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Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

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Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

Foreword: Due to RL stuff I couldn't write for a while. When I got back to it I didn't like what I had originally written and came up with a different development instead. It took me a while to get back into it and I hope i haven't changed or forgotten anything substential. A short recap: Marie was attending Slave Yoga classes as preperation for a dinner with the American Ambassedor to the UK, where she will pretend to be her Bosses slave. This (and the next) Chapter will show the events of the last weekend befor that dinner.


Marie's Slavery Adventures Part five

Anna noticed a change in Marie's (Ref.) behavior. They had only worked together for a few months so she couldn't say for certain, but Marie seemed to have gotten calmer and more temperate. In the past, she would complain to Anna when Frau Albrecht filled their schedules with more work than they could reasonably manage, but this week, which was worse than ever, Marie didn't seem to mind. She worked late on most evenings as she went to the Slave Yoga classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays and besides being her usual cheerful self, she would do the extra work without complaints and happily accept any further request Anna or Frau Albrecht threw her way.

Frau Albrecht noticed too. And she didn't hesitate taking advantage of her subordinate’s newfound eagerness to comply. She often asked Marie to make coffee, bring her lunch and other menial task she otherwise would have done herself.

One day Frau Albrecht was discussing a report with Anna when she called: "Marie, would you be so dear and get us some coffee?", across the office. Marie instantly replied with a "Yes, Ma'am" which made Frau Albrecht chuckle while quietly saying: "I should get you both some training, it really does wonders to your productivity", to Anna. Anna laughed at the comment. It was a joke, she thought. Afterall Marie wasn't doing slave yoga because Frau Albrecht wanted her to be more compliant but rather because they needed it for an elaborate ploy to gain the US ambassador’s favor. At least that's what Anna hoped it was.

Marie herself also noticed that she had become more willing and eager to do her coworkers biddings, but she didn't mind. She came to terms with her submissive tendencies and tried to look at it positively. If it made her more productive and liked by her coworkers there’s no downside to it. She knew she had to be a careful about how far she took it though. Mixing personal fantasies with work is usually a bad idea, but she was also excited that she could embrace these feelings, woefully aware how privileged she was being able to do it in a safe manner in this country where practically everyone was out trying to enslave, and profit of weak-willed girls like her.

At home, Marie regularly did some slave yoga while watching TV. Her new favorite show about the crime solving slave was on. In the latest episode, Marie watched the protagonist's former coworkers get together to buy the detective-slave after she uncovered that her owner participated in a money laundering scheme. She was still being treated like a slave, kept at the station by her coworkers but could also do detective work when she wasn’t busy. Busy meaning restrained, in her cage or used for sexual relief by her friends. Marie was getting into the show, despite the plot being very silly (Ref.).

After her being late the last time has resulted in embarrassment, Marie took a bus earlier to guarantee she'd make it in time. And so, she found herself waiting on her own in front of the Slave Ready Schools closed doors waiting for the others to arrive. Marie wore one of her favorite summer dresses as the day began without a cloud in sight. However, around midday a few clouds started to form and after waiting for only a few minutes, rain started pouring down. It didn't take long for Marie to be soaked through, her airy summer dress adhering to her body leaving little to the imagination (Ref.)]. Rain was so rare this time of the year Marie didn't even bother checking the forecast nor to bring an umbrella. There was no escaping the rain, nothing to stand under and the building didn’t have any doorbell. Luckily, it was still fairly warm and not too windy, so Marie decided she'd just endure in front of the Schools entrance.

Then, without any warning, the door swung open. Marie waited for someone to come out, or a voice to greet her, but there was nothing. She looked around if there was anybody else who could have opened the door, but she was still alone. Slowly and carefully, she made her way inside the school. As soon as she crossed the doorsteps the door feel shut behind her. She found herself in the closed off section in front of the lobby. The way ahead was blocked by a closed glass door. Like the last times she was greeted by a computer-generated voice.

"Welcome … Marie … Please leave your clothes in the box to your left and wait in the lobby".

Marie didn't want to change here in the open and instead replied, "No thank you, I can change in the locker room", not sure if there was any sense in arguing with a computer.

The voice just repeated its demands. Marie hesitated but when she felt a cold shiver up her spine from her soaked through clothes she gave up and just complied. She peeled off her summer dress and put it in the box on her left. Her underwear was also soaked beyond hope, so she just took it off and tossed it in. Next, she opened her sports back in the hopes that those didn't wet but of course they were. The school giving her a towel, or something else dry to ware was her only hope now. She waited for a moment to see if the computer was happy, but nothing happened. When she put her sports bag into the box it snapped shut and the glass door to the lobby finally opened. Marie's heart was pounding as she entered the slave school entirely nude. For the first time she felt glad that she had gotten herself chipped, because otherwise it wouldn't be unlikely for her to not leave this building in a slave cage, she thought.

The lobby was empty, which Marie found odd. She saw many employees in the offices on the second floor but except for the first day the lobby has always been empty. In fact, she has never seen anyone on the ground floor except the teachers and classmates.

"Hello? Can I get a towel and some clothes please? I'm soaked through, the rain…", she started to ask into the emptiness of the room but then startled when she heard voice from behind her.

"You are Marie?"

Marie turned around and saw a young man holding a tablet.

"You are early, we didn't expect you for another two hours… Shouldn't be a problem though. Come along please", he said, gesturing Marie to follow him.

Marie hesitantly followed the man, trying to cover up her private parts with her arms as best as possible. He led her through a hallway, down some stairs and into another hallway, passing a seemingly endless row of closed doors.

"You are exceptionally beautiful Marie. We're glad to have you.", to which Marie replied with a confused "Thanks?", not sure what she should make of the situation. She was hoping for a warm shower and some dry clothes but felt like every step was taking her further away from the locker room. They stopped in front of one door, which to Marie was indistinguishable from any of the others they have passed.

"Here we are. 'Back Bracelets' ", he commanded.

Marie slowly turned around and crossed her wrists behind her back after a moment of hesitation. With skilled hands the man fastened a set of steel handcuffs on her in one swift motion. When Marie turned around to ask what this was about and when she would get some clothes, he sprayed something into her open mouth from a small spray bottle. There was no taste that came with whatever was sprayed into her mouth except for an ever so slight chemical smell, like some disinfectants. Marie tried to protest but her efforts to speak were left fruitless. The man grabbed Marie by her arm and guided her towards a bench on which he made Marie sit, connecting the handcuffs to a rail with a short chain. When he was sure that Marie was sufficiently secured, he sat down at a small office desk and started typing something into the computer occasionally looking over to Marie who started to feel uncomfortable on the iron bench, secured and silenced. What was she thinking? She willingly let herself get restrained and devoiced inside a slave school of all places, why on Earth would there be dry clothes down here?

To her relief the suffocating silence was broking by fast approaching footsteps. Soon after George entered the room with a worried look on his face. After glancing angrily at the man, he turned towards Marie and said:

"I'm so sorry Marie! This wasn't supposed to happen." He paused awaiting a reply which Marie couldn’t deliver.

"You've already devoiced her?", George asked the man sitting at his desk.

"Yes. She was early but we should have a cell ready for her in 20 minutes", he replied.

If looks could kill, the man at his desk would be dead. Instead, he turned towards Marie and said: "Alright Marie, listen. I've had this planned as a surprise for you after today’s lesson, but this idiot here", gesturing towards the man, "apparently can't count to five and only saw that I reserved a cell for you, in case you'd agree."

Marie sighed in relief and managed to relax noticeably. She trusted George and despite being worried a bit about her being restrained and devoiced deep inside a slave school she now felt rather curious about what was going on.

"From the first moment I saw you I knew what a great slave you’d make. You have the body for it and from what we both saw last Wednesday definitely the right mental perquisites. My intent was to offer you a weekend here at our school, to experience what its really like to be a slave for yourself”, he explained.

The implication that slavers often tried to trick girls into situations that could very likely result in a permanent change of status was clear, so he added: “Don’t worry. We know about your status and value our reputation as a respectable school. We follow the laws to the letter and refrain from using cheap tricks to enslave girls.”

Marie listened carefully but as she was unable to use her voice, she let George continue his monologue.

“We believe that the best slaves are willing slaves, girls that know their place in this world and find happiness in servitude. I believe this could be you, which is why I wanted to offer you this opportunity in the first place.” After he let his words sink in for a second, he added: “The offer still stands, I promise you the worst-case scenario is an adventurous weekend.”

The sincerity and praise in Georges voice made Marie smile, but she wasn't sure what to make of the offer. She was still wary of some trick they could play, the circumstances that led to her current situation didn’t help in that regard, but she also felt intrigued to accept.

Sensing her hesitation George said: "I understand that you have doubts. Believe me, I didn't intend for it to go down like this. I… We are deeply sorry for the devoicing. It will take some time for your voice to come back and for your clothes to dry. How about we put you somewhere warm where you can think it over. I will return as soon as I'm done with the Yoga class."

He turned towards the man at his desk and said, still with a hint of anger at the thwarted plans: "Put her in the cell once you've finished. Don't do anything else until I've talked with her."

Leaving the room, he winked at Marie and soon after she found herself alone with the young man, who seemed to have shrunk noticeably after talking to George. After a few minutes of typing into his keyboard he got up and unlocked the chain connecting Marie to the bench. He then ordered her to turn around and removed the handcuffs. Instead of the place offering warmth and comfort for consideration he led her towards a white wall with two headlights directed towards it.

"Stay", he ordered and as Marie complied, he started taking pictures with a small hand camera. "I will take a few pictures for your data. Don't worry they'll stay within our system."

After the first few pictures he hesitated. “You’re still wet”, he stated. From a close by cabinet, he took out a towel and started to dry off Marie. She could have done it herself with her hands freed, but she also couldn’t complain without her voice, so she just let it happen. To nobodies surprise he wasn’t shy to touch Marie while drying her off, one hand holding Marie at her hip, thighs or ass, the other one holding the towel which he mostly used to dry Marie’s private parts and chest.

Once dried off, the man ordered: 'Inspect' 'Wall' 'Present' 'Slave Kneel' and so on. He took pictures from every angle imaginable, which was particularly embarrassing when he ordered 'bend and present', but what else to expect from a school specialized in slavery?

After he seemed satisfied, he ordered 'Collar' and locked a plain looking leather collar around Marie’s neck.

"You have to wear a collar in this part of the building, but don’t worry it's a temporary one for visitors and the like." He attached a leash to it and they then made their way deeper into the labyrinth that was this school. They reached a room with cells, like the holding cells at Sam’s. They stopped at the cell '42' towards which the man gestured saying "Welcome home missy". After Marie entered it, he used the moment to feel Marie up one last time before leaving her to recover her voice. His hands caressed her sides, cupped her tits before moving to her pussy. He used one hand to drag Marie closer while the other used their fingers to enter Marie. He was greeted by a telling wetness. With a smirk on his ace he quickly removed the leash and closed the cell door as he left.

The cell wasn't noticeably big for a slave pen and didn't have very much in it. A plain looking toilet and a folding bed that could also function as a bench, without any pillow nor blanket. Marie tested the door and as to be expected it was locked. She looked around, the cells next to hers were empty, in one of those a little deeper into the room she could see someone lying on their bed, but Marie had no way of making contact so instead she decided to just lie down herself.

It wasn't the first time she was a in a cell, but it was her first time being alone inside one. It was surprisingly… peaceful. Being removed from all options and necessities gave room for her thoughts to wander. Marie felt sure that she didn't want to be a slave, at least not permanently. Sure, it seemed to suit her according to what people said. She learned quick and had the looks and body to surely make a prime grade pleasure slave. But was the attention and simplicity worth giving up everything she had worked for? Mindless pleasure instead of achieving long term goals? Being used for the pleasure of others, sucking cocks, being bend over and fucked?

What would life as a slave be like? Would the feeling of excitement get old and give way to boredom? Marie imagined being a rich man’s slave. She'd probably sleep inside of a cage much smaller than the one she was currently in regularly, or maybe on good days inside her master’s bed after a night of rough fucking. Every morning it would be her duty to give her master a blowjob, maybe while he was busy brushing his teeth. She would hurry down afterwards, her master’s cum still on her face, to prepare breakfast. While he ate, she would sit obediently next to him on her knees, naked, collared, waiting for a command or maybe scraps of food he'd pass to her. Amongst her duties would be cleaning up and taking care of the household, as well as greeting any guests Master might have. She imagined a perfect stranger knocking at her master’s door and Marie sucking his cock after Master offered it. They'd discuss business as Marie prepared some refreshments, and after business was concluded they bend her over the couch. Her master’s cock in her pussy while her mouth was fucked again by the perfect stranger. The rough fucking was coupled with words of praise and ridicule to which Marie paid no mind, she knew her place and she loved it. The scene shifted and this time she was with another slave in her master’s bedroom. They took care of their master’s cock together while also playing with each other for their master’s entertainment. Marie imagined the hands, the passion, the intimacy, increasing and building up like a tsunami moving towards the coastline when finally…. She came.

Without actively intending to do so her hands had found the way to her pussy while dreaming about slavery. Simultaneously with the images in her mind reaching climax, so had she. It left her exhausted and unimaginably satisfied. She felt more relaxed than she had felt for a long time and slowly drifted off into a slumber, where more heated dreams awaited her.

She was awakened by a hand on her shoulder. To her surprise it wasn't George but Melanie who entered her cell.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead. Had a good rest? Your voice should be back by now, but dot take it slow please, we don’t want to put any strain on your vocal cords", she said handing Marie a water bottle.

Marie took a sip and carefully said: "Thanks" to test her voice. She could speak normally except for it feeling like she hasn't spoken in a long, long time, like the first words in the morning after a good night’s sleep.

"I've seen that you've enjoyed yourself down here. We don't usually allow our slaves to pleasure themselves without permission but since you're currently a guest, we'll let it slide", Melanie said with a wink.

"You saw me?", Marie asked, blushing.

"Of course, Deary. We can't just leave other people’s property unattended and unobserved, can we? Now, have you thought about Georges offer? I must add that this isn't something we usually do, especially if the chances of conversion are slim. George had to call in some favors with the gents from the upper floor to give you this chance."

Marie had intended to think it through but hasn't found a chance to debate it in between her lust filled fantasies which memories were still fresh and present in her mind. In a moment of disregard of consequences in prospect of the experience she said: "Yes, I will take the offer, thank you."

"Splendid! I promise you; you won’t regret it. Now, for legal reasons you will have to sign a consent agreement that lays out the terms." Melanie handed Marie a tablet with a document opened. "It's a bunch of legal ramblings, the important part is here.", Melanie said pointing towards a specific section in the document.

"You agree to give yourself into possession of the 'Slave Ready' school for the next 48 hours, meaning that you will be released on Monday evening. What we mostly do here is train other people’s property and while they are here for training, they are our possession. Since you are a free person you can't be anyone’s possession legally, but you obligate yourself to acting as if you were by signing the agreement. Meaning, while you are here you will be treated like a slave even if you're still technically a free woman. Everything that happens in this building is recorded and stored and can be viewed by the authorities in case you file a complaint about your treatment", she explained.

Marie skipped over it, part of her studies included law, so she knew what to look out for, but found nothing that could be used as a loophole or to restrain her for longer than stated in the agreement. What treatment was permitted wasn’t stated, it only stated ‘like a slave’ as reference but that could mean anything. George timed this opportunity perfectly as Monday was a national bank holiday and Marie wouldn't have to go to work. At the bottom of the document, she found a picture of her that was taking earlier as well as her chip-ID. Next to it was a small box in which Marie could sign with her fingerprint, which she did.

"Alrighty. Get up, Slave. 'Back bracelets'", Melanie commanded. She cuffed Marie’s hands and then ordered her to follow. "There is a few more things we have to do, and a few things left to explain. Since your visit is brief, I’ll keep the introductions brief too. Don't speak unless you're spoken to. When speaking with free people keep your eyes down, you may address your trainers as Master or Mistress and other free people as Sir or Ma’am. Don't play with yourself unless permitted. You may speak to the other slaves but only when you're alone."

"Yes, Mistress", Marie replied.

"Good, you learn fast, as George said you would. Usually, we don’t keep slaves for only two days so we can't give you any proper training but as I understand George has planned some things for you to experience.", they entered a room and Melanie told Marie to sit on a stool. She started to ask Marie questions about her health, if she had preexisting conditions, if she was on birth control and so on. She typed everything into a computer and explained: "since we take you in officially, we have to register you in the national registry. It's just a formality."

Next, she took a plastic patch and put it on Marie’s right breast. Marie felt a slight chemical sting.

"A temp tattoo with your cell number", Melanie explained as she took the patch off, leaving a "42" in big red letters on Marie’s cleavage. "I also need to replace your collar", she said to which Marie instantly react by holding up her hair, exposing her neck. Melanie quickly took off the visitor’s collar and replaced it with a proper slave collar, not unlike the one Marie has worn during the Slavery Convention a few weeks back.

"Now just one more picture… And we're done!", Melanie exclaimed while taking a picture of Marie’s upper body and face, making sure the '42' was clearly visible (Ref.).

"Alright, that’s us being done. George will come pick you up in a minute", she added while attaching a leash that was fastened to the office desk to Marie's collar. Marie found herself waiting, naked, collared and restrained yet again. It seemed as waiting, naked and restrained, was a common task for slaves. She looked up and checked the corners to find video cameras and indeed, she found one just above the door. They had already taken many intimate pictures obviously conclusive to her current status. Marie hoped that they'd handle her privacy as respectfully as they had promised, but she also knew that people within the government could, if entering the right search-terms, view many of these pictures on the national slave database. Worry crept up that this might have implications on her future career but there was nothing she could do about that right now.

Marie wasn’t left alone with her thoughts for too long, after a brief moment George entered the room wearing his yoga-trainer outfit with a wide smile on his face.

"I’m so glad that you agreed! But we have no time to celebrate, come along to your first training session", he said taking Marie's leash. As she followed him along, he explained: "Obviously we can't offer you a full training… Usually it would contain all sexual skills imaginable as well as some mental conditioning, but sadly there isn't enough time to do any of that thoroughly- However I remember from our last session a certain aspect in which you definitely require some training. There is a beginner’s course ongoing which you can join."

They entered a room and before Marie could see anything, she heard quiet buzzing and slightly louder slurping. She already expected something like this from Georges remarks, so what she saw didn't really surprise her. In the room a group of slaves were on their knees, sitting on small machines emitting the buzzing sound, sucking on dildos mounted to a wall in front of them. A few of them had their hands bound behind their backs. On top of the slaves, there were also two trainers in the room, though neither the trainers nor the slaves paid any attention to Marie and George entering the room.

George led her towards an empty spot between two terribly busy slaves and ordered her to place herself in front of the dildo. She got down on her knees, so that her crotch would press against the machine which had a small piece of soft plastic exactly where her pussy was. He then fastened Marie's thighs to her legs so that she couldn't stand up.

"Here you can train your blowjob skills, as you might have figured out already. The sybian will start stimulating you but if you want any pleasure from it you need to perform well. Our system will analyze and evaluate how well you do. The better you do, the more pleasure you will get”, he explained.

After Marie was settled in and positioned correctly, he continued: “The way we train our girls here is by reward and punishment. Do well and you will get rewarded, perform poorly and you will be denied release or get punished. I remember how you performed the last time, so I set the computer to ‘Beginner’. Just follow its lead", he whispered into Marie's ears as to not distract the other slaves. Before he let Marie begin her training, he put two wireless headphones into Marie's ears that effectively canceled out all surrounding noises.

"Begin", a voice out of the headphones said and Marie leaned forward to take the dildo into her mouth. To her surprise it had a slightly salty taste to it, like a real dick, and it even moved back and forth a bit, as if on pistons, to simulate a real blowjob.

As Marie began testing out the dildo, slowing letting it into her mouth while caressing it with her tongue she could feel the sybian spring to live. The sudden stimulation made her loose rhythm which was instantly rewarded by an electric shock emitted from the machine.

"Suck", the voice commanded, and Marie complied. With "Deeper", "Faster", "Slow down" and "Deeper" again it directed Marie to increase her performance. At the same time, the attention her pussy received provided instant feedback on how well she was doing. Slowly the vibrations reached a point where Marie felt like she was close to orgasm and the dildo started moving back and forth further, this time with more force. "Endure", the voice commanded as the dildo practically began to fuck her face. Marie did her best to endure as told. The dildo was reaching inside her throat several times until finally it stopped while it was still inside her mouth. It spurted out a fluid that had a taste Marie tasted not so long ago, but to her dismay, the vibrations stopped as abruptly as had the pounding from the dildo.

"Swallow", the voice commanded, and Marie complied. She was panting and frustrated at the denied release after all her effort and the long buildup.

“Again", the voice commanded. Marie, still absentminded from the ordeal, took too long to comply and was greeted with another electric shock, this time harder than the first one she received. She quickly went to her task again, inserting the plastic dildo into her mouth. Slowly at first but with each movement getting faster and deeper. The voice made fewer corrections on her second attempt and instead filled the empty void in between commands with appreciations and slurs towards Marie. "Such a good little cocksucker", "Good girls train hard to please their Masters", or simply "Slut". Being degraded by a computer was certainly a new experience but the only thing Marie had set her mind on was getting release from that damned machine between her thighs, which of course, she was denied again as the dildo pumped its fluids down her throat a second time.

She went through several cycles of this ordeal. On her fourth try she managed to get the dildo to cum with only two corrections which still wasn't enough for the computer to allow her to cum. After the fifth time her jaw started aching and she felt incredibly exhausted, her performance worsened but she managed to avoid punishment. The seventh cycle went almost as good as her current best, as the process became more automatic, and after he she gulped down the fluid coming out of the dildo the machine sprang to live a last time, on full blast, finally allowing her to cum. Despite the extasy she was feeling from the long-awaited orgasm she instantly went back to sucking on the dildo with renewed eagerness, despite the computer not even ordering her to do so.

She was abruptly interrupted by George pulling her back. He took out the headphones and said: "I've looked at the data, you did some solid improvements here, not bad for your first session!"

Marie, still in a bit of a daze looked up to him. Then she remembered not to look free people in their face, so she looked down instead.

"Thank you, Master".

George freed Marie from the machine, attached a leash to her collar and ordered her to come along. He led her back into her cell, number 42, where he removed the handcuffs before locking the gate.

"Food is in the troth, you can get water from the dispenser. Remember, no pleasuring yourself without permission."

Marie kind of expected a 'good night' from George since he has been so nice to her before, but she was now practically a slave so she shouldn't expect anything like that. Inside the troth was what she knew was probably slave kibble, she had seen in on TV. Marie wasn't hungry though; she had gone from never swallowing cum in her life to gulping down a meal’s worth of it in just one evening. Well, hopefully not cum but whatever else it was they made taste like it.

From a neighboring cell suddenly, a voice said: "Hey, don't I know you?"

Marie looked over and saw a blonde slave. Not any blonde slave but her former classmate whose absence she noticed after catching her giving a blowjob to George.

"Hi, I'm Marie, I think we went to slave yoga together", Marie whispered. She knew they could talk but the noise level was so low that she didn't want to attract any attention.

"Yes right! I remember. I'm Jessica. How did you end up down here?"

"I… eh… George offered me to spend a weekend here to get some experience", Marie said blushing. It was embarrassing to admit that she agreed to such a treatment, even to someone who was equally naked and collared as she was.

Jessica smiled, "Oh honey… I hope you signed a contract or agreement before accepting the collar?"

"Yes, I did, I'm only in their possession until Monday."

"Good for you. Be wary though they might try fake a glitch in the system or something to keep you longer, condition you until you accept, or a judge decides for you."

"They can't. I'm a foreigner, from Germany."

"So, a slave-tourist then? Some quick action to spice things up back home?", Jessica asked laughing.

"No, no, I didn't plan this … It just kinda happened", Marie replied. For the first time since she accepted, she felt the weight of her decision. As much as it excited her, she realized the risk involved. After a short awkward break Marie asked: "What’s your story?"

"Well… I thought i could coax them into some free or discounted training and grading. Training does wonders to your grade, and this school is fairly respected and doesn't rely on intense techniques like the roman house to train their slaves", Jessica said with hints of regret in her voice. "I need a good grade so I can get a loan to start my business. I am a fashion designer. Or was, rather…"

"What went wrong?", Marie asked. She knew that many girls get themselves graded for a loan, it's dangerous but for a sum high enough to start a business, it's pretty much necessary. As far as she knew it usually went fine.

"I should have just paid for it and set clear boundaries… I thought i could charm George, but the opposite happened. In the agreement it said that if my training results in exceptional performance they could sign me up for a competition amongst slave schools. It was only a formality according to George, but of course they used it to keep me here longer than agreed and soon I will be shipped to Texas for a competition where schools show off their prime sluts…"

Marie understood. The US had different laws, if Jessica were to be sold in the US it would be up for her relatives to proof that the sell was illegal. No state department would come to her aid and legal battles are expensive and can take a long time.

"They must expect you to make a profit if they're willing to go through so much trouble", Marie said without seconds thoughts. Jessica was clearly prime material. If you'd look up prime grade in the dictionary a picture of her, with her blond hair, firm tits and long legs would show up.

Jessica responded with a genuine smile. She extended her arm through the cell grid which Marie embraced. A few minutes they silently held hands before Jessica withdrew it and laid down on her mattress, with Marie doing the same shortly after.

Alone with her thoughts Marie suddenly felt excitement rise for what the next days would have to offer.


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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Survivor29 »

Great to see a new part.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Belinda »

So glad you are back just a fantastic chapter.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by jeepster »

Great chapter!

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Mr. Smith »

I really enjoyed your description of the blow job training regimen with the use of the sybian, wireless earphones, taste, cum substitute and the movement of the dildo to make the training as realistic as possible. Based on Marie's reaction there is a mental conditioning component that you included in the training program. She clearly was being programed to keep sucking without being directed to do so. I also like that the swallow command was the default setting instead of holding the cum in her mouth to show her master before swallowing. In my story I was planning on incorporating a video monitor demonstrating how the slave should be using their tongue and mouth for different techniques and speakers for oral commands and feedback. The wireless earphones have some real benefits allowing the slave to focus on the task at hand that I had not considered. I was also going to have a poor hygiene dildo with the associated bad taste as part of the training as well as other body parts (vagina, asshole, ... .). Again, thought your oral skills regimen was very creative and your description excellent.

Hopefully Marie ends up joining Jessica in the slave competition in Texas. I am now curious about what happens to Jessica now that you set that hook. Another great chapter.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

Thanks a lot on the feedback! Providing hints of things to come (like Jessicas fate) is something I've done a lot on this story so far and I usually have a story arch in mind when I write them. But as I write these chapter by chapter, sometimes with months inbetween them, I fear that I might not be able to close every story arch, or just forget about some

Theres the Slave Box from Chapter 1 for which i have a story in mind, but since I thought of that my overall development has changed so I dont know where to put that at the moment.. Slave Lizz and the clerk from the Sams store (that joined the Slave convention celebrations) are also supposed to have another appearance. So does Emily, Sandra, The ponygirl Slaver, Marie's friend she's been texting with... If I had written everything and then published it chapter by chapter I could have left out plots that I'd be unable to close, but as it has developed I fear i might end up with some unfinished archs. Sorry about that, it's my first fictional story and I've accepted that its not gonna be perfect so that I can use it as practice for things to come instead :blush:

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

You can also use the feedback to rewrite the chapter as you go. Once posted doesn't mean it's permanent. Your story is your story and you can go back and make changes that fit better.
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Survivor29 »

I agree with Orflash and I want to add, you can also write different versions. There are no rules about stuff like that!

And everyone's tastes are different so you can never please everyone.

I mean I know for me, I tend to enjoy stories or scenes that are about free girls in a modern slavery setting but I tend to lose interest once they actually become slaves. Like I am a lot less interested in stories about a girl who is a slave unless it is temporary (like it was some kind of mistake for example) or there is some other element involved that makes it interesting to me.
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

I could do a remastered version of all chapters once I've finished the story, thats a cool idea.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

Yeah, if George Lucas can twik his movies three or four times, why not you.
You can go back to the unopened box and do a stand alone side story of what is in it and how Marie uses it. :idea:
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

So Marie has the entirety of sunday and until monday evening left inside the school. The day after is the dinner with the ambassador.

Do you guys have Ideas or suggestions what might or should happen to or with Marie in the two days she has left inside the school? Just curious what you think + always looking for inspirations :D

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

I would think she is fucked and does some sucking, but learning to do it submissively as a slave. Learning to squeeze her pussy as she is fucked, same with anal, how to deep throat and make it look effortlessly.
Also how to present herself as a slave naked in public, which I don't think she has done yet.
Referring to her handler as Master at every spoken interval.
I would like to see some naked ponygirl races or taxi duty(with a buggy or suki), but not necessarily at this moment.
There's not a lot of time for any deep training, you might have painted yourself into corner with the short interval.
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

You could also do a flashback interval with Marie opening the box sometime ago and not understanding what the contents are used for, then at the school she learns how to use them and is shown how. It still leaves you with "What's in box?"
Maybe a cagol device she puts in her pussy to exercise her pussy muscles? Maybe A dildo with a smart device that gives pleasure when she tightens her pussy just right.
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

Happy Valentine's day! So what's happening with your story?
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

I haven't come to the part where I could use the Slave ID card yet but I did have an idea anbout another slavery-themed institution that might be fun to use. This is a small spoiler but there doesnt seem to be a [spoiler][/spoiler] function so nothing i can do:


The idea is that a private company operates a database of free woman that could be enslaved. They analyse their financial status, Internet-data like browsing history etc. and offers slavers to access this information and even further analyses, suggested methods for enslavement and so on. Theres also another minor spoiler though i doubt anyone will pick up on that :D Anyhoo, whatcha think aboot it?
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by SteveBurke »

^^^ Nice touch!
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Hooked6 »

katamaran789 wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:15 am
The idea is that a private company operates a database of free woman that could be enslaved. They analyse their financial status, Internet-data like browsing history etc. and offers slavers to access this information and even further analyses, suggested methods for enslavement and so on.
WHAT A GREAT IDEA!! This Slave Scout concept is quite creative and I see many, many possibilities for its use (or should I say, "abuse?") Looking forward to reading more of Marie's Slavery Adventures, now more than ever!

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

So what else is Marie going to get trained on? Will she ride a dildo machine that shocks her if she doesn't squeeze her pussy muscles against the dildo? Will she ride it up her ass and made to squeeze her ass cheeks as it fucks her? Or to suck and fuck while being spanked.
How about public walks outside slave naked on a leash while cuffed? So she gets use to be lead about as a naked slave. :idea:
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by orflash64 »

Kat, you still with us? It's been awhile since you posted.
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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Survivor29 »

katamaran789 wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:15 am I haven't come to the part where I could use the Slave ID card yet but I did have an idea anbout another slavery-themed institution that might be fun to use. This is a small spoiler but there doesnt seem to be a [spoiler][/spoiler] function so nothing i can do:


The idea is that a private company operates a database of free woman that could be enslaved. They analyse their financial status, Internet-data like browsing history etc. and offers slavers to access this information and even further analyses, suggested methods for enslavement and so on. Theres also another minor spoiler though i doubt anyone will pick up on that :D Anyhoo, whatcha think aboot it?
I think I missed this when you posted it. I love your photoshopping skills.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Hooked6 »

orflash64 wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:56 pm Kat, you still with us? It's been awhile since you posted.
I agree with orflash. Not that I have room to beg for more of Marie's Slavery Adventures as I have several unfinished stories of my own, but your story, Kat, is amazing and I would love to see you continue it. Hope you are okay and all is well with you.


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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by katamaran789 »

orflash64 wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:56 pm Kat, you still with us? It's been awhile since you posted.
Yeah, I'm still around. I'm still working on Chapter 6 but atm im starved of inspiration so cant make any promises on when its finished
Hooked6 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:39 am
orflash64 wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:56 pm Kat, you still with us? It's been awhile since you posted.
I agree with orflash. Not that I have room to beg for more of Marie's Slavery Adventures as I have several unfinished stories of my own, but your story, Kat, is amazing and I would love to see you continue it. Hope you are okay and all is well with you.

Thank you, that means a lot. Looking back im not super happy wiht some choices on how and what I've written but I do really want to finish this story

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Hooked6 »

katamaran789 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:44 pm
Thank you, that means a lot. Looking back im not super happy wiht some choices on how and what I've written but I do really want to finish this story


No matter wharf proverbial corner you may feel that you have written yourself into in the story or may feel dissatisfied with, readers like me can't seem to find anything wrong with what you have written so far.

Here's looking forward to the Ambassador's Dinner! Oh the possibilities for exposure, public submissiveness, embarrassment and Self-discovery - not to mention possible career advancement. I can see Frau Albrecht wanting to use Marie in the same capacity at other events because she enjoyed seeing Marie having to serve in a submissive capacity. I wouldn't even put it past the Frau to make a last minute change in the outfit Marie has to wear to the dinner because the outfit Marie wanted didn't arrive in time and the Good Frau exploited that fact to select something even more revealing.

Take your time, Kat. You are worth the wait!


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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by Survivor29 »

katamaran789 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:44 pm Thank you, that means a lot. Looking back im not super happy wiht some choices on how and what I've written but I do really want to finish this story
Personally, I think it's fine if you want to retroactively change some things if it makes you happier or allows you to move in a direction you want to move in. You don't have to re-write that part of the story either. Just say something at the start of the next part like, "I wasn't happy when this character lost her ID or I wasn't happy with this choice or that choice. I would have preferred X, Y, or Z because looking back that makes more sense and fits better with the direction I want to go."

Just give us the information we need to understand what you want to write. No need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
katamaran789 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:44 pm Yeah, I'm still around. I'm still working on Chapter 6 but atm im starved of inspiration so cant make any promises on when its finished
Well, I don't know if I can inspire anything, but I find I am certainly better at just talking nonsense than I am at writing anything concrete. So maybe some chatter on the topic may spark some thoughts or ideas.

Recently, I had an experience with a very submissive young woman that keeps coming up in my thoughts and ideas. I don't want to give any personal details so I am going to be a little bit vague, but this is based on a true story. Basically I sometimes do tutoring work and as a result I am at university campuses a lot (I'm an alumni so it works well). One benefit of the work is that I get to interact with a lot of really hot girls in the 18-23 range. And these girls are really into older guys. I have got 3x as much action as an alumni than I ever did as a student.

So anyway, when I get someone's details I just open the contact creation on my phone and hand it to them. Much easier to let them write their own name and number. A lot of people are annoying to talk to and even when I do this often they only give me their number and then I have to put their name.

Awhile ago, I gave my phone to this one girl (let's call her Eva) to get her details. She was first year, just finished high school last year so 18 or 19, and smoking hot. Slim girl, but whose perky breasts filled out her sweater and her firm ass filled out her jeans magnificently. Perfectly proportional, just how I like it. There is a trend with the girls to wear nothing but a bra under their jumpers/sweaters/whatever so I like to imagine she was not wearing anything but her bra under that sweater. Her lips are very pink and plump, but in a wonderful natural way and not a fake way. She has a very cute button nose and gorgeous innocent eyes, but I hardly saw her eyes that first day because is very demure and meek. She kept her eyes mostly downcast, as if she was too shy to look me in the eyes.

I noticed she seemed to be taking a long time on my phone but some people are bad with technology and another girl was talking to me so I didn't investigate. At one point, Eva looked up and started to half ask a question, but when she saw that I was talking to another girl she got embarrassed and stopped. It was very cute how meek she was.

Anyway, so the other girl leaves and eventually Eva gives me my phone back and I see why it was longer than usual. She had filled out every single prompt that the contact creator had. She didn't just enter her name and phone number. She also put in her email, her date of birth, her address, etc. I immediately thought it's a shame there isn't body measurements otherwise she probably would have given me her bust and waist and such. Hell, if NI numbers or slave numbers were real she probably would have given me that too.

Then she asked me the question I assumed she wanted to ask earlier, "Do you need me to give you anything else?" She had already given me everything my phone asked for and she was worried that it wasn't enough! She is so submissive and obedient that she was afraid of not being compliant enough. Of course, in real life I said it was enough, but in my mind I thought, "Yeah, give me your clothes while you are at it."

Anyway, that was all that happened that day. But I did find it fairly exciting. It's obvious that women are submissive in a general sort of way and sexually like that sort of thing. Fifty Shades of Grey and everything that women enjoy in porn, whether written or not, certainly proves that (top 5 popular porn for women is something like businessman, pirate, werewolf, vampire, and... I forget, some other kind of rapist basically). But god damn this girl is so submissive. I enjoy the stories we read on forums like this one, but I do often feel that they are exaggerated fantasies and that I am indulging in something a bit silly. But Eva really would just slip right into slavery for sure. In such a setting, I could just tell her to take off her clothes, walk her down to a slave center, put a pen in her hands, and tell her to sign a voluntary consent form. And she would do it and I'd have her as a slave, easy as that.

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Re: Marie's Slavery Adventures Pt. 5

Post by sissyslave22 »

this is great story i hope to see it finish it soon i love to know what happen next

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