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Went West - Part 2b

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Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

(This is the ending part to Part 2, I had to rewrite it a few times to get it like I wanted it. Not much sex, but it advances the plot.)

I didn’t get much sleep, and awoke groggy.

Tossing and turning, what little sleep I got was disturbed by dreams of sex — submissive sex with men who had complete power over me. One time it was my soldier boyfriend and I was back in Central America, another time it was Master David, and yet another time it was that gross dickhead Nicolaides, laughing at me and calling me “Barbara Walters” while I licked his hairy balls.

Conditioning taking effect? Pre-existing inclination? Both?

Unlike my fellow slaves, I did not masturbate each night, or actually at all since I’d been enslaved ( Enslaved! I will never get used to saying that). I rarely do in any event, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to do it on-camera, but if I’m going to make it through this I’ll need to get some rest, and to get some rest I’m going to need to make an exception soon…

My head was killing me because of the caffeine withdrawal, but at least my ass didn’t hurt — Marta was a God-damned miracle worker. Wished I had a mirror to see the bruises.

Our morning drill was a rerun with a twist: while we did our mantras (I Will do Anything to Please my Master, Everything I Do is to Please my Master) Marta rolled out some more equipment boxes and set up more posts like the ones yesterday with the rubber dicks, but these were more along the lines of, er, tripods I guess? The last thing Marta did was go to each tripod and affix atop it a prosthetic vulva.

On some level, I had to know this was coming.

Sure enough, we knelt one at a time in front of each plastic pussy, and once we were in place Mistress Stefania (who looked as rested and in-charge as usual - the slut probably has access to coffee) gave the order for Back Elbows, meaning we all crossed our arms behind our backs and grabbed our forearms as close to our opposite elbow as possible.

For some reason, instead of facing the bleachers like we did last time, we now had our backs to them.

“Rest your chins on the ledge underneath each dummy, then on my command you will begin licking the anatomy in front of you in a pattern of outer-inner-up-down…”
While Stefania was droning on, I checked out the soccer moms of the Coffee Club.

They had a new member: a curvy little blonde with glasses, wearing mismatched yoga pants and athletic top, a TSTC hooded sweatshirt, and Chuck Taylor high-tops.

I had to give Amy an “A” for effort, but I really should have told her she could expense some new clothes.

In spite of her dress sense the women had clearly opened up to Amy and invited her to join them; interestingly, Amy was seated next to the blonde lady with the bolted-on tits who was always staring at me. I very much looked forward to Amy’s report.

Amy herself was staring at me too, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open, probably shocked at what I was about to do, in public, in front of a bunch of strangers.

You and me both, kiddo, I thought, you and me both.

Then a sharp pain in my right butt cheek, accompanied by a muffled pop (and my own yelp), and Mistress Stefania telling me, “Eyes ahead, F2.”

The whistle blew, and I started licking and sucking the plastic pussy like my ass depended on it, which in a way it did. I could hear Mistress Stefania walking along behind each student, critiquing their performance: “Not so fast, slow down,” “First up and then down,” “Don’t bury your whole face in it, you’ll suffocate.”

When she got to me, I slowed down and started licking the folds very ostentatiously, sometimes sucking on the hard plastic nub of the clitoris, other times using my lips to massage the outer labia, basically being as creative as I could, for two reasons: first, by not following directions I would get a degraded score, which should help keep me behind Vanessa for the Emerald or Ruby or whatever it was she wanted, and second, because I wanted to see how Stefania would react.

I expected her to either verbally correct me like the others, or give me another pop with the whip and then verbally correct me like the others.

She did neither. She stood behind me, watching. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was there, so I put on a show for her, going way over the top with every dumb thing I could think of, like writing the alphabet with my tongue.

She watched for a while, slowly tapping her coiled whip on the side of her leg, then said, “Next time follow instructions, F2, but I like the enthusiasm. Good job,” and walked on.


After “lunch” I expected us to go outside to do some more drilling, because that’s what we always do, but instead we were lined up and marched to the front of the school, to the closed-off section next to the reception area (the place where we’d first been let in to the school). It was a decent-sized room with plastic chairs, small tables, and steel rings bolted into the walls and floors.

Master David had arrived, and began linking chains from our collars to rings set in the floor in front of each chair. Marta brought in some pads for us to kneel on.

When we were all secure, he went through the door to reception, and a few minutes later Mistress Stefania escorted in the college-age young man I had seen with Vanessa on the shuttle bus, and showed him to the chair placed in front of her.

He sat down, looked at Vanessa - naked, collared, chained, kneeling before him - for a moment, then spoke: “Mom, it’s good to see you. How are you?”

“Oh sweetheart!” She replied, almost gushing with happiness. “I’m so glad to see you too! Thank you for coming. I’m doing well, it’s mostly what I expected so far—“

The rest of their conversation was drowned out when the door opened to admit more visitors: an older white man with a mane of white hair who was wearing a sport jacket with elbow patches for Ariel, a nervous little blonde girl for me, and for Tracy and Rhonda…

Master Green, the man who had completed our transport to New Mexico. He strode over to the two of them unescorted, pulled up a chair between the two of them, and sat down like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Amy sat down in front of me, smiled and cringed slightly at the same time, and said, “I’m sorry Frankie, they wouldn’t let me bring in food for you—“

“I was kidding, Amy,” I said. “Don’t take everything I say seriously. But what are you doing here? I thought visitor day was Friday?”

Amy’s eyebrows shot up, and she whispered: “Um, today is Friday, ma’am.”


Amy nodded. “I’ve been researching methods and protocols for schools like this, and one thing I know is that they deliberately mess with your sense of time and day, to heighten uncertainty and make you more dependent on the trainers. For example, that’s why the routine is exactly the same every day, but they start and stop at different times without you knowing it, so you might have lights-out at 9pm one day and midnight the next. No outside light gets in to the building, and no clocks as you’ve mentioned, so you don’t know if the evening is genuinely running long or if that’s just your perception, and it makes you doubt your own judgement.”

She looked at me to see if I wanted her to go on; I nodded. “One of the results is it makes subjects miscount days, so they get surprised on visitor day. It’s reported pretty commonly.”

A look of concern crossed her face. “How are you doing? Are you physically okay?”

I shook my head. “I’m okay. Got a whipping last night, but nothing I can’t handle —“

Amy shot to the edge of her chair. “You got WHIPPED?” she hissed, her eyes growing large.

I turned slightly so my back was to her, and showed her my ass. “Yeah, only eight strokes, far less than fucking Nicolaides gave me, although they hurt in a different way. Does it look bad?”

Amy knelt down and touched the flesh of first one, and then the other of my cheeks. She ran her fingers in lines across each globe, then said, “Raised welts, red skin with some early signs of bruising, but no blood or broken skin that I can see. I guess they’ll fade in time.” Amy slapped her forehead: “You don’t have access to a mirror, do you?” She pulled out her phone and quickly took several photos of me (mostly my backside but some full-body ones too), then showed me my own ass.

Sure enough: looks like I’d sat on a Weed Whacker.

Also, I noticed that Amy running her fingers along my skin had given me goosebumps.

She sat back down, and as I turned around I snuck a look at Tracy and Rhonda: Green had taken off his boots, Tracy was massaging one of his bare feet, and Rhonda was sitting facing him, legs spread, holding his other foot while she ran his toes over her vulva. He watched her, smiling (which was actually kind of unnerving), clearly relaxed and enjoying himself.

It’s good to be the king, isn’t it?

“How are you handling everything?” Amy asked. She seemed genuinely concerned. “I’ve seen the uploads, of course, but I saw you in the yard this morning, and it was very different to experience it in person.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I’m not going to lie to you,” I said, “It’s incredibly humiliating, if I let myself think about it — which I don’t. I do my best to concentrate on what’s happening in front of me, and other times I’m thinking about the story. How did it look?”

“Um, well,” Amy stammered, “I’m not going to lie to you: it was pretty hot. The others thought so too. Are you having any, um, sexual activity inside the school?”

“No, at least nothing that’s not simulated. Why?”

“The ladies told me about that, too,” Amy said. “No sex and limited physical contact the first week, but starting with week two…”

“Before you tell me any more about the True Housewives of Albuquerque,” I said, “Can we talk to Marla?”

“Oh! Yeah, sorry, just a minute,” Amy said, and dug around in her bag for a data pad. She fiddled with it for a few minutes, then said, “It’s ringing now. I’m patching it through to your earpiece, and here’s a mic.” She handed me a little silver disc, and mimed putting it up to my throat. “Speak as quietly as you want, the mic will amplify it for her.”

A couple of clicks, and I heard the low voice coming from the throat I’d spent the past week or more dreaming of ripping open with my bare hands.

“Frankie, darling, how are you holding up?” Marla said, appearing on the screen from her office.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” I shouted, hoping to blow her eardrums out.

Amy nearly dropped the data pad, and everyone in the room turned to look at us.

“Sorry! Sorry, everything’s okay, really.” Amy said, looking around. “Sorry!”

The room returned to their conversations, except Master Green, who let out a deep-chested laugh.

Marla resettled her earbuds, straightened her jacket, then said, “I knew you’d be upset-“

OH YA DID, DID YA?” I said, in a slightly lower voice.

“Look, I know you’re unhappy about this, and I sincerely hope you’re not suffering too much; Amy will be monitoring you closely to make sure no harm comes to you-“
“You know what would be better than that?” I said. “Getting me the FUCK out of here.”

“Well, Frankie,” Marla said, “Here’s the thing. I don’t actually have control over that, the network does: you belong to them, not me. And they are very happy with what you’re producing, I think one of our biggest advertisers wants to sponsor your whole time in obedience school outright, so financially-“

“I don’t want to hear about the network right now,” I fired back. “I want to hear about why you, Marla Patterson, experienced news professional, allowed one of her reporters, a reporter investigating the - by her own admission - notorious for disappearing people slave transport business, to be turned into a slave by an heiress to effect her own escape.”

I took a deep breath. “What the fuck, Marla? I know we’re not friends, but seriously, what the fuck? Do you owe Linda money, or is she paying you?”

It was Marla’s turn to be surprised. “What? What on Earth are you talking about, Frankie?”

“You know what I’m talking about. I told the whole story to Amy and I know she told you, it’s why Linda swapped places with me in that truck. She’s a displaced heiress who had to escape in order to reclaim her inheritance.”

Marla paused for a long moment before she spoke.

“And you believed her?”


(Part Three is in the works, and includes a LOT more sex, and a surprise for Frankie. Don't miss it!)
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

Oh Shit! Did really just end it there? Part three better be coming soon. That's like Superman rescues Lois Lane then the credits roll.
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Hooked6 »

WOW! This installment was packed full of goodies. I admired the concept of “Visitor’s Day.” Having family or friends allowed into the facility to check on their loved ones wasn’t something I thought about but it really humanizes the whole concept of slavery and Slave Training and adds a touch of realism as well as being a tool for Frankie to have face to face contact with her handler. I also was very intrigued about the revelation that the HCI staff messes with their trainee’s sense of time and dates. Both ideas were INGENIIOUS.

I also really loved the interaction with Frankie and Marla. Such tension and suspense. Who is lying to whom? LOVE IT.

I also had to laugh that you have made frequent apologies for the lack of sex in your recent chapters. Sex isn’t everything, ya know . . . LOL. The plot, the escalation of tension, the mental erotic visuals; the complexity of your characters are all worth more than a paragraph or two of standard sex, not that I would complain about its presence in your story, mind you. I guess I am saying not to worry too much about the sex part. Just write from the depths of your imagination. Your story is BRILLIANT!

If you wouldn’t mind a little suggestion. I would truly, absolutely LOVE to see Amy having fun watching Frankie’s humiliation and the degrading things she is put through on this journey. A little teasing goes a long way and is oh so thrilling. Here is an accomplished reporter basically shaming herself in front of an upstart coworker. What could be more humiliating than that? It would be great if you'd enhance a little of that if the opportunity presents itself. There is nothing more erotic to me than a woman getting pleasure off another’s woman's suffering or being put in her place – it so real life.

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gary »

Very good, really liked the story. Loved the idea of them screwing with the trainees sense of time, I have read its sometimes used in interrogations.
I'm not sure about the idea of Visitors Day. For the story it works since it allows Amy and Marla to interact with Frankie. It would also work in slave training that doesn't result in enslavement, like getting a better grade. But if the trainees are to be enslaved, I would think keeping them cut off from friends and family would be part of the process. But on the other hand it could be used to show the F+F as well as the trainees how far they have fallen, enforcing their new status.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Mr. Smith »

I am really enjoying this series and the plot twists as they occur. To be honest I was hoping you would have Brooke and Kenzie back for more, either in this series of stories or in a separate story line. Just making a request since they will need to be slave graded again since they were purposely scored low and are clearly prime from your description of them. They likely would be more shocked by the grading, auction process and further indoctrination as sex slaves due to their limited life experience. Thanks.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

orflash64 wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:25 am Oh Shit! Did really just end it there? Part three better be coming soon. That's like Superman rescues Lois Lane then the credits roll.
Working on it now - Frankie has no idea what's about to hit her!
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Hooked6 wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:16 am WOW! This installment was packed full of goodies. I admired the concept of “Visitor’s Day.” Having family or friends allowed into the facility to check on their loved ones wasn’t something I thought about but it really humanizes the whole concept of slavery and Slave Training and adds a touch of realism as well as being a tool for Frankie to have face to face contact with her handler. I also was very intrigued about the revelation that the HCI staff messes with their trainee’s sense of time and dates. Both ideas were INGENIIOUS.

I also really loved the interaction with Frankie and Marla. Such tension and suspense. Who is lying to whom? LOVE IT.

I also had to laugh that you have made frequent apologies for the lack of sex in your recent chapters. Sex isn’t everything, ya know . . . LOL. The plot, the escalation of tension, the mental erotic visuals; the complexity of your characters are all worth more than a paragraph or two of standard sex, not that I would complain about its presence in your story, mind you. I guess I am saying not to worry too much about the sex part. Just write from the depths of your imagination. Your story is BRILLIANT!

If you wouldn’t mind a little suggestion. I would truly, absolutely LOVE to see Amy having fun watching Frankie’s humiliation and the degrading things she is put through on this journey. A little teasing goes a long way and is oh so thrilling. Here is an accomplished reporter basically shaming herself in front of an upstart coworker. What could be more humiliating than that? It would be great if you'd enhance a little of that if the opportunity presents itself. There is nothing more erotic to me than a woman getting pleasure off another’s woman's suffering or being put in her place – it so real life.

Hooked6, thanks for your long response! (I love when you do that) I'm pressed for time, but wanted to respond to two things:
One, I'm glad you get the sex thing: I'm trying to build tension (among other things) and it seems to be working.
And two, I think you're going to enjoy Amy's evolution! She won't stay a mouse for long ;)
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

gary wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:13 pm Very good, really liked the story. Loved the idea of them screwing with the trainees sense of time, I have read its sometimes used in interrogations.
I'm not sure about the idea of Visitors Day. For the story it works since it allows Amy and Marla to interact with Frankie. It would also work in slave training that doesn't result in enslavement, like getting a better grade. But if the trainees are to be enslaved, I would think keeping them cut off from friends and family would be part of the process. But on the other hand it could be used to show the F+F as well as the trainees how far they have fallen, enforcing their new status.
Thanks gary! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I think your points about visitation are right, and a serious place like (say) Roman House would never permit it for the reasons you mention, but I figured other schools would have different philosophies. And you hit the other reason (status change) right on the head.

Plus, like you say, it was ideal for the character interaction :lol:

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Mr. Smith wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:25 am I am really enjoying this series and the plot twists as they occur. To be honest I was hoping you would have Brooke and Kenzie back for more, either in this series of stories or in a separate story line. Just making a request since they will need to be slave graded again since they were purposely scored low and are clearly prime from your description of them. They likely would be more shocked by the grading, auction process and further indoctrination as sex slaves due to their limited life experience. Thanks.
Hi Mr. Smith! I'm glad you're enjoying this strange twisty story.

TBH I hadn't thought about continuing on with Brooke and Kenzie, but now that you mention it... I'm getting an idea.

Great, now I'll put THAT on my to-write list too! THANKS A LOT :lol: :lol:

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by imreadonly2 »

From Joe, who was inspired by ViSITOR'S DAY.

Vanessa Kensington Longworth had scheduled her two weeks of slave training when her husband was in Europe and her son was in college, so she was very surprised to learn that she had a visitor. She was even more surprised - and horrified - when she realized it was one of her son's friends from his days on the High School football team.

Amrar? Abuna? What was his name? Something weird. Her son and his friend had always just called him Bin Laden.

"Don't be shy, MRS. LONGWORTH," the young man said, saying her name with mocking respect as the humiliated MILF tried to cover herself with her hands. "Come over and kneel down in front of me, display posture."

Vanessa glanced back at the trainer holding the whip. The last thing she wanted to do was expose herself in front of this swarthy, grinning teenager, but he was a free man, and she was a slave girl, or at least, a slave girl in training, for six more days.

"That's a good little slut. You're pretty when you blush. Now spread your legs a bit more. I want to see that hot slave pussy of yours, now that it's shaved all nice and bare."

Feeling her face turn even redder, Vanessa complied.

"That is one hot little snatch, MRS. LONGWORTH," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm at the formal mode of addressing the slave meat in front of him. "Nice collar, too. You are deliciously fuckable."

"What are you doing here? How did you know that..."

"That you were getting slave training? Your son Steve was in the 7-11 I work in about a month ago, and he was talking to your husband on his phone. Asshole never even looked at me, or said hi. He treated me like shit when we played together, too. I heard his call, and I knew you'd be in slave training in September, after he left for school. Said it right in front of me, like I wasn't there. So racist he doesn't even think I exist. I've been searching every facility in town looking for you. I was hoping you were as fuckin' clueless as Steve, and wouldn't put any restrictions on the visitors list."

"What do you want?"

"For starters, you can roll on your back, spread those long legs, and rub that hot slave snatch of yours until you come. Then when you're done, and I get some film of your pussy hole twitching so I know you aren't faking it, you can suck my cock."

"Fuck you!" Vanessa snapped. "I am not pleasuring myself while some dirty sand monkey takes pictures of me!"

The smiling teenager motioned the trainer over, and he used his phone to film all the action as the trainer laid two bright welt across Vanessa Kensington Longworth pampered white bottom.

"That's it! Rub your slave snatch. Get it all nice and juicy, like a good little slut. Steve has lots of friends, and I'm going to make sure everyone of them sees this."
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by GreyRose »

Very nice development, nice building of mystery. I am also appreciating the side plots you have going. Marta the in-house slave is a beautiful plot device that allows for you to add a wild card element into the otherwise pre-planned training schedule.

One item I took notice of, is the soccer mom brigade. Why are they so interested? I'm wondering if the school pads its bottom line by selling tickets so that the slaves have some real live pussy to practice with? The ladies might be marking down their preferred pets to request for their visit.

Please keep it up, we're all waiting on the next part - week two.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gentlemanmariner »

imreadonly2 wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:09 pm

The smiling teenager motioned the trainer over, and he used his phone to film all the action as the trainer laid two bright welt across Vanessa Kensington Longworth pampered white bottom.

"That's it! Rub your slave snatch. Get it all nice and juicy, like a good little slut. Steve has lots of friends, and I'm going to make sure everyone of them sees this."[/i][/b] :oops:
Tell Joe I said "Goddamit, I wasn't planning on writing anything today!" :lol:

"Yeah, I'm just a sand monkey to you, MRS. LONGWORTH," the young man said, "And here I have to help my uncle in his convenience store by working as a lowly clerk. But in my country, my father is an important man, MRS. LONGWORTH."

Vanessa could see the light on the phone he was aiming at her clean shaven vagina, video recording every stroke of her fingers as she juiced up in front of a boy her son's age, kneeling on the grimy floor of a slave school visiting room, naked with a trainer smiling at the red stripes on her ass - the ass that cost her husband thousands and thousands of dollars to keep tight and trim.

"Oh yes, in fact he is an important man in the Interior Ministry," the boy continued, obviously enjoying the distressed look on her face. "So important that he could have important papers created for me like that-" he snapped his fingers. "For example, I could get him to create a title of ownership in my name for one Vanessa, Kensington, LONGWORTH. How do you like it?"

He pulled out a folded piece of paper, shook it open with one hand and showed it to her while she rubbed herself - she almost stopped and gasped. All of the writing was in a foreign script, but her name was prominent along with a cropped photo he must have stolen from her country club's website. But it looked very official, with an embossed seal and everything!

"You can't..." she whispered.

"You know, here you like to say that "Possession is nine-tenths of the law," he said, smiling even wider. "In my country, possession is ten-tenths of the law. There is no extradition for slaves, even wrongfully-enslaved ones. Nor would there be any problem with selling such a slave in the market to whomever I wished. All I would have to do is get you there. That's enough juicing," he added, "let us see you finish now. Perhaps I can help with more visual aids?"

The young man set down the title, withdrew two more items from his jacket and showed them to Vanessa. "This is a certificate of import, and this is a ticket for a cargo flight this very evening to my home country. Note the name on each one."

Of course, it was hers.

"I think my father would like you, and would probably keep you to himself until he tired of you, and then he might give you to one of my other uncles, like the one who is a camel herding Bedouin in the great desert, is missing one eye and several of his teeth, and only bathes twice a year. Or he could give you to his police barracks, so you could entertain the troops. Or he might just sell you, to recoup the price of your plane ticket. So many possibilities."

Vanessa was having a hard time getting aroused, but she tried, fearing the consequences.

"Sir," the young man called over his shoulder to another trainer, "Would you please prepare a transfer crate for my slave here?"

"Please, don't do this!" she hissed.

"There is only one thing lacking to make the title legal and complete," he said, steadying his phone while he drew one more item out of his pants pocket and showed it to her. She stopped and stared at it, horrified.

"Yes, it is the crescent moon of Islam with a star connected inside, all in once piece and formed of cast iron. Very well made, is it not? I will ask the school to heat it up on the end of a long rod, and use it to brand your lovely white bottom." He returned it to his pocket.

His smile disappeared, and his voice lowered: "I did not tell you to stop."

Vanessa immediately resumed rubbing herself. "Please, master," she pleaded, "Tell this slave what she can do to avoid being branded and shipped tonight?"

"I'm glad you asked, MRS. LONGWORTH," he said, his smile returning. "You would simply have to agree to serve as my personal slave from time to time, in your own lovely home or in places of my choosing, such as a party thrown by my fraternal organization."

"But first, I would need to receive one HELL of a blowjob."
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by imreadonly2 »

From Joe: One nice story volley deserves another!

Vanessa Kensington Longworth watched in horror as the swarthy convenience store clerk unzipped his pants and fished out his wormy, pecker, already erect from the spectacle of watching her disgrace herself for his entertainment. "Get to it slut!", he said, smiling down on her. "Can't have you rubbing your juicy little twat all day, especially when your master needs pleasuring!"

With great reluctance, Vanessa knelt before the hateful young man, who at 19 was no older than her son. "I'll do this. ONCE. One-and-done. Then you get out of here and I never see you again. Deal."

"Seal it with a kiss," he said. "Kiss off the seed on the end of my dick. Give it a little lick, so you get a taste of what's coming."

Vanessa, fighting nausea from his earthy, unwashed dick and his cheap cologne, obeyed, wrinkling her nose from the odor. Although it was only a couple of drops, his disgusting pre-cum was as foul as he was, and she made a face at the taste of his salty bitterness.

"Ha, ha! There's plenty more where that came from, Princess. Now get busy, and give me a world class hummer, before I tell the slave monger to lay a few more stripes on that shapely white ass of yours."

Vanessa glanced over at the slave monger, who was grinning as he watched her humiliation unfold. She wasn't sure if this was merely part of her training, or if he might really let this teenager ship her overseas for a suitable bribe. Her husband could sue for damages, of course, but under The Uniform Slave Act he'd likely get her sales price, and perhaps some compensatory or punitive damages. She would still be sold, sucking some camel herder's dirty dong, unless her husband could buy her back.

Could he? Would he? Or would he sigh, and take the money, and buy himself a hot Pleasure Slut instead? A number of Vanessa's friends had bought Pleasure Sluts for their husbands as part of their midlife crisis. The joke among her friends was that slave pussy was the new sports car.

"Concentrate, girl! Move that tongue around. I want ACTION! Shit, didn't they teach your dumb white ass nothing?"

Regaining her focus, Vanessa closed her eyes and concentrated on the task at hand, twirling her soft, wet tongue, around his cock head, teasing the slit with her tongue, and rubbing the underside of her cock head ever so gently with her lips, using all the tricks she had learned practicing with the plastic cock in slave training. It worked well, for although her eyes were closed tight in concentration, he could feel his posture relax, and hear him groan with pleasure, as he became puddy in her hands.

Or maybe not. Seeing her eyes were closed, he gently slid his phone out of his pocket, and began to film the MILF's enthusiastic cock sucking performance.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

So what's on the horizon?
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Mr. Smith »

gentlemanmariner wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:09 am
Mr. Smith wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:25 am I am really enjoying this series and the plot twists as they occur. To be honest I was hoping you would have Brooke and Kenzie back for more, either in this series of stories or in a separate story line. Just making a request since they will need to be slave graded again since they were purposely scored low and are clearly prime from your description of them. They likely would be more shocked by the grading, auction process and further indoctrination as sex slaves due to their limited life experience. Thanks.
Hi Mr. Smith! I'm glad you're enjoying this strange twisty story.

TBH I hadn't thought about continuing on with Brooke and Kenzie, but now that you mention it... I'm getting an idea.

Great, now I'll put THAT on my to-write list too! THANKS A LOT :lol: :lol:
Great news. I am really looking forward to the continuing travels of Brooke and Kenzie. Looking forward to them being auctioned and subsequent service. Our heroine Frankie, in an earlier episode, promised to investigate their shady enslavement. Will she follow through or has she forgotten her promise due to her current circumstances. It would be interesting to see what they are like when they complete their period of slavery or if they are rescued. It would be really interesting to see if they receive therapy from "Nikki" of "Slave Psychology" fame. Thanks for all you do.

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

Gentlemanmariner, so are you doing a major rewrite or having writer's block?
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

It's been over thirty days since your last post, what is causing the abrupt stop? Is it writer's block, a rewrite or unsure of which direction to go?
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

Gentlemanmariner, I was looking over last story post last July, it's been awhile. Now I'm starting to worry something might have happened to you. My whole state has been on fire this summer, that got me to thinking what the situation is where you live. Did you have to pick up and evacuate?
And another question, all the modern slave stories use the metal high tech slave collar in almost all the stories, but no one ever uses them. You wrote a good motivation lesson for Frankie when she gets spanked by the Cargo supervisor to get her to do her slave duties. But are any slaves going to get a shock for disobeying? It seems the trainers just love to use the leather strap.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Mr. Smith »

I have noticed in the stories posted in Literotica that one author will use characters that originated in author's stories. Is there any coordination amongst authors using the same slave society and slave laws? I am about 18 pages into a story and wanted to use another character that I have seen used in multiple author's stories. I also wanted to use established terms such as slave yoga and titles and descriptions of the various slave yoga positions along with an established auction house for the sale of two characters along with the in processing and preparation of slaves for sale. My story involves criminal justice involved individuals who become criminal enslavements that includes their back stories, court hearings, brandings, court ordered corporal punishments, victim and police retribution sessions, their outcomes to include sale at auction and then what becomes of them. I have for main character slaves with outcomes that range from happy to unpleasant. What advice can you give me? Thanks.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by gary »

Welcome Mr. Smith, an as for your question about coordination, well sort of. I was first introduced to the, as I call it, Slave Grading Universe through Joe Doe's story "Slave Grading Do's and Don't's" We exchanged some e-mail's discussing the rules of slavery, and that was where I came up with the idea of a Slave Chip. However I think there are less rules than authors simply taking up previous ideas, and adding their own if they wish. Since slavery might be mostly worldwide, one can have slightly different rules in each country, or region. Katamaran789's story "Marie's Slavery Adventure" has the UK as being the only European country legalizing slavery, which is fine. Me and Joe Doe operate on the assumption that slavery is worldwide, but its up to the author to decide their own rules, and taking what they want from previous stories.

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Carl Bradford »

I have only just found your Went West series, and it's as finely tuned as your other writing. Thanks for letting us see your creative plotting and character development. You've told us that Frankie is in for a big surprise, which I'm sure is necessary for the plot and character, but she and the other slaves seem like good people, so I hope she regains her freedom eventually! Well done, as always.

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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

Carl, as it was explained in the story, Frankie was assigned 6 months of Slave Training, and the other slaves in the story, at most is 6 years.
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by Mr. Smith »

I am still learning how to navigate this site and just found these messages. I am writing a story in the Slave Grading Universe with the main character slaves all entering enslavement via criminal conviction at trial or via plea agreement. I have one draft story fragment describing the state of the slave grading world that Carl was kind to review. He made some suggestions and I rewrote it. Not liking the rewrite I am going try again and then post here. I would appreciate any feedback. I recall your Westbound series discusses criminal enslavement with a Select grade red head a criminal slave. I will review that story again. I am trying to make the slave world in my story as consistent with other authors as I can. I will need to think about the slave chip.

I am waiting with bated breath to see what happens to Frankie. Hoping to see some really humiliating and painful experiences as she completes her six months of slavery.


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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by orflash64 »

Hey Gentlemanmariner, your last story post was last July, it's almost Halloween.
What's happening to Frankie?
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Re: Went West - Part 2b

Post by jeepster »

I am with orflash64! Its been too long !

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