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Life's a Beach

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:51 pm
by donnabarber
Tracey Smith hated any kind of family reunion. She had never forgiven her parents for leaving her in the lurch when she was arrested at the age of twenty-one and spent an uncomfortable two weeks in prison. At the age of twenty-four she had managed to find herself a small flat in Eastfield and she had a steady job as Events Organiser for the Cultural Department of the local council. Tracey found her job interesting and the pay wasn't bad.
Then a week before her twenty-fifth birthday disaster struck. Her sister Suzanne rang and told Tracey she was planning to visit her on Friday afternoon and would be bringing her children with her. Because she was planning on combining some business activities with a brief break she wanted Tracey to look after the children for the weekend while she and her husband Robert got on with what they
needed to do.
Tracey was anything but happy about the idea. She disliked her sister and brother-in-law who struck her as snobby and self-centred and their children were some of the worst behaved kids she'd ever come across. And she had been hoping to have a relaxing weekend but as usual she gave
in to her more forceful sister's demands.
Now it was the height of summer and August blazed its sunshine all around. Suzanne and Robert breezed in to her flat and dumped off the children before disappearing to a hotel up the road where they were staying. She gave Tracey instructions - that sounded almost like orders to her younger
sister - to take the kids down to the seaside on Saturday.
Suzanne was aged 32 and her husband Robert 34. She had married her lawyer husband at the age of 16 and they had a quiverful of children. The eldest, Emily, was a spoilt, loud- mouthed, bratty kid of 15 and her younger siblings Lucy (14), Stacey (13), John (12), Walter (11) and Edward (10) were equally repulsive and obnoxious in Tracey's eyes. Suzanne was pregnant yet again and Tracey shuddered at the idea of another addition to the brood.
'Well, kids,' said Tracey hopefully, 'your parents have asked me to take you to the seaside tomorrow. That will be nice, won't it?'
'Why?' asked Emily sarcastically. 'It's bad enough being lumbered with a bimbo like you without having to pretend we're enjoying ourselves!'
'That's a terrible thing to say about your aunt, Emily,' said Tracey sternly. 'Of course if you don't want to go then you can stay here instead until your parents get back.'
'Oh, fuck it, it would be even worse being stuck here with you,' Emily snarled. 'At least on the beach we might be able to have a bit of fun.'
Tracey was tempted to say to hell with you but she controlled herself. Instead she tried to get the kids to moderate their language.
'Don't swear, Emily,' said Tracey. 'It's not ladylike and shows you haven't got much of a vocabulary.'
'Fuck you!' Emily replied. 'You don't get to tell us what to do. Our parents let us talk how we want and do what we like. We believe in free expression in our family. You're just a sad fat bimbo who nobody likes! So if we want to swear we fucking well will, bimbo slag!'
Tracey decided that it was hopeless trying to impose discipline or manners on the kids and that it might be the lesser of the evils to take the unruly kids to the beach and leave them to their own devices. At least she could try and get a tan and relax or maybe go for a swim in the sea.
'Our favourite beach in this part of the world is Southminster,' Emily told her. 'That's where Suzanne and Robert always take us. We've got a beach hut there.'
'Don't you call your parents Mum and Dad?'
'Fuck, no; we're a modern family. We call them Suzanne and Robert. You ought to try and get a life, Tracey. You're like some throwback to the fucking Victorians!'
Tracey tried to ignore the appalling Emily and somehow they got through the rest of the day. In the morning she drove them down to the beach and Emily directed her to the beach hut.
'Go in there and get changed, Tracey,' she told her aunt. 'We'll set up towels and so forth on the beach. Then we'll go in the hut and get changed.'
Miffed as she was at being ordered about by a 15-year old girl, Tracey decided that it wasn't worth the hassle of arguing.
She went into the hut and changed out of her clothes and into her two-piece bikini.
Outside the conspirators were planning ways to sabotage Tracey's time at the seaside. Emily turned to her siblings.
'You got the honey, John?'
'Too fucking right!' her brother laughed.
'Lucy, did you sabotage her bathing costume before we left?'
'Of course I fucking well did! I put that dissolving stuff on it just before she came in to her bedroom so it should start acting pretty fucking soon!'
'Stacey, did you put the itching powder in her sunblock cream?'
'You fucking bet I did!'
'Walter, did you put those wasps in the jar like I told you?'
'Yeah, I got the fuckers safe and ready to sting.'
'Edward, have you got the ants in the other jar?'
'Yeah, I got them all ready to bite the fuck out of the cunt.'
'Great, we're nearly set then. I collected a few jellyfish in a jar and we've just got time to go and catch a few crabs to liven things up a bit.'
The unsuspecting Tracey took off her clothes in a leisurely fashion and put off the evil hour when she had to confront the children again. They took full advantage of her slowness to collect a couple of crabs and trapped them inside a net ready to be released when the time came.

Emily went into the hut first and changed into her bathing costume. One by one the miscreant children changed and waited for their opportunity.
'Why don't you have a swim, Tracey?' Emily suggested. 'We'll stay here and wait till you get back.'
'OK,' said Tracey, glad of a chance to escape the fiends in youthful flesh.
She made her way into the sea and Emily, the strongest swimmer of the children, followed her at a discreet distance. When she was satisfied she released the jellyfish in the region of Tracey's large bum and waited for the inevitable effect.
Tracey squealed and screamed as the jellyfish began to bite her nether regions. The kids all laughed and giggled hysterically at the mayhem they were causing.
'Ouch! Ow! I'm being bitten by something!' Tracey w a i l e d.
'Are you?' replied Emily unsympathetically 'Well, what do you expect us to do about it?'
Tracey couldn't think of a good answer to that one but she began frantically trying to swim out of the water and towards dry land. As she made her way forward the two crabs were released in unison and one fastened its claws securely on Tracey's already sore arse while the other one nipped hard at her large tits.
This time Tracey's screams were truly blood-curdling. The kids rolled about laughing at the agony they were inflicting on their aunt and it was with great difficulty that the luckless Tracey managed to find the strength to swim to shore and what she thought was now safety.
'God, I've been bitten by jellyfish and crabs!' she wailed. 'It hurts like hell!'
'I expect they were attracted by your big tits and fat arse,' said an unsympathetic Lucy. 'You might need to think about losing some weight; you look like a right fat fucking slag!'
Tracey glared at her niece and settled down on the beach towel. Emily turned to Stacey.
'Maybe we ought to let Tracey sunbathe for a bit and recover. Rub the sunblock on her, would you?'
'Sure,' Stacey grinned.
Knowing full well that the sunblock had been tampered with and now contained itching powder that would increase the discomfort of her aunt, Stacey picked up the carton and began slowly and methodically to rub it on Tracey's legs and back. She took good care to rub it in as much as she could and tried to get at least some of it under her bikini top and bottom.
Within a couple of minutes Tracey began to itch uncontrollably. She leapt up and began to scratch furiously.
'What the hell? Maybe I've got an allergic reaction to the jellyfish and crab stings and bites.'
'Yes, I expect that's what it is,' said Emily, turning away so her aunt wouldn't see her grinning face. 'Tell you what, I've got some lotion here that will soothe it for you. I'll rub it on and it will make you feel better.'
'OK,' said Tracey, hoping that the pain and irritation would go away.
Emily picked up the jar of honey and motioned to Walter and Edward to hand over the jars containing the wasps and ants to their sisters Lucy and Stacey. Reluctantly they gave them to the girls and waited.
'The only thing is, I need to rub it in all over,' Emily told her. 'You'll need to get naked so I can do that.'
Tracey glared at her niece when she said that.
'I'm not getting naked in public and especially in front of my nephews!'
'OK, I'll tell them to go away so it's just us girls together. Fuck off, lads!'
The boys retreated but not too far away. They knew that Emily had a plan and they were anxious to see its fulfilment.
Meanwhile the dissolving bleach had started to disintegrate Tracey's bikini. She wailed as she felt first her top and then bottom vanish into thin air.
'Aargh!' she screamed. 'What's happening? My bikini has disappeared!'
'Yes, I can see that,' answered Emily unsympathetically. 'Well, at least I don't need to get you to take it off. Stay where you are and I'll rub the lotion in. It needs to go all over your body - on your back, your legs, your face, your neck, your belly and of course those fat tits and fat arse of yours and even up your cunt.'
Tracey considered refusing but the pain and irritation was becoming too much and reluctantly she gave her assent.
'All right,' she said, 'but send the boys well away from me.'
'They've gone already,' Emily lied. 'They can't see a thing from where they are. Now lie still and let me rub the lotion in.'
Of course the 'lotion' was actually a jar of honey and though it felt smooth and soft and really did take away the pain Tracey was feeling she was about to experience a far worse pain than before!
Once Emily had rubbed in the honey on every part of Tracey's body she gave a signal to Lucy and Stacey. Stacey released the ants a few inches from Tracey's large bum and then, as Emily told her aunt to move to a new position to 'give the lotion a chance to work,' gave her a slight but 'accidental' push so she landed directly on the pile of ants.
'Ow! Ouch! What's happening?' Tracey gasped as her large posterior was suddenly bitten by a horde of enraged ants biting away.
Meanwhile Lucy released the wasps which, attracted by the smell of honey, dive bombed Tracey and stung the hell out of her tits and belly, her face and legs and even her cunt. The screaming Tracey was prancing around naked and in absolute agony as the wasps stung her repeatedly and the ants, now attached to her large arse by the honey, carried on biting her relentlessly.
A frantic Tracey ran towards the sea, hoping to wash away the insects that were attacking her with such fury.
Her nieces and nephews snapped away furiously on their phones, eager to capture every minute of their aunt's torment and humiliation.
Meanwhile the boys had poured more bleach on to Tracey's clothes in the hut with the result that all of them had practically dissolved. Only a fragment of bra and knickers remained and they would soon disappear once she put them on.
A desperate Tracey emerged from the sea and rushed into the beach hut. She gasped in horror as she saw that her clothes were ruined and that she had only bra and knickers remaining - and even they were not fully serviceable.
'What have you monsters done with my clothes?' she screamed.
'I don't know what you mean,' John said calmly. 'We left them exactly where they were. Trust a bimbo like you not even to know what you've done with your own fucking clothes!'
Tracey, with no other course of action, put on her bra and knickers. They gave almost no kind of coverage or protection and of course when she emerged she had to put up with another series of lewd and insulting comments.
'Great tits, Tracey!' said John.
'Fat fucking slag!' Emily sneered.
Tracey glared at them angrily and began to make her way out of the beach and towards her car that was parked on the nearby street. As she did so the remnants of her bra and knickers finally disintegrated and she gave another cry of anger and shame.
'Hello hello hello,' came a voice. 'This isn't a nudist beach. You can't go walking around her naked like that. You're nicked!'
And a thoroughly mortified Tracey found herself being arrested by a local policeman on a charge of indecent exposure!
As they watched from a safe distance her nieces and nephews laughed hysterically!