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The selective service slave part 4

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The selective service slave part 4

Post by mikey22 »

After mom got through doing her best to explain the transportation process to Misty.
The guy that the woman brought in. Was on the verge of drowning in slave spunk. With his ass all gapped out. The slave wrangler hooked a leash to his collar, and yanked him to his feet. Then chained him between the two slave studs. So they could continue to bully his ass. As they were led out on there walk of shame. Through about 100 different state employees. That watched the entire event through the transparent glass. That separates the processing area. And a cubicle farm.

A cleaning crew came in then. As the pissed off woman left. And that bastards clothes were swept up and trashed. They then sprayed the entire room down with foaming disinfectant. Of course he pissed and shit all over the place. While they broke his ass in.

“ Shit! It won’t be long now! “
Misty says to herself.

And then another nasty character comes through the door.

This one was like pig pen himself. With a cloud of funk, that just stunk up the entire room.

The slave wrangler behind him stayed about 10 paces behind him. Holding the slave taser on him. While he walks towards the counter. With court order in hand.

Yeah they didn’t want this nasty fucker to even ride in a car, from the courthouse. They made his ass walk.

He looks towards Misty.

“ Hey Misty. How’s it going? “
He said with a stutter. And drool running out of his mouth.

“ Oh my God! “
Misty said turning away from him to hide her face.

“ Please tell me he’s not gonna see me naked? “
She says to mom.

“ Who is that? “

“ That’s Rex from school! Shit! “

“ What’s wrong with him? “

“ He’s a fucking retard! “

“ You got a lot of nerve to be calling somebody that you know? “

“ Mom he’s legit! I was just faking it. So I could stay in an easy class. “

“ Yeah I always knew you were to smart for that class! “

“ I know right? “

“ I just hope they don’t put the two of you on the same truck together! “

“ Yeah that’s what I’m afraid of! I don’t want him near me! Especially if I’m naked! Look at those zits on his face! He’s so disgusting! “

“ I know he stinks! “

“ Yeah they made him go to the locker room one time. And forced him to take a shower. Then the girls in home economics had to wash his nasty clothes for him. You would think that would teach him to clean up a little. “

While he stood there at the counter. Handing Mrs. Sally his court order enslavement forms. He lets out this loud nasty fart. And shit his pants right there on the spot.

“ Maybe he thinks they won’t take him if he smells bad enough? “
Mom says wondering.

“ What the Hell would they do with him if they kept him? “
Misty adds.

“ Don’t be drooling on my counter!…Go wait by the door! “
Mrs. Sally yells at him. Before she picks up the phone.
She then makes a call. And two wranglers in hazmat suits comes and leads him outside. Where the fire truck was waiting.
They forced him to strip. Then stand against the building. While the firemen hosed his nasty ass down. The hazmat guys then sprayed him down with insecticide to kill lice. And anything else that was on his body.

While he’s gone. A woman walks to the doorway of the processing room. Looking out at Misty and mom.

“ Damn I know that woman! “
Mom says in a whisper.

“ Who is she? “

“ I don’t know! I just know her from somewhere before! Fuck! “

Mom was then about as nervous as Misty was.

Mrs. Lee Ann was quite a bit older than mom. So she fears she might recognize her from her slave days. Or the wanted picture they had on the bulletin board.

Then Rex comes in again. Wet but at least not stinking.

“ Oh shit! Look at the size of his cock! “
Misty whispers.

“ Yeah I doubt there gonna get rid of him. Not hung like that anyway! “
Mom said to her.

Rex comes closer to them.

“ You stay over there! Or I’ll kick your ass! “
Misty yells at him. Pointing to the chairs on the other side of her mom.

“ But I’m hard for you Misty!…Look at my big weenie! “
He then starts playing with himself. With drool still running down his chin.

“ Oh my God! This is so not happening to me right now! “

“ Next “

Mrs. Lee Ann yells out through the open doorway.

Misty looks at her. Then points at Rex.

“ No Honey your next. Come on back it’s not gonna be that bad. “

“ Shit! Here I go! This is so embarrassing! “
Misty mumbles getting up from her chair. Mom followed right behind her.
Rex gets up and moves to a closer chair. So he could look inside the room. There is no door or any kind of privacy. Especially from the cubicle farm where all the state employees could watch.
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