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The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:15 am
by mikey22
Misty and Rex’s cages were unloaded on what appeared to be a loading dock. The prosecutor and her little group were forced to kneel onto little mats next to the wall. There leashes they were all chained together in there little group. And there leashes were secured to what looked like a hitching post.
Other new slaves some caged others to were hitched to the post. When it looked like they had the bulk of the group secured. The slave wranglers dropped back and looked at the blonde. Prime minus graded and branded piece of pussy who was in the cage parked behind Misty.

“ Get her out! Let’s have a go with her! “
One of them said.

After unlocking the cheap lock her cage door was opened and by her leash she was snatched out. And drug across the dock and into a small office. With 8 uniformed wranglers. Including Steve. Through the open door. Misty watched as they all took out there cocks and proceeded to gang bang her sexy ass.

“ Holy shit! She didn’t even get a chance to recover from her previous fuck? “
Misty said to herself.
At least watching them was better than having to look directly at Rex. Who was drooling all over himself. Looking at Misty’s big tits. Hanging right in front of him.
So bad he wanted to fuck her. If only the cages weren’t between them.

The young Tv. Reporter and her crew also came in. Again filming the former public officials wishing she could interview them. To find out what they were feeling at the time.

Her attention was quickly drawn away. By a young slave handler who was escorting a naked elderly couple. Both looked to be in there 80’s. The woman was humped over shuffling along behind her walker. Her saggy tits hanging. The man shuffled along beside her. With his shriveled up dick.
They to were in the courtroom. Just sitting in. To watch all the stupid people who get themselves into stupid shit. They always was entertained by people trying to explain there stupid situations they got themselves into to the judge. Who would usually chew them out. And pass whatever sentence on to them. Never in there lives did they think they to would be caught up in a mass enslavement.
This was just unheard of.

The reporter watched as the pretty young slave handler as she showed the couple to a bench to sit on.
She walks over to investigate.

“ What’s the meaning of this? Are they really slave worthy? “

“ No not in my opinion. I’ve never seen anything like this happen before. I’m equally as shocked as you are. “

“ What good could they possibly be in a slave colony? “

“ I don’t see any. I’m gonna get them checked out by the paramedics. “

The couple just sat there shivering. And looked to be in a state of shock.

Feeling sorry for the elderly couple. There handler took off her jacket and placed it around the old woman.

“ There’s no way these two would survive a week at Natchez? “
The reporter said in a stressed voice.

“ I’m scared they won’t even make it through the evening. I’ll have to check with my supervisor after getting them checked out. Maybe there’s a medical exemption for them. The young girl said with hope.

“ You mind if I interview you? “
The reporter asks.

“ No not at all. “

“ What’s your name? “

“ Amber “

“ You look young. How old are you? “

“ I’m 23. “

“ To me you don’t look like the type who I would expect to be working for the slave office? How did you choose this as an occupation? “

“ I was taking agriculture in college. And was offered an opportunity to be an intern here. I liked it and applied for a job after college. “

“ You like it? “

“ Yeah it pays the bills. And has some pretty good benefits you know? “

“ This couple here. Obviously doesn’t belong here? What types of people does the judge usually enslave? “

Amber looks over toward the office and pointed to the blonde. That was getting all three holes at once.

“ Those types. Young naive pretty ones. That are profitable. Or well endowed guys that are truly bull worthy. “
Amber explained.

“ What about that one? “
The reporter pointed at Misty.

“ She looks to fat to be profitable? “

“ She’s one of the ones that got drafted. A diet of slave kibble. And her basic slave training will take care of that. She’ll be fine. “

“ Have you yourself? Ever spent any time in a collar? “

“ Yes I did a month in a collar. During my training. “

“ What was that like? “

“ It was scary. But it gives you the perspective of what a slave goes through. Being naked in a cage. And forced to submit to whatever your master or mistress challenges you with. Is an experience like no other.

You yourself is pretty enough. Why don’t you fill out the forms. Get undressed and try it for yourself? I’m sure your viewers would like to see you go through the process. You might even land yourself a anchor job on the nightly news? “

Amber stands back and looks the young professionally dressed woman over.

Holding her microphone she couldn’t help but blush a little. When she saw Amber lick her lips. In a seductive way of course.

She decided to turn the conversation towards a different direction.
And pointed towards the former prosecutor.

“ What will happen to Mrs. Myers and the others? “

Amber just points towards the office. Where the obnoxious blonde was being choked by the size of one of the guys big cocks. While taking it up the ass by another guy.

“ Really? What about me? What would you do to me? If I filled out those forms?”
She asks breaking out in a cold sweat. And feeling a sense of arousal that she’d never felt before.

About that time the blonde was drug from the office and was crammed back into her cage.

Amber then took the young reporters microphone and handed it to one of the camera men. She then grabbed the reporter and walked her straight into the office. From a desk drawer she brings out a form. And checks the self indenture box. And placed a pen on to the form right in front of her.

“ Sign it! “
Amber demanded.

The reporter looks down at the form.

“ What kind of people self indenture themselves? “
She asks curiously.

“ Idiots that can’t ever seem to get enough!…Sign it! “

She looks down at the form and pen. Her nipples hardened, her pussy starts juicing.

Her camera crew let out a gasp of shock as she signed the form.

“ Congratulations your now a slave. “
Amber said with an evil grin.
She slipped a collar around the woman’s neck. And proceeded to strip her out of her dress, bra and panties. She was then laid across a table. And had her wrists restrained to the table. Her sexy red pumps were snatched from her feet. And her ankles restrained.

Amber herself then stripped herself naked. And climbed on top of the woman. In the 69 position the two women eat each other out. Right there with the cameras rolling.
After they both had gushing orgasms. Amber dressed herself and rewarded the former news reporter with her very own rainbow ear tag. From her driver’s license she tattooed her inner lower lip. With her SIN #. She was then escorted out and put in line next to Mrs. Myers and the others to wait for transport.

Amber then looked at the rest of the Tv crew.

“ I’d suggest y’all beat it. Before the same thing happens to y’all. “

They didn’t have to be told twice. And ran towards the door.

By then it was lunchtime.
Steve, Amber and a handful of other wranglers clocked out for lunch.

When they returned an hour later. Rex and the reporter. The queer that was there just before Misty were all missing.

“ Hey what happened to those 3. That were here before? “
Steve asks curiously.

“ We shipped that queer lesbian and ugly retard off to New Orleans. “

“ Yeah but that’s where she was supposed to go? “
Steve pointed down at Misty’s cage.
He felt a sense of guilt cause mom paid him so much money to take care of Misty.

“ The truck was almost full when it got here! What is she to you? She’s just a slave! She can ride the barge tonight down to Natchez with the rest of these cunts! “

“ Shit! “
Steve said under his breath.
He decided to turn his attention towards other slave girls. To distance himself from Misty. Not wanting anyone to know anything about there arrangements.

A few hours later. When no one was around Misty’s cage. Steve returned and knelt down to her.

“ I’ll fill your mom in tonight on where your going. “
He then takes her paperwork from the side of the cage. With a red ink pen he drew a line from pleasure slut to exceptionally talent.

“ That’s the best I can do for you. Good luck to you. 1568. “
He put her paperwork back and walked away to clock out for the day.

The judges chambers earlier that afternoon.

After Judge Greens 3 martini lunch. And with time to cool off and reflect on his morning of anger. Where he enslaved the entire courtroom of people along with his own prosecutor and public defenders. And his clerk. He realized he had made a serious error in judgment. Especially with the election coming up the following November. This would still be fresh on the minds of the voters. He knew he had to make this right.

He even sat at his desk to write out letters of apology. To go with the paperwork to reverse the enslavements.
And you know apologizing is especially hard for a judge. There always right on everything you know?

But before he could sign the first form. Nature called.
He hurried off to his private restroom to take a much needed shit.

After wiping his ass. He stood from the toilet. When an assassins bullet shattered through the widow from above. The bullet goes right through his jugular. He hits the ground with his trousers and boxers around his ankles. He falls and bleeds out before help could arrive.

All the enslavements would stand. They all would suffer whatever fait. That slave world brings them.

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:13 am
by mikey22
Complete Chaos breaks out. In the courthouse. As an ambulance arrived. And paramedics worked feverishly to try to save the judge but it was to late. Police and swat team shut down the entire square as they hunted to find the gunman. Gunfire breaks out. As if it was a war zone. Bullets from what seemed like a machine gun from above. The leaking tanker truck was still in front of moms office. With enough fuel in it to take out the entire block.

“ Shots fired!…Shots fired! We need back up now! “
Police yells into there radios. All ducking for cover.

The swat team takes up positions around the square and engaging the shooter. With there own gunfire.
It would be known as the Siege of Whorisville. Which hadn’t seen action like this since the Civil war. The gun fight lasted for almost an hour.

Tear gas and flash bombs were launched into the old historic building. An armored vehicle from the National guard was brought in. A mortar was launched into the building where the gunfire was coming from. The building erupted in flames. From the roof the gunman appears again. And is shot from behind by one of the sharp shooters. His body tumbled through the air. And he hits the sidewalk with a splat.

The firefighters were then on the scene to extinguish the flames. Before the entire block could catch fire.
It was soon discovered that the gunman was the spouse of one of the women that got enslaved that morning.
So not only had there been the wreck that closed the square that morning. Now it was a crime scene. And would be taped off with yellow crime scene tape. For days so the authorities could get there investigation done.
As stated before nothing moves slower than government. So if you had a court date that week or any other government business to tend to you might be in luck. But for mom and her real estate office. She was shut down. Along with all the other businesses. And along with all that. The pony girls were also depressed. Not getting to pull the wagons around full of tourists. Which they enjoyed doing.

Back at the slave office.

By 5:00 Mrs. Lee Ann. Mrs. Sally with the help from mom. Had all the new slaves processed and waiting transport to Natchez.

In the corner of the room there was a mountain of discarded clothing. And boxes of women’s purses and valuables.

“ Well I guess our work is done for the day? “
Mrs. Lee Ann said with a smile.

“ Mrs. Jones I do really appreciate you helping us out today. And try not to worry about your daughter. She’s in good hands. I’ve sort of noticed that the girls that return from service like she’s going through. Always comes back better than they were when they left. “
She said in an encouraging attitude.

“ What about all this stuff? “
Mom asks looking at all the clothing piled up in the corner.

“ The cleanup crew will take care of it. They’ll go through it pretty good. Take what they want. And either trash or pawn whatever is left. “

Mom walks back to Lee Anns office to change back into her own blouse. While she was in her bra. On Mrs. Lee Ann’s cluttered desk. She spots that same black and white picture of her younger self. Mrs. Lee Ann sees her looking at the picture.

“ Does she look familiar to you? “
Lee Ann asks.

Mom shakes her head. As she reached for her blouse.

“ Wait a second! “
Lee Ann said picking up the picture.
She then put her glasses on and studded the picture and looks at mom again.

“ Take off your bra for me one more time.”

Mom reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.
Another chill of total fear comes over mom. As she stands there top less. While Lee Ann compares mom to the picture of mom from decades before.
Her pussy starts to moisten. With the erotic fear of being caught looming over her.

“ She favors you in a lot of ways. “
Lee Ann says looking moms dressed body from the waist down.

“ You look good in those Gucci high heels. I got three pairs of them myself. I’ve taken from the rich cunts that’s came through here before. “
Lee Ann said looking down at moms feet.

“ You sure you don’t know this woman? She might be a relative of yours? “

“ No mam. “
Mom says sincerely.

“ Get dressed. “
Mom puts back on her bra, then her blouse.

“ What you gonna do this evening? “

“ I’m gonna go have myself a drink. “

“ That sounds good. You deserve a drink. “

As mom put on her coat. And picked up her purse and boots. Mrs Lee Ann hands her the picture.

“ Take this with you. And think about it. If you think you know her. She’s got a $5,000 reward out for information that leads to her arrest. “
Mrs. Lee Ann informs mom.

“ I could always use another five grand. I could put it towards my own slave fund. “
Mom says with a smile.
Lee Ann and Sally walked mom out of the office. They locked the doors to the slave office.
And mom makes her way to her car. Breathing a sigh of relief as she lights herself a cigarette. And thinks back on the days events.
It was then time to go get that drink. Cause she damn sure needed one.

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:23 pm
by Johnny Lawrence
I was wondering if that news reporter was going to get herself enslaved somehow. I figured she'd go back to try and interview the judge, and just end up pissing him off. Looks like she didn't even have the brains to avoid enslaving herself though. And all it took was being ordered to sign it by a girl fresh out of school!

Any idea how long her self-indenture is for? Did the reporter even read it?

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:21 pm
by mikey22
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:23 pm I was wondering if that news reporter was going to get herself enslaved somehow. I figured she'd go back to try and interview the judge, and just end up pissing him off. Looks like she didn't even have the brains to avoid enslaving herself though. And all it took was being ordered to sign it by a girl fresh out of school!

Any idea how long her self-indenture is for? Did the reporter even read it?
She didn’t read it. She was just told to sign it and she did. No telling how long the self indenture will last. I think she might be one of the types that can’t make her mind up. She’s got a career and a life. But secretly she’s always wanted to be a slave. So all she needed was a little push in the right direction.

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:08 pm
by Johnny Lawrence
mikey22 wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:21 pm
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:23 pm I was wondering if that news reporter was going to get herself enslaved somehow. I figured she'd go back to try and interview the judge, and just end up pissing him off. Looks like she didn't even have the brains to avoid enslaving herself though. And all it took was being ordered to sign it by a girl fresh out of school!

Any idea how long her self-indenture is for? Did the reporter even read it?
She didn’t read it. She was just told to sign it and she did. No telling how long the self indenture will last. I think she might be one of the types that can’t make her mind up. She’s got a career and a life. But secretly she’s always wanted to be a slave. So all she needed was a little push in the right direction.
She *had* a career and a life.

Does the person who convinced them to sign the paperwork get a cut of the sale? It seems like that would give Amber the incentive to give people that last little push. I wonder how long voluntary enslavements can last.

Edit: As far as the old people go, what happens if nobody buys a slave? It seems like after a certain age, health care costs would just eat you alive.

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:33 pm
by mikey22
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:08 pm
mikey22 wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:21 pm
Johnny Lawrence wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:23 pm I was wondering if that news reporter was going to get herself enslaved somehow. I figured she'd go back to try and interview the judge, and just end up pissing him off. Looks like she didn't even have the brains to avoid enslaving herself though. And all it took was being ordered to sign it by a girl fresh out of school!

Any idea how long her self-indenture is for? Did the reporter even read it?
She didn’t read it. She was just told to sign it and she did. No telling how long the self indenture will last. I think she might be one of the types that can’t make her mind up. She’s got a career and a life. But secretly she’s always wanted to be a slave. So all she needed was a little push in the right direction.
She *had* a career and a life.

Does the person who convinced them to sign the paperwork get a cut of the sale? It seems like that would give Amber the incentive to give people that last little push. I wonder how long voluntary enslavements can last.

Edit: As far as the old people go, what happens if nobody buys a slave? It seems like after a certain age, health care costs would just eat you alive.
Amber gets incentive pay for going over and beyond her usual duties. I think of it sort of like a sales position. Though Ambers not in sales. But she can use her skills to persuade people she runs across who might be on the fence. About an adventure into slave world.

The old couple. There going for the ride. But most likely be cut free for medical reasons.

Sorry the story is taking so long.
I’m caught into watching this damn war that’s going on. It’s consuming a lot of my free time. That I usually using to create this exciting adventure into slave world.

Re: The selective service slave part 9C

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:59 am
by Johnny Lawrence
Oh don't worry about how long it's taking. You're doing a great job. I think everybody is busy with other stuff at the moment.