a slave story into the middle of a show that has been on 13 seasons? It's a lot of drama, you basically have to rewrite the whole show to fit in female slavery.
Could you write it as a story simular to that show? Or at least a new story with a character similar to Amy.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:24 am
by orflash64
Gary, do you mean the HCL headquarters in Texas or a Canadian facility that is about to open?

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:34 am
by orflash64
The first one, about the loading dock. Perhaps an employee is there setting up, he or she is new and doesn't know all the company rules. The employee is thankful for the return of the equipment and offers Any a free grading, not realizing the proper procedures. Or Any is curious about the equipment an the employee demonstrates the devices on Amy, what could go wrong?

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:39 am
by orflash64
The second one, after a long story of misadventures of getting stripped, collared and almost sold, Amy is able to leave the madness behind. But now she has a Slave Profile that pops up from time to time, like Claire, that leads to other adventures.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:58 am
by SteveBurke
If you want a less complicated scenario, try watching some Japanese porn. Weird game shows and contests like wrestling matches that end in nudity/sex. One that I found interesting was where women sat in a shop window, with curtains pulled behind them. On the other side of the curtain was a man teasing them with dildos etc. Would be an interesting idea for a story - two women agree to sit like that and see who quits (or cums) first...

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:32 pm
by gary
I am referring to a new HCL facility opening up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. GentlemanMariner, what doen HCL stand for?
Well yes I know I am having to rewrite the show, thus the rather long explanation of slavery in this world. And yes I could think of removing the show characters and replacing them with my own. I still might do that but right now I am using the show as a template.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:36 pm
by orflash64
Gary, having looked over the first few chapters of "Three Sisters" again, I think HCI stands for Human Commodities Incorporated.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:30 am
by gary
Sounds logical to me, thanks
And thanks for you ideas so far

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:18 am
by orflash64
Gary, another suggestion -
Which ever first Amy story you go with, the first encounter she has with slavery should be accidental or someone not sure if what they are doing. Amy is entered into the slave system and it was thought that she was taken out, but it wasn't.
As such future encounters insue where her status is in question. This leads to being stripped and collared on numerous occasions for Amy. Finally she goes to HCI to get it straightened out but again stripped naked, collared, chipped, photographed, online profile completed, maybe some slave training while it is worked out. Possibly a shut down for some reason makes her three day stay turn into a three week stay with training.
Will Amy be the same after three weeks of learning to fuck and suck like a regular slave slut?

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:54 pm
by gary
I was thinking I should go over what I have written so far.
First there is a few paragraphs introducing the characters and their different views on slavery. From Amy's grandfather not wanting anything to do with it. Her older sister who had a big job in the city who supports it. And her father who walks the line in between.
Then there is Amy's first encounter with slavery. She had her grandfather go to an auction, him to see the cattle, and her to see the horses. She gets turned around and ends up in the slave section. She's encounter some slaves in a coffel waiting to get on the auction block who ask her to join them, and while shes confused, finds that the slaves have stripped her naked. A bit more happens to her, but she gets dressed but wonders into the auction pit, and is teased if she wants to be auctioned and even get pushed onto the auction block.
I am thinking of changing this to being the Calgary Stampede, and Big D's has bought the rights to the auctions. Was also thinking that they have a "Miss Amateur Sandy Foot" where free women can have nude pictures of them taken and fake cover of The Sandy Foot is made just for them. Maybe there is a special magazine distributed with all the photographs in it? And of course Amy ends up getting her picture taken somehow.
The next episode is Amy helping a rancher with an uncontrollable horse, it pushes her into a horse patty and the owner insists his slave clean her clothes. One thing leads to another and she is being used as a slave part time. He then gives her a week of slave training and then will give her a Professional Slave Grading. I also introduce a different kind of temporary slave brand. Its applied by something like a clothes iron, thus there is some of the burning of a real brand, and the brand lasts a month, rather than a week.
I have a fragment of another part which involves a Arab Prince she has helped, and eventually goes to Europe to compete with him in equestrian. And meets his slave harem. But I don't know if I'll keep it.
As for the HCL idea, the problem is how does she end up from bringing some lost goods to them, to ending up naked and vulnerable. I am thinking this takes place before the Rancher part. So far I'm thinking some slaves are delivered while she is there but that's it.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 7:40 pm
by gentlemanmariner
orflash64 wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 7:36 pm Gary, having looked over the first few chapters of "Three Sisters" again, I think HCI stands for Human Commodities Incorporated.
I honestly couldn't remember...
But yes, looking over my notes it's supposed to be Human Commodities International, although I sometimes typed Human Commodities Incorporated. I refer to it as HCI in part so I won't have to remember :lol:

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:32 pm
by gentlemanmariner
gary, I like where your ideas are going. Some random thoughts, maybe useful, maybe not:

I like the iron-on brand idea. I had at one point considered "bio-brands" where a microscopic fungus culture applied to the skin raises an allergic reaction similar to the scarring of a brand, but fades over time and can be removed using a particular type of herbicide. It's a fashion item, intended for girls who want the "slave aesthetic" without the long-term consequences, and Sandy was going to use it as part of her slave disguise in the earlier chapters of Accidentally On-Purpose. I think it can be an interesting plot device.

One thing I think about is the fundamental difference between HCI and Big D: HCI is corporate and bureaucratic, while Big D is more entrepreneurial as befits a smaller company competing against a larger chain. So "recruiting" (for our purposes of accidental enslavement) at Big D is done by design, luring in unsuspecting women with the rodeo/county fair/theme park atmosphere and getting them to lower their guards bit-by-bit through marketing and atmosphere and subtle (sometimes not-so-subtle) encouragement like the Sandy Foot Girl photos: for example, Big D serves alcohol at cost because of the number of bridal party/hen night groups that have wound up "losing" a member because she thought it would be fun to be auctioned with the understanding that her drunken friends would purchase her (Pro tip: do not rely on drunken friends to save you from slavery). I also imagine employees being given incentives to drum up business so personal intervention (like at Sam's) is also common.

HCI on the other hand is more like a factory run by the DMV: harried and less-than-conscientious employees meeting quotas and keeping schedules for highly bureaucratic rules-bound managers. I imagine that an accidental enslavement there occurs most commonly through one of three things:
1. a genuine accident (Amy returns some misdelivered HCI items, but when she goes to leave - between bad directions, someone forgetting to lock a door, and her own curiosity - she gets lost, finds herself in the slave intake area with her phone and ID outside in her car, an annoyed employee devoxes her, and away we go)
2. bureaucratic inertia (a woman arrives for a grading and after a brief power outage reboots all the internal computer systems she is re-routed to the block, no employee questions it because the system says so. Pro tip: never get a slave grading at HCI during a thunderstorm)
3. personal malevolence (similar to Big Ed in the Accidentally On-Purpose stories, a crook who understands how to manipulate the system to his own ends)

Hope that was interesting, if I come up with anything else I'll post it.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 10:57 pm
by GreyRose
There's a story idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while that might give you something to work with.

There's a charity where they have people purchase tickets to participate in a Scavenger Hunt, where they get lists of stuff to find and bring back. The items are all worth different points depending upon how odd or rare the items might be. Now the heroine joins in and is hunting things, which is where she finds the items from the slave shop/ponygirl ranch in your story (something fairly innocent, like maybe a box or two of slave outfits). She realizes that there is a page in the back of the list for more 'adult' type items and thinks maybe if she returns these slave outfits maybe she can borrow some additional items from them. After all this is for charity, right?

At the business as she & a helpful employee go over her list, they see a note that for items worn they provide bonus points or maybe a point multiplier depending upon complexity and number of items. This could lead to some interesting happenings, as the heroine is the one participating she has to be the one wearing the stuff and if the employee is helping she has to wait around for that persons dinner break/end of shift. (The store employee would be the one escorting her or delivering the heroine to the Scavenger Hunt gathering point. If this is done durnig their dinner break that means they have to deliver her and leave.)

Now at the gathering point of the Scavenger Hunt the heroine gets presented wearing the stuff, and has to be put into the holding area pending the games completion. As she is dressed as a slavegirl or maybe a ponygirl this could lead to some interesting happenings to her.

Eventually she escapes the game and returns to the slave shop to return the items, but because of how the items were assigned out to her or her earlier escapades at the shop (maybe because she's still wearing them?) she is now confused with inventory. Will she escape or will she be sold off?

I don't know if any of this will work for you, but maybe you'll get more ideas on where to take your story. Or maybe someone else will like the idea and run with it.

I really enjoy your stories and look forward to your next creation.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 11:59 pm
by Survivor29
I'm lost. Who is Amy? I only read your stories about Claire.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 1:16 am
by orflash64
Read the whole thread survivor. There's link to Wikipedia about the Amy Character. Some one new in future stories.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:53 am
by Survivor29
Oh, right, the show. I'm just not familiar with the show and the wikipedia page doesn't have a plot summary or anything.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:57 am
by gary
Well there is extensive information on the characters, But I did make a description in my story that I'll repeat here:

Amy Fleming was a outstanding horse woman, and horse healer, something that her late mother had taught her all about. She had once helped a horse that had been in a car accident and she was able to coax it to get up again, the whole thing had been caught on someone’s phone camera and posted to YouTube under the title of “Miracle Girl”, a moniker she had worn ever since.

She lived at the family ranch in Alberta within sight of the Rocky Mountains, with her older sister “Lou” and her husband Peter, young daughter Katie and adopted older teen daughter “Georgie” along with her grandfather Jack, looking very much like an older “Marlboro Man” or the actor Sam Elliot (complete with matching mustache). Jack was a former rodeo cowboy who was tough, loving, loyal and fiercely protective of his home and family. Her father, Tim, had been a decade out of her life but came back in after her mother’s death. Tim was also a former rodeo star who had been kicked out of the ranch after becoming addicted to painkillers and alcohol. He had his own small ranch but was always jumping at what he thought were moneymaking opportunities but they often went flat. Lou was a very much take-charge sort of woman, she had left home, got her MBA and was working a big firm in New York when their mother died, causing her to return and eventually stay. She was also rather a control freak.

Also, part of the family was Amy’s boyfriend Ty, he had come to the ranch as a troubled kid on probation and slowly became part of the family. He got his life together, despite his alcoholic mother, and criminal step-father. He completed high school and studied and became a Veterinarian working for Scott, the aboriginal owner of the town Veterinarian Clinic.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 10:01 am
by Hooked6
Did anyone notice how bright it got in here just now? That was due to that light bulb above my head suddenly turning on. :lol: Thanks Gentlemanmariner for your wonderful well thought out explanation on the differences between Big D and HCI. I guess I could always tell they were not cookie-cutter versions of the same provider of services but your analysis between the two and how they operate as well as their incentives was MARVELOUS!

Thank you for that.


Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:35 pm
by imreadonly2
At the Stampede, Amy meets Dr. Emily Ranger, a world famous female horse psychologist. Sharing a love of horse, they immediately hit it off and become fast friends. Over a beer that night, Dr. Emily suggests that the only way Amy will really understand what it is to be a horse is to be a pony girl. A little drunk, Amy agrees. They go back to the barn, where Amy is stripped naked, and harnessed, and gets a bit in her mouth.

The next morning, Dr. Emily puts Amy through her paces, which Amy finds very embarrassing as a number of her neighbors are watching. She really wants to stop it, but doesn't want to admit she got tricked into it, plus she gets super embarrassed when Emily shows everyone how wet Amy is and how much she is enjoying it.

Amy gets hooked up to to a carriage and taken for a trot into town, to the bar where they were at last night. Amy remains outside, hitched to the post. Emily isn't cruel with the whip, but she isn't afraid to use it, either.


Amy is kept in the barn, and is given sugar cubes, and a special form of "hay" modified for human ponies to eat. Several male horses try to get out of their stalls to get to her.

Amy gets put in a race...

Dr. Emily has Amy pleasure her, "as a bonding experience", between Mistress and owner.

Amy is paraded in a pony girl show at the stampede, and wins a ribbon! She is very proud.

Amy gets her butt branded.

All the time, Dr. Emily is telling Amy how this is all absolutely necessary, for Amy to "truly understand the horse's perspective."

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 8:54 pm
by orflash64
Gary, now that there are more references to the Calgary Stampede, what is that? A Rodeo, a horse show, a horse race, a horse auction?

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 9:53 pm
by gary
Well as Wikipedia says (all hail Wikipedia, the fountain of all knowledge) says:

"The Calgary Stampede is an annual rodeo, exhibition, and festival held every July in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The ten-day event, which bills itself as "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth", attracts over one million visitors per year and features one of the world's largest rodeos, a parade, midway, stage shows, concerts, agricultural competitions, chuckwagon racing, and First Nations exhibitions. In 2008, the Calgary Stampede was inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame."

However, they do not have any livestock auctions, as I thought, so I might have to change it to Big D's just having a slave market.

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 1:39 am
by gary
gentlemanmariner said:

"Big D is more entrepreneurial as befits a smaller company competing against a larger chain. So "recruiting" (for our purposes of accidental enslavement) at Big D is done by design, luring in unsuspecting women with the rodeo/county fair/theme park atmosphere and getting them to lower their guards bit-by-bit through marketing and atmosphere and subtle (sometimes not-so-subtle) encouragement like the Sandy Foot Girl photos: for example, Big D serves alcohol at cost because of the number of bridal party/hen night groups that have wound up "losing" a member because she thought it would be fun to be auctioned with the understanding that her drunken friends would purchase her (Pro tip: do not rely on drunken friends to save you from slavery). I also imagine employees being given incentives to drum up business so personal intervention (like at Sam's) is also common."

I was also thinking that maybe their "Girly Drinks" have more alcohol in them than you would find at a bar, so the women get drunk faster.
How about maybe they have "Fake Auctions" to encourage the real thing?
In my stories, if women want to visit the slave pens, they have to go naked. Might they do that at Big D's? It would make them more vulnerable.
I was considering adding to my story of Big D's they have a "Amateur Miss Sandy Foot" where free women can have a nude picture that looks like the front of the Sandy Foot magazine. Then they publish all the pictures either online or in a special Sandy Foot edition. Maybe for a bit more they can redo the cover of Sandy Foot with the customers picture instead as a one off (or maybe more).

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:40 am
by gentlemanmariner
gary wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 1:39 am I was also thinking that maybe their "Girly Drinks" have more alcohol in them than you would find at a bar, so the women get drunk faster.
How about maybe they have "Fake Auctions" to encourage the real thing?
In my stories, if women want to visit the slave pens, they have to go naked. Might they do that at Big D's? It would make them more vulnerable.
I was considering adding to my story of Big D's they have a "Amateur Miss Sandy Foot" where free women can have a nude picture that looks like the front of the Sandy Foot magazine. Then they publish all the pictures either online or in a special Sandy Foot edition. Maybe for a bit more they can redo the cover of Sandy Foot with the customers picture instead as a one off (or maybe more).
The "Girly Drinks" idea is great!
Slave pen visit = naked, no reason every market and auction house wouldn't adopt that rule. Once the women are naked the staff can try upselling with a "discount" rate for grading - after all, you have to be naked to be graded, right? No, it won't take long at all. What could possibly go wrong?

Re: Looking For Ideas

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:46 am
by gentlemanmariner
imreadonly2 wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 2:35 pm All the time, Dr. Emily is telling Amy how this is all absolutely necessary, for Amy to "truly understand the horse's perspective."
I like this too. I'm picturing Ruzanna from Westbound teaching all of this to Frankie as part of a report she's doing on ponygirl racing. If gary doesn't use it I might in yet another story.

Dammit imreadonly2, you're killing me :lol: