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Lake Party Slave Game, Part 4

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:59 pm
by GreyRose
= = = = =
All of the Girls are in collage, Approximately 21 years old
Amber - Redhead, 5'4" (think Amy Adams) ... _ov_bio_sm
Erica - pale blond, 5'6" (think Katheryn Winnick)
Julie - black haired, 5'7" (think Rosario Dawson) ... _ov_bio_sm
Morgan - brunette, 5'7" (think Erica Durance)
Heather - raven haired, 5'4" (think Olivia Munn)
Christina - brunette, 5'7" (think Morena Baccarin) ... _ov_bio_sm
FlexiCuffs - plastic zip ties that are two loops (recent news shows riot police carrying them)
These are a version that can be released and reused.

Lake Party Slave Game, Part 4
by GreyRose

The only sounds in the room were the whir of computers and the hum of the refrigerator next to the coffee machine. The three slaves in the cage were bored but too keyed up to relax. The increasing discomfort from their arms being bound behind their backs for hours was not helping.

Sgt Seamus Jones started and scrubbed his face, as if waking from an intense dream. "Ugh, I haven't had a wet dream like that in 40 years..." his voice drifting off as he sees the mop of blonde hair leaning against his right leg.

Reaching out slowly, not sure that he wasn't still dreaming he softly caressed the girls head. At his touch she stirred and looked up at him. With a shake of his head he pulls himself together and notices the time.

"Up you go girl, it's about time to put you and the other escaped slaves to bed." As he speaks he pulls her to her feet. "Over there," he gestures to the wall opposite the entry hall, "is a fridge with some bottles of water. Get 6 of them and wait for me at the cage." Before he lets her go, he frees her hands from the flexicuffs.

As she shuffles off to do as ordered, he heads over to the office Petie had gone to. "Up and at 'em Boy. Get your skinny butt out here and bring your toy with you." After getting a grumbled response, Sgt Jones heads over to the other room.

Knocking on the door frame but not looking in, "Josh, times up. Bring the girl back to the cage." After getting a mumbled response from the younger man, Seamus returns to the cage where Erica is waiting.

The blonde slave had gotten the chilled water bottles as ordered and discovered the problem with carrying them when naked with just her hands. As she struggled to carry the bottles with rapidly occurring condensation, they slipped and she caught them against her belly. She squealed as the icy bottles made contact with her naked flesh. She was barely able to keep from dropping any of the bottles.

The old man joined her at the cage, "OK cunts, on your feet. Back Hands!" As the three girls struggled to rise and present their bound hands to him, Sgt Jones opened the cage and pushed Erica inside ahead of him.

"Blondie, put the bottles down on the bench there and stand at the end of the line." He ordered. He started with Christina removing her flexicufs and her gag. As he pulled the plastic ball out of her mouth she groaned and tried to close her jaw. The gag had been wedged there for hours and the muscles weren't cooperating. Then she tried to bring her hands forward only for her shoulders to cramp at finally being free after hours of being held behind her back.

Ignoring her groaning and squirming as she struggled to recover, Seamus moved on to Heather and then finally Julie. Each of them echoing her groans as they repeated the same struggles to get their jaws and arms working again.

When Christina and Julie started to reach for the bottles, Seamus barks "Stop. You can drink when we get you back to the cage."

Turning to the two younger security guards, "You two, leash the girls up and take them to the bathroom. I don't want them to make a mess in here." He waves at the cage they were standing in. His comment reminds the girls of the several bottles of wine they had finished earlier.

"Then after they've finished with their business, we need to make sure they are clean before putting them to bed." The Sgt sniffs the air in the direction of the girls and rubs his nose. "I want you to take them to the gym and run them through the showers."

As Seamus turned to leave the cage, he noticed that Morgan was still bound and gagged. "Boy, don't forget to take them things off of your toy before you leash her." With a sheepish grin the 18 year old guard did so, getting the same groans from his brunette slave girl.

As Petie was dealing with Morgan, Josh started with Amber and connected her collar to Christina's. Heather pushed herself forward so that she was next to be added to the coffle. Erica herded Julie forward so they were the next two, with Morgan being the last one in the line.

Erica had the sudden realization, why would campus security have all of this slave gear? She could see some use for the plastic cuffs, but the gags and the slave leashes? Her line of thought was cut off as the girls in front of her started moving and she was jerked forward not having been paying attention.

Josh had added a lead to Amber's collar and was using it as he pulled them along down a dark hallway. The lights were few and far between, the fact that the floor was smooth and uncluttered allowed the girls to shuffle along in their hobble chains without any additional worries.

The girls didn't know it, but they were being taken to the west wing of the building. They just focused on not tripping in the dark corridor. When they finally arrived they were surprised and blinded when Josh turned on the lights in the locker room.

"Sorry girls you're just going to have to deal with using the Men's locker room," Josh chuckled as he led them to the toilets.

Once they got close enough Petie pushed forward holding open the first stall and making a grand gesture for Amber to enter. Josh snorted, "Come on man, give them some space."

Petie just grinned back, "Hey they're runaway slaves! We gotta make sure they don't get up to any funny business." He grabbed the leash from the larger man, and pulled the string of girls closer.

Amber just bowed her head and shuffled forward and sat down on the commode. Christina having to stand right next to her since the leash between them didn't allow for more distance. Petie just watched from the doorway of the stall, leering at the naked girls.

Amber tried but with all of the attention couldn't let go, "Please, is there any way you can give us some privacy? I... I can't..." her voice just drifted off.

Suddenly the water started flowing noisily at the sinks, as Josh took pity on the poor girls. As everyone else looked in that direction in surprise, Amber managed to let go. The volume of her stream made her realize just how badly she needed this.

Having broken the ice, so to speak, Christina found it easier to piss. Or perhaps it was the fact that Amber and Heather both blocked Petie from watching. Heather, Julie and Erica managed to pee now that it was more like an assembly line. Poor Morgan had Petie standing right there, with him pinching her nipple as she pissed.

Finishing this minor ordeal, Josh waved the linked girls into the shower area. He used Amber's lead to link her to Morgan, so that the girls formed a ring around a pillar that had multiple shower heads. The heavily muscled guard handed the girls some soap and shampoo, before he stepped back.

"Come on! We're not giving you girls all night to do this," Josh ordered the girls. When the water turns on the girls shrieked in surprise as the chill water slams into them. The girls flail but can't back away as all their collars are leashed together. They struggle, the leashes causing them to tug against all the others and the hobbles blocking their attempts to get better footing.
Luckily for the girls the boilers were close by and full of hot water, so things warmed up fairly quickly. The girls wanted to take their time and luxuriate in the warm water, but both of the men stood nearby watching their every move. Being embarrassed by the intense scrutiny, they lathered up and got to the task of washing off the dirt and leaves from the lake.

All too quickly the men signaled they should rinse off. Josh unhooked Amber from Morgan and pulled the dripping girls out of the shower area as Petie handed them some towels to dry off with.

"Come on man, give them a second one." Josh orders the younger man. "For their hair. We don't want them dripping all the way down the hall. Unless you are willing to risk the old man finding out? I still remember he had you redo that last mess three times before he said you were done!" He finished with a chuckle.

With a scowl Petie gave each of the slave girls an additional towel, which they gladly used to wrap their hair. They finished using the original towel to dry their skin, when Christina tried to wrap her body with it, Petie stripped it off of her. As the men pulled the girls out of the shower area they had to drop the loose towels in a bin near the door. They were allowed to keep their hair wrapped with the extra towel.

They were marched back to the security room, the trip down the dark hallway felt much shorter this time. They were unleashed as they were pushed back into the cage. They found a surprise waiting for them, but at least it was a pleasant one. They found a stack of blankets piled on one of the benches.

Realizing that they were together and alone for the first time in hours, Erica got the other girls attention. "Hey I have some news!" She whispered. The other girls had been reaching for the water, all but Amber thirsty after all the time wearing the gags. It took them a moment to react.

"I heard my Mast.." she choked off what she was about to say, before continuing. "the... the Old man was on the phone." the blonde finished, choosing something rude trying to distance herself from him. "I overheard him talking to a Slave Judge. He's arranged for a hearing for us."

Erica waited for the others to realize what this meant. Christina understood, almost immediately followed by Morgan, they both nodded in understanding. Seeing the other girls' puzzled looks, Christina tells them, "If we go before a Slave Judge we can tell them our story, that we are just trying an experiment. That we're really free women, not escaped slaves!"

Her voice rising, Erica shushes her, not wanting the men to hear what they are planning. Morgan jumps in whispering just as Erica had. "We need to face this judge with confidence. Not let the slave head-space that's been working its damage to us all evening give them any grounds to dismiss what we tell them."

Erica nods, "Right we have to face them as strong willed, free women. If they catch any hint of submission from us, anything we say could get dismissed!"

Eyes light up as understanding registers what this news means, well all but Julie. None of the other girls notice her frown, none of them registering that she may have fully embraced the slave mindset.

At his desk Sgt Seamus Jones smiles, but does not let on that he has overheard the girls attempts at whispering. They had not noticed that he had already sent Petie & Josh back out to continue night rounds, so only he was there to have overheard them.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as they continued to whisper amongst themselves trying to work up a plan for when they meet the Judge. He smiled to himself, knowing how surprised and unprepared they were going to be when that happened.

It didn't take too long before the events of the evening caught up with the girls. They discovered that if they got friendly and paired off they could have a blanket for a sleeping pallet with another for cover.

Heather demanded that Erica pay her back for the torture on the cart ride from the lake. Normally the strong willed blonde would have refused but no one was surprised when she crawled between "Hoppers' legs and began her apologies.

This set the tone as Christina grabbed Morgan's collar and dragged the other brunette down to perform the same 'apologies' to her. Amber paired off with Julie, giving the caramel skinned girl the same attention as the other pairs were sharing.

Seamus turned on some music to fill the air and give the girls some privacy. Really this was to distract him from dragging Blondie out for another blowjob. He needed to leave them alone so that tomorrow would have all the more impact.

= = =

Re: Lake Party Slave Game, Part 4

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:39 am
by GreyRose
Don't know if this matters to anybody but me, but I switched to a different software which has better editing options. I've cleaned up all four chapters of this story. Nothing major, just corrected some spelling errors and some sentence structuring; cleaning up the prose.