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Protective Enslavment

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Protective Enslavment

Post by gary »

In my story "Back Home Again" that you can read here:
I introduce the idea, but don't give a name to, Protective Slavery that is describe as:

“Some parents enslave their daughter’s as a form of protection. They become not just parent, but their owner, so that they cannot be sold to anyone since they have clear title and any attempt to sell them would be considered theft and even an auction would be declared invalid.”
“What the hell are you suggesting?” Demanded her father, showing anger but not wishing to let anyone know that the idea had interested him.
“She would be registered as a full and real slave, but you would be listed has her owner. Her chip would list all that so that no one could take her.”
He father became enraged, “You think I want to have my daughter naked, collared and branded within my own house?”
“Actually, most of the so-called rules for slaves is more tradition than actually the law. Governments don’t want interfere with people’s property, except for protection of slave from excesses. You wouldn’t have to do any of that but she would have to wear a collar. However, there is a company that makes a thin ring collar, its legal as a collar but it looks more like jewelry.”

As one can see, it prevents anyone from taking someone as a slave since they are already a registered and owned slave by a parent (or guardian). In addition a contract could be made that the slave cannot be sold or rented out without their permission. As well you can protect the daughter/slave from being seized to pay debts by using either a Asset Protection Trust or a Family Limited Partnership (I don't know where these are all legal). This makes a woman a Slave In Name Only (SINO).

Now one could use this term to describe a person who is enslaved for their own good. The idea is that for different reasons a person is either unable to make decisions for themselves or can't take care of themselves. I'm thinking of people who are seen as basically irresponsible or just have no common sense.

It possible that the two could have different designations. The first maybe Preventative Slavery and the second Protective Slavery.
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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Carl Bradford »

What a great concept--I'm sure there are many parents who would like to have such control/protection for their teenagers of both genders. Of course, this increases the risk of the teenager being genuinely enslaved if the parents die in, say, an automobile crash--but that would make another useful plot device to enslave someone. I hope you will pursue this.
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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Mr. Smith »

What is the legal authority for a parent to enslave their adult child who is a free citizen? Is there a court proceeding where a parent can demonstrate that the now adult child is disposed towards slavery like Claire is and the parent wants the slavery to protect against a self-enslavement?  Does the child have to consent?  If the child while as a SINO commits a crime or goes into debt I assume that would not prevent enslavement or would the parent be liable?  I could see the advantages of a SINO that would prevent a self-enslavement while a FINO could accomplish the same level of protection for a parent for up to five years.  The FINO requires consultation with a slave psychiatrist and consent as it is a contract.  Please clarify.

I had a situation in Allison's Descent into Slavery where the Barbara accidentally self-enslaved herself during a sorority initiation and her mother ended up buying her.  A SINO or FINO would have prevented that.

I had another scene in the story where seventeen year old Hayden, a natural submissive, was caught by her mother masturbating while fantasizing about being fucked by her master while a slave. She romanticized slavery after reading all of those slave novels and watching slave movies on the Hallmark Channel.  See below.
“Enough with my Avery troubles, how did you find out Hayden was a submissive?” asked Amelia.

“I always suspected she was submissive. It was over Christmas break one morning I found her on her bed on her knees with her face in her pillow, clothespins on her nipples, fucking herself with one of my dildos while she spanked herself with a riding crop. She was begging her master to fuck his naughty little slave girl, using rather colorful language that I won’t repeat here,” sighed Lynne.

“That must have been a shock, what did you do?” asked Amelia.

“Let her finish, told her to get cleaned up, clean my dildo and bring my toys back to my bedroom. When she came into my room she was scared and confused. I took her on an adult mother daughter day at the spa with lunch, then some shopping and a nice dinner. We proceeded to have the best mother-daughter talk that I ever had. I learned so much about her,” advised Lynne.

“Do tell,” responded Amelia.

“When she was fourteen or fifteen she spied on William and me playing bad slave in our bedroom. Our king-size bed is just like yours with all of the hidden bondage tools. I was strung up, spread eagle, gagged and blindfolded while William used the crop on me. According to Hayden he teased me for the longest time until he hit my clit, triggering an orgasm and when the sex started she snuck out,” chuckled Lynne. “Because that was the ‘yucky part’ she explained,” laughed Lynne.

“Glen and I always locked the doors when the kids were younger or made sure they were out of the house whenever we indulged,” giggled Amelia. “At least we think we were discreet.”

“I thought we had it under control. Hayden confessed to exploring our bed and discovering all of the hidden BDSM secrets. She even found the St. Andrew’s cross that slides out from underneath the bed and set it up once. She described holding my riding crop in her mouth as she bound her legs and left arm in the cross, lashing herself, to include her pussy and then masturbating until she came. Needless to say I was shocked,” exclaimed Lynne.

“How did you handle it?” asked Amelia.

“It gets worse. Hayden had a plan to go to the Big D and self-indenture on her eighteenth birthday for three years so her dream master could buy her at auction. She had been reading those damned erotic Hillary Rodham romance novels where the young, naïve, beautiful slave girl gets bought by the master of her dreams and they live happily ever after. Needless to say I was shocked and went into full crisis mode,” answered Lynne.
Hayden planned on self-enslavement on her eighteenth birthday.  Instead her mother had her enter a five year FINO with an enslavement option.  This prevented a future self-enslavement but did not prevent a criminal enslavement or debtor enslavement. What if Hayden did not consent to the FINO? If there was a legal mechanism for a parent to force a protective enslavement by it would allow Lynne to enslave Hayden involuntarily in the situation described above.

Carl raises a valid point. What happens if the parent/owner dies suddenly. Who owns the slave? Does the slave become part of the parent's estate that is available to pay of unpaid debts?

You have an interesting idea that needs some development for the legal basis for the parental enslavement.

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by gary »

In the original "Slave Grading Do's and Don'ts" story by Joe Doe, which I took as my original template, an adult child could be sold into slavery by a parent or guardian. So yes I parent could impose a Protective/Preventative Enslavement on their children. Though local laws may very.
A PE might include a "in case of death" clause where the enslavement passes to someone else, or is ended and the person is freed (also known as Manumission). Provisions in a Will for either possibility might also be done. Again local laws might be different.
The question of what happens if any kind of slave commits a crime is something I have not really considered. Depending on the crime the owner might be expected to either pay reparations, punish the slave themselves, or both. The state might also take responsibility for punishing slaves for crimes, or maybe just for serious felonies.
Taking a slave and reselling it as punishment for criminal behavior by the slave is a bit iffy to me. The state would in effect be confiscating the slave from its legal owner, thus the law would place the owner responsible for a slave misdeeds.
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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by imreadonly2 »

From Joe:

There are a number of legal justifications for protective enslavement.

1) If a young woman committed a drug or DUI offense that might result in incarceration, their lawyer might suggest a protective enslavement to prevent the possibility of jail time, as typically offenses by slaves are handled through fines to the owner or responsible party. True, the judge my require the slave to perform some form of community service, but community service is better than jail. Hopefully.

2) A rich young woman traveling abroad to the South America, Asia, Africa, or the Mediterranean, or anyplace where kidnappings or enslavements for minor offenses are common, might be protectively enslaved before her travel. While a SIN number on her lip and a slave registration might prevent her from disappearing without a trace, only an actual enslavement would establish an unbreakable, clear chain of title that would prevent the girl from being enslaved and sold for some minor offense or technicality.

3) A bank might insist on a protective enslavement for a loan, so that a lien can be placed against the chattel. This will allow for prompt repossession in the event of a late payment, and prevent the parent from mortgaging the same asset to multiple parties through simple registration.

4) A protective parent might decide that the girl's "slave tendencies" make it safer to establish title to her, lest she enslave herself to the wrong person at some later date.

So many story ideas, so little time!! :lol:
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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by orflash64 »

Joe, I sent you a email about one of your stories, did you see it?
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Mr. Smith »

There needs to be a legal process for a Protective Enslavement for children with "slave tendencies".  Both Amy and Hayden would qualify and I think that the slave must agree to any future resale and maybe a slave psychologist listed as a guardian to protect how the slave is used by the parents during the protective enslavement.  Also a process for an Emergency Protective Enslavement of 60 days with a lower burden of proof and a cap of say five years on any Protective Enslavement.  

I wonder if a high school student who gets an "A" in the mandatory slave yoga class in Texas would have her "A" used against her in a Protective Enslavement as it demonstrated "slave tendencies".  :tiphat:

I am rewriting "Allison's Descent into Slavery" and I have created another character that I am considering being enslaved by her parents.  Mom was just going to use the power of attorney during the slave grading and sell and then buy her daughter at auction but a Protective Enslavement might be more interesting to try but it would prevent her from getting sand between her toes, and other places, during an auction which is half the fun.

Personally I think there should be a cap on the period of enslavement for any body attachment loan of say ten years for policy reasons.  I can see a priority system for body attachment loans much like there is in bankruptcy court.  The individual borrower  must get a SIN for each individual used as collateral and each lender registers their lien on the person in the National Slave Registry with the priority going to the first lender to file the lien.  That way a lender can see what claims are on a person who seeks a loan using a body attachment as collateral.  This would negate bad lending practices.  Say a person uses his wife as collateral for their home mortgage, takes out a second mortgage using the wife again as collateral and then uses her as collateral for a boat.  If one loan is defaulted all go into default and the wife is sold for ten years with the proceeds paying off the loans based on priority and if the proceeds of the sale do not cover the boat that lender is SOL.

I would not think that a protective enslavement would not protect one from criminal consequences.  Criminal court sanctions such as custody time or enslavement would have priority over any other enslavement claim whether it is protective or as collateral for a loan. If a slave commits a serious crime I would think that the slave would be confiscated since the owner was negligent in not adequately supervising the slave. That slave would then be sold as a criminal slave with the proceeds paying victim restitution and/or going to the state. There might even be additional fines for the owner to pay.

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Citizen1069 »

Carl Bradford wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:23 am What a great concept--I'm sure there are many parents who would like to have such control/protection for their teenagers of both genders. Of course, this increases the risk of the teenager being genuinely enslaved if the parents die in, say, an automobile crash--but that would make another useful plot device to enslave someone. I hope you will pursue this.
There is a great story THE SHERIFF'S AUCTION By Imreadonly2 where she is enslaved by her stepmother after the death of her father. Her father was rich, but the stepmother used her to pay the property taxes. She did not think her stepmother would sell her to "get rid of her", and at each step of the way to the auction block she keeps thinking some one will stop her from being sold. At each step on the way to the auction block her old friends and acquaintances only see her as just another slave to be auctioned.
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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Hooked6 »

Wow! An Imraedonly2 story I've not read. It sounds very interesting. I hope I can persuade him to post it at this forum. Pretty please?


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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by orflash64 »

Yes, The sheriff's Auction is the one I was referring to. I had some ideas for that story, but get seem to get the author's attention.
What if you stretched out the story to include her arrest, taken before the Judge, taken by the Judge in his Chambers, stripped, shaved, showered, bar coded, photographed, etc. She could reflect on that day as she prepares for her first Ponygirl race.
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by orflash64 »

Can't seem to get his attention.
A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Diver »

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by Hooked6 »

Thanks for the link, Diver. I had no idea Imreadonly2 had a DeviantArt page. The things you learn at this forum :lol:

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Re: Protective Enslavment

Post by jeepster »

That story by imreadonly2 is awesome! Thanks diver for the link!

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