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Allison's Descent into Slavery Part Eleven; The Ponygirls Visit the Breeding Barn Cafe

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Mr. Smith
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Allison's Descent into Slavery Part Eleven; The Ponygirls Visit the Breeding Barn Cafe

Post by Mr. Smith »

The Breeding Barn Café was only a fifteen minute trot from Bender’s pond. The heat and humidity in the early afternoon in the first part of June had all the ponies sweating and in need of water. On the way I had more time to ponder whether it was good or bad luck running into Daphne as I balanced the pros and cons of her posting pictures and videos of me as a ponygirl on social media. This might help Calum find me or cause him to stop looking altogether once my reputation was destroyed. It just seemed like really bad luck that both Lindsey and I ran into people we knew who despised us. Little did I know that it would only get worse for poor Lindsey.

As we trotted up to the Breeding Barn Café, a party bus was disgorging a boisterous bachelorette party of animated young ladies who likely had already imbibed. They saw us parking the buggies and decided to check out the six large sweating, fit and hung stallions. It was truly amazing the number of crude comments they uttered discussing which stallion they preferred, especially when comparing the stallion’s shafts. Giggles erupted when three of the stallions became erect listening to the women.

Most of the stallions had their penises pierced with what looked like a wide array of jewelry that I had never seen before. The only one I recognized was a very large Prince Albert piercing on Viande. Some had barbells piercing the heads of their penises. Those and the Prince Albert looked painful to receive, making me feel sorry for the poor stallions. Many had a large hoop located between the base of their cocks and the scrotum. The hoops were only visible on the ones sporting erections. I wondered why they were pierced as I doubted it was for the stallion’s pleasure. Then I began to wonder what it would feel like having one of those pierced studs inside me. Would it hit my newly discovered G spot just right if we were in the right positions? My loins started throbbing in anticipation once again as I expected to be bred by at least one if not more of these male specimens.

When the discussion devolved into a proposed hand job contest, Hank Bradford stepped in. He advised the “young ladies” that the Breeding Barn staff often allowed the bride and maid of honor to assist the pony whisperers in getting the studs erect, lubed and lined up for breeding so long as they had tables on the floor. The bride blushed in embarrassment at the thought while the maid of honor pumped her fist in triumph advising her favorite stallion, “I’ll be seeing YOU inside.” The sober one trying to chaperone this group advised that they had a reservation for those seats and would see us inside as she herded the women away.

One of the girls, an attractive (in her own way) tall fit tomboyish or butch looking woman in her early twenties, hung back observing our group. For some reason she seemed focused on Lindsey. When Lindsey spied this woman I swear my sister slave turned pale with a horrified look on her face. I would later learn that this woman was Beth Simmons who was a soccer rival from high school here in Dallas. The rivalry continued with Beth playing for Texas Christian University (TCU) and Lindsey attending the University of Texas. This last season Lindsey beat out Beth for first team all-Big 12 for the defending midfielder position. Lindsey made the first team and Beth was on the second team. Beth took it as a personal affront to lose to Lindsey. She was also jealous of Lindsey’s academic all-American and national second team all-American awards.

Hank took charge when we arrived, getting all of the stallions lined up and making contact with the staff confirming the reservation he made on the way in. He walked up to an attractive older ponygirl who was being prepped for the breeding bench.

“Thwack.” Hank slapped the mare hard on the ass, causing her to jump whinnying shrilly in surprise.

“How’s my favorite mare doing this afternoon?” he asked, kissing her on the nape of her neck as he fingered her pussy. His fingers came away wet as she whinnied happily. The affection each of them felt for the other was evident in their interactions. I could see the love radiating between them as did most everyone else in the room.

“Aunt Nancy, is that you?” asked Carl Bradford, a shocked look on his face. What’s going on here?”

“Carl, my brother, your father, didn’t want you to know about this arrangement between me and your aunt until you turned eighteen. Now that you are eighteen we want you to know the truth. Your Aunt Nancy signed a FINO slave contract with me years ago, making our pony play legal. Rosebud here is about to be bred by my two stallions out on the stage,” explained Hank, grinning at Carl as Rosebud whinnied enthusiastically.

“My friends were always calling Aunt Nancy, I mean Rosebud here, the hottest MILF in the neighborhood. She looks even better dressed like a ponygirl. Can I touch her?” asked Carl.

“After the show you can do more than touch her. There is a reason I named her Rosebud,” chuckled Hank. Remember, here at the Breeding Barn MILF stands for Mare I’d Like to Fuck. After the show we can take her back to the Petting Zoo and you can explore Rosebud’s rosebud, so to say. Sound like a plan?”

“Does it ever!” exclaimed Carl, as he and his uncle headed to their table as Rosebud was eagerly led down a hallway to the breeding bench.

Watching this exchange was simply surreal. The subservient relationship she had with Hank appealed to me. I felt a bond with Rosebud, a bond that I could not rationally explain other than a part of me longed for a relationship like that with Calum. I wouldn’t mind being her right now walking down that hallway to the breeding bench as my slave heat raged at the possibilities. I really had become a total ponyslut today.

Penny, accompanied by Daphne and Maribelle, took control of Lindsey and myself and we were quickly led into the holding pen. Our first stop was the pee grate where we relieved ourselves while our rivals jeered at how we had been turned into animals. Then Penny removed our bridles and bits, wiped us down and rehydrated us. In the background we could hear the reverberations of ponies mating and the cheers of the crowd. The sounds made me nervous about what was about to happen to us while also stimulating my arousal.

Beth took this opportunity to pull Daphne and Maribelle aside. The three of them had an animated conversation, often taking sidelong glances in our direction with mischievous grins on their faces. Beth pulled something out of her purse, handing the items to Daphne and Maribelle. After it appeared that an agreement had been reached, Beth shook hands with Daphne and Maribelle and left.

Daphne and Maribelle rejoined us asking Penny if she needed any help getting us ready for the show. Penny replied that she had to check in with the staff and use the ladies room, asking that they keep providing us with water. While Penny was gone Daphne pulled out a bag with sugar cubes, taking one and handing the bag to Maribelle.

“Spice, you have been a really good filly today and I just wanted to reward you with a treat,” smiled Daphne innocently, holding out the sugar cube in the palm of her hand.

After almost a week of surviving solely on Purina slave chow, these pony sugar cubes were a welcome change of pace. They reminded me of the Christmas peppermint candy puffs we had for the holidays when as a child I could never just have one. I whinnied eagerly and I bent forward scooping up the cube in my mouth like a horse and savoring the flavor as the sugar cube melted in my mouth. It is amazing what can make a slave girl truly happy. “Can I have another?” I whinnied hopefully only to have my hopes crushed by Daphne reverting to her Princess of Darkness persona.

“Look how far you have fallen, Allison. You were absolutely giddy eating a slave treat out of the palm of my hand. Clearly you have found your lot in life as a ponygirl slave,” she taunted, as she gave me another drink of water while I blushed in embarrassment. She had a point there.

Shortly after cooling down in the air conditioned room, drinking some water and eating the sugar cube I began to feel more euphoric, relaxed, open, and unafraid with a higher level of energy, while also feeling somewhat detached from my body. I was no longer nervous about being bred by those hung stallions in front of the late lunch crowd. The idea now aroused me. I wanted it as the Sirens song of lust called out to me. I felt so alive and full of energy as I shook my mane, stomped my hoof and whinnied impatiently looking forward to a big horse cock thrusting into my cunt. What is wrong with me that I am acting like such a slutty ponygirl?

“Isn’t that cute. You look so happy right now, about to be strapped down on a breeding bench and fucked by hung stallions. Ready to literally get shafted in front of a crowd for their amusement,” teased Daphne, as the thought of a crowd watching me fueled my lust.

Daphne began teasing my nipples. Spitting on one she lightly rubbed the saliva around my piercing in a very sensuous manner sending tingles straight to my clit. Then she roughly pinched and twisted the nipple, sending more jolts to my distended panic button. I was panting in need as she started in on my other nipple.

“We need to get their tails secured,” advised Maribelle, interrupting Daphne’s fun.

Daphne stopped toying with me and pulled me over to a two pony bench as Maribelle followed suit with Lindsey. Soon the two of us were secured by our collars and bent forward over the bench with our feet secured. Daphne walked in front of us holding a small jar containing a paste-like substance. She was joined by Maribelle who handed her plastic gloves already having donned a pair. After putting on the gloves Daphne opened the jar holding it under our noses. The paste had a very strong ginger smell to it.

“For many horse breeds, high tail carriage and animation are desired traits. There is a practice with horses that is called "gingering the tail" which makes a horse carry its tail high and to a lesser extent to encourage it to move in a more lively fashion. Historically it involved using a piece of ginger root, onion, pepper, tobacco or even a live eel inserted into the horse's rectum. The modern practice involves using a paste product with concentrated gingerol like this and rubbing it on the horse's anus,” lectured a grinning Daphne.

This didn’t sound good as my pussy leaked in anticipation of my imminent breeding. Why am I suddenly so horny? I felt my tail plug pulled out as I whinnied in fear.

“This practice for humans is called figging, where a carved piece of ginger shaped like a butt plug is inserted into the anus causing an intense burning sensation. We are gingering your tails by coating your tail plugs with the gingerol paste used on horses covered in lube. That way every time the plug shifts the lube and paste will change consistency by rubbing more of the paste against the walls of your rectum,” laughed Daphne. “Every time it shifts or you tighten your butt muscles the pain will be intense for about a minute or two until it subsides into a low burn. Imagine how tight you will get when you cum for your stallion.”

This was really bad! The Princess of Darkness and her sadist sidekick were giggling quietly, trying not to make a scene. Meanwhile we tried pleading for mercy but it just came out as a couple of panicked whinnies adding to their amusement.

“Oh, by the way. Those sugar cubes we gave you were laced with Ecstasy amongst other things and the effects should already be kicking in. Lindsey, your admirer Beth provided us with the cubes and paste. We decided not to let either go to waste using both on each of you,” chortled Maribelle.

That explained why it felt like my slave heat was on overdrive in anticipation of my breeding. I felt my tail plug being jammed back up my ass as I whinnied in surprise. Then it started. Slowly at first, then quickly picking up speed. The burning sensation ignited in my ass as I let out a forlorn whinny echoed by Lindsey. The weird part was that the pain somehow became pleasurable in the same way that I linked pain with pleasure the day I was sold. I liked this pain/pleasure combination, suddenly wanting more. Was this the effect of the Ecstasy or something else more sinister? Now I was both scared and beyond horny at the same time. Fuck! I am a real mess, I thought, as my slave heat overwhelmed my fear.

Maribelle and Daphne stepped away leaving us bound to the tail bench. I could hear them removing their gloves and washing their hands at a nearby sink. In the background I heard a loud high pitched neigh with accompanying cheers coming from down the hall towards the café. The mare or filly being bred had just made her call of the ponygirl. My slave heat ignited at the sound as I became even more impatient for my shafting.

“There is nothing better than gingering the tail of a couple of slutty ponygirl bitches,” proclaimed Maribelle, as she slapped Lindsey hard on her ass.

“Enjoy bitches!” laughed Daphne, slapping my ass hard, trying to outdo Maribelle. “Shit, that stung my hand.”

“Ready for some margaritas?” chuckled Maribelle.

“Definitely,” responded Daphne, and they scurried off to join Hank and Carl for a late lunch and margaritas.

Now I really hated those girls wishing evil upon them. We lay there for a few minutes not daring to move as the burning sensations subsided while waiting for Penny to return. When she did, she secured our tails into stumps so that the hair would not become entangled in our vaginas. Doing so shifted our plugs, starting another burning cycle with Penny oblivious to our current predicament, interpreting our pained whinnies as fear of the breeding bench.

“Don’t worry. You two are really going to like this. All of our ponygirls do. We use it as a reward for good ponygirls,” softly cooed Penny, as she checked our tails one last time.

“Ok, I am going to attach pony twitches to the inside of your noses. For the breeding you will be led around by the nose using these twitches instead of by your collar or a bridle. These twitches can be quite painful if you do not pay attention, quickly following the directions of myself or the pony whisperer in charge of you,” advised Penny.

Penny then clipped the rubber-coated teeth of the twitch onto the inside of my nose quickly doing the same to Lindsey. Damn, that hurt as it clamped down my sensitive skin. Penny released our collars allowing us to stand up and move away from the bench. The nose twitches were attached to six foot lines with loops at the end. To minimize our pain, we followed her to the ready position waiting for the pony whisperers to take over. Thankfully we did not have long to wait as my sex continued throbbing.

Two attractive women approached, dressed in matching Breeding Barn burgundy polo shirts with nametags, khaki cargo pants, cowboy boots and a number of items hanging from their utility belts designed to cause pain whether it was a whip, electric goad or horse crop. Each wore a wireless microphone attached to their shirts. This is where their similarities ended. The cute blonde haired, blue eyed Amy Fleming was about five-five, one hundred and twenty-five pounds with small firm breasts and a tight little ass under her cargo pants. Sofia Viagra was a taller, voluptuous Hispanic with gorgeous brown eyes and long flowing black hair.

“What do we have here?” asked Sofia.

“Spice and Daisy are two brand new first day ponygirls. They quickly picked up the gaits this morning, and were bred during lunch, earning their orange plumes. After lunch they had a quick trip to Bender’s pond where they were bred a second time. Once here they were hydrated and prepped for breeding. They are accompanied by four stallions over there that to my knowledge have not bred today,” advised Penny.

“Looks like we have another stallion that earned a reward needing a filly this afternoon,” sighed Sofia. Turning to us she asked, “Is one of you more sexually active or experienced than the other?”

“What she wants to know is there one of you that can take a bigger shaft?” clarified Amy.

“That’s me!” I whinnied, stomping my right hoof while nodding my head up and down as I snorted impatiently. I really needed this now. I’m surprised I wasn’t frothing at the mouth in excitement as my slave heat took over.

“According to the information we received from Mistress Kara at Broadstone she referred to Spice as the ‘fuck bunny’ and Daisy as the ‘nun’,” added Penny, giggling.

“Ok, the fuck bunny gets Viande for the grand finale,” chuckled Sofia.

“We’ll start Spice first with two stallions and then Daisy for the next two bringing in Spice for the end,” advised Amy.

You want the fillies or the stallions this time?” asked Sofia. Personally I’d like the studs.”

“No problem. I’ll take the fillies Sofia. I know how much you like to fondle those stallions, especially Viande,” laughed Amy, as Sofia sashayed over to the stallions who upon seeing her approach started getting excited as their shafts came to life.

Turning towards us Amy stated, “Ok, I am going to lead the two of you out there and introduce you to the audience. After each breeding I will check on you to see if you need a break or can continue. Pay attention, these nose twitches hurt like a bitch and I will use them if you fail to follow my commands. Do you understand?”

Lindsey and I both stomped our right foot, neighing while nodding our heads indicating that we did. Amy then checked out Lindsey by tweaking her nipples, grabbing and then slapping her ass before fingering her cunt. Her fingers glistened with Lindsey’s juices as Lindsey shuffled impatiently, a nun no more.

“Daisy, you are a wet and ready little filly. Still, I need to put some lube in you as insurance due to company policy to make sure you stay ready,” advised Amy, as she fingered lube into Lindsey’s vagina.

“Daisy, I need you to calm down. You are over eager. I do not want you getting hurt. Take a deep breath and center yourself,” she whispered, while gently petting Lindsey’s head and face. It seemed to work as Lindsey became less agitated.

Then it was my turn. I whinnied in delight as she twisted and pinched my nipples sending little electrical charges flying to my clit. Then she slapped my flank and fingered my pussy as I stomped my right hoof impatiently.

"My, you're an edgy little filly," cooed Amy, as she tried to calm me while rubbing some lubricant into my fiery cunt. “You are ponyslut soaking wet. Your pussy is so moist I am wasting good lube here, but it is company policy so let me get this finished."

When she rubbed the lube into my pussy it felt at times like I entered this trance-like state I went into during slave yoga without even trying. No, it felt more like my overactive slave heat was returning with a vengeance. In a moment of clarity, a feeling of euphoria overwhelmed me as I reunited with a long lost friend that I missed greatly as my senses came alive, my slave heat igniting. What's taking so long? Let's get this show on the road, I thought to myself. What is wrong with me? Why do I suddenly need to trot out there and get gangbanged in front of a crowd? My nipples were tingling and my cunt burned with desire. God, I wanted this. No, I needed it now. Once again, I stomped my hoof and tossed my mane whinnying in frustration.

“Easy girl, it will be your turn next,” tutted Amy.

She pulled her fingers out of my cunt stating, "I need to give you some water so that you do not become dehydrated. Putting a water bottle to my lips she ordered, "Drink up," as I had one last drink before going on stage. She did the same for Lindsey and then we were off, walking down the hallway to the stage following her closely trying to avoid any misstep that would cause her to pull on our nose twitches.

We entered the “stage” (for want of a better name) with terraced seating in a horseshoe from our right to our front and then to our left. In the center was the breeding bench with tables set all around it. There were three terraced levels for seating above the floor seating giving everyone an unobstructed view of the breeding bench. On my right there was a long bench-like-built in table with chairs facing the stage. On the top level was the bar with room to mingle. To my front and left each level had what looked like U shaped couches with coffee tables for food and drinks in the middle. Looking up into the crowd surrounding me I now knew what it felt like to be a gladiator in the coliseum in Rome with everyone’s eyes looking down upon you.

There were about one hundred and twenty people present with room for more. Naked slaves acted as waitresses with a couple of them orally servicing patrons. One woman had a slave girl under her dress while she chatted with her male companion. I noticed Rosebud off to my right on her knees orally servicing a customer. Her tail still tied in a stump as fluids dripped out of her just bred cunt. Hopefully she was not too tough an act to follow. There was a brand on the inside of her left buttock, right next to her anus, consisting of two intertwined horseshoes holding three stars. I recognized it as the badge of the Lone Oak Equestrian Academy that Dr. Allen had attended. I wondered if Dr. Allen had experienced the breeding bench here. Then the show began.

“Ladies and gentlemen, up next we have Spice and Daisy for their first time at the Breeding Barn. We have five stallions lined up to deflower these Breeding Barn virgins. These magnificent first day ponygirls just earned their orange plumes mere hours ago,” announced Amy, while handing Lindsey off to a female slave handler while leading me around the stage holding the line with her left hand.

“Spice is a beautiful blue eyed, ginger haired filly with a nice well-formed breasts and sensitive nipples,” proclaimed Amy, as she twisted my right nipple sending jolts of pleasure to my pussy while eliciting a happy neigh from me. Why am I so aroused by this situation?

Amy maneuvered me so that I was facing the breeding bench from the front of the stage with my back to the crowd. “Display!” she ordered and I complied. I was bent over head towards the ground with my hooved feet spread apart, my glistening pussy spread open in anticipation with the stump of my tail sticking up in the air. Then I dripped, yes my pussy dripped with two drops landing on the ground below me soon followed by another.

“This beauty has an incredible ass which is adorned with the badge of the Big D recently burned into her left buttock. Yes ladies and gentlemen, she is a hot to trot Sandy Foot Girl with a runny gutter. She is dripping wet suffering from Niagara Falls syndrome. Her juicy vag is begging for a stallion’s shaft. We have an aquafina here, her pussy is so wet it becomes a natural spring,” announced Amy working the crowd, as she ran two fingers through my pussy lips scooping up my moisture and held up her glistening fingers for the crowd cheering in response. “Just look at the spring water oozing from her well.”

“Stand, turn around,” Amy commanded, and I complied. I stood there trembling in anticipation when Amy ran her fingers through my pussy lips again, centering in on my clit. “Let’s bring Spice’s little pink diamond out to play,” teased Amy, while she proceeded to expose and fondle my distended clitoris as the crowd applauded her efforts.

“Spice, are you ready to mount the breeding bench? Is your juicy Texas hot pocket ready to receive a stallion’s large shaft?” she taunted, while massaging my happy button once again.

Deep in my slave haze I stomped my right hoof, tossing my mane while nodding my head, snorting with impatience and then loudly neighing in frustration as the crowd cheered. Little did I know that there were three big screen TVs behind me. One depicted Amy standing next to me, another showed my flushed face and the last was a close up of Amy’s fingers lightly massaging my glistening enlarged clitoris with my own juices. I was easily recognizable, but appeared to be the horniest skank in Texas.

“I think Spice is ready to let it go in sixty seconds or less. What do you think?” Amy teased the crowd, eliciting cheers while others started chanting “Let it go, Let it go, Let it go,” in response. What is she doing teasing me like this? Strap me on that damned bench. I could not believe how impatient I had become to be bred in my current state.

“Ok, I am going to ring her Devil’s Doorbell and see who answers. Give me sixty seconds on the clock,” announced Amy, playing to the crowd as she started in on me.

I let out a long neigh of pleasure as she diddled my clit. Amy was standing to my right front with her left arm around my back and her hand on my hip holding me up while masturbating me with her right hand. And did she know what she was doing. She had the fingers of a maestro playing my clitoris like a fine instrument. I was so ready to explode. Then my tail plug started vibrating, picking up intensity as it gingered my tail generating another painful burning sensation in my ass. The burning pain transformed into the pain/pleasure dynamic that I so craved when I had overactive slave heat. I was ready to erupt spewing hot lava out of the fiery volcano between my legs. The magma of my climax was building deep within my core bubbling up to the surface on the verge of overflowing into one massive eruption.

Next thing I knew they were playing the lines from the song “Let it go” sung by Princess Elsa in the movie “Frozen” as the crowd sang along. Am I really going to climax in public like this while a Disney princess sings in the background?

“Ok Spice, let it go, cum for me and just let it go you little fuck bunny,” Amy the pony whisperer murmured in my ear, and I did. I let go of a massive climax trembling in a frenzy that consumed me. Neighing loudly to the heavens in pleasure. Yes, this felt good and I needed the release. I could not comprehend why my slave heat was so out of control.

“And there we have it. The call of the ponygirl. That’s Spice letting it go in sixty seconds or less,” proclaimed Amy, to the cheers of the spectators.

As my vision cleared I spied Daphne with an evil grin adorning her face while holding up her phone recording me climaxing for all posterity. Fuck! Amy led me to the side on trembling hooves, handing me over to the slave handler that held Lindsey, trading me for Lindsey whom she led out to center stage. The slave handler had me drink more water while I caught my breath, trying to calm down as my slave heat continued to smolder unsated

Amy introduced Daisy as a chestnut haired beauty that was also adorned with the Big D badge. The audience was in for a treat, two Sandy Foot Girls getting bred by five stallions.

This is when Beth Simmons struck. Standing up announcing that they were having a bachelorette party and requested the use of Daisy’s tongue on the bride to be, as the crowd roared in approval. The bride blushed in embarrassment as her friends reached under her long sundress, pulling off her panties. One girl jumped up, holding in the air the baby blue laced thong panties that were pulled off the bride and then throwing them up into the crowd sitting behind them. The lucky guy that caught them held them to his nose taking a deep breath and then held up the panties in one hand giving the thumbs up with his other to the roar of the audience.

Amy quickly acquiesced to the crowd as Beth stepped forward taking control of Lindsey. Beth pulled out a small ponygirl twitch consisting of a twelve-inch-long handle with a cord at the end in a small loop. She proceeded to pull Lindsey’s lower lip through the loop and then twisting it tight until it had a firm grip on the lip. Beth released the nose twitch and led Lindsey over to the bride using the twitch to control her. Lindsey was brought to her knees and led under the bride’s sundress settling in between her child bearing hips when Beth twisted the twitch releasing Lindsey. In horror I watched this whole scene unfold before my eyes as Amy walked up to me.

“Ok Spice. Looks like you are up. I will stand next to you while you are orally getting to know your stallion and while he mounts you. Once mounted I will step away watching over you from a distance. After he seeds you I will return, checking on you and keeping you company until you are mounted by the next stallion,” explained Amy.

I whinnied, nodding my head and stomping my right hoof impatiently.

“There are two ways we can do this. First I secure you on the breeding bench and release the nose twitch. For me to do that you will need to hold your head up so the crowd can see your face and also orally service the stallions. If you are uncooperative I will keep the nose twitch attached painfully holding your head up the whole time. Understand?” she asked.

I whinnied, nodding my head and stomping my right hoof. The earlier orgasm was just an appetizer for the main event. In my slave haze I was lusting for a seven course meal of horse cock as I started fidgeting, my loins aflame with need. Amy’s fingers had been magic but I needed a cock, the real deal and we were wasting time.

"My, you're an impatient little ponlyslut," cooed Amy, as she tried to calm me while checking my fluid levels with her fingers in my blast furnace of a pussy as I stomped my hoof and tossed my mane, whinnying in frustration. “You are still a sopping wet filly. Ok, let’s go,” as she pulled her fingers out my oven.

“Yeah!” I neighed loudly. Amy led me around the front of the breeding bench as I literally trotted in place causing my nipple bells to jingle. My nipples tingled in anticipation and my sex was on fire. I don’t think I have ever been this aroused before. When we arrived at the back of the bench Amy guided me up to the frame.

“Mount,” commanded Amy. I just stood there uncomprehending. My slave haze had eliminated my ability to reason as I just stood there like a brainless ponyslut in heat.

“Thwack,” her hand slapped my buttock hard. “Don’t get slave stupid on me. That means bend over onto the breeding bench, silly ponygirl,” directed Amy, recognizing my current condition lost in my slave haze.

Duh, I thought as I quickly complied. Once bent over the bench she commanded “Spread,” while nudging my feet apart until they were in position and tied down. A rope was attached to my armbinder pulling my arms up putting me into a supported strappado position while I watched Sofia bring out the first stallion. I had assumed that they would just walk the stallion up behind me and that would be it. Instead I had to wait, my slave heat smoldering in need while Sofia put on a show for the audience.

Sofia led the stallion named Goujon out using a horse twitch with the loop secured around the stallion’s testicles. With a twist of her wrist she could tighten the loop around his balls in an extremely painful manner. By using this technique, she had extremely cooperative stallions. Sofia asked for a volunteer to lube the shaft. The girls from the bachelorette party squealed the loudest. Somehow Sofia maneuvered the stallion so that the bride was able to rub lube all over the stallion’s shaft at the same time that Lindsey was licking her.

The bride-to-be had a distant faraway look on her face while staring at the horse cock in her hand as she gently rubbed lube all over it while playing with his piercing. It looked like she was in a slave haze all her own when suddenly her face flushed, body stiffened as her head rolled back a little and she moaned loudly all the while firmly gripping the shaft. The audience roared loudly at the wanton display as Lindsey’s tongue found gold. One of the bride’s friends had to gently but firmly pry her hand off Goujon’s penis.

“Easy girl, Goujon will be here soon. You need to service him with your mouth before he mounts you,” tutted Amy, as my impatience grew.

In my sexual euphoria I do not recall all that happened as I was focused on this horse cock which was standing up at attention when he strutted into view. Do not ask me the color of his eyes or hair. His cock however I can describe in great detail. The shaft was a little unusual in that the head of his penis did not have a big mushroom, instead it seemed small in comparison to his shaft which tapered out getting thicker towards the base. At first glance, he almost appeared to be uncircumcised?

What really caught my attention was the way the head of his penis was pierced. There were two barbells, one vertical and the other horizontal, sticking through the head. My first thought was “ouch” that must have hurt.

“You are in for a real treat. Goujon has a Magic Cross and those feel incredible. You will just love the way it enhances the thrusting sensations, especially on your G spot,” Amy murmured in my ear, my aquafina overflowing onto my thighs.

Sofia pulled the stallion away from the volunteer and led him to the breeding bench so that he was standing in front. The glistening cock almost rubbed on my lips. Yum! I didn’t need to be told to suck his cock. I eagerly reached forward as best I could, trying to take him in my mouth and he pulled back teasing me.

“Thwack.” Sofia spanked him hard with her hand as the spectators laughed.

“Bad pony. No teasing the horny ponygirl. Gaujon, meet Spice. You get to take this Sandy Foot Girl’s Breeding Barn cherry,” teased Sofia as she slowly stroked his shaft. It was clear that Sofia really enjoyed her job.

Gaujon stomped his hoof on the ground, tossing his head letting out a loud neigh as I whinnied softly looking forward to wrapping my lips around that magnificent shaft. I am such a ponyslut. Licking my lips in anticipation.

Feed the filly your cock,” Sofia directed, while Amy chuckled at my plight.

The stallion moved forward twisting to his right and then back slapping the left side of my face with his cock. He did it again, slapping the right side of my face before I successfully captured him in my mouth, grinning around my prize. I gobbled it down as he thrust it forward. Soon he had the whole thing down my throat as I struggled to get my lips around his thick base. Little did I know that there was a camera catching the view from below that captured his cock expanding in my throat. He started a rhythm fucking my throat that was quite enjoyable but not what I really needed. Thankfully, Sofia pulled him back. The cock popped out of my mouth. He was led around behind me.

“Easy girl, it will be any moment now,” cooed Amy, as I whinnied in delight.

Suddenly, Amy jiggled my tail, turning on the vibrations which also ignited the intense pain from the paste. I gasped as the pain blended with the pleasure from the vibrations as I started moaning in need. I felt his cockhead rubbing along my vaginal lips, seeking the opening to my womb. When he found it, he thrust into my overheated loins as I neighed in delight. He was balls deep after three thrusts and I was whinnying happily. Then he really went to town on me, pounding me deep and hard.

Wow! Amy had it right. That Magic Cross really hit the spot. In my frenzy, I knew that Calum needed to get one of these so I could enjoy it every single day. Each thrust jiggled the plug, releasing more of the ginger paste into my rectum. By now the intense burn somehow just translated into more pleasure. I was transported by my slave haze into a euphoric state where only me and my stallion’s shaft existed, erupting into a frenzy, loudly neighing to the amusement of the crowd. If my call of the ponygirl did not alert the spectators to my orgasm, the flashing red light above me announced my climaxes.

I do not recall how many times I came nor do I know if it was the ecstasy, my overactive slave heat, my slave haze or a combination of all of the above, but I rode a rollercoaster of climaxes one after the other. I suspect that red light was flashing more often than not as I existed in a female nirvana of orgasmic bliss. Alas, all good things come to an end and my horse cock attached to a stallion unloaded in my womb. He plunged it deep into me, holding it in place there, while depositing blast after blast of semen inside me before pulling out while Amy turned off the vibrations in the plug.

Once out he was led back up to my front for additional oral service. I do not know why but I wanted to suck on his slimy shaft, tasting the combination of our fluids as I cleaned him with my mouth. Looking forward I saw his cock still leaking semen. A strand started out as he lunged forward, once again missing my mouth only to rub his leaking cockhead from my ear to my mouth, leaving a trail of semen on my cheek. Once in my mouth I made quick work of it. I enjoyed cleaning him all the while savoring the yummy flavors until he pulled out and was led away as I chased his cock with my tongue and my loins burned for more.

Amy checked on me to see how I was doing. I nodded that I was fine and she gave me a quick drink of water while Sofia brought out the next stallion. Another volunteer came down from the bar area and greased his shaft. This cock belonged to a black stallion who was endowed with a large cock with a good sized mushroom head. His cock was not as thick as the base area of his predecessor.

“Semental has an Apadravya piercing. All your stallions are pierced today. The Apadravya, also known as the happydravya, stimulates the G spot, O spot and even the A spot in your vagina,” cooed Amy.

A spot? O spot? What’s that? I just learned I had a G spot a few days ago and now I also have an A spot and an O spot. Bring it on!

“This one will really hit your spots, especially with that big mushroom head,” whispered Amy. “Get ready for the ride of your life.”

Semental was all business immediately sticking it into my mouth and down my throat. For some reason I was really getting into sucking cock this afternoon once again taking his entire shaft down my esophagus as the crowd applauded my efforts.

Soon enough Semental was behind me rubbing the head on my opening while Amy once again jiggled my plug, turning on the vibrations while also redistributing the ginger paste. I now looked forward to the intense burning sensation when my body converted the pain to pleasure as I was impaled on the stallion’s shaft. His piercing also fueled my pleasure as it stroked my G spot. Calum and I were definitely having a heart to heart conversation about piercing his cock like this, I thought. Semental expertly hit my G spot, A spot, O spot and every other erogenous zone in my vaginal canal. The orgasm rollercoaster ride began anew as I quickly attained a state of euphoria. My slave haze returned me to my paradise of joyous rapture until he too unloaded deep within me.

What is it with these stallions—are they marking me as their territory? This one rubbed his leaking cock on my forehead to my right down onto my cheek leaving another semen trail on my face before I licked him clean. I swear Semental uttered a laughing whinny while leaving his mark on my face. After being bred by two stallions my legs felt like jelly as I tried to stand, assisted by Amy and another stable hand.

Once I had my hooves under me I was led back into a corner to wait my turn with Viande. Oddly, my slave heat was not sated, leaving me wanting for more. Something was clearly wrong with me. Looking up towards Daphne she smirked at me, blowing me a kiss while holding up her phone in her other hand while my cheeks reddened in embarrassment. The stable hand gave me another drink while Lindsey was secured on the bench.

Beth Simmons struck again, clearly having other plans for me. She asked, actually it was more of a demand, that I service the maid of honor while Daisy was being bred. The crowd approved. Next thing I knew she had that infernal pony twitch on my lower lip leading me to the maid of honor, a cute little Asian girl. The twitch painfully twisted my lip as I was forced to my knees and headed under her dress to perform my assigned task. Once under the dress Beth twisted the twitch releasing my lip so I could get to work.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a very clean and hairless wet pussy that really tasted lovely as I dove in. Yum! I dove in with a gusto quickly bringing her to the first of many climaxes. The cocks and now this kitty were extremely flavorful in a nice way. I had never before enjoyed these taste sensations like I was at the Breeding Bar Cafe. Somehow, the combination of my helplessness, my public humiliation, the Ecstasy, and my slave heat had made me into a frantically femme bimbo. What had gotten into me?

In the background I could hear what was happening while I did my best to worship this girl’s pussy. The cum deposited from the stallions started leaking out of my kitty almost immediately, dripping onto the floor below me. From the sounds Lindsey made and the crowd’s reaction the “Nun” took our slave sister’s advice of “just enjoy it” to heart. Hearing the call of the ponygirl repeatedly only added fuel to the fire smoldering in my loins as I knew I was up next for my “date with destiny” in the magnum-sized form of Viande.

The maid of honor was really nice. When Amy pulled me out from under her dress she leaned forward gently petting me on the head. She did not have to say, “Thank you,” to a slave but she did. I smiled back thanking her for acknowledging my humanity even with her juices smeared all over my face. I actually felt bad when I realized that I probably rubbed some of the semen off my face onto her thighs.

The nose twitch was attached once again and I was led back to the breeding bench. I saw Lindsey in the corner getting some water. Two semen streaks left on her flushed face. When she saw me looking her way she smiled, letting me know she was ok, followed by a playful wink of encouragement. Oh, boy. Was I in over my head? I could not believe that I was still feeling horny. My arousal level had been and still was off the charts driving me to want, no need more sex. I craved sex with Viande. I still had a high level of energy when I should be exhausted.

“How are you doing Spice?” asked Amy, checking my sex for moisture. “I’m not sure how you are doing this. You are still sopping wet. Just to be safe I am going to rub in more lubricant,” she advised, as I felt her apply a generous coating of lube to my vagina as it throbbed around her fingers.

Next thing I knew I was once again secured to the breeding bench for my final performance of the day. I was so ready for this as my slave heat consumed me.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a treat this afternoon. Viande will now breed the fuck bunny ponyslut, Spice,” announced Sofia, strutting to the font of the stage while literally leading Viande by the balls with a horse twitch.

Viande’s cock was perfection personified. It was large while not being excessive or misshapen. It was proportional, a thick girth, good length, nice mushroom head and rippling veins ran its length. I never thought I could ever describe a male penis as beautiful, but it just was as I stared at it longingly. What a slut I am.

“This is the horse cock that launched a thousand lady boners,” proclaimed Sofia, as she stopped right in front of me and started playing with Viande’s erection staring wistfully at it herself.

“Imagine how good that shaft will feel, thrusting in and out of you,” Amy whispered in my ear. “You are about to be ruined for life.”

Given the manner in which Sofia was fondling and looking at Viande’s shaft, I suspected she had a lady boner of her own wishing we could trade places. Daphne herself came down to rub the lubricant on Viande’s shaft, whispering in his ear while doing so. He snorted, nodding his head and stomping his right hoof when she was done.

“Easy girl, it will be any moment now,” cooed Amy, as I whinnied impatiently.

Sofia led Viande up to my head giving me an up close and personal look at this beauty. Upon closer inspection it had a big mushroom head, the girth for the entire length was almost as wide as the base of the first stallion. The large Prince Albert piercing intrigued me. How would that one feel charging up my cunt? Good I bet.

“Kiss the head and lick his piss hole. I do not want you sucking any of the lube off his shaft,” directed Sofia.

Viande’s head was warm and spongy. I just adored the smell, taste and texture of his cock. Giving it a big kiss I took his piercing in my mouth, pulling away leisurely before tonguing his piss hole around his Prince Albert piercing. I even grabbed the jewelry in my teeth and gently shook his cock from side to side like a wanton slut in heat. My motion resembled in some ways a puppy playing tug of war with a chew toy as the crowd roared in response. Grinning, I looked up into Viande’s eyes while holding the piercing in my teeth. He smirked down at me, his eyes said challenge accepted, as he snorted like a bull. Trying unsuccessfully to stick my tongue into his hole, I resorted to happily licking the head while exploring the Prince Albert. I am such a ponyslut in slave heat, I thought to myself with an embarrassed surge of glee.

Sofia pulled Viande away before he became over sensitized by my ministrations. As she moved him behind me into the mounting position Amy turned on my tail vibrator once again pushing some of the ginger paste into the walls of my rectum. This time the burning sensation was less severe as I whinnied in disappointment. Somehow my subconscious was looking forward to converting that pain into pleasure. I would soon have a bigger distraction.

A sense of elation enveloped me as I felt his perfect cock exploring the folds of my pussy seeking the entrance to my sex. My fiery loins needed that big shaft. He found my hole and pushed in, stretching me like I had never been before as the Prince Albert added to the stimulation running over my G spot and deeper into my A spot or was that my O spot? Was that “O” as in orgasm? It sure felt like it. Or at least what I suspected was a newly discovered erogenous spot. It felt good when he bottomed out. A sense of euphoria overtook me while the whole time I felt somewhat detached from my body. He rode me through a number of intense orgasms although in my slave haze it could have just been one really long one. The Prince Albert nailed my G spot on every thrust. Calum was definitely getting one of these!

I was trapped in a state of joyous rapture that I cannot describe with words as time stopped, holding me in a state of perpetual climax. I recall towards the end it felt like his violent thrusts were designed to knock me off the breeding bench but I remained in my euphoric state of mind. And then he was done. Viande walked around to my head leaving a semen trail from my forehead down between my eyes along the left side of my nose across the corner of my mouth and off my chin as I lay there gasping for breath while the audience applauded. I happily cleaned his cock, savoring the taste sensations of our mixed fluids.

Sofia clipped a chain to the Prince Albert on Viande’s slab and walked him away while I just lay there secured on the branding bench as the spectators cheered. When Amy released me I was unable to stand on my own volition as my pussy farted while cum dribbled out as I blushed in embarrassment.

“Nobody heard your cooter poot Spice. My microphone was off. Just about every ponyslut drops a pussy puff after Viande breeds them. Let’s get you up,” chuckled Amy, as I sighed in relief.

Two stable hands had to help me off the stand and into the back room while the crowd jeered to the general effect that I was a whore who was born to the collar. I was still in a daze, my pussy was sore and for some inexplicable reason I still craved more sex. The last thing I should want is more sex. Something was clearly wrong with me. Due to the collar I could only whinny pitifully as Amy led me back to Penny in the holding area.

“Spice, you did an incredible job for your first time here. I think the red light was flashing more than half the time Viande was using you. At one point it just stayed on. I have never seen anything like that. You Sandy Foot Girls are just incredible,” gushed Amy excitedly, clearly unaware that I had been drugged and also suffered from a recent bout of overactive slave heat. Had my overactive slave heat returned with a vengeance?

“Drink some water,” advised Penny, holding a bottle to my lips. I drank, quenching my thirst. She pulled it away to give some to Lindsey. When we were done she went to retrieve our bridles.

“Have a sugar cube,” offered Amy, holding one out in her outstretched hand. I neighed, shaking my head no, stepping back from her hand while Lindsey joined me in rejecting the sugar cube.

“Most fillies want the cubes to get the taste of semen out of their mouths. You don’t have to take it. I guess you Sandy Foot Girls prefer semen aftertaste,” giggled Amy, putting the cube back in her cargo pocket.

Penny returned and Amy put me back into my bridle, securing my bit back in my mouth while Penny put Lindsey’s bridle and bit back in place. Then Amy just held me there, rubbing my back and neck until I calmed down while telling me that I was a good filly and how proud of me she was the whole time as I whinnied contently basking in her praise. Another group of fillies and stallions entered the staging area for their turn at the breeding bench. Amy turned me over to Penny so she could attend to the new customers.

Penny was about to lead us out of the staging area when a tipsy Daphne walked in. She told Penny that Spice and Daisy had dates waiting in the Petting Zoo. Penny protested at first, claiming that she needed to get us back to the stable. Daphne wouldn’t take no for an answer. Penny finally capitulated, referring to Daphne as Miss Daphne once again. There clearly was a troubling history between the two as we were led over to the Petting Zoo, whatever that was.

(To be continued.)
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Re: Allison's Descent into Slavery Part Eleven; The Ponygirls Visit the Breeding Barn Cafe

Post by Carl Bradford »

I'm not normally fixated on pony play, but I have found this sub-story within Allison's Descent particularly well written and erotic. Let me also take this opportunity to acknowledge, again, how much Mr. Smith has assisted me in "Breeding the Pony Girl." We trade draft stories and plot ideas back and forth. You will undoubtedly recognize this Part Eleven as the origin of the ginger paste that Lois/Ginger got up her wazoo when she visited the Jameson Ranch in my part 06. Spoiler Alert: parts 08 and 09 of "Breeding the Pony Girl" take place in the Breeding Barn described by Mr. Smith here.
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Re: Allison's Descent into Slavery Part Eleven; The Ponygirls Visit the Breeding Barn Cafe

Post by jeepster »

Funny! As I was reading this story the first thought that came to me was that Lois would be at home in the Breeding Barn!
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