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Vaciation To Slave Training: Part Two

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:48 pm
by gary
All characters are over eighteen years old.
This is probably my weakest story, and yes there are more stories. I had actually written Parts One and Three long before this one as I wasn’t sure how to write the Grading, and especially the Training scenes. Thus, there was less inspiration and more perspiration in writing this story.

The next morning Carol came and woke up Claire, and then escorted her to the Grading Table. The Grading Table was portable, but placed on a raised platform in a public part of the store. Carol explained, “We usually do Amateur Gradings privately, but professional ones are usually done publicly as an additional “Stress Test.” Then she commanded, “Now open your mouth.” And when Claire did, she sprayed her with devoicing spray. “That will keep you quiet for the rest of the day, you won’t be able to talk now.” Claire tried but all that came out was a horse whisper. “I’ll start the checklist, I can do the basic information, but Mr. Johnson is the Certified Grader so he will do the real grading. Step on the scale now.” Claire did and Carol wrote down her weight. Claire then noticed a crowd had started to form a few feet from her.
Carol continued to take measurements and then wrote them down. “Height 1.65m or 5 feet 5 inches; Bust 32B, Waist 61cm or 24in; Hips 91 ½ cm or 36in.” She took a caliper and began to pinch Claire on various parts oh her body. She used her iPad to add the numbers up and declared “Body Fat: 21%, excellent.” She then wrote down Claire hair (dark blond) and eye colour (blue).
She then brought out a camera and said, “Time to smile for the birdy.” She told her to stand up straight in front of a series height marks, like a mug shot. Claire full body pictures were taken from the front, back, and both sides. She also had to bend over and pull open her vaginal lips to be photographed, which mortified her.
Carol then brought out a metal bucket with a plastic cup inside. “Make your water, and try to hit the specimen cup. Now squat.” Claire was nervous but tried to do it as quickly as possible. Carol gave her a paper towel and told her to clean herself, then she ordered her to get the specimen cup out, close it and clean it off. Next, she had Claire lie on the grading table and put her legs in the stirrups, strapping down her wrists and locked her collar into the table. “Now Mr. Johnson will be around in a jiffy to test your responses so don’t go away.” she joked. She then brought out the camera to take another photograph of her vagina from the front, showing her face.
Some of the customers started calling out bids “£1000, £1200, £1500, £2000.” They kept at it until no one raised, and then one of them cried out, “Sold!” Claire knew it wasn’t real but it made her nervous anyways.
Mr. Johnson came up and said to the crowd, “If you want to bid, do it right and write it in the Bid Book. And remember bids without a name and address don’t count.” He looked at her, “Well let’s start this.” He put his fingers between her legs and said to Carol, “The lips are not moist.” then carefully pushed his finger inside her. When he reached her hymen, he stopped, “I didn’t know you were fresh.” He put a glove on and then pushed a finger in her butt hole finding it tight as well. “I’d better check the regs about a Mint Condition Slave.” and walked away to his office.
All this Claire had found almost unbearable, she couldn’t believe woman did this voluntarily. She was left there, looking down at the men and women in the crowd looking her over, several went over to the bid book to write down their bids. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that she was being judged like a piece of meat.
It felt like hours, but Mr. Johnson finally returned. He said to Carol, “It’s a bit dodgy, it would be easier if she wasn’t a virgin. Its hard to train without penetration but without training she has no skills.”
“Maybe we should ask if the Training Facility can still train her.” wondered Carol.
“It would have been so much easier if I had known about it before hand.” Mr. Johnson complained. Carol looked down not saying that she had already knew about it, but hadn’t told him. She looked at Claire with pleading eyes hoping the naked girl wouldn’t tell. Claire looked at her and gave slight nod. “If I did, I could have gotten her consent to sell her hymen before hand, now that she’s under our authority she can’t. And we can’t sell it ourselves because it would effect her auction value.”
Carol teased, “She should have sold it on E-Bay like most girls who don’t give it up to their boyfriends.”
A man called out, “I’ll fix that for you.”
Mr. Johnson then brought out a vibrator, “I’ll do this without penetrating.” He started the vibrator on low, sliding it over her pussy lips and clit. Claire had occasionally used a vibe, but in the present situation was making the pleasure feel so much stronger. She started to squirm and press against the vibe.
The audience started to comment, A woman said, “Look how slave hot and juicy she’s getting.”
“She should be up for auction right after this.” Replied a middle aged man.
“If she isn’t slave meat, no girl is.” commented another man. The audience watched intently while Claire get closer and closer to orgasm, then she did with shaking and short deep breaths.
“Slavegasm! You don’t see that often, she’s real slave meat.” An older woman from the audience remarked.
“Right, come on start the auction now.” Called out a young man.
Mr. Johnson then released Claire from the Grading Table, “OK, next, Slave Kneel.” Which was on of the most basic slave orders. Claire was surprised at the command, but quickly kneeled. “Slave Fours.” Claire obeyed the order, but fidgeted, being uncomfortable being controlled like this. “Slave Stomach.” Claire looked at him for a moment then realized what he wanted and laid on her stomach, hands by her side. He gave her several other orders and a couple of times it took a him or Carol explaining what she had to do, but once she did, she obeyed quickly. “Well slave your obedience was fairly good, but your slow, though I’ll note your unfamiliar with most of the orders.”
“Slave Up.” Claire got up nervously, he then took a thin rubber tube. “Stretch out your arm slave.” she did and he wrapped it around her arm. She realized what he was going to do and wasn’t surprised when he brought out a hypodermic needle. “Make a fist slave.” and she did so, he quickly found a vein and started filling the first of five vials. One after another they were filled, “OK, done. Slave put your back against the wall there.” He pointed to where she should go and Claire did as he had ordered. He then grabbed each arm in turn and locked large cuffs on them. Claire now had her arms spread eagled. “OK the slave is ready for your inspection.”
Claire was now left to be inspected by the customers and they came up and felt her all over. The young men enjoyed squeezing her exposed breasts and buttocks. Claire could see many of the women were jealous of her body, and a few showed definite lust. She was mortified that people were poking and prodding her like a piece of meat. A couple stuck fingers in her vagina and made rude remarks. Finally, the large crowd dispersed, with small numbers of new tormenters arriving and finding that there was a new toy to play with.
After a couple of hours chained to the wall, Claire’s arms were getting painful cramps and she tried to maneuver to relive them. The customers just thought she was getting slave hot and the bids went higher. Eventually, Mr. Johnson came back and released her, causing her arms collapsed to her side. “OK, back to the pen, it will take a while for your tests to come back, you’ll be here at least a couple of more days.” Claire felt relieved that she would no longer viewed and abused by the public. “I’ll put on some training videos for you to watch so you can have at least some very basic training, you need a lot of education about being a slave.”
Once in the slave kennel Claire collapsed on the mattress. After an hour the training video started, it went over slave positions and the special slave stretches that could be done in the confines of a kennel. After that there were the Slave Mantras.
“Remember you are a slave.”
“You exist to please your Master.”
“Your Master’s happiness is your only reason to exist.”
“You have no rights.”
“You never say no to anything.”
“When you do wrong you will bring your Master his whip in your mouth and beg punishment.”
“You will repeat this every morning and every evening ten times.”

The next day a girl was put into the kennel with her. Claire asked her name and she said “Slave Jewel, I’m waiting on my auction.”
“Were you forced or did you choose?”
“The bank decided, I got into a lot of credit card debt and they enslaved me to recoup some of their losses.”
Claire had heard such stories, but it was still kind of a shock to her. She thought about the celebrities who had messed up and or had gone broke and were now slaves: Lindsey Lohan, Kim Basinger, Pamela Anderson and Toni Braxton among others. Even though most were no longer young, there was a certain thrill for someone to buy a celebrity. They talked a little about their homes and Jewel was fascinated with Claire’s tales of the wide-open Canadian Prairie, the heat, the bitter cold and its flatness. She even told a joke about it “One day my dog ran away, I could still see it running a week later.”

The day after that Mr. Johnson came to the kennels and talked to Claire while she was in the pen. “Congratulations, Your Blood and Urine sample are clean. With everything else I think you will have a preliminary slave grade of Choice Plus.” (1)
“Thank you, I guess, Can I leave now?”
“Not yet, the only reason you’re not Prime is that your have absolutely no training, your unfamiliarly with even the basic slave rules and orders held your grade down.”
“Well to tell the truth I’m not that interested in improving my grade, I’d just want to leave, please.”
“Well Scott paid for training as well, and you really need it, I’m sending you to for slave training at York Slave Training School.”
“Don’t I have a choice?”
“Look your still under our authority, most girls would jump at a chance for free slave training, its better for you if you go.”
“How long is it.”
“It depends on the girl, the harder you work the faster you learn, the less time it takes. And you picked it up quickly when I was grading you, even though everyone was watching. I’m sure it will take over week of hard work and you’ll be up to Prime or even Prime+.”
Claire sighed, “Sometimes I wonder if this is ever going to end.”
“You’ll be picked up tomorrow morning and be driven to York School. It’s a good school and they don’t use harsh methods like the more serious schools.” Claire was now scared, and slumped down in the fetal position. Mr. Johnson just left.
Mr. Johnson left the slave kennels and went to the clerk at the customer service desk and told him that the girl Claire was to be sent to a training school, forgetting to specify which one. The clerk, on his phone and half listening, took his computer pad and carelessly clicked on Roman House School in London (2) since it was at the top of the list of slave training facilities used by Sam’s.

The next morning the loading dock was opened and a slave cage was brought in on a dolly. Claire looked at the cage and a clerk she hadn’t seen before let her out of the kennel. He called “Back bracelets.” But Claire didn’t know that order, exasperated he said “Turn around and cross your wrists behind your back.” Claire apologised and fitfully obeyed. He locked her in cuffs and said “Enter Cage.”
Claire whimpered “How can I, I can’t use my hands?”
“Just do it.” and he pushed he down on her knees. Claire very slowly wiggled into the cage.
The driver growled at her, “Hurry up, I don’t have all day.”
“I’m sorry I’ve never done this before.” She finally got in, “This is for the training school, right?”
The clerk looked at his clipboard “Your Claire, right?”, she said yes. “Yes, that’s right, Roman House, you’ll probably be auctioned after.”
“I’m not supposed to go to Roman House, or be auctioned!” she protested.
“Well the shipping order says Roman House. And after their training that’s what usually happen to slaves.”
“I’m supposed to be brought back here!”
Flipping through the papers, “Oh yes it does say that, well Roman House will send you back then.”
Claire became terrified and soon she was being thrown around while the cage was hauled into the van. The door was closed and Claire found herself with two other girls in cages being transported as well.
The trip took hours, being rattled around and shaken by the bumps, twists and turns. But finally, the truck stopped, the door opened, and her cage was moved to a room with a bunch of other caged women. A Slave Monger came out and shouted, “Sleep well you bitch’s, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.” Claire tried to find a comfortable way to lay down and figure out how to use the bed pan. The other girls were chatting away talking about home, betting how well they will do here, and so forth. Claire made a little small talk with those on either side of her, but finally decided to use her time to relax.
All the girls were sleep when all of a sudden, they were awoken with banging on the cages. “Wake up you bitches, time to start.” The girls were disoriented and tired, they didn’t realize it was three in the morning. The cages were opened and a Master were yelling at them to get to the training area, they used their whips to get the girls moving in the right direction. The girls were dazed and confused, trying to obey orders. Claire was in slightly better shape as she was used to early mornings.
Another Master wrote on each girl a letter and number on their left breast and back of the left hand, “Move it, move it, get to your spot, its on the floor and put your feet on the lines.” the Masters hollered. The girls bumped into each other trying to find their spot and getting their feet on the lines.
When the girls had found their places, the Masters started calling out to them to yell out their numbers in order, “A-1, A-9, B-1.” The girls called out without enthusiasm. When her turn came Claire called out “B-9.”
Then the chief instructor started speaking to them “Some of you may have had so called slave training before, but that will count for nothing here. We turn out slaves for sale, not slut wannabees.” Then he spoke slowly for emphasis, “You are not slaves, you do not deserve to be called slaves, you are only bitches here, do you understand?”
“The girls quietly called out individually “Yes sir.”
The Master yelled at them “I don’t hear you!”
“Yes sir.” they said louder.
“I still don’t hear you!”
“YES SIR!” they yelled out in unison.
“That’s better, I am Master George, this is Master Henry and Master Charles, whatever they tell you to do you will do without question, do you understand?”
“Now each of you will come up to the one of these chairs and sit in it when you are called, First A-1 through A-4.” Each girl went to one of the chairs then two of the Masters went up to them. Girls with long hair then had it pulled into a tight bun, those with shorter hair had either pulled into a tight pony tail or cut even shorter.
When Claire was brought up Master Henry shouted at her, “A virgin huh? You’re not much use here.” He used a marker and put a large “V” over her right breast. “Well we’ll keep you nice and whole, but first the nurse will examine you.” Claire was put on a Slave Grading Table and her hands and neck tied down and then her were legs spread and placed in the stirrups. The male nurse came out and put on gloves. He started pulling open her vaginal lips and said “The hymen is mostly intact; not even a narrow probe can be used for training.” Claire was then released had her hair put into a bun and sent back to stand in her place.
Master Charles put up a modified version of the Slave Mantras on a large screen and were listed as Bitch Mantras. “Now you will juice yourselves as you repeat these question and answer Mantras.” The Masters called out and the girls were made to answer while juicing (3) themselves.
“What rights do bitches have? “
“Why do you exist?”
“Why are you here?”
“What are you?”
They repeated these for a half hour, and several girls, including Claire orgasmed during the recitations. Then Master Charles changed the screen, a picture was put up of a slave position with its name, and the girls were ordered to reproduce each position. All the girls would do their best to reproduce the positions as quickly as possible, for the slow ones were dealt a blow with a whip. After an hour of doing this, the Masters started mixing the order of the positions, every girl, including Claire who would miss or be too slow in getting into position were painfully corrected.
After two hours of this the girls were given a breather. Water in a bowl was brought to each girl. Claire realized what the Master’s expected and leaned over to lick the water from a bowl like a dog. A couple of the other girls did the same but most of the girls picked up the bowl and drank from it, when they did each girl received a correcting blow.
Following this the girls were instructed in Slave Yoga and its modified form, Slave Stretches. For over an hour the girls went through their paces, and as this was slower and easier to do the mood of the girls lightened. Then, the girls were given another break and two bowls were brought out. One with water one with Slave Kibble. Several of the girls were reluctant to eat it but Claire knew this was going to be the only nutrition they were going to get so she leaned over on all fours and ate like a dog. The girls who were too slow had their food removed and told that they wouldn’t get fed again until the next feeding time. After they were fed, the girls were allowed to use a series of pails to urinate and defecate, with old newspapers provided to use as toilet paper.
The girls were next brought over to a wall that had some kind of plug about a meter from the floor. The Masters brought out a box of rubber like dildo’s complete with ball sack. They ordered, “OK bitches, these plug into the sockets in the wall, there’s not enough for all of you so ten of you come forward and grab one and plug them in.” Claire was part of the first group of girls that grabbed one, and after looking at them, figured out how they fitted in the wall. “Now bitches, on your knees, your going to give these fake cocks the best blow jobs you can. They have sensors in them that will tell us how good your doing. Now start!”
The girls immediately got to their knees and started giving the electronic dildoes oral sex. Claire had given a couple of blow jobs, she was quite good at it because she had found an erotic story she used as a guide. First, she kissed the head of the fake cock, then had her tongue roll around that most sensitive part. Continuing on she would engage in licking and sucking on the fake balls. One of the girls gave out a shout and jumped back. Master Henry chuckled, “What we didn’t tell you useless bitches is that these cocks give an electric shock if you give bad head.” The girls, including Claire, went back to their assignment with trepidation, but with more vigor. Claire went back to work and slowly worked the head into her mouth, massaging the cock with her lips. As it got deeper into her mouth, she started using her tongue to swirl around the cock. She would stop for a moment when another girl would squeal in pain from another shock. “So far, so good.” she thought to herself. Then she pushed her head forward to push it down her throat. Tears welled up and when she couldn’t take it anymore, she moved back. She wasn’t sure how long to keep doing it, so she started bobbing her head back and forth while continuing to use her tongue. All of a sudden, a warm liquid squirted out of the fake cock and Claire pulled back. Master George grinned and said “Another little surprise. These cocks are filled with real cum that only appear when you have done a proper job.” He turned toward Claire, “Well make sure you swallow it all, and clean anything you leave on the floor with your tongue.” Claire slowly swallowed the cum and then saw a small amount on the floor. She wasn’t sure they would see it but realized the Masters would look closely for any girl not doing a complete job, so she bent over and licked the spot off the floor to the floor. She didn’t notice Master George give a smile of approval. After the first group was done, groups of bitches would replace each other at the dildo wall.
Afterwards the girls were given a break and allowed to chat with each other. Claire told herself, ”Everything is a test, don’t fall for it.” She did talk to the other girls but stayed in her designated place, in one of the approved slave positions. A few of the other girls did the same but most didn’t. The Masters were observing and discussing how each were advancing, for in a couple of days each girl would find themselves in either the Slow, Basic or Advanced classes.
“We’ve only got a couple of girls who might get to the advanced class. A-3, E-6 and I think B-9 (Claire).” Suggested Master George to Master Henry.
“Yes, I agree. Most are the middling sort, but will make decent, obedient slaves.”
“Half our job is done for us now these days. With the Slave TV Channel (4), and mandatory Introduction to Slavery Classes in School (5).”
“I love that channel! My favorite is ‘Slave Cop’ and the ‘I Love Slave Tracy’ show is hilarious, she’s always getting into the craziest situations.” After about a minute Master Henry decided to continue the conversation. “My dad was a Slave Trainer, told me they used to use all sorts of brutal methods to break slaves. He admitted it was hard on him but he got used to it, kind of like people who work in slaughter houses I guess.”
“Yah I’m glad of that, I don’t know if I could do this under those conditions.” Admitted Master George, “Of course they probably still use those techniques for drug addicts and criminals.”
After the break the girls were exercised with sit-ups, push-ups and running in circles around the training area. Many of the girls were only able to exercise for a short time but Claire was able to keep up with the pace. Girls who were out of shape got a smack from the whip.
Finally, it was supper time and the girls were given slave kibble again. After a short rest they began again, first with slave mantras and then slave positions until it felt very late. Though the fact is the girls never really knew the time, as there were no windows and no clocks. The day finally ended and the girls were sent back to their cages exhausted.
The next day started later, about six in the morning, and the girls went through much the same schedule as the day before, with one notable exception. After lunch the girls stood at attention while Master George gave them a speech.
“All of you bitches are going to be given a full punishment whipping at some point, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. It doesn’t matter how well you do here, it doesn’t matter if you deserve to be punished. Every one of you will receive twelve lashes whether you deserve it or not because all of you have to suffer the lash to understand punishment. Now is there anyone here who wants to have it now?” He looked at all of them and a silence cloaked the room.
Claire’s mind was going, “Get it over with, get it over with, get it over with.” She was terrified but didn’t want it hanging over her head. She gathered up her courage, and she was about to put her hand up but realized she had to do it right. She got on all fours and crawled to the nearest whip. She could see all eyes on her and she then crawled to Master George and uttered. “Please Master, punish me.”
“Well good, we have a volunteer to demonstrate what happens to disobedient bitches.” He and Master Henry pulled Claire up and dragged her to the punishment pole at the back of the room. “Now don’t you worry about your looks, it will bruise like hell but these whips wont cause scars.” They put the old shackles around her wrists and let her stand there for a full five minutes to let her sweat it out. Then, all of a sudden, she heard the whistle of the whip and then her back exploded in pain and she screamed louder than she had ever done before.
“One.” Master George counted out.
Then again, “Two.” and again she screamed.
“Five.” Claire legs gave out and she was hanging from her wrists.
She could no longer see through her tears. One after another the blows came; her voice became horse and all she could do was whimper.
Finally, at twelve it stopped, at last it was over and when she was unshackled, Claire slumped to the floor. Masters Charles and Henry each took an arm and dragged her to her cage. As he closed the cage Master Charles said “I’m proud of you.” and left. Just a smidgen of a smile appeared on her mouth, and then she passed out.
Water and food was brought to Claire in her cage. She ate and drank fitfully, but she told herself she wasn’t going to let this defeat her. She discovered her cage was unlocked, so she crawled out and slowly walked back to the training area. Everyone was surprised to see her, but she took her place and tried to keep up with the training. The Master’s didn’t correct her slow responses, as they hadn’t expected to see her till tomorrow and weren’t sure what to do.
Finally, the day was over and they were led back to their cages. Claire was surprised to find she was given a new cage. It was higher and longer so that she could sit up in it and stretch out her legs completely when laying down.
The next morning Claire found herself divided off from the other girls and brought to a smaller room where there were only two trainees with her. Master Charles spoke “OK, you bitches, you’re progressing better than the others, This is the Advanced Class for those who will get the highest grades. Congratulations.”
The training now became more intense. They were taught various sexual techniques and men were brought in for the trainees to show what they had learned. Master Charles became less demanding and more encouraging.
Two days later Claire was let out of her cage and Master Charles called out “Back bracelets” and she immediately turned around, put her wrists together, and he cuffed her wrists. He then put a blindfold on her and put a large ball gag in her mouth. He then pulled on her arm and led her to a door. Claire found it hard to walk, not knowing what direction she was going in. Next, he opened the door and brought her into a room. Thereupon she heard the footsteps of a group of people entering. She didn’t know it yet but they were both male and female, all different races and a variety of (legal) ages. They then surrounded her and started verbally abusing her.
“Your worthless.”
“You’re only a slave.”
“Your just three holes for pleasure.”
“You can’t be a free woman ever again.”
“What makes you think you can go back to normal?”
“This is what you are now.”
Then, as they continued to hurl their verbal abuse at her they started grabbing at her breasts and ass and any other part of her body (was it still her body?) that they could reach. They squeezed, pinched and mauled her body, then they started pushing her back and forth between different groups of tormenters as a panicking Claire tried to move away from them.
“No, no, I’m not a slave she told herself.” She tried to say it out loud but all that came out, “Ummf nnnnn aaa aaa” Claire cried and sobbed through the gag. She could feel her feeling of self falling away. Her thought became “Maybe I am a slave, maybe…. maybe.” Then slowly it became “I’m a slave, I’m a slave now.”
Then someone pulled off the blindfold and she could see her abusers. She could see that their eyes had no pity for her and they seemed to redouble their attacks on her. It seemed to go on forever but finally she heard Master Charles called out “That’s enough, you can go now.” and they slowly walked out, hurling whatever abuse they could as they went past. Claire collapsed on the floor crying and curled up into a ball. Master Charles picked her up and carried her to her cage, “Master’s take care of their slaves.” He whispered to her.
The next day Claire found herself looking forward to training and becoming the best slave she could be for her future master. Master Charles came out and addressed the slaves, “OK slaves, today your going to learn Slave Pompoir, you will be able to massage your Master’s cock inside your cunt by manipulating the muscles of your Vaginal Wall.” (6) Referring to them as ‘slaves’ instead of ‘bitches’ made the girls feel that they had come up in the world, they were now something that people wanted. He then brought them into a room where there was some kind of chair with unidentifiable medical equipment. “Normally it would take years to learn to technique, but with this equipment we can directly stimulate the proper muscles while a Virtual Reality Headset will teach it to you in hours.”
The first girl was secured into the reclined table, then electrodes were attached to areas just above her mound, a large metal dildo was inserted into the vagina and large, round hoods were lowered over her head. Claire could see her body’s quivering, especially the pelvic areas. She became very wet and excited watching the process and seeing the machine inflicting pain and pleasure on the slave. She couldn’t wait till it was her turn.
After an hour the slave was released, Claire almost ran up to her asking what was it like. “It was incredible, it was like I lost complete control over my body. My head was filled with images and voices teaching me how to do it, but it was so hard to follow.”
Master Charles came back and said “OK you slaves, three secessions and you’ll have a basic ability to use the technique. And as for you, B-9, we have a hypnotic program we can substitute for the probe.”
Claire was happy to be strapped in and turned into a pleasure machine for whoever would become her owner, she had even started thinking of herself as only B-9, Slave. The machine was turned on and her body jerked. She felt pain from the electric shocks which seemed to be stronger than when she saw it used on the other slave. In fact, they were, as she needed stronger shocks to stimulate her vagina from the outside for the process to work. The helmet came alive with flashing colors which started swirling, and voices started saying “Relax, let go, sleep, trust us, obey.” Slowly she started feeling like she was weightless then the voices changed and stared to be more authoritative and started instructing her how to preform Pompoir while stimulating the proper muscles.
It seemed to go on forever, then she slowly felt herself come down to earth. The hood was lifted up and B-9 realized she was drenched in sweat. She tried to get up but found her legs were wobbly and she ended up walking like a drunk. The two other slaves looked at her and commented on the fact she was much more effected by the lesson than the first one. They thought that it must have been a much more intense experience and wondered if would be exciting to try it themselves.
After a lunch of slave kibble the slaves were brought into the room again. “OK slaves, these machines have a second program. We call it Slave Pleasure it will heighten the pleasure you have with your Master when you are intimate with him.” But what he didn’t say is that it also addicted the slave to her Master.
This time Claire was the first one put into the chair, she was strapped in and the program begun. Claire re-experienced the hypnotic effect from before, without the electrical shocks. She again found herself feeling like she was floating on air, she could hear voices but they were hard to understand. But though she could not understand, the voices were in fact permeating deep into her mind. Soon she would be able to bring up her Slave Pleasure with barely a thought.
Eventually Claire could feel herself coming out of it. She was actually upset because it made her feel so wonderful, like a drug. After the three slaves had been through the programming, Master Charles told the slaves to go to their cages. Claire got on her feet and found them still weak but was able to slowly make her way to her cage and closed it herself. The Masters in fact no longer locked the girls in their cages, they obediently stayed in them with no attempts to leave them without permission. Claire had even found herself enjoying her cage, feeling safe in it. All she could think about was pleasing whoever became her Master, for now her mind was now in “Slave Mode” she didn’t think of herself as anything else.
For the next couple of days, the slaves in training followed the same pattern. Early morning repetition of mantras. Physical exercise to keep their bodies toned. And then sessions in the training chairs for Slave Pompoir then for Slave Pleasure. All the slaves, Claire included, were looking forward to being auctioned and having a Master to please. Of all the women in the other groups, some were already slaves before coming here and either their Master’s (or Mistresses) would then pick them up, for others their auction dates had already been set. Claire was the odd girl out that she wasn’t registered as a slave, but the Teaching Masters didn’t know that and treated her the same as the other slave girls. In fact, Claire considered herself just another slave to be sold, she even wondered if Amber’s owner Scott, who was paying for all of this, would bid on her or maybe arrange a private sale.
Slave Training was almost over, Claire didn’t think of much else but being a slave. But one night before the end of training she had a dream. She dreamt of her home, friends, family and great outdoors in the ‘Land of Living Skies’ (7). Waking from the dream she started to remember her life before. She was waking up in another way to, starting to think of herself less like a slave. When she awoke, she had to calm herself to keep from panicking in the cage, she was ‘breaking’ from the conditioning, no longer sure of her place in the world, and it was traumatic. Luckily, tomorrow was the last day, but she didn’t know that. All the slaves had lost track of time but she was sure it would be over soon, she just had to hang on and continue the training and get sent back to Sam the Slave Man. Then be on her way and put this all behind her.
The next day all the slaves were brought together, the advanced as well as the other classes. They went through their paces: slave mantras, sex practice and slave positions. Master Charles noticed that B-9 didn’t seem to be as enthusiastic as before, and made a note for reinforcement if she comes into a Roman House facility again. Finally, after the noon meal, the girls were told to get into their cages for pick up. “Your training is over for now, hopefully you’ll serve your Masters and Mistresses well and we won’t see you again for corrective training.” Claire felt herself perk up at hearing that, “At last,” she said to herself “This is almost over.”
The slave girls went to their cages excited to start their lives of slavery. Claire had become a favorite of Master Charles, a star pupil, but now he noticed a change in attitude. He went to talk to Master George about Claire’s apparent change of attitude. “I think she needs more training if she’s to be a decent slave, it looks like the conditioning didn’t take.”
Master George looked at his tablet, “Actually, it looks like she’s just to be returned to Sam the Slave Man, she might not actually be a slave, but either way she’ll be their problem.”
“I don’t like feeling we didn’t do our job, maybe we should e-mail them and suggest more conditioning before she’s returned.”
“Well OK, I doubt it will change anything but I’ll suggest it to them.”

An hour later Master George told Master Charles, “Well I got a response back from Sam the Slave Man, they don’t want any more training for B-9, and it looks like she was supposed to be sent to a Pretender place (8) and not us. Well she got a hell of lot more than what she bargained for.”
“Well I don’t like feeling that we only did half a job, every girl that arrives here should be a willing slave when she leaves.”
“I know we have our reputation, to maintain but she didn’t come here to be made into a slave. Actually, it’s a bit of an oddity for a girl like this to end up here, but mistakes happen and she still might eventually become a slave because she can no longer live as a free woman after our training.”
Master Charles thought about it for a moment, then suggested putting B-9 (Claire) onto the auction block, telling the buyer’s it was a faux auction, then seeing how she reacts.
“What if the high bidder insists on the sale? Even at a Training Auction (9) the bidders can get really insistent.”
“Then we give him a Pro Ticket (10) if she’s really auctioned.”
“What happens she goes off like a good slave with the winner? We don’t have the authority to sell her, and we don’t want an unauthorized enslavement on our record, that wouldn’t be good for our reputation either.” replied Master George.
Master Charles tried one last time, “Look we’re having a small auction in an hour, lets just try it and make sure the bidders know what’s up. Even fake auctions have been known to break a free woman down to a slave.”
“OK, since we can do it almost immediately and if it a small auction with few bidders, we might be able to do it with no problems.”
“Great I’ll get everything ready.”
An hour later, Claire found herself being taken out of her cage and brought to a part of the facility she had not been to before. There were several chained slave girls there and she wondered what was going on. The girls had shackles on their feet, their arms were cuffed behind them and there were chains attached to their collars. Then a man entered wearing what looked like a long shirt with a belt and no pants. He took hold of a chain and one girl was taken away. She could hear a commotion in the next room, it was hard to hear but she was finally able to realize it was an auction, not unlike the livestock auctions back home but the auctioneer talked slowly, not the rapid-fire style of a livestock auction. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God they’re going to sell me!” Her legs started getting unsteady and she started to shake, “No, no this isn’t supposed to happen, its not right!”
Then she heard the word “Sold” and she almost peed herself. Soon after the man who had taken the first girl returned and grabbed another one of the girls by her chain and led her into the auction room. It was only then that Claire noticed that the other slave girls were actually excited to be on the auction block! She couldn’t believe it at first but then she remembered her own descent into a slave mind (11), a descent she had barely come out of otherwise she would probably be as excited as they were to be sold into slavery.
Again, the word “Sold” rang out, and this time she couldn’t hold it and liquid ran down her leg. When the man came back, Claire blurted out “Sir, I’m sorry but I’m not supposed to be here, I’m just here for training. Please tell someone.”
The man looked at her, smiled, and said, “Don’t you worry missy, everything’s being done right.” But he didn’t elaborate further, leaving Claire confused as well as terrified. She wasn’t chained like the other girls, she just her collar that she had received at Sam The Slave Man. When she remembered it, she realized that she had almost forgotten the collar, it had become a part of her.
Two more times the auctioneer cried out “Sold”. Two more times the man came back and led another girl to the auction block. Claire started to breath deeply trying to calm down. She knew what was coming next. It seemed like an eternity but he finally came back and then took her by her arm. “Now come along girly, lets just do this easy, isn’t no problem.” Then he almost gently, but firmly, led her to the auction room.
Claire gasped when she entered, it was so much larger that she expected, with three tiers that could hold at least a couple of hundred buyers, but then she realized there were only a few. The ground was strewn with straw and then she saw the auction block for the slave to be shown off. Suddenly Claire felt the inevitability of what was going to happen and her Slave Mind slowly started to take over.
She found herself climbing onto the auction block. “OK you know the rules, lets hear £5000 British Pounds for this prime beauty, £5000 anyone?” someone raised a card, “£6000 do I hear £6000?”
“£5500” someone called out. Claire started swaying her body to entice the buyers. She cupped her breasts then bent over to let them hang down. She turned around swaying her hips as if to music, bending over again and spreading her asshole and vagina with her fingers, by doing this she actually found herself getting excited and we.
“£6000, £7000, £10,000.” the bids called out. Claire was now so completely involved in showing herself off, she laid down with leg spread and spread her pussy lips, showing lust in her eyes. “£15,000, £20,000, £25,000.” the bids roared upward. Claire started juicing herself, becoming completely a pleasure slave for sale.
Claire didn’t notice Master Charles off to the side. He saw her performance and knew the training had completely implanted in her. “She’s not walking free after today, she’s a slave now, for life.”
“SOLD! £30,000 is the winning bid!” the auctioneer called out. Come get your certificate at the sales window.” Claire was led away back the waiting area. She couldn’t wait to see her new Master. But they took her back to her cage, she started looking around, confused as to where her new Master was.
She was locked in her cage and handler stated, “Well back to Sam’s for you.”
“What, what happened?” She asked herself, “Where’s my Master?” She became more and more agitated and confused. But after an hour her head started to clear. “Was that a real auction?” she increasingly wondered, “Was it all an test for me, to see how I preformed?” Claire smiled and thought “Well I gave them a heck of a performance.” Finally falling asleep she dreamt of home.

Postscript: You might wonder why there is no mention of vaginal or anal intercourse as part of the training. This is because the training concentrates on the slave giving pleasure, and part of that is denying slaves sexual pleasure.

1) Slave Grades are, from best to worst are: Prime, Choice, Select and Utility. In addition, each grade may also include Plus (+) or Minus (-), or neither, as part of the grade. Thus, the top-ranking slaves may have a grade of Prime Plus (the highest possible) Prime, or Prime Minus.
2) Roman House is a harsher slave training facility. It also sells slaves and slave goods.
3) “Juicing” - masturbation with fingers but not climaxing.
4) Slave TV Channel broadcasts slave themed shows and movies, In the afternoon the channel carries instructional shows for housekeeping and cooking. There are also slave reinforcement shows disguised as Dramas and Comedies.
5) School Slave Classes are not training classes but a form of propaganda to instill positive attitudes to slavery and being a slave. Classes also teach responsible ownership.
6) Pompoir is a real sexual technique.
7) The Canadian Province of Saskatchewan is called ‘The Land of Living Skies” because the wide-open spaces and constantly changing cloud formations that can be seen from horizon to horizon on the flat prairie.
8) Pretender is slang for a Slave Training School for free women to improve their grade. A much less rigorous, even fun, place than the more serous schools like those operated by Roman House.
9) A training auction is sometimes used in slave training to see how well a trainee preforms to ‘show the goods” to the bidders. Also, they are occasionally used for free women for fundraising and plain fun.
10) A Pro Ticket is short for a Priority Bid Certificate that shows the holder has a prior winning bid on the slave, conferring a superior claim.
11) A “Slave Mind” is a state of utter submissiveness, where the slave identifies only as a slave and nothing else

Re: Vaciation To Slave Training: Part Two

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:15 pm
by jeepster
Great story! Is it going to continue?

Re: Vaciation To Slave Training: Part Two

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:13 pm
by gary
Yes it will continue. I did have the thtee part series posted on the Strip Search 6 Yahoo group.

Re: Vaciation To Slave Training: Part Two

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:38 pm
by automagix12
Gary, by the way, it is easily possible to format words or paragraphs of your story above in italic typeface.
Just mark the text and press the [ I ] button in the toolbar. (I had a look at your DOC file for this story in the SS6 group and saw that some paragraphs were formatted in italic.)
You can use other style formatting here, too, like boldface etc.