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Went West - Part 5

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Went West - Part 5

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Went West - Part 5

This part is pretty much all sapphic sex. It's also a bridge to the next part: here I'm setting up the major events that will take us into the finale.

“You all did very well yesterday,” Master David said, addressing Fish class as we knelt on the grass, still slightly damp from the morning dew.

“You were all obedient and submissive, doing what you were told without resistance. You are all well on your way to becoming good slaves.” He swept his gaze across us. “And as I promised, you will be rewarded.”

I really could not give a shit about any “reward” (though I suppose I was a little curious as to what they considered a reward for a group of naked sex slaves), so I wasn’t paying any attention at all.

Instead, I was having a silent conversation with my assistant producer Amy, some distance away in a hotel, fully clothed, enjoying coffee and bagels in the privacy of her clean, comfortable room.

The skank.

No, no, I don’t mean that. I’m just still pissed off about yesterday, that’s all. Amy’s a good kid.

“I had no idea he was your ex-fiancee,” Amy said. “Weird, huh? How are you doing?”

“Not good, not after what he said about negotiating with my bondholder. What the fuck does he mean?”

“I’m not sure: as far as I know your bondholder is our employer, CNS, and I know they’re not going to sell you. I talked to Marla yesterday, and she said that the first episode of your transport series was a hit with the test audience, and more sponsors are lining up - it looks like it’s going to be a big moneymaker for CNS, so you’re way too valuable to let go. In fact, I think they’ve got some new stuff for you in development. Still…”

“Still what?” I asked.

“Marla mentioned that she was working with the news agency to give you a new contract. I assumed she meant your journalist contract, but maybe she has something else in mind?”

(At this point my stomach started tying itself into a knot.)

“Does Marla have the power to sell my indenture?” I asked.

“From what I understand, no, she does not. But let me check in to it,” Amy replied.

“Something else I want you to check out: how are the tickets for Field Days handed out? I was under the impression that they’re assigned randomly, so figure the odds that the very first dick in my mouth belonged to my old boyfriend.”

“I’ll find out,” Amy said. “Speaking of odd, when I told Marla that I would be there in person yesterday, she told me to keep alert because something interesting might happen.”

“Well that’s not suspicious at all.”

“Ha, yeah, no kidding. Like you said earlier, it’s really super-duper double odd that a guy living in Florida would suddenly show up in New Mexico for an ordinary slave viewing. Almost like someone told him to be there. I’ll look into that, too.”

“Thanks, kiddo,” I replied, and I meant it.

“Speaking of suspicious, y’know that lady Leslie, the one who invited me to the Coffee Club? She’s been really nosy lately, asking me lots of questions about my home life, what I think of domestic slavery, what my husband is like, and I’ve been giving her answers from the cover story we came up with. But now she’s asking questions about you.”

“What kinds of questions?” I asked.

“Who you are, why you’re here, what kind of slave you are, why I only seem interested in you, stuff like that,” Amy replied. “Since my cover story didn’t include you, I wanted to ask you if what I did was okay: I said you’re an old family friend, we grew up together, I love you like a sister and I’m keeping an eye on you for your family. Your family got in over their heads in medical debts, you had to lease yourself on a private sale to cover for them, and your new owner sent you here.”

“I like it. Totally ordinary and understandable, plausible so no one is likely to question it. Nicely done. We’ll make a reporter out of you yet.”

“Thanks,” Amy chuckled. “Leslie’s kinda getting on my nerves - she’s always asking me about my home life and what I want out of slave ownership and stuff - like she’s a salesman on a car lot. Really high pressure. I think—“

Dammit, F2,” Mistress Stefania shouted, “Clean the jizz outta your ears and get over here!

I scrambled on all fours to the line of slaves, fit in to my usual slot between Ariel and Vanessa on slave fours, and Mistress Stefania gave my ass a pop with her whip.

Eh, I earned that one.

“This will be your first opportunity to have an orgasm on company time, so make the most of it,” Master David said. “First place finisher in each round gets a treat, and moves on to the final round. Odds, get in position.”

Since I hadn’t been listening I had no idea what to do, but apparently Ariel did: she scrambled around behind me. I looked to my right and saw Rhonda and Janet dropping down to Gratitude position (head down to the ground, hips raised and spread, arms stretched out in front, palms down) so I did likewise.

A whistle blew, and the next thing I know I feel Ariel’s fingers rubbing my outer labia. I gasped - this was kinda weird, and the first time any of us had touched one another sexually since we started.

Now I wished I had paid attention.

Ariel moistened her fingers with her saliva, then lubricated my labia before trying to insert a finger into my vagina. I grunted as she did so - I was not aroused at all, so this was going to be tough on both of us.

I heard a slight crunch and looked up to see a pair of highly polished boots standing in front of me. Master David squatted down and stroked my hair with surprising affection.

“I’ve been watching you, F2,” he said, quietly. “You’re the only one of the six who is never aroused. You don’t show any physical signs like hard nipples, you’re never wet — at least not that I’ve ever seen — and you don’t masturbate. As beautiful and sexy as you are, it’s obvious you’re going to be a pleasure slut. And you showed potential at the last Field Day. What are we going to do with you?”

I should probably say something, I thought.

“I’m sorry, Master,” I said. “I will try harder.”

“Remember,” he said, placing a hand on the side of my face, “You’re in this no matter what, so you might as well make the most of it. Find whatever it is that turns you on, and enjoy yourself whenever you can.”

David walked away, and tried to concentrate on relaxing and loosening my pussy for Ariel. That worked about as well as you imagined it would, so I thought back to the last time I had really been turned on.

It was back in Central America. I’ve already told that story so I won’t go over it again, so I’ll just hit the highlights: being captured, tied up and stripped, led by a rope around my neck through a huge throng of jeering soldiers, eyeballed by slavers loading slaves into trucks, kneeling like a prisoner in front of a handsome officer while he decided my fate, hoping he would help me before his slave-hungry commander returned to overrule him — I had never been more insanely turned on by anything in my entire life.

I felt Ariel’s finger slip into my pussy, then another.

“That’s it, Frankie,” Ariel whispered, “keep doing whatever you’re doing!”

The second time was when I was on the side of the highway, having been stripped and collared and chained to a coffle, after the treacherous Nicolaides beat my ass with a strap until it was bright red, and he ordered me to give blowjobs to a pair of random tourists. Kneeling on the gravel, every inch of my body exposed to the traffic passing by, the other slaves jeering and calling me “sister,” taking orders, performing a sex act under threat of punishment, fearing what a sadist like Nicolaides might do to me - that was also a crazy turn on. And right now, I was feeling kinda good.

“Oh yeah, baby,” Ariel said. I felt her fingers withdraw; I jumped a little when her tongue took their place.

Oh my god.

My breathing picked up, and I started to squirm a bit. In my peripheral vision I think I saw Master David get Mistress Stefania’s attention, then nod toward me with a raised eyebrow.

I thought about yesterday. I was so angry and humiliated and hurt by seeing Jared that I hadn’t really given much thought to the rest of the day. If I had, I’d have realized that it was also kinda hot. Even that hugely fat guy was a turn on - not because of him, he was a disgusting pantload - but because when I was free I was way out of his league, but now I had to shuffle over to his chair like a peasant girl before a throne and debase myself on his tiny dick, under the watchful eye of Mistress Stefania (who occasionally tapped my bottom with her rod — just to remind me to keep focused on the task at hand). The crowd cheered and shouted out all kinds of insulting things at me, calling me slut and whore and skank and chubby-chaser and fat hag and I don’t know what else. It was so embarrassing — no, it was humiliating, and yet I kept doing it like a good little girl.

Not having a choice is kind of hot.

And all of the others: grandpa with his nest of curly white pubic hair, the young guy wearing a mechanic’s shirt and work boots who smelled like motor oil, sweat and masculine musk and had one of the nicest cocks I’ve ever seen, the suburban dad who gasped out “Lauren” several times while he came, the skinny gangster-esque Latino dude who laughed and called me guera and puta while he slapped my face, the beer-bellied asshole with the running commentary who made me lick his gross hairy balls…

All of it captured on multiple video cameras (some of which I control but most of which I don’t), enforced by a uniformed bitch with a whip who seems to really like punishing me, while my co-worker and lifeline Amy stares at me, helpless to intervene, with her mouth open and her legs closed tight and rubbing together.

Ariel gave me a hard spank on one butt cheek.

Stars. I see stars. Skyrockets in flight. Fireworks going kaboom.

When my vision returned, I was on my side in the grass. Ariel was rubbing my back and shoulders, and the two trainers were standing in front of me: Master David was clearly suppressing a grin. Mistress Stefania looked like she smelled a skunk.

I sprang back into Gratitude position and mumbled an apology. Neither of them said a word, but before they turned back to the others Master David tossed me a Scooby snack.

I ate it like it was the greatest thing I’d ever tasted in my life.


Wait: what the fuck is a fat hag?


Like I’ve said before, I’m not gay. But Ariel had just given me one hell of an orgasm, so I felt like I owed her, if nothing else out of basic politeness.

As you probably surmised, I won the first “heat.” We switched for the second, so I was performing cunnilingus on Ariel, and hopefully make her come first, too.

She’s a very attractive young woman, with a great body she keeps tuned up with yoga and swimming: small breasts, flat belly, wide hips, thigh gap, all that stuff that college-age women are supposed to aspire to, but also with a largish (but firm) booty. No tattoos, which surprised me given her age, but maybe she avoids them because they don’t show up very well against her dark brown skin? I should ask her. Just as well - her skin was soft and flawless, much nicer than mine, and Marta made sure to slip her some moisturizer each night after lights-out, so up close she felt and smelled wonderful.

The only thing marring her appearance was her hair: Stefania had torn off her woven-in wig when we first arrived, and her poor close-cropped head was only just now starting to recover. Her hair cover was still patchy, but given a couple more weeks she’ll probably be even all over.

I think she’s adorable.

We’re the closest in age of the six slaves, and our cages share a common wall (a row of bars, really) so we’re becoming friendly. We’ll laugh at stuff together and make silly jokes after lights out, and the first time she jilled off I heard her whisper "Deiondre” — there’s no way the old white dude she’s indentured to is named "Deiondre,” so I’ve been teasing her about that.

All of which is to say that if I have to munch a carpet, all things considered I’d rather it be hers.

When the whistle blew I started off the same way she had with me, fingering her gently at first but then with more force until she started to lubricate. But she wasn’t responding as well as I did, and I started to get a little flustered.

Mistress Stefania appeared next to me. “You can’t go straight at this, F2,” she said, “You have to work up to it. Let me walk you through it…”

And she did, giving me step-by-step instructions on how to turn Ariel on with my fingers and my voice (“Talk to her, F2, even if it’s just saying Oh yeah a lot - women like the connection”), then she pointed out some of the signs of Ariel’s arousal and how to know when it was a good time to transition to using my lips and tongue.

“You’ve had plenty of practice on the plastic pussies, just remember what we showed you there.”

Stefania was being strangely encouraging to me - it was starting to make me nervous.

Another item off the ol’ bucket list: tasting another woman’s vaginal fluids. I thought Ariel’s were kinda sweet, and I liked licking her very smooth inner labia (unlike the rest of her, the insides of her vagina were a bright pink!), and teasing her clitoris with my lips. I also liked the intimacy, and I liked Ariel, so it was nice. I just wish it wasn’t out in a yard while a bunch of other people watched us.

Before long Ariel started curling her toes, and wiggling one of her feet.

“Reach around with your left hand,” Stefania whispered, “and tweak her nipples.”

I did so, and that was it.

Ariel shuddered, moaning and gasping a little, then slumped forward onto her elbows. Instinctively I planted a kiss on the lower curve of each of her butt cheeks, then started rubbing her back like she had done for me.

Unfortunately Ariel came in a close second to Vanessa, through a combination of Vanessa’s own extensive slave yoga preparation and Rhonda’s unexpected skill.

I smiled at both of them, and mouthed “Congratulations!”: Vanessa beamed back at me. Rhonda shrugged.


“The final match is between F2 and F3,” Master David announced. “Changes from the previous rounds: one, this will be conducted in a modified sixty-nine position, with each of you lying on your side. Two, the first one to cum loses; this is to teach you that you should always do your utmost to make your mistress cum — remember, you must never cum before your mistress unless she orders you otherwise. And third, the winner will have any existing demerits removed from her record, and awarded extra points toward winning the Excellence Diamond.”

Oh yeah, that’s that award-thing Vanessa really wants. So as they say in the boxing world, I decided to take a dive.

We got into position, and I cocked up one leg so Vanessa could gain access to my crotch. I like Vanessa, too - she’s actually a very nice person who just got afraid when things went a little off-plan, and her mind jeopardized her future. I can’t blame her for being scared in a system designed to break your willpower and independence and, well, scare you. And if I’m being honest, I hope that when I get to be her age that I look half as good as she does.

I heard some shouting coming from the area where Bird Troop had been assembled to watch us. “Everyone stay where you are,” Mistress Stefania said, and both trainers walked over to see if they could help whatever was happening.

“Hey Vanessa,” I said, my face inches away from her lovely smooth pussy (another personal first - a crotch conversation), “I meant to ask you, that first guy you did yesterday? It looked kinda like you knew him. Did you?”

Vanessa laughed. “Yes, I did, in a way. He’s in my son’s circle of friends. I’m not sure how he learned about me being here, I’m certain that Brian didn’t say anything to anyone - he’s always been very good at keeping secrets, even when he was little. But I’ve seen him around the house when the boys were growing up, so we are acquainted.”

“What was that like?” I asked. “Y’know, being submissive and performing sex on someone who knew you from before you became a slave?”

“In this case, it was actually not bad,” she replied. “Raine is a good kid, he was always very nice to me, and setting aside the fact that I’m his friend’s mom, it is flattering that a handsome young man literally decades younger than me actually tracked me down just to get a blowjob.”

We heard the crack of a whip, and Vanessa flinched.

“They’ve got one of the white girls strung up in the ‘X’ position under the covered area, and Steffie is laying in to her,” Janet observed, quietly.

“It looks like a bullwhip to me,” Tracy added. “I wonder what she did?”

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I hope she’ll be okay,” Vanessa muttered.

“So did he say anything to you?” I prompted Vanessa, to get her mind off the whipping.

“Oh yes, that he’s a social media influencer these days,” she replied, brightening. “I guess lots of people claim to be, but he showed me his StopWatch account and he has over nine-hundred-thousand followers, and I have to admit that he was wearing much more expensive clothing than when he used to hang around my kitchen eating breakfast cereal.”

“So you were okay with it?”

“Oh yes. On the contrary, I found that kneeling, naked and collared and mute, in front of a boy I used to tell to get his feet off my furniture, to be really arousing. The role reversal was… interesting, and when I looked up at one point and saw him smirking at me exactly like he used to when I would scold him? I’m telling you, I actually had a little orgasm. All-in-all, I enjoyed it, and so did he. Who knows, he may post the videos he took of me for his followers, which would certainly help my brand - he said I was the first GMILF he’d ever seen in real life. But if it had been my useless ex-husband? That would have been a completely different story.”


I’m not going to do a play-by-play of the final match; let’s just say that I used every trick I could think of to make myself cum, and was as clumsy as I could be with Vanessa without getting caught. So to everyone’s surprise but mine, I came first. It wasn’t as hard an orgasm as I had with Ariel, but it was still pretty good. No such thing as a bad orgasm, right?

The trainers gave lots of praise to Vanessa for a job well done, and I got to kneel with the others and smile. My good deed for the day.

At one point when Mistress Stefania wasn’t looking, Master David flipped me another Scoobie snack. I caught it in my mouth, and looked up at him; he winked and turned back to what he was doing.

That afternoon we began training in punishment protocol, which at this point meant learning various positions for taking beatings and drilling with them until they became rapid and fluid. The evening was the usual routine of chores, cleaning up, and prep for sleep. The girls from Bird class were participating in clean up now, and I started looking for an opening to talk with one of them during chore time, which was the only time we came near each other unsupervised.

I noticed that only five girls participated in chores; the sixth (the one who was punished) was nowhere to be seen.


Lights out like normal. I started to chat with Ariel like I often did, when the door to the trainer’s quarters opened, sending a narrow flood of light into the dark cavernous school.

Mistress Stefania made her way to my cage, opened it, and crooked a finger. I shed my blanket and crawled to her; she clipped a leash to my neck, drew me out, and I followed her, heeling like a good girl, to the lighted open door.


Passing through a little day office, we emerged in a room I recognized from Marta’s videos — it was the same one I had seen Janet in just last night.

Stefania led me to the far side of the room, where the carpet ended just before a long couch against the wall. She flipped up a corner of the rug to reveal a metal ring sunk into the concrete floor.

Down, F2 ,” she ordered. I went down on my knees before the ring. Stefania put the end of the leash through the ring and tied it, leaving me tethered to the floor.

Mistress Stefania pulled up a bench, sort of like an Ottoman foot stool, and sat on it, facing me.

“Based on your performance today,” she said, “It’s clear that you need remedial training in cunnilingus. Did you know that in Albuquerque more than half of all slaves are purchased by women? It’s true, and there’s no better way to make a good impression than a skilled tongue. Here’s the deal: I’m going to teach you what to do, you do it, and if you do it well I won’t whip your skin until it sloughs off in a heap. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress,” I replied.

Really, what else was I going to say to that?

“But first,” she continued, “You need to understand the stakes.”

She reached behind her to the couch and picked up a thin cane, made out of bamboo or something like it. She waved it through the air, and it made a faint whistling sound.

“I’m going to set a timer to five minutes. You have that long to bring me to orgasm. If it takes you longer, then every full minute of over time will result in one blow from this cane on your sweet little slutty body. Any questions?”

No, I thought. It’s obvious that you’re inventing a reason to cane me, so let’s get this over with.

“No, mistress,” I replied.

“Good. Now take my boots off.”


“Six blows altogether,” I told Amy the next morning. “I’ve got thin welts on my ass that are turning purple as we speak, and they still hurt like hell.”

“Dammit, I hate that bitch,” Amy said over the link. “Are you sure you don’t want me to do something?”

Us Fish (Or is it “we” Fish? No idea, that’s why I stay out of print journalism) were already out doing our warmups when the Bird girls came outside to get started. Still only five of them.

“Like what? Call the cops because a trainer beat a slave? No, we’re on to something here, maybe more than one somethings,” I said. “We’ve gotta play it cool.”

“Okay, it’s your skin, we’ll play it your way,” Amy replied, unconvinced. “On the bright side, eleven minutes from start to finish, on a woman who clearly does not like you, is not bad. You should be, well, kinda proud.”

“That bright-side-ism of yours is gonna get you killed some day. Have you heard anything from Her Majesty?” I asked.

“Well, I’m impressed even if you’re not. And no, the last thing I heard from Marla was that she wanted to talk to you on the next visiting day.”

“Fabulous. Any news about the Coffee Club?”

“Not as such, but Leslie invited a bunch of us to her house this Friday night. It’s supposed to be a sort of wine-tasting party. I don’t really want to go, but—“

“Go,” I said. “She invited you for a reason, see what it is. Did you ever find out what she does for a living?”

“She’s a realtor,” Amy said. “But the regular money supply is her husband: he’s the local district attorney.”

“Interesting. One more thing: see if you can find out what happened to the sixth girl in the new slave class. I haven’t seen her in almost twenty-four hours, I’m wondering if she went off to the doctor like Janet did.”


That night I got to visit Mistress Stefania again. I managed to whittle my time down to ten minutes, so I only got five cane blows on the backs of my thighs.
This time she pulled off her own boots and pants while I watched.


“I have no idea,” I said. “Other than that she’s a sadist who likes having her pussy licked.”

“But why you?” Amy asked in my ear, as I and my fellow trainees sat and watched Vanessa (now the star pupil) being instructed in the finer points of giving blowjobs; I’m sensing another Field Day coming up. “Why not one of the others?”

“Because with me she gets whole package: good oral sex, an outlet for her sadism, and she gets to do both to someone she doesn’t like. I can’t imagine that bubbly, friendly little Tracy would be nearly as much fun for Stefania.”

“Well it’s bullshit,” Amy said.

“Welcome to journalism,” I replied, then glanced at something I caught out of the corner of my eye.

“Huh, Master Green is here again,” I said. “I wonder why he keeps showing up?”

“That is a bit odd,” Amy replied, “I know he’s a supervisor, but only over at the HCI Market, not here at the school. As far as I can determine he has no managerial authority over the trainers at all. What’s he doing?”

“Talking to one of the Bird class trainers, the older one. From the frowns it looks like an unpleasant conversation. See if you can find out anything.”

“Sure thing. And, uh,” Amy hesitated, “You know you don’t have to call him Master when it’s just you and me, right?”
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by Carl Bradford »

Excellent plot development. I hope that, eventually, the character of Stefania will become clearer--here, she appears as a pure sadist, yet if I recall in Part 2B she was playing slave to the other trainer--is she a switch, or secretly submissive so she punishes the slaves because she wishes she were in their shoes, or what? As always, your characters are so complex (yet believeable) that I have obly a vague notion of where you're headed. I hope that Frankie emerges from this network of people apparently plotting against her. Well done--please keep going.
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by orflash64 »

The plot thickens. I know you are getting to it, but has Frankie been fucked even once yet? It just seems unlikely that a sex slave hasn't been mounted even once in all this time.
What is the Bird group? Remind me.
You're so good with the twists and turns of the plot. It's one of the best stories I've read this year. When this story ends, might the character continue on in another story? :thumbup: :?:
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A picture is worth a thousand words, a picture of a beautiful nude lady, priceless.

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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by gentlemanmariner »

Carl Bradford wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:58 pm Excellent plot development. I hope that, eventually, the character of Stefania will become clearer--here, she appears as a pure sadist, yet if I recall in Part 2B she was playing slave to the other trainer--is she a switch, or secretly submissive so she punishes the slaves because she wishes she were in their shoes, or what? As always, your characters are so complex (yet believeable) that I have obly a vague notion of where you're headed. I hope that Frankie emerges from this network of people apparently plotting against her. Well done--please keep going.
Thanks Carl! Good memory, too: she does indeed play both side of the street. We'll find out why in the next installment; it's partly what you suspect, and partly something else.

In the next part, Frankie starts to fight back, Amy asserts herself, and treachery is revealed as well as an unlikely ally. I can't wait for you all to read it!
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by gentlemanmariner »

orflash64 wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 9:09 pm The plot thickens. I know you are getting to it, but has Frankie been fucked even once yet? It just seems unlikely that a sex slave hasn't been mounted even once in all this time.
What is the Bird group? Remind me.
You're so good with the twists and turns of the plot. It's one of the best stories I've read this year. When this story ends, might the character continue on in another story? :thumbup: :?:
Good question: on the one hand, I'm surprised it's taken anyone so long to ask it, but on the other hand I'm not surprised that it would be you, orflash :lol: - your interest and anlysis is certainly gratifying!

I've kind of alluded to it, but the short version is that each obedience school has their own idea of what their goals are and their own theory of how to achieve them. This one believes that obedience = getting a slave to do what you tell it to with a minimum of force/punishment. So they do things gradually - first getting used to taking orders and doing embarrassing stuff, then public punishment, then public oral sex, then public vaginal sex, then... you get the idea. So the trainers are more-or-less following the program. Don't worry, Frankie is about to get railed :D

I should have been more clear about the groups: the school does a weekly intake of six students, and organizes them into "classes" that they name after the repurposed signs from the old Petsmart. So Frankie's class is the Fish class (she's F2, a.k.a. Fish Student #2), the class that just started this weekend is the Bird class (students numbered B1 - B6), and the class after that will probably be Dog class, then Cat class, then they start over again. Frankie and her group happened to start at the end of a cycle after the school had been shut down for cleaning and repair, so there was no one ahead of them.

Yep, I like Frankie and Amy too, and they figure prominently in my next big story!
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by GreyRose »

Great new chapter! As always great character development with so many directions you might take things.

I'm suspecting that Stefania is following her own plan for training Frankie, and may prove to have been more supportive of our heroine than it appears. And I'm thinking that Amy better watch her ass before she gets closer to the action than she ever thought she would.

I wonder how close my read will be to how the story unfolds. I'm looking forward to seeing how things go.
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by Mr. Smith »

I suspect Amy better watch out with Leslie. There has to be a reason her husband was identified as the local district attorney.

It appears that some of the individuals are being brought in to boost the ratings for the show. Ex boyfriend and a son's childhood friend just happen to show up and are randomly selected for service with the slaves they know. I suspect there are more such matches that have yet to be revealed. Marla or someone else with the show have to be behind this. Just my best guess and I could be wrong.

Taking Orflash's query to its logical conclusion does that mean the graduation final will be a rotating airtight?

Another enjoyable read that has me sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next instalment.
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by Hooked6 »

Besides the obvious plot development, I must say that I am intrigued and more than interested in Mistress Stefania. She is something of an enigma. You haven managed to give her a depth and complexity for what "appears" to originally have been merely minor player; just another character playing the role of the cliché Dom. But, she has also demonstrated a softer, more realistic side to her in the way she instructs and encourages certain slaves that allows the reader to see she is just an ordinary person and that gives her depth. That said, however, often in the same chapter, she demonstrates a very erotic cruelty that reveals her dark side. All this happens with the undertone of something much more sinister and foreboding in her purpose that takes her beyond merely a professional using all the psychology available to produce a well-trained slave.

It's that "unknown" that intrigues. It's not what she does but how your write those actions that is marvelous.

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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by orflash64 »

Was Frankie set up to be enslaved even before she even knew about the special report assignment? Did she cross someone way back that they had a vendetta against her?
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Re: Went West - Part 5

Post by gentlemanmariner »

orflash64 wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:34 am Was Frankie set up to be enslaved even before she even knew about the special report assignment? Did she cross someone way back that they had a vendetta against her?
Nope, I'm afraid not. One of the themes I had in my head for this story is that power corrupts, and power over slaves doubly so, therfore things had to be more gradual and not predetermined. It'll become clear what I mean in the next installment, which is nearly finished.

GREAT idea though! In fact, in between finishing the next chapter of Went West I've been writing a one-off that features exactly that idea. Hopefully it will be up shortly after Part 6.

I plan to have Part 6 (which is either the next-to-last or the next-to-next-to-last part) up by Monday; I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that it's taking longer because I'm having too much fun describing Frankie's humiliation during Field Day! :twisted:
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